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Bài 1:

A Welsh Festival

Wales has a population of about three million. English is the main language and only
twenty per cent speak both Welsh and English. Every year (1)……... August there is a
Welsh-speaking festival. It (2)…….... place in a different town each ear so everyone has
the chance for it to be near them.
Local people (3)……….. years making plans for when the festival will be in (4)………..
Each festival is (5)………. by about 160,000 people. They travel not only from nearby
towns and villages (6)………. also from the rest of the British Isles and (7)………. from
There are concerts, plays and (8)………… to find the best singers, poets, writers, and
so on. Shops sell Welsh music, book, pictures and clothes as (9)………… as food and
drink. The festival provides a chance for Welsh-speaking people to be together for a
whole week, with (10)………. Welsh language all around them.
1. A. on

B. by

2. A. takes

B. finds

3. A. pass

B. put

4. A. our
5. A. arrived

C. in
C. has

D. makes

C. spend

D. do

B. their

C. his

B. attended C. joined

D. at

D. its

D. come

6. A. but

B. and

C. since

D. however

7. A. just

B. hardly

C. quite

D. even

8. A. tests

B. examinations

C. competitions

D. races

9. A. long

B. far

C. good

D. well

10. A. one

B. A

C. the

Bài 2:

D. some


When Bo the cat decided to explore a furniture van, she had a bigger adventure than
she expected.
She was discovered (1)_________ the driver, after has had completed a (2)_________
of over 500 kilometres.
It was (3)_________ end of a long day. The driver and the cat were both hungry! He
gave her some milk and started making enquiries. He telephoned his last
(4)_________, but they had not lost a cat.
It was getting late, so he took Bo home for the night and (5)_________ morning
delivered her to an animal hospital.
The cat’s owner (6)_________ done some detective work too. After (7)_________
everywhere for the cat, he suddenly remembered the furniture van (8)_________ had
made a delivery to a neighbor. Fortunately, he (9)_________ the name of the company.
He called their office and in short time Bo was (10)_________ safely.
1. A. of

B. from

2. A. trip

B. visit

3. A. an

C. at

D. by

C. Tour
B. some

D. travel

C. the

4. A. shoppers

B. buyers

5. A. next

B. following C. tomorrow D. other

6. A. has

B. is

C. had

7. A. seeing

B. looking

C. finding

D. searching

8. A. what

B. this

C. it

D. which

9. A. called

B. remembered

C. saw

D. reminded

10. A. given

B. brought

C. returned

D. taken

Bài 3:

C. callers

D. any
D. customers

D. was


More and more people live in large cities these days and this means that it is becoming
more and more difficult to find space and time for ourselves. But for many people,

personal privacy is more important. In many houses, a few minutes in the bath room is
all the privacy that is (1)_________ .
Teenagers especially need their own personal space at home where they can feel
relaxed and private, But of course, not all teenagers are (2)_________ enough to have
a room of their own.
Where space is short, they often have to (3)_________ a bedroom with a brother or
sister. It’s a good (4)_________ for them to have a special area or corner of the room to
(5)_________ their own. It’s especially important for young people to have some where
to (6)_________ their personal things. This may or may not be a tidy place and it is not
a good ideas for parents to try to tell teenagers how to (7)_________ their space as this
is (8)_________ to lead to arguments. Parents can, however, (9)_________ sure that
there are enough storage spaces such as shelves, cupboards and boxes. This will
(10)_________ the teenager to keep their space tidy if they want to. V O V

1. A. confident

B. available

C. general

d. average

2. A. dizzy

B. early


D. happy

3. A. separate


C. divide

4. A. sense

B. opinion


D. thought

5. A. mind

B. call

C. say

d. tell

6. A. belong

B. save

C. support


7. A. organize

B. repair

C. operate

8. A. really

B. quickly

C. actually

9. A. find

B. Make

C. get

B. let


10. A. afford

Bài 4:

D. join

D. review
D. likely

D. put
D. set


Before 1860 there was no quick way of getting mail between the east and the west of
the United States.

There were no railways at that (1)_________ and most mail was sent by coach. It
usually (2)_________ at least 25 days for coaches to (3)_________ the coast.
So in 1860 it (4)_________ decided to send mail BY ‘Pony Express’, which was much
faster, Riders (5)_________ very fast horses were placed along the route. They were at
(6)_________ distances from each other and the mail was handed from one rider to the
Riders were all (7)_________ to travel between twenty and thirty kilometers
(8)_________ day on very bad roads.

