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unit 6579 ngoại ngữ 6 hồ thị minh sang thư viện giáo dục tỉnh quảng trị

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<b>Week 23 Date- preparing: 7/2/2009</b>

<b>Period 65 Date- teaching: 9/2/2009</b>


<b>LESSON 1: A1</b>

<b> A. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use quantifies and contains

to talk about

<b>I, Knowledge</b>


Quantifies (kilo of …… ) and Containers ( a bottle of …… ) to


<b>II, Skills</b>


Listening and speaking

<b> B. Procedures</b>


<b> </b>

<b>I, Settlement Greeting and check attendance </b>

<b> II, Revision: Slap on the board.</b>

Lemonade , milk, vegetables, meat, onion, cabbage, lettu


<b>III, New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b>

<b>Students' activities</b>

<b>Lead in: Use the Warm up part to introduce </b>

the new lesson

<b>1 Presentation </b>

<b>Act 1: Vocabulary:</b>

- an egg : picture

- Cooking oil : picture
- Beef (unc) : picture
- Soap (unc) : picture
- Tooth past (unc) : picture
- a chocolate : picture

<b>-</b> Show things in the picture to elicit words
from Ss




Write down and does concept check
*Checking Vocab: Matching

<b>Act 2: Matching </b>

grams of
a kilo

abar of

a can of
a box of
a packet of
a dozen of

- Listen to the teacher.
- Repeat after the teacher.

- Notice the main stress pattern.

- Write the new words in their notebooks



Work in group
- Look at the board.
- Listen to the teacher.
- Work in teams.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2>

a tube

a bottle of
<b>2. . Practice:</b>

<b>Act 1: Word cue drill</b>

<b> - a bottle / cooking oil </b>
- a packet / tea
- a box / chocolates

- a kilo / rice
<b>-</b> 200 gram / beef
<b>-</b> a dozen / eggs
- Run through the cues.

- Hold up the first cues and say the model

<i>- Can I help you?</i>

<i>- Yes, I’d like 200gram of beef </i>

Correct their mistakes
<b>3. . Further practice:</b>
<b>Act 1: Pelmanism.</b>

<i>1. a bar of 6. eggs </i>
<i> 2. a can of 7. water </i>
<i> 3. a dozen 8. tea</i>
<i> 4. a bottle of 9. soap </i>
<i> 5. a packet of 10. 7u<b>p</b></i>

- Stick 10 cards on the board so that the
students can only see the numbers, make sure
the words are mixed up.

- Divide the class into two teams and ask
students to choose two numbers.

- Go on until the cards are turned over.

- Look at the cues.
- Listen to the teacher.

- Repeat it chorally and then individually.
- Make the sentence for themselves.

- Practice in pairs.

- Some pairs practice in front.

<b>Example exchange</b>


<i>S1: </i>

<i>- Can I help you?</i>

<i>S2: - Yes, I’d like 200gram of beef </i>

- Look at the board.

- Listen to the teacher’s explanation.
- Work in teams.

- One of student in each team chooses any
two numbers.

- Go on until the cards are turned over.

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>


<b> - Get Ss to revise about Quantifies (kilo of … ) and Containers ( a bottle of …… )</b>

<b>V. Homework</b>


- Ask students to learn by heart vocabulary: Quantifies and containers.
- Have them prepare Unit 11 - <i> AT THE STORE</i> - Lesson 2:(<i>A2-A4)</i>: <i>Listen- </i>
<i>Specific information about qualities</i>

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<b>LESSON 2: A2-4</b>

<b> A. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen specific information about
qualities for food shopping

<b>I, Knowledge</b>


Qualities for food shopping

<b>II, Skills</b>


Listening and speaking

<b> B. Procedures</b>


<b> </b>

<b>I, Settlement Greeting and check attendance </b>

<b> II, Warm up: Bingo </b>

- beef - bottle
- egg - tea
<b> </b>- dozen - water
- oil - gram
- rice - chocolate

<b>III, New lesson</b>


<b>Teacher's activities</b>

<b>Students' activities</b>

<b>Lead in: </b>Chatting

Ask Ss questions: - What does you say if you want
to buy something’s

<b>1 Re- listening </b>
<b>Act 1: Vocabulary:</b>
- to need : trans

- How much / How many : sit
- Half (a kilo) : exam

- a cookie : realia

<b>-</b> Elicit words from Ss
<b>-</b> Model

<b>-</b> Write down and does concept check
*Checking Vocab: Matching

<b>Act 2: Predict dialogue </b>A2, page 112
- Set the scene:

+ <i>Where is Ba?</i>

<i> + What does he want?</i>
<i> + How much / many ……?</i>

- Put the dialogue on the board. Some of the words
are missing.

