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A study of employee job satisfaction at cotec construction joint stock company

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: CGS00018246


: MAY, 2014



August, 2015

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Advisor’s Assessment


Advisor’s signature

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Actually no success has come without associated with the support, however
much help, either directly or indirectly by the other person. During the period from
the beginning of learning, I've received a lot of attention, help your teachers, family
and friends.
With deepest gratitude, I would like to send you a Masters in International
Training Institute Hutech together with knowledge and her dedication to impart
valuable knowledge to our students during the period of study at school. And in
particular, in this semester, the Institute has organized for us to have access to
courses that follow you is very helpful for students of Business Administration.
That is the subject Research Project In Business.
I sincerely thank Dr. Nguyen The Khai has dedicated guided us through
each classroom sessions as well as the creative practice in scientific research.
Without these instructions, the teacher taught, I think my thesis is hard to be perfect.
Again, I sincerely thank you. The study is being conducted over a period of
approximately 4 weeks. Initially, in practice, to learn about the field of creativity in
scientific research, my knowledge is limited and muchsurprise. Therefore, the
inevitable gaps is a sure thing, I look forward to the valuable feedback of your
teachers and the classmates to my knowledge in this field is excellent.
Finally, I wish your Masters in International Training Institute Hutech and
Dr. Nguyen The Khai .Wishes for health, confidence to continue performing his
noble mission is the transfer of knowledge for future generations

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CHAPTER I .............................................................................................................................. 8
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Over view of the company ........................................................................................... 8
1.2 Organisation Structure and Human Resources ........................................................... 9
1.3 Human resource policy............................................................................................... 12
1.4 ISO certificate ............................................................................................................. 16
1.6 Events .......................................................................................................................... 18
II. RESEARCH INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 25
2.1 Research problem statement of the study ................................................................ 25
2.2 Contribute of the study .............................................................................................. 25
CHAPTER II .......................................................................................................................... 27
LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................................... 27
2.1 Work Control ............................................................................................................. 27
2.2 Role innovation.......................................................................................................... 27
2.3 Supervisor Related Commitment ............................................................................. 28
2.4 Fairness In Skill-Based ............................................................................................. 28
2.5 Positive Work Bahaviors .......................................................................................... 29
2.6 The relationship between work control and positive work bahaviors .................... 29
2.7 The relationship between role innovation and positive work bahaviors ................ 30
2.8 The relationship between supervisor related commitment and positive work
bahaviors ................................................................................................................................... 31
2.9 The relationship between fairness in skill-based and positive work bahaviors .........
.................................................................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER III ......................................................................................................................... 34

RESEARCH MODEL AND HYPOTHESES .................................................................... 34
3.1 Research model.......................................................................................................... 34

Dependent Variables: ........................................................................................ 34


Independent Variables: ..................................................................................... 34

3.2 Constructs .................................................................................................................. 34
3.3 Research Hypotheses: ............................................................................................... 35
CHAPTER IV ......................................................................................................................... 39

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RESULTS AND FINDINGS................................................................................................. 39
I. RESEARCH METHODS .................................................................................................. 39
1.1 Data collection ............................................................................................................ 39
1.2 Measures ..................................................................................................................... 39
1.3 Measures of each construct ........................................................................................ 39
1.3.1 Work Control .................................................................................................... 39
1.3.2 Role innovation ................................................................................................ 40
1.3.3 Supervisor related commitment ...................................................................... 41
1.3.4 Fairness In Skill-Based .................................................................................... 42
1.3.5 Positive work bahaviors ................................................................................... 43
II. DATA ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................ 44
2.2 Descriptive Statistics .................................................................................................. 45
2.3 Hypothesis Testing Result ......................................................................................... 46

CHAPTER V ........................................................................................................................... 48
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................ 48
I.Discussion .............................................................................................................................. 48
1.1 Recommendations for Work Control ........................................................................ 48
1.2 Recommendations for Role Innovation..................................................................... 48
1.3 Recommendations for Supervisor Related Commitment........................................ 49
1.4 Recommendations for Fairness In Skill-Based......................................................... 49
II. Significance of research ................................................................................................... 49
III. Limitation of research .................................................................................................... 51
REFERENCE ......................................................................................................................... 52
THE SURVEY ........................................................................................................................ 53

