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8-5 98 年 5 月托福听力试题

1. (A) She doesn't want to waste her film.
(B) She already took a picture of the mountains.
(C) She doesn't have any more film.
(D) She doesn't know how to use the camera.

2. (A) Their food will arrive shortly.
(B) He'll take their order soon
(C) He'll ready to take their order
(D) They'll have to wait for a table

3. (A) Borrow the woman's car keys.
(B) She doesn't like her school
(C) She has adapted easily to her new school
(D) She spends most of her free time at school.

4. (A) She doesn't spend much lime with her friends.
(B) She doesn't like her school.
(C) She has adapted 'easily to her new school.
(D) She spends most of her free time at school.

5. (A) Writing an article.
(B) Studying for a chemistry test.
(C) Shopping for shoes.
(D) Reading a magazine.

6. (A) She's watching the cars go by.
(B) The man should feel well soon.
(C) She prefers to keep busy.

(D) The man works harder than she does.

7. (A) Change his diet.
(B) Take a different kind of medicine.
(C) Ask another doctor about the prob1em.
(D) Do special knee exercises.

8.(A) Ask a friend for the name of a hair stylist.
(B) Get her hair cut at 12:00.
(C)Make an appointment with someone else.
(D)Call another hair salon.

9.(A) He doesn't have time to read.
(B) He has no reading preferences.
(C) He doesn't read the same kinds of books as the woman.
(D) He likes to write essays on social topics.

10.(A) Call a repair person soon.
(B) Ask the man to fix her refrigerator.
(C) Find a book on how to make repairs.
(D) Wait to see if the problem disappears.

11.(A) He received a good evaluation.
(B)He had a fight with his boss.
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(C)He's looking forward to meeting with his supervisor.
(D)He's always in a good mood.

12. (A) She needs a new hat and gloves.
(B) The weather will continue to be cold.
(C) She doesn't know what the weather will be like tomorrow.
(D) She doesn't know where the man put his winter clothes.

13. (A) Cancel his appointments.
(B) Reschedule one of his appointments.
(C) Prepare for the meeting at breakfast.
(D) Keep both meetings short.

14.(A) The woman shouldn't wear jeans.
(B) They shouldn
t dress too much alike.
(C) They shouldn't dress too informally.
(D) The man is looking for a new jacket.'

15. (A) He doesn't spend enough lime studying.
(B)He doesn't think the weather is nice."
(C) He'd prefer not to walk to class.
(D) He has little time for outdoor activities.

16 .(A) She has gotten behind in her work.
(B) Her computer is the latest model
(C) She keeps her computer at home
(D) She doesn't have a computer.

17.(A) Ask Joan to recommend mend a good restaurant.
(B) Eat dinner at Joan's house.
(C) Ask their friends about the restaurant.

(D) Go to the restaurant.

18.(A) His brother is younger than he is.
(B) He and his brother went to different schools.
(C) He doesn't like his brother.
(D) He and his brother are different.

19.(A) He has already been to the gym.
(B) He wants to go with the woman.
(C) His gym bag is the gym.
(D) He'd rather go after dinner.

20.(A) The woman shouldn't make him feel bad.
(B)The woman should help him write a report.
(C)He doesn't want to take the woman out.
(D)He feels responsible for the woman's mood.

21.(A) She'd rather not discuss her problems.
(B)She has been healthy.
(C)It's hard for her to explain her problems.
(D)She's sorry she didn't come back sooner.

22. (A) She only wanted four of them.
(B) She put them in alphabetical order.
(C) Don sells them.
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(D) Don placed the order for them.

23. (A) He's a member of the faculty.

(B) His parking permit expired.
(C) He parked in the wrong place by mistake.
(D) He has never parked In Lot 3.

24. (A) The man's resume is very short.
(B) The man has made many revisions to his resume.
(C) The woman is' not impressed by the man's resume.
(D) The printer is not working properly.

25. (A) He's opposed to the tuition increase.
(B) He wasn't able to attend the protest rally.
(C) He works for the student newspaper.
(D) He rarely reads the newspaper.

26.(A) It's the longest report she's ever written.
(B) She's only halfway done with it.
(C) She'll finish it in two weeks.
(D) She has spent less time on it than the man thinks.

27. (A) Make a list of what she needs to do.
(B) Schedule an eye exam without delay.
(C) Order an appointment book.
(D) Get over her fear of eye doctors.

28. (A) Professor Smith hasn't arrived yet.
(B) She's sorry she's late.
(C) She doesn't know if anyone called.
(D) She'll call Professor Smith in a few minutes.

29. (A) Count her money.

(B) Go to the seminar with the man.
(C) Help the man learn to manage his money.
(D) Pay for the seminar.

30. (A) She never keeps other people waiting.
(B) She wanted the man to help her with her assignment.
(C) She's upset that the man didn't tell her he'd be late.
(D) She's glad that the man phoned her.