<b>-</b> Ask students to guess what the missing
words are.

<i>Salesgirl: Can I hepl you?</i>

<i>Ba: Yes</i>, <i>I’d like some (1) ___ , please.</i>
<i>Salesgirl</i>: <i> How much do you want?</i>

<i>Ba: (2) ______ grams , please.</i>

<i>* I ‘d like some ……</i>

- Listen to the teacher.
- Repeat after the teacher.

- Notice the main stress pattern.

- Write the new words in their notebooks

- Listen to the teacher.

-Answer the teacher’s questions.
- Read the dialogue.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

<i>Salesgirl: Is there any things else ?</i>
<i>Ba: Yes, I need some (3)___ .</i>

<i>Salesgirl: How many do you want?</i>
<i>Ba: (4) ______ , please.</i>

<b>2. While listening:</b>

<b>Act 1: Listening and checking</b>

<b>-</b> Play the tape and ask Ss to listen carefully,
then correct the answers.


<b>-Act 2: Comprehension question </b>
<b>(A3 on page 117)</b>

- Get students to listen to the tape 2 times .
- Correct their prediction.

- Ask students to listen the tape again, then answer
the questions.

<b> </b>a. At the store d. a dozen
b. beef

c. 200

<b>3. Post – listening </b>
<b>act 1: Matching</b>

- Let them listen to the cassette and find out things
that people want to buy.

<b>-</b> Let some of students answer and ask the
whole class tvo listen to again and check
their answers.

+ Phuong - a tube of toothpaste.
+ Ly - a bar of soap and

- a box of chocolates
+ Mai - a can of soda

+ Nam – a packet of cookies

- Listen to the tape two times.
- Check their prediction

- Listen the tape again . Then answer the

<i><b>1. </b>beef <b>3. </b>eggs <b>2. </b>200 <b>4.</b> a dozen </i>

- Listen to the cassette and find out things
that people want to buy.

- Some of students answer and ask the whole
class to listen to again and check their


- Make a shopping list.

- Replace things in the dialogue with their
own shopping list and rewrite the dialogue.
- Practice with partner.

- Write the dialogue in the notebooks.

<b>IV. Consolidation: A4. p upload.123doc.net</b>
<i><b>How much / How many</b></i>

<i>- Cooking oil - Rice - Beef- Oranges</i>

<i>- a bottle - 2 kilo - half a kilo - half a dozen</i>

- Let Ss make a shopping list
<b>V. Homework:</b>

- Ask students to learn by heart vocabulary.

- Have them prepare Unit 11 – L 3 :(<i>A2)</i>:<i>How much / many</i>

<b> Date- preparing: 11/2/2009</b>

<b>Period 67 Date- teaching: 13/2/2009</b>

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<b>LESSON 3: A2</b>

<b> A. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use “How much / how many” to
talk about qualities for shopping.

<b>I, Knowledge</b>


“How much / how many” with “want” or “need”.

<b>II, Skills</b>



<b> B. Procedures</b>


<b> </b>

<b>I, Settlement Greeting and check attendance </b>

<b>II, Revision</b>

<b>: </b>

<b>Dictation lists</b>

- Write the lists “How much” and “How many” on the board.

- Read: <i>oranges, meat, bananas, milk, oil, bread, carrots, chocolates, beef,……… </i>

- Feedback.

<b>III, New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b>

<b>Students' activities</b>

<b>Lead in: Use the Warm up part to introduce </b>
the new lesson

<b>I. Presentation: </b>

<b>Act 1: Presentation dialogue :A2 on page 116</b>
- Show students the dialogue.

- Ask students to isolate the model sentence by
making questions (Answer given)

+ <i>I’d like some<b> beef</b>.</i>

+ <i>I need some <b>eggs</b>.</i>

<b> - I’d like some </b><i><b>beef</b></i>.

- <i><b>How much beef</b></i> do you want?
- I need some <i><b>eggs</b></i>.

