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Tải Bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 10 Unit 15: Cities - Ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10 có đáp án

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<b>UNIT 15: CITIES</b>

<i><b>I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each</b></i>

1/ A. cit<b>y </b> B. countr<b>y </b> C. b<b>y</b> D. ver<b>y</b>

2/ A. pla<b>ces</b> B. hou<b>ses </b> C. bos<b>ses </b> D. offi<b>ces </b>

3/ A. name<b>s</b> B. river<b>s</b> C. season<b>s </b> D. part<b>s</b>

4/ A. <b>e </b>mpire B. <b>e </b>nter C. <b>e </b>mpty D. <b>e </b>nd
5/ A. unit<b>ed</b> B. develop<b>ed</b> C. regard<b>ed </b> D. attract<b>ed </b>

6/ A. foll<b>ow </b> B. bel<b>ow </b> C. kn<b>ow </b>n D. d<b>ow </b>n
7/ A. s<b>ou </b>th B. ab<b>ou </b>t C. bor<b>ou</b>gh D. f<b>ou </b>nd
8/ A. m<b>i </b>ngle B. f<b>i </b>ne C. build<b>i </b>ng D. m<b>i </b>llion
9/ A. b<b>u </b>sy B. j<b>u </b>st C. h<b>u </b>ndred D. s<b>u </b>ch
10/ A. w<b>a </b>ter B. c<b>a </b>ll C. ren<b>a </b>me D. t<b>a</b>ll

<i><b>II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:</b></i>
1/ A. capital B. different C. business D. apartment

2/ A. theater B. district C. locate D. famous

3/ A. southeastern B. visitor C. attractive D. convenient

4/ A. develop B. museum C. populate D. informal

5/ A. mingle B. whether C. harbor D. compare

6/ A. population B. comparison C. information D. similarly

7/ A. region B. belong C. complete D. prefer

8/ A. metropolitan B. popularity C. pronunciation D. international

9/ A. borough B. reserve C. beginner D. pollute

10/ A. rename B. problem C. combine D. connect

<i><b>III/ Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B:</b></i>


1/ well-known 2/ match A/ progress B/ full

3/ unite 4/ locate C/ mix D/ combine

5/ develop 6/ mingle E/ area F/ odd

7/ region 8/ total G/ couple H/ set up

9/ found 10/ unusual I/ settle J/ famous

<i><b>IV/ Match the words in column A with their antonyms in column B:</b></i>


1/ central 2/ develop A/ less B/ unknown

3/ mingle 4/ fine C/ recede D/ lazy

5/ more 6/ total E/ separate F/ partial

7/ unusual 8/ busy G/ ugly H/ external

9/ attractive 10/ famous I/ dull J/ common

<i><b>V/ Match the cities or capitals in column A with the appropriate nations in column B: </b></i>


1/ Warsaw 2/ Hong Kong A/ Germany B/ Poland

3/ Madrid 4/ Munich C/ Costa Rica D/ China

5/ Paris 6/ San Jose E/ England F/ Sweden

7/ Seoul 8/ Porto G/ Holland H/ Argentina

9/ Sao Paulo 10/ Monterrey I/ Portugal J/ Mexico

11/ Tokyo 12/ London K/ Iran L/ the USA

13/ Zagreb 14/ Stockholm M/ Italy N/ Croatia

15/ Rome 16/ Sydney O/ Japan P/ Brazil

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

19/ Amsterdam 20/ Tehran S/ France T/ Spain
<i><b>VI/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence: </b></i>

1/ There is no _______ reason for the accident.

A. know B. known C. knowable D. knowledge

2/ Phone me if there are any new _______.

A. develop B. developed

C. developing D. developments

3/ We're reading a _______ book this week.

A. differ B. difference C. different D. differently
4/ The mansion is set in 90 acres of beautiful, unspoilt _______.

A. country B. countryside C. countrywide D. countryman
5/ These flowers are brightly colored in order to _______ butterflies.

A. attract B. attraction C. attractive D. attractively
6/ The local _______ information office provides a free map of the region.

A. tour B. tourist C. tourism D. tour guide

7/ Contractors have started _______ on waste land near the town.

