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bài giảng và vài tập tiếng anh 6 tuần 3 hk2 thcs thái văn lung

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<b>Nội dung tự học môn Anh văn khối 6- Tuần 3 ( HKII)</b>

<b>từ 17/02 → 21/02/2020 ( Học sinh nghỉ phòng dịch CORONA )</b>

<b> PHẦN I : HƯỚNG DẪN</b>

<i><b>1.</b></i> <i>Học thuộc từ vựng Unit 10</i>
<i><b>2.</b></i> <i>Làm phần bài tập vào giấy</i>


<b>A . VOCABULARY :</b>


1. How do you feel ? Bạn cảm thấy thế nào ?
2. Hungry (adj) : đói

3. thirsty /'θə:sti/ (adj) : khát
4. full /ful/ (adj) : no, đầy
5. hot /hɔt/ (adj) : nóng
6. cold /kould/ (adj) : lạnh
7. cool /ku:l/ (adj) : mát mẻ
8. What would you like ? = What do you want ?
9. Would like →’d like = want (v) : muốn
10. Would you like ? = Do you want ?

11. Juice (n): nước ép
→juicy (adj) :

12. feel /fi:l/ (v): cảm thấy

1. noodle (n): mì

2. drink (n): thức uống

3. food (n): thức ăn, lương thực
4. bowl (n): cái tô

5. glass (n): cốc, ly
6. fruit (n): trái cây
7. apple (n):

8. banana (n): chuối

9. orange (n): cam
10. bread (n): bánh mì
11. water (n): nước
12. milk (n): sữa
13. menu (n): thực đơn
14. meat (n): thịt

1. Favorite(adj) ưa thích

2. beef (n): thịt bị
3. pork (n): thịt lợn
4. chicken (n): gà, thịt gà
5. fish (n): cá

6. rice (n): cơm, gạo

7. carrot (n): cà - rốt
8. tomato (n): cà chua
9. lettuce (n): rau diếp
10. potato (n): khoai tây
11. bean (n): hạt đậu/ đỗ
12. pea (n): đậu Hà han
13. cabbage (n): cải bắp
14. onion (n): củ hành

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16. lemonade (n): nước chanh
17. tea (n): trà

-iced tea (n): trà đá
18. coffee (n): cà phê
-iced coffee (n): cà phê đá
19. apple juice (n): nước táo
-orange juice (n): nước ép cam
20. matter (n): vấn đề
21. What’s for lunch ?

22. What’s there to drink?
<i>23.</i>Soda (n)

<b>B. GRAMMAR :</b>

<b>1. Hoi ai cam thay nhu the nao ?</b>

Eg 1: How do you feel? Eg 2: How does he feel?
→ I feel hot . → He feels hot.
→ I’m hot . → He is hot.

<b>Structure</b> : How do/ does +S + feel ?
S + feel / feels + adj
S + be + adj
<b>2. Hoi ai muon gi ? </b>

Eg 1 : What would you like ? What would she like?

→I would like some noodles. →She would like some orange juice
Eg 2 : What do you want ? What does she want?

→ I want some noodles. → She wants some orange juice.

<b>Structure</b> :

What would + S + like ?
→ S would like + ………
What do/ does + S + want ?

→ S want/ wants +………….

<b>3. Asking the question with Is there /Are there …..?</b>
Eg :

Is there any milk ? Are there any apples ?
Yes. There is some milk. Yes. There are some apples.
No. There isn’t any milk. No. There aren’t any apples.

<b>Structure :</b>

Is there any + danh tu khong dem duoc ?
Yes. There is some + danh tu.

No. There isn’t any +danh tu.
Are there any + danh tu so nhieu ?
Yes. There are some + danh tu .
No. There aren’t any + danh tu .

<b>4. Cấu trúc với some và any trong tiếng Anh</b>


* some /any : đều đứng trước danh từ đếm được và danh từ không đếm được.
* some <i>: dùng trong câu khẳng định.</i>

Is there + any + N (uncountable- Danh từ không đếm được)?
- Yes. There is some + N.

- No. There isn’t any + N.

Are there + any + Ns/es ( plural N- Danh từ số nhiều)?
- Yes. There are some + Ns/es.

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<i>* any</i> : dùng trong câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn

<b>5. Cấu trúc lời mời trong tiếng Anh với Would like/ Would you like</b>
<b>a) </b>

Eg: - I'd like to go to the movies.

- He'd like a glass of milk.
<b>b) </b>

Eg: - Would you like a cup of coffee?
- Would you like to go with us?
<b>c) </b>

Eg: - What would you like?
→ I’d like some peas.
<b>C .EXERCISE</b>

<b>Exercise 1. Complete these sentences :</b>

1. I can’t eat more . I’m ______

2. Mai feels __________. She would like something to eat.
3. We’d like some orange juice. We are __________
4. I’d like to sit down. I’m __________.