<i>-<b> How many eggs</b></i> do you want?
<b>Form</b><i><b>:</b></i><b> </b>

- <i><b>How much +(unc.N)+do/does+S+V?</b></i>
- <i><b>How many+(plu.N)+ do/does+S+V?</b></i>
<b> - </b><i><b>S + V(want / need) + Qualities(S.l)</b></i>
<b> Use: ………..</b>

<b>2. Practice:</b>

<b>Act 1: Board drill : </b><i><b>Shopping list</b></i>

<i> 300g beef - 1 kg rice- 500g beans</i>
<i> 6 apples- 1 dozen eggs - 2 bottles milk</i>
<i> 3 packet noodles </i>

- Put a shopping list on the board.
- Run through the phrases.

- Say the model sentences.

- Do the same for the second cue.

- Students read the dialogue in A2 on
page 116 again .

- Make the questions to isolate the model

-<i>How much</i> <i>beef do you </i>

-<i>How many eggs do you want?</i>

-Read the shopping list.
-Read the phrases.

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<b>4.Further practice:</b>
<b>act 1: Mapped dialogue</b>

- Put the dialogue on the board which is only
words. The words are cues.

- Model the dialogue.

- Run through the cues like a drill with the
whole class.

- Look at the board and listen to the teacher.
- Repeat after the teacher.

- Practice the dialogue in pair .
- Some pairs practice in front.
- Rewrite the dialogue .

- Look at the board and listen to the

- Repeat after the teacher.
- Practice the dialogue in pair .
- Some pairs practice in front.
- Rewrite the dialogue .

<i><b>Shopkeeper Customer</b></i>
Can / you ? meat
How much? 300 gram
there / else ? need / potatoes
How many ? 2 kilos.
<b>IV. Consolidation: </b>

<b>-</b> Revise the lesson : <i>How much……?</i>

<i><b>-</b></i> <i>How many………?</i>

<b>V. Homework:</b>

- Ask students to learn how to talk about qualities for shopping.

- Have them prepare Unit 11 - L 4 :(<i>B1,2,3)</i>:<i>What would you like for…? I’d like</i>

<b>Period 73 Date- preparing: 24/2/2009</b>

<b>(Dạy bù) Date- teaching: 26/2/2009</b>


<b>LESSON 1: A 1-5</b>

<b> A. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students can understand details and express which sports they

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with simple

<b>II, Skills</b>



<b> B. Procedures</b>


<b> </b>

<b>I, Settlement Greeting and check attendance </b>

<b>II, Warm up: Ask Ss to tell some sports they like to play</b>

 <i>Do you like sport?</i>

<i>Do you play soccer</i>?

<b> </b>

<b>III, New lesson</b>


<b>Teacher's activities</b>

<b>Students' activities</b>

<b>Lead in: Base on the Warm up part to</b>
introduce the new lesson.

<b>1 .Presentation:</b>
<b>Act 1: Vocabulary</b>
- to swim :

- to play badminton :

- to jog : (picture)
- to do aerobics :

- to play table tennis :
- to skip :

- Use pictures to introduce new words .

- Have some students say the names of activities
the teacher show.

* Checking vocab: R.O. R

<b>Act 2: Answer the questions . (A2)</b>

<b>-</b> Try to help students to review the tenses :
present simple and present progressive
<b>-</b> Ask Ss to look pictures at A2, to make

questions and answers.
<b>2. Presentation text. A3</b>

<b>-</b> Elicit the model sentences by asking
question: Which sports does Lan play?

 <i><b>Model</b></i>: <i>Which sports does Lan play?</i>

<i> She skip</i>

<i><b>Form:</b></i>Which sport do/does +S +play?
S+ V(es,s)

<i><b>Use</b></i>: express which sport someone to play
<b>3. Practice: </b>

<b>Act 1: Words cue drill</b>
a. Nam/ play badminton
b. They/play soccer

c. Your father/ play tennis
d. You/ skip

- Listen and look at the pictures shown by the

- Try to say the names of activities shown.
- Repeat in choral and individual

- Write the new words in their notebooks.

- Students remind the tenses : present simple
and present progressive.

- Work in pairs

- Practicing to ask and answers in front of the

<b>Example exchange: </b>
S1; <i>What is he doing?</i>
S2: <i>He is swimming..</i>

<b>-</b> Run through
<b>-</b> Work in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<b>-</b> Model the first sentences
<b>-</b> Ask Ss to do the next cue
<b>4. Production: </b>

<b>Act 1: Comprehension questions </b>

- Ask students to read the text about Lan and Nam.
- Ask students to read then answer the questions

- Check whether their answer are right or wrong.