A. build B. built C. builder D. building

8/ At the International School they have pupils of 46 different _______.
A. nations B. national C. nationalist D. nationalities

9/ Although the technology _______ in the UK, it has been developed in the US.

A. origin B. original C. originally D. originated
10/ My son's teacher says that his work is often rather _______.

A. care B. careless C. careful D. carelessly

<i><b>VII/ Select the best option to complete the sentences:</b></i>

1/ She walked home by herself, _______ she knew that it was dangerous.
A. despite B. although C. because of D. because

2/ _______ repeated assurances that the product is safe, many people have stopped buying

A. Despite B. Although C. Because of D. Because

3/ Just _______ I'm lending you my dress for tonight doesn't mean you can borrow it
whenever you want to.

A. despite B. although C. because of D. because
4/ The train was delayed _______ bad weather.

A. despite B. although C. because of D. because
5/ Have you been to the restaurant _______ is just opened in town?

A. that B. who C. whom D. what

6/ She says it's Charlotte's fault, _______ is rubbish, and that she blames her.

A. which B. that C. whose D. who

7/ Cohen, _______ contract expires next week, is likely to move to play for a European

A. whose B. that C. which D. whom

8/ She lived in Rome for a couple of years, _______ she taught English.

A. who B. why C. where D. when

9/ The police asked me to explain _______ I hadn't reported the accident sooner.

A. which B. why C. that D. when

10/ He was quite shocked _______ I told him.

A. what B. that C. when D. why

<i><b>VIII/ Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then correct them:</b></i>
1/ She'll be coming (A) tonight, (B) although I don't know (C) exact (D) when.

2/ We (A) can't go to Julia's party (B) because of we're going (C) away (D) that weekend.
3/ (A) In spite of (B) his injuries, he bears (C) not hatred (D) towards his attackers.
4/ She (A) took the money (B) from her mother's purse, (C) despite (D) hers.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3>

6/ (A) There was a picture (B) in the paper of a man (C) whose leg (D) had blown off.
7/ He (A) took out (B) a photo (C) of his son, (D) who he adores.

8/ (A) I'll meet you in the city, (B) which is, I will (C) if the trains (D) are running.

9/ You (A) can't complain of (B) being lonely (C) where you don't make (D) any effort to meet

10/ Bradford, (A) where Bren (B) comes from, (C) has (D) a lot good curry restaurants.

<i><b>IX/ Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete</b></i>

London is the capital of the United Kingdom and the home of its queen, Elizabeth II. It’s also
the largest city in Europe. About 7 million people call London home.


Millions of people visit London every year from all (1) _______ the world. If you travel
there, you’ll find many (2) _______ things to see and do.

During August and September, you can visit Buckingham (3) _______. That’s where the
queen lives most of the year. It has about 600 (4) _______, but you’ll see only state rooms where the
queen entertains guests. In the morning, a colorful ceremony (5) _______ “changing of the guard”
takes place in the palace courtyard. One group of palace guards (6) _______ off duty, and another
troop arrives to replace them.

You can (7) _______ the Tower of London, a historic fortress that was once a royal palace. It
was also used as a (8) _______ for hundreds of years. Two of the wives of King Henry VIII—Anne
Boleyn and Catherine Howard—were put (9) _______ death here. The Crown Jewels are a popular
attraction at the Tower. This (10) _______ of jeweled crowns, swords, scepters, and other royal
objects is only used on (11) _______ occasions, such as the crowning of a new ruler.

Be (12) _______ to visit Westminster Abbey, one of Britain’s famous (13) _______. The

nation’s kings and queens are crowned here. Many rulers and famous citizens are (14) _______ here.
There are also monuments to political figures and poets.

The (15) _______ of Parliament are along the Thames River, near Westminster Abbey. This
is where the government meets. Look (16) _______ to see the clock tower with Big Ben, London’s
famous (17) _______ that rings every hour. You can get on a boat (18) _______ for a ride on the

Other places you might want to see are Scotland Yard, Madame Tussaud’s, (19) _______ the
British Museum. You can find out about London’s famous criminals in the (20) _______ Museum at
Scotland Yard, the home of London’s Metropolitan Police. At Madame Tussaud’s, you’ll see eerily
(21) _______, life-size wax figures of pop idols and historic figures. A great thing to see at the British
Museum is the collection of mummies, tomb (22) _______, and gold jewelry from ancient Egypt. The
museum’s Egyptian collection is (23) _______ of the largest in the world.

