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Tổng hợp đề kiểm tra Tiếng anh lớp 8

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“Đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh 8” được biên soạn với dạng bài kiểm tra 15 phút, 1 tiết
theo sách “Tiếng Anh 8” của Nhà xuất bản Giáo dục Việt Nam dành cho học sinh lớp 8
(theo chương trình thí điểm mới nhất).
Nội dung cuốn sách gồm các đề kiểm tra (TEST) đa dạng và phong phú bám sát từ
vựng, ngữ pháp trong mỗi đơn v bài học (UNIT) trong sách "Tiếng Anh 8" nhằm giúp
các em kiểm tra lại kiến thức đã họC. Ngồi ra các thầy cơ và phụ huynh học sinh có thể
sử dụng các đề đè giúp các em ơn tập, rèn luyện tiếng Anh.
Chúng tôi hi vọng ràng “Đề kiếm tra tiếng Anh 8” sẽ là một tài liệu tự học hữu ích
cũng như một phương tiện hỗ trợ tốt cho việc rèn luyện, nâng cao trình độ tiếng Anh cho
học sinh lớp 8.
Mặc dù đã có nhiều cố gắng trong việc biên soạn, song cuốn sách không the tránh
khỏi thiếu sót. Chúng tơi rất mong nhận được những ý kiến đóng góp quý báu của các
bạn đồng nghiệp và các em học sinh để cuốn sách càng hoàn thiện hơn trong lần tái bản
Xin trân trọng cảm ơn!
Cức tác giả

Unit 1:


I. Find the word with different sound in the underline part in each line:
1. A. adore

B. addicted C. craft

D. comma

2. A. tricks

B. stickers C. buttons

D. beads

3. A. volunteered B. looked

C. joined

D. played

4. A. window

B. net lingo C. socialise

D. join

5. A. relax

B. detest

D. define

C. best

IL Choose A, B, c or D that best completes each sentence:
6. My mother loves________food for my family.

A. preparing

B. to prepare

C. prepare

D. A&B are correct

7. My grandmother________to plant flowers in the garden behind her house.
A. prefers

B. enjoys

C. detests

D. adores

8. Coco fancies________TV. He watches TV whenever he can.
A. to watch

B. watched C. watch

D. watching

9. My sister hates________with the dolls. It’s weird.

A. playing

B. to play

C. to playing

D. A&B are correct

10. Bobby likes________hard because he wants to get the best result.
A. to study

B. studying C. study

D. A&B are correct

11. I enjoy________with my dog. He’s so cute.

A. play

B. to play

C. playing

D. played

12. My father can' t bear________the housework.

A. do

B. doing

C. to do

D. will do

13. Tom prefers________computer games when he’s at home.
A. playing

B. to play

C. played

14. Mary________reading Conan comics.

D. A&B are correct

A. hates

B. detests

C. dislikes

D. enjoys

15. Henry doesn't mind________up early in the morning.

A. waking

B. to wake C. wake

D. will wake

III. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the sentences:

16. Mr. Bean reading books a lot because he finds this hobby interesting.

A. enjoy

B. don't enjoy

C. doesn't enjoys D. enjoys

17. Miss Maureen is so big. She must eating.

A. detest

B. detests

C. adores

D. adore

C. in

D. into

18. They're good cleaning the floor.

A. on

B. at

19. my opinion, the husband will be back in the end.

A. In

B. On

C. At

D. With

20.1 going around the world interesting because 1 can discover more about people and things.

A. think

B. say

C. find

D. tell

C. in

D. on

21. Ann is hooked going shopping.

A. with

B. at

22. My wife's always hanging at her friend's home.

A. on

B. out

C. in

D. to

23. Sammy is addicted to out. I never see him at home.

A. go

B. going

C. goes

D. went

24. Elena is interested making origami.

A. to

B. on

C. in

D. into

25. Nick's keen mountains in the summer.

A. on

B. at

C. with

D. in

IV. Find a mistake in each sentence below:
26. I (A) enjoy (B) playing comics. It's (C) fun and (D) interesting.
27. He enjoys (A) to play (B) with his (C) dogs in the (D) yard.

