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<b>ĐỀ SỐ 1</b>

<b> Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.</b>
1. <b>a</b>. machine b. change c. teacher d. choose

2. a. condition b. option <b>c</b>. suggestion d. relation

3. <b>a</b>. believe b. readily c. friend d. pleasure

4. a. trust <b>b</b>. mutual c. number d. uncertain

5. a. grade b. great <b>c</b>. sneaky d. embrace

6. a. money b. notice c. glance <b>d</b>. ankle

7. a. imagine <b>b</b>. glance c. geography d. religion

8. <b>a</b>. change b. English c. single d. anger

<b>Choose the one word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the</b>
<b> sentences or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase.</b>

9. It was so relaxing to be __________ old friends.

a. in b. between c. among d. around

10. She's made friends __________ a little girl who lives next door.
a. to b. of c. by d. with

11. The children seem to be totally capable __________ working by themselves.

on b. of c. in d. for

12. Your friendship should be based on __________ trust.

a. basic b. fragile c. mutual d. blind

13. The company expects __________ from its employees.

a. constancy b. quality c. interest d. loyalty

14. I've got lots of __________, but only a few are really good friends
a. close friends b. acquaintances c. neighbors d. partners

15. Friendship is a two-sided __________ it lives by give-and-take.
a. affair b. event c. aspect d. feature

16. Unselfishness is the very __________ of friendship.

a. romantic part b. important part c. difficult part d. interesting part

17. They __________ a close friendship at university.

a.created b. became c. promoted d. formed

18. We stayed friends even after we __________ and left home.

brought up b. turned up c. grew up d. took up

19. He finds it __________ lasting friendships.

a. difficult to make b. difficulty in making
c. is difficult to make d. difficult making

20. You __________ any friends if you __________ talking like that.
a. will win/ carryon b. won't win/ carry on

c. wouldn't win/ carried on d. would have won/ had carried on

21. The aim of the culture festival is __________ friendship between the two countries
a. promote b. promoting c. to promote d. being promoted

22. People he __________ turned out to be only fair-weather friends.

a. trusted b. has trusted c. was trusting d. had trusted

23. How can youlet such a silly incident __________ your friendship?
a. wreck b. to wreck c. wrecking d. that wrecks

24. It has become necessary __________ water in the metropolitan area because of the severe drought.
a. rationing b. ration c. toration d. to have rationed

25. All the passengers were made __________ their seat belts during the turbulence.

26. a__________ good ice cream, youneed touse a lot of cream.

a. Make b. Making c. To make d. For make

27. I got my friend __________ her car for the weekend.

a. tolet me toborrow b. to let me borrow c. let me borrow d. let me to borrow

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a. used tobe b. would be c. were d. are

29. Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, I had my old ones __________
a. repair b. torepair c. repairing d. repaired

30. It's possible __________ a train across Canada.

a. take b. totake c. taking d. to be taken

31. Now that we've finished painting the house, there is nothing left __________
a. to do b. fordoing c. tobe done d. for being done

32. Before we leave, let's have Shelley __________ a map for us so we won't get lost.
a. draw b. todraw c. drawing d. drawn

33. I can hear a cat __________ at the window.

a. scratches b. toscratch c. scratching d. was scratching

34. The police never found the money __________ in the robbery.
a. stealing b. be stolen c. steal d. stolen

35. She glanced briefly __________ his lapel badge.

a. in b. on c. at d. up

36. __________ my experience, very few people really understand the problem.
a. To b. In c. With d. From

37. People here have a more relaxed attitude __________ their work.
a. to b. in c. on d. for

38. The novel is based on his __________ in the war.

a. attitudes b. images c. situations d. experiences

39. I don't like that man. There is a __________ look on his face.

a. furious b. humorous c. sneaky d. guilty

40. She made a big __________ about not having a window seat on the plane.
a. complaint b. fuss c. excitement d. interest

