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<i>Date of planning: 28/11/2019 Period : 43</i>
<b> </b>

<b> LESSON: 4 - READ</b>


<b>1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to read and understand the text about a</b>
new shopping mall.

<b>2. Practice skill: </b>
- Practice reading.

<b>3. The knowledge needs to get:</b>

<b>+ Standard knowledge: To read and understand the text about opening a new shopping</b>

<b>+ Advanced knowledge: Talk about a new shopping mall in Ss’ neighborhood.</b>
<b>4. Basic language:</b>

+ Vocabulary: mall (n); different (a); roof (n) ; notice (v); owner (n); business (n);
selection (n); concerned (a) ; resident (n); offer(v); goods(n) = product(n).
+ Structures: Present perfect, future simple

<b>5. Attitude:</b>

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to to read and understand the text about
opening a new shopping mall

<b>B. Teaching- aids: </b>

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster.
<b>C. Methods:</b>

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work
- Some techniques can be used: Guessing the words
<b>D. Procedure :</b>

<b>I.Organization: ( 1 minute)</b>
<b>-</b> Greeting: Good morning!
<b>-</b> Who’s absent today?

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent students</b>

<b>8A</b> <b>2/12</b>

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<b>Teacher’s activities</b> Students’ activities
<b>II. Warm up(5’)</b>

-T gives the definitions and gets students
to find out the words as quickly as

<i><b>III. New lesson:</b></i>

<b>Step 1. Pre - reading: (7’)</b>

+Elicit – model – copy - check

- roof ( n )

- convenient (adj )
- selection (n )

- a mall = many stores, restaurants, even
movies theaters are under one roof

- resident ( n )
- discount ( n )

+ T presents new-words,( use poster to
show pictures, questions explanation …)
guides Ss to read, asks the meaning

- T corrects if necessary

<b>Checking: rub out and remember </b>

- T sets the scene: In Nam‘s

neighborhood, there is a new shopping

- T asks Ss to think about the convenience
of the mall.

<b>2.While - reading: (15’)</b>

- T asks Ss to read the text silently and
compare their ideas or get more

- give feedback

- T helps Ss to check T/F and correct the
false statements by using poster

Guessing the words :

1. A person who comes to the store
and buys something ( customers )
2. A place where you can buy books (
bookstore )

3. A place where you can buy
vegetables and fruit ( grocery store )
4. A place where you can buy

( supermarket )

5. A place where you can come to eat
(restaurant )

<b>-Listen and answer – repeat - copy</b>


<b>Customers don’t care of the </b>
<b>weather </b>

<b> The convenience of the </b>
<b> new shopping mall</b>
<b>-Possible answers:</b>

Wide selection of goods
Lower prices

Buy many thing at the same time
Have fun or relax while shopping
-Ss read the text silently and compare
their ideas or get more information
True or False Predictions: (page 68)

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3. Answer the questions

- T asks Ss answer the questions

<b>* Post – reading :(8’)</b>

- T asks Ss to discuss to choose places to
go shopping (work group )

- T corrects if necessary

(Discussion: T gives a situation and ask ss
to discuss it.)

“Do you want to have a new mall in your
neighborhood? If there is one, what will
happen to the residents?”

d) 
e) 

* Correct false statements :

Ss work in pairs - read the text and
correct the mistakes together

a / The mall is open daily

b / There are 50 stores in the mall
c / Not everyone is pleased. The
owner of the street is not happy.

 Answer the questions
- Ss ask and answer in pairs

a/All the shops are under one roof …

b/ There are 50 air conditioned
specialty store, 4 movie theaters and
10 restaurants. There is also a
children’s play area

c/ They think the mall will take their

d/ The stores in the mall will offer a
wider selection of products , some
goods are at lower prices

Cues :

- Verbs : go , buy , shop , play

- place : market , supermarkets ,
shopping mall

- Adj: convenient, hot, cheap,
expensive, and comfortable.

<i><b>IV. Summary (1’)T reminds ss of the lesson by asking them questions:</b></i>

- What is happening in Nam’s neighborhood today?
- What is special about the new shopping mall?

- What kinds of goods will the stores in the mall offer?