For a good (24) _______ of London, take a ride in the London Eye. This enormous wheel
takes you 443 feet (135 meters) above the London skyline. Unlike a traditional Ferris wheel, the (25)
_______ carries its passengers in enclosed compartments.

<i><b>New vocabulary:</b></i>

- landmark (n.): mốc ranh giới

- eery (adj.): gây ra cả giác thần bí và sợ hãi
- wax (n.): sáp ong, chất sáp

- mummy (n.): xác (ướp)

- Ferris wheel (n.): vòng đu quay

1/ A) through B) over C) across D) in

2/ A) poor B) famous C) boring D) fascinating

3/ A) Castle B) House C) Palace D) Building

4/ A) rooms B) doors C) windows D) gates

5/ A) said B) called C) considered D) known

6/ A) puts B) marches C) takes D) sends

7/ A) go B) come C) travel D) tour

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

9/ A) to B) into C) on D) onto

10/ A) selection B) class C) kind D) collection

11/ A) special B) especial C) essential D) important

12/ A) enough B) sure C) good D) clever

13/ A) villas B) houses C) churches D) castles

14/ A) buried B) dead C) killed D) born

15/ A) Palaces B) Houses C) Buildings D) Churches

16/ A) up B) down C) after D) for

17/ A) flag B) bell C) tower D) clock

18/ A) near B) nearby C) nearly D) next to

19/ A) as well B) and C) too D) also

20/ A) Crime B) Army C) Citizen D) National

21/ A) real B) reality C) realist D) realistic

22/ A) paintings B) photos C) copies D) pictures

23/ A) some B) one C) several D) out

24/ A) view B) sight C) scene D) opinion

25/ A) London Eye B) Scotland Yard C) Big Ben D) London Eye

<i><b>X/ Read the headings (from 1 to 7) and the paragraphs (from A to G) carefully, and then match</b></i>
<i><b>them together appropriately:</b></i>




A/ __________

New York is the world’s most ethnically diverse city. About one-third of New York’s
residents, over 2.6 million people, were born in other countries. Schoolkids in New York speak more
than 120 languages.

B/ __________

The city is full of famous buildings that you may often see on television. They include the
Empire State Building, United Nations headquarters, Chrysler Building, and Rockefeller Center.

The Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbor. It has welcomed millions of immigrants to

Two of the world’s tallest buildings once soared above New York’s skyline. They were the
twin towers of the World Trade Center. But terrorists flew airplanes into the towers and destroyed
them on September 11, 2001.

Central Park is an oasis of greenery in the midst of New York’s tall buildings. It offers a zoo,
a nature center, playgrounds, paths for running and bicycling, and places for ice skating, roller skating,
and playing sports.

C/ __________

What do you think of when you think of New York City? Most people think of Manhattan,
the heart of the city, with its towering skyscrapers.

But the city has five sections. These sections are called boroughs. A borough is similar to a
county. The five boroughs are Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Staten Island.

D/ __________

The Bronx is the only borough of New York City on the United States mainland. The other
boroughs are on islands. Brooklyn and Queens occupy the western end of Long Island. Water
surrounds Staten Island and Manhattan. These two boroughs face each other across New York Harbor.
E/ __________

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>

They called it New Amsterdam. The English captured the settlement in 1664 and renamed it New

Since colonial days New York has been an important city. It was the U.S. capital from 1785
to 1790. New York passed Philadelphia in 1810 to become America’s largest city. New York grew
because of its excellent harbor. The port made it a center of trade. Immigrants to the United States
poured through the port.

F/ __________

Today, Wall Street, New York’s financial center, is the leading financial center for the world.
Wall Street is home to many banks, stock markets, stockbrokers, and other financial institutions.

New York is the most important communications and publishing center in the United States.
Three major television networks have their headquarters in New York City—ABC, CBS, and NBC.
Many of the country’s major advertising agencies and book and magazine publishers also are
headquartered in New York City.

G/ __________

New York is a major center for the arts. No other American city has so many places to hear
music, see plays, watch dance, or look at art.