At each stop two minutes were (9)_________ for exchanging the mail bags, but riders
were often held up by awful weather (10)_________ closed the roads. With the
invention of the telegraph in 1861, the demand for Pony Express disappeared.
1. A. time

B. date

2. A. spent

B. lasted

3. A. get

C. age

D. season

C. took

D. passed

B. arrive

4. A. had

B. was

5. A. for

B. off

6. A. like

B. equal

7. A. wished

B. wanted

C. come


C. has

D. is

C. with

D. behind

C. same

C. expected


D. hoped

8. A. A

B. one

C. some

D. any

9. A. let

B. allowed

C. done


10. A. which

Bài 5:

B. where

C. what

D. when


San Francisco lies on the coast of Northern California. The earliest Europeans to
discover the (1)_________ were led by a Spanish explorer (2)_________ name was
Gaspar de Portolá.

He first saw it in 1769. Surprisingly, (3)_________ San Francisco Bay is a wonderful
natural harbour, it was discovered by land (4)_________ than by sea.
In 1849, people (5)_________ in San Francisco in their thousands (6)_________ to
find gold. However, it was not the men looking for the gold that got rich. The richest
people (7)_________ their money from owning banks and law firms and they built
themselves large houses on one of the hills. This was (8)_________ as Nob Hill.
Nowadays, tourists are (9)_________ to San Francisco because there they can see
famous places like Chinatown and the Golden Gate Bridge. Many even (10)_________
the short boat trip to the island of Alcatraz to see the former prison.
1. A. area

B. part

2. A. who

B. whose

3. A. if

C. space

D. position

C. what

D. which

B. unless

C. although

D. despite
4. A. except FOR

B. instead OF

C. apart

5. A. reached

B. arrived

C. entered


6. A. wondering

B. hoping

C. considering

D. depending

7. A. did
D. brought

B. became

8. A. told

B. called

C. named



D. rather

C. made

khơng có gt ( my cat is called

D. known as

9. A. interested

B. attracted

C. pleased

D. excited

10. A. take

B. spend

C. go

D. travel

Bài 6:


An American, Charles D. Seeberger, invented moving stairs to transport people in the
1890s. He (1)_________ this invention an escalator (2)_________ the name from the
Latin word ‘scala’ (3)_________ means ‘ladder’. Escalators move people up and down
short (4)_________. Lifts do the same,

but only move (5)_________ small number of people. If an escalator breaks down. It
can still be (6)_________ as ordinary stairs. An escalator can move (7)_________
8,000 and 9,600 people an hours, and it (8)_________ not need a person to operate it.
Towards the end of the nineteenth century, cities were (9)_________ more crowded
and the first escalators were built at railway station and in big department
(10)_________ so that people could move about more quickly. Today we see
escalators everywhere.
1. A. announced
2. A. fetching

B. called

C. translated

B. lending

C. taking

3. A. what

B. whose

4. A. distances

B. directions C. measurements

5. A. the
D. any

D. explained

C. who

B. a

D. which
D. lengths
C. some

6. A. walked

B. made

C. used

D. changed

7. A. from

B. between

C. to

D. above

8. A. is
D. does

B. has

C. did

9. A. coming

B. becoming

C. continuing

10. A. stores

B. shops

C. places

Bài 7:

D. houses


For thousands of years tobacco was (1)__________ by the American Indians with no oil
– effect. In the 16th century it was (2)__________ to Europe. This early tobacco was
mixed with soil and rather dirty. It was chewed or smoked in pipes only by men; women
thought it was smelly and (3)__________.
It was first (4)__________ in America in the 17th century on slave plantations. In the
18th new technology refined tobacco and the first cigarettes (5)__________ produced.
By the 1880s huge factories were producing cigarettes which were clean and
(6)__________ to smoke. Chain – smoking and inhaling became possible and by the

middle of the 20th century tobacco addicts men and women. Nowadays cigarette
smoking (7)__________ banned in many places, especially (8)__________ the USA.
But until 1820 tobacco was America’s (9)__________ exports, and still today their
tobacco industry (10)__________ over $4.2 billion a year.
1. A. used

B. using

C. to use

D. use

2. A. bring

B. brought

C. brings

D. bringing

3. A. disgust

B. disgusted

C. disgusting

D. disgustedly

4. A. grow

B. growing

C. grows

D. grown

5. A. is

6. A. eases

B. are

C. was


C. ease


D. easily

7. A. are

B. was

C. is


8. A. at

B. on

C. for

D. in

9. A. secondly
10. A. makes

Bài 8:

