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ĐỀ KIỂM TRA HỌC KÌ I- MÔN ANH LỚP 11Thời gian :45 phútNăm học 2017-2018

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Thời gian :45 phút

Năm học 2017-2018
<b>Mã đề thi 384</b>

Họ và tên:………..SBD:………Lớp 11A
Điểm Chữ kí giám thị coi thi Chữ kí giám khảo

<b>A. PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM: ( 5 điểm)</b>

<b>Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences</b>
<b>Câu 1:</b><i> </i>I used to ___________ children who wanted to do a sport.

<b>A. improve</b> <b>B. volunteer</b> <b>C. change</b> <b>D. coach</b>

<b>Câu 2:</b><i> </i>We plan to make this Christmas _____________ for the orphans.

<b>A. imforgettable</b> <b>B. unforgettable</b> <b>C. disforgettable</b> <b>D. inforgettable</b>
<b>Câu 3:</b><i> </i>“_______________?” – “I have got a terrible headache.”

<b>A. What’s problem with you</b> <b>B. What’s the wrong with you</b>
<b>C. What’s happened with you</b> <b>D. What’s the matter with you</b>
<b>Câu 4:</b><i> </i>The ASEAN Charter came into _____________ on 15 December 2008.

<b>A. own</b> <b>B. force</b> <b>C. life</b> <b>D. impact</b>

<b>Câu 5:</b><i> I recommend ____________ the Royal Regalia Museum in the capital city of</i>


<b>A. </b>visit <b>B. </b>to visit <b>C. </b>visited <b>D. </b>visiting
<b>Câu 6:</b><i> </i> That kitten’s fur_________so soft.

<b>A. looks</b> <b>B. sounds</b> <b>C. smells</b> <b>D. tastes</b>

<b>Câu 7:</b><i> </i>“Happy Christmas!” – “____________.”

<b>A. Happy Christmas with you!</b> <b>B. The same to you!</b>

<b>C. You are the same!</b> <b>D. Same for you!</b>

<b>Câu 8:</b><i> </i> I like Sundays because I _____________get up early

<b>A. mustn’t</b> <b>B. have to</b> <b>C. don’t have to</b> <b>D. must</b>

<b>Câu 9:</b><i> </i>Former special education teacher Ashman,74,_________involved in fundraising 20
years ago.

<b>A. </b>got <b>B. </b>has been getting <b>C. </b>had got <b>D. </b>to meet
<b>Read the passage and choose the best answers </b>

Welcome to Get Involved! our weekly programme about inspirational young people.
Today, I’ll tell you the amazing story of an outstanding young person with a disability.
Nguyen Anh was born with “glass-bone disease”, a genetic disorder causing fragile bones,
and had fractured bones over 30 times. She is unable to run around like her friends, and has to
use a wheelchair. Despite her disability, she always has a smile on her face. She believes that
she is luckier than other people with disabilities because she has many supportive friends and

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She became a success when she auditioned for the television show VietNam’s Got Talent.
She immediately received national and international recognition.

Her smile and kind voice will definitely continue to encourage people with disabilities to
fulfill their potential. Her inspiring words are what we would like you to think about. "<i>You</i>
<i>can do a lot of things if people believe in you and actually treat you equally.”</i>

<b>Câu 10:</b><i> </i>The girl has worked with Voice of Viet Nam in ______ to people in countryside.
<b>A. inspiring words</b> <b>B. helping child with disabilities</b>

<b>C. sending out radio messages</b> <b>D. using her talent to perform her voice</b>
<b>Câu 11:</b><i> </i>The word “fragile” in the first paragraph refers to ________.

<b>A. easily broken</b> <b>B. daily glass</b> <b>C. extremely soft</b> <b>D. quickly break</b>

<b>Câu 12:</b><i> </i>Due to ________, UNICEF has honoured Nguyen Anh as an outstanding child with

<b>A. her “glass-bone disease”</b> <b>B. her taking part in charitable campaigns</b>
<b>C. her smile and kind voice</b> <b>D. her disability</b>

<b>Câu 13:</b><i> </i>The lesson we can learn from the story is that everyone can succeed if they are

<b>A. trusted and treated equally</b> <b>B. taking part in charity</b>

<b>C. honoured by UNICEF</b> <b>D. encouraged after teachers and friends</b>
<b>Câu 14:</b><i> </i>It can be inferred from the passage that ______.

<b>A. there are still many outstanding people</b>
<b>B. everybody has ability of working</b>
<b>C. No one is disabled</b>

<b>D. people with disabilities are part of our communities</b>

<b>Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from others</b>

<b>Câu 15: A. charity</b> <b>B. attitude</b> <b>C. counsellor</b> <b>D. disabled</b>
<b>Câu 16: A. dominate</b> <b>B. stability</b> <b>C. scholarship</b> <b>D. principle</b>
<b>Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D that need correcting.</b>

<b>Câu 17:</b><i> </i>My mother makes me doing my homeworks so I can't go out.
<b> A. B. </b> C. <b>D. </b>

<b>Câu 18:</b><i> </i>My mom was surprised hear that I would take part in the singing contest.
<b> A. B. C. D. </b>

<b>Read the passage and choose the best option to fill in each blank. </b>

In the United States, volunteering is __(19)__as a good way to give children a sense of
community responsibility and to bring the family together. Volunteerism is __(20)__across
the United States today because people are trying to put more emphasis on family
togetherness, and they are looking __(21)__ways to help young people have a feeling of hope
and satisfaction. It is __(22)__that volunteering helps children discover their talents, develop
their skills, and learn about __(23)__and problem solving.

<b>Câu 19: A. inspected</b> <b>B. respected</b> <b>C. viewed</b> <b>D. showed</b>
<b>Câu 20: A. extending</b> <b>B. forming</b> <b>C. growing</b> <b>D. traveling</b>

<b>Câu 21: A. of</b> <b>B. on</b> <b>C. for</b> <b>D. at</b>

<b>Câu 22: A. believed</b> <b>B. accepted</b> <b>C. regarded</b> <b>D. concerned</b>
<b>Câu 23: A. correspondence</b> <b>B. operation</b> <b>C. corporation</b> <b>D. cooperation</b>
<b>Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently</b>

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<b>B. PHẦN TỰ LUẬN: ( 2điểm)</b>

<b>I. Give the correct form of the words in the brackets: </b>

1.James is very ________________ - he makes decisions quickly and confidently. (DECIDE)
2.Why don’t you take the initiative and engage your classmates in ______________
conversations? (FRIEND)

3.How can you know that he is a_____________________________man? (RELIABILITY)
4.My best friend and I had an_______________________because she had revealed my
secret. (ARGUE)

5.Students with __________impairments may need Braille texbooks.(VISION)
<b>II. Rewrite the following sentences:</b>

<b>1. It is very difficult to speak French.</b>

 ……….…… …… is very difficult.

2.That room needs cleaning by Ms. Laura this afternoon. (necessary)



3.My friend came to see me late last night.(cleft sentence )


4. She started driving 1 month ago. <i><b>(has driven)</b></i>



<b>C.LISTENING( 1điểm)</b>

<i><b>Listen to an introduction to a charitable organisa</b></i>tion. Complete the table.

Name of the organisation <i>East Meets Westnghe</i>

Year it was founded (1) _____________________
Type of the organisation (2)_______________________

Aim(s) - To provide health care, (3) _________________<i>clean water and</i>
<i>good hygiene</i>

- To help people in Asia have

(4) ___________________________
Programmes <i>Inspire Sports; (5) _________________</i>


