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Speaking part 2 VNU EPT

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Tài liệu ôn thi VNU - EPT Speaking Part 2: (Từ 2019 – 2021)
Tổng hợp đề và đáp án phần 2 của phần nói kỳ thi VNU-EPT
Yêu cầu: - Luyện thành thạo các chủ đề nói này, đề thường lặp lại một trong 40 chủ
đề này.
- Tự tra phiên âm, phát âm chuẩn từng từ và học cách luy ến âm, n ối âm.
- Những bài nói này rất có ích trong phần Writing Part 2 cũng như ph ần 3
điểm gần như

Speaking, sử dụng giống những cấu trúc và bố cục này bạn sẽ đạt
là tuyệt đối.

1. Talk about an action you took for someone and this motivated them.

(09/01/2021 + 23/01/2021)
In my opinion, without motivation, it is very difficult to achieve goals in life. Today, I
would like to share with you what I used to do for a friend of mine. She is my neighbor.
She is terribly overweight but she was not regular with her exercise routine. Oneday, I
told her my story, I used to be very fat, but I had successfully lost weight. Then I
advised her to firstly cut off sugar from her diet, secondly to workout. She asked me if I
wanted to join her for a jog around the neighborhood every morning and I agreed.
Finally, she got in shape. She thanked me for accompanying her and helping her to
become motivated.
In conclusion, motivation is very important in life. I was so happy when I helped her
in achieving her weight loss goal.
2. What activities could you join in for the sack of community? (18/7/2020)
When it comes to the activities in which I can play the part for the community, the
first things that come to my mind are teaching children in need, donating my blood and
raising money for the poor.
Firstly, once a year, I take part in the voluntary campaign called Green Summer. I can
make use of my knowledge to help children in need study. On the weekend, I teach

Math and Literature for free.
Secondly, blood donation is the way that I can help save many people’s lives,
especially patients. Twice a year, I donate my blood to hospitals.

Finally, in my capacity, I can raise money for the poor and donate basic necessities
to them.
In clusion, I am very happy when I join in activities for the sack of community.
3. What activities would you like to do to increase your sense of community?

In order to improve my sense of community, the first things that come to my mind
are donating blood, teaching children in need and raising awareness of people about
protecting the environment.
Firstly, blood donation is the way that I can help save many people’s lives, especially
Secondly, I can make use of my knowledge to help children in need study. On the
weekend, I teach Math and Literature for free.
Finally, once a year, I take part in the voluntary campaign called Green Summer. I
usually raise awareness of people about protecting the environment. We should not
use plastic bags.
In conclusion, I am very happy when I can increase my sense of community.
4. What season do you like the most? (5/10/2019)

Among four seasons of the year, I am really into Spring, which starts in January and
ends in March, because of three following reasons.
Firstly, the weather in Spring is nice. It is sunny, warm and fresh.
Secondly, Spring is the time that plants and trees come to life again. There are many
flowers. The sky is blue and the grass is green.
Thirdly, Spring is also the time for Tet holiday in Vietnam. It is the time for family

reunion. I often have many days off without going to school.
In conclusion, I think Spring is the most beautiful season of the year. Spring is always
my favorite season.
5. What kind of book, newspaper or magazine do you often read? Why?

I would like to talk about motivational books, the kind of book I usually read every
day because of three following reasons.

Firstly, motivational books really give me much motivation for life and work. It
encourages me not to give up efforts before difficulties. Life without Limits of Nick
Vujicic is the book I love most.
Secondly, motivational books help us gain practical knowledge and experience of
writers. Donald Trump gives us lessons for the entrepreneurship and passion pursuit.
Finally, this kind of books is also popular. We can find both books and e-books easily
in places such as bookstores, library or by smartphone.
In conclusion, I like motivational books.
6. Talk about your memorable vacation (28/12/2019)

I would like to share about one of my memorable sightseeing trips in Nha Trang
Last year, after my graduation, my family and I took a getaway there. It took about
an hour to fly there. Nha Trang has a lovely seashore. I completely overwhelmed by the
beauty of this city. We checked-in at a beautiful resort with a beach view. The food
there was so unique and delicious. We got to try out so many new things such as
skydiving, surfing. In the evening, my family walked along the coast to watch the
sunset. Sitting there by the fire on a breezy night was an amazing experience. We had a
lot of fun. That trip help me escape from the hectic pace of life in HCM city, it make me
feel relaxed.