- Read the text and answer the questions

- Write the questions and answers in the


<i><b>a)</b></i> <i>She swims, does aerobics and plays</i>

<i><b>b)</b></i> <i>No, she doesn’t.</i>

<i><b>c)</b></i> <i>He plays soccer, table tennis and jogs.</i>

<i><b>d</b>) Yes, He does</i>.
<b>IV. Consolidation: Survey</b>

- Have them tell about themselves and talk to their friends about their favorite sports.
- Let them practice with their partners:

<i>+ Which sports do you do?</i>
<i> + I swim.</i>

<i> + What else?</i>
<i> + I play volleyball.</i>

<i> + Do you play table tennis?</i>
<i> + Yes, I do.</i>

- Feedback.
<b>V. Homework:</b>

- Ask students to learn by heart sports vocabulary and “Which sports do you do?”.
<b>-</b> Have them prepare Unit 12 - Lesson 2: <i> (B1-3) : Writing short text about what </i>

<i>we do……</i>

<b>Period 74 Date- preparing: 25/2/2009</b>

<b> Date- teaching: 27/2/2009</b>


<b>LESSON 2: B1-3</b>

<b> A. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students might write short texts better.
I, Knowledge: Writing short texts about what we do in our free time.

II, Skills: speaking and writing

<b> B. Procedures : </b>

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II, Checking - up: Ask some Ss pairs to go to the board to make questions and
answers follow words below

<i><b>-</b></i> <i>swim </i>

<b>-</b> <i> go jogging </i>

<b>-</b> <i> play volleyball </i>

<b>-</b> <i> do aerobics </i>

<b>-</b> <i>skip</i>

III, New lesson:

<b>Teacher's activities</b>

<b>Students' activities</b>

<b>Lead in: Introduce the new lesson</b>
<b>1 .Pre - writing: </b>

<b> *Act 1: Vocabulary:</b>
- Free time : sit

- to go fishing : pic

<b>-</b> to go to the movies : pic

<b>-</b> Elicit words from Ss
<b>-</b> Model

<b>-</b> Write and does concept check
<b>-</b> Checking vocab: R.O.R

<b>-</b> *Act 2: Transformation: Picture drill
<b> B1 on page 127</b>

<b>-</b> Run through

<b>-</b> Elicit the model sentences from Ss
<b>-</b> Do the first picture cue

<i><b>Example: </b></i>

<i>What does [ Phuong ] do in [his] free time?</i>
<i>He goes to the movies</i>

<b>-</b> Ask Ss practice in pairs
<b>-</b> Give feedback

<b>2 .While writing:</b>

<b>Act 1: Transformation Writing: B1 on page </b>

<b>-</b> Run through

<b>-</b> Ask Ss to change “I” to “ Phuong”

<b>-</b> Give feedback and correct their answers
<b>3.Post - Writing : </b>

<b>Act 1: Pyramid</b>

-San writes: <i>I watch TV, go fishing…</i>

-Thuy writes: <i>I watch TV,go to the park</i>

* Group writing: <i>San, Thuy and Chinh watch</i>
<i>TV. San and Chinh play football. San goes</i>
<i>fishing. Thuy goes to the park and play</i>

- Listen and look at the pictures shown by
the teacher.

- Try to say the names of activities shown.
- Repeat in choral and individual

- Write the new words in their notebooks

<b>-</b> Works in pairs

<b>-</b> Practice asking and answering in
front of the class

<i><b>Example exchange:</b></i>

S1:<i>What does [ Phuong ] do in [his] </i>
<i>free time?</i>

<i>S2:He goes to the movies</i>

<b>-</b> Work individually

<b>-</b> Share the result with partners
<b>-</b> Correct with whole class

- Work in groups.

- Each student write three things about
they do in their free time.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<i>badminton………… </i>

- Ask students to work in groups. Each student
writes three things about they do in their free

- Let each group read “ Group writing” aloud.
<b>-</b> Feedback.

