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Anh 6 mới -tuần 11

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<i><b> Date of preparing: ... Period: 31 </b></i>



<b>- Knowledge: By the end of the lesson sts can revise vocab about appearance and </b>

- have chance to look back what they 've learnt in the unit .

- Practice doing some exercises to consolidate abd apply what they have learnt in
Unit 4.

<b>* Language content:</b>

- Vocabulary: Vocab about appearance and personality,some leisure activities.
- Grammar: Polite requests and suggestions, sound/b/, /p/

<b>- Skill: Practice doing exercise</b>

<b>- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson.</b>

- Textbook , teacher’s book , lesson plan ,pictures, CD record.
<b>C . METHODS: </b> T- WC, group work, individual work

<b>D . CONTENTS: </b>
<b>I .Oganization(1'): </b>

Class Date of teaching Absent ss

- Greeting

- Number of students

<b>II/ Revision : (5’)Matching </b>

- Ss look at the pictures and match each picture with it's correct words : ( Ex 1 )
- T 's correction and answer key :

1. statue 4. temple
2. railway station 5. memorial
3. park 6. cathedral
<b>III/ Newlesson :</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>SS' activities</b>

<b> 1. Language focus : (15’)</b>
*/ Activity 1 : Gap fill

- Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully and complete
them with the adjextives they've learnt in unit 4 .

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Remind them that the words , phrases and sentences
before and after the blanks will provide the context for
them to choose the correct adjectives .

- Ss work in pairs to do the task
-T 's correction and asnwer key :

1. noisy 2. narrow 3.

4. inconvenient 5. cheaper /
more expensive

*/ Activity 2 : Palmanism
Fast / faster

Hot / hotter
Noisy / noisier

Exciting / more exciting
Expensive / more expensive
+Ex 5 :

- Ss do the exercise individually then they can check
their answer with a partner

- T asks some Ss to write the answer on the board
=> Key :

1. noisier than 2. more modern

3. more convenient than 4. more
beautiful than 5. more expensive than
<b>2. Communication (11') </b>

( Ex 6 )

- Ss work in pairs to match the questions with the
correct answers

- T 's correction and answer key : a-c d-e
f-g h- b

- Ss role play the questions and answers

<i> S1 : Excuse me ! Is there a post office near here ?</i>
<i> S2 : Yes , there 's one at the corner of the street </i>
<i> S1 : Is HaNoi more exciting than Vinh ?</i>

<i> S2 : Yes ,it is . </i>
<b>3.Project : (10’)</b>

- Ss work in groups of five to describe their ideal

- Each group imagine their ideal neighbourhood and
describe it - hey can use these cues for help

+ where it is
+ what it has

+ how the people / the streets / the weather
... is /are

- Ss do the exercise

individually then they can
check their answer with a

work in pairs to match the
questions with the correct

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<b>IV/ Summary :(1’)</b>

- Nouns and adjectives about places
- Comparative adj

- Describing a neighbouehood

<b>V/ Homework : (2’) Write it up ( the project )</b>
<b>*EVALUATION: </b>





By the end of this unit, Ss can:

- pronouce correctly the ending sounds / t /, / st / in isolation and in context.
- use the lexical items related to "things in natural" and "travel items"

- use fixed expressions for classroom situations

- use comparative and superlative adjectives to describe things in natural
- use must and mustn't to give orders

- talk about and give travel advice

- listen and get information about travel plans
- read a brochure for tourist information

- write a travel guide entry about an interseting place
<b>2. Procedure.</b>

lesson1 : Getting started
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
Lesson3 : Acloser look 2
Lesson 4 : Communication
Lesson 5 : Skill1

Lesson 6: Skill 2

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Date of preparing: ... Period: 32


<b>A . Objectives: </b>

<b>- Knowledge</b>

By the end of this lesson, students can
- know some natural wonders of the world
- use lexical items to " things in natural"

- use fixed expressions for classroom situation
<b>* Language content:</b>

- Vocabulary: Vocab about natural wonders of the world
- Grammar: superlatives of short adjs

<b>- Skill: Practice reading the dialogue</b>

<b>- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson.</b>
<b>B . Teaching aids: English book, pictures</b>

<b>C . Method of teaching; T –WC, groups, pairs, individual</b>
<b>D . Contents.</b>

<i><b>I : Organization.(1’ )</b></i>

Class Date of teaching Absent ss

- Greeting.

- Number students.

Teacher's activities SS' activities

<b>II. warm up(5') </b>
: Back to board

- Divide ss into 2 teams

- One st of each team goes to the board and back to

- Show ss in 2 team some pictures of natural

wonders on the board.( Halong bay, Sydney opera,
Great wall of China )

- Ss in each team try to explain the name of each

- the winner is the person who first says the name of
wonder correctly.