41. He has a very outgoing __________ and makes friends very easily.
a. person b. personal c. personality d. personage

42. He __________ to the spot where the house used to stand.

a. pointed b. showed c. directed d. glanced

43. Teenagers often have their __________ who they admire very much.
a. ideals b. admirers c. images d. idols

44. I had a glance at the article, but I haven't read it yet.

a. close look b. __________ c. direct look d. furtive look

45. Before he turned 14, Mozart __________ a few lesser piece for the piano.

a. has composed b. had composed c. was composed d. would composed

46. He was busy __________ his homework.

a. to do b. doing c. for doing d that he was doing

47. Rarely __________ succeed in ballet if they start after the age of 12.

a. do children b. children have c. children d. are children

48. Have something to eat before you __________.

a. leave b. left c. will leave d. had left

49. __________ this holiday for ages.

a. We're looking forward to b. We looked forward to
c. We look forward to d. We've looked forward to

50. __________ hard all year, so I felt that I deserved a holiday.

a. I work b. I worked c. I'd been working d. I've worked
Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be

changed for the sentence to be correct.

51. Whatever happened, I didn't want to lose friendship of Vera.

52. The basic aims of science and magic are very similar - to understand and to control nature.

53. It was a period of her life when she made some lifelong friendship.

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55. Not longer are contributions to the advancement of industry made primarily by individuals.

56. The governor has not decided how to deal with the new problem already.

57. Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his office key.

58. There are few areas of human experience that have not been writing about.

59. I think you will enjoy the experience by taking part in the show.

60. I find that necessary to do something about traffic problems in our city.

<b>A. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d – that best fits the blank space in the following passage.</b>

During the (66) __________ years, many young people can at times be difficult to talk to. They
often seem to dislike being questioned. They may seem (62) __________ to talk about their work at school.
This is a normal (63) __________ of this age. Though it can be very hard for parents to understand, it is part
of becoming (64) __________ of teenagers trying to be adult while they are still growing up. Young people
are usually unwilling to talk if they believe, that questions are trying to (65) __________ up on them

Parents should do their (66) __________ to talk to their son and daughter about school, work and
future plans but should not (67) __________ them to talk if they don't want to. Parents should also watch for
danger signs. Some young people in trying to be adult may (68) __________ with sex, drugs, alcohol or
smoking. Parents need to watch for any signs of (69) __________ behavior which may be connected with
these and help if (70) __________

61. a. early b. teenage c. childhood d. recent

62. a. unworried b. unrestrained c. unexpected d. unwilling

63. a. development b. appearance c. circumstance d. achievement

64. a. free b. confident c. dependent d. independent

65. a. catch b. check c. keep d. make

66. a. wel1 b. good c. better d. best

67. a. push b. allow c. put d. expect

68. a. experiment b. approach c. experience d. attach

69. a. unacceptable b. unusual c. normal d. exemplary

70. a. proper b. appropriate c. important d. necessary
B. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers.

Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital. I think it's important to see as much
of a country as you can, but it is difficult to travel around Nepal. The hospital let me have a few days’
holiday, so I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me.

We started preparing for the trip at six in the morning, and left camp with two elephants carrying our
equipment. It was hot but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes. In the jungle
there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers. We climbed onto the
elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the
heat of the day.

Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet. We crept nearer and found
a dead deer, still bleeding. This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly I started to feel very frightened.

We heard the tiger a second before we saw it. It jumped out like a flash of lightning, five hundred
kilos plus and four meters long. I looked into its eyes and face, and saw right down the animal's throat. It
grabbed Kamal's leg between its teeth, but I managed to pul1 Kamal away. One of our elephants ran at the
tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch. That night it was
impossible to sleep!

71. The writer went to Nepal

a. for holiday b. for treatment c. for business d. on tour

72. When having a few days off, he decided to go into

a. the remote villages b. the mountains c. the seaside d. the tropical forest

73. It's difficult to find tigers in the afternoon because

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74. The writer started to feel frightened when

a. he saw a tiger b. he saw the tiger's lunch c. he scrept nearer d. he found a deer

75. The tiger.

a. was like a flash of light b. saw them a second before they saw it
c. jumped out very fast d. jumped out of the grass at about four meters.