<i><b>V. Homework: (2’)- Learn by heart new-words, the answers</b></i>

- Read the text at home again

- Do the exercise 3,4 (p 45-46 ) exercise book - Prepare: Unit 7: Write
<b>*Evaluation : </b>

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<i><b>Date of planning: 28/12/2019 Period: 44</b></i>

<b>LESSON : 5- WRITE</b>

<b>1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write a class notice using a passage </b>
<b>and the model notice </b>

<b>2. Practice skill: </b>
- Practice writing.

<b>3. The knowledge needs to get:</b>

<b>+ Standard knowledge: To write a class notice using a passage and the model notice </b>
<b>+ Advanced knowledge: Ask and answer the questions about the notice </b>

<b>4. Basic language: Ask and answer the questions about the notice.</b>

+ Vocabulary: discuss (v); effect(n); hardware store(n); contact(v); hold (v) =
organize(v); celebrate(v); hall(n); notice(n); contest(n) =

+ Structures: Format of a notice
<b>5. Attitude:</b>

- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to write a class notice using a passage
<b>and the model notice </b>

<b>B. Teaching- aids: </b>

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster, computer, projector, tablets.
<b>C. Methods:</b>

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Shark attack, Q & A, R & R.
<b>D. Procedure :</b>

<b>I. Organization: (1 minute)</b>
<b>-</b> Greeting: Good morning!
<b>-</b> Who’s absent today?

<b>Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent students</b>

<b>8A</b> <b>3/12</b>

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<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>II.Warm up : (4’)</b>

Shark attack: NOTICE
<i>III. New lesson:</i>

<b>Step 1. Pre - writing: (7’)</b>

<b>- hold (v) held-held</b>
<b>- contact (v)</b>

<b>- hardware store</b>
<b>- hall (n)</b>

 Checking: Rub out and Remember:
2.Set the scene: The residents and store
owners on Tran Phu Street are going to
hold a meeting to discuss the effects of
the neww mall”.

- T gets Ss to read the notice and answer
some questions to check their


<i>1. Read the community notice(p.68)</i>
Questions :

a- Why are the residents and store
owners on Tran Phu Street going to
hold a meeting?

b- When will they hold a meeting?
What time?

c- Where will they hold the meeting?
<b>2. While - writing: (20’)</b>

-T explains how to write a notice, not
write full sentences

-T asks Ss to read passage 2 on page 68
<i>2. Use the similar format to write a notice</i>
<i>about the English Speaking contest</i>

-T asks Ss some questions to check Ss’
understanding and get them to use short

- Ss play in two teams

Ss to read the notice and answer some

Answer :

a- To discuss the effects of the
new Mall.

b- They will hold the meeting on
May 20 at 8 P.M.

c- They will hold the meeting at
12 Hang Dao street , Binh ‘s
hardware store

<b>Questions and answers :</b>

a/ What is the English speaking club
going to hold? ( a speaking contest )
b/ Where and When will it be held?
( At hall 204 on November 15 th )
c/ What time? ( from 7:30 PM to 10:
00 PM )

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- T gets Ss to write the notice individually
( 2/68)

- T asks Ss to share with their partners
( pair work)

<b>Step 3. Post - writing: (10’)</b>

- T checks some notices and correct them.
- T writes the model notice on the board

( elicit student to write )
- T – whole

- Ss write it

- T corrects if necessary

- Ss gives feedback
 Answer :

The school English speaking club
Holding a speaking contests to

celebrate Teacher’s Day.

Date : November 15

Time : 7:30 pm to 10 : 00 pm
Place : Hall 204 , building G

Please contact Ms Tran Thi Thu Hang
of class 8 H at the above address for
more information.