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>


- Correct Ss’ writing with whole class

<b>V. Homework</b>


- Ask students to learn by heart sports vocabulary and Simple present tense.
- Have them prepare Unit 12 - Lesson 3: <i> (B4-5) : “How often” questions and </i>

<b>Period 75 Date- preparing: 25/2/2009</b>

<b> Date- teaching: 27/2/2009</b>


<b>LESSON 3: B4 -5</b>

<b> A. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use “ How often..?”..

<b>I, Knowledge</b>


How often” questions and answers “ 0nce, twice, three times …………
a week” to talk about frequency activities

<b>II, Skills</b>



<b> B. Procedures</b>


<b> </b>

<b>I, Settlement Greeting and check attendance </b>

<b>II, Checking - up: Ask Ss answer these questions;</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>


<i>What does your[ father] do in [his ] free time?</i>

<b>III, New lesson</b>


<b>Teacher's activities</b>

<b>Students' activities</b>

<b>Lead in: Introduce the new lesson</b>
<b>1 .Presentation: </b>

<b> +act 1: Vocabulary:</b>
- Once (adv) :

- Twice (adv) :
- Three times:
- a week :

- How often …… :

<b>-</b> Elicit words from Ss
<b>-</b> Model

<b>-</b> Write and does concept check
<b>-</b> Checking vocab: R.O.R

<b>Act 2: Ordering : B4</b>

- Write a dialogue which is in wrong orders on the

- Get students to listen to the tape then put the
statements in the correct orders.

- Get students to isolate the model sentences.
- Let students copy the notes in their notebooks
and memorize

<b>Target language: </b>
<b> </b><i>- She goes jogging.</i>

<i> - How often does she listen to music?</i>
<i> - She reads three times a week.</i>

<i> - How often does Ly go joging?</i>
<i> - She listen to music twice a week.</i>
<i> - How often does she read?</i>

<i> <b>Form</b>: <b>- How often + do / does + s + V…?</b></i>

<i><b> - Once / twice / three times a week. </b></i>
<i><b>Use</b></i>: …….


<b>Practice :</b>

<b>Act 1: Picture drill: B5 on page 12</b>
- play badminton / three times
- listen to music / twice

- go jogging / once
- play tennis / once
- watch TV / twice
- read / three times

- go to the movies / twice

- Get students to repeat the numbers <i>(three, once,</i>

- Listen to the teacher.
- Repeat after the teacher.

- Notice the main stress pattern.

- Write the new words in their notebooks.

- Students read the statements.

- Listen to the tape then put the statements in
the correct orders.

- Isolate the model sentences

- Copy the notes in the notebooks and

<i>one, two……).</i>

- <i>Three times.</i>

- Look at the pictures.
- Listen to the teacher.

- Repeat it chorally and then individually.
- Make the sentence for themselves.
- Practice in pairs.

- Some pairs practice in front.
 Example exchange:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

- Run through the pictures.

- Hold up the first picture and say the model


<i>+How often does Ly watch TV?</i>
<i>+ She watches TV twice a week.</i>

- Do the same for the second picture.
<b>-</b> Correct their mistakes

<b>4. Further practice</b>

<b>Act 1: Find someone who</b>
- Put the table on the board.
- Get students to get into groups.

- Get students to ask each other questions.
+ Teacher: <i>How often do you play football?</i>

+ Student (Nam): <i>3 times.</i>

- Correct if there are any mistakes.
- Feedback.

<i>S2: She watches TV twice a week.</i>

- Look at the board.
- Work in groups.

- Stand up and ask each other questions.
When they find someone who says “Yes”
they fill in the name. They can’t fill in

someone’s name more than once.

- Tell the teacher what they have found, e.g. <i>“</i>
<i>Nam plays football three times a week ”.</i>

<b>IV. Consolidation: Exhibition</b>

- Ask some leaders to report their groups
<b>V. Homework:</b>

- Ask students to learn adverbs of frequency

<b>-</b> Have them do exercise B1-5 in the exercise book and prepare Unit 12 – L4- C4<i>: </i>
<i>Reading and practicing adverts of frequency with the simple present tense. </i>

<b>Period 76 Date- preparing: 28/2/2009</b>

<b> Date- teaching: 2/3/2009</b>


<b>LESSON 4: C1-4</b>

<b> A. Objectives: </b>

By the end of the lesson, students can understand details and use adverbs of frequency

<b>I, Knowledge</b>


adverbs of frequency with the simple present tense.

