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unit 1 hello ct bộ gdđt 3 phạm song hào thư viện giáo án điện tử

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<b>WEEK 1</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:19/8/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :26/8/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 1 Introduction</b>

<b>A-The aims and objectives</b>:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know about the importance of
English, classroom rules, commands.

<b>B- Preparations</b>:

1/ Teacher: Text book, lesson plan, ...

2/ Students: Textbooks, notebooks, reference books...
<b>C- Procedures</b>:

<b>I/ Organization</b>: (2`) - Greeting
- Checking attendance

<b>II/ Warm-up</b>: (5`)

T: Chatting : teacher introduce the name and chatting with ss about name in

<b>III/ New lesson</b>: (25`)

Activity 1: The importance of English

- In groups of 4, Ss discuss the importance of English.

Activity 2: Classroom rules

- Teacher says about the classroom rules in Vietnamese.
1. During lesson.

- Pay attention to the lesson, give ideas.
- Practise in English.

- Join to activities during the lesson.
2. At home.

- Learn by heart vocabulary, grammar and write examples.
- Read the dialogue.

- Do exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare next lesson.

Activity 3: Classroom commands

- Teacher use TPR – Ss look, listen and act

Stand up, sit down, open the book, close the book, come in, go out, come here,
come back to (turn) your seat, look, listen, repeat, read, write, sing.

<b>IV/ Consolidation</b>:(3`) Game: Simon says

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<b>WEEK 1</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:19/8/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :26/8/2014</b></i>

Period 2:

<b>Unit 1: HELLO</b>

<i><b>Lesson 1(1, 2, 3)</b></i>

<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: - </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: Greet and

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: - Hello/ hi. I’m + name.
- Vocabulary: hello, hi, I, am, nice to meet you.
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

- Check pupils’ books, note books ……

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<b>Warm up</b>

Say <i>hello</i> to the class and introduce yourself,
using <i>Hello. I am +</i> <i>name</i>. Walk around the class
to say <i>hello</i> again to some pupils and ask them to

<b>1. Look, listen and repeat</b>

Ask students to look at the picture in the book and

Who are they in the picture?
Where are they?

Ask students listen and repeat after the tape
Repeat again and read in pairs

<b>2. Point and say</b>
- Teach vocabulary:

<i>Hello Hi</i>

<i>Am = ‘m Nice to meet you</i>.
Checking: What and where

<b>Note:</b> difference between <i>Hi / Hello</i>.

<i>Hi</i> is very informal. Pupils can use with friends


Look at the picture and

They are teacher and

They are in the class

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but not with an adult, e.g a teacher.

<i>Hello</i> is also informal and friendly but more
formal than <i>Hi</i>. It can be used with teachers and
other adults.

Setting the sense: - Have pupils look at pictures.
Ask them to identify the characters in the

Who are in the pictures? What are they doing?
- Sentence Partners: - Hello

- Hi. I’m + name
<b>I’m + name</b> (I’m = I am)

- Call on a pair and ask them to pretend to be
Miss Hien and Nam to act out the greeting
exchange. Call on one more pair to act out Mai
and Quan to self- introduce. Have the class repeat
all the phrases in this section and Teacher correct
the Ss pronunciation (stress, assimilation of
sounds and intonation)

- Call on some pairs to perform the task at the
front of the class. The rest of the class observe
and give comments if possible.

- Make a few questions to check pupils’
comprehension of the language.

- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

<b>3. Let’s Talk</b>

Ask students to look at the pictures in the book.
Ask them to identify the characters in the

Ask Ss work in pairs to greet and self- introduce.
Call some pairs to act out

Correct their pronunciation

Asking Ps to focus on the structure once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.

<i><b> 5. Homework</b></i>

Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the
new words and structures.

the teacher
Slap the board

Work in pairs

Work in pairs

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<b>WEEK 1</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:19/8/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :27,28/8/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 3:UNIT 1: HELLO</b>

<i><b>Lesson 1: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: greet and

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils greet and introduce their names.

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<b>Warm up:</b> Say <i>hello </i>to partner.
<b>4. Listen and tick</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on
page 7 of the Student Book. Elicit the
identification of the characters in the pictures and
the characters’ words. Tell pupils that they are
going to listen to the recording and tick the
pictures they hear. Guess the answer

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
tick the boxes. Check their guess. Compare the
answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<i>Answer: 1.b 2.a</i>

<b>5. Let’s write</b>

- Have pupils open their books to Page 7. Get Ss
to read the text. Tell pupils that they are going to


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read and get the information to write the missing
words in dialogue 1 and 2.

- Pupils read individually silently and complete
the dialogues.

- Pair works. Pupils give their answers for

- Ask some pupils to read their answers aloud to
the class. The rest of the class listen and give

- Make a few questions to check pupils’
comprehension of the reading text.

<b>Answer</b>: <i>1. Hello, I’m</i> <i>2. I’m, Hello.</i>

<b>6. Let’s sing</b>

- Introduce the <i>Hello Song</i>, Page 7.

- Play the recording and listen the <i>Hello Song</i>
- Play the recording again for pupils to sing each
line of the rhythm.

- Call on a group of six to the front of the class
and do the activities. The others clap their hands
after the song

- Group work. Pupils practise singing and doing
the activities in groups. Monitor the activity and
help them when necessary. Correct pronunciation
Ss’ errors.

- Call on one group to perform the song at the
front of the class. The rest of the class sing the
song and clap the rhythm.

- Have class sing the song again to reinforce their


Asking Ps to focus on the structure once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.

<i><b> 5. Homework</b></i>

Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the
new words and structures.

Work in pairs

Listen and sing

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<b>WEEK 1</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:21/8/2014</b></i>

<i><b> Date of teaching: 27, 28/8/2014</b></i>
Period 4: <b>UNIT 1: HELLO</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2: Part 1- 2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>

<b>- </b>By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to greet and respond to greeting
<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: <i>How are you? - I’m fine</i>

- Vocabulary: bye, goodbye,<i> Thanks, And you? How</i>

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, puppets.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

- Ask Ss to greet to each other

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Chatting</b>

- T asks Ss to repeat the greeting and introducing

<b>1. Look, Listen and repeat.</b>
Have Ss to look at the book at page 8.

Elicit the character and have Ss guess what they
are saying.

Set the scene: we are going to review phrases
saying hello and bye.

Have Ss listen to the recording as they read the
lines in the speech bubbles

Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the lines
in the speech bubbles two times.

Divide the class into two groups. One repeat
Mai’s part and the other repeat Nam’ part.

Play the recording again for the whole class to
repeat each line in the speech bubbles to reinforce
their pronunciation.

Teach vocabulary:

Answer the teacher’s

Look at the pictures in the

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Bye=goodbye <i>How</i>
<i>Thanks= thank you And you</i>

- Sentence Partners: <i>How are you? - I’m fine</i>

<b> 2. Point and say</b>

Have Ss look at the pictures on page 8

Elicit the characters in the pictures and their
names. Ask Ss to guess and complete the speech

T models/ allocates the parts of characters Mai
and Nam to Ss

Ask them to act out the dialogue1. Repeat the
step with some other pairs for pictures

Have Ss practice acting out the dialogue in pairs,
using the pictures.

Monitor the activity and offer held. Correct
pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation of
sounds, intonation) when necessary.

Call on some pairs to perform the task at the front
of the class. The others observe and give


Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>3 - Let’s talk: </b>

Show picture and give task.

Have Ps work in pair to greet and respond to

- Display in class, others comment

Listen and correct.

Have Ps do
Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Look at 4 pictures

Point to the pictures and

Play role and speak out.

Work in pair practice

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<b>WEEK 2</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:26/8/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :02/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 5:UNIT 1: HELLO</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: Greet and respond to

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils greet and introduce their names.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Chatting</b>

- T asks Ss to repeat the greeting and introducing

<b>4. Listen and number</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on
page of the Student Book. Give the identification
of the characters in the pictures and the
characters’ words. Tell pupils that they are going
to listen to the recording and match the
information they hear to the pictures. They
should number the boxes.

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
number the boxes. Check their guess. Compare
the answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<i>Answer:1.d 2.c 3.b 4.a</i>

Answer the teacher’s

Look at the pictures in the

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<b>5. Read and complete</b>

-T explains the situation and how to do the

-Ask students to read the dialogue 1, 2 in the
book and fill the words given to complete the

Work in pairs to do the exercise then practice in
pairs in front of the whole class. The rest listen to
and give the remark.

Correct the pronunciation.

<i>Answer: 1.Goodbye 2. Bye 3. Fine 4. thank </i>

<b>6. Let’s write</b>

- Have pupils open their books to Page 9. Get Ss
to identify the characters in the pictures and what
they are saying. Tell pupils that they are going to
read and get the information to write the missing

words in dialogue.

- Pupils read individually silently and complete
the dialogues.

- Pair works. Pupils give their answers for

- Ask some pupils to read their answers aloud to
the class. The rest of the class listen and give

- Make a few questions to check pupils’
comprehension of the reading text.

- Have the whole class read each line of the
dialogues chorally to reinforce their

<b>Answer</b>: <i>1. How</i> <i>2. I’m fine, thanks</i>

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Read in pairs

Write the suitable words to
fill in the blank

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<b>WEEK 2</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:26/8/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :02/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 6:UNIT 1: HELLO</b>

<i><b>Lesson 3: Part 1-2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: greet and

self-introduce. Greet and respond to greeting and self-introduction. Pronounce the
sounds in the letters /h/, /b/ correctly

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils greet and introduce their names.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Chatting</b>

- T asks Ss to repeat the greeting and responding
to greeting.

<b>1. Listen and repeat</b>

Play the CD and have Ps repeat each line of the
chant. Then change the role.

Focus Ps’ attention on the letters colored
differently in the words <b>bye and hello</b>

-Introduce the sounds /b/ and <b>/h/ </b>
-Have Ps practice the sounds carefully

-Play the CD and have Ps read the chant in

-Ask Ps to give which sounds in Vietnamese are
similar to, and then have Ps read words after you
+ Ask some pairs to ask and answer.