The city’s outstanding art museums include the Metropolitan Museum, Guggenheim
Museum, Museum of Modern Art, and Whitney Museum of American Art. Galleries on Madison
Avenue show very new artworks.

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<b>UNIT 15: CITIES</b>

<i><b>I/ Choose the word whose underlined part has a different pronunciation from the others in each</b></i>

1/ C. b<b>y</b> ; 2/ B. hou<b>ses </b> ; 3/ D. part<b>s </b> ; 4/ A. <b>E </b>mpire ; 5/ B. develop<b>ed</b>

6/ D. d<b>ow </b>n ; 7/ C. bor<b>ou</b>gh ; 8/ B. F<b>i </b>ne ; 9/ A. B<b>u </b>sy ; 10/ C. ren<b>a </b>me

<i><b>II/ Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group:</b></i>
1/ D. apartment ; 2/ C. locate ; 3/ A. B. visitor ; 4/ C. populate

5/ D. compare ; 6/ D. similarly ; 7/ A. region

8/ C. pronunciation ; 9/ A. borough ; 10/ B. problem
<i><b>III/ Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B:</b></i>
1-J ; 2-G ; 3-D ; 4-I ; 5-A ; 6-C ; 7-E ; 8-B ; 9-H ; 10-F

<i><b>IV/ Match the words in column A with their antonyms in column B:</b></i>
1-H ; 2-C ; 3-E ; 4-I ; 5-A ; 6-F ; 7-J ; 8-D ; 9-G ; 10-B

<i><b>V/ Match the cities or capitals in column A with the appropriate nations in column B: </b></i>
1-B ; 2-D ; 3-T ; 4-A ; 5-S ; 6-C ; 7-R ; 8-I ; 9-P ; 10-J

11-O ; 12-E ; 13-N ; 14-F ; 15-M ; 16-Q ; 17-L ; 18-H ; 19-G ; 20-K
<i><b>VI/ Choose the best answer A, B, C or D for each sentence: </b></i>
1/ B.<b> </b>known ; 2/ D. developments ; 3/ C. different
4/ B. countryside ; 5/ A. attract ; 6/ B. tourist
7/ D. building ; 8/ D. nationalities ; 9/ D. originated
10/ B. careless

<i><b>VII/ Select the best option to complete the sentences:</b></i>
1/ B. although ; 2/ A. Despite ; 3/ D. because
4/ C. because of ; 5/ A. that ; 6/ A. which

7/ A. whose ; 8/ C. where ; 9/ B. why; 10/ C. when

<i><b>VIII/ Find the one mistake (A, B, C or D) in these sentences and then correct them:</b></i>
1/ (C) exact → exactly ; 2/ (B) because of → because

3/ (C) not hatred → no hatred ; 4/ (D) hers → herself

5/ (B) that → who ; 6/ (D) had blown off → had been blown off
7/ (D) who → whom ; 8/ (B) which is → that is

9/ (C) where → when ; 10/ (D) a lot → a lot of

<i><b>IX/ Read the following passage carefully, and then select the best option A, B, C or D to complete</b></i>

1/ B) over ; 2/ D) fascinating ; 3/ C) Palace ; 4/ A) rooms
5/ B) called ; 6/ B) marches ; 7/ D) tour ; 8/ C) prison
9/ A) to ; 10/ D) collection ; 11/ A) special ; 12/ B) sure
13/ C) churches ; 14/ A) buried ; 15/ B) Houses ; 16/ A) up

17/ B) bell ; 18/ B) nearby ; 19/ B) and ; 20/ A) Crime
21/ D) realistic ; 22/ A) paintings ; 23/ B) one ; 24/ A) view
25/ D) London Eye

<i><b>X/ Read the headings (from 1 to 7) and the paragraphs (from A to G) carefully, and then match</b></i>
<i><b>them together appropriately:</b></i>

1-F ; 2-A ; 3-C ; 4-B ; 5-E ; 6-G ; 7-D

UNIT 15 ~ CITIES (Tiếp)

