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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>
<b>I. Look at the pictures and write the correct words. (22ps) </b>
<b>40° </b> <b>0° </b>
<b>II. Circle the words in the word search puzzle and number the pictures (22ps)</b>
<b>7 </b>
<b>GRADE 4 - ENGLISH </b>
<b> 7 </b>
<b>III. Circle the odd one out (10 ps) </b>
<b>1. C. April 2. A. chocolate 3. B. bike 4. D. sweet 5. C. tennis </b>
<b>IV. Read and choose the correct words to complete the paragraph. (10 ps)</b>
<b> (1) doing (2) flying (3) collecting (4) cycling (5) taking </b>
<b>V. Choose and fill in the blanks. (26ps)</b>
1. hobby
2. What
3. Does
4. doesn’t
5. on
6. likes to
7. playing
8. TV
9. When
10. is
11. temperature
12. winter
13. Has
<b>VI. Order these words to make sentences (10ps) </b>
<i>1. Is Linda helping her mom to cook dinner? (8 words) </i>
<i>2. Tom likes toys but he doesn’t like balloons. (8 words) </i>
<i>3. We have Music lessons on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. (9 words) </i>
<i>4. How many computers are there in the computer room? (9 words) </i>
<i>5. Tim likes going swimming with his father in the summer. (10 words) </i>