In conclusion, that is my memorable vacation.
7. Talk about a trip you experienced without your family (29/08/2020)

I would like to share with you a trip I experienced without my family. That is when
my good friends and I had a getaway to Nha Trang beach

after our university

graduation four years ago.
That was the first time I went traveling without my family. I did prepare everything
by myself. It took about an hour to fly there. Nha Trang has a lovely seashore. We
completely overwhelmed by the beauty of this city. The food there was so unique and
delicious. We got to try out so many new things such as skydiving, surfing. In the
evening, we walked along the coast to watch the sunset. Sitting there by the fire on a
breezy night was an amazing experience. We had a lot of fun. That trip help me escape
from the hectic pace of life in HCM city, it make us feel relaxed.
In conclusion, that is my memorable vacation.

8. What are the advantages of travelling without family? (29/08/2020)

I think everyone should travel without family at least once in our life because of
three following reasons.
Firstly, you have to prepare everything by yourself. I suppose that experience was
beneficial to you because it can help you become more mature in arranging a plan. It
will give us a sense of autonomy.
Secondly, when you travel alone or travel with your friends, you have only yourself
to rely on. It will make you brave, make you grow as a person and become very
Finally, when on holiday with friends you do different things than you do with family.

It is also good for learning more about your friends, and sharing experiences together.
In conclusion, there are many advantages of travelling without family. It can change
your life.
9. Talk about the person on whom you get impression very much.

The person who gives me the most impression is my mother because of three
following reasons.
Firstly, my mother is the person who loves me unconditionally. She has taken care of
me since I was a child until now. She always gives me the best thing ever.
Secondly, my mother is extremely patient and tolerate. When I was a kid, it took her
hours just to teach me how to count from one to ten.
Finally, an important influence on my personality was mom. My mother is a diligent
In conclusion, mother is always the person who impresses me and inspires me to
become the best of myself.
10.Talk about difficulties in life you have suffered. (30/11/2019)

Life has a lot of things to worry about. I am going to share with you about some of
the difficulties which I have suffered.
Firstly, I would like to talk about my problem in orientating my future career. I used
to get confused and asked for advice from my lecturer. She suggested me to study
another degree after I graduate.

Secondly, my concern is earning money for my tuition and supporting my parents
other expenses. I have a heavy timetable of work and studying.
Finally, studying for the exam is the most stressful thing . I only spend 4 hours
sleeping every night.
In conclusion, I have many difficulties in life. However, no matter how difficult I get, I

still try my best to overcome them.
11.What are the characteristics of a good friend? (11/01/2020)

In my opinion, a good friend needs to have 3 characteristics below.
Firstly, honesty is important in a friendship. You can share all your personal secrets.
That person does not say nasty things about you behind your back or share your
private conversations with others.
Secondly, a good friend is an understanding human. That person make time to listen to
your feelings, pick you up when you are down, share your happiness when you
Finally, that person will help you, push you to be the best person you can be and
encourage you to reach your goals.
In conlusion, I think a good friend needs have these characteristics.
12.Talk about your most memorable time in the past (9/5/2020)

I would like to share with you about my most memorable time in the past. That is
when I chose a university major. Four years ago, I was in a dilemma between choosing
to study medicine and teaching.
Being a doctor has run in my family since my grandparents’ time, but I was
interested in becoming a teacher. Therefore, I had to consider two options, I either
satisfied my family or pursued my passion. It is very difficult to decide which career is
right for me. I think about it every day and night. At that time, I was stressed and tired.
I asked for advice from my teacher. He talked about his experience and gave me some
sound advice. After weighing up the pros and cons, I decided to follow my dream job, a
Until now, this has been one of most memorable time in the past.
13.Talk about the important decision you have made. (9/5/2020)

I would like to share with you about an important decision that I have made. That is

when I chose a university major. Four years ago, I was in a dilemma between choosing
to study medicine and teaching.
Being a doctor has run in my family since my grandparents’ time, but I was
interested in becoming a teacher. Therefore, I had to consider two options, I either
satisfied my family by enrolling in a medical university or pursued my passion for
becoming a teacher. It is very difficult to decide which career is right for me. I think
about it every day and night. At that time, I was stressed and tired. I asked for advice
from my teacher. He talked about his experience and gave me some sound advice. After
weighing up the pros and cons, I decided to follow my dream job, a teacher.
Until now, this has been one of my important decisions that I have made.
14.Pointing out an important event in your life so far. (09/05/2020)