1. We had given...hope of rescue.

A. in B. of C. up D. off

2. She felt very depressed...the future.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

3. OK, you've...your point.

A. made B. created C. done D. performed

4. The flowers...together to form a blaze of colour.

A. mix B. come C. mingle D. adsorb

5. The commission is calling...a global ban on whaling.

A. in B. for C. at D. about

6. Moving house put a severe strain on our...

A. finances B. money C. problem D. savings
7. 'What...is this dress made of?' 'Cotton.'

A. cotton B. substance C. matter D. material

8. The lake is...with trees.

A. surrounded B. circled C. rewinded D. winded

9. We first build...a detailed profile of our customers and their requirements.

A. in B. up C. out D. on

10. He felt a kind of happiness mingled...regret.

A. with B. on C. in D. over

11. It's the best book...I've ever read.

A. which B. who C. that D. what

12. I used to...to London more often than I do now.

A. driving B. driven C. drove D. drive

13. The boy was made...his homework.

A. to do B. do C. doing D. to doing

14. Stormy weather prevented the ferry...the crossing.

A. from making B. to make C. with making D. by making
15. Will you be able to come to our party...Monday 24th<sub> July?</sub>

A. in B. on C. at D. the

16. Fred sometimes helps his mother to...the housework.

A. make B. making . C. do D. doing

17. Sophie...eat a lot of sweets when she was young.

A. was used to B. usually C. did use D. used to
18. I hope they'll concentrate... their computer skills.

A. for improving B. on improving C. to improve D. to improving
19. I to!d the policeman...had happened.

A. which B. who C. what D. that

20. That's the businessmen...company is so successful.

A. whose B. of which C. who's D. of whom

21. The boy denied...the window.

A. broken B. breaking C. to break D. break
22. Is that the town...you were born?

A. which B. that C. whose D. where

23. She can't bear people...at her.

A. shouting B. to shout C. shout D. shouted
24. You can go...you like. This isn't private land.

A. nowhere B. somewhere C. anywhere D. there

25. He arrived at the hotel with only...luggage.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

26. Could I have...sugar in my tea, please?

A. any B. some C. little D. a lot of
27. How...information did you ask for?

A. many B. lot C. some D. much

28. Would you like...my dictionary?

A. borrowing B. borrow C. to borrow D. borrowed

29. Irene's very keen...Spanish.

A. on learning B. to learning C. on learn D. at learning
30. She remembers... after you when you were a baby.

A. look B. to look C. looking D. have looked

<b>II. Fill each gap with a suitable word from the box.</b>

<i><b>friendship finances points global beloved surrounded point important</b></i>
<i><b>other material</b></i>

1. She made several interesting...in the article.
2. We need to take a more...approach to the problem.
3. They were glad to be back in their...Ireland.
4. The company produces its own training...
5. As a child I was...by love and kindness.

6. The...is you shouldn't have to wait so long to see a doctor.
7. It's about time you sorted out your...

8. It's the story of an extraordinary...between a boy and a seal.
9. Your friendship is very...to me.

10. Comparison with...oil-producing countries is extremely interesting.

<b>III. Complete the text with relative pronouns. </b>

The two old ladies (1)...lived next door were called Janet Ana Martha. They were
sisters, and had lived there all their lives. Martha was the quiet one, (2)...stayed at home
and did the housework. She always wore a white apron, (3)...never looked dirty. Janet,
(4)...was more sociable, was a secretary until she reached sixty and retired. "I've had
enough of that office," she told Martha. But that wasn't the real reason (5)...she stopped
working. She had always dreamed of going on a long, expensive holiday, to beautiful
cities, (6)...she could spend days in art galleries and museums, and 10 white sandy
beaches, (7)...she could sunbathe and swim. And now she had the time and the money
to do (8)...she wanted. But she knew that Martha, (9)...was so different from her, and

(10)...only interest was the house, would not like the idea.

<b>IV. Join each pair of sentences, using a relative pronoun. Use commas if necessary.</b>

1. He gave me the information. <i>I wrote it down at once</i>.
2. Andrea went to see the dentist. <i>He took out two of her teeth</i>.
3. Fritz lives in the house round the corner. <i>It has a red front door</i>.
4. Show me the shoes. <i>You bought them yesterday</i>.

5. Have you seen the film? <i>It's on at the Odeon</i>.

6. My boyfriend refused to go to the concert with me. <i>He hates country music</i>.
7. We climbed to the top of the mountain. <i>We had a picnic there</i>.