28. When I (A) have (B) spare time, I (C) going out (D) with my friends.
29. Shara (A) is interested (B) with painting (C) the people (D) around her.
30. There (A) are many (B) reason why it is (C) good (D) to have some leisure activities.
V. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F):

A hobby is a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time.
Hobbies can include collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic
pursuits, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements. A list of hobbies is lengthy and always
changing as interests and fashions changes.
By continually participating in a particular hobby, one can acquire substantial skill and
knowledge in that area. Engagement in hobbies has increased since the late nineteenth century as
workers have had more leisure times and advancing production and technology have provided
more support for leisure activities. As some hobbies have become less popular, like stamp
collecting, others have been created following technological advances, like video games.
(https://en. Wikipedia, org/wiki/Hobby)
31. A hobby is a regular activity that is done for money.



33. One can acquire substantial skill and knowledge in a specific area (T)


32. There are few hobbies.


by continually participating in a particular hobby.
34. Engagement in hobbies has increased until the late 19th century.



35. Stamp collecting has become less popular.



I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:
1.A. adore
2. A. bracelet

3. A. improve
4. A. badminton

B. detest
B. hurry
B. cinema

C. fancy
C. window
C. listen
C. magazine

D. enjoy
D. centre
D. visit
D. performance

5. A. prefer

B. protect

C. skateboard

D. rely

II. Choose A, B, c or D that best completes each sentence:
6. 1 really love outdoor activities like. ________ I usually go to the park across my house to

enjoy my new pair of roller skates.
A. dancing

B. swimming

C. skating

D. gardening

7. My grandmother adores________. She’s very fat.

A. cooking

B. eating

C. running

D. singing

8. My father is fond of________ a lot of trees and vegetables.

A. growing

B. grow

c. grew

D. grows

9. Susan is interested in ________flowers and vases.

A. painting

B. paint

c. paints

D. painted

10. Tommy________ to go swimming every day. He has an amazing body. '

A. fancies

B. enjoys

c. doesn'tmind

D. likes

11. Coco________ to watch TV at night.
A. adores B. hates

C. fancies

D. dislikes

12. Katarina ________doing morning exercise. She is healthy.
A. dislikes

B. love

C. loves

D. dislike

13. Schoolchildren waste time sitting in front________ the computer.

III. Find a mistake in each sentence below:

He (A) is hooked (B) to video (C) games. He can sit (D) in front of the computer all day.


This dog is (A) so cute. I adore (B) to play (C) with (D) it.


Sam likes (A) to stay (B) outdoors but Iris (C) brother, Nick, (D) are always at home.


(A) On my opinion. (B) "Shaun the Sheep” (C) is a (D) good movie.


(A) On Sundays. Bob (B) doesn't mind (C) to help his mother to do the (D) housework.

IV. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps:

If life seems more rushed than ever, you might be surprised (21) learn that we Americans don’t
have less leisure time than we did 40 years ago. We actually have (22)leisure time. We get about
45 minutes (23)day of extra leisure.
Then why does it feel like we have so much less? It might be (24) we waste half of all our
leisure time watching television. The average American adult devotes 2.5 hours a day to this
hobby. So if you want more free time, I recommend one thing: turn it off. This is (25)said than
done, especially during the world series.
When I was growing up, my mom had one piece (26)advice for me, and she said it (27)single
morning. “Get out of the house!” It’s good advice. Come join the 6.8 millions who are (28)a
book club, or the 196,000 who attend (29)volleyball, or the 680.000 who go to tractor pulls every
month. There are even 3 millions people who (30)a sport called “muzzle loading”, which
involves shooting a gun that looks 200 years old.
(http://www. time, com/time/nation/artide/O.85 99,154 9394,00. html)
21. A. in

B. to

C. at

D. of

22. A. least

B. most

C. less

D. more

23.A. an

B. a

C. once

D. two

24.A. because

B. why

C. what

D. that

25. A. as easy
26. A. of

B. easiest
B. in

C. easier
C. to

D. hard
D. from

27. A. a
28. A. to

B. the
B. on

C. wherever
C. in

D. every
D. at

29. A. ball

B. beach

C. sport


30. A. enjoys

B. to enjoy

C. enjoying

D. enjoy


I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A. weekend
B. language
C. guitar