I would like to share with you about an important event in my life so far. That is
when I chose a university major. Four years ago, I was in a dilemma between choosing
to study medicine and teaching.
Being a doctor has run in my family since my grandparents’ time, but I was
interested in becoming a teacher. Therefore, I had to consider two options, I either
satisfied my family by enrolling in a medical university or pursued my passion for
becoming a teacher. It is very difficult to decide which career is right for me. I think
about it every day and night. At that time, I was stressed and tired. I asked for advice
from my teacher. He talked about his experience and gave me some sound advice. After
weighing up the pros and cons, I decided to follow my dream job, a teacher.
Until now, this has been one of my important events in my life so far.
15.Talk about an unexpected gift that you remember the most. ( 30-5-2020)

When it comes to the unexpected gift that I have remembered the most, the first
thing that comes to my mind is the smartphone because of three following reasons.
Firstly, this was a special gift from my sister on my graduation day. It was expensive
and I knew that she had to spend her portions of saving to purchase it.
Secondly, this smartphone helped me a lot in my job. I used it for almost everthing

such as for learning new things and for entertainment. Thanks to it, I could finish my
work on time.

Finally, I used it to keep in touch with friends and family. I live quite far away from
home so I usually contacted my parents every day via this phone.
In conclusion, this cellphone is an unexpected gift that I really like.
16.If you have a chance to meet a famous person, who do you want to meet?

(20/6/2020 + 6/6/2020)
Well, I would like to share with you about the well-known person whom I want to
meet, and my choice is the King of Bhutan - Wangchuck because of three following
Firstly, I admire Wangchuck because he is an inspirational King in the eyes of many
people, especially most Asian. I love Bhutan. This is one of the world’s happiest
Secondly, I like his personality. although he is famous, He is a very kind, friendly and
intelligent person.
Finally, I would like to meet him in order to learn about his experience in life and
experience of learning a language.
In conclusion, if I have a chance to meet a famous person, I want to meet Wangchuck.
17.Talk about an impressive TV show you have watched. (10/5/2020 +7/6/2020)

I would like to share with you about a television program that I like to watch. That is
the game show called “Road to mount Olympia”. This program is broadcast every
weekend on VTV channel.
Road to mount Olympia is a knowledge-based program which has become popular
in the eyes of many people, especially high school students throughout Vietnam. There
is a competition among 4 players. In order to become a winner, players have a good
knowlege in different subjects. In the past, I mostly watched it by television but now, I

have many choices with my smartphone, laptop.
I like this program because of three following reasons. Firstly, I could supplement my
mind with a lot of useful information while watching it. Secondly, this is an effective
way for me to healthily relax on the weekend.
In conclusion, Road to mount Olympia is the impressive TV show I
have watched.
18.What club do you like joining in after school? (4/7/2020 + 19/7/2020)

The club that I would like to join in after school is an English club because of three
following reasons.
Firstly, I want to enhance my English skills. By taking part in such a useful club, I can
practice speaking and listening skills. This is especially beneficial to me because it will
help me find a good job with a high salary straight after I graduate.
Secondly, participating in an English club is an excellent way for me to release my
stress. All members are very friendly. We can share our funny stories and relax
Finally, I can expand my relationships when attending an English club . Each time I
engage in certain events held by the club, I can meet many people from all walks of life.
I can make new friends.
In conclusion, an English club is the club which I like joining in after school.
19.Talk about the behaviour that encourages or makes you angry in public places

I would like to talk about the smoking behavior. In my opinion, smoking should be
banned in public places because of three following reasons.
Firstly, smoking not only harms the smoker, but also those around him or her,
especially children. When someone smokes, others accidentally become passive
Secondly, this behavior is in danger of fire. In fact, this will happen when smoke

exposes to flammable materials such as gasoline from vehicles.
Finally, smoking is a cause of pollution. It contributes to exacerbate the global
warming these days.
In conclusion, smoking in the public one of the very popular bad habits making me
20. What is your favorite food or drink? (14/12/2019 + 7/11/2020)

Among different foods, I like Pho best because of three following reasons.
Firstly, Pho is Vietnam's national dish. Most people will immediately think of it when
we mention about Vietnamese cuisine.
Secondly, Pho is filled with vivid colors for example red of chilly, green of cinnamon
basil and so on. Colors make the food look more attactive.