76. Which of the followings is not true according to the pasage?
a. Tigers are members of the cat family.

b. The writer was made to wear shoes and trousers to protect him from the heat of the day.
c. Kamal narrowly escaped being killed.

d. It was such a terrible experience that the writer couldn't sleep that night.

From the four words or phrases - a, b, c or d, choose the one that best completes the sentence.

<i>77.</i> Pioneer men and women endured terrible hardships, and

a. so do their children b. neither did the children
c. also the children d. so did their children

78. Nowhere in the northern section of the United States __________ for growing citrus crops.
a. the climate is suitable b. where the climate is suitable

c. is the climate suitable d. is there suitability of the climate

79. No-one ever mentions him because he's regarded as <i>the black sheep of the family </i>.
(a) the one with a sense of humour (c) the one who is always late
(b) the one with a bad reputation (d) the one who never washes

80. I shouldn't go outside without a raincoat because <i>it's raining cats and dogs</i>.
(a) it's just started to rain (c) it's raining very heavily
(b) it's going to rain (d) it's raining a little

<b>ĐÁP ÁN</b>

<b>1A</b> <b>2C</b> <b>3A</b> <b>4B</b> <b>5C</b> <b>6D</b> <b>7B</b> <b>8A</b> <b>9C</b> <b>10D</b>

<b>11B</b> <b>12C</b> <b>13D</b> <b>14B</b> <b>15A</b> <b>16B</b> <b>17C</b> <b>18C</b> <b>19A</b> <b>20B</b>

<b>21B</b> <b>22C</b> <b>23B</b> <b>24C</b> <b>25B</b> <b>26C</b> <b>27B</b> <b>28A</b> <b>29D</b> <b>30B</b>

<b>31A</b> <b>32A</b> <b>33C</b> <b>34D</b> <b>35C</b> <b>36B</b> <b>37A</b> <b>38D</b> <b>39C</b> <b>40B</b>

<b>41C</b> <b>42A</b> <b>43D</b> <b>44B</b> <b>45B</b> <b>46B</b> <b>47A</b> <b>48A</b> <b>49D</b> <b>50C</b>

<b>51D</b> <b>52D</b> <b>53D</b> <b>54C</b> <b>55A</b> <b>56D</b> <b>57A</b> <b>58D</b> <b>59C</b> <b>60A</b>

<b>61B</b> <b>62D</b> <b>63A</b> <b>64D</b> <b>65B</b> <b>66D</b> <b>67A</b> <b>68C</b> <b>69B</b> <b>70D</b>

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<b>MÔN TIẾNG ANH - ĐỀ 4</b>

<i><b>Chọn phương án (A hoặc B,C,D) ứng với phần từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm</b></i>

<i><b>khác với các từ còn lại trong mỗi câu.</b></i>

1. A. dishonor B. historic C. honesty D. rhythm
2. A. infamous B. fame C. stranger D. danger
3. A. trustworthy B. theory C. theses D. width
4. A. cabbage B. voyage C. massage D. carriage
5. A. choir B. chore C. chemist D. chorus

<i><b>Chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B,C,D) để hoàn thành mỗi câu sau.</b></i>

6. My husband _________ down the tree. He says that it is perfectly all right as it is.
A. did not cut B. does not cut C. haven't cut D. will not cut
7. I _________ later that I __________ an out-of-date timetable.

A. found had used B. have found had used
C. found has used D. have found use

8. __________ sighting an approaching car, some drivers tend to speed up.
A. When slowing down instead of B. Instead when slowing down at
C. When instead of slowing down D. Instead of slowing down when
9. The interviewer wanted to know __________ French.

A. If I spoke B. do I spoke C. do I speak D. If I spoken
10. __________ the hijacker plane landed, it was surrounded by police.