B. main
B. making

C. firstly
C. made

D. thirdly
D. make


Tom Cruise is one of the most successful actors in cinema history. However, life hasn't
always been that easy for him. As a young boy, Tom was shy and had (1)__________
in finding friends, although he really enjoyed (2)__________ part in school plays.
(3)__________ he had finished High School, Tom went to New York to look for work.
He found employment as a porter, and at the same time he (4)__________ drama
classes. In 1980, the film director Franco Zeffirelli (5)__________ Tom his first part in a
Ten years later, he had become (6)__________ successful that he was one of the
highest - paid actors in Hollywood, (7)__________ millions of dollars for (8)__________

Today, Tom (9)__________ appears in films and is as (10)__________ as ever with his
thousands of fans from all around the world. Waste
1. A. worry

B. problem

C. fear

2. A. making

B. holding

C. taking

3. A. While

B. During

4. A. prepared
5. A. suggested
6. A. so

B. earning

8. A. another

B. all

9. A. yet

10. A. popular

Bài 9:

D. Until

C. attended
C. tried

B. such

7. A. paying

D. finding

C. after

B. waited
B. offered

D. difficulty

D. advised
C. too

C. winning

B. favourite


D. reaching

C. each

B. ever

D. happened

D. some

C. already
C. preferred

D. still
D. approved


There is much more water than land on the (1)__________ of the earth. The
seas and oceans nearly (2)__________ of the whole world, and only one-fifth of
(3)____cần động từ______ land. If you traveled over the earth in different directions,
you would have to spend (4)__________ more of your time (5)__________ on water
than on roads or railways. We sometimes forget that for every mile of land
(6)__________ four miles of water.
There is much water on the surface of our earth that we (7)__________ to use two
words to describe. We use the word SEAS (8)__________ those parts of water surface
which (9) __________ only a few hundreds of mile, the word OCEANS to describe the
huge area of water ……10……… are thousands of miles wide and very deep.
1. A. cover

B. surface

C. outer

2. A. four-fives

B. four-fifth

C. four-fifths

3. A. it is

B. it

D. outside
D. fourth-fifths
C. its

D. them

4. A. many
5. A. to move

B. much
B. move

C. few

D. two
C. moved

6. A. there are

B. there is

C. there has

7. A. must

B. should

C. have

8. A. describing

B. describes

C. describe

9. A. is
10. A. that’s

Bài 10:


C. has
C. where

D. moving

D. have
D. would
D. to describe
D. will be
D. whose


Brave William Baldock, who is six years old, is a hero after helping his mother when she
fell downstairs. William quickly rang (1)__________ an ambulance when he discovered
his mother had broken her leg. In spite of being frightened, he (2)__________ the
emergency services what had happened and answered all the questions they asked
He also telephoned his father (3)__________ work, and then his grandmother, to
explain what he had (4)__________ While waiting for (5)__________ people to come,
William looked after his 18-month-old sister.
When ambulance man Steve Lyn went to the house, he was amazed: ‘It’s
(6)__________ that a young boy of six knew the right number to (7)__________, and
was able to give us the correct information.
(8)__________ of William’s quick thinking, we were able to (9)__________ there
Mrs. Baldock left hospital yesterday, very (10)__________ to both William and the
ambulance service.
1. A. to

B. off

C. for

D. with

2. A. said to

B. talked with

C. spoke to

D. told

3. A. in

B. at

C. on

4. A. done

B. made

C. acted

D. by
D. worked

5. A. these

B. every

6. A. pleased

B. fine

7. A. put

B. set

8. A. Since

B. because

9. A. manage

B. find

10. A. agreeable

B. happy

Bài 11:

C. each

D. this

C. clever

D. great

C. dial
C. As

D. hit
D. Although

C. get
C. grateful

D. go
D. approving


Like any other universities, the Open University can give you a degree. However, you
don’t have to (1) ___________ working to study. It can also open up a whole variety (2)
___________ interest.
If you have (3) ___________ studied before, you will enjoy the special, new pleasure of
(4) ___________ your knowledge. You will make friends of (5) ___________ kinds. You
may also (6) ___________ that your qualification provides new career opportunities.
You don’t actually (7) ___________ to the Open University for lectures, but study at
home, using television, radio and computer software. You can (8) ___________ one
class a month if you wish at an Open University center. Of course, there are exams to
take, as is (9) ___________ university.
If you (10) ___________ like to know more, all you have to do is complete the form

below. It could be the start of a wonderful new period in your life.
1. A. stop

B. end

C. leave

D. break

2. A. of

B. from

C. for

D. in

3. A. ever

B. always

C. often

4. A. growing

B. changing

C. adding

D. increasing

5. A. all

B. each

C. both

D. every

6. A. suggest
7. A. join

B. find

B. enter

D. never

C. wish

C. arrive


D. go

8. A. give

B. attend

9. A. any

B. some

10. A. did

B. will

Bài 12.