+ Have Ps recite the chant and clap the syllable
to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>2. Listen and write</b>

Ask ps to practice in pairs

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- Have pupils look at the sentences and guess the
suitable words to fill in the blank.

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
number the boxes. Check their guess. Compare
the answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Have pupils act out the dialogue in pairs or
groups for correction.

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<i><b>Answer</b>: 1. Bye 2.hello </i>

<b> 3. Let’s chant</b>

- Introduce the Chant Hello
-Turn on the tape.

- Ps listen to the tape and repeat the chant.
- Ps chant in group and individual.

- Ps chant and do the action.

-Teacher reinforce their pronunciation

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Read 2 sentences

Listen and fill in the blank

Ps listen to the tape and

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<b>WEEK 2</b>

<i><b> Date of planning:26/8/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :03,04/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 7:UNIT 1: HELLO</b>

<i><b>Lesson 3: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: greet and

self-introduce, Greet and respond to greeting, and self-introduction.
<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils greet and introduce their names.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Read the chant Hello</b>

<b>4. Read and match.</b>

T introduces the topic “you are going to read the
sentences to get the information in order to match
the questions to the answers”.

Ss read the sentences individually and check their
prediction. Ss do the task (match the sentence with
a appropriate picture.)

Monitor the activity and offer help when

Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction
Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others
listen and comment.

Make a few questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the sentences.

Have the whole class read each sentence in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

<i>Answers: </i>1 – d; 2 – a; 3 – b; 4 – c.
<b>5. Read and write</b>

Read the chant Hello
Look at the sentences in
the book


Work individually
Work in pairs

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- Have pupils open their books to Page 11. Tell
pupils that they are going to read and get the
information to write the missing words in

- Pupils read individually silently and complete the

- Pair works. Pupils trade their answers for

- Ask some pupils to read their answers aloud to
the class. The rest of the class listen and give

- Make a few questions to check pupils’
comprehension of the reading text.

- Have the whole class read each line of the
dialogues chorally to reinforce their pronunciation.
<b>Answer</b>: <i>1. Hello 2. I’m 3. Nice </i>
<i> 4. How 5. I’m fine/ Fine </i>
<b>6. Project</b>

- Introduce the name card.

- Explain how to do the exercise: Make name
cards about themselves and others.

-Ss Present them to class. The rest listen to and
give the remark. Correct the pronunciation

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

fill in the blank
Read 5 sentences
Read and write

Work individually

Work in group

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<b>WEEK 2</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:26/8/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching : 03, 04/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 8:UNIT 2: WHAT’S YOUR NAME?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 1: Part 1-2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: ask and answer

questions about one’s name.
<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: What’s your name? - My name’s Mai
- Vocabulary: what, your, name, my, is=’s, are=’re

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils greet and introduce their names and their health.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Sing hello song</b>

<i><b>1.</b></i> <b>Look, listen and repeat.</b>

Ask Ss to identify the characters in the picture
on page 12 and what they are saying.

Set the scene “you are going to listen to Peter
and Nam, Linda and Mai greet and introduce
their names.

Play the recording and asks Ss to listen to the

T asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus two

Call on one pair. One repeats Peter’s part, the
other repeats Nam’s part.

Have whole class repeat all the phrases a few
times to reinforce their pronunciation. And do
the same with the dialogue between Linda and

<b>2. Point and say</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures on Page 12. Elicit

Sing the song

Look at the pictures in the

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the characters in the pictures and their names.
Teach vocabulary:

What are=’re
Your Name
My is=’s
check vocab: slap the board

Model sentence: What’s your name?-My name’s

Ask pupils to guess and complete the speech

- Model: Call on a pair. Allocate the parts of the
characters Mai and Nam to the pupils. Ask them
to point the pictures and act out the dialogues.
Using the pictures in their books. Monitor the
activity and offer help. Correct pronunciation
errors (stress, assimilation of sounds, intonation)
when necessary.

- Call on some pairs to perform their task at the
front of the class. The rest of the class observe
and give comments.

- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>3 Let’s Talk</b>

Ask students to look at the pictures in the book.
Ask them to identify the characters in the

Ask Ss work in pairs to ask and answer questions
about one’s name. Call some pairs to act out
Correct their pronunciation

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Look and find out the
model sentences

Point the pictures and

Pactise in pairs

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<b>WEEK 3</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:02/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :09/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 9:UNIT 2: WHAT’S YOUR NAME?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 1: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to ask and answer

questions about one’s name.
<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss writing, reading and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils greet and introduce their names.

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<b>Warm up</b>

Ask and answer questions about one’s name
<b>4. Listen and tick</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on page
of the Student Book. Elicit the identification of the
characters in the pictures and the characters’ words.
Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the
recording and tick the pictures they hear. Guess the

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and tick
the boxes. Check their guess. Compare the answer
with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<i>Answer: 1.a 2. b</i>

<b>5. Look and write</b>

- Have pupils open their books to Page 13. Get Ss

Practise in pairs

Indentify the characters
in each picture

Listen and tick

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

to identify the characters in the pictures and what
they are saying.

- Tell Ss that they are going to read and get
information to write the missing words in dialogue
1 and 2.

- Ss read silently and complete the dialogues.
- Ss trade their answers within pairs for

- Ask Ss to read the answers aloud to the class.
The others listen and give comments.

<i>Answers: 1. My name is / I’m</i>
<i> 2. Mai/ my name is/ I’m</i>

- Make some questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the reading text.

Have the whole class read each line of the

dialogues chorally to reinforce their pronunciation.
<b>6. Let’s sing</b>

- Introduce <i>The alphabet song</i>, Page 13.

- Play the recording and listen to <i>The alphabet song</i>
- Play the recording again for pupils to sing each
line of the rhythm.

- Call on a group of six to the front of the class and
do the activities. The others clap their hands after
the song

- Group work. Pupils practise singing and doing the
activities in groups. Monitor the activity and help
them when necessary. Correct pronunciation Ss’

- Call on one group to perform the song at the front
of the class. The rest of the class sing the song and
clap the rhythm.

- Have class sing the song again to reinforce their


Asking Ps to focus on the structure once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.

<i><b> 5. Homework</b></i>

Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the
new words and structures.

Work in pairs

Listen and sing

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<b>WEEK 3</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:02/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :09/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 10:UNIT 2: WHAT’S YOUR NAME?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2: Part 1- 2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>

<b>- </b>By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer questions
about how to spell one’s name.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: How do you spell your name? –L-I-N-D-A
- Vocabulary: How, spell

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, puppets.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

- Ask Ss to greet to each other

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: Sing the alphabet song

<b>1. Look, Listen and repeat.</b>

Have Ss to look at the book at page 14.

Elicit the character and have Ss guess what they
are saying.

Set the scene: we are going to review phrases
What’s your name? My name’s Mai

Have Ss listen to the recording as they read the
lines in the speech bubbles

Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the
lines in the speech bubbles two times.

Divide the class into two groups. One repeat
Mai’s part and the other repeat Nam’s part.
Play the recording again for the whole class to
repeat each line in the speech bubbles to
reinforce their pronunciation.

- Teach vocabulary:

How spell

Sing the song

Look at the pictures in the

Listen and repeat

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

- Elicits the structures

How are do you spell your name?


<b>2. Point and say</b>

Have Ss look at the pictures on page 14
Elicit the characters in the pictures and their
names. Ask Ss to guess and complete the
speech bubbles.

T models/ allocates the parts of characters
Linda and Nam to Ss

Ask them to act out the dialogue1. Repeat the
step with some other pairs for pictures

Have Ss practice acting out the dialogue in
pairs, using the pictures.

Monitor the activity and offer held. Correct
pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation of

sounds, intonation) when necessary.

Call on some pairs to perform the task at the
front of the class. The others observe and give

Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>3 - Let’s talk: </b>

Show picture and give task.

Have Ps work in pairs to ask and answer
questions about how to spell one’s name.

- Display in class, others comment
Listen and correct.

Have Ps practise
Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words and structure

Look at 4 pictures

Point to the pictures and


Play role and speak out.

Work in pair practice

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

<b>WEEK 3</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:02/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :10,11/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 11:UNIT 2: WHAT’S YOUR NAME?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>

<b>- </b>By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer questions
about how to spell one’s name.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils greet and introduce, spell their names.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Chatting</b>

- T asks Ss to make question and answer about
how to spell one’s name.

<b>4. Listen and number</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on

page 15 of the Student Book. Elicit the
identification of the characters in the pictures and
the characters’ words. Tell pupils that they are
going to listen to the recording and match the
information they hear to the pictures. They
should number the boxes.

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
number the boxes. Check their guess. Compare
the answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

Practise in pairs

Look at the pictures in the

Listen and number

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=21>

<i>Answer: 1.c 2.b 3.d 4.a</i>

<b>5. Read and match</b>

Ask Ss to identify the characters in the pictures
on page 15.

Set the scene: <i>“you are going to read the</i>
<i>dialogues to get the information in order to</i>
<i>match the pictures to the appropriate</i>

Have a revision of the language: <i>“How do you</i>
<i>spell your name?” – “L – I – N – D – A.”</i>

Ask Ss to read the dialogues and do the task
(match the sentence with a appropriate picture.)
Monitor the activity and offer help when

Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for

Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others
listen and comment.

Make a few questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the sentences.

Have the whole class read each sentence in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

<i>Answers: 1 – c; 2 – b; 3-a</i>

<b>6. Let’s write</b>

- Have pupils open their books to Page 15. Get
Ss to identify the characters in the pictures and
what they are saying. Tell pupils that they are
going to read and get the information to write the
missing words in dialogue.

- Pupils practice in pairs and complete the

- Pair works. Pupils give their answers for

- Ask some pupils to read their answers aloud to
the class. The rest of the class listen and give

- Make a few questions to check pupils’
comprehension of the reading text.

