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Nguyen Van Huong Primary school
Grade 2 Unit 9 Lesson 5
<b>Exercise </b>
<b>I. Read the text and answer the questions. There is an example.</b>
Ly is a student ( student / farmer)
1. Ly has ___________ ( two / three) sandwiches.
2. One is an _____________ ( orange / egg sandwich).
3. She has _________________ ( milk/ apple juice).
4. She doesn’t have _______________ ( egg/ cookies) today.
5. She has _______________ ( beautiful / nice) lunch.
<b>II. Look at the picture and write. There is an example. </b>
<b>Example </b>
<b>Example 1: I have a chicken </b>
<b>Questions </b>
3. _________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________
6. __________________________________________________________________
<b>III. Look at the pictures. Then match the questions on the left with the answer on the </b>
<b>right. There is an example. </b>