C. learn
C. many

D. study
D. most

C. would

D. can

Most people, when they are asked who Frankenstein was, will reply, "A monster." This
is not really (1)__________. The monster, both in Mary Shelley's book and in the
(2)__________, has no name! It is (3)__________ known as "the monster" or "the
Frankenstein monster". Frankenstein was the (4)__________ of the doctor who created
it. In the (5)__________ book, the monster was kind and quite gentle when he was first
created. He wanted friends and (6)__________.Soon, however, people began to

persecute him because his (7)__________ was so frightening. The monster then
changed into the (8)__________ creature that we know from the movies. Mary Shelley
wrote Frankenstein in 1818, at the age of twenty-one. She wrote the novel to teach two
lessons that people shouldn't (9)__________ other people badly because they are
different, and that sometimes we may create something that can (10) __________ us.
1. A. correct

B. true

C. actual

D. real

2. A. movies

B. pictures

C. photos


3. A. simple

B. also

C. simply


4. A. picture

B. name

C. call


5. A. original

B. first

C. early


6. A. like

B. favorite

C. priority


7. A. face

B. looking

C. appearance


8. A. terrible

B. bad

C. devil


9. A. treat
10. A. damage
D. worsen

Bài 13:

B. behave

C. handle

B. destroy


C. spoil


Henry Ford was born (0)_ a farm in Michigan in 1863 but he did not like farming. When
he was fifteen he began to work as a mechanic and in 1893 he built his first car. After
he (1)__________ driven it 1,500 kilometers, he sold it and built two bigger cars. Then,
in 1903, he (2)__________ the Ford Motor Company. By (3) __________ strong but
light steel, he built cheap cars for (4)__________ people to buy. In 1908, he built the
first Ford Model ‘T’, (5)__________ sold for $825. He was soon selling 100 cars
(6)__________ day. By 1927, the Ford Motor Company was (7) __________ $700
million. Early Ford cars were simple and cheap, but (8)__________ things simple
sometimes (9)__________ less choice. ‘You (10)__________ have any color you like,’
said Henry Ford of the Model T, ‘as long as it’s black.’
1. A. is

B. was

C. had

2. A. raised

B. started

3. A. putting

B. operating

4. A. usual

B. ordinary

C general

5. A. where

B. which

C. who

6. A. a

B. some

C. led


C. using


C. the

7. A. rich


B. worth

C. expensive

8. A. remaining

B. staying

C. keeping

9. A. meant

B. decided

C. planned

10. A. will

B. ought

C. need



D. can

Bài 14:


Running is now very popular both as a sport and as a way of keeping fit. Even if you
only run a short (1)__________ once or twice a week, you (2)__________ to make sure
you wear good shoes. (3)__________is a lot of choice nowadays in running shoes. First
of all, decide how (4)__________ you want to (5)__________ on your shoes.
Then find a pair which fits you well. Be prepared to (6)__________ different sizes in
different types of shoe. Women’s shoes are made narrower (7)__________ men’s and,
although most women will find a woman’s shoe which suits them, there is no
(8)__________ why woman can’t wear a man’s shoe. The same is true for a man (9)__________ a woman’s shoe fits you better, then wear it. Take your time in the shop.
If you (10)__________ a mistake and buy the wrong shoes, your feet will let you know.
1. A. distance
D. length
2. A. would

B. path

B. should

3. A. It

C. line

C. need


B. there

C. This

B. long

C. many

D. That
4. A. far
D. much
5. A. spend

B. buy

C. charge

D. pay

6. A. experiment

B. ask

C. try


7. A. as
D. from
8. A. fact
D. choice
9. A. since
10. A. do
D. decide

Bài 15.

B. like

C. than

B. reason

B. because
B. make


C. knowledge

C. so

D. if
C. cause

A superhero is a fictional character with special powers. (1)__________ the first

Superman story was written in the USA in 1938, superheroes have (2)__________ in
various comic books around the world. But more recently they have (3)_____linking
V_____ better known (ADJ) as film characters.
(4)__________ superhero powers vary widely, superhuman strength and the ability to
fly are common. (5)__________ superheroes do not have special powers but have
(6)__________ other important abilities. In order to protect friends and family, a
superhero’s identity is normally (7)__________ secret, which often means superheroes
have a complicated double life. (8)__________ have been successful superheroes in
countries other than the USA. Examples (9)__________ Cybersix from Argentina and
the heroes of AK comics from Egypt. Japan is the only country that has created as
many superhero characters as the USA. However, most Japanese superheroes are
short-lived. While American entertainment companies reinvent superheroes,
(10)__________ they will stay popular, Japanese companies frequently introduce new
1. A. until

B. since

C. from


2. A. shown

B. entered

C. come


3. A. become

B. returned

C. changed


4. A. because
D. so

B. if

C. although

5. A. Each

B. Some

C. Another


6. A. made

B. increased

C. prepared


7. A. held

B. put

C. kept

D. got

8. A. these

B. that

9. A consist

B. involve

C. contain


10. A. hoping

B. requiring

C. needing


C. there

D. those

Bài 16.