- Have the whole class read each line of the
dialogues chorally to reinforce their

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the

Look at 3 pictures

Work Individually
Practice the dialogues in

Practise in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=22>

new words

<b>WEEK 3</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:02/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :10,11/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 12:UNIT 2: WHAT’S YOUR NAME?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 3: Part 1-2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: ask and answer

questions about one’s name, how to spell one’s name, make and respond to
instructions. Pronounce the sounds in the letters /m/, /p/ correctly.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils greet and introduce their names.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Chatting</b>

- T asks Ss to make question and answer about
how to spell one’s name

<b>1. Listen and repeat</b>

Play the CD and have Ps repeat each line of the
chant. Then change the role.

Focus Ps’ attention on the letters colored
differently in the words <b>Mai and Peter</b>

-Introduce the sounds /m/ and <b>/p/ </b>
-Have Ps practice the sounds carefully

-Play the CD and have Ps read the chant in

-Ask Ps to give which sounds in Vietnamese are
similar to, and then have Ps read words after you
+ Ask some pairs to ask and answer.

+ Have Ps recite the chant and clap the syllable
to reinforce their pronunciation.

Ask ps to practice in pairs
Look at the pictures in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=23>

<b>2. Listen and write</b>

- Have pupils look at the sentences and guess the
suitable words to fill in the blank.

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
fill the blanks. Check their guess. Compare the
answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Have pupils act out the dialogue in pairs or
groups for correction.

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<i><b>Answer</b>: 1. Peter 2. Mai</i>

<b> 3. Let’s chant</b>

- Introduce the Chant What’s your name?
- Turn on the tape.

- Ps listen to the tape and repeat the chant.
- Ps chant in group and individual.

- Ps chant and do the action.

- Teacher reinforce their pronunciation

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Look at 2 sentences

Listen and fill in the blank

Ps listen to the tape and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=24>

<b>WEEK 4</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:09/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :16/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 13:UNIT 2: WHAT’S YOUR NAME?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 3: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: ask and answer

questions about one’s name, how to spell one’s name.
<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils greet and introduce, spell their names.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Read the chant: What’s your</b>

- T asks Ss to repeat the greeting and responding
to greeting.

<b>4. Read and match.</b>

T introduces the topic “you are going to read
the questions to get the information in order to
match the answers”.

Ss read the sentences individually and check
their prediction. Ss do the task (match the
sentence with a appropriate picture.)

Monitor the activity and offer help when

Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for

Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others
listen and comment.

Make a few questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the sentences.

Ask ps to practice in pairs
Look at the sentences in
the book

Read and Work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=25>

Have the whole class read each sentence in

chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

<i>Answers: </i>1 – b; 2 – d; 3 – a; 4 – c.
<b>5.</b> <b>Read and complete</b>

-T explains the situation and how to do the

-Ask students to read the 2 dialogues in the book
and fill the words given to complete the

Work in pairs to do the exercise then practice in
pairs in front of the whole class. The rest listen to
and give the remark.

Correct the pronunciation.

Answer: 1. my 2. Hi 3. How 4. What’s 5.

<b>6. Project</b>

- Introduce the situation.

- Explain how to do the exercise: Work in
groups. Interview their classmates.

-Ss act out in front of the class. The rest listen to
and give the remark. Correct the pronunciation


Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Fill the suitable words in
the blanks

Work in groups

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=26>

<b>WEEK 4</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:09/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :16/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 14:UNIT 3: THIS IS TONY.</b>

<i><b>Lesson 1: Part 1-2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: introduce someone.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>:</b>

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: This is Tony
- Vocabulary: This

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils greet and introduce their names and their health.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Sing the alphabet song</b>

<i><b>1.</b></i> <b>Look, listen and repeat.</b>

Ask Ss to identify the characters in the picture
on page 13 and what they are saying.

Set the scene “you are going to listen to T
introduce someone to class, The class greet the

Play the recording and asks Ss to listen to the

T asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus two

Call on one pair. One repeats teacher’s part, the
other repeats Ss’ part.

Have whole class repeat all the phrases a few
times to reinforce their pronunciation. And do
the same with the dialogue between Linda and

<b>2. Point and say</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures on Page 12. Elicit
the characters in the pictures and their names.

Sing the alphabet song
Look at the pictures in the

Listen and repeat

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=27>

Teach vocabulary:

Model sentence: This is Tony.

Ask pupils to guess and complete the speech

- Model: Call someone to practice in front of the
whole class. Practice in group. Allocate the parts
of the characters Mai and Nam to the pupils. Ask
them to point the pictures and act out the
dialogues. Using the pictures in their books.
Monitor the activity and offer help. Correct
pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation of
sounds, intonation) when necessary.

- Call on some groups to perform their task at the
front of the class. The rest of the class observe
and give comments.

- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>3 Let’s Talk</b>

Ask students to look at the pictures in the book.
Ask them to identify the characters in the


Ask Ss work in groups to introduce someone.
Call some groups to act out

Correct their pronunciation

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Point the pictures and

Pactise in groups

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=28>

<b>WEEK 4</b>

<i><b> Date of </b></i>

<i><b> Date of teaching :17,18/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 15:UNIT 3: THIS IS TONY.</b>

<i><b>Lesson 1: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: introduce someone.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss writing, reading and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils to ask and answer about the specific information.

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<b>Warm up</b>

Ask Ps to introduce someone
<b>4. Listen and tick</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on page
19 of the Student Book. Elicit the identification of
the characters in the pictures and the characters’
words. Tell pupils that they are going to listen to
the recording and tick the pictures they hear. Guess
the answer

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and tick
the boxes. Check their guess. Compare the answer
with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

S introduce someone
Indentify the characters
in each picture

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=29>

<i>Answer: 1.a 2.b</i>

<b>5. Look and write</b>

- Have pupils open their books to Page 19. Get Ss
to identify the characters in the pictures and what
they are saying.

- Tell Ss that they are going to read and get
information to write the missing words in dialogue
1 and 2.

- Ss read silently and complete the dialogues.
- Ss trade their answers within pairs or groups
for correction

- Ask Ss to read the answers aloud to the class.
The others listen and give comments.

<i>Answers: 1. This is / hello, Nam</i>
<i> 2.This is/ hello, Phong</i>

- Make some questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the reading text.

Have the whole class read each line of the

dialogues chorally to reinforce their pronunciation.
<b>6. Let’s sing</b>

- Introduce the <i>How are you? song</i>, Page 19.

- Play the recording and listen the <i>How are you?</i>

- Play the recording again for pupils to sing each
line of the rhythm.

- Call on a group of six to the front of the class and
do the activities. The others clap their hands after
the song

- Group work. Pupils practise singing and doing the
activities in groups. Monitor the activity and help
them when necessary. Correct Ss’ errors.

- Call on one group to perform the song at the front
of the class. The rest of the class sing the song and
clap the rhythm.

- Have class sing the song again to reinforce their


Asking Ps to focus on the structure once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.

<i><b> 5. Homework</b></i>

Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the
new words and structures.

Indentify the characters
in each picture

Work in pairs

Listen and sing

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=30>

<b>WEEK 4</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:09/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :17,18/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 16:UNIT 3: THIS IS TONY</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2: Part 1- 2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>

<b>- </b>By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer question
about someone.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: Is that Tony?-Yes, it is/No, it isn’t
- Vocabulary: that, yes, no, is not = isn’t, it

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, puppets.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

- Ask Ss to make and respond to instruction

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: Sing the alphabet song

<b>2. Look, Listen and repeat.</b>

Have Ss to look at the book at page 20.

Elicit the character and have Ss guess what they
are saying.

Set the scene: we are going to learn new phrases
Is that Tony? Yes, it is.

Is that Quan? No, it’s isn’t. It’s Phong

Have Ss listen to the recording as they read the
lines in the speech bubbles

Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the
lines in the speech bubbles two times.

Divide the class into two groups. One repeat
Mai’s part and the other repeat Nam’ part.

Play the recording again for the whole class to
repeat each line in the speech bubbles to

Sing the song

Look at the pictures in the

Listen and repeat

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=31>

reinforce their pronunciation.

Do the same with the dialogue between Tom and

<b>2. Point and say</b>

- Teach vocabulary:

That yes

No is not = isn’t

Check vocab: what and where
- Elicits the structures

Is that Tony? - Yes, it is.

Is that Quan? - No, it’s isn’t. It’s Phong
Have Ss look at the pictures on page 21
Elicit the characters in the pictures and their
names. Ask Ss to guess and complete the
speech bubbles.

T models/ allocates the parts of characters Mai
and Nam to Ss use structure:

Is that Tony? - Yes, it is.

Is that Quan? - No, it’s isn’t. It’s Phong
Ask them to act out the model dialogue. Repeat
the step with some other pairs for pictures
Have Ss practice acting out the dialogue point
and use the information in picture a, b, c and d
to practice in pairs. Monitor the activity and
offer held. Correct pronunciation errors (stress,
assimilation of sounds, intonation) when


Call on some pairs to perform the task at the
front of the class. The others observe and give

Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>3 - Let’s talk: </b>

Show picture and give task.

Have Ps work in pairs to ask and answer
questions about someone.

- Display in class, others comment
Listen and correct.

Have Ps practise

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the

Observe 4 pictures

Point to the pictures and

Practice in pairs

Play role and speak out.

Work in pair practice

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=32>

new words

<b>WEEK 5</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:16/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :23/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 17:UNIT 3: THIS IS TONY.</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>

<b>- </b>By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer questions
about someone.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss reading, listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils ask and answer questions about someone.

3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Chatting</b>

- T asks Ss do after T.

<b>4. Listen and number</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on
page of the Student Book. Elicit the
identification of the characters in the pictures and
the characters’ words. Tell pupils that they are
going to listen to the recording and match the
information they hear to the pictures. They
should number the boxes.

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
number the boxes. Check their guess. Compare
the answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’

Practise in pairs

Look at the pictures in the


<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=33>

comprehension of the listening text.

