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Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6

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<b> TIẾNG ANH 6 </b>
<b> </b>


Bài tập của bài học phát sóng trên truyền hình vào ngày thứ 2 - 20/04//2020

Class:……..<b> </b>

<b> I. Read the passage and then answer the questions. </b>
<i><b>Out and about in London</b></i>
<i><b>1. Museums and galleries. </b></i>

Visit Madame Tussauds and see models of the world's most famous people, including
all your favourite actors and singers. There are some great museums. Don't miss
Egyptian mummies at the British Museum or the dinosaurs at the Natural History
Museum. Do you like modern? Then visit the Tate Modern with many modern
collections of pictures and photos.

<i><b>2. Interesting buildings </b></i>

The Tower of London is over 900 years old and for a long time it was a prison. After
the Tower, take a boat trip down the river to St Paul's Cathedral, and then take a ride
on the London Eye. There are fantastic views from the top.

<i><b>3. Shopping </b></i>

There are lots of fantastic shops in London. Walk down Oxford Street, or visit one of
the lively street markets, where everything is cheap!

<i><b>4. Night life </b></i>

There are lots of exciting things to do in the evening. The West End is full of theatres,
cinemas, and great restaurants. There are all kinds of concerts every night – rock,
classical, pop, jazz...

<i><b>5. Sport and leisure </b></i>

Relax and walk in Hype Park - it's clean and safe. Do you like football? Then go and
see Chelsea play at Stamford Bridge. If you prefer tennis, there's Wimbledon in June.
<b>Where can you…. </b>

1. relax and walk? _____________________

2. watch Chelsea play? _____________________
3. see models of famous people? _____________________
4. look at modern art? _____________________

5. watch tennis? _____________________

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Start with <i>Dear… </i> or <i>Hi…</i>

Say where you are.

Say what the place is like and what the weather is like.
Say what type of housing you are staying in.

Say what you do every day.

Finish with <i>Love</i> or <i>Bye for now</i> and your name

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