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<i><b>Date of preparation: 08/12/2017 Week 15: Period 57</b></i>

<b>Unit 9: What are they doing?</b>

<b>Lesson 2: Part 4,5,6</b>

<b>I. Objectives</b>
<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

By the end of lesson pupils will be able to ask and answer question about
<b>what someone is doing.</b>

<i><b>* Vocabulary: Review </b></i>
<b>* Structure: Review</b>
<b>2. Skills: </b>

- Practice listening and writing skills
<b>3. Attitude: </b>

- Encourage students to love the surrounding activities.
<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

- Student’s book, cassette, CD, pictures, poster

<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Individual work, group work
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>A . Organization: ( 1’)</b>

- Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4A, 4B, 4C 11/12/2017

<b>B. Warm up (4’)</b>

<b>* Activity: * Activity: Dialogue Musical Chairs</b>
- T devides SS ino groups( group of 10)

- T explains how to play this game
- T lets the groups play togtether
- T monitors

<b>C. New lesson: </b>

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’ activitives</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

<b>*Activity 4: Listen and number (10’)</b>

- T asks students to open the book on page 61.
- Ss open the book

- Get pupils to read the title of the unit
- Ss read

- T: how many pictures?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

- Ss: 4

- T lets Ss run through

- T asks Ss about task: What to do?
- Ss answer

- T plays the recording the 1st<sub> time for Ss to </sub>

- Ss listen

- T plays the recording the 2nd<sub> time</sub>

- Ss listen and number

- Ask Ss to compare with their partners
- Ask ss to tell the answers

- T plays the recording the 3rd <sub>time</sub>

- Ss listen and check

<b>*Khánh 4C: </b>Listen and number following
teacher’s instructions

<b>*Play a game: Who is faster</b>
- T devides Ss into 4 groups

- T explains how to play this game
- T-ss play together

- T monitors and gives feedback
<b>*Activity 5: Look and write (10’)</b>

- T asks Ss to open their book on page 61
- T: how many pictures?

- Ss: 4

- T: how many question?
- Ss: 4

- T lets Ss run through

- T asks Ss about task: What to do?
- Ss answer

* Individual work. Pupils read and choose the
words to complete the sentences.

<b>* Set time and move around the classroom to </b>
monitor the activity.

- Ask the students share their result follow

- Let some students write their answer on the
board. Others look and give comments.

- T checks( call S read one by one)
- Ss look and check

<b>* Answer key:</b>
a.2 b.4 c.3 d.1

<b>5. Look and write</b>

<b>*Key: </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

<b>*Khánh 4C: </b>Look and write following
<b>teacher’s instructions. </b>

<b>* Play a game: Pemanism</b>
- T devides Ss into 2 teams

- T explains how to play this game
- T-ss play together

- T monitors and gives feedback
<b>*Activity 3: Let’s sing (7’)</b>

- Stick the large- sized sheet of paper with the
song on the board.

- Discuss the pictures with pupils. T asks:
Who are they?

- Ss: answer

- T opens the song
- Ss : listen to the song

- T reads the lyrics

- Ss listen and repeat after the teacher
- T asks: Are there any new words?
- Ss: No

- T opens the song again
- Ss repeat line by line

- Ask ss to sing along with the music
- T devides Ss into 3 groups

- Ask Ss to sing and do actions in groups
- Ss sing and do actions together.

- T calls somes groups perform before the

- T listens and gives feedback.

<b>*Khánh 4C: Listen and reapeat the song</b>

4. They are making a paper

<b>6. Let’s sing </b>

<b>V. Summary (2’)</b>

- Students answer some questions about lesson such as: What objective did you

learn from lesson? What skills do you get?

<b>VI. Homework (1’)</b>

- Do ex in your workbook.
<b>VII. Evaluation:</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<i><b>Date of preparation: 09/12/2017 Week 15: Period 58</b></i>

<b>Unit 9: What are they doing?</b>

<b>Lesson 3: Part 1,2,3</b>

<b>I. Objectives</b>
<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to pronounce correctly
<b>the sounds of the letters sk as in mask and those of the letter xt as in text.</b>
<i><b>- Vocabulary: Review</b></i>

<i><b>- Structure: Review </b></i>
<b>2. Skills</b>

<b>- Practice listening and speaking skills </b>
<b>3. Attitude: </b>

- Students are interested in finding words containing “sk”, “xt” sounds
<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

- Student’s book, cassette, CD, pictures, posters.
<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Individual work, group work
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>A . Organization: ( 1’)</b>

- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon!

- Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4A, 4B, 4C 12/12/2017

<b>B. Warm up (4’)</b>

* Activity: - Play game: You are journalist.
- T explains how to play this game

- T lets the groups play togtether
- T monitors

C. New lesson:

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’ activitives</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

<b>*Activity 1: Listen and repeat (10’)</b>

- Ask the students open the book on page 62.
- T asks Ss to read the title

- Ss: read

- Tell Ss that they are going to practice saying the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

<i><b>sounds of the letters sk and xt in the words mask</b></i>
<b>and text respectively.</b>

<b> - T writes the letters sk on the board. Play the</b>
recording and ask pupils to repeat a few times.