31. (A) She 'doesn't Want to pay the late fee.
(B) She was given incorrect information.
(C) She can't afford to pay her tuition.
(D) She didn't pass her mathematics class last semester.

32. (A) The director couldn't give her an appointment right away.
(B) The office was closed the first time she went.
(C) The computer were out of service the first time she was there.
(D) She did not have acceptable identification with her on her first visit.

33. (A) Her prior schooling.
(B) Her residence.
(C) Her age.
(D) Her driving record.
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34. (A) The director probably isn't able to make an exception.
(B) The director probably won't see her.
(C) The director usually isn't very helpful.
(D) Part-time students aren't the director's responsibility.

35. (A) A chemistry assignment,
(B) A study that their chemistry professor did.
(C) A class that the woman is taking.
(D) A job possibility.

36. (A) She wants to quit her job in the chemistry lab.
(B) She wants to get practical experience.
(C) She's interested in becoming a psychology major,.
(D) She wants to earn extra money.

37. (A) Employ them as lab assistants.
(B) Teach classes at their high school.
(C) Help them with their studies.
(D) Pay them for participating in the study.

38. (A) Write their lab reports.
(B) Find out Professor Smith's schedule.
(C) Interview some high school students.
(D) Finish their chemistry experiment.

39. (A) How the museum preserves Native American artifacts.
(B) The rituals of the Hohokam people.
(C) Methods used by the Hohokam for creating pottery.
(D) Artistic designs of Native American pottery.

40. (A) To introduce a speaker to a group.
(B) To provide background information for a special exhibit.
(C) To describe an upcoming video presentation.
(D) To introduce a lecture series.

41.(A) They sold it to art collectors.
(B) They used it for cooking and storage.
(C) They displayed it for decoration.
(D) They used it to display new tools.

42. (A) Special tools were used to shape the clay.
(B) It was created on pottery wheels.
(C) The clay was placed in molds.
(D) Each person was responsible for a particular part of the process.

43.(A) The problems caused by the Revolutionary War.
(B) How some people became rich in the late 1700's.
(C) The importance of providing for a tax system in the Constitution.
(D) Motives for creating the United States Constitution.

44. (A) Tax collectors.
(B) The wealthy.
(C) Soldiers.
(D) State officials.

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45.(A) They are not influenced by government policy.
(B) They are opinions that have no basis in fact.
(C) They are affected by the conditions of the time in which they are written.
(D) They would be more accurate if historians followed one ideology.

46. (A) How birds learn to build nests.
(B) Why birds lay eggs.

(C) How birds' nests have evolved
(D) Why some birds' nests are considered primitive.

47. (A) Their flying ability improved greatly.
(B) They became warm-blooded.
(C) They began to lay eggs.
(D) They changed their migration patterns.

48. (A) On the ground.
(B) In cold places.
(C) On the highest branches of trees
(D) Inside tree trunks.

49. (A) A primitive type of nest.
(B) An elevated nest.
(C) A typical cup-shaped nest.
(D) A nest of twigs and branches.

50. (A) To avoid predators.
(B) To expose tile eggs to stronger sunlight.
(C) To have a better view of predators.
(D)To save labor.

For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at
98 年 5 月托福语法试题


1. --- a major role in future planetary exploration.

(A) Robots will surely play
(B) Robots, which will surely play
(C) Because robots will surely be playing
(D) Surely robots, which will be playing

2. Unlike the owl, bats cannot see very well, but they do have---.
(A) it hears very well
(B) very good to hear
(C) tearing very well
(D) very good hearing

3. Comparatively few clues in the United Slates have competing newspapers today, a major
change from 1900 --- more than two newspapers.
(A) because then most large cities having
(B) when did most large cities have
(C) then most large cities that had
(D) when most large cities had

4. Witch hazel extract, --- distilled from the bark and twigs of the witch hazel shrub, has been
utilized in medicine.
(A) is
(B) when to be
(C) which is
(D) has been

5. --- touching in O. Henry's stories is the gallantry with which ordinary people struggle to
maintain their dignity.
(A) Most is
(B) It mostly is
(C) Is it most

(D) What is most

6. The face of the Moon is changed by collisions with meteoroids, --- new craters to appear.
(A) cause
(B) causing
(C) caused
(D) have cause

7. Social scientists believe that --- from sounds such as grunts and barks made by early ancestors
of human beings.
(A) the very slow development of language
(B) language developed very slowly
(C) language which,, was very slow to develop
(D) language, very slowly developing

8. --- substances include various forms of silica, pumice, and emery.
(A) Natural abrasives occur
(B) Abrasion occurs in natural
(C) Naturally occurring abrasive
(D) A natural occurrence of abrasion

For more material and information, please visit Tai Lieu Du Hoc at

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