D. mountain

2. A. hobby

B. enjoy

C. leisure

D. common

3. A. volunteer

B. computer

C. amazing

D. imagine

4. A. memory

B. positive

C. negative

D. net lingo

5. A. cultural

B. virtually

C. socialise

D. activity

IL Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form:
6. We’re all addicted to (skate) ________.
7. Simon (detest) ________cloud - watching. He thinks it is so boring.
8. Trung will join a (swim) ________club next week because he enjoys swimming and he

wants to have more friends.
9. His parents can’t stand him (listen) ________to rock music at night.
10. Annie needs only one more stamp to complete her (collect) ________.
III. Rearrange the following words to make a meaningful sentence:
11. things/ are/ a lot of/ there/ like/1/ my/ free time/ to do/ in.

12. usually/Annie/ throws away/ stamps/ common/ the.

13. often/ do/ how/ you/ exercise/ and/ do sports?


14. started/ how to play/1/ learn/ to/ three weeks/ the guitar/ ago.

15. is/ one of/ drawing/ leisure/ her/ activities


Read the text and answer the following questions:


Hobbies give people joy and there are lots of benefits. They provide mental stimulation and
can help people foster new aims. Greater fitness can be developed through active hobbies. When
someone moves to a new town, it is often suggested that they join a club focusing on a particular
hobby is to become part of the community.
A hobby offers the time and space to relax. Sporting hobbies such as golf, hiking or running
allow people to get out into the fresh air. This has been shown to have real benefits for someone’s
mental health. Exercise increases endorphins - in the body which help people to feel good, but
activities that make you sweat are not the only ones that produce that feeling.
(http://www. cars-show. org/ccirs/the-mariy-advantctges-of-having-u-hobby.
16. What is the benefit of hobbies?

A. People can have joy.

B. People can join a club.

C. People can have space.

D. People can have time.

17. What is the suggestion for a newcomer to become part of the community?
A. Fostering new aims.
B. Joining a club that focuses on a particular hobby.
B. Endorphins help people to sweat.

C. Endorphins help people to run faster.
D. Endorphins help people to have active hobbies.

18. What of the following statements is not true?
A. Hobbies provide mental stimulation.
B. Greater fitness can be developed through active hobbies.

C. Sporting hobbies have real benefits for someone’s mental heaTt.
D. Only sporting hobbies can make you feel good.
V. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps:

My Favourite Hobby
My favourite hobby is reading. I enjoy (21)______a book when I am free. I started (22)
______it when I was four years old. The first time I read books. I felt (23) ______. So I kept (24)
______. The teachers always taught me to read the difficult words. I was happy when I read a
story with a happy ending. 1 was thrilled (25) ______I read a detective story.
Ỉ enjoy reading because I like to explore the imaginative world of my (26) ______author,
J.K.Rowling who writed '‘Harry Potter’’. There are a lot of advantages (27) ______reading.
Reading can make me relaxed (28) ______calm. 1 can also learn new vocabulary items. Then I
(29) ______further improve my English. Moreover, it can give me (30) ______unlimited
imagination, so I can write books in (31) ______future. I can learn the different cultures and
customs of other countries (32) ______the world too.
1 read at (33) ______one hour every day. I read books by myself. 1 usually read it at home.

I (34) ______I could read different kinds of books (35) ______it might be very challenging.
(http:/.^’ww.ycps.edu.hk/subject/eng/ i/My%20Favourite%20Hobby2.pdl)
21. A. read
B. reading
22. A. will do
B. to doing
23. A. interesting B. interested

C. to reading
C. do
C. interest

D. being read
D. to do
D. to interested

24. A. reading
25. A. what

B. to read
B. where

C. to reading
C. when

D. that

26. A. favourite
27. A. at

28. A. but
29.A. can

B. lovely
B. to
B. so
B. do

C. love
C. on
C. and
C. did

D. favor
D. of
D. to
D. have

30.A. every
31.A. the

B. a
B. a

C. an
C. an

D. one
D. one


32. A. on

B. all

33. A. most
B. more
34. A. detest
B. wish
35. A. why
B. but
VI. Writing:

C. from

D. in

C. less
C. want
C. because

D. least
D. like
D. what

Write a 60-80 words paragraph about the benefits of having hobbies.
YOH can use the following ideas:
- Reducing stress.