A. As soon as B. While C. Just D. Until

11. The flight was canceled __________ the weather conditions were bad.

A. because of B. due to the fact that C. thanks D. that

12. They asked me a lot of questions, _________ I couldn't answer.

A. all of whom B. that C. all of which D. who

13. She could not decide __________ to dive __________ to jump into water.
A. both or B. not only but also

C. neither nor D. whether or

14. __________ the room, I noticed it had been renovated.

A. Entering B. Entered C. Having been entered D. Having entering
15. " Will the Jacksons be invited?" "I __________"

A. expect so not B. so expect C. not expect so D. expect so
16. The job was done __________, and we were extremely displeased.

A. incompetence B. incompetency C. incompetent D. incompetently
17. He will help you but only in an __________ capacity.

A. advisability B. advise C. advisory D. advisably

18. We drove at five miles an hour because the __________ was so poor.
A. visible B. visual C. view D. visibility

19. I had to look up the number in the telephone __________ .
A. direction B. directly C. directory D. directors

20. The fire was caused by an __________ fault in the television.

A. electrician B. electricity C. electrical D. electric
21. After feeling off __________ for days, Tom finally went to see his doctor.
A. food B. color C. fitness D. balance

22. All those nights must be __________ their toll because Becky looks quite exhausted.
A. taking B. having C. holding D. keeping

23. Would you like to help me __________ these photocopies?

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25.__________ by a snake, I was rushed to hospital.

A. Bitten B. Having bitten C. Biting D. Been bitten

<i><b>Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B,C,D) cho mỗi chỗ trống:</b></i>
Sugar tastes sweet because of thousands of receptors on the tongue which connect the
substance with the brain. The taste of sweetness is (26)__________ accepted as the most
pleasurable known, although it is a fructose. Abundant is the most common occurring sugar,
(27)__________ of which include fruit and honey. Sucrose, which supplies glucose to the body, is
(28)__________ from the sugar cane plant, and white sugar (pure sucrose) is used by food

technologists to (29)__________ sweetness in other substances. Appropriately a dozen artificial
(30)__________ have been discovered; one of the earliest was Sorbitol from France.

Manufacturers (31)__________ large amounts of sugar to foodstuffs but never more than the
(32)__________ required to produce the optimum pleasurable taste. Surprisingly, this

(33)__________ is similar for different cultures. No one has (34)__________ discovered a way to
predict whether a substance will taste sweet, and it was by (35)__________ alone that all the

chemical sweeteners were found to be sweet.
26. A. universally B. wide C. commonly D. largely
27. A. origins B. places C. sources D. roots

28. A. cites B. extracted C. drawn D. made
29. A. detect B. smell C. taste D. measure

30. A. sweeteners B. sweets C. candy D. substances
31. A. provide B. supply C. add D. give

32. A. excess B. maximum C. limit D. extremity
33. A. amount B. number C. sum D. total

34. A. already B. yet C. still D. just
35. A. chance B. ability C. luck D. time

<i><b>Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B,C,D) cho mỗi chỗ trống:</b></i>

Thirteen-year-olds do not spend as much money as their parents suspect - at least not according
to the findings of a (36)__________ survey, Money and Charge. The survey (37)__________
three hundred teenagers, 13-17 years old, from (38)__________ Britain.

By the time they (39)__________ their teens, most children see their weekly allowance rise
dramatically to an amazing national average of ₤5.14. Two thirds think they get enough money,
but most expect to do something to get it.

Although they have more cash, worry about debt is increasing among teenagers. Therefore, the
(40)__________ of children (41)__________ an effort to save for the future. Greater access to
cash among teenagers does not, however, mean that they are more irresponsible (42)__________ a

result. The economic recession seems to have encouraged cautious attitudes to money, even in the
case of children at these ages. Instead of wasting what pocket (43)__________ they have on
sweets or magazines, the 13-year-olds who took (44)__________ in the survey seem to
(45)____________ to the situation by saving more than half of their cash.