<b>III. New lesson.</b>
<b>1. Presentation(12')</b>
* Vocab

- Geography club (n): CLB địa lý
- wrong ( a): sai , nhầm

- follow teacher' guides

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- incredible (a): khó tin, lạ
- high (a) cao

- change (v) : thay đổi
- desert ( n): xa mạc
- valley (n): thác nước
- island(n) : đảo

- forest(n): rừng

* Check : What and where
<i><b>* Presentation dialogue:</b></i>

<b>- T sets the scene by showing the picture on p.48 </b>
then asks ss some questions.

+ How many ss are there?

+ Are they talking about the pictures?
+ What can you see in the pictures?
+ Do you know these places?

- Tell the class Ss in the pictuer are Vy, Mai, Nick
and Phuc.They are talking about some natural
wonders of the world.

* Pre questions:

- What places are they talking about?

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check their

- Ask SS to Practice the conversation in group.
- Ask Ss to answer the 5 questions in part a p49.

- T elicit ss to give model sentences:
Can you spell that, please?

Sure, it's U- L-U- R -U.
<b>2. Practice(17')</b>

Pictures cues:

Show Ss 10 pictures in part 3 page 49.
Run through the pictures.

- T model pix 1
what is that ?
it's a mountain.

Can you spell that, please?
Yes, M-O-U-N-T-A-I-N

SS look at the picture on p.
48 and answer individually

- SS guess the answer.
- T give feedback.

They are talking about some
natural wonders of the world:
Ayres Rock and HaLong

- Ss work in pairs
1. Vy is the leader of
Geograhpy club

2. She went to the wrong

3. Uluru
4. Australia
5. an Island

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<b>3. Further practice(7')</b>

Show ss a picture of Halong and ask them to tell
about Halong in groups of 6

Call one group to present in front of the class.

<b>V. Homework(2')</b>

Do exercises B1,2,3 page 33,34 in work book

Group work

* Evaluation:



Date of preparing: ... Period: 33


<b>A . Objectives: </b>

<b> - Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students can</b>
- know some natural wonders of the world

- use lexical items to " traval items"

- ponounce correctly the sounds /t/, and / st/
<b>* Language content:</b>

- Vocabulary: plaster, scissors, painkiller, sleeping bags….
- Grammar/ pronunciation: /t/, and / st/

<b>- Skill: listening the sounds</b>

<b>- Moral behavior: Sts pay much atttention to the lesson.</b>
<b>B . Teaching aids: English book, pictures</b>

<b>C . Method of teaching; T –WC, groups, pairs, individual</b>
<b>D . Contents.</b>

<i><b>I : Organization.(1’ )</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

- Greeting.

- Number students.

<b>Teacher's activities</b> <b>Ss' activities</b>

<b>II. warm up(5').</b>

Brainstorming. compass

T elicits ss to talk about travel items.

- Ask them why they thought about these things
- Are these things useful for a beach, desert or

<b>III. New lesson</b>

- plaster(n): lá cao dán

- walking boots (n) ủng đi bộ
- painkillers(n): thuốc giảm đau

- sleeping bag(n): túi ngủ

- compass(n): la bàn

- suncream(n): kem chống nắng
- pack(v): đóng gói

- hurt(v): đau

* check : matching ( part 1 p. 50)

<b>2. practice(16m')</b>
* part2 .p 50

- Run through the sentences

- Make sure ss understand the meanings
- Ask ss to complete sentences in pairs
- Check : lucky numbers

Ss do in 2 groups

choral repetition
individual repetition
Copy down

1. painkiller
2. scissors
3. plaster
4. sun cream

5. sleeping bag
6. walking boots
7. backpack
8. compass

Pairs work

SS play in 2 teams
1. compass

2. suncream
3. painkillers
4. backpack
5. plaster
travel items

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* part3.p.50

- tell ss they are going on a beach holiday. ask
them to think about useful things for a beach by
ordering the items from very useful to not very
useful in part 1.

- Ask ss to give reasons for thier choices
<b>3. futher practice(8')</b>

Pronunciation./t/and /st/
+ part 4,5 :

- Let ss to practise sounding out the sounds /t/ /st/


- Emphasise that /s/ is a long sound, /st/ is a long
sound with a stop.

- play the record and ask ss to number the words in
the order they hear them

- Allow ss to compare their answers
- SS listen again and correct

- T play the record again. pause after each word
and ask ss to repeat

+ part 6.

- play the recording of the sentences. ask ss to
listen carefully and raise their hands when they
hear the /t/ or /st/ sound.

- play the recording again. pause after each
sentence and ask ss to repeat.

retell the aim
<b>V. Homework</b>

- practise sounding out the sounds/t/ and /st/ again
- do excercise A1,2 p 33 in workbook

- pair work

* Evaluation:




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