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<b>Trường THCS Lý Thường Kiệt </b>

<b> ( Từ ngày 20/4 đến ngày 26/4 năm 2020)</b>

<b>I.</b> <b>Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently.</b>
1 . A. thunder B. result C. erupt D. volume
2. A. typhoon B. cyclone C. sunny D. sky
<b>II. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently.</b>

3. A. earthquake B. thunderstorm C. temperature D. experience
4. A. extensive B. dangerous C. furniture D. carriage
<b>III. Choose A, B, C or d that needs correction in each sentence</b>

5. She can finish her homework by stay up all night.

6. After Mike dressed, he arrived at his office for a meeting with a foreign partner.

7. What can be done to protecting people from natural disasters?
<b>IV. Choose the most suitable word to fill in the blank</b>
8. An active _____ may erupt at any time

A. volcano B. volcanic C. volcanoes D. volcanically
9. There will be a _____ rainstorm next week.

A. power B. powerful C. powerless D. powerlessly
10. These sea waves are different ______ storm surges.

A. from B. in C. of D. on
11. I still can’t believe it ! My bike _____ last night!

A. stolen B is stolen C. stole D. was stolen
12. People _____ how to dye before they knew how to write.

A. know B knew C. had known D. will be known
13. A number of provinces will declare drought _____ in the coming weeks.

A. accident B. emergency C. event D. situation

14. The Pacific Ring of fire is an area of frequent earthquakes and volcanic ______
A. tornados B eruptions C. flood D. mudslide

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A. flows B. flows into C. flows out D. flows out of
16. In some areas, human_____ can be a contributing factor in causing mudslide.
A. acts B. actions c. acting d. activities
<b>V Choose the words that is similar in meaning to underlined words.</b>

17. Rescuers freed people who were trapped in collapsed buildings.

A. fighters B. savers C. attackers D. learners.
18. Temporary accommodation will be provided for the victims of the flood.
A. deprived B. refused C. supplied D. withheld
<b>VI. Choose the word that is opposite in meaning to underlined words.</b>

19. Local people were taken to safe place.

A. comfortable B. convenient C. secure D. dangerous
20. We have a common opinion about natural disasters.

A. private B. general C. collective D. public

<b> VII. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to </b>
<b>complete each of the following exchanges</b>

21. - A: “Would you mind if I turned up the TV?” - B: “_________”

A. No. Please do it. B. No, I don’t do it. C. Yes, I would. D. What a question
22. -A: “How did you get here?” - B: “_________”

A. I came here by train.
C. The train is so crowded.

B. I came here last night.
D. Is it far from here?

<b>VIII. Read the paragraph and choose the correct answer A, B, or C for </b>
<b>each gap.</b>

When a volcano (23) _________ , hot gases and melted rock from deep within Earth find (24)_______
way up to the surface. This material may (25) ________ slowly out of a crack in the ground, or it may
explode suddenly into the air. Volcanic eruptions may be very (26 ) _______ . But they can (27)________
create new landforms.

Of the nearly 1,900 volcanoes active today, or known to have been active in (28) ________ times, about
ninety per cent can be found in the (29) _________ of South America, North America, Asia, and Oceania
that are close ( 30) _______ the Pacific Ocean. When marked on a map of the world, this line of

volcanoes looks a bit ( 31)________ a vast, open circle. For this (32) _______ it is known as the ring

of fire.

23. A. blows B. erupts C. throws
24. A. they B. their C. them
25. A come B. leave C. flow

26. A destruction B. destroy C. destructive

27. A. too B. also C. so

28. A history B. historical C. historically
29. A. areas B. pieces C. ways

30. A to B. at C. with

31. A. as B. like C. so

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1.B 2.B 3. C 4. C 5. B
6. B 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. A
<b>IX. Make up the sentences using the words or phrases given:</b>
33. That / was/ terrible / earthquake / but / luckily / we / survived .

34. Within / last / 100 years / deserts / been / growing / at / frightening / speed.

35. People / living / near / Gobi Desert / will / leave / homes / if / sand storms / not / stop.

36. Where / you / when / the earthquake / began / yesterday?

<b>X. Rewrite following sentences in passive voice </b>

37. The volunteers have rescued three people in the flooded house.

38. We should move the furniture to the higher places because of the flood.

39. They had repaired their house before the typhoon came.

40. Local government sent rescue workers to the flooded villages.