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Although they are an inexpensive supplier of vitamins, minerals, and high-quality protein, eggs
also contain a high level of blood cholesterol, one of the major causes of heart disease. One egg
yolk, in fact, contain a little more than two- thirds of suggested daily cholesterol limit. This
knowledge has caused egg sales to plummet in recent years, which in turn has brought about the
development of several alternatives to eating regular eggs. One alternative is to eat substitute eggs.
These eggs substitutes are not really eggs, but they look <b>somewhat </b>like eggs when they are

cooked. They have advantage of having lower cholesterol rates, and they can be scrambled or used
in baking. One advantage, however, is that they are not good for frying, poaching, or boiling. A
second alternative to regular eggs is a new type of eggs, sometimes called "designer" eggs. These
eggs are produced by hens that are fed low-fat diets consisting of ingredients such as canola oil,
flaw, and rice bran. In spite of their diets, however, these hens produce eggs that contain the same
amount of cholesterol as regular eggs. Yet, the producers of these eggs claim that eating their
eggs will not raise the blood cholesterol in humans.

Egg producers claim that their product has been <b>portrayed </b>unfairly. They cite scientific studies
to <b>back up </b>their claim. And, in fact, studies on the relationships between eggs and human
cholesterol levels have brought <b>mixed results</b>. It may be that it is not the type of eggs that is the
main determinant of cholesterol but the person who is eating the eggs . Some people may be more
sensitive to cholesterol derived from food than other people. In fact, there is evidence that certain
dietary fats stimulate the body's production of blood cholesterol. Consequently, while it is still
makes sense to limit one's intake of eggs, even designer eggs, it seems that doing this without
regulating dietary fat will probably not help reduce the blood cholesterol level.

46. What is the main purpose of this passage?

A. to inform people about the relation between eggs and cholesterol
B. to convince people to eat "<i><b>designer</b></i>" eggs and egg substitutes
C. to persuade people that eggs are unhealthy and should not be eaten
D. to introduce the idea that dietary fat increase the blood cholesterol level
47. According to the passage, which of the following is a cause of heart disease?

A. minerals B. cholesterol C. vitamins D. canola oil
48. which of the following could be best replaced the word "<i><b>somewhat</b></i>"?

A. indefinitely B. in fact C. a little D. a lot
49. According to the passage, what has been the cause for changes in the sale of eggs?
A. dietary changes in hens B. decreased production

C. increasing price D. concerns about cholesterol

50 According to the passage, one egg yolk contains approximately what fraction of suggested
daily limit for human consumption of cholesterol?

A. 1/3 B. 1/2 C. 2/3 D. 3/4
51. The word "<i><b>portrayed</b></i>" could best be replaces by which of the following?

A. described B. studied C. destroyed D. tested
52. what is the meaning of the phrase "<i><b>back up</b></i>"?

A. reverse B. advance C. support D. block
53. What does the author mean by the phrase "<i><b>mixed results</b></i>"?

A. The results are blended. B. The results are inconclusive.
C. the results are a composite of things. D. The results are mingled together.

54. According to the passage, egg substitutes can not be used to make any the following types of
eggs EXCEPT___________ .

A. scrambled B. fried C. poached D. boiled
55. According to the author, which of the following may reduce blood cholesterol?

A. reducing egg intake but not fat intake. B. increasing egg intake and fat intake.
C. increasing egg intake but no fat intake. D. decreasing egg intake and fat intake.
<i><b>Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau vμ chọn phương án đúng (A hoặc B,C,D) cho mỗi câu:</b></i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

of the future will be far more pollution-free than those on the road today. Several new types of
automobile engines have already been developed that run on alternative sources of power, such as
electricity, compressed natural gas, methanol, steam, hydrogen, propane. Electricity, however, is
the only zero-emission option presently available.

Although electric vehicles will not be truly practical until a powerful, <b>compact </b>battery or another
dependable source of current is available, transportation expects foresee a new assortment of
electric vehicles entering everyday life: shorter-range commuter electric cars, three-wheeled
neighborhood cars, electric delivery vans, bikes, and trolleys.