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Table 1: Annual turnover and profit growth .................................................9
Table 2: Measurement of Work Control ......................................................35
Table 3: Measurement of Role Innovation ...................................................36
Table 4: Measurement of Supervisor related commitment ......................37
Table 5: Measurement of Fairness In Skill-Base .........................................38
Table 6: Measurement of Positive Work Bahaviors ...................................38
Table 7: Cronbach's Alpha- Internal consistency .......................................39
Table 8: Reliability Statistics .........................................................................40
Table 9: Descriptive Statistics .......................................................................40
Table 10: Model Summary (FIS, WC, SRC, RI) .........................................41
Table 11: Coefficients (FIS, WC, SRC, RI)..................................................41
Table 12: Hypothesis Statistic .......................................................................42
Figure 1: Human resource manager system- Organizational Chart ........11
Figure 2: Proposed Research Model of Employee Positive Work Bahaviors

in Coteccon Group ...........................................................................................29

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This study examined the impact of work control, role innovation, supervisor
related commitment, and fairness in skill-based on Coteccons Construction’s
employee job satisfaction.Result:The results supported the hypothesis that work
control, role innovation, supervisor related commitment, and fairness in skill-based
on Coteccons Construction’s employee job satisfaction. Conclusion: The findings
in this study would help managers of Coteccons Construction’s to formulate
strategies that involved work factors such as distributive and procedural justice to
improve the management of human resource development. These strategies would
help in influencing positive behaviors among employees, and hence achieve
effectiveness and high productivity in the organization. Therefore, it was worth the
effort for the organization to train and educate their managers on the impact of
perceptions of organizational justice on the motivation and commitment of their
Keywords: work control, role innovation, supervisor related commitment,
and fairness in skill-based

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1.1 Over view of the company
- Cotec Construction Joint Stock Company
(Coteccons’s Group).
- Address: Floor 9th - 12th , Coteccons Office Building,
No.236/6 Dien Bien Phu Str., - Ward 17 Binh Thanh
Dist, - Ho Chi Minh .
- Tel: 08.35142255 - 3.5142266 - Fax: 08. 35142277
- Website: www.coteccons.vn
- Products:
Construction, installation and repair of civil and industrial project,
infrastructure, transportation and irrigation projects, residential and commercial
Investment consultation, project management of civil, industrial and
infrastructure projects.
Design of construction works; design of civil and industrial projects;
residential and commercial buildings, interior design, design of HVAC systems and
Mechanical, electrical and plumbing works.
-Last five year business achievements:
Turnover and net profit of the company are shown as follows:





Billion dongs




Billion dongs




Billion dongs




Billion dongs




Billion dongs



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Table 1: Annual turnover and profit growth


Strategic Shareholders:

With sustainable development strategies and business transparency in the
issuance of shares to strategic shareholders, Coteccons has attracted several national
and international investors, such as:
+ Tainan Spinning Co., Ltd.
+ Indochina Holdings Group Ltd .
+ Kusto Pte., Ltd.

1.2 Organisation Structure and Human Resources
Structure: The shareholder community has the most powerful authority to
approve any changes or revisions to regulations or annual business objectives of the
In the Annual General Meeting the Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors
shall be elected to manage all business activities.
The Board of Directors is responsible for implementing the Annual General

Meeting’s decisions.

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Coteccons is directly managed by the General Director appointed and
approved by the Board of Directors. The General Director manages the company in
accordance with Company Regulations approved by Annual General Meeting and
under Vietnam Laws.
Resources: Coteccons is proud of a team of experienced, elite and creative
engineers, architects and expatriate experts. All the staff participates fully in
training, created for the purpose of self-improvement and perfection.

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Figure 1: Human resource manager system- Organizational Char
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1.3 Human resource policy
“Human is our key of success” – Coteccons Group’s human resources are
considered the most valuable assets. We therefore pay continuous attention in
building up a team of professional managers and staffs for the purpose of
sustainable development.