<i>Answer: 1.c 2.b 3.a 4.d</i>

<b>5. Look, read and answer</b>

Ask Ss to identify the characters in the pictures
a, b, c, d on page 21.

Set the scene: <i>“you are going to read the</i>
<i>questions and find out the answer.”</i>

Have a revision of the language:

<i>“Is that Linda?”– “Yes, it is.”</i>

Ask Ss to read the questions and answer (match
the sentence with a appropriate picture.)

Monitor the activity and offer help when

Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for

Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others
listen and comment.

Make a few questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the sentences.

Have the whole class read each sentence in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

<i>Answers: </i>a. <i>Is that Linda? – Yes, it is.</i>

<i> b, Is that Peter? – No, it isn’t. It is Tom</i>
<i> c, Is that Phong? – Yes, it is. </i>

<i> d, Is that Linda? – No, it isn’t. It is Tom.</i>

<b>6. Let’s play</b>

- Explain how the game is played: pupils play in
groups of six. Each group has one set of four
pieces of paper. On each of which one of the four
words is written, e.g. this, is, and one of the
character’s names that they have learnt (Linda or
Tony or Tom or Mary). Each group member pick
up one piece of paper. Then the pupils in each
group put their pieces of paper together in order
to make a sentence, e.g. This is my friend Linda.
- Group work. Pupils play the game in groups.
Move around to help with the activity.

- When the time is up, call on two groups to
demonstrate the game at the front of the class.
The rest of the class observe and give comments.

- Have the whole class repeat all the sentences to
reinforce their pronunciation.

Follow up:

- Have pupils brainstorm and spell their names of
their classmates / friends.

Look 4 pictures

Work in pairs

Read the questions and
answers in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=34>

<i><b>4.Consolidation</b></i>Summary the lesson

<i><b>5.Homework </b></i>- Do exercises in workbook, learn

by heart the new words

Do exercises in the

<b>WEEK 5</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:16/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :23/9/2014</b></i>

<b>Period 18:UNIT 3: THIS IS TONY.</b>

<i><b>Lesson 3: Part 1-2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: ask and answer

questions about someone, introduce someone. Pronounce the sounds in the
letters /t/, /j/ correctly .

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils write the new words.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Chatting</b>

- T asks Ss to introduce someone
<b>1. Listen and repeat</b>

Play the CD and have Ps repeat each line of the
chant. Then change the role.

Focus Ps’ attention on the letters colored
differently in the words <b>Tony and yes</b>

-Introduce the sounds /t/ and <b>/j/ </b>
-Have Ps practice the sounds carefully

-Play the CD and have Ps read the chant in

-Ask Ps to give which sounds in Vietnamese are
similar to, and then have Ps read words after you

+ Ask some pairs to ask and answer.

+ Have Ps recite the chant and clap the syllable
to reinforce their pronunciation.

Ask ps to practice in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=35>

<b>2. Listen and write</b>

- Have pupils look at the sentences and guess the
suitable words to fill in the blank.

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
fill the blanks. Check their guess. Compare the
answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Have pupils act out the dialogue in pairs or
groups for correction.

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<i>Answer: 1. Tony 2. Yes </i>

<b> 3. Let’s chant</b>

- Introduce the Chant Is that Nam?

- Turn on the tape.

- Ps listen to the tape and repeat the chant.
- Ps chant in groups and individual.

- Ps chant and do the action.

- Teacher reinforce their pronunciation

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Read 2 sentences
Listen and fill in the

Ps listen to the tape and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=36>

<b>WEEK 5</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:16/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :24,25/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 19:UNIT 3: THIS IS TONY.</b>

<i><b>Lesson 3: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: ask and answer

questions about someone, introduce someone<b>. </b>
- Develop Ss reading, writing skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils ask and answer questions about someone, introduce someone<b>: </b>
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Read the chant</b> Is that Nam?

<b>4. Read and complete.</b>

-Ask Ps observe the pictures and identify the
people in pictures in book on page 23

T explains the situation and how to do the

-Ask students to read the 2 dialogues in the book
and fill the words given to complete the


Work in pairs to do the exercise then practice in
pairs in front of the whole class. The rest listen to
and give the remark.

Correct the pronunciation

<i>Answers: </i>1 – this; 2 – hello; 3 – that; 4 – isn’t.
<b>5. Look,read and write</b>

Ask Ps observe the pictures and identify the
people in pictures in book on page 23

T introduces the topic “you are going to read

Read chant

Observe the pictures.
Read the sentences in the

Read and Work
Work in pairs

Fill the suitable words in
the blanks

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=37>

the sentences and find the suitable words to fill in
the blanks”.

Ss read the sentences individually and do the

Monitor the activity and offer help when

Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for

Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others
listen and comment.

Make a few questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the sentences.

Have the whole class read each sentence in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

Answer: 1. Mai 2. Nam 3. Phong 4. Linda

<b>6. Project</b>

- Introduce the situation.

- Explain how to do the exercise: Draw their best
friend. Then introduce them to class

-Ss draw the picture on the board.

- Ps listen and give the comment and correct Ps’

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Work individually

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=38>

<b>WEEK 5</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:16/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :24,25/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 20:UNIT 4: HOW ARE YOU?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 1: Part 1-2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: ask and answer

questions about someone.
<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: Who’s that?- It’s Tony
- Vocabulary: who, Mr, Miss, Mrs

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils ask and answer questions about someone, introduce someone.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Sing how are you song</b>

<b>1. Look, listen and repeat.</b>

Ask Ss to identify the characters in the picture
on page 24 and what they are saying.

Set the scene “you are going to listen to hear
Mai and Nam, Linda and Nam ask and answer
questions introduce someone.

Play the recording and asks Ss to listen to the

T asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus two

Call on four Ps. One repeats Mai’s part, the
other repeats Nam’s part.

Have whole class repeat all the phrases a few
times to reinforce their pronunciation. And do
the same with the dialogue between Linda and

Sing the song

Look at the pictures in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=39>

<b>2. Point and say</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures on Page 24. Elicit
the characters in the pictures and their names.
Teach vocabulary:

Who Mr
Miss Mrs

Check vocab: rub out and remember
Model sentence: Who’s that?-It’s Tony.

Ask pupils to guess and complete the speech


- Model: Call on a pair. Allocate the parts of the
characters Quan and Peter to the pupils. Ask
them to point the pictures and act out the
dialogues. Using the pictures in their books.
Monitor the activity and offer help. Correct
pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation of
sounds, intonation) when necessary.

- Call on some pairs to perform their task at the
front of the class. The rest of the class observe
and give comments.

- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>3 Let’s Talk</b>

Ask students to look at the pictures in the book.
Ask them to identify the characters in the

Ask Ss work in pairs to ask and answer questions
about someone. Call some pairs to act out

Correct their pronunciation

Summary the lesson


- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Look and find out the
model sentences

Point the pictures and

Pair work

Pactise in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=40>

<b>WEEK 6</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:23/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :30/9/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 21:UNIT 4: HOW OLD ARE YOU?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 1: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to ask and answer

questions about someone.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils ask and answer questions about someone.

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<b>Warm up: Jumped words</b>

<b>4. Listen and tick</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on page
25 of the Student Book. Elicit the identification of
the characters in the pictures and the characters’
words. Tell pupils that they are going to listen to
the recording and tick the pictures they hear. Guess
the answer

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and tick
the boxes. Check their guess. Compare the answer
with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<i>Answer: 1.b 2.a</i>

<b>5. Read and write</b>

- Have pupils open their books to Page 25. Get Ss

Work in pairs

Indentify the characters
in each picture

Listen and tick

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=41>

to identify the characters in the pictures and what
they are saying.

- Tell Ss that they are going to read and get
information to write the missing words in dialogue
1 and 2.

- Ss read silently and complete the dialogues.
- Ss trade their answers within pairs for

- Ask Ss to read the answers aloud to the class.
The others listen and give comments.

<i>Answers: 1. Who 2.Who’s that?</i>
- Make some questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the reading text.

Have the whole class read each line of the

dialogues chorally to reinforce their pronunciation.
<b>6. Let’s write</b>

- Have pupils open their books to Page 25. Get Ss
to identify the characters in the pictures. Tell pupils
that they are going to read the question and give the
answer using the information in each picture.

- Pupils practice in pairs and complete the answer.
- Pair works. Pupils give their answers for

- Ask some pupils to read their answers aloud to the
class. The rest of the class listen and give

- Make a few questions to check pupils’
comprehension of the reading text.

- Have the whole class read each line of the
dialogues chorally to reinforce their pronunciation
<i><b>Answer: </b>1. It’s Tony 2. It’s Mary</i>

<i> 3. It’s Peter 4. It’s Linda</i>

Asking Ps to focus on the structure once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.

<i><b> 5. Homework</b></i>

Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the
new words and structures.

in each picture

Work in pairs

Work individually
Pair work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=42>

<b>WEEK 6</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 23/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :30/10/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 22:UNIT 4: HOW OLD ARE YOU?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2: Part 1- 2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>

<b>- </b>By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer question
about someone’s age.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: How old are you?- I’m eight years old.

- Vocabulary: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, How old,
years old

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, puppets.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

- Ask Ss to ask and answer questions about someone.

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: Sing the alphabet song

<b>1. Look, Listen and repeat.</b>

Have Ss to look at the book at page 26.

Elicit the character and have Ss guess what they
are saying.

Set the scene: we are going to learn new

Have Ss listen to the recording as they read the
lines in the speech bubbles

Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the
lines in the speech bubbles two times.

Divide the class into three groups. One repeat
Mai’s part and the others repeat Nam’s part and
teacher’s part.

Play the recording again for the whole class to
repeat each line in the speech bubbles to

Sing the song

Look at the pictures in the

Listen and repeat

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=43>

reinforce their pronunciation.
<b>2. Point and say</b>

Have Ss look at the pictures on page 26
- Teach vocabulary:

How old five
Year(s) old six
One seven
Two eight
Three nine
Four ten
- Elicit the structures

How old are you? - I’m eight years old.