<b>II, Skills</b>


speaking and reading

<b> B. Procedures</b>


<b> </b>

<b>I, Settlement Greeting and check attendance </b>

<b>II, Checking - up: Ask Ss to tell about their activities in a week</b>

<b>III, New lesson:</b>

<b>Teacher's activities</b>

<b>Students' activities</b>

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<b> Vocabulary:</b>
<b> - Always (adv) : </b>
- Usually (adv) :
- Often (adv) :
- Sometimes (adv) :

<b>-</b> Never (adv) :
<i><b>-</b></i> Zoo (n) pic
<i><b>-</b></i> Picnic (n) sit
<i><b>-</b></i> A tent : pic
<i><b>-</b></i> To fly kite: pic

<b>-</b> Elicit words from Ss
<b>-</b> Model

<b>-</b> Write and does concept check
<b>-</b> Checking vocab: Matching
<b>Act 2. Grid</b>

<b>-</b> Put the table on the board

<b>Activities</b> <b>How often</b>

- go to the zoo vvv

- have a picnic ….

- fly kite

- walk to school
-do their homework

- Get students to reread the text then complete
the table.

- Get students to share the answers with their

<b>-</b> Feed back
<b>2. While- reading</b>
<b>Act1: Answer given</b>

- Ask students to ask questions and answer:
<i>+ How often do they go to the zoo?</i>

<i> + They sometimes go to the zoo.</i>

<b>3. Post- Writing</b>

<b>-</b> Have students write about activities in
their free time using adverbs of frequency:

<i>always</i>, <i>usually, often, sometimes, never</i> .

<i>* I often go to the zoo. I never………</i>

<i> ………</i>


<i> ………</i>

- Listen to teacher .

- Repeat after the teacher.

- Notice the Vietnamese translation.
Copy in their notebook.

- Read the table on the board.

- Read the text again and complete the

- Share their answer with their partners.

- Work in pairs

- Ask and answer the questions..
<i><b>Example exchange</b></i><b>: </b>

<i>S1: How often do they go to the zoo?</i>

<i>S2: They sometimes go to the zoo.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>


<i> ………</i>

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>



- Ask some leaders to report their results in front of the class

<b>V. Homework</b>


- Ask students to learn by heart advebs of frequency and “How often

<b>-</b> Have them prepare Unit 12 - Lesson 5: <i> (C5-6) : Reading and further </i>
<i>practice in Vs/adv</i>

<b>Period 77 Date- preparing: 3/3/2009</b>

<b> Date- teaching: 5/3/2009</b>


<b>LESSON 5: C5-6</b>

<b> A. Objectives: </b>

At the end, students can understand the text and use adverbs of frequency more fluently.

<b>I, Knowledge</b>


Present tense, adverbs of frequency and vocabulary.

<b>II, Skills</b>


speaking and reading

<b> B. Procedures</b>


<b> </b>

<b>I, Settlement Greeting and check attendance </b>

<b>II, Checking - up: Ask Ss to tell about their activities in a week</b>

<b>III, New lesson</b>


<b>Teacher's activities</b>

<b>Students' activities</b>

<b>Lead in: </b>

<b>1 .Pre - reading:</b>
<b>Act 1:Vocabulary:</b>

<b> </b> - to wear clothes / boots :
- a stove :

<i><b>-</b></i> overnight :

<b>-</b> Elicit words from Ss
<b>-</b> Model

- Listen to teacher .

- Repeat after the teacher.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<b>-</b> Write and does concept check
<b>-</b> Checking vocab: Matching
<b>Act 2: Brainstorm</b>

- Set up the sence: <i>What do Minh and his friends</i>
<i>do on the weekend?</i>

- Ask students to think of town and the country.
- Get them to go to the board and write down
their ideas.

- Give feedback<i> </i>

<b> </b><i>have a picnic fly a</i>

<b> </b>
<b> </b>
<b> </b>

<i> go </i>

<b> </b><i>go to the river</i>

<b>2.While reading: </b>

- Get students to read the text and check.
<i><b>Answers keys</b></i>:

<b> - </b><i>go walking</i> <i>in the mountains</i>
<i> - wear strong boots, warm clothes.</i>
<i> - take food, water and camping stoves</i>
<i> - camp overnight.</i>

<b>Act 2: Reading comprehension: Lucky </b>


- Write the numbers on the board.

- Divide class into teams. The teams take turn to
choose the numbers.