8. Edward has just moved to France. His mother died last year.
9. We didn't want to swim in the sea. <i>It looked very dirty</i>.

10. Lydia is reading that fascinating book on Spanish history. <i>You lent it to her last week</i>.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

1. They are looking...my wedding album.

2. Can you help me, please? I'm looking...<i>Ben Thanh Market</i>.
3. Could you look...my cat while I'm on holiday?

4. You can't reply...Peter and his friends. They are not very reliable.
5. You don't need to shout...me. I can hear you.

6. I spoke/ talked...Jane today.
7. He suffers...heart attack.

8. You look worried. What are you thinking...?
9. "What do you think...Sue?" ~ "She's very nice."
10. How long have you been waiting...the doctor?

<b>VI. Complete the sentences, putting one word in each space.</b>

Linda Evans was (1)...well-known writer of children's stories, (2)...lived in a
charming old cottage in Devon. Normally, she worked at (3)..., in her quiet, peaceful
study. Long (4)... her booksbecame popular, she (5)...managed to teach (6)...how to
use a computer, and now typed all her stories on her Apple Mac. But sometimes she had
to leave her cottage to get (7)...information from the library or have a meeting with
(8)...friends. She hated being away, because she was very wo'rried about burglars. So
she always locked the house up extremely (9)...Just before leaving, she always put
(10)...full cup of coffee on the kitchen table, and left the radio playing, to make a
burglar think (11) ...was someone else at home. One day, she came (12)...after a day
out, and (13)...atonce that someone (14)...been there. There was only a (15)...coffee
left in the ciip, and the radio was off. But when she looked at her computer, she saw it
was switched on, and someone had typed in a new story.

She had no idea (16)...had got in, or how, because none of the doors or windows were
damaged. But she sat down to read the story, and it was a very good one. "I'll use it in my
next book!" she (17)...happily.

The next month, she had to goto London for the day. She (18)...a pot of coffee and a
plate of sandwich on the table. When she returned, the coffee and sandwiches (19)...
disappeared. She ran to the computer. This time there was only a message on the screen.
"IT'S NOT YOUR STORY, IT'S (20) ..." it said.

<b>VII. There is at least ONE grammar mistake in each of the sentences. Find the</b>
<b>mistakes and correct them.</b>

1. I live in Hanoi since I was eight years old. ...
2. Mom is washing the dishes every evening after dinner. ...
3. All the people in the office was working hardly that day. ...
4. We could go to cinema if the is good film on. ...

5. I think everybody like the new restaurant. ...
6. Keith forgotten his umbrella, so he got wet. ...
7. You hair looks great! Have you cut it yesterday? ...
8. The old man was wearing a very dirty trouser. ...
9. The police was very gratefully for the informations. ...
10. Fritz studied hard, but had failed the exam. ...

<b>VIII. Choose from A-l the best phrase or clause to fill each gap. There is one more</b>
<b>than you need.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

Nepalese (2)... Only one other person had achieved this before - Reinhold Messner,
(3)...Ms Hargreaves had spent over a year (4)...by training on the Scottish mountain
Ben Nevis, (5)... She was confident she would reach the summit, (6)...because of bad
weather. Mr. Ballard said (7)..., and very proud of her, (8)...

Tragically, Alison Hargreaves fell to her death a few months later, in an avalanche on
K2, the world's second highest peak.

<i>A. despite being forced to give up the previous year's attempt.</i>
<i>B. where her husband Jim Ballard worked part-time</i>

<i>C. who normally carry climbers' equipment and supplies.</i>
<i>D. although they had never really doubted she would damage it.</i>
<i>E. preparing for the trip</i>

<i>F. who reached the top in 1980</i>
<i>G. the highest mountain in the world</i>

<i>H. but he had hoped the weather would improve</i>
<i>I. that he and their children were delighted</i>

<b>IX. Complete the passage, using one word for each sentence.</b>

The <i>Lake District</i>, in (1)...north-west of England, is one of the (2)...popular area in
Britain for tourists to visit. (3)...only about 40,000 people live there all year round,
(4)...are about 14 million visitors every year. The area (5)...declared a national park
some time ago, and is managed (6)...Cumbria County Council and the National Park

These bodies are now seriously worried (7)...the effect of the large influx of tourists
on the area. Footpaths (8) ...repairing, (9)...they are used by increasing numbers of
walkers. Some narrow country lanes are (10)...suitable for the summer rush of cars,
caravans and coaches. There are local complaints (11)...the authorities are
(12)...interested (13)...the needs of tourists than of residents.