Coteccons objectively evaluate contributions from each staff in order to
increase the awareness of individual roles in forming corporate culture, continuous

learning, innovation, diligence and integrity. Personnel Policy is always improved
to ensure staffs have the best working conditions:

-Working Conditions:
- Coteccons cares staffs’ working conditions: allocate clean well-ventilated
convenient locations, provide sufficiently equipment, supply uniforms for all staffs
and personal protective equipment for staffs working on site.
- Professional and dynamic working environments where personal competence can
be shown and nurtured. Staffs are always supported and guided by their superiors,
coordinated by colleagues and relevant departments for the shared sake of corporate

-Employment Policy:
Total working time: 44 hours/week.
Holiday, annual leaves and other leaves comply with Labor Code.
Coteccons staffs at work have to wear uniforms and comply with the following

Be responsible, internal solidary to fulfil assigned duties.

Fully comply with assignment and mobilization from superiors.

Report fully and exactly about assigned duties. Consult instructions from
superior when facing work difficulties for timely solutions.

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Officer is prohibited from abusing authority to receive commissions from any
parties in any forms which cause damages to Coteccons ‘s image and

Do not use Coteccons ’s name for personal purposes. Work cheating which
causes losses and damages to Coteccons ‘s benefits and assets is prohibited.

Information disclosure, document take-away, providing information to external
parties without approval are prohibited.

Do not disclose Coteccons ‘s business secrets.

Personal incomes are based on appraisal of direct superior and executives.
Disclosure of personal income is therefore prohibited.

- Remuneration:
Remuneration policy is built on the ground of assigned duties and performance
Wage raise will be carried out periodically on the ground of performance and
appraisal of direct superior.
In addition to wages, Coteccons will award bonus to motivate working spirit:
holiday bonus, new year bonus and bonus on duty achievement.
-Social Insurance:
Deposit for social insurance, medical insurance will comply with current legal
requirements. Regimes of maternity, work-accident insurance, unemployment
allowances will base on legal requirements.
In addition to required insurances, Coteccons will consider the following

Total health insurance. Depending on positions and remote working
conditions, Coteccons consider the application of total health insurance for
family members.

Insurance for abroad business trips.

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- Training:
In order to build up a team of know-how staffs who are professional and workethical, every year, Coteccons will create a training plan in accordance with

Coteccons development strategy.

Integration: New staffs will attend Integration Course to have a general

understanding of the establishment and development of Coteccons, regulations,
procedures and Coteccons cultures so that they can immediately integrate with
colleagues and works. New supervisor will be trained with technical materials.

Manager training: Potential staffs will be nominated to Potential Leader

Club, attend leading skill classes, managerial courses, planning presentation and
other skill training.

Indoor training: indoor training will be carried out frequently. Experts will

be invited to these training classes. Attention is paid to internal training where
superiors will train subordinates to perfect and upgrade professions.

Soft skill training: staffs will also be trained on soft skills such as

interaction, presentation, negotiation … to increase their confidence and working

Short-term abroad training: Based on work demand, Coteccons will

consider the nomination for training at advanced economies.
As part of COTECCONS Group on going training programme, we invited a
concrete company from Australia to spend 4 weeks in Vietnam to work with our
site supervisors and concrete teams during the preparation, placement and finishing
of concrete.
The principle thrust of the training included:
- The use of international quality tools in the placing and finishing of concrete.
- The introduction and use of lazers for controlling the finished concrete levels.
- The introduction of the Connolly formwork system for “slab on ground”
construction joints.
- The building of easily removable formwork (risers) for concrete stairs so that
quality finish can be achieved without additional topping.
During the training programme time was spent in both Ho Chi Minh City and
Danang working with our concrete teams (hands on) with practical demonstrations
in the concreting of large pours for industrial factories and high rise building
suspended slabs.