- Tell students that they have to answer the
questions .

<b>1 </b><i><b>- b </b>What do they always wear?</i><b>.</b>
<b>3 </b><i><b>- f </b>What do they take</i>?

<b>5 - c </b><i>When does he go</i>?

<b>6 - a </b><i>What does Minh like doing?</i>

<b>8 - e </b><i>Where does he often go?</i>

<b>10 - d </b><i>Who does he usually go with?</i>

<b>2 – 4 – 7 – 9 : </b><i><b>Lucky numbers</b></i> <b> </b>
<b>3.Post reading: </b>

<b>Act 1: Transformation writing: C6 , page 132</b>
- Have students rewrite the text by changing
“<i><b>Minh” </b></i>to <i><b>“ I”.</b></i>.

- Copy in their notebook.

- Students to think of the town and

- Go to the board and write down their

- Read the text and check.

- Look at the board.
- Work in teams.

- Take turn to choose the numbers.
- Listen to the teacher carefully.
- Answer the questions.

<b>1 2 3 4 5 </b>
<b>6 7 8 9 10 </b>

- Write the text again by changing “

<i>Minh” to “I”</i>.
<i>Pastimes in the</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

<b> </b><i>I like walking. On the weekend, I………</i>


- Write individually and then share with
their partners.

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>



- Ask some leaders to report their results in front of the class

<b>V. Homework</b>


- Ask students to learn by heart adverbs of frequency and Simple present tense.
- Have them prepare Unit 13 - Lesson 1: <i> (A1) : Seasons vocabulary with” </i>
<i>weather like</i>

<b>Period 78 Date- preparing: 3/3/2009</b>

<b> Date- teaching: 6/3/2009</b>


<b>LESSON 1: A1,2</b>

<b> </b>

<b>A. Objectives: </b>

- Students can talk about the seasons and the weather.

<b>I, Knowledge</b>: Seasons vocabulary with “What’s the weather like…….”.
<b>II, Skills</b>: Speaking

<b> </b>

<b>B. Procedures</b>


<b> </b>

<b>I, Settlement </b>Greeting and check attendance
<b>II, Revision: Jumbled words</b>

- oht = hot
- codl = cold
- like = like
- whta = what

<b>III, New lesson</b>:

<b>Teacher's activities</b>

<b>Students' activities</b>

<b>Lead in: Chatting</b>

<i>1. How many days in a year?</i>

<b>2.</b> <i>How many seasons in a year?</i>

Introduce the task of the new lesson

<b>1 .Presentation</b>

<b>Act 1:Vocabulary:</b>
<b> </b>- The spring :

- The summer: pictures
- The fall :

- Listen to teacher .

- Repeat after the teacher.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

- The winter :
- The seasons : def

- The weather : trans
- Warm (adj) : sit

- Cool (adj) : sit

<b>-</b> Elicit words from Ss
<b>-</b> Model

<b>-</b> Write and does concept check
<b>-</b> <b>Checking vocab: Pelmanisum </b>

spring summer fall winter

cold cool hot warm

<b>2. Act: Presentation text</b>

- Ask students to read the sentences in A1 on page
134 to isolate the model sentences:

+ <i>What’s the weather like in the summer?</i>

<b>+ Target language: </b>

<b> </b>- What’s the weather like <i>in the </i>
<i> summer</i>?

- It’s <i>hot</i>

<i><b>Form</b>: <b>- What’s the weather like ………?</b></i>

<i><b> - It’s ………. . . </b></i>

<i><b> Use</b>: ……….</i>

<b> </b>

<b>3 . Practice:</b>

<b>Act 1: Word cue drill</b>
<b> </b>- hot / summer

- cold / winter
- warm / spring

- cool / fall

- Run through the cues.

- Hold up the first cues and say the model sentences.

<i>- What’s the weather like in the summer?</i>
<i>- It’s hot in the summer. </i>

- Do the same for the second cue.
<b>-</b> Correct their mistakes.

<b>4. Further practice:</b>

<b>Act 1: Substitution Boxes </b>

<i><b> </b>rice hot and mountains</i>
<i> green river the night</i>
<i> morning warm yellow is</i>

<i> beautiful cold evening</i>
<i> cool trees blue weather</i>
<i> gray hot flowers</i>

<b>-</b> <i> afternoon house tall very </i>

- Put students into four groups ( one for each

- Read the sentences to isolate the model

+ <i>it’s hot in the summer.</i>

- Copy the notes in the notebooks and

- Look at the cues.
- Listen to the teacher.

