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Bộ đề kiểm tra 1 tiết HK2 môn Tiếng Anh lớp 9 năm 2020-2021 (có đáp án)

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Năm học 2020- 2021
Mã đề 1
A.  LISTENING ( 2pts)
. Part 1: Listen to these description of people. Are these statements true or false? Check (V)
the correct answer. You will hear the conversation TWICE.( 1 point).
1. Cindy is not tall.
2. Bob has curly blond hair.
3. Anne is about 20.
4. Paul’s cousin has blond hair.
. Part 2: Listen. What was each people wearing? Circle the correct answer. You will hear the
conversation TWICE.( 1 point).
1. Sonio was wearing a …………skirt.
A. yellow B. black
C. dark blue
2. Brian was wearing a ……….belt.
A. red
B. white
C. silver
3. Kevin was wearing ………..pants.
A. brown
B. white
C. green
4. Mrs Gramhan was wearing a ……………………scarf.
A. long
B. black
C. beautiful

II. Choose the word that has underlined part is pronounced differently: 1point
1. A. divided
B. arrived
C. seemed
D. prayed
2. A. depend
B. region
C. impress
D. ethnic
3. A. match
B. chemistry
C. chicken
D. cheap
4. A. drive
B. ride
C. since
D. divide
III. Choose the best answer: A, B, C or D to complete these sentences: 2 points
1. Hello, you must be Jane.
Jane: ……………………………………
A. That’s right, I’m
B. Yes, I do
C. Yes, please
D. That’s ok
2. Ao Dai is the ……………….dress of Vietnamese women.
A. causal
B. traditional
C. social
D. daily
3. She often goes to the ………….to pray because her religion is Islam.

A. Church
B. pagoda
C. temple
D. mosque
4. Fashion…………….want to change the traditional Ao dai.
A. designate
B. designer
C. designers D. design
5. She was very impressed ............................. the beauty of Phong Nha Cave.
A. by
B. at
C. in
D. on
6 English is a compulsory .......................... language in Malaysia.
A. first
B. second
C. national
D. official
7. Nam: Hello, you must be David.
David: …………………………
A. Yes, I must.
B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, that’s right, I’m. D. Yes, that’s right, I do.
8 . Can you tell me how many chapters this book consists ……….. ?
A. in
B. to
C. with
D. of
IV. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: 1 point
1. I wish Mai (be) …………………………. at my birthday party now.
2. Minh ( do) ……………………………..……..…………. his work yet?

3. Trung used (play) ………………….……………………… badminton last year.
4. Ha Long bay (visit) ……………………………. by millions visitors every year.
V. Read the passage and answer the questions below: 1 point


Clothes can tell a lot about a person . Some people like very colorful clothes because they
want everyone to look at them and they want to be the center of things. Clothes today are very
different from the clothes of the 1800s. One difference is the way they look . For example, in the
1800s all women wore dresses. The dresses all had long skirts. But today women do not always
wear dresses with long skirts. Sometimes they wear short skirts. Sometimes they wear pants. In
the 1800s, clothes were made only from natural kinds of cloth.
1.Why do some people like very colorful clothes ?
2.Were the clothes of the 1800s the same as clothes today ?
3.What do sometimes women wear today ?…
4.What were clothes made from in the 1800s ?
VI. Use the words or phrases provided to make meaningful sentences: (1 pt)
use / eaten / beautiful / thousands of / grows
Rice is eaten by Vietnamese people every day. It often (1)……..……. in tropical countries such as
Vietnam, Thailand or Malaysia. The Chinese have also been growing rice for (2)…....………..
years. The seeds are planted in special beds to grow into young rice plants. Then they are taken to
field covered with muddy water called paddies. The fields of the rice look very (3)………… . After
3 or 5 months, the rice is ready to be picked. People often drain away water before collecting rice.
Eating rice is a special action in the world. They don’t use spoons or forks to enjoy bowls of rice.
Instead, they (4)……………….. two short sticks known as chopsticks to taste rice. Vietnam is

among the four countries in which people use chopsticks very well.
VII. Rewrite these sentences so that the meaning doesn’t change: 1 point
1. I don’t have a new pen.
=> I wish …………………………………………………………………………
2. They grow vegetables in tropical countries.
=> Vegetables …………………………………………………………………….
VIII. Write a paragraph ( about 60-80 words) supporting the idea that secondary school
students should wear uniform at school.(1point)


Năm học 2020- 2021
Mã đề 2
I.  LISTENING ( 2pts)
Part 1: Listen to these description of people. Are these statements true or false? Check (V) the
correct answer. You will hear the conversation TWICE.( 1 point).
1. Cindy is not tall.
2. Bob has curly blond hair.
3. Anne is about 20.
4. Paul’s cousin has blond hair.
Part 2: Listen. What was each people wearing? Circle the correct answer. You will hear the
conversation TWICE.( 1 point).
1. Sonio was wearing a …………skirt.

