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Unit 15 space conquest speaking

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Unit 15: space conquest
Part B - Speaking

Sao Thủy

Solar system

Mặt trời

Trái đất
Sao mộc
Sao Hỏa

Sao Kim
Tàu vũ trụ
Các hành tinh nhỏ & Sao chổi
Sao Thiên Vương
Sao Diêm Vương
Sao thổ
Sao Hải Vương


Shenzhou 5, made by China

- The USSR: Liên Xô (cũ)Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- launch [lɔ:nt∫] (v): phóng (tàu vũ trụ), hạ thuỷ (tàu thuyền)

- manned [mỉnd] (adj): có người lái
- spacecraft ['speis'krɑ:ft] (n): tàu vũ trụ
- mark [mɑ:k] (v): đánh dấu
- milestone ['mailstoun] (n): mốc lịch sử
- space project ['speis 'prɔdʒekt] (n): dự án khơng gian.
- artificial satellite[,ɑ:ti'fi∫əl 'sỉtəlait] (n): vệ tinh nhân tạo
- Sputnik ['sputnik] (n): vệ tinh nhân tạo của Nga
- living being ['liviη 'bi:iη] (n): sinh vật sống

II. While you speak - Task 1
Work in pairs. Read the following piece of news,
then ask and answer the questions.
On 15th October 2003, China launched its first
manned spacecraft into space. The spacecraft was called
“Shenzhou 5”. Yang Liwei, China’s first astronaut, was 38
years old then. The successful flight marked a mile stone in
China’s space project. China became the third country in
the world to be able to independently carry out manned
space flight.

On 15th October 2003, China launched its first manned
spacecraft into space.
- When did China launch its first manned spacecraft into
The spacecraft was called “Shenzhou 5”.
- What was the name of the spacecraft ?
Yang Liwei, China’s first astronaut, was 38 years old then.
- Who was the astronaut ?

- How old was he then ?
The successful flight marked a mile stone in China’s space
- How important was the flight ?

II. While you speak - Task 2
Work in groups:Take turns to talk about the important
events in space exploration.
On 4th October, 1957, the USSR launched its first
artificial satellite, Sputnik, into space. It marked the
beginning of Space Age.

Activity 1: Speak out the dates
4th October, 1957
3rd November, 1957
12 April 1961
16 June, 1963
20 July, 1969
23 July, 1980
29 October, 1998
15 October, 2003

Activity 2: Make sentences


October, 1957


into space. He / She / It
marked the beginning of Space Age.

Group 1
3rd November, 1957
first living being in space
a dog named Laika
abroad Sputnik 2

On …………………………, ……………..…………
became the …………………………………. It was

Group 2
12 April 1961
first human in space

Yuri Gagarin, a Russian cosmonaut
27 years old then
108 – minute flight

On …………………, ……………..…………………………
became the …………………………. He was ………..
…………. . He made a ……………………….

Group 3
16 June, 1963
first woman in space
Valentina Tereshkova
a Russian cosmonaut

On …………………, ……………………………
…………………………. became the ……..…………………

Group 4
20 July, 1969

first humans to set foot on the moon
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin
American astronauts

On …………………, ……………………………………....
became the ………………………………………….... .
They were ………………………..

Group 5
23 July, 1980
first Vietnamese in space
Pham Tuan
along with V.V. Gorbotko,
a Russian cosmonaut
8 days in orbit

On ………………., ……………. became the ……………....
………… . He was …………………………….
…………………………. They ………………………….

Group 6
29 October, 1998

the oldest human ever to fly into space
John Glenn, an American astronaut
at the age of 77

On ………………......., ………………………………………........
became ……………………………….………………....

Group 7
15 October, 2003

first Chinese in space
Yang Liwei, 38 years old
spend 21 hours in space

On ……………………, ………………………….........became
the …………………………. He spent

III. Post - speaking
Report one of the important events in Task 2.


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