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<b>The impotant role of newspapers and magazines in our lives</b>

1. The more society has developed, the more means of communication have
been required.

2. Among means of communication, newspapers and magazines play an
important role in our lives.

3. Firstly, newspapers and magazines supply us with many various news every

4. They keep us inform of the political situation of the world.

5. By reading newspapers and magazines, we can know what is happening in our
country as well as in the world.

6. Secondly, newspapers and magazines contribute a great ideal to the
development of our knowledge.

7. Through many valuable critical and commentary articles on culture, social
civilization, new life style, we learn a lot of interesting things.

8. Thanks to newspapers and magazines, our mind and our point of view is
consolidated and enriched. When reading them, we train our reasoning power.
9. Thirdly, through reading newspapers and magazines, we can find out what we
need to know:

10. a job in the situations in the vacant column, the object which we want to buy in
advertising page.

11. Fourthly, the Police Newspapers and Magazines help us to take the precautions
to against the social evils such as: theft, murder, robbery, gambling,…

12. Fifthly, we can improve English language by reading newspapers and
magazines written in English.

13. This thing can enable us to broaden our knowledge of English and every

14. In conclusion, the best-selling newspapers and magazines are worth reading.
15. They are the mouthpiece of the nation and the advisers of the people.


English is an important language. It is an important language because it's an

international language. It is spoken as a first language in the United States, in

Autralia, in New Zealand, in most of Canada and now it becomes



over the world. Learning English is a good way to communicate, study abroad,

Lê Thị Kim Hoà

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get good jobs. Most people are using English for communicating with

foreigners, finding good iobs, understanding many English books and

studying. It is used in many aspects. It is the most spoken official language in

the fields of politics, business, science, technology, education,....In many

countries, most tourism,authorities and other officials use English as the way to

exchange culture, politics, economics, sciences, technology and education.

Many people think learning English is necessary because if we know

English well, we can read various kind


of English books to wide



knowledge, communicate with most foreigners easily and above all, find a

good job in a business company. We can also get information on many subjects

by using English. We can know the cultures of many countries in the world.

World Wide Web is in English. The Internet has a amount of information

and if we know English , we can find many useful information. We could get

the latest English news very quickly.

English is necessary for study


<i> abroad . Because if you want to study in a</i>

foreign university, you must study English. In addition, English allows you see




, listen to English songs. Thank for English you can improve the changes

in the job. For example, you learn English well, you can apply for foreigner

company. For me, I learn English by learning by heart all the new words and

texts, doing more grammar exercises in grammar books, speaking English with

friends or foreigners, listening English songs,...

In summary, I think we should learn English now as much as possible.


Nowadays ,casual clothes is very popular ,pracical and fashionable so everyone
expecially young people love wearing it . I am a girl so I have many type of
fashion in clothing to choice such as :dress,skirt ,jeans ,….Many people say that
girl should wear skirt which look more feminine .But I don’t like wearing it ,my
favorite clothing are T-shirt and jeans . Because lots of reasons ,this essay I will
give you some reasons :

Wearing jeans and T-shirt make me feel comfortable when I study as well as go
out with my friends .I can study and take part in outsite activities with my friends
comfortablely.For example:go shopping ,go to shool,pinic,… The casual clothes is

more comfortable than the uniform.The uniform is only worn in school but jeans
and T-shirt are worn everywhere .In addition ,I feel self –confident when I wear
them so I can have lots of good ideas ,and study better . I can be self –confident to
say what I think ,I do what I like.

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… ,and many styles such as:short ,long,….I look better when I wear them .I feel
lively and colorful .

Jeans and T-shirt are high fashion clothing so I look more modern and active
when I wear them .But jeans and T –shirt have reasonable price .There are many
prices that you can choose from 130k to 3-4 millions for a pair of jeans or a T-shirt
.If you want to buy one with a reasonable prices you should go to supermarket .In
there they have a price list so you don’t have to balance prices and worry about the
prices .

In summary , jeans and T-shirt is a type of clothes I love because they have a
lot of benefits.If you never wear them you should try on them once time .I think yo
will like them .And I also think jeans and T-shirt are never old-fashion . How
about you ? What is your favorite clothes ?

My mother

My mother is the most important person in my life. I have been mentioning her in
almost all of the essays I write. The problem is, I cannot really express how I feel
about her in just words. My mother is not my whole life, but she is a really big part of
it. My whole world does not only revolve around her, but she is the most influential
person who inspires me. My mother is not just another woman. She is extraordinary.
I have known her for sixteen years, three months, one day and nineteen hours. I
know her very well, and I had learned to love her since the day we first met.
Relatives always tell me stories about my birth. They tell me how important I was to

my mom. I was the foundation of her joy, strength, peace and love. She has never

ied to me about my father. I do not remember asking about him. Ever since, I already
knew he was in a better place. I do not remember my mom having a hard time
explaining to me my situation – having no father. She was always straightforward.
She explained things very simply, like she knew everything. I thank her for being
simple. I thank her for telling me the truth, so that I did not need to believe a lie that
would have made things ‘easier’ for me. When in fact, not knowing the truth would
have made things complicated.