As automakers work to develop practical electric vehicles, urban planners and utility engineers
are focusing on infrastructure systems to support and make the best use of the new cars. Public
<b>charging </b>facilities will need to be as common as today's gas stations. Public parking spots on the
street or in commercial lots will need to be equipped with devices that allow drivers to charge their
batteries while they stop, dine, or attend a concert. To encourage the use of electric vehicles, the
most convenient parking in transportation centers might be reserved for electric cars.

Planners foresee electric shuttle buses, trains, and neighborhood vehicles all meeting at transit
centers that would have facilities for charging and renting. <b>Commuters </b>will be able to rent a
variety of electric cars to suit their needs: light trucks, one-person three-wheelers, small cars, or
electric/ gasoline <b>hybrid </b>cars for longer trips, which will no doubt take place on automated
freeways capable of handling five times the number of vehicles that can be carried by a freeway

56. The following electric vehicles are all mentioned in the passage EXCEPT:

A. trolleys B. trains C. vans D. planes
57. The author's purpose in the passage is to

A. criticize conventional vehicles.

B. describe the possibilities for transportation in the future.
C. narrate a story about alternative energy vehicles.

D. support the invention of electric cars.

58. The passage would most likely be followed by details about

A. the neighborhood of the future. B. pollution restrictions in the future.
C. automated freeways. D. electric shuttle buses.

59. The word "<i><b>compact</b></i>" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to

A. long-range B. concentrated C. inexpensive D. squared
60. In the second paragraph the author implies that

A. everyday life will stay such the same in the future.

B. a dependable source of electric energy will eventually be developed.

C. a single electric vehicle will eventually replace several modern of transportation.
D. electric vehicles are not practical for the future.

61. According to the passage, public parking lots of the future will be
A. more convenient than they are today .

B. as common as today's gas stations.
C. much large than they are today.
D. equipped with charging devices.

62. The word "<i><b>charging</b></i>" in this passage refer to
A. parking B. credit cards C. electricity D. lightening
63. It can be inferred from the passage that

A. the present cars are more economical than their future generation.

B. electricity is the best alternative source of power as it is almost free of pollution.
C. the present electric engines are the best option as being practical

D. many new types of practical electric engines have been developed.
64. he word "<i><b>hybrid</b></i>" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

A. cab drivers B. visitors C. daily travelers D. shoppers
<i><b>Chọn phương án (A hoặc B,C,D) ứng với câu tốt nhất được</b></i>

<i><b>tạo ra bằng những từ cho sẵn:</b></i>

66. farmers/ outside/ the/ hundreds/ parliament/ of/ house/ demonstrated.
A. Farmers demonstrated outside hundreds of Parliament House.

B. Hundreds farmers outside demonstrated of the Parliament House
C. Hundreds of farmers demonstrated outside the Parliament House.
D. Hundreds of farmers outside demonstrated the Parliament House.

67. Darwin,/ theory of revolution/ was/ scientists/ among/ made/ famous,/ him/ the/ greatest/

A. Darwin, whose theory of revolution was among the greatest, made him famous scientists.
B. Darwin, whose theory of evolution, has made him famous was among the greatest scientists.
C. Darwin, whose theory of evolution made him famous, was among the greatest scientists.
D. Darwin, made him famous whose theory of revolution, was among the greatest scientists.
68. Our/ because/ become/ fingers/ in/ life/ modern/ more/ much/ sensitive/ them/ use/ we/ will/.
A. Our fingers will become more modern because we use them much in sensitive life.

B. Our fingers will become more sensitive because we use modern life much in them.
C. Our fingers will become more sensitive because modern life in we use them very much.
D. Our fingers will become more sensitive because we use them much in modern life.
69. son/ it/ food/ he/ in/ for/ was/ my/ to/ eat/ was/ when/ difficult/ Thai/ Bangkok/.
A. It was difficult for my son to eat Thai food when he was in Bangkok.