For several months officials have discussed (14)...and other problems, and they
now feel it is (15)...to make some changes. In their plans, (16)...published, they
suggest that some minor roads (17)...be closed to traffic. They also want (18)...public
transport, with (19)...fares than at present. It is hoped that this scheme (20)...be
accepted to all, and will improve life for everybody in the Lake District.

<b>X. Read the passage and choose A, B, C, or D for each of the questions below.</b>

According to the census of 1800, the United States of America contained 5,308, 4832

persons. In the same year the British Islands contained upwards of fifteen million, the
French Republic, more than twenty-seven million. Nearly one-fifth of American people
were black slaves, the true political population consisted of four and a half million free
whites, or less than one million able-bodied males, whose shoulders fell the burden of a
continent. Even after two centuries of struggle the land was still untamed, forest covered
every portion, except here and there strip of cultivated soil, the minerals lay undisturbed
in their rocky beds, and more than two-thirds of the people clung to the seaboard within
fifty miles of tidewater, where alone the wants of civilized life could be supplied.

1. <i>In the United States of America in 1800</i>...

A. one out of every twenty-five Americans was a black slave.
B. one out of every four Americans was a black slave.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

2. <i>Free white men in America numbered</i>...

A. about-four-fifths of the population. B. about four and one-half million.

C. 5,308,483. D. less than one million.

3. <i>Two-thirds of the American people</i>...

A. lived where the wants of civilized life could not be supplied. B. lived in Washington.
C. live on the seaboard. D. lived within fifteen miles of tidewater.
4. <i>The struggle to tame the American continent had been going on</i>...

A. about two hundred years. B. about fifty years.

C. a little more than a century. D. since 1750.
5. <i>This description of the United States in 1800 suggests that</i>...

A. most of the new nation was undeveloped.

B. the people of the new nation had succeeded in taming the continent.
C. strips of cultivated land were everywhere.

D. settlers were beginning to mine the valuable minerals of the new continent.

<b>XI. Write sentences using the clues given.</b>

1. bed/ I/ sleep/have/ no mattress.
2. man/ I/ waiting/ not/ turn up.

3. Tom/ who/ driving/ all day/ tired/ and want/ stop.
4. How long/ it/ take her/ cook/ meal/ yesterday?

5. He/ help/ his friend/ get good marks/ telling him/ more careful.
6. Those buses/ not going/ airport/ neither/ taxis.

7. You/ free/ do what/ like.

8. It/ exciting/ hear/ she/ won/ first prize.
9. It/ not/ easy/ patient/ recover/ his illness.
10. It/ not possible/ us/ smoke/ class.

<b>XII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.</b>
<b>Do not change the word given.</b>

1. Although he was very old, he walked ten miles every day. <b>HIS</b>

Despite..., he walked ten miles every day.

2. I studied hard. However, I did not pass the exam. <b>HARD</b>

Although..., I did not pass the exam.

3. It was a holiday, but Tommy cycled to school as usual. <b>FACT</b>

In spite...it was a holiday, Tommy cycled to school as usual.

4. I'm sure I told her to stay at home, but she's gone out. <b>THOUGH</b>

Even...stay at home, she's gone out.

5. Gerald did well in the competition, but he didn't win. <b>DOING</b>

Despite...in the competition, Gerald didn't win.

6. I really should go to bed now. <b>FOR</b>

It's time...bed.

7. Bianca ought to do some work now. <b>DID</b>

It's time...work.

8. At his age, he really should get married. <b>HE</b>

It's high time...married.

9. We must say goodbye now. <b>SAY</b>

It's time...goodbye.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

It's time...letters.

<b>XIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.</b>

1. In the normal course of events she would have gone with him.

If things had...

2. Please be brief. (<b>quickly</b>)

Please say...