Elicit the characters in the pictures and their
names. Ask Ss to guess and complete the
speech bubbles.

T models/ allocates the parts of characters Miss
Hien and Tom to Ss

Ask them to act out the dialogue1. Repeat the
step with some other pairs for pictures

Have Ss practice acting out the dialogue in
pairs, using the pictures.

Monitor the activity and offer held. Correct
pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation of
sounds, intonation) when necessary.

Call on some pairs to perform the task at the
front of the class. The others observe and give

Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>3 - Let’s talk: </b>

Show picture and give task.

Have Ps work in pairs to ask and answer
questions about someone’s age.

- Display in class, others comment
Listen and correct.

Have Ps practise
Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Look at 4 pictures

Point to the pictures and

Play role and speak out.

Work in pair practice


<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=44>

<b>WEEK 6</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 23/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :01,02/10/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 23:UNIT 4: HOW OLD ARE YOU?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>

<b>- </b>By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer question
about someone’s age.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils count from 1 to 10.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Chatting</b>

- T asks Ss to ask and answer questions about

<b>4. Listen and write</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on
page of the Student Book. Elicit the
identification of the characters in the pictures and
the characters’ words. Tell pupils that they are
going to listen to the recording and fill the
missing information they hear in the blanks.

Before listening Ps can guess the answer.

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
fill the missing words. Check their guess.
Compare the answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their

Practise in pairs

Look at the pictures in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=45>

answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<i>Answer: 1.six 2.seven 3.eight</i>

<b>5. Read and tick</b>

Ask Ss to identify the characters in the pictures
on page 27.

Set the scene: <i>“you are going to read the</i>
<i>dialogues to get the information in order to tick</i>
<i>the right picture”</i>

Ask Ss to read the dialogues and do the task
(match the sentence with a appropriate picture.)
Monitor the activity and offer help when

Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for

Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others
listen and comment.

Make a few questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the sentences.

Have the whole class read each sentence in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

<i>Answers: 1 – 6; 2 – 8; 3-10; 4-10</i>

<b> 6. Let’s sing</b>

- Introduce <i>The Let’s count from one to ten song</i>,
Page 27.

- Play the recording and listen to <i>The song</i>

- Play the recording again for pupils to sing each
line of the rhythm.

- Call on a group of six to the front of the class

and do the activities. The others clap their hands
after the song

- Group work. Pupils practise singing and doing
the activities in groups. Monitor the activity and
help them when necessary. Correct
pronunciation Ss’ errors.

- Call on one group to perform the song at the
front of the class. The rest of the class sing the
song and clap the rhythm.

- Have class sing the song again to reinforce their

Summary the lesson

Ps answer

Look at 4 pictures

Work Individually

Read the dialogues in pairs

Practise in pairs

Sing the song

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=46>

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

<b>WEEK 6</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 23/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :01,02/10/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 24:UNIT 4: HOW OLD ARE YOU?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 3: Part 1-2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: ask and answer

question about someone and someone’s age. Pronounce the sounds in the
letters /f/, /s/ correctly.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils count from one to ten.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Chatting</b>

- T asks Ss to ask and answer question about
someone and someone’s age.

<b>1. Listen and repeat</b>

Play the CD and have Ps repeat each line of the
chant. Then change the role.

Focus Ps’ attention on the letters colored
differently in the words <b>five and six</b>

-Introduce the sounds /f/ and <b>/s/ </b>
-Have Ps practice the sounds carefully

-Play the CD and have Ps read the chant in

-Ask Ps to give which sounds in Vietnamese are
similar to, and then have Ps read words after you
+ Ask some pairs to ask and answer.

Ask ps to practice in pairs
Look at the pictures in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=47>

+ Have Ps recite the chant and clap the syllable
to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>2. Listen and write</b>

- Have pupils look at the sentences and guess the
suitable words to fill in the blank.

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
fill the blanks. Check their guess. Compare the
answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their

answers. T give the answer:

- Have pupils act out the dialogue in pairs or
groups for correction.

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<i><b>Answer</b>: 1. five 2. Six </i>

<b> 3. Let’s chant</b>

- Introduce the Chant How are you?.
- Turn on the tape.

- Ps listen to the tape and repeat the chant.
- Ps chant in group and individual.

- Ps chant and do the action.

- Teacher reinforce their pronunciation

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Look at 2 sentences

Listen and fill in the blank

Ps listen to the tape and

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=48>

<b>WEEK 7</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 30/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :07/10/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 25:UNIT 4: HOW OLD ARE YOU?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 3: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: ask and answer

question about someone and someone’s age.
<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils ask and answer question about someone and someone’s age.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>:

- T asks Ss to read chant How are you?
<b>4. Read and match.</b>

T introduces the topic “you are going to read the
questions to get the information in order to match
the answers”.

Teach vocabulary: Friend

Ss read the sentences individually and check
their prediction. Ss do the task (match the
sentence with a appropriate picture.)

Monitor the activity and offer help when

Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction
Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others
listen and comment.

Read the chant

Look at the sentences in
the book

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=49>

Make a few questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the sentences.

Have the whole class read each sentence in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

<i>Answers: </i>1 – c; 2 – a; 3 – b.
<b>5.Read and write</b>

- Ask Ps to observe and identify the characters in

-T explains the situation and how to do the


-Ask students to read the 2 dialogues in the book
and fill the words given to complete the

Work in pairs to do the exercise then practice in
pairs in front of the whole class. The rest listen to
and give the remark.

Correct the pronunciation.

Answer: 1. How old/I’m 3. How old/I’m/years

<b>6. Project</b>

- Introduce the situation.

- Explain how to do the exercise: Talk to your
friends. Write their names and ages

-Ss act out in front of the class. The others listen
to and give the comment, correct the mistakes

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the

new words

Observe and identify the

Read then Fill the suitable
words in the blanks

Work in group

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=50>

<b>WEEK 7</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 30/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :07/10/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 26:UNIT 5: ARE THEY YOUR FRIENDS?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 1: Part 1-2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: introduce one’s

friend and respond to the introduction.
<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: this is my friend Mary.
- Vocabulary: friend

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils ask and answer question about someone and someone’s age.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Sing Let’s count from one to ten</b>


<i><b>1.</b></i> <b>Look, listen and repeat.</b>

Ask Ss to identify the characters in the pictures
on page 30 and what they are saying.

Set the scene “you are going to listen to Mai,
Linda and Mary greet and introduce one’s friend
and respond to the introduction.

Play the recording and asks Ss to listen to the

T asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus two

Call on one pair. One repeats Peter’s part, the
other repeats Nam’s part.

Have whole class repeat all the phrases a few

Sing the song

Look at the pictures in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=51>

times to reinforce their pronunciation. And do
the same with the dialogue between Linda and

<b>2. Point and say</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures on Page 30. Elicit

the characters in the pictures and their names.
Teach vocabulary:


Model sentence: Mai, this is my friend, Mary.
– Hello, Mary. Nice to meet

Ask pupils to guess and complete the speech

- Model: Call on a pair. Allocate the parts of the
characters Mai and Nam to the pupils. Ask them
to point the pictures and act out the dialogues.
Using the pictures in their books. Monitor the
activity and offer help. Correct pronunciation
errors (stress, assimilation of sounds, intonation)
when necessary.

- Call on some pairs to perform their task at the
fron of the class. The rest of the class observe
and give comments.

- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>3 Let’s Talk</b>

Ask students to look at the pictures in the book.

Ask them to identify the characters in the

Ask Ss work in pairs to introduce one’s friend
and respond to the introduction. Call some pairs
to act out

Correct their pronunciation

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Look and find out the
model sentences

Point the pictures and

Pactise in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=52>

<b>WEEK 7</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 30/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :08,09/10/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 27:UNIT 5: ARE THEY YOUR FRIENDS?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 1: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to introduce one’s friend

and respond to introduction.
<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss writing, reading and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils introduce one’s friend and respond to instructions

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<b>Warm up : play game bingo</b>
<b>4. Listen and tick</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on page
31 of the Student Book. Give the identification of
the characters in the pictures and the characters’
words. Tell pupils that they are going to listen to
the recording and tick the pictures they hear. Guess
the answer

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and tick
the boxes. Check their guess. Compare the answer
with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<i>Answer: 1.b 2.a</i>

Play game

Indentify the characters
in each picture

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=53>

<b>5. Read and write</b>

- Have pupils open their books to Page 31. Get Ss
to identify the characters in the pictures and what
they are saying.

- Tell Ss that they are going to read and get
information to write the missing words in dialogue
1 and 2.

- Ss read silently and complete the dialogues.
- Ss trade their answers within pairs or groups
for correction

- Ask Ss to read the answers aloud to the class.
The others listen and give comments.

<i>Answers: 1. This is / Hello</i>
<i> 2. my friend/ Hello</i>

- Make some questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the reading text.

Have the whole class read each line of the

dialogues chorally to reinforce their pronunciation.
<b>6. Let’s sing</b>

- Introduce <i>The more we are together</i>, Page 31.
- Play the recording and listen <i>The more we are</i>
<i>together song</i>

- Play the recording again for pupils to sing each
line of the rhythm.

- Call on a group of six to the front of the class and
do the activities. The others clap their hands after
the song

- Group work. Pupils practise singing and doing the
activities in groups. Monitor the activity and help
them when necessary. Correct pronunciation Ss’

- Call on one group to perform the song at the front
of the class. The rest of the class sing the song and
clap the rhythm.

- Have class sing the song again to reinforce their


Asking Ps to focus on the structure once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.

<i><b> 5. Homework</b></i>

Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the
new words and structures.

Indentify the characters
in each picture

Work in pairs

Listen and sing

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=54>

<b>WEEK 7</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 30/9/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :08,09/10/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 28:UNIT 5: ARE THEY YOUR FRIENDS?</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2: Part 1- 2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>

<b>- </b>By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer questions
about friends.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: they, they are=they’re, are not=aren’t

- Vocabulary: Are they your friends? –Yes, they are/No, they aren’t
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, puppets.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

- Ask Ss to introduce one’s friend and respond to introduction.