<i><b>IV. Summary(1’)</b></i>

T reminds ss of the mode to write a notice

<i><b>V. Homework:(2’)</b></i>

- Learn by heart new-words

- Write one or two notices about your class meeting and / or your sports Club

- Prepare Unit 7: Language focus



<i>Date of planning: 28/12/2019 </i>

<b>Period: 45</b>

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<b>1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will have a good chance to review: </b>
- Present perfect with “since” and “for”

- Comparision with: like…, (not) as…as…, (not) the same as…, different

<b>2. Practice skill: </b>

- Practice speaking, reading, writing, using the vocabulary and structures.
<b>3. The knowledge needs to get:</b>

<b>+ Standard knowledge: Using: Present perfect with “since” and “for”, Comparision </b>
with: like…, (not) as…as…, (not) the same as…, different from…

Write the present participle form of the regular and irregular verbs
Complete the expressions using “since” or “for”

Complete the sentences using the form of the verbs in present perfect

Complete the conversations using the verb in the box

Complete the sentences using the form of the adjectives in the box
<b>+ Advanced knowledge: Give some examples using the structures well.</b>

<b>4. Basic language: Ask and answer the questions about the notice.</b>

<b>+ Vocabulary: attend(v); company(n); through(prep); pocket-watch(n); wristwatch(n)</b>
+ Structures: Past participle form of the irregular verbs

Comparision with: like…, (not) as…as…, (not) the same as…,
different from…

<b>5. Attitude:</b>

<b>- Help ss to have good consciousness in order to review and do ex.</b>
<b>B. Teaching- aids: </b>

Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, poster.
<b>C. Methods:</b>

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work
- Some techniques can be used: Matching, gap fill.
<b>D. Procedure :</b>

<b>I.Organization: ( 1 minute)</b>
<b>-</b> Greeting: Good morning!
<b>-</b> Who’s absent today?

<b>- Class</b> <b>Date of teaching</b> <b>Absent students</b>

<b>8A</b> <b>4/12</b>

<b>8B</b> <b>7/12</b>

<b>Teacher’s activities</b> <b>Students’ activities</b>
<b>* Warm up: (4’)</b>

<b>Matching </b>

-T asks Ss to match each verb to its past

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-T remarks

<i>III. New lesson(37’)</i>
Step 1.Presentation:

1.Present perfect with for and since
-T explains how to use present perfect

<i><b>Form: has / have + Past participle</b></i>
<i><b>Use: To talk about something which</b></i>

started in the past and continues up to

-T says: We often use “ For “ and “
since “ with the present perfect tense
-T asks Ss to do exercise 2

-T corrects if necessary

Step 2. Practice
*Ex 3

- T explains how to do and asks Ss to
do exercise

-Ss do it ( pair work )

-T calls several Ss go to the board
-Ss complete the sentence

-T corrects if necessary

-T explains how to do and asks Ss to do

-Ss do it ( pair work )

-T calls several Ss go to the board
-Ss complete the sentence

-T corrects if necessary

2. Comparision with like, (not) as … as,
(not) the same as, different from.

-T explains how to use comparative of
equality and of inferiority

<b>- be --> been</b>
- go eaten
- live gone
- eat lived
- write seen
- do written
- collect did
- see collected

2. Complete the expression. Use for or

For + a length of time
Since + a point of time
- for five minutes
- since January
- Since 1990

- Since the Summer
- For three hours
- For 10 week
- Since Friday
- For 20 years

3. Complete the sentences. Use the
present perfect form of the verbs in

a- …have lived …
b- … haven’t eaten …
c- … haven’t seen …
d- … have attended …
e- … has worked …
f- … has collected …

4. Complete the conversation .Use the
correct form of the verbs in the box.
1… have been


3… have lived
4 … is …

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- as + adj / adv + as
- not as + adj / adv + as
<i> And different adjectives </i>

- ( not ) the same as
- different from
- like

-T asks Ss to do the exercise 5
-T explains how to do

-T corrects

Step 3. Production:

T ask Ss to give some examples using
above structures.

5. Look at the pictures .Complete the
sentences. Use the words in the box
.You will have to use some words more
than once

-Ss do ex
- Answer :

c/ different from /
not as/ so cheap as
d/ the same as

e/ as / cheap/ expensive as
not as big as

f/ different from
g/ as long as

h/ not as modern as
i/ not as / so cheap as
- Ss copy.

<i>IV. Summary(1’) </i>

Correct the sentences :

1.My book is the same of you -> as
2.I have met him in the street -> met
3. How long have you living here -> lived

5. What do he like do? -> does doing
6. This school is different mine -> different from
<i>V. Homework : (2’)</i>

Review present perfect tense and comparision
Do exercise 5,6,7 page /46, 47, 48 exercise book
Prepare: P46 Review


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