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Wednesday March 23, 2020.


<b>A.Vocabularies </b>

1. energy (n)

 Energetic (adj) / 'enǝrdʒ ɪ / Năng lượng <sub>Năng nổ </sub>
2. recent (adj) + ly (adv) / 'rɪ sǝnt / Gần đây
3. bill (n)

water bill (n) / electricity bill (n) / bɪ l / Hóa đơn thanh toán Hố đơn tiền nước/ Hố đơn tiền điện
4. enormous (adj) / ɪ 'nɔrmǝs / Rất nhiều, rất lớn

 enormously (adv)

5. plumber (n) / 'plʌmǝr / Thợ sửa ống nước

6. crack (v, n) / krỉk / (v) Làm / bị rạn (n) Vết nứt, vết rạn

7. pipe (n) / pɑ ɪ p / ống nước

8. faucet (n) = tap / 'fɔ:sit / Cái vòi nước

9. drip (v) / drɪ p / Nhỏ giọt, chảy nhỏ giọt

 dripping faucet (n) Vòi rỉ nước

10. waste (v) + ving / weɪ st / Lãng phí, uổng phí
11. sun (n)

 Sunny (adj)

 solar (adj) / 'sɔ ʊlǝr /

Mặt trời
Cĩ nắng
Thuộc mặt trời

 solar energy (n) Năng lượng mặt trời

12. nuclear (adj) / 'nju:kliǝ/ Thuộc hạt nhân
nuclear power / energy (n) Năng lượng hạt nhân

13. source (n) / sɔrs / Nguoàn

 a source of power = a power source

a source of information (n)

Nguồn năng lượng
Nguồn thơng tin
14. install (v) = set up / ɪ n'stɔl / Lắp đặt, cài đặt
 installation (n)

 Installer(n)

Việc lắp đặt
Người lắp đặt

15. natural resources (n) / rɪ 'zɔrs / Tài nguyên thiên nhiên

16.(n) luxury (u)/ luxuries (c ) / 'lʌk∫əri / (u) sự xa xỉ / (n) những thứ xa xỉ
 luxurious (adj) + ly (adv) / lʌg'ʒuəriəs / xa xỉ, sang trọng

17. need (v)

 (n) necessity (u)/ necessities (c) / nǝ'sesǝti /


(u) sự cần thiết / (c) những thứ cần thiết
 necessary (adj) / 'nesəsəri / cần thiết, thiết yếu

 necessarily (adv) / ,nesə'serəli /

18. consume (v) /kən'sju:m / Dùng, tiêu thuï
consumer (n)

Consuming (adj)
 time-consuming

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Tốn thời gian
19. effect (n)

→ effect (v) + st = have an effect on +

→ effective (adj) + ly (adv)

/ i'fi∫ənsi /
/ ɪ 'fektɪ v /

Hiệu quả

Có hiệu quả đến
Có hiệu quả
20. efficiency (n)

→ efficient(adj) + ly (adv)

năng lực, hiệu suất cao
Có hiệu suất caỏ, có năng lực
21. household (n)

 Household appliances (n) / 'hɑ ʊshoʊld /

Hộ gia đình

Thiết bị dùng trong gia đình
22. account (for sth) (v) / ǝ'kɑ ʊnt / Chiếm, là yếu tố của cái gì

23. bulb (n) / bʌlb / Bóng đèn trịn

24. mechanic (n) / mi'kỉnik / thợ máy, cơng nhân cơ khí

25. standard (n, adj) / 'stỉndǝrd / (n) tiêu chuẩn (adj) phù hợp với tiêu

26. scheme (v, n) / ski:m / (v) Lập kế hoạch (n) Kế hoạch
27. label (v, n) / 'leɪ bǝl / (v) Dán nhãn (n) cái nhãn, nhãn hiệu

28. tumble dryer (n) Máy sấy quần áo

29. category (n) / 'kỉtǝgɔrɪ / Loại, hạng

30. ultimate (adj) + ly(adv) / 'ʌltɪ mǝtlɪ / Cuối cùng, sau cùng
31. innovate (v) / 'inouveit/ Đổi mới, cải cách
→ innovation (n) / ɪ nǝ'veɪ ʃ ǝn / Sự đổi mới, sự cách tân

32. sum up (v) Tóm tắt, tổng kết

33. solid (adj) (n)

 solidify (v) / 'sɑlɪ d /

Rắn, ở thể rắn, chất rắn
Rắn hố (v)