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: Sing the alphabet song

<b>1. Look, Listen and repeat.</b>

Have Ss to look at the book at page 32.

Elicit the character and have Ss guess what they
are saying.

Set the scene: we are going to learn phrases
Are they your friends?

–Yes, they are/No, they aren’t

Have Ss listen to the recording as they read the
lines in the speech bubbles

Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the
lines in the speech bubbles two times.

Divide the class into two groups. One repeat
Mai’s part and the other repeat Quan’s part.
Play the recording again for the whole class to

Sing the song

Look at the pictures in the

Listen and repeat

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=55>

repeat each line in the speech bubbles to
reinforce their pronunciation. Do the same with
the dialogue in picture b

<b>2. Point and say</b>

Have Ss look at the pictures on page 32
- Teach vocabulary:

They they are=they’re
are not=aren’t

- Elicits the structures

Are they your friends? –Yes, they are

- No, they aren’t
Elicit the characters in the pictures and their
names. Ask Ss to guess and complete the
speech bubbles.

T models/ allocates the parts of characters
Linda and Nam to Ss

Ask them to act out the dialogue1. Repeat the
step with some other pairs for pictures

Have Ss practice acting out the dialogue in
pairs, using the pictures.

Monitor the activity and offer held. Correct
pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation of
sounds, intonation) when necessary.

Call on some pairs to perform the task at the
front of the class. The others observe and give

Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>3 - Let’s talk: </b>

Show picture and give task.

Have Ps work in pair to ask and answer
questions about friends.

- Display in class, others comment
Listen and correct.

Have Ps practise
Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Look at 4 pictures

Point to the pictures and

Play role and speak out.

Work in pair practice

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=56>

<b>WEEK 8</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 07/10/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching : 14/10/2014</b></i>

<b>UNIT 5: ARE THEY YOUR FRIENDS? - </b><i><b>Lesson 2</b></i>
<b>Period 29</b>

<i><b>Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>

<b>- </b>By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer questions
about friends.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils ask and answer questions about friends.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: Jumped words

<b>4. Listen and number</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on
page of the Student Book. Elicit the
identification of the characters in the pictures and
the characters’ words. Tell pupils that they are
going to listen to the recording and match the
information they hear to the pictures. They
should number the boxes.

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
number the boxes. Check their guess. Compare
the answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’

Practise in pairs

Look at the pictures in the

Listen and number

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=57>

comprehension of the listening text.
<i>Answer: 1.d 2.a 3.b 4.c</i>

<b>5. Read and complete</b>

Ask Ss to identify the characters in the pictures
on page 15.

Set the scene: <i>“you are going to read the</i>
<i>paragraph and use the suitable words given to</i>
<i>fill in the blanks.”</i>

Have a revision of the language

Ask Ss to read the paragraph and do the task
(match the sentence with a appropriate picture.)
Monitor the activity and offer help when

Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for

Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others
listen and comment.

Make a few questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the sentences.

Have the whole class read each sentence in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

<i>Answers: </i>1 – name; 2 – nine; 3 - and; 4 - friends
<b>6. Write about your friends</b>

- Have pupils open their books to Page 33. Ask

them to read the text. T explains how to do the

- Ss do the exercise. Call on some Ss to report
their answers. Others listen and comment.

Make a few questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the sentences

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Look at 3 pictures

Work Individually

Read the dialogues in pairs

Work individually

Do exercises in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=58>

<b>WEEK 8</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 07/10/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching : 14/10/2014</b></i>

<b>UNIT 5: ARE THEY YOUR FRIENDS? - </b><i><b>Lesson 3</b></i>
<b>Period 30</b>

<i><b>Part 1-2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: introduce one’s

friend and respond to the introduction, ask and answer questions about friends.
Pronounce the sounds in the letters a / /, e/ / correctly.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils greet and introduce their names.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Chatting</b>

- T asks Ss to make question and answer about
how to spell one’s name

<b>1. Listen and repeat</b>

Play the CD and have Ps repeat each line of the
chant. Then change the role.

Focus Ps’ attention on the letters colored
differently in the words <b>that and yes</b>

-Introduce the sounds / / and <b>/ / </b>

-Have Ps practice the sounds carefully

-Play the CD and have Ps read the chant in

-Ask Ps to give which sounds in Vietnamese are
similar to, and then have Ps read words after you
+ Ask some pairs to ask and answer.

Ask ps to practice in pairs
Look at the pictures in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=59>

+ Have Ps recite the chant and clap the syllable
to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>2. Listen and write</b>

- Have pupils look at the sentences and guess the
suitable words to fill in the blank.

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
fill the blanks. Check their guess. Compare the
answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Have pupils act out the dialogue in pairs or
groups for correction.

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<i><b>Answer</b>: 1. that 2. yes</i>

<b> 3. Let’s chant</b>

- Introduce the Chant Who’s that?
- Turn on the tape.

- Ps listen to the tape and repeat the chant.
- Ps chant in group and individual.

- Ps chant and do the action.

- Teacher reinforce their pronunciation

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Look at 2 sentences

Listen and fill in the blank

Ps listen to the tape and

Do exercises in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=60>

<b>WEEK 8</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 07/10/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching : 15,16/10/2014</b></i>

<b>UNIT 5: ARE THEY YOUR FRIENDS? </b><i><b>Lesson 3</b></i>
<b>Period 31</b>

<i><b>Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to will be able to:

introduce one’s friend and respond to the introduction, ask and answer questions
about friends.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils will be able to: introduce one’s friend and respond to the
introduction, ask and answer questions about friends.

3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Read the chant Who’s that?</b>

<b>4. Read and match.</b>

T introduces the topic “you are going to read

the sentences to get the information in order to
match the pictures to the text”.

- Teach vocab:
- Who?

- Model sentence: Who is that? – It’s Tony.
Who are they? – They’re Peter and Linda.
Ss read the sentences individually and check
their prediction. Ss do the task (match the
sentence with a appropriate picture.)

Monitor the activity and offer help when

Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for

Read the chant

Look at the sentences in
the book. Find out new
words and model sentence.
Read and Work

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=61>


Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others
listen and comment.

Make a few questions to check Ss’

comprehension of the sentences.

Have the whole class read each sentence in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

<i>Answers: </i>1 – c; 2 – d; 3 – b; 4 – a.
<b>5. Circle the correct words</b>

-T explains how to do the exercise

-Ask students to read the sentences in the book
and choose the best words given to complete the

- do the exercise then report in front of the whole
class. The rest listen to and give the remark.
Correct the pronunciation.

<i>Answer: 1. friend 2. they 3. Peter and </i>
<i>Mary </i>

<i> 4. Yes 5. Aren’t</i>
<b>6. Project</b>

- Introduce the situation.

- Explain how to do the exercise: present some
friends to class

-Ss act out in front of the class. The rest listen to

and give the remark. Correct the pronunciation

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Choose the best answer to
fill in the blanks

Work individually

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=62>

<b>WEEK 8</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 07/10/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :15, 16/10/2014</b></i>

<b>Period 32</b>


<b>REVIEW 1</b>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to:

- Perform their abilities in listening, speaking and writing related to the topics
from units 1-5, using the phonics, vocabulary and sentence patterns they have

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss speaking, listening and writing skills.

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: Revisions.
- Vocabulary: Revisions.

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<i><b>-</b></i>Ask Ss to write the new words and do exercises in workbook

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: - Review the model sentences from

unit1 to unit 5
<b>1. Listen and tick</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 on
page 36 of the Student Book. Give the
identification of the characters in the pictures and
the characters’ words. Tell pupils that they are
going to listen to the recording and tick the
pictures they hear. Guess the answer

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
tick the boxes. Check their guess. Compare the
answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<i>Answers: </i>1 – b; 2 – a; 3 – a; 4 – b; 5- b
<b>2. Listen and number</b>

Ask ps to practice in pairs

Give the identification

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=63>

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on
page of the Student Book. Elicit the
identification of the characters in the pictures and
the characters’ words. Tell pupils that they are
going to listen to the recording and match the
information they hear to the pictures. They
should number the boxes. Guess the answer
- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
number the boxes. Check their guess. Compare
the answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<b>Answer</b>: <i>1.c 2.b 3.d</i> <i> 4.a</i>

<b>3. Read and complete</b>

-T explains the situation and how to do the

-Ask students to read the dialogue in the book
and fill the words given to complete the

dialogue. Work in pairs to do the exercise then
practice in pairs in front of the whole class. The
rest listen to and give the remark.

Correct the pronunciation.

<i>Answer: 1. Hello 2. name 3. friends 4. nine</i>

<b>4. Read and match</b>

- Whole class. Have pupils turn their books to
page 37. Tell pupils that they are going to read
the sentences to get the information in order to
match the sentences to the sentences.

- Pupils read the sentences individually and do
the task. Monitor the activity and offer help
when necessary.

- Pair works. Have pupils trade their answers for

- Call on some pupils to report their answers.
The rest of the class listen give comments.

- Make a few questions to check pupils’
comprehension of the sentences.

- Have the whole class read each sentence in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

<i>Answer: 1.e 2. d 3. b</i> <i>4.a 5. c</i>

<b>5. Look and say</b>

Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on Page
37. Elicit the characters in the pictures and their

Work individually
Listen and tick

Work individually

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=64>

names. Ask pupils to guess and complete the
speech bubbles.

- Model: Call on a pair. Allocate the parts of the
characters Mai and Nam to the pupils. Ask them
to act out the dialogues. Using the pictures in
their books. Monitor the activity and offer help.
Correct pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation
of sounds, intonation) when necessary.

- Call on some pairs to perform their task in front
of the class. The rest of the class observe and
give comments.

- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Pair works

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=65>

<b>WEEK 9</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 14/10/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching : 21/10/2014</b></i>

<b>Period 33:</b>


<b>I. Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to:

- Review the phonics, vocabulary and sentence patterns from units 1 - 5.
<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss speaking, listening and reading skills.

