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<b> SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO MÔN: TIẾNG ANH 7 - NĂM HỌC 2019 - 2020</b>

ĐỢT 2 ( TỪ NGÀY: 24/02 - 29/02/2020)
<b>I . THEORY</b>

<b>1. Comparisons: So sánh</b>

- <b>as + adjective + as</b> to show that things are similar.

- <b>not as + adjective + as</b> to mean something is “more” or “less” than something else.
- <b>the same as...</b> to show similarity.

- <b>different from</b> to show that two or more things are not similar.

- Classical music is not as exciting as rock and roll.
- The price of food is the same as it was last year.
<b>2. too and either:</b>

- <b>too</b>: is used to express agreement with a positive statement.
- <b>either</b>: is used to express agreement with a negative statement.


- My friend likes photography, and I like it, <b>too</b>.

- My sister doesn’t like horror films, and my mother doesn’t, <b>either</b>.
<b>3. Passive Voice (Dạng bị động)</b>

 Form: S V O

S + be + P.P( ed/V3 ) + by + O
- Tân ngữ câu chủ động -> chủ ngữ câu bị động

- Động từ câu bị động: <b>Be + Past Participle (V-ed/V3).</b>
- Chủ ngữ câu chủ động -> tân ngữ câu bị động ( sau giới từ by).
e.g.: Câu chủ động : Mr. Smith teaches English.

Câu bị động : English is taught by Mr. Smith.
 <i><b>Dạng bị động theo thì:</b></i>

<i><b>Chú ý: Vpp = V3/Ved</b></i>

Present simple S + am/ is/ are + Vpp + ( by + O ).
Past simple S + was, were + Vpp + ( by + O ).

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Be going to S + am/is/are + going to + be + Vpp + ( by + O ).

MODEL VERBS S + can/could/would/should + be + Vpp + (by+O ).
must/have to/may/might

<b>II. Exercises:</b>

<b>Exercise 1: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined</b>
1. A. pleasure B. shelf C. sheet D. musician
2. A. sugar B. share C. machine D. same
3. A. leisure B. pressure C. measure D. garage
4. A. amazing B. orange C. table D. favourite

5. A. seat B. tea C. near D. cheap

<b>Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with the words in the box.</b>

1. Vietnamese people usually eat with ____________ .

2. The ____________ is the person who brings food in a restaurant.
3. In a restaurant, you look at a ____________ to choose your food.
4. Vietnamese people ___________ a lot of their food.
5. You _____________ potatoes before cooking them.

6. Can I see the __________ of the house?

7. My aunt is ______ work and my aunt is shopping.
8. He takes _______ of sick children.

9. The ___________ apartment will be the best for you.

10. The ________ popular after school activities are baseball, football and basketball.
<b>Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.</b>

1. Keep silent! I (listen) ________to the radio.

2. Hung and his friend (play) ________ badminton at present.

3. Anita and Susan are in the dining room. They (eat) ________breakfast
4. Harry Potter Books (write) ________ by J.K. Rowling.

5. We can't use my office at the moment. It (clean) ________
<b>Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with a/an, some or any.</b>
1. I want __________ orange juice.

2. There 's _________ charity shop in the community.
3. Is there ________ sugar in the kitchen?
4. Tom's just bought _________ English book on robots.
5. They have got __________ food left for the winter.
<b>Exercise 5. Write sentences, using the words given.</b>
1. She/ 13 years old/ ,and /she/ now/grade 8.

2. She/have/ younger brother/,and/ his name/ Bruce Walkers.

3. My father/ work/ our farm / the countryside.

4. How many /orange/ there / the bag?

cheapest fry most chopsticks rest waiter at
care menu peel

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5. Ao dai / usually /wear / young women.

6. Some students /offered /scholarships / study /abroad.

7. My mother /do/ the housework/, and /she/ help/ the farm.


8. It / easy/ find/ apartment / Ha Noi.

9. The puppets /support/by /strings /under/ water.

10. I / looking/ forward to/ see/ you/ there.

<b>Exercise 6. Write the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.</b>
<b>1.</b> I've never seen such a boring movie.