The Grand Canyon in the United States was created by the River Colorado. People visit
the Grand Canyon Park to go walking and running but (1)__________ to look at the
view. It is a wonderful view made (2)__________ better by the Skywalk. The distance
(3)__________ the Skywalk to the bottom of the Grand Canyon is 1219 metres. It is a
platform (4)__________ walls and floor are built of glass (5)__________ that you can
see the beautiful rocks of the canyon. Up to 120 people are allowed to stand on it at the
same (6)__________. It opened in 2007 and since (7)__________ thousands of people
have used it. You have to (8)__________ special covers over your shoes to
(9)__________ scratching the glass beneath your feet. Walking onto the Skywalk
makes you (10)__________ like a bird floating high up in the air.
1. A. hugely

B. mainly chủ yếu

C. greatly

2. A. already

B. such

C. more

3. A. from

B. through

C. by

D. even
D. for

4. A. who

B. where

C. whose

5. A. therefore

B. although

C. so

6. A. day

B. period

C. hour

7. A. then

B. there

C. that

8. A. take

B. wear

C. dress

9. A. avoid

B. keep

C. hold

D. let

10. A. believe

B. wish

C. consider

D. feel

Bài 17.



D. time
D. this


In 1973, when the tiger appeared to be facing extinction, the World Wide Fund for
Nature and the Indian Government agreed to set (1)__________ “Operation Tiger”-a
campaign to save this threatened creature. They started by creating nine special parks
(2)__________ that tigers could live in safety. The first was at Ranthambhore, a region

(3)__________ was quickly turning into a desert (4)__________ too much of the grass
was being eaten by the local people’s cattle. At the time there were just fourteen tigers
left there. The government had to clear twelve small villages, which meant moving
nearly 1,000 people and 10,000 cattle so the land (5)__________ be handed back to
Today, Ranthambhore is a very different place, with grass tall (6)__________ for tigers
to hide in, and there are now at least forty of them (7)__________ the park, wandering

freely about. Other animals have also benefited. For example (INSTANT), there are
many (8)__________ deer and monkeys than before. The people (9)__________ were
moved are now living in better conditions.
They live in new villages away (10)__________ the tiger park, with schools, temples
and fresh water supplies. There are now sixteen such tiger parks in India and the
animal’s future looks a little safer.
1. A. in

B. down

C. up

D. on

2. A. for

B. order

C. such

D. so

3. A. in which

B. with which

C. for which

D. which

4. A. because

B. although

5. A. can

B. could

6. A. much
7. A. near

B. enough
B. outside

8. A. fewer

B. more

9. A. that

B. which

10. A. off

B. to

Bài 18.


C. despite
C. will

D. but
D. might

C. too
C. within
C. better

C. whose
C. far

D. so
D. leaving

D. by who

A farmer in the French Alps is being (1)__________ to court because his cows are too
noisy. (2)__________ say the cowbells on his herd at a village near the town of Annecy
are keeping them (3)__________ at night. Hugh Schofield reports from Paris:
Michel Deronzier grazes his herd of 70 dairy (4)__________ on fields just outside the
village of Villaz, in the pastoral bliss of a French Alpine mountainside. Several of the
animals (5)__________ cowbells - not for decoration, he insists, but for the very
(6)__________ reason that they can be more easily (7)__________ if they stray.

But several of Monsieur Deronzier's neighbours have had enough. They say that the
constant chiming of the cowbells is stopping them (8)__________, and now one of them
has (9)__________ a suit at the courts demanding that the herd be (10)__________
A. sent

A. residents

B. taken

C. carried

B. neighbors C. inhabitants


D. dwellers

A. awake

B. alert

C. wakened


A. cattle
farm animals

B. stock

C. livestock



B. have

C. wear

D. put

A. carry

A. real

B. practical

C. realistic


A. spotted

B. localized

C. located


A. sleeping

B. being asleep

C. getting sleep

D. being


A. summed up

A. held

Bài 19.

