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Đề thi vào 10 Tiếng anh hệ 7 năm Cần Thơ 2017-2018 - Học Toàn Tập

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IV. Writing. (2 pts)

<i>Part 1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. (1pt) </i>
33. There weren’t many people at the party. We had a lovely time.

 Although ……….……..…

34. “What are you looking for, Sue?” asked Tim.

 Tim asked ……….……..… looking for.
35. They’re showing that film at the cinema in town.

 That film ……… at the cinema in town.
36. Please open the window!

 Would you mind………?

<i>Part 2. Write complete sentences using the words given. (1pt) </i>
37. Everybody/ know/ reading/ expand/ a person’s knowledge.

 ………

38. However/ people nowadays/ not read/ as much/ they/ used to/ in the past.

 ………

39. addition/ the Internet/ contribute/ enormously/ the death of reading.

 ………

40. my opinion/ the culture/ reading/ has to/ fostered.

 ………

<i> </i>

---THE END---

<i> - Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi khơng giải thích gì thêm. </i>


Khóa ngày: 08/6/2017
<i> </i>

(Chương trình đại trà hệ 7 năm)

<i> Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề) </i>
Điểm bằng số Điểm bằng chữ Họ tên và chữ ký:

Giám khảo 1: ………..
Giám khảo 2: ………..

Số phách

<i>Hướng dẫn: Thí sinh làm bài trực tiếp vào đề thi. Ghi các đáp án A,B,C hoặc D vào khung số </i>
<i>dưới từng phần trắc nghiệm. Điền câu trả lời phần viết vào khoảng trống dưới mỗi câu hỏi. </i>

I. Select the best option for each of the following questions from 1 to 16. (4 pts)

1. Be smartly dressed when going to the interview. Don’t wear _____ clothes because the
first impression is very important.

A. formal B. best C. man-made D. casual
2. I didn’t want to be late, _____ I ran all the way to school.

A. because B. but C. or D. so

3. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.

A. foot B. cook C. flood D. book

4. We’ve got to save the rainforests _____ being destroyed.

A. from B. with C. for D. in

5. The company spends more on advertising _____ to increase sales.

A. order B. so as C. so D. for

6. Could you tell me _____?

A. where is the manager B. about where is the manager

C. the manager is where D. where the manager is
7. Plastic bags will cause pollution because they are very hard to _____.

A. dissolve B. reuse C. contaminate D. recycle
8. Don’t drop your sweet wrapper on the floor, _____?

A. do you B. won’t you C. aren’t you D. will you
9. – Which CD did you get Marcus in the end?

– I got him the one _____ said he really wanted to hear.

A. which B. which he C. that D. who he

10. Climate change could have _____ effects on Earth.

A. endangered B. positive C. damaged D. disastrous
11. – Do you want to have a break now?

– Not yet. I _____ a report for tomorrow’s meeting.

A. have written B. will write

C. will have written D. am writing

12. A massive dust storm _____ the coastal areas yesterday, bringing down the visibility
level to as low as 200 metres.

A. erupted B. struck C. moved D. caused

<i>13. She has been _____ as Best Actress for her part in the film “Forever Together”. </i>

A. initiated B. nominated C. choosing D. acting

14. Choose the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress.

A. referee B. activist C. reference D. programme
15. In the town singing contest, the judges were strongly _____ by her beautiful voice.

A. depressed B. shocked C. impressed D. confessed

Họ tên và chữ ký của CBCT
CBCT 2: ……….

Số phách

(Do Chủ tịch HĐ chấm thi ghi)

Họ và tên học sinh:

Ngày sinh : …… / …… / 20………
Nơi sinh: ………..…..
Học sinh trường: ………


Số báo danh: ………
Phòng thi: ………

Kỳ thi: ………
Ngày thi: ………
Hội đồng thi: ………..

Quận (Huyện): ………
Thành phố: ………..