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: Revisions.
- Vocabulary: Revisions.

- Phonic: Revisions
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

-Ps ask Ps some questions
<i><b>3. New lesson:</b></i>

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: - Review the model sentences from

unit1 to unit 5

<b>1. Read and Listen to the story</b>

This is the first of the four cartoons about Miu
and Cat and Chit and Mouse. To help Ps get the
idea of the story, simply let them read and listen
to this episodes, the initial task will be more

<b>2. Complete the conversation</b>

-Ask students to read the story in the book and
fill the suitable words to complete the dialogue.
Work in pairs to do the exercise then practice in
pairs in front of the whole class. The rest listen to
and give the remark.

Correct the pronunciation.

- Make a few questions to check pupils’
comprehension of the story

<i>Answer: 1. I’m 2. Are you 3. fine 4. Your</i>
<i> 5. I’m 6. Meet 7. Do you spell</i>

<b>3. Work in pairs. Have a similar conversation</b>

Ask ps to practice in pairs

Give the identification

Listen and answer T’s

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=66>

<b>with a partner. Use the names.</b>

Have Ps work in pair. Use the guide in part2 but
use the real information about themselves

- Display in class, others comment
Listen and correct.

Have Ps practise

<b>4. Match the questions with the answers</b>
- Whole class. Have pupils turn their books to
page 38. Tell pupils that they are going to read
the story to get the information in order to match
the questions to the answers.

- Pupils read the sentences individually and do
the task. Monitor the activity and offer help
when necessary.

- Pair works. Have pupils trade their answers for

- Call on some pupils to report their answers.
The rest of the class listen give comments.

- Make a few questions to check pupils’
comprehension of the sentences.

- Have the whole class read each sentence in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

<i>Answer: 1. c 2. a 3. d</i> <i>4. b </i>

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, review the phonics,
vocabulary and sentence patterns from units 1- 5.

Work in pairs

Work individually
Work in pairs

Do exercises in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=67>

<b>WEEK 9</b>

<i>Period : </i>


Date of planning: 14/10/2014
Date of teaching: 21/10/2014

<b>TEST 1</b>

<b>TEST 1</b>


<b>Full</b> <b>name:name:</b>



<b>Class: 3/………</b>

<b>Class: 3/………</b>

<b>TEST </b>

<b>TEST </b>





<b>Time: 35 minutes</b>

<b>Time: 35 minutes</b>
<i><b>I. Circle the odd one out (2.5 pts).</b></i>

She my he
Good bye hi hello
Meet see too
Friends she he
Are thanks am
<i><b>II. Match (2.5 pts).</b></i>

1. Who’s this? a.Yes,he is.

2.What’s your name ? b.Bye .See you later.
3.How are you ? c.My name is Alan.
4.Is he Tony? d.Fine ,thanks .
5.Good bye . e.It’s Linda.

<i><b>Your answer</b></i>:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=68>

<i><b>III.Reorder the words to make meaningful sentences (2.5pts).</b></i>
1. is / Hoa / friend / my /. /

2. is / my / Lan / name / hi / . /

3. name / your / . is / what / ? /

4. LiLi / you / how / are / ? /

5. Nam /is / who/ that / ? /

<i><b>IV. Complete the dialogue (2.5pts)</b></i>

My hello friend Name’s What’s

A: Hi. (1)...name’s Linda
(2)...your name ?
B: My (3 )...Nam
She’s my (4) ...,Mai
A: (5) ...,Mai.

C. Hi, Linda.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=69>

<b>WEEK 9</b>

<i>Period : </i>


Date of planning: 14/10/2014
Date of teaching: 22, 23/10/2014


Mỗi câu đúng 2,5 điểm.

<b>Câu I:</b>

1. my 2. goodbye 3. too 4.friends 5. thanks

<b>Câu I I: </b>

1-e 2-c 3-d 4-a 5-b

<b>Câu II I: </b>

1 My friend is Hoa
2. Hi ! My name is Lan
3. What is your name ?
4. How are you, LiLi?
5. Who is that ?

<b>Câu IV : </b>

1. My 2. What 's 3. name 's

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=70>

<b>WEEK 9</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 14/10/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :22, 23/10/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 36:UNIT 6: STAND UP!</b>

<i><b>Lesson 1: Part 1-2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: give and respond to

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: be quiet, don’t talk, come here, open your book, close your
book, sit down, stand up

- Vocabulary: be quiet, boy, sir, sorry, please, class
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils do the exercises.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Sing hello song</b>

<i><b>1.</b></i> <b>Look, listen and repeat.</b>

Ask Ss to identify the characters in the picture
on page 40 and what they are saying.

Set the scene “you are going to listen to Mr loc
and Ss give and respond to instructions.

Play the recording and asks Ss to listen to the

T asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus two

Call on one pair. One repeats Mr Loc’s part, the
other repeats Ss’ part.

Have whole class repeat all the phrases a few
times to reinforce their pronunciation. And do
the same with the dialogue between Linda and

Sing the song

Look at the pictures in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=71>

<b>2. Point, say and do activities</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures on Page 40. Elicit

the characters in the pictures and their names.
Teach vocabulary:


check vocab: slap the board

Model sentence: be quiet = don’t talk
come here

open your book
close your book
sit down

stand up

Ask T requests and Ss do.

- Model: Call some Ss request and the others do.
Allocate the parts of the characters T and Ss do
to the pupils. Ask them to point the pictures and
act out the dialogues. Using the pictures in their
books. Monitor the activity and offer help.
Correct pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation
of sounds, intonation) when necessary.

- Call on some pairs to perform their task at the
front of the class. The rest of the class observe
and give comments.

- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>3 Let’s Talk</b>

Ask students to look at the pictures in the book.
Ask them to identify the characters in the

Ask Ss work in pairs. Call some pairs to act out
Correct their pronunciation

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Look and find out the
model sentences

Point the pictures and

Pactise in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=72>

<b>WEEK 10</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 21/10/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching : 28/10/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 37:UNIT 6: STAND UP!</b>

<i><b>Lesson 1: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to make and respond to

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils write the new words.

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<b>Warm up Play </b>game: Simon says
<b>4. Listen and tick</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures 1, 2 and 3 on page 41
of the Student Book. Elicit the identification of the
characters in the pictures and the characters’ words.
Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the
recording and tick the pictures they hear. Guess the

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and tick
the boxes. Check their guess. Compare the answer
with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their

answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<b>5. Look and write</b>

- Have pupils open their books to Page 41. Get Ss
to identify the characters in the pictures and what

Play game

Indentify the characters
in each picture

Listen and tick

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=73>

they are saying.

- Tell Ss that they are going to read and get
information to write the missing words in dialogue

- Ss read silently and complete the dialogues.
- Ss trade their answers within pairs or groups
for correction

- Ask Ss to read the answers aloud to the class.
The others listen and give comments.

<i>Answers: 1. Open 2. Quiet 3. Close 4. Sit 5. </i>
<i>Come </i>

<i>5. Stand </i>

- Make some questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the reading text.

Have the whole class read each line of the

dialogues chorally to reinforce their pronunciation.

Asking Ps to focus on the structure once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.

<i><b> 5. Homework</b></i>

Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the
new words and structures.

Work in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=74>

<b>WEEK 10</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 21/10/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching : 28/10/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 38:UNIT 6: STAND UP!</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2: Part 1- 2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>

<b>- </b>By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to Ask for and give permission
<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: May I come in, Mr Loc? – Yes, you can
May I go out, Mr Loc? – No you can’t
- Vocabulary: speak, write, May I…, can, can’t

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette, puppets.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

- Ask Ss to make and respond to instructions.

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: Play game: S<b>imon says </b>

<b>1. Look, listen and repeat</b>

- Whole class. Have pupils look at their books
(Page 42).

Elicit the character and have Ss guess what they
are saying.

Set the scene: we are going to learn phrases
May I come in, Mr Loc? – Yes, you can

May I go out, Mr Loc? – No you can’t

Have Ss listen to the recording as they read the
lines in the speech bubbles

Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the
lines in the speech bubbles two times.

Divide the class into two groups. One repeat
Mai’s part and the other repeat Nam’ part.

Play the recording again for the whole class to
repeat each line in the speech bubbles to

Sing the song

Look at the pictures in the

Listen and repeat

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=75>

reinforce their pronunciation.
- Teach vocabulary:

May I…

can’t = can not
- Elicits the structures

May I come in, Mr Loc? – Yes, you can

May I go out, Mr Loc? – No you can’t
<b>2. Point and say</b>

Have Ss look at the pictures on page 42

Elicit the characters in the pictures and their
names. Ask Ss to guess and complete the
speech bubbles.

T models/ allocates the parts of characters
Linda and Nam to Ss

Ask them to act out the dialogue1. Repeat the
step with some other pairs for pictures

Have Ss practice acting out the dialogue in
pairs, using the pictures a, b, c, d.

Monitor the activity and offer held. Correct
pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation of
sounds, intonation) when necessary.

Call on some pairs to perform the task at the
front of the class. The others observe and give

Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>3 - Let’s talk: </b>

Show picture and give task.
Have Ps work in pair.

- Display in class, others comment

Listen and correct.

Have Ps practice. The rest listen to and give

Correct Ss’ error pronunciation

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Look at 4 pictures

Point to the pictures and

Play role and speak out.

Work in pair practice

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=76>

<b>WEEK 10</b>

<i><b> Date of planning: 21/10/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :29, 30/10/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 39:UNIT 6: STAND UP!</b>

<i><b>Lesson 2: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>

<b>- </b>By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to Ask for and give permission
<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils Ask for and give permission.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Order the words</b>

<b>4. Listen and number</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on
page of the Student Book. Elicit the
identification of the characters in the pictures and
the characters’ words. Tell pupils that they are
going to listen to the recording and match the
information they hear to the pictures. They
should number the boxes.