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COTECCONS Group, following the success of the programme and the reception on
selected sites of the new tools and lazer level, now plan to upgrade the equipment
for all our work sites as part of our continual improvement to provide a higher
quality of finish for our valued clients.
COTECCONS plan for the future is to expand its trade level training with further
programme in scaffolding, OH & S and painting.
- Allowances, welfare and treatment:
+ Allowances:

Coteccons has sufficient allowances to ensure staffs’ duty fulfillment: allowances
for meals, telephone, business trip etc.
+ Welfare:
 Vacation: Coteccons organized annual vacation domestically and internationally
for staffs to refresh labor and unify staffs.
Annual medical check: Coteccons organized annual general medical check for
staffs. Fees are paid by Coteccons.
 Sporting events: Coteccons sporting events are organized every year for staffs to
compete and interact within Coteccons Group.
Physical and psychological care to staffs: hold meeting and giving for staffs on
traditional holidays; gifts to staffs’ children on Children Day (June 1); gifts to
excellent performance of staffs’ children.
Stock: Employee Stock Ownership Program will be applied to selected staffs.
Quantities depend on work experience, position and contribution of staffs as ranked
by Bonus Commission and approved by Board of Directors.
Buy apartment at preferred rates: Staffs are considered for preferred purchase of
apartments which are bought from Coteccons at better prices.

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1.4 ISO certificate
Policy of quality management
COTECCONS is a professional building and
civil engineering company operating on major
projects throughout Vietnam. Coteccons is
making strong growth in design development,

interior – exterior decoration, investment and
project development.
COTECCONS is committed to operating an




System within its organization and maintaining
its recognition by and certification to the
international standard quality system ISO 90012008 by QMS (Australia).
The ever changing demands of projects within the construction industry
set it apart from all others. Every project is different in terms of type of buildings,
unique features, clients, location, labor skills and much more. We therefore
recognize the critical need for control systems that guarantee the objectives set, and
to allow flexibility to allow adaptation for specific project delivery.
COTECCONS management system is applied from the time of invitation
to tender/or negotiation with clients, through the contract process, construction and
up to the end of the maintenance period.
COTECCONS management systems are continually reviewed improved
and adapted to individual projects with the aim of guaranteeing the best results for
each customer.

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1.5 Projects

Vinhomes Central Park - Tan Cang

Masteri Thao Dien

RMIT University

Lee & Man Factory

Sai Gon Pavillon

U.N.I School of HN

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1.6 Events
COTECCONS Re-honored in Business Forum 2015 of Forbes Vietnam

On 17 August 2015, the Business Forum 2015 of Forbes Vietnam was held at
INTERCONTINENTAL ASIANA SAIGON Hotel. This is the 3rd event held by
Forbes Vietnam to celebrate top 50 companies listed on Vietnam Stock Market and
Coteccons is re-honored for the 3rd time on the worldwide famous magazine.
Especially COTECCONS is placed at top of the construction industry in this year’s
On this year’s celebration, Forbes

held several discussions with topic “Taking
the Lead” for the purpose of upgrading
competition capability, taking the lead of
businesses. The topic attracted involvement
of many Chairmen/CEO of top companies
on the market.
Major speaker of the event, Mr.
Nguyen Ba Duong – Chairman & General
Director of Coteccons – was straight in
presenting his view “Once having selected
partners (we) will do (our) best to create optimal benefits for investors and quality
projects for end-user who has saved for whole life to own an apartment. Currently
COTECCONS is focusing on building resources, accelerating improvements to
reduce quantities of workers on sites, so that competition capability can be
increased domestically before working abroad. With current workloads, we do not
concern about finding more works. We only concern about growing up for projects
of higher quality and larger-scales.
According to Forbes Vietnam, the raking list is based on ranking methodology
of its mother magazine, with consideration of local characters of listed businesses in

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Vietnam. The ranking list is also commented by stock experts from big investment
The 3rd award of Top 50 of listed companies in Vietnam is the pride,
encouragement and motivation for extended efforts to move forward in coming

Signing Ceremony of Grand Ho Tram – Phase 2
On 27 February 2015, in witness of representatives from Ba Ria – Vung Tau
Provincial Authorities, Coteccons and Ho Tram Project Co., Ltd. (HTP) decently
organized a signing ceremony of general contract for the Grand Ho Tram project –
Phase 2 in Ba Ria – Vung tau provincial hall.
Signing attendees include Mr. Nguyen Tuan Minh – member of Party Central
Committee & Secretary of Ba Ria – Vung Tau Province, Mr. Stephen H.
Shoemaker – President of ACDL, Mr. Colin Pine – General Director of HTP,
Mr. Nguyen Ba Duong – President and General Director of Cotecccons.