B. brought

C. summoned


B. stored

C. kept



Why does English (1)________ an international language meanwhile Chinese is used
by more than (2)________ of the world ? There are some (3)________ causes.
In the nineteen century Great Britain became (4)________ after the Industrial
Revolution. The English Empire (5)________ many other countries and made them as
their colonies.
English was (6)________ used there. Gradually, those countries spoke English as their
native language or second language.
After the World War II, the United State, one of the English – speaking (7)________,
become the most powerful and so then more people speak English. English Grammar is
rather easy and simple compared (8)________ other languages. However, English
learners, even the native speakers, sometimes have trouble with English (9)________
That can be overcome. A lot of (10)________ methods are available to help them.
1. A. be

D. have

B. become

C. get

2. A. fifth- one

B. first – fifth

3. A. main

B. mean

4. A. power

B. powerless

5. A. hit

B. took

C. kept


6. A. rarely

B. officially

C. friendly


7. A. states

B. distances

C. countries


8. A. with

B. from

C. in

D. on

9. A. dictation
D. spelling
10. A. teaching

Bài 20:

B. written

B. cooking


C. one – fifth

D. one – five

C. uneasy

C. powerful


D. powerfully

C. spoken

C. writing


Several years ago an old factory on the edge of Paris was turned into an exhibition
centre. This helped many artists (1)__________ had found it too expensive to work in
the centre of Paris,
and so for the (2)__________ few years painters, musicians, actors and other people

(3)__________ had space to work and perform.
For the past + khoảng TG : + HTHT
The people behind the idea now (4)__________ to change the use of other old
buildings (5)__________ the same reasons. Sometimes the use of the buildings can
only (6)__________ for a short period of time, a year for example, (7)__________ the
opportunity is always worth it for the young artists. On one occasion a businessman lent
an old building (8)__________ the organizers for two years, and in that time the artists
were (9)__________ to put on concerts, art exhibitions and fashion shows to
(10)__________ the local people.
1. A. which

B. some

C. who

D. those

2. A. other

B. past

C. late


B. must

C. would

3. A. have
D. had
4. A. think

B. like

C. go

5. A. with

B. by

C. beyond

6. A. take

B. be

C. seem

7. A. but

B. so

C. because

8. A. for


C. to

9. A. suitable
B. able
D. successful
10. A. attract

B. bring


D. for
D. have

D. from

C. better

C. provide

1. A Welsh Festival

D. enjoy

Wales has a population of about three million. English is the main language and only twenty per cent
speak both Welsh and English. Every year (1)……... August there is a Welsh-speaking festival. It

(2)…….... place in a different town each ear so everyone has the chance for it to be near them.
Local people (3)……….. years making plans for when the festival will be in (4)……….. town.
Each festival is (5)………. by about 160,000 people. They travel not only from nearby towns and
villages (6)………. also from the rest of the British Isles and (7)………. from abroad.
There are concerts, plays and (8)………… to find the best singers, poets, writers, and so on. Shops
sell Welsh music, book, pictures and clothes as (9)………… as food and drink. The festival provides
a chance for Welsh-speaking people to be together for a whole week, with (10)………. Welsh
language all around them.
1. A. on
B. by
C. in
D. at Tháng dùng IN
2. A. takes
B. finds
C. has
D. makes
Take place: xảy ra
3. A. pass
B. put
C. spend
D. do
Spend + thời gian + ving
4. A. our
B. their
C. his
D. its
5. A. arrived
B. attended (tham dự) C. joined D. come
6. A. but
B. and

C. since
D. however
7. A. just
B. hardly
C. quite
D. even (thậm chí)
8. A. tests
B. examinations C. competitions (cuộc thi đấu) D. races
9. A. long
B. far
C. good
D. well (as well as: cũng như)
10. A. one
B. A
C. the (xác định) D. some


When Bo the cat decided to explore a furniture van, she had a bigger adventure than she expected.
She was discovered (1)_________ the driver, after has had completed a (2)_________ of over 500
It was (3)_________ end of a long day. The driver and the cat were both hungry! He gave her some
milk and started making enquiries. He telephoned his last (4)_________, but they had not lost a cat.
It was getting late, so he took Bo home for the night and (5)_________ morning delivered her to an
animal hospital.
The cat’s owner (6)_________ done some detective work too. After (7)_________ everywhere for
the cat, he suddenly remembered the furniture van (8)_________ had made a delivery to a neighbor.
Fortunately, he (9)_________ the name of the company. He called their office and in short time Bo
was (10)_________ safely.