- Thí sinh phải ghi đầy đủ các mục ở
phần trên

- Không đánh số, ký tên hay ghi dấu
hiệu gì vào tờ giấy thi.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

16. Bill and Bruce are walking around Xuan Huong lake.

<i>– Bill: “Let’s stop for a drink.” </i>

<i> – Bruce: “_____” </i>

A. That sounds great. B. Sorry, we’ve got plenty of time.
C. Long time no see. D. You’re welcome.

<i> Answers: </i>---

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

II. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the words in capitals. (1pt)
<i> Example: Their friendliness makes a deep IMPRESSION on tourists. IMPRESS </i>
17. Some students say games can make learning more _____. ENJOY
18. He takes great _____ in his children’s achievements. PROUD
19. The top model was _____ dressed in an elegant evening gown. BEAUTY
20. My sister wants to be a fashion _____ when she grows up. DESIGN

<i> Answers: </i>

17. 18.

19. 20.

III. Reading comprehension. (3 pts)

<i>Part 1. Read the following passage and select the best option to complete each of the </i>
<i>blanks from 21 to 26. (1.5pts) </i>


More and more of the products we buy have got recycled material in them. Things
like newspapers and magazines, glass bottles and jars, food and drink cans and even some
clothing may have been (21)_____ using recycled materials. Every time we buy one of
these products we help to support the recycling industry. The aim is that the product is
used once, recycled and then (22)_____ again.

One of the ways in (23)_____ we can help the recycling process is by saving our
own waste. Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll begin a fortnightly collection of
recyclable waste from your home. All you have to do is put your recyclable waste in the
box we’ve given you and put the box out (24)_____ to your dustbin. The collection is
fortnightly, (25)_____ remember to look at the sticker on the box that (26)_____ you
which weeks we will collect it. Your dustbin will together be collected.

21. A. put B. got C. made D. taken

22. A. bought B. wasted C. threw D. used

23. A. that B. which C. it D. what

24. A. beside B. along C. by D. next

25. A. because B. so C. unless D. although

26. A. speaks B. says C. asks D. tells

<i> Answers: </i>

21 22 23 24 25 26

<i>Part 2. Read the following passage and select the best answer to each of the questions </i>
<i>from 27 to 32. (1.5 pts) </i>


You can’t go anywhere these days without hearing the buzz of mobile phones. If

that noise isn’t enough to drive you mad, have you noticed that people who use mobile
phones have louder voices than everyone else? When you shout that loudly, you don’t
need a phone, the person you are calling will probably hear you anyway!

People who have mobile phones say that they can’t live without them, but they
managed quite well before they had them. You can’t escape them; you hear them on
buses and trains, in the street, at the supermarket, even in places where you expect it to
be quiet, like cinemas, theatres and libraries. Is there anything more annoying than
having to listen to unnecessarily loud voices talking to people who aren’t there, while
<i>you are trying to enjoy a pleasant dinner at a “quiet” restaurant? I find it rude and </i>

Even school kids have mobile phones now. A teacher I know told me not long
ago that lessons were often interrupted by phones ringing. More seriously, mobile
phones can be dangerous. According to the police, about a quarter of all road accidents
are caused by people driving while using mobile phones.

27. What is the writer’s aim in the article?
A. To give information about mobile phones.
B. To describe the benefits of mobile phones.
C. To express his/ her dislike of mobile phones.
D. To say what the police think about mobile phones.
28. What is the writer’s main complaint?

A. Mobile phones are very dangerous.
B. Mobile phones are antisocial.

C. You cannot have private conversations.
D. We cannot live without mobile phones.
<i>29. The word “rude” in paragraph 2 means ____. </i>

A. impolite B. enjoyable C. peaceful D. boring
30. How does the writer feel about using mobile phones in public places?

A. worried B. annoyed C. excited D. interesting
31. What does the writer think about using mobiles phone in school?

A. Children should not talk loudly during lessons.
B. Children should not use phones in class.

C. Children do not go to lessons anymore.
D. Teacher should talk more loudly when phones are ringing.

32. Which of the following signs would the writer like to see in restaurants?
<i>A. "Please turn your mobile phone off." </i>

<i>B. "Using a mobile phone is dangerous." </i>
<i>C. "Do not talk. People are eating." </i>
<i>D. "Do not eat and talk at the same time." </i>

<i> Answers: </i>

27 28 29 30 31 32































