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English 9 - unit 8 : speak listen

Bạn đang xem bản rút gọn của tài liệu. Xem và tải ngay bản đầy đủ của tài liệu tại đây (606.28 KB, 16 trang )

<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

Look at the picture then answer

the questions

• What celebration is it?

• when does Tet occur?

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c o m p l

i m e n t

•It has ten letters

•The first letter is c

•If you get 10 mark you will get it

•Which letter is it?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

This is how to give and respond to compliments

Give a compliment Respond to a compliment

Well done.


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•Trang has just won the first prize

in the English speaking contest

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On her mother’s birthday , Huyen made

a beautiful cake to celebrate



Well done, Huyen

Thanks, Mom

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Tuan is an active student. He has taken

part in different charity activities in his

town. Tuan has been nominated as the

most effective activist in the town charity


be nominated: duoc de cu



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Hoa brings to class a new picture she

has painted




That’s a great picture

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

Look at the picture. Think of situations . Your friend give a

compliment and you respond to a compliment

It’s me. Last year I took part in

a dancing contest and I won the

first prize

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Auld Lang Syne

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<b>Guessing game</b>


• Work in group, discuss then fill in the blanks with suitable

words (3’)

<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b> and never brought to mind?</b>

<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b>and (a)……….of auld lang syne?</b>
<b> For auld lang syne, my dear,</b>

<b> for auld lang syne,</b>

<b>We’ll (b)…………..a cup of kindness </b>

<b> for auld lang syne</b>

<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b>And never brought to (c)………….?</b>
<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b> and days of auld lang syne?</b>

<b>And here’s a (d)………, my </b>
<b>trusty friends</b>

<b> And gie’s a hand o’thine</b>

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Listen to the song:

Auld lang syne

<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b> and never brought to mind?</b>
<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b>and (a)……….of auld lang syne?</b>

<b> For auld lang syne, my dear,</b>
<b> for auld lang syne,</b>

<b>We’ll (b)…………..a cup of kindness yet,</b>
<b> for auld lang syne</b>

<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b>And never brought to (c)………….?</b>

<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b> and days of auld lang syne?</b>

<b>And here’s a (d)………, my trusty friends</b>
<b> And gie’s a hand o’thine</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b> and never brought to mind?</b>

<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b>and (a)……….of auld lang syne?</b>

<b> For auld lang syne, my dear,</b>

<b> for auld lang syne,</b>

<b>We’ll (b)…………..a cup of kindness yet,</b>
<b> for auld lang syne</b>

<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b>And never brought to (c)………….?</b>
<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b> and days of auld lang syne?</b>

<b>And here’s a (d)………, my trusty friends</b>
<b> And gie’s a hand o’thine</b>

<b>We’ll tak’a cup o’ (e)……… yet</b>
<b> For auld lang syne</b>





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Sing the song


Auld lang syne

<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b> and never brought to mind?</b>

<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>

<b>and (a)…days….of auld lang syne?</b>
<b> For auld lang syne, my dear,</b>

<b> for auld lang syne,</b>

<b>We’ll (b)…take....a cup of kindness yet,</b>
<b> for auld lang syne</b>

<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b>And never brought to (c)…mind….?</b>

<b>Should auld acquaintance be forgot</b>
<b> and days of auld lang syne?</b>

<b>And here’s a (d)…hand……, my trusty friends</b>
<b> And gie’s a hand o’thine</b>

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• Rewrite these exercises in your notebooks

• Practice giving and responding a

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