1. A. of
B. from
C. at
D. by
2. A. trip
B. visit
C. Tour
D. travel
3. A. an
B. some
C. the
D. any
4. A. shoppers
B. buyers
C. callers
D. customers
5. A. next
B. following
C. tomorrow
D. other
6. A. HAS
B. is
C. had trước sau D. was
7. A. seeing
B. looking
C. finding
D. searching + for
8. A. what
B. this
C. it

D. which
9. A. called
B. remembered
C. saw
D. reminded
10. A. given
B. brought
C. returned
D. taken
More and more people live in large cities these days and this means that it is becoming more and
more difficult to find space and time for ourselves. But for many people, personal privacy is more
important. In many houses, a few minutes in the bath room is all the privacy that is (1)_________ .
Teenagers especially need their own personal space at home where they can feel relaxed and private,
But of course, not all teenagers are (2)_________ enough to have a room of their own.
Where space is short, they often have to (3)_________ a bedroom with a brother or sister. It’s a
good (4)_________ for them to have a special area or corner of the room to (5)_________ their own.
It’s especially important for young people to have some where to (6)_________ their personal
things. This may or may not be a tidy place and it is not a good ideas for parents to try to tell
teenagers how to (7)_________ their space as this is (8)_________ to lead to arguments. Parents
can, however, (9)_________ sure that there are enough storage spaces such as shelves, cupboards
and boxes. This will (10)_________ the teenager to keep their space tidy if they want to. V O V
1. A. confident

B. available

C. general

d. average

2. A. dizzy
3. A. separate FROM
4. A. sense
5. A. mind
6. A. belong
7. A. organize
8. A. really
9. A. find
10. A. afford

B. early
B. opinion
B. call
B. save
B. repair
B. quickly
B. Make
B. let

D. happy
C. divide INTO D. join
D. thought
C. say
d. tell + người
C. support

C. operate
D. review
C. actually
D. likely
C. get
D. put
D. set

Before 1860 there was no quick way of getting mail between the east and the west of the United
There were no railways at that (1)_________ and most mail was sent by coach. It usually
(2)_________ at least 25 days for coaches to (3)_________ the coast.
So in 1860 it (4)_________ decided to send mail BY ‘Pony Express’, which was much faster, Riders
(5)_________ very fast horses were placed along the route. They were at (6)_________ distances
from each other and the mail was handed from one rider to the next,
Riders were all (7)_________ to travel between twenty and thirty kilometers (8)_________ day on
very bad roads.
At each stop two minutes were (9)_________ for exchanging the mail bags, but riders were often
held up by awful weather (10)_________ closed the roads. With the invention of the telegraph in
1861, the demand for Pony Express disappeared.
1. A. time
B. date
C. age
D. season
2. A. spent
B. lasted
C. took
D. passed

3. A. get
B. arrive
C. come
D. reach
4. A. had
B. was
C. has
D. is
5. A. for
B. off
C. with
D. behind
6. A. like
B. equal
C. same
D. level
7. A. wished
B. wanted
C. expected
D. hoped
8. A. A
B. one
C. some
D. any
9. A. let
B. allowed
C. done
D. made
10. A. which
B. where

C. what
D. when


San Francisco lies on the coast of Northern California. The earliest Europeans to discover the
(1)_________ were led by a Spanish explorer (2)_________ name was Gaspar de Portolá.
He first saw it in 1769. Surprisingly, (3)_________ San Francisco Bay is a wonderful natural
harbour, it was discovered by land (4)_________ than by sea.
In 1849, people (5)_________ in San Francisco in their thousands (6)_________ to find gold.
However, it was not the men looking for the gold that got rich. The richest people (7)_________
their money from owning banks and law firms and they built themselves large houses on one of the
hills. This was (8)_________ as Nob Hill.
Nowadays, tourists are (9)_________ to San Francisco because there they can see famous places
like Chinatown and the Golden Gate Bridge. Many even (10)_________ the short boat trip to the
island of Alcatraz to see the former prison.
1. A. area
B. part
C. space
D. position
2. A. who
B. whose
C. what
D. which
3. A. if
B. unless
C. although
D. despite
4. A. except FOR

B. instead OF
C. apart
from D. rather
5. A. reached
B. arrived
C. entered
D. approached
6. A. wondering
B. hoping
C. considering
D. depending
7. A. did
B. became
C. made
D. brought
8. A. told
B. called
khơng có gt ( my cat is called mina)
C. named after
D. known as
9. A. interested
B. attracted
C. pleased
D. excited
10. A. take
B. spend
C. go
D. travel
An American, Charles D. Seeberger, invented moving stairs to transport people in the 1890s. He

