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<b>BÀI KIỂM TRA 10</b>

<b>I. NGỮ PHÁP 10 </b>

164. If I had taken your advice, I ... a
better life.

a. will have --> d
b. shall have

c. would have
d. would have had

172. I'm very busy at the moment so it may
take a ... time to answer your letters.
a. little -->a

b. few
c. small
d. some
165. We have got high inflation. That's why

prices keep ... up. --> c
a. go

b. to go
c. going
d. to going

173. He was wearing a heavy overcoat
to ... himself against the cold.

a. conceal --> b
b. protect

c. cover
d. wrap
166. They wanted to know why they ...

it for her while she could do it by herself.
a. did --> c

b. have done
c. should do
d. have to do

174. It took Michael a long time to find a pair of
shoes that ... him.

a. liked --> b
b. fitted

c. agreed
d. matched
167. Firemen rescued several people from

the ... floor of the blazing building.
a. high -->b

b. top

c. basement

d. low

175. ... the traffic was bad, I arrived on

a. Although --> a
b. In spite of

c. Despite
d. Even
168. When the electricity failed, he ... a

match to find the candles. --> c
a. rubbed

b. scratched
c. struck
d. started

176. He was unwilling to explain the
reason ... his absence.
a. for --> a
b. why

c. of
d. that
169. He filled in the necessary forms

and ... for the job. --> d
a. appealed

b. asked
c. requested
d. applied

177. John Jameson is a famous ...
who stole five million pounds from a bank.
a. crime --> b

b. criminal
c. criminally
d. criminality
170. She is traveling to work by train today

because her car is being ...
a. stopped -->c

b. broken
c. serviced
d. rented

178. ... your own business can cause
a lot of financial worries. --> b
a. Manage

b. Managing
c. Manager
d. Manageable
171. The film lasted three hours with ...

of 15 minutes between part one and part two.
a. an interval --> a

b. a pause

179. The surgeons tried their best to save his
life, but unfortunately the operation was ...
a. unsuccessfully -->d

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c. a stop

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