5. Hung feels ___________. He wants a hot drink.
6. Be careful! The water is very __________
7. Would you ________rice or noodles ?
8. How do you _________ ,Khoa ? I’m tired.

9. What _______ Hoa want ? She wants some iced tea.
10. What ________you like ? I’d like some milk.

<b>Exercise 2 : Choose the suitable word </b>

1. What are these ? _____are potatoes . (It/ They / You )

2. I’m _______. I’d like some meat and some rice. (tired/ thirsty/ hungry)
3. How does she _______? She is cold. (feel/ like/ do)

4. Are there any ________in the fridge? ( meat/ apple juice /apples )
5. What is there to ________? There is some milk. ( have / drink/ eat)
6. I eat an apple every day . It’s my ________fruit. (good/ liked/ favorite)

7. Would you like some water? _____________. I’m not thirsty . (No, thanks/ No, I don’t like/
Yes, please)

8. He feels tired . He wants ________to bed. ( going/ to go/ go)

9. _______________some coffee? Yes , thank you. (Are you like / Do you would like/ Would
you like)

10. There aren’t _________noodles in the bowl. ( a/an/ any/some )
11. She’d like _________ orange. (a/ an/ some/ any)

12. There are __________apples and bananas . ( a/ an/ any/ some )

<b>Exercise 3 : Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first:</b>
1) I like beef and potatoes.

My favorite__________________________________________________
2) He likes apple juice and soda.

<b>S + Would like (= 'd like) + danh từ/ to V + ...</b>

<b>would like được sử dụng để nói những gì ta muốn một cách lịch sự.</b>

Diễn tả lời mời một cách lịch sự: Would you like ...?
Để trả lời lời mời của ai đó, các em có thể đồng ý hoặc từ chối:
Đồng ý : Yes, please. /Yes, I’d love to.

Từ chối :No, thank you. /No, I'd like ….

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His favorite __________________________________________________
3) They like to drink coffee.

Their favorite ________________________________________________
4) We like to eat chicken and fish.

Our favorite __________________________________________________
5) She likes playing badminton.

Her favorite __________________________________________________
6) Nam wants to play games.

Nam’d _____________________________________________________
7) He’d like to buy a new bicycle.

He wants ____________________________________________________
8) Lan is tired.

Lan isn’t ____________________________________________________
9) Does your store have any chicken?

Is there _____________________________________________________
10) The supermarket doesn’t have cabbages.

There aren’t __________________________________________________
11) There is beef in her store.

Her store ____________________________________________________
12) Don’t the stores have any chocolates today?

Aren’t there _________________________________________________
13) Would you like something to drink?

Do ________________________________________________________
14) What do you want to eat?

What _______________________________________________________

<b>Exercise 4 : </b><i><b>Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blanks space in the following </b></i>
<i><b>passage: </b></i>

<i><b> Every Saturday Nam and his family have dinner in a (1) ____________.They eat chicken or </b></i>
(2) ____________ with peas and beans. Sometimes Nam’s mother (3)____________fish. Nam’s favorite
drink is fruit juice, (4) ____________ his father and his mother like beer. They listen

(5) ____________ music while they are having (6) ____________ dinner.

1. A. bakery B. post office C. restaurant D. drugstore

2. A. juice B. beef C. iced tea D. soda

3. A. have B. to have C. having D. has

4. A. but B. or C. and D. because

5. A. in B. on C. to D. of

6. A. my B. their C. our D. his

<b>Exercise 5 : Complete the passage:</b>

<b>and some eats for have don’t favorite has</b>

Hi. My name’s Thu. I’m in grade 6. my sister and I (1)__________our breakfast at school. She
_(2)_____________some noodles and a hot drink. I eat some bread and _(3)______________ milk.
We (4)_______________have lunch at school. We have it at home. We eat rice, chicken, chicken,
cabbage (5)_________________ some apples (6)_________________ lunch. Apple is my

(7)____________ fruit.

<b>Exercise 6 : Read the passage and answer True (T) or False (F): </b>

My name is Ba and I am a tall boy with short black hair. I like noodles and hot milk for my
breakfast. My favorite foods are fish and beef so my sister, Lan often buys them when she goes
to the market. Our father and mother’s favorite drinks are tea and soda so she buys them, too.
Now my sister and I are standing in a fruit store. We are buying some oranges and bananas for
we like them very much.

1. The color of his hair is black. _____

2. Ba often goes to the market to buy fish and beef. _____

3. Ba’s parents like tea and soda. _____

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