Signing Ceremony
The Grand Ho Tram – Phase 2 includes a 5-star building of 559 rooms,
restaurants and facilities with estimated investment of USD 100 million.
The Grand Ho Tram is known as the most luxurious resort in Vietnam with
overall investment of USD 4.2 billion on an area of more than 164 ha, located at
Phuoc Thuan, Xuyen Moc, Vung Tau, 50km away from Vung Tau City and 120km
away from Tan Son Nhat Airport.

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The Grand Ho Tram – Phase 1
Coteccons has completed Phase 1 including a 5-star building of 541 rooms
fixed with international standard equipments, Conventional Center and Casino of
500 machines and 90 tables exclusively for expatriates, high-ranking restaurants,
spa and especially an 18-hole golf course designed by Greg Norman.

This is one of several good news that Coteccons receives on beginning

working days after Lunar New Year holidays. With abundant resources, Coteccons
is confidently deploying the construction of Phase 2, ensuring the optimization of
time saving, quality guarantee and cost efficiency as well.

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Coteccons signs as General contractor of Novotel Phu Quoc Resorts
On the morning of 25th September 2014 the signing ceremony took place in
Hanoi for the Novotel Phu Quoc Resort project between the general contractor
Coteccons and the investor CEO Development and Investment JSC.
Located at Bai Truong beach, known as one of the most beautiful beaches in Phu
Quoc, Novotel Phu Quoc Resort includes 44 villas and a 5-storey hotel with 360
world-class rooms as part of the Sonasea Villas and Resorts project.
Invested by CEO Development and Investment JSC, a member of CEO Group and
owner of three of Phu Quoc’s largest projects namely Sonasea Villas & Resort,
Sonasea Residences and Sonasea Golf Estates, Sonasea Villas & Resortis being
developed to focus on the increasing demand from both domestic and international
tourists to Phu Quoc island.
On 29th September 2014,the CEO Group was officially listed on the Hanoi Stock
Exchange. In the first day, CEO was trading at the ceiling price of 15,000
Currently in Phu Quoc, Coteccons are preparing to hand-over the completed 5-star
Salinda Phu Quoc Resort & Spa. This latest award of the Novotel Phu Quoc
Resorts project continues to affirm Coteccons prestige and trademark in the
hospitality market.

General Contractor signing ceremony of Novotel Phu Quoc Resorts

* Project information:

Location : Truong Beach, Duong ToCommune, Phu Quoc Island, Kien Giang
Investor : Phu QuocDevelopment and Investment Joint Stock Corporation–a
member company of CEO Group
Designer : Kume Sekkei Co.(Japan)
Scale : 10,000 m2 for villas and28,200m2 for hotel
Package : General Contractor
Period : 15 months
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* Project Overview
Sonasea Villas & Resort is located at Truong beach.The 1-km long beach is
saidto be one of the most beautiful and longest beaches in the island. “Backed by
mountain, facing the sea” Sonasea Villas & Resort has a wonderful fengshui as well
as potential commercial position.
Theresort will be a high-end luxury tourism centre equipped with a range of
services including eco-tourism, resorts, entertainment and hotels.

Perspective of Sonasea Villas & Resort

Since a week waiting, the final round had happened in enthusiasm
atmosphere as expectation of participants and Coteccons personnel.
In Badminton game, the winner was Mr. Do Bui Luu (Technical
In Bing-bong game, the winner was Mr. Nguyen Do Thanh Nhan (Puma
Construction Site.
And the most excited game is football; semi-final round had met the
expectation of audience. All matches had occurred in tense, each team had
contributed much scenery of nice strike and goal. This implicates that all teams had
well preparation in strategy and physical strength for this round.
Back to the head-light of semi-final round:
First match: The team came from SECC construction site had defeated team
of Everrich construction site with 2-1 ratio.
Second match: The alliance team between Rivergarden + Sunrise
construction site was defeated by Pham Van Nam team.
Third round: Ngo Khac Tan team, after suffering in the beginning, had
defeated Do Ngoc Tuan team with 3-1 ratio.
Fourth Match: This is the most exciting match which confronted between
Unicons championship team and team of Office I. In this match, the audience had

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no futher hope the Office I team would make surprise as their previous game.
Perhaps, the winning belief and support of audience had supplemented the strength
for Office team. Yes, once again, Office team had made another surprise to the
audience. They had defeated Unicons team with 2:1 ratio.