3. His language is disgusting. (<b>obscene</b>)


4. The Titanic sank on its maiden yoyage. (<b>journey</b>)

The Titanic...

5. I take your point. (<b>accept</b>)


6. He's just saying that to prove a point. (<b>right</b>)

He's just...

7. I wish he would get to the point, (<b>quickly</b>)

I wish he would...

8. Where do these plates belong? (<b>kept</b>)

Where are these...?

9. He seemed to have already struck up a friendship with Jo. (<b>begun</b>)
He seemed to have...

10. The education system bears no comparison with that in many Eastern European
countries. (<b>as</b>)

The education system is...

The End


1. C (up) 2. A (about) 3. A (made) 4. C (mingle) 5. B (for)

6. A (finances) 7. D (material) 8. A (surrounded) 9. B (up) 10. A (with)
11. C 12. D 13. A 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. A

21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. C

<b>II. GAPFILL </b>

1. points 2. global 3. beloved 4. material 5. surrounded
6. point 7. finances 8. friendship 9. important 10. other


1. who 2. who 3. which 4. who 5. why 6. where 7. where 8. what 9. who 10. whose


1. He gave me the information, which wrote down at once.
2. Andrea went to see the dentist, who took out two of her teeth.
3. Fritz lives in the house round the corner, which has a red front door.
4. Show me the shoes which/ that you bought yesterday.

5. Have you seen the film which/ that is on at the Odeon?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

7. We climbed to the top of the mountain, where we had a picnic.
8. Edward, whose mother died last year, has just moved to France.
9. We didn't want to swim in the sea, which looked very dirty.

10. Lydia is reading that fascinating book on Spanish history, which you lent her last


1. at 2 for 3. after 4. on 5. at

6. to 7. from 8. of/ about 9. about 10. for

<b>VI. GAPFILL </b>

1. a 2 who 3. home 4. before 5. Had 6. herself 7. some 8. her 9. carefully 10. a
11. there 12 . back/ home 13 . saw/ noticed/ realized 14 . had

15. little 16 . who 17 . thought 1 8. put/ left 19 . had 20. MINE


1. I <b>have lived</b> in Hanoi since I was eight years old.
2. Mom <b>washes</b> the dishes every evening after dinner.
3. All the people in the office was working <b>hard</b> that day.
4. We could go to <b>the</b> cinema if there is a good film on.
5. I think everybody <b>likes</b> the new restaurant.

6. Keith <b>forgot</b> his umbrella, so he got wet.

7. You hair looks great! Did you <b>have it cut</b> yesterday?
8. The old man was wearing very dirty <b>trousers</b>.
9. The police <b>were</b> very grateful for the information.
10. Fritz studied hard, but <b>failed</b> the exam.


1.G 2.C 3. F 4. E 5. B 6. A 7. I 8. D

<b>IX. GAPFILL</b>

1. the 2. most 3. Although 4. there 5. was 6. by 7. about 8. need 9. because/as/since 10.

not/ hardly

11. that 12. more 13. in 14 . these 15. time/ necessary/ important/ vital 16 . recently/
newly/just 17. should

18. better/ more/ increased/ improved 19. lower/ cheaper 20. will

<b>X. READING</b>

1. D 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. A


1. The bed I sleep on has no mattress.

2. The man I was waiting for did not turn up.

3. Tom, who was driving all day, was tired and wanted to stop.
4. How long did it take her to cook the meal yesterday?

5. He helped his friend (to) get good marks by telling him to be more careful.
6. Those buses are not going to the airport and neither are those taxis.

7. You are free to do what you like.

8. It is exciting to hear that she has won the first prize.
9. It is not easy for the patient to recover from his illness.
10. It is not possible for us to smoke in the class.


<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

6. <b>for</b> me to go 7. Bianca <b>did</b> some 8. <b>he</b> got 9. for us to <b>stay</b> 10. you <b>posted</b> those


1. If things had happened as expected, she wouldhave gone with him.
2. Please say what you want to say quickly.

3. He uses a lot of obscene words.
4. The Titanic sank on its first journey.

5. I understand and accept what you are saying.
6. He's just showing that his idea is right.
7. I wish he would say it quickly.

8. Where are these plates kept?

9. He seemed to have already begun a friendship with Jo.