<sub></sub> It is _________________________________________________________________
<b>2.</b> Many tourists visit the school every year.<b> </b>

<sub></sub> The school ________________________________________________________
<b>3.</b> They slice the fish and fry it in a frying pan.<b> </b>

<sub></sub>The fish ___________________________________________________________
<b>4.</b> French grammar is more difficult than English grammar.<b> </b>

<sub></sub>French grammar ____________________________________________________
<b>5.</b> The new building is as high as the old one.

<sub></sub> The new building is the same ______________________________________________
<b>6.</b> What is your favourite subject?

<sub></sub> Which subject do _________________________________________________________ ?
<b>7.</b> She is very interested in computers.

<sub></sub> She likes ________________________________________________________________.
<b>8.</b> Three bananas cost 15,000 dong.

<sub></sub>The price of _____________________________________________________________.
<b>9.</b> No building in the town is older than this church.

<sub></sub> This church is the ______________________________________________
<b>10.</b>There is a sink, a tube and a shower in the bathroom.

<sub></sub> The bathroom __________________________________________________.
<b>Exercise 7. Read the passage and answer the following sentences.</b>

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- strike (v): đánh, đập, điểm
- minute hand (n): cây kim phút
- suddenly (adv): đột nhiên
- refuse (v): từ chối

<b>* Questions: </b>

<b>1.</b> Where did they go on Wednesday evening?

<b>2.</b> Was it the first day of the year?

<b>3.</b> What time did the clock stop?

<b>4.</b> Did the big minute hand move?

<b>5.</b> What did everyone begin to do at that moment?

<b>Exercise 8. Complete the sentences by using as ... as; not ... as, different ... from.</b>

1. Ms. Hoa is Mrs. Lan. <b>(attractive)</b>

2. Her daughter is her. <b>(beautiful)</b>
3. That dog it looks. <b>(not dangerous)</b>

4. Living in Valencia living in Paris is. <b>(not expensive)</b>
5. Schools in Viet Nam are schools in the USA. <b>(different)</b>
6. Learning French is learning English. <b>(difficult)</b>

7. These trees those. <b>(same)</b>
8. Vios Mazda 3. <b>(not luxurious)</b>

9. His appearance is what I have expected. <b>(different)</b>
10. His job is mine. <b>(important)</b>

<b>Exercise 9. Supply the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.</b>
1. This computer <i>(use)</i> for two years.

2. America <i>(discover)</i> by Christopher Columbus.

3. I think this institution <i>(widen)</i> twice since 1999.
4. Sydney Opera House in Australia <i>(finish)</i> in 1973.

5. My sister is studying law at Viet Nam National University, Ho Chi Minh City now. This
university <i>(situate) </i>in Thu Duc District.

6. The Great Wall in China <i>(build)</i> many centuries ago.

7. The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco <i>(complete)</i> in 1937.

8. The University of Cambridge <i>(form)</i> in 1209. It is always considered to be
one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

9. BurjKhalifa in Dubai, the highest building in the world, <i>(open)</i> in 2010.
10. My bike ______________(steal) last week and it __________( not, find) yet.

<b>Exercise 10. Turn these sentences into passive voice.</b>
1. People invented the wheel thousands of years ago.

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2. My father waters these flowers every morning.

→ These flowers...

3. People use computers all over the world.

→ Computers...
4. Are they building a statue of Chu Van An?

→ Is...?
5. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night.

→ Fiona...
6. They keep many ancient things in museums.

→ Many ancient things...
7. Do four busy streets surround the Temple of Literature?

→ Is...?
8. People make many famous films in Hollywood.

→ Many famous films...
9. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen.

→ The dinner...
10. I do all my homework on my computer.

→ All my homework...
<b>Exercise 11. Combine into one sentence with “too” or “either”.</b>

1. They can play table tennis. We can play table tennis.

2. He sings love songs very well. His sister sings love songs very well.

3. I write diary every night. My mother writes diary every night.

4. My father doesn’t drink beer. My mother doesn’t drink beer.

5. She is swimming in the pool. Her children are swimming in the pool.

6. Hoa ate bread with milk for breakfast. Hoa’s uncle ate bread with milk for breakfast.

7. She didn’t watch TV last night. Her husband didn’t watch TV last night.

8. They mustn’t stay up late. Their friends mustn’t stay up late.

9. Milk is good for your health. Fruit juice is good for your health.

10. Betty does morning exercise. Betty’s aunt does morning exercise.