A. yellow
B. black
C. dark blue
2. Brian was wearing a ……….belt.
A. red
B. white
C. silver
3. Kevin was wearing ………..pants.
A. brown
B. white
C. green
4. Mrs Gramhan was wearing a ………scarf.
A. long
B. black
C. beautiful
II. Choose the word that has underlined part is pronounced differently: 1point
1. A. drive
B. since
C. ride
D. divide
2. A. cheap
B. chicken
C. chemistry
D. match
3. A. visited
B. arrived
C. seemed
D. prayed
4. A. ethnic
B. region

C. depend
D. impress
III. Choose the best answer: A, B, C or D to complete these sentences: 1,5 points
1. She was very impressed ............................. the beauty of Phong Nha Cave.
A. in
B. at
C. by
D. on
2. Fashion…………….want to change the traditional Ao dai.
A. designate
B. designer
C. design
D. designers
3. Malaysia is divided …………………….. two regions
A. to
B. by
C. into
D. for
4 English is a compulsory .......................... language in Malaysia.
A. first
B. second
C. national
D. official
5. Mai .................. in Hanoi for 3 years.
A. has lived
B. is living
C. lives
D. live
6. Ao Dai is the ……………….dress of Vietnamese women.
A. causal

B. traditional
C. social
D. daily
7. Hanoi is not different ………… Kuala Lumpur
A. of
B. at
C. from
D. in
8. Nam: Hello, you must be David.
David: …………………………
A. Yes, I must.
B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, that’s right, I’m. D. Yes, that’s right, I do.
IV. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets: 1 point
1. I wish I (have) …………………………. a computer to study now.
2. Mariam ( visit) ……………………………..……..…………. Lan since last week.
3. Hoa used (get) ………………….……………………… up late last summer.
4. My house (repaint) …………………………………..……..……. last year.
V. Read the passage and answer the questions below: 1 point
The Mid - Autumn Festival is one of the most popular celebrations in Vietnam. It is named
"Tet Trung Thu "in Vietnamese. This celebration falls on the 15th of the 8th lunar month. It is the


time when people celebrate the largest full moon in the year. On this day, the moon is the brightest
and roundest in the year, cool weather. Children wear masks, parade in the street, have parties with
special cakes and lots of fruits,... The festival also involves the custom of “Trong trang" and lion
dance. Almost of all children like this festival very much.
Answer the questions :
1. What is the name of the Mid-Autumn Festival in Vietnamese?

2. Is the festival celebrated on the fifteenth of the 8 th lunar month?
3. What is the weather like on the festival day?
4.. What do children do on “Tet Trung Thu"?
VI. Use the words or phrases provided to make meaningful sentences: (1 pt)






Jakarta is (1) ..................... capital and largest city of Indonesia. Located on the northwest coast
of Java, Jakarta is the country’s economic, cultural and political center. It is the (2) ..............
populous city in Indonesia and Southeast Asia, and is the twelfth- largest city in the world. The
metropolitan area, Jabodetabek is the second (3) .................... in the world. Jakarta is a global city in
the 2008 Globalization and World Cities research. The city’s (4)………………….. comes from the
old word “Jayakarta” which translates as “victorious deed” “ complete act,” or “ complete victory”.
VII. Rewrite these sentences so that the meaning doesn’t change: 1 point
1. I don’t have a sister.
=> I wish …………………………………………………………………………
2. My father has bought a new car for a year.

=> A new car …………………………………………………………………….
VIII. Write a paragraph ( about 60-80 words) supporting the idea that secondary school
students should wear casual clothes at school.(1point)


Mã đề 1
A.  LISTENING ( 2pts)
I. 0,25 point for each correct answer.
P.1 1. F
2. T
3. T

4. F

P. 2. 0,25 point for each correct answer.
1. C. dark blue
2. B. white
3. A. brown

4. A. long

II. 0,25 point for each correct answer.
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
III. 0,25 point for each correct answer.

1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C

5. A

6. B

7. C 8. D

IV. 0,25 point for each correct answer.
1. were
2. Has Minh done
3. to play
4. is visited
V. 0,25 point for each correct answer.
1. Because they want everyone to look at them and they want to be the center of things
2. No, they weren’t.
3. They wear short skirts
4. Clothes were made only from natural kinds of cloth
VI. 0,25 point for each correct answer
1. grows
2. thousands of
3. beautiful
4. use
VII. 0,5 point for each correct answer
1. I wish I had a new pen
2. Vegetables are grown in tropical countries
Mã đề 2

I.  LISTENING ( 2pts)
Part 1. 0,25 point for each correct answer.
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
Part2. 0,25 point for each correct answer.
1. C. dark blue
2. B. white
3. A. brown
4. A. long
II. 0,25 point for each correct answer
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
III. 0,25 point for each correct answer.
1. C
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. B 7C 8.B
IV. 0,25 point for each correct answer
1. bought
2. has visited
3. to get
4. was painted
V. 0,25 point for each correct answer
1. It is named "Tet Trung Thu "in Vietnamese

2. Yes, it is
3. It is cool
4. They wear masks, parade in the street, have parties with special cakes and lots of fruits,...
VI. 0,25 point for each correct answer
1. the
2. most
3. largest
4. name
VII. 0,25 point for each correct answer
1. I wish I had a sister
2. A new car has been bought by my father for a year.