- Repeat it chorally and then individually.
- Make the sentence for themselves.
- Practice in pairs.

- Some pairs practice in front.
<i><b>Example exchange: </b></i>

<i>- What’s the weather like in the summer?</i>
<i>- It’s hot in the summer.</i>

- Students work in four groups. Each group

makes a poster.

- Listen to the teacher.
- <i>In the spring.</i>
<i> The ………</i>
<i> </i>- <i>In the summer.</i>
<i> The ………</i>
<i> </i>- <i>In the fall.</i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

season) an each group makes a poster.
- Example:

<i>- In the spring</i>

<i> +The afternoon is warm but the evening is</i>

<i> + The rice is green.</i>

<i> + The flowers are beautiful</i>

<b>IV. Consolidation</b>


<i><b>(Further practice)</b></i>

- Ask each group to hang the poster on the board then comment with whole class

<b>V. Homework</b>


- Ask students to learn seasons vocabulary and how to talk about the weather.
- Have them prepare Unit 13 – L2- A3<i>: Talking about what weather you like. </i>

<b>Week 27</b>

<b>Date- preparing: 6/3/2009</b>

<b>Period 79 Date- teaching: 9/3/2009</b>


<b>LESSON 2: A.3</b>

<b> A. Objectives: </b>

- Students can talk about their favorite weather..

I, Knowledge: To talk about your favorite weather “ What weather do you like?”
II, Skills: Speaking

<b> B. Procedures : </b>

I, Settlement Greeting and check attendance
II, Warm up: Bingo

<i>Summer , cool, winter, cold, fall</i>
<i> Warm . spring, hot, weather, season</i>

- Write 10 words about the weather on the board.

-Ask students to choose any five words and copy them into their notebooks.
- Read any words.

III, New lesson:

<b>Teacher's activities</b>

<b>Students' activities</b>

<b>Lead in: Base on the warm up part to introduce</b>

the new lesson

<b>1 .Presentation</b>

<b>Act 1: Predict dialogue</b>
- Set the scene:

<i>Lan asks Mai about Mai’s favorite weather. </i>
<i> What is her favorite weather?</i>

- Put the dialogue on the board. Some of the
words are missing.

- Listen to the teacher.

-Answer the teacher’s questions.
- Read the dialogue.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

- Ask students to guess what the missing words

<b>+ Target language: </b>

<i><b>Lan: </b>What’s the weather like today?</i>

<i><b>Mai: </b>It’s (1) ___ .</i>

<i><b>Lan</b></i><b>: </b><i> Do you like (2) ____ weather?</i>

<i><b>Mai: </b></i> <i>No, I don’t .</i>

<i><b>Lan: </b> <b>What weather do you like</b> ?</i>

<i><b>Mai: I like (3)______ weather</b>.</i>

<i><b>Form </b></i><b>:</b><i> <b>-What weather +do /does +S+ like?</b></i>
<i><b> - S + like / likes +…………+ weather.</b></i>


<b>3. Practice:</b>

<b>Act 1:Picture Drill (A3 on page 135)</b>
- I / hot

- we / cold
- She / cool
- They / warm

- Run through the pictures.

- Hold up the first picture and say the model

<i>+What weather do you like?</i>
<i>+ I like hot weather.</i>

- Do the same for the second picture.
- Correct their mistakes.

<b>4. Further practice:</b>
<b>Act 1: Mapped dialogue</b>

- Put the dialogue on the board which is only
words. The words are cues.

- Model the dialogue.

- Run through the cues like a drill with the whole

- Students give their prediction

- Look at the pictures.
- Listen to the teacher.

- Repeat it chorally and then individually.
- Make the sentence for themselves.

- Practice in pairs.

- Some pairs practice in front.

- Look at the board and listen to the

- Repeat after the teacher.
- Practice the dialogue in pair .
- Some pairs practice in front.
- Rewrite the dialogue

<i><b>Tra Vinh Ha noi </b></i>
-What / HN ? hot

- cold What / like ?

.And you? Cool
<b>IV. Consolidation: </b><i><b>What weather do you like?</b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

<b>V. Homework:</b>

- Ask students to learn seasons vocabulary and how to talk about their favorite