Rach Mieu Sport Hall seems to blow up when the referee whistled to end the
match. This is the first time; the Office team could reach to the semi-final round.
And like no others, they are black horse of tournament.
Finish 20 minutes break, the quarterfinal round was immediately played
between Pham Van Nam team and Office I team. Both of teams started in active
and mutual attack. There was no score during match. In order to find the candidate
in final round, the penalty kicks should decide the candidate. Finally, the winner
was Pham Van Nam.
In quarterfinal round, the SECC team had lead Ngo Khac Tan team in 1-0
ratio, but Ngo Khac Tan team had balanced in second-match and won in 3-2 ratio.
Final – match: Even spend much effort, Pham Van Nam team must
accepted the Second price after defeated by Ngo Khac Tan in 2-0.
Ending manoeuvres, General Director Mr. Nguyen Ba Duong highly
evaluated the competition spirit of all teams and expected the manoeuvres would
open more than once a year in order to raise the understanding and union of
Coteccons personnel as well as having a health playing field for Personnel. This
should be met the motto “Human is the most value property of Company”.
In order to further promote the relationship and open up new cooperation
opportunities, on 25th March 2011 at Sheraton Hotel (HCMC), a Strategic
Partnership Agreement was signed on cooperation between Coteccons and
Viglacera Corporation.
Viglacera Coperation is a state owned multi-sector group leading in the field
of building material production in Vietnam and having bold steps forward in the
field of infrastructure development and real estate. Viglacera is developing many
prestigious projects such as: Tien Son Industrial Park (Yen Phong, Bac Ninh), 671
Hoang Hoa Tham Residential (Hanoi), Thang Long Number 1 Apartment

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According to this agreement, playing the role of “Strategic Contractor of
Viglacera”, Coteccons will be the first choice to award tender bid of high quality
projects invested by Viglacera. It also aims that Coteccons will prioritize Viglacera
to be the building materials supplier in principle for projects constructed by

Strategic Partnership Agreement was signed by General Director of Coteccons
and Viglacera
The agreement-in-principle signed today is expected to create Coteccons
new favorable opportunities and projects in the near future. At the heart of desire to
enhance cooperation and maximize business advantages of the both companies,
Coteccons and Viglacera will work together on full-swing cooperation and
investment in the fields of their strengths.

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2.1 Research problem statement of the study
Currently there are many construction companies at home and abroad are
competing bids and bloody, in addition to price, as well as qualified engineers is
aiming to build up a leading, advanced equipment even foreign imports. It should be
very difficult to have to equip themselves Cotec qualified staff and infrastructure

The purpose of the Cotec construction company in the market economy is
to achieve the most effective implementation of the long term. The performance of
the business is profitable tuongket compare results from operating activities of the
enterprise with its cacnguon used to store those profits. Business performance is
determined by several factors, including the quality of human resources is the most
Human resources have an important role affecting the survival and
development of any organization, job satisfaction has been an organizing point
trongcho. How to organize employees to create job satisfaction? This question is
what the head of the organization concerned. Therefore, the relationship between
job satisfaction of employees and organizational commitment is necessary and
should be focused. In fact, many organizations did not meet staff job satisfaction
related promotion, such salaries.
Managing people is not only training but also desired knowledge skill
improvement, for the engineers to work directly in the work, to wish them a
knowledge and making it clearer text block room. Private And engineers are
working at building changed many items, and other construction bid package. For
they are improving day ....

2.2 Contribute of the study
This study will be conducted from either the manager or nonmanagerial
employees to eliminate the bias of self-reported. With different ages.
Through this study we can know the satisfaction level of employees in the
company how the process worked.

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