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Së GD & §T Thanh Ho¸ ĐỀ THI CHỌN ĐỘI TUYỂN HS GIỎI NĂM HỌC 2008-2009<b> </b>
Trêng THPT CÈm thñy 1 Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH - Hệ 3 năm

<b>( Bài số6)</b> <i>Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút</i>

<i><b>Họ và tên</b>: ... Sè b¸o danh: ...</i>

<b>Question : I </b>

a, Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.

1. A. cured B. killed C. waved D. washed

2. A. though B. thing C. thought D. through

3. stays B. states C. answers D. leaves

4. dew B. knew C. sew D. few

5. garland B. garlic C. garden D. garage

b, Pick out the word whose main stressed syllable is different from the rest.

1. A. report B. orbit C. promise D. schedule

2. A. available B. average C. aquatic D. athletic
3. A. potential B. apprentice C. delicate D. astonished
4. A. glorify B. imitate C. internship D. introduce
5. A. geometry B. entertainment C. independent D. engineering
<b>Question II : (15 points) Put each verb in the brackets into an appropriate form.</b>

1.Will you tell Watson I ...(be) in a little late ?
2. He....(work) all day yesterday.

3. The days are gone when each nation ....(be) like an island.

4. Hi, Paul ! What a nice surprise ! I ...(not think) I ...(run) into you today.
5. We always ....(remember) the wonderful winter holidays we had in Dalat.
6. That man was a little mad. He always ..(try) to improve that the earth was flat.

7. Don’t let him play with scissors in case he ...(cut) himself.
8. We’ve got everything. Nothing seems ...(forget).

9. It’s interesting to note that our life expectancy ...(increase).
10. The experiment ....(make) when the light ...(go) out.

11. John & I ....(study) at the same school, and we ....(be) great friends ever since.
12. Two miles ...(be) enough for her to go jogging every morning.

<b>Question :III (15 points) Choose the best answer .</b>

1.Yesterday he won $ 500 in the lottery, so I ...a pair of new shoes.

A. got myself B. myself got C. got for myself D. for myself got
2. I am...tired to think about that problem now.

A. much more B. far too C. nearly D. very
3. He has just bought ...expensive new furniture.

A. an B. many C. some D. these

4. I don’t think that shirt...with your yellow skirt.

A. goes B. fits C. suits D. wears

5. It was a long time ...I lived here.

A. since B. that C. ago that D. when
6. War stole his youth and his home,... .

A. as a result B. moreover C. however D. furthermore
7. Trees...in the village for their welcome shade include longan and mangosteen.
A. that grow B. are grown C. grown D. that grown

8. He thinks he is ...Shakespeare.

A. another B. other C. the one D. the other

9. It was Sunday...shop was open, all the others were closed.

A. the B. a C. one D. some

10. The librarian went to look in the cupboard,...rare books are kept.

A. which B. that C. there D. where

11. I’ve told you time and time...not to leave the door open.

A. over B. again C. before D. yet

12. You don’t think he is right,... ?

A. will B. is he C. isn’t he D. do you
13. Don’t let a good chance go... .

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14. I feel very tired...times I consider giving up work.

A. during B. some C. for D. at

15. I fell over while skiing, and my sister had to ...a doctor.

A. bring B. take C. fetch D. carry

<b>Question : IV (10 points) Give the correct form of word in the bracket.</b>
1. After the explosion, only two people were left ... . (live)

2. “ Look after your mother”. were his ...words. (die)

3. ...was one of the three problems facing Vietnamese government after the
August Revolution. (literate)

4. She always listens...to what she is told. (attention)

5. She has cut herself, and it is...quite badly. (blood)

6. Is it possible to...between a hobby and an interest ? (distinct)

7. Freedom of...is one of the fundamental rights. (speak)

8. ...is such a competitive profession. (advertise)

9. I know him through work, but not ... . (society)

10. This new film is ...good. (except)

<b>Question : V (10 points) Fill in the gap with one suitable preposition.</b>
1. We are worried about pollution... smoke.

2. How did you get...the ocean ?

3. I will be a wiser man... my experience.
4. I recognized his father...him.

5. I’ll stop...and see you some time.

6. He repeated the conversation that he had heard word ...word.

7. He landed the airplane all right, it was more ...good luck than good management.
8. That writer is well known...high school students.

9. The Coles are probably home tonight. Let’s drop in...them.
10. He now has a good job, and is quite independent... his parents.
<b>Question : VI (10 points ) </b>

1. I think that no city in the world is more beautiful than Paris.
- I think Paris... .
2. The flight to Moscow lasted three hours.

- It took... .