<i>- Ss: listen and repeat (chorally - individually).</i>

<b> - Then T writes the words mask on the board, play</b>
the recording and ask pupils to repeat a few more

<i>- Ss: listen and repeat (chorally - individually).</i>

<b>- T writes the sentences He’s making a mask on</b>
the board. Play the recording a few more times and
let pupils say the sentences, paying attention to the
target sounds.

<i>- Ss: listen and repeat (chorally - individually).</i>

- T: Find the word containing the sound “sk” in the
sentence you’ve just learned?

<b>- Ss: mask</b>

- T: tell me the name of the first sound?
- Ss: “sk”

<b>- Ask Ss find more words with sound sk.</b>
- Ss find and read aloud

<b>- Do the same with letter xt as in text</b>

<b>*Khánh 4C: Listen and reapeat the sounds of the</b>
<i><b>letters sk and xt in the words mask and text</b></i>

<b>* Play game: Say one or two</b>

<b>- Let Ss look, guess and say one if they hear sk, </b>
<b>say two if it’s xt.</b>

<b>- Way to go winer.</b>

<b>*Activity 2: Listen and tick. Then write and say</b>
<b>aloud (9’)</b>

- T asks students to open the book on page 62.
- Ss open the book

- T: how many sentences?
- Ss: 2

- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to four
sentences, tick the correct option and then say the

words aloud.

- Ask them to read the sentences and identify the
<i><b>words with the letters sk and xt. Guess the words to</b></i>
fill the gaps.

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- Ask Ss to listen the 1st<sub> time</sub>

- Ss listen

- Ask ss to listen the 2nd<sub> time</sub>

- Ss listen and do the task

- Ask Ss to compare with their partners
- Ask Ss to tell the answers

- Ask Ss to listen the 3rd <sub>time( Listen and check)</sub>

- Ask Ss to say the sentences aloud.
* play a game: Who is faster

- T devides Ss into 2 groups

- T explains how to play this game
- T-ss play together

- T monitors and gives feedback
<b>*Activity 3: Let’s chant (8’)</b>

- Stick the large- sized sheet of paper with the
<b>chant What he doing? on the board.</b>

- Discuss the pictures with Ss. Point to each child
and elicit their answers to identify him/ her.

- T plays the recording the 1st<sub> time for Ss to listen.</sub>

- Ss listen and clap their hands
- T reads the chant ( one by one)
- Ss listen and repeat

- T plays the recording the 2nd<sub> time</sub>

- Ss listen and repeat

- Divide the class into groups. Each group chants a
line without music.

- Group work

- Call on a group to chant in front of the class

* Suggest Ss replace the names in the chant with

their two friends then chant.

<b>*Khánh 4C: - Listen and repeat the chant</b>

Key: .1 a , 2a, 3a, 4b

<b>3. Let’s chant </b>

<b>V. Summary (2’)</b>

- Read aloud vocabulary and model sentence to check pronunciation.

- Students answer some questions about lesson such as: What objective did you
learn from lesson? What skill do you get?

<b>VI. Homework (1’) </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<b>VII. Evaluation:</b>



<i><b>---Date of preparation: 10/12/2017 Week 15: Period 59</b></i>

<b>Unit 9: What are they doing?</b>

<b>Lesson 3: Part 4,5,6</b>

<b>I. Objectives</b>
<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

By the end of lesson pupils will be able to read and tick and project follow

<i><b>- Vocabulary: Review</b></i>
<i><b>- Structure: Review </b></i>
<b>2. Skills</b>

<b>- Practice reading and writing skills </b>

<b>3. Attitude: Students are interested in finding words containing “sk”, “xt” </b>

<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

- Flashcards, pictures, poster
<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Individual work, group work
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>A . Organization: ( 1’)</b>

- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon!

- Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4C, 4B 13/12/2017

4A 14/12/2017

<b>B. Warm up (4’)</b>

<i>- Asking the class to say the chant What’s he doing?</i>

<i>- Divide the class into two groups for the questions and the answer.</i>

C. New lesson:

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’ activitives</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

<b>*Activity 4: Read and answer (10’).</b>
- Ask Ss read the task.

- Have a brief discussion about the picture

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

and the sentences.

- Ask Ss read the text and do the task.
- Give time to do

- Ask students swap their answers before
checking as a class.

<b>- Teacher monitors the activity and offer </b>
help when necessary.

- Ask some question about the text to check
student’s understand

<b>*Khánh 4C: Read and answer following </b>
<b>teacher’s instructions. </b>

<b>*Activity 5: Write about picture ( 10’)</b>
- Let student read aloud the title to clear the

- Ask pupils to look at the picture and read
the passage.