34. separate (v) + from / 'seprǝt / Taùch ra, chia ra

→ separation (n) /,sepə'rei∫n / sự chia cắt, sự ngăn cách;
→ separate (adj) + ly (adv) / 'seprǝt / Riêng, riêng biệt, khác nhau

35. draft (v, n) /drỉft / (v) Viết nháp, vẽ phát thảo (n) Bản phát

36. chopstick (n) / 'tʃ ɑpstɪ k / Chiếc đũa
37. receive (v) / rɪ 'si:v / Nhận, tiếp nhận

38. quarter (n) / 'kwɔ:tǝr / Một phần tư

39. ordinary (adj) / 'ɔ:rdǝnrɪ / Bình thường, thơng thường
40. purpose (v,n)

→ On purpose (adv) ≠ by chance / 'pə:pəs /

(n) mục đích, ý định(v) có mục đích, có ý

(adv) Cố ý
41. short (adj)

→ shortage of …(n) /'∫ɔ:tidʒ /

Thấp , ngắn

sự thiếu; số lượng thiếu

42. decade (n) /'dekeid / thập kỷ

43. assign (v)

→ assignment (n) / ə'sainmənt /

Phân nhiệm vụ cho ai
nhiệm vụ hoặc bổn phận

44. invalid (n, adj) /'invəli:d / (n) người tàn tật, người tàn phế (adj) tàn tật,
tàn phế

45. lighting (n) / 'laiting / Sự thắp sáng

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(that) + S + (should) +

 suggestion ( n)
 make a suggestion (v)

Sự đề nghị

47. advise (v)+ SB + Vto
(that) S+V
advice (n)

 give +SB + advice + on

Khuyên ai làm gì (v)
Lời khuyên (n)

Cho ai lời khuyên về (v)
48. worry (v) + O

 worried (adj) + about

Làm cho ai lo lắng
Lo lắng về

49. sure (adj) + of / about

 make sure (v) Chắc chắn về

50. shower (n)
 take showers (v)

Vòi sen (n)

Tắm bằng vòi sen (v)
51. list (n)

 make a list of (v) Danh sách Ghi vào danh sách (về)
52. replace (v) …. + with

 replacement (n) + for / of

Thay thế bằng (v)
Sự thay thế (n)
53. compare (v) + with

 Comparison (n) + with

So sánh với
Sự so sánh
54. short (adj) + ly (adj)

Shortage (n)
Shorten (v)

Ngắn , lùn

Sự thiếu, số lượng thiếu
Thu ngắn lại.

<b>B.Grammar </b>
<b>I. Suggestions: </b>

 Shall we

 Why don’t we/you + _________ ?

 Why not

 How / What about + _________ ?

 Let’s + _________ .


 S1 + suggest + ________________
(that) + S2

Ex 1: Shall we go to the coffee shop tonight?

 Why don’t we /you ____________________________?
 Why not_____________________________________?
 How / What about_____________________________?

 Let’s _______________________________________.

 I suggest ____________________________________.

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Ex 2: The teacher said :” Let’s learn English online.”

 The teacher suggested _________________________.

 The teacher suggested (that) we should _________________.
 The teacher suggested (that) English___________________.

<b>II. Phrasal verbs </b>

1. Turn on =
2. Turn off =
3. Turn up =
4. Turn down =
5. Look for =

6. Look after = take care of =
7. Look up =

8. Go on = carry on =
9. Carry out =

10. Give up =
11. Put on =

12. Put off = postpone =
13. Put up with = tolerate =

14. Take off =

15. Come back =
16. Come across =
17. Break down =
18. Throw away =
19. Try on =
20. See off =
21. Run out of =

<b>III. Connectives = Conjunctions : ( Từ nối, liên từ) : </b>

 Là từ được dùng để kết hợp các từ, cụm từ, mệnh đề hoặc câu với nhau.
 Liên từ có thể được chia thành nhiều nhóm.

Nhóm chỉ sự thêm vào: and (và), as well as ( và còn), furthermore(hơn nữa),
besides (ngoài ra), moreover (hơn nữa), in addition (thêm vào đó)…

Ex: 1. He plays volleyball <b>and</b> basketball.

2.I can't afford to watch Les Misérables. <b>Besides</b>, I don't really like musicals.
Nhóm chỉ sự trái ngươc nhau: but(nhưng), however (tuy nhiên), nevertheless(tuy
nhiên), on the other hand (mặt khác)…

Ex :1. She was poor but she was honest.