3. I think you should tell the police about the incident.

- If I... .

4. You can borrow the car but you’ve got to fill it up with petrol.
- Provided... .
5. He wrote that book during his holiday in Wales.

- It was while... .
6. No decision has been made yet.

- Nothing... .

7. Mary doesn’t realize how serious her operation is.
- Little... .
8. Jennifer regretted her foolish behaviour.

- Jennifer wished... .
9. Because of the frost, oranges are scarce.
- The freezing weather... .
10. Your hair needs cutting.

- It’s about time you... .

<b>Question : VII (10 points) Find out one mistake in each sentence and correct it.</b>
1. I felt sadly when I read the letter.

2. They couldn’t hear the music down there because it wasn’t too loud.
3. There is a new Oriental restaurant here, isn’t it ?

4. Bob is a kind of person to whom one can talk about anything.
5. Is April twenty – first the day that you will arrive ?

6. Nam seldom pays his bills on time, and his brother does , too.
7. It was careless to him to leave the keys in the car.

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10. Dresses, skirts, shoes and children’s clothing are advertised at great reduced prices this

<b>Question : VIII. Choose the suitable word or phrase to fill in the bracket</b>

<b> It ...1...more than you think to...2...a car. First, there is the road...3...,which seems to</b>
get more expensive...4...year. Then there’s insurance, ...5...is very expensive if you are
young. If you run an old car, you...6...comprehensive insurance. “ third party, fire, and theft” will
do. If you...7...lucky, your car will pass its annual MOT test. All cars need regular...8... .If it
breaks down , you’ve got the extra...9...of ...10... .

1. A. values B. costs C. pays D. prices

2. A. run B. buy C. get D. operate

3. A. money B. fee C. tax D. payment

4. A. a B. each C. per D. every

5. A. which B. that C. this D. what

6. A. not need B. need not C. don’t need D. don’t have
7. A. you were B. you are C. you D. you will be
8. A. service B. servicing C. serviced D. services

9. A. cost B. money C. expense D. payment

10. A. repairing B. repairs C. mend D. damage

<b>Question : VIII (10 points) Fill in the gap with one suitable word to complete the paragraph.</b>
Most of the addicts are men. They come home...1...work, eat their meal quickly, and then spend
the evening...2...their computers. Some of them...3...programs, but most of
them...4...play games. Some wises say ...5...computer is killing their marriage. Their
husbands play until three ...6...four o’clock in the morning and all weekend.
people ...7...these lonely wives “ computer widows”.

When television became popular in the 1950s, doctors said it caused “ television neck”, TV eyes
and...8...new illness, and makes their eyes tired. But worst...9...all, it is addictive. That means
it is ...10...drinking, smoking or taking drugs. Some people can’t stop doing it.



íng dÉn chÊm

<b>Question : I.</b>

<b> a, 1. D</b> 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. D

b, 1.A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A

<b> Question : II.</b>

<b> 1. will be</b> 5. shall / will .... remember 9. is increasing

2. was working 6. was ...trying 10. was being made- went

3. was 7. cuts 11. studied – have been

4. didn’t think – would run 8. to have been forgotten 12. is
<b> Question :III.</b>

<b> 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. D 13. B 14. D 15. C </b>
<b> Question : IV.</b>

<b> 1. alive 2. dying 3. illiteracy 4. attentively 5. bleeding 6. distinguish 7. speech 8. advertising 9. </b>
socially 10. exceptionally.

<b> Question : V.</b>

1. from 2. across 3. after 4. in 5. by 6. for 7. by 8. to 9. on 10. of
<b> Question : VI</b>

1. I think Paris is the most beautiful city in the world.
2. It took three hours to fly to Moscow.

3. If I were you I would tell the police about the incident.
4. Provided you fill the car up with petrol, you can borrow it.
5. It was while he was on holiday in Wales that he wrote that book.
6. Nothing has been decided yet.

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10. It ‘s about time you had your hair cut / a haircut /You had someone cut your hair.
<b>Question : VII. </b>

<b> 1. sadly </b>® sad 6. does, too ® doesn’t, either / neither does his brother

2. too loud ® loud enough 7. to him ® of him

3. it ®there 8. belonging ®belongings

4. a ® the 9. not only famous ® famous not only

5. that ® when 10. great ®greatly

<b> Question : VIII.</b>

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. C 7. B

8. B 9. A 10. B
<b> . Question : IX.</b>

<b> 1. from</b> 2. on 3. make 4. just / only 5. the 6. or

7. call 8. other 9. of 10. like

<b>Hớng dẫn: </b>Bài thi tính thang điểm : 20

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