B. It was difficult for my son when he was in Bangkok to eat Thai food.
C. It was difficult to eat Thai food when he was in Bangkok for my son.
D. It was difficult to eat Thai food for my son when he was in Bangkok.

70. Ho Chi Minh/ all/ to/ goal/ devoted/ single/:/ his/ country/ life/ independence/ for/ his/.
A. Ho Chi Minh devoted his all life to a goal: independence for his single country.

B. Ho Chi Minh devoted his all life to a goal: single independence for his country.
C. Ho Chi Minh devoted all his life to a goal single: independence for his country.
D. Ho Chi Minh devoted all his life to a single goal: independence for his country.
<i><b>Chọn phương án (A hoặc B,C,D) ứng với từ/ cụm từ có phần gạch chân cần phải sửa</b></i>
<i><b>trong các câu sau:</b></i>

71. The most butterfly eggs are coated with a sticky substance that holds them to plants.


72. The removal of waste materials is essential to all forms of live.

73. The most widely used material for package consumer goods is cardboard.

74. Many championship automobiles and motorcycle races take place in

Daytona Beach, Florida.

75. Bees collect pollen, which furnishes protein for its diet.

<i><b>Chọn phương án (A hoặc B,C,D) ứng với câu có nghĩa gần nhất với mỗi câu cho sẵn sau:</b></i>
76. She strikes me as a very effective teacher.

A. My impression of her is that she is a very effective teacher.
B. As a teacher, she always strikes me.

C. She is such an effective teacher that she always strikes her students.
D. I make an effective impression on her teacher.

77. Mrs. Jones told me that her neighbors were moving to Florida.
A. Mrs. is planning to move to Florida with her neighbors.

B. Mrs. Jones and her neighbors live in Florida.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

D. I knew that Mrs. Jones had moved to Florida because her neighbors told me.
78. Mrs. Smith is no longer beautiful because of her hard life.

A. Mrs. Smith is beautiful although her life is hard.
B. Mrs. Smith lives a long life because she is beautiful.
C. No longer is Mrs. Smith beautiful because of her hard life.
D. Although Mrs. Smith is not beautiful, her life is happy.
79. I hardly knew the people I was going to visit.

A. I knew the people I was going to visit very well.
B. I was not sure whether I knew the people or not.

C. The people I was going to visit were completely stranger.
D. I knew the people I was going to visit only slightly.
80. There's no point in persuading him to do this.
A. He is able to do this although he does not want to.
B. It would be useful to persuade him.

C. It is useless to persuade him.
D. I enjoy persuading him to do this.

<b>ĐÁP ÁN</b>

<b>1B</b> <b>2A</b> <b>3A</b> <b>4C</b> <b>5B</b> <b>6D</b> <b>7A</b> <b>8D</b> <b>9A</b> <b>10A</b>

<b>11B</b> <b>12C</b> <b>13D</b> <b>14A</b> <b>15D</b> <b>16D</b> <b>17C</b> <b>18D</b> <b>19C</b> <b>20C</b>

<b>21B</b> <b>22A</b> <b>23B</b> <b>24A</b> <b>25A</b> <b>26A</b> <b>27C</b> <b>28B</b> <b>29D</b> <b>30A</b>

<b>31C</b> <b>32B</b> <b>33A</b> <b>34B</b> <b>35A</b> <b>36B</b> <b>37D</b> <b>38B</b> <b>39A</b> <b>40D</b>

<b>41A</b> <b>42C</b> <b>43B</b> <b>44A</b> <b>45C</b> <b>46A</b> <b>47B</b> <b>48C</b> <b>49D</b> <b>50C</b>

<b>51A</b> <b>52C</b> <b>53B</b> <b>54A</b> <b>55D</b> <b>56D</b> <b>57B</b> <b>58C</b> <b>59B</b> <b>60B</b>

<b>61D</b> <b>62C</b> <b>63B</b> <b>64D</b> <b>65C</b> <b>66C</b> <b>67C</b> <b>68D</b> <b>69A</b> <b>70D</b>


