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45 minutes test (1) Name:
Class: 11
A. Multiple choice:

I. Phonetic: (1ms)

1/ Pronunciation: <i>Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently </i>
<i>from the rest.</i>

1. a. machine b. change c. teacher d. choose
2. a. birthday b. although c. together d. clothing
2/ Stress: <i>Choose the word in each line that has different stress pattern</i>:

3. a. generous b. suspicious c. constancy d. sympathy. 4. a.

appreciate b. experience c. embarrassing d. memorable

II. Vocabulary and structure: (3ms)

5. She was pleased to welcome guests, generous and friendly to visitor. She was

---a. modest b. hospitable c. understanding d. caring

6.Tom is able to wait for a long time or accept annoying behavior or difficulties without
becoming angry. He

is---a. helpful b. honest c. modest d. patient

7. A: ---?
B: It makes me appreciate my health more.

a. Have you ever…? b. when did it happen?

c. How did it happen? d. How did the experience affect you?
8. Failing an exam makes you ---harder.

a. study b. studies c. studying d. studied.

9. She was in a very --- situation. She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say.

a. sneaky b. embarrassing c. happy d. surprising: 10.

Answer the question: What was the occasion?

a. fruit , chicken b. wedding party c. Lan’s birthday d./ b & c are true
11. . The man wanted to avoid ... on security cameras.

a. to see b. seeing c. to be seen d. being seen
12. My father expects me ---high marks in school.

a. getting b. get c. to get d. got

13. He (have) bath when I rang at 6 p.m last night.

a. was having b. were having c. had had d. had

14. After he (finish) the work, he (go) on a trip last year.

a. finished, went b. finished, had gone

c. had finished, went d. finished, has gone

15. When they finished singing, Lisa --- the candles on the cakes.

a. turned off b. blew out c. cleared up d. brought out

16. Sally’s low test scores kept her from --- to the university.

a. admitting b. to admit c. to be admitted d. being admitted
III. Correction:(1m)

17. I couldn’t make him to realize his mistake.

18. I heard him left the house early this morning.

19. There are a lot of interesting programmes on TV watching every day.

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IV. Reading: (1m) Read the passage and then choose the best answer (A, B,C or D) for the
following questions:

I am a fairly average young man, and my life has so far been rather uneventful <i>.</i> I was
born eighteen years ago in a little town in Ohio where my father started to practice medicine.
I was the first of three children, and my younger brother, my sister, and I are close to each
other, even though we had a few of the usually childish quarrels as we grew up together.
I went through grade school without getting into any trouble, but in high school I began
to get very conceited <i>.</i> Then as a student of Grade Two, I became a member of the school
football team. I thought I was good enough to get by without studying, so I spent all evening
at the drugstore watching TV.

In my junior year I did not pass geometry, and my father was more angry with me than I
like like to remember. I felt pretty bad about this, but it taught me a lesson, and in my senior
year my grades were above average.

Now I am going to college and I am not going to let any thing, even football, keep me
from getting good grades. I believe I owe it to my father and my mother to do the best work
I can. They are making a sacrifice in sending me to college, and I want to repaythem with
hard work.

21. We know from the passage that the writer’s father is ---

a. a teacher b. a druggist c. a doctor d. a worker

22. According to the passage, the writer was good at

---a. football b. geometry c. medicine d. singing

23.The writer is determined to study hard at college because
---a. His father was very angry b. He failed in the test

c. He owned money to his parents d. He wants to repay his parents.
24. The tone of passage is

---a. humorous b. serious c. interesting d. angry

B. Writing:(4ms)

I. Supply the correct verb form in the brankets: (2ms)

1. I suddenly (remember) that I (forget) my keys at the office last week.
Remembered hat forgot

2. He (tell) us about his marriage when we (have) afternoon tea 3 hours ago.
Was telling were having

3. Before she (watch) TV, she (cook) the meal yesterday.
Watched had cooked

4. By the time you (get) the letter, She (arrive) in England.
Got had arrived

II. Rewrite a second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first.(2ms)
1. She wouldn’t allow me to read her letter. (let)

She wouldn’t let me read her letter.

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