Finally, Phở has been known as a delicious and nutrient dish. I like beef. Ph ở has
featuring smell and taste. I can eat it everyday without boring.
In conclusion, my favorite food is Pho.
21. Talk about the movie which influences on how you think. (19-10-2019)

The movie I would like to talk about is The Lion King, the well-known cartoon all
over the world.
Firstly, we have to pursue specific goals in this life. Simba, the only young lion of
Mufasa and the main character became a lost soul after his father’s death. However, he
did find his goal in life, that was to return and save his hometown from his bad
Secondly, we really need friends who accompany and assist us under some
circumstances. Simba's friends are very kind, they care for him a lot.
Finally, I realized that home is always where our hearts belong. Indeed, the longer
time Simba spent on the new habitat, the more homesickness he got.
In conclusion, The Lion King is the movie which influences on how my think.

22. Talk about a memorable meal that you have prepared. (24/8/2019)

I would like to talk about the meal my friends and I used to cook for around 30
children in need at Sun Flower love shelter last year because of three following
Firstly, the children who we cooked for and enjoyed that meal together have really
special circumstance. Some of them are fatherless or motherless children.
Secondly, the dishes which we cooked are quite simple but they were our love. At
that time, we prepared a 3-course meal including sour soup, fried rice and dumpling.
Finally, I find this meal memorable in the virtue of its mean and influence on the
children. Actually, I believe the cozy atmosphere during the meal helped them not feel
alone in this society.
In conclusion, this is the memorable meal that I have prepared.
23. Talk about the story which you read/heard is beneficial to you. (5/12/2020 +

The story which I have heard and left me a vivid impression is Cinderella – a wellknown fairy tale all over the world.

First, it is important for us to have punctuality under any circumstances. This is the
priciples of success.
Second, it is undeniable that we need to show a good appearance when meeting
someone important. In this story, it is clear that everyone helped Cinderella transfigure
and become more confident and beautiful to make her first appearance for the meeting
with the Prince.
Finally, we sometimes need others’ support. Thereby being great once we have many
helpful friends who are willing to work us through difficulties in our work or life.
In conclusion, I like Cinderella, this story is beneficial to me.
24. What present will you choose to give your close friend for his/her birthday?

There are many choices in such a special event, as for me, I will give my close friend
a book because of three following reasons.

I want to give her a healthy way to relax. Actually, with the endless

popularity of smartphones, many people become addictive to technology, which really
does harm to their health. So, reading books helps my friend not squander time on
Secondly, this gift also makes sense in broadening knowledge. Furthermore,
inspirational books also give her motivation and skills to apply into life.
Finally, when I give my friend a book, she is not likely to have trouble in bringing it
once she goes to school.
In conclusion, I will choose book as a present for my friend’s birthday.
25. Talk about one of your bad experiences and the lessons you had from it.

(1/8/2020 + 15/8/2020)
I would like to share with you one of my bad experiences. That is when I fail the
University entrance exam because my grades was bad.
At that time, I used to spend a lot of time playing video games regardless of my
parent’s and teachers’ reminders. I always supposed that I could pass all tests or
exams, so I was very presumptuous, I thought I don’t have to do my homework. I fail
the University entrance exam. How embarrassed I was before my classmates!

However, on the positive side, this memory did help me mature into my thoughts
and actions. Don't rest on your laurels. Then, I studied very hard. I finally passed the
In conclution, this bad experience hasn’t slipped my mind until now.

26. Do you prefer to read the best selling book or watch the latest film? (2/8/2020)

To me, I prefer to read the best selling book rather than watch the latest film because
of three follwing reasons.
Firstly, I think the best selling book is definitely a good book, but the latest film is not
always good.
Secondly, I am a bookworm, so I enjoy the experience of reading words on paper
rather than watching a story narrated through film.
Finally, reading book can also keep me entertained, and reduce stress. I get totally
immersed in the characters and situations I'm reading about.
In conclusion, I prefer to watch the latest film rather than a best-selling book.

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