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
number the boxes. Check their guess. Compare
the answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<b>5.Read and match</b>

Ask Ss to identify the characters in the pictures

Work individually

Look at the pictures in the

Listen and number

Ps answer

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=77>

on page 43.

Set the scene: <i>“you are going to read the</i>
<i>dialogues to get the information in order to</i>
<i>match the pictures to the appropriate</i>

Have a revision of the language:

Ask Ss to read the dialogues and do the task
(match the sentence with a appropriate picture.)
Monitor the activity and offer help when

Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for

Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others

listen and comment.

Make a few questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the sentences.

Have the whole class read each sentence in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

<i>Answers: 1 – c; 2 – d; 3-a, 4-b</i>

<b>6. Let’s write</b>

- Have pupils open their books to Page 43. Get
Ss to identify the characters in the pictures and
what they are saying. Tell pupils that they are
going to read and get the information to write the
missing words in dialogue.

- Pupils practice in pairs and complete the

- Pair works. Pupils give their answers for

- Ask some pupils to read their answers aloud to
the class. The rest of the class listen and give

- Make a few questions to check pupils’
comprehension of the reading text.

- Have the whole class read each line of the
dialogues chorally to reinforce their

Answer: 1. Come in 2. Sit down 3 close my

4. open my book

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Work Individually

Read the dialogues in pairs

Practise in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=78>

<b>WEEK 10</b>

<i><b>Date of planning: 21/10/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :29, 30/10/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 40:UNIT 6: STAND UP!</b>

<i><b> Lesson 3: Part 1-2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: give and respond to

instructions, ask for and give permission. Pronounce the sounds in the letters /k/,
/d/ correctly.

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils ask for and give permission.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>jumped words</b>

<b>1. Listen and repeat</b>

Play the CD and have Ps repeat each line of the
chant. Then change the role.

Focus Ps’ attention on the letters colored
differently in the words <b>come and down</b>

-Introduce the sounds /k/ and <b>/d/ </b>
-Have Ps practice the sounds carefully

-Play the CD and have Ps read the chant in

-Ask Ps to give which sounds in Vietnamese are
similar to, and then have Ps read words after you
+ Ask some pairs to ask and answer.

+ Have Ps recite the chant and clap the syllable
to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>2. Listen and write</b>

- Have pupils look at the sentences and guess the

Work individually

Look at the pictures in the

Listen and repeat

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=79>

suitable words to fill in the blank.

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and
fill the blanks. Check their guess. Compare the
answer with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their
answers. T give the answer:

- Have pupils act out the dialogue in pairs or
groups for correction.

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.


<i>6. Let’s sing</i>

- Put the large piece of paper with the <i>Come and</i>
<i>sit down</i>, Page 44, written on it on the board. Tell
pupils that they are going to sing the<i> Song</i>.

- Play the recording all the way through for
pupils to listen while they are reading the song.
- Play the recording again for pupils to read each
line of the rhythm. Have pupils point to the
corresponding words while they are repeating.
- Call on a group of six to the front of the class
and do the activities. Repeat
the step, but this time have pupils swap their

- Group work. Pupils practise singing and doing
the activities in groups. Monitor the activity and
help them when necessary. Correct
pronunciation Ss’ errors.

- Call on one group to perform the song at the
front of the class. The rest of the class sing the
song and clap the rhythm.

- Have class sing the song again to reinforce their

Summary the lesson


- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Listen and fill in the blank

Ps listen to the tape and

Do exercises in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=80>

<b>WEEK 11</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:26/10/2014</b></i>
<i><b>Date of teaching :04/11/2014</b></i>
<b>Period 41:UNIT 6: STAND UP!</b>

<i><b>Lesson 3: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: give and respond to

instructions, ask for and give permission.
<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss reading, writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners:
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Student’s</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils give and respond to instructions, ask for and give permission.
3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: Sing the Come in and sit down song

<b>4. Read and match.</b>

T introduces the topic “you are going to read
the sentences to get the information in order to
match the pictures to the text”.

Ss read the sentences individually and check
their prediction. Ss do the task (match the
sentence with a appropriate picture.)

Monitor the activity and offer help when

Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for

Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others
listen and comment.

Make a few questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the sentences.

Have the whole class read each sentence in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

Sing the song

Look at the sentences in
the book

Read and Work

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<i>Answers: </i>1 – c; 2 – e; 3 – b; 4 – d, 5- a.
<b>6.</b> <b>Read and complete</b>

-T explains the situation and how to do the

-Ask students to look the pictures and name the
characters in each picture, find out the situation
read the sentences in the book and fill the
suitable words to complete the sentences.

Work in pairs to do the exercise then practice in
pairs in front of the whole class. The rest listen to
and give the remark.

Correct the pronunciation.

Answer: 1. sit 2. talk 3. Go out/ you can
4. go out/ you can’t

<b>6. Project</b>

- Introduce the situation.

- Explain how to do the exercise: write and put
the instructions in the box. Choose and ask them

-Ss act out in front of the class. The rest listen to

and give the remark. Correct the pronunciation

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Fill the suitable words in
the blanks


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<b>WEEK 11</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:26/10/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :04/11/2014</b></i>

<b>Period 42:UNIT 7: THAT’S MY SCHOOL</b>

<i><b>Lesson 1: Part 1-2-3</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: talk about school


<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners: That’s my school. Is it big?-Yes, it is/No, it isn’t. It’s small.
- Vocabulary: school, big, small, gym, library, computer room, playground

<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Students’</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils ask for and give permission, give and respond to instructions.
<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>

Teacher’s actions Students’ actions

<i><b>Warm up</b></i>: <b>Sing Come on and sit down song</b>

<i><b>1.</b></i> <b>Look, listen and repeat.</b>

Ask Ss to identify the characters in the picture
on page 46 and what they are saying.

Set the scene “you are going to listen to Linda
and Mai talk about school facilities.

Play the recording and asks Ss to listen to the

T asks Ss to listen and repeat in chorus two

Call on one pair. One repeats Mai’s part, the
other repeats Linda’s part.

Have whole class repeat all the phrases a few
times to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>2. Point and say</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures on Page 46. Elicit
the characters in the pictures and their names.
Teach vocabulary:


Sing the song

Look at the pictures in the

<span class='text_page_counter'>(83)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=83>


computer room

check vocab: slap the board

Model sentence: That’s my school.

Is it big?-Yes, it is/No, it isn’t. It’s

Ask pupils to guess and complete the speech

- Model: Call some Ss to talk about school
facilities. Ask them to point the pictures and
make sentences. Using the pictures in their
books. Monitor the activity and offer help.
Correct pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation
of sounds, intonation) when necessary.

- Call on some Ss to perform their task at the

front of the class. The rest of the class observe
and give comments.

- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in
chorus to reinforce their pronunciation.

<b>3 Let’s Talk</b>

Ask students to look at the pictures in the book.
Ask them to identify the characters in the

Ask Ss work in pairs. Call some pairs to act out
Correct their pronunciation

Summary the lesson

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the
new words

Look and find out the
model sentences

Point the pictures and

Pactise in pairs

<span class='text_page_counter'>(84)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=84>

<b>WEEK 11</b>

<i><b>Date of planning:24/10/2014</b></i>
<i><b> Date of teaching :05,06/11/2014</b></i>

<b>Period 43:UNIT 7: THAT’S MY SCHOOL</b>

<i><b>Lesson 1: Part 4-5-6</b></i>

<b>I. </b>

<b> Objectives:</b>

<i><b>1. Knowledge</b></i><b>: </b>By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to talk about school

<i><b>2. Skills</b></i><b>: </b>

- Develop Ss writing and listening skills

<i><b>3. Language focus</b></i><b>:</b>

- Sentence Partners
- Vocabulary:
<b>II. Teaching aids:</b>

<i>1. Teacher’s</i>: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

<i>2. Students’</i>: books, notebooks, workbooks.

<b>III. Teaching processes:</b>

<i><b>1. Class organization</b></i><b>:</b>

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.
<i><b>2. Oral test:</b></i>

<b> </b>- Have pupils talk about school facilities.

<i><b>3. New lesson</b></i>:

Teacher’s actions Students’ actions

<b>Warm up: Jumped words</b>
<b>4. Listen and tick</b>

- Have pupils look at pictures 1, 2 and 3 on page 47
of the Student Book. Elicit the identification of the
characters in the pictures and the characters’ words.
Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the
recording and tick the pictures they hear. Guess the

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and tick
the boxes. Check their guess. Compare the answer
with the partner.

- Play the recording again pupils check their

answers. T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’
comprehension of the listening text.

<b>5. Look, read and write</b>

- Have pupils open their books to Page 47. Get Ss
to identify the characters in the pictures and what
they are doing.

Do exercises

Indentify the characters
in each picture

Listen and tick

<span class='text_page_counter'>(85)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=85>

- Tell Ss that they are going to read and get
information to write the missing words in 4

- Ss read silently and complete the dialogues.
- Ss trade their answers within pairs or groups
for correction

- Ask Ss to read the answers aloud to the class.
The others listen and give comments.

<i>Answers: 1.class 2. Library 3. Computer </i>


<i>6. gym</i>

- Make some questions to check Ss’
comprehension of the reading text.

Have the whole class read each line of the

dialogues chorally to reinforce their pronunciation.
<b>6. Let’s sing</b>

- Introduce <i>The This is the way to go to school</i>
<i>song</i>, Page 13.

- Play the recording and listen to <i>The song</i>

- Play the recording again for pupils to sing each
line of the rhythm.

- Call on a group of six to the front of the class and
do the actions. The others clap their hands after the

- Group work. Pupils practise singing and doing the
actions in groups. Monitor the activity and help
them when necessary. Correct pronunciation Ss’

- Call on one group to perform the song at the front

of the class. The rest of the class sing the song and
clap the rhythm.

- Have class sing the song again to reinforce their


Asking Ps to focus on the structure once again.
- Retell the content of the lesson.

<i><b> 5. Homework</b></i>

Do exercises in the workbook. Learn by heart the
new words and structures.

Work individually

Listen and sing

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