(1)_________ this invention an escalator (2)_________ the name from the Latin word ‘scala’
(3)_________ means ‘ladder’. Escalators move people up and down short (4)_________. Lifts do
the same,
but only move (5)_________ small number of people. If an escalator breaks down. It can still be
(6)_________ as ordinary stairs. An escalator can move (7)_________ 8,000 and 9,600 people an
hours, and it (8)_________ not need a person to operate it.
Towards the end of the nineteenth century, cities were (9)_________ more crowded and the first
escalators were built at railway station and in big department (10)_________ so that people could
move about more quickly. Today we see escalators everywhere.
1. A. announced
B. called
C. translated
D. explained
2. A. fetching
B. lending
C. taking
D. carrying
3. A. what
B. whose
C. who
D. which

4. A. distances
5. A. the
6. A. walked
7. A. from
8. A. is
9. A. coming
10. A. stores

B. directions
B. a
B. made
B. between
B. has
B. becoming
B. shops

C. measurements
C. some
C. used
C. to
C. did
C. continuing
C. places

D. lengths
D. any
D. changed
D. above
D. does
D. houses

For thousands of years tobacco was (1)__________ by the American Indians with no oil – effect. In
the 16th century it was (2)__________ to Europe. This early tobacco was mixed with soil and rather
dirty. It was chewed or smoked in pipes only by men; women thought it was smelly and

It was first (4)__________ in America in the 17th century on slave plantations. In the 18th new
technology refined tobacco and the first cigarettes (5)__________ produced.
By the 1880s huge factories were producing cigarettes which were clean and (6)__________ to
smoke. Chain – smoking and inhaling became possible and by the middle of the 20th century
tobacco addicts men and women. Nowadays cigarette smoking (7)__________ banned in many
places, especially (8)__________ the USA.
But until 1820 tobacco was America’s (9)__________ exports, and still today their tobacco
industry (10)__________ over $4.2 billion a year.
1. A. used
B. using
C. to use
D. use
2. A. bring
B. brought
C. brings
D. bringing
3. A. disgust
B. disgusted
C. disgusting
D. disgustedly
4. A. grow
B. growing
C. grows
D. grown
5. A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were
6. A. eases

C. ease
D. easily
7. A. are
B. was
C. is
D. were
8. A. at
B. on
C. for
D. in
9. A. secondly
B. main
C. firstly
D. thirdly
10. A. makes
B. making
C. made
D. make
Tom Cruise is one of the most successful actors in cinema history. However, life hasn't always been
that easy for him. As a young boy, Tom was shy and had (1)__________ in finding friends, although
he really enjoyed (2)__________ part in school plays.

(3)__________ he had finished High School, Tom went to New York to look for work. He found
employment as a porter, and at the same time he (4)__________ drama classes. In 1980, the film
director Franco Zeffirelli (5)__________ Tom his first part in a film.
Ten years later, he had become (6)__________ successful that he was one of the highest - paid
actors in Hollywood, (7)__________ millions of dollars for (8)__________ film.
Today, Tom (9)__________ appears in films and is as (10)__________ as ever with his thousands of

fans from all around the world. Waste
1. A. worry
B. problem
C. fear
D. difficulty
2. A. making
B. holding
C. taking
D. finding
3. A. While
B. During
C. after
D. Until
4. A. prepared
B. waited
C. attended
D. happened
5. A. suggested
B. offered
C. tried
D. advised
6. A. so
B. such
C. too
D. very
7. A. paying
B. earning
C. winning
D. reaching
8. A. another

B. all
C. each
D. some
9. A. yet
B. ever
C. already
D. still
10. A. popular
B. favourite
C. preferred
D. approved
There is much more water than land on the (1)__________ of the earth. The seas and
oceans nearly (2)__________ of the whole world, and only one-fifth of (3)____cần động từ______
land. If you traveled over the earth in different directions, you would have to spend (4)__________
more of your time (5)__________ on water than on roads or railways. We sometimes forget that for
every mile of land (6)__________ four miles of water.
There is much water on the surface of our earth that we (7)__________ to use two words to describe.
We use the word SEAS (8)__________ those parts of water surface which (9) __________ only a
few hundreds of mile, the word OCEANS to describe the huge area of water ……10……… are
thousands of miles wide and very deep.

1. A. cover
B. surface bề mặt
C. outer
D. outside
2. A. four-fives
B. four-fifth
C. four-fifths 4/5
D. fourth-fifths

3. A. it is
B. it
C. its
D. them are ( land số ít)
4. A. many
B. much + time C. few
D. two
5. A. to move
B. move
C. moved
D. moving spend + time + Ving
6. A. there are+ N số nhiều B. there is
C. there has
D. have
7. A. must
B. should
C. have
D. would (ACD + nguyên mẫu)
8. A. describing

B. describes

C. describe

D. to describe