2. I felt ill . However , I went to work and tried to concentrate.
Nhóm chỉ sự lưa chọn: or (hoăc), otherwise( nếu khơng thì)

Ex: 1. Ring Tom or Bill

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Nhóm chỉ kết quả: so(vì thế, cho nên), therefore( do đó), consequently(do đó), as
a result (do vậy)…

Ex: 1. I was ill so I didn’t come.

2. Our cases were heavy, therefore, we took a taxi.
Nhóm chỉ nguyên nhân hay lí do: because, for , since, as …
Ex: 1. She asked me to stay out, for the floor was still wet.
2. We were late because it rained.

<b>C. Exercises. </b>

<b>I.</b> <b>Choose the best answer: </b>

1. You ought to look ______________your little brother instead of playing around.

A. at B. up C. after D. into

2. Don’t waste water or you’ll get an enormous________________by the end of
the month.

A. bill B. receipt C. paper D. letter

3. Remember to turn ___________the faucet when you don’t use it, Lan.

A. on B. of C. up D. off

4. Tom’s hobbies are swimming___________collecting stamps.

A. or B. but C. so D. and

5. She is very tired. ________________, she has to finish her homwork.

A. Moreover B. So C. But D. However

6. He was tired _______________ he took a rest before continuing the work.

A. so B. therefore C. and D.but

7. We want to use solar energy,_____________it can not be used on continual
cloudy days.

A. but B. so C. because D. however

8. He is always broke. He can afford neither luxuries ________________basic

A. or B. nor C. and D. but

9. You can’t have both of these products. Take one_____________the other.

A. and B. with C. but D. or

10.There’s nothing good on TV. Why don’t you turn it_______________?

A. on B. down C. off D. up

11.I’m trying to cut down______________the amount of driving I do to save energy.

A. off B. to C. out D. on

12.If we ___________________talking , we’ll be punished.

A. go on B. look after C. turn on D. account for
13.“ I suggest fixing the dripping faucet.” “___________________”

A. We will B. Good idea! C. Yes, please D. I’m afraid

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A. To keep B. keeping C. should keep D. should be

15.He suggested that sheets with single printed page __________________for

A. to keep B. keeping C. should keep D. should be

16.A person who installs and repairs water pipes is_______________.

A. a plumber B. an electrician C. a painter D. an engineer
17.You should replace ordinary bulbs with ________________bulbs.

A. energy-save B. saving-energy C. energy saved D.

18.Tuan completely ignored what I said and went _______________eating.

A. In B. down C. on D. off

19.Her father gave___________smoking last month.

A. up B. on C. at D. off

20.“ Why are you so late?”- “ I’m sorry. My car broke__________on the way here.

A. up B. down C. at D. off

<b>II.</b> <b>Rewrite the sentences without changing its meaning. </b>

1. Why don’t we collect plastic bags?

I suggest ____________________________________________________________ .
2. Shall we go to the beach?

How about ___________________________________________________________ ?
3. Why don’t you take more exercise, Quoc?

I suggest ____________________________________________________________ .
4. I think you’d better stay in bed today.

Why ________________________________________________________________ ?
5. Let’s discuss the plan carefully.

I suggest that we ______________________________________________________ .
I suggest that the plan _________________________________________________ .
6. His wife said “ Let’s have dinner after the theatre”.

His wife suggested that ________________________________________________ .

7. “ Why not take the garbage to recycling centers?” said the local authorities.

The local authorities suggested that we ____________________________________ .
The local authorities suggested that the garbage ____________________________ .
8. “ Why don’t you repair the electric fan, Ba? “

She suggested ________________________________________________________ .
9. “ Why don’t you put an advertisement in this local newspaper?” They said to me.

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10.“ Let’s not tell anyone about the report.” Said Tom.

Tom suggested that ____________________________________________________
11.Many people began wearing jeans because they were cheap.

Because of ___________________________________________________________ .
12.Since he was careless, Tom lost the game.

Because of ___________________________________________________________ .
13.Mary was worried because Tom was late.

Because of ___________________________________________________________ .
14.Tom walked slowly because his leg was bad.

Because of ___________________________________________________________ .
15.I came here because I want the English course.

Because of ___________________________________________________________ .
16.Because she behaves well, everybody loves her.

Because of ___________________________________________________________ .

17.Everyone continued working as usual.

Everyone went _______________________________________________________ .
18.I wouldn’t tolerate such terrible conditions.

I wouldn’t put ________________________________________________________ .
19.They’ll have to postpone the game.

They’ll have to put ____________________________________________________ .
20.Thuy is responsible of taking care of her little brother.



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