<b>- Write about picture that you see.</b>
- Give pupils time to do the task

- Monitor the activity and offer help, if

- Ask pupils to swap their answers before
checking as a class.

- Call on some students to report the
answers to the class. The rest of the class
gives comments

<b>*Khánh 4C: Write following teacher’s </b>
<b>instructions. </b>

<b>*Activity 6: Project (8)</b>

- Ask Ss to look at the task and tell Ss to add
a photo of their family.

- Give pupils time to do the task

- Monitor the activity and offer help, if

- Ask pupils to swap their answers before
checking as a class.

- Call on some students to report the
answers to the class. The rest of the class
gives comments.

<b>*Khánh 4C: do a project following </b>

<b>* Key:</b>

<i>1. F</i>
<i>2. F</i>
<i>3. F </i>
<i>4. T </i>
<i>5. F</i>

<b>5. Write about picture</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

<b>teacher’s instructions. </b>

<b>V. Summary (1’)</b>

- Students answer some questions about lesson such as: What objective did you

learn from lesson? What skills do you get?

<b>VI. Homework (1’) </b>

- Be ready for Unit 10 lesson 1: Part 1, 2 / page 64
<b>VII. Evaluation:</b>



<i><b>---Date of preparation: 11/12/2017 Week 15: Period 60</b></i>

<b>Unit 10: Where were you yesterday?</b>

<b>Lesson 1: Part 1,2</b>

<b> </b>
<b>I. Objectives</b>

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

By the end of lesson pupils will be able to ask and answer question about
where someone was in the past.

<b>* Vocabulary: yesterday, at home, at the zoo, on the beach, at the school</b>

<b>* Structure: Where were you yesterday? – I was….</b>
<b>2. Skills:</b>

- Practice listening and speaking skills
<b>3. Attitude:</b>

- Encourage students to love the surrounding activities.
<b>II. Teaching- aids</b>

- Student’s book, cassette, CD, pictures

<b>III. Methods:</b>

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work, group work
<b>IV. Procedure:</b>

<b>A .Organization: ( 1’)</b>

- Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4C, 4B 14/12/2017

4A 15/12/2017

<b>B. Warm up (4’)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<b>C. New lesson: </b>

<i><b>Teacher and Ss’ activitives</b></i> <i><b>Contents</b></i>

<b>*Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat (10’)</b>
- T asks Ss to open their book on page 64
and look at the picture.

- Get pupils to look at the title of the unit,
pictures and set the context:

<i>? Where were you yesterday? </i>
<i>Ss answer</i>

- Now we will hear pupils tell about Where
were they yesterday.

- T plays the recording through for Ss to
listen to the dialogue.

- Ss: listen and point

- T plays the recording again, pausing after
each line for Ss to repeat.

- Ss: listen and read in chorus( 2 times)
- T - Ss role play.

- T-Ss, Ss- T, half- half, open pairs

- T checks to make sure Ss can repeat and
understand the dialogue.

<b>*Khánh 4c: - Look, listen and repeat</b>

- Can read part a,b in the dialouge.
<b>*Activity 2: Point and say (10’)</b>

<i>- T introduce some words by eliciting</i>

+ yesterday
+ at home
+ at the zoo
+ on the beach

+ at the school library.

<i>- T models</i>

<i>- Ss: listen and repeat (chorally then </i>


- T writes down on the board

<b>*Khánh 4C: + Look at the book, listen and </b>

<b>1. Look, listen and repeat </b>

<b>2. Point and say </b>
<b>a. Vocabulary.</b>

+ yesterday: hôm qua
+ at home: ở nhà

+ at the zoo: ở vườn bách thú
+ on the beach: ở bãi biển

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<i>- T: Vocabulary checking: rubout and </i>


<i>- T introduce stucture:</i>

* Set the sence: - T asks Ss to look at their
book on page 64.

- Ss look

- T tells Ss to identify the people in the

How many people in this picture?
What are their names?

What are they doing?
- Ss answer

- T models

- Ss repeat chorally then individually.
- T wirtes down on the board

- T checks: form, use, intonation

<b>*Khánh 4C: - Look at the book, listen and </b>

<b>*Picture cues (5’)</b>

- T lets Ss run through the pictures
- T models

- Ss repeat chorally

- T-Ss, Ss- T, half-half, open pairs, close

- Teacher monitors the activity and offer
help when necessary.

- Select a few pairs to perform the task in
front of the class.

<b>*Khánh 4C: - Listen and reapeat</b>

<b>- Practice following teacher’s instructions. </b>
<b>. Fun time(3’)</b>

- Asks students to ask and answer about
their activities.

- Listen and correct mistakes when


<b>b. Model sentences.</b>

Where were you yesterday?
I was at home.

<b>V. Summary (1)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

<b>VI. Homework ( 1’)</b>

- Learn new words and structure by your heart
<b>VII. Evaluation:</b>