- Improving physical health.
- Making friends.

There are many benefits of having hobbies. First.

I. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:

1.A. generous B. electrical

C. collect

D. chest

2. A. beehives B. cattles

C. nomads

D. motorists

3. A. stayed

B. joined

C. looked

D. lived

4. A. short

B. explore

C. more

D. together


Unit 2:
5. A. city

B. rice

C. exciting

D. ride

II. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:
6. Dogs are_______than buffaloes.
A. intelligenter

B. more intelligent

C. smart

D. more smaller

7. My kite is_______than yours.

A. big

B. more large

C. more bigger

D. larger

8. City life is_______than country life.

A. faster

B. more fast

C. more boring

D. more excited

B. narrower

C. narrow

D. narrowing

C. busier

D. more busier

Urban areas are than rural areas.

A. more busy


B. excited

In the country, streets are generally than those in the city.
A. more narrow


D. more slower

Coco thinks life in the countryside is that in the city.

A. boringer

C. slower

B. busyer

Julie lives in the countryside. She's a little than her friends.
A. quieter

B. more quiet

C. noisy

13. Nguyen thinks city life is much.

A. more interesting

B. interestinger

D. more noisy

C. interested

D. more interested

14. My garden is a lot than this park.

A. colourfuler

B. colourful

C. less colour

D. more colourful

15. It is amazing. His house is much than a hotel.

A. comfortabler

B. comfortable

C. comfort

D. more comfortable

III. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the sentences:

16. Mr. Brown arrived than expected.
A. more early

B. earlier

C. late

D. more late

17. We walked than the rest of the people.

A. more slowlier

B. slowlier

C. more slowly

D. more fast

18. My mother talked than the other guests.

A. more loudly

B. loudlier

C. more loudlier D. loudly

19. I went home this afternoon.

A. more late

B. later

C. more early

D. more earlier

C. good

D. gooder

20. He's working much.

A. harder

B. more hard

21. Of course, a rabbit runs than a turtle.

A. more fast

B. faster



D. more slow.



D. farrer

22. Jim jumped than Peter.

A. more fartherly B. far

23. Minh always answers questions than the other students.

A. weller

B. good

C. better

D. goodly

24. Our new teacher explains the exercises than our old one.

A. more badly

B. bad

C. badder

D. worse

25. This mechanic checks the motorbike than those mechanics.
A. thoroughlier

B. thorough

C. thorougher D. more thoroughly

IV. Find a mistake in each sentence below:
25. I’m rich, (A) but I am not as (B) richer (C) as my (D) friends.
26. (A) Live in the (B) country is (C) more inconvenient than in (D) the city.

27. (A) Your picture (B) is (C) colourfuler than mine. I think you're good

(D) at painting.
28.In (A) that test, Sam did (B) more well than you. Now (C) you should try (D)

29. If you (A) want to be a big (B) man, you have (C) to eat (D) less.
V. Read the passage and decide whether the following questions are true (T) or

false (F):
It was in 2005 that David, then a 30-year-old accountant, announced that he was
bored with Bristol and wanted a rural lite.
I struggled to understand his desire to leave. We enjoyed an active social life,
receiving countless invitations to other families’ houses with the children and we
loved to host our own dinner parties too. With my parents' help we were both able to

continue our passion for triathlons.
Life wasn’t always perfect: Bella hardly slept, so neither did I. I was committed to
a tiring two-hour daily commute.
Sleep-deprived, silly things would stress me out: there was no lift to reach our flat
and, on my own, it was impossible to get two toddlers with their buggies up the stairs.
Over time. I convinced myself that a move to the country was the right thing to
do; this was my husband, after all, the father of my children. Quite simply, I’d go to
the ends of the earth for him. We'd start again. Somewhere beautiful.
31. In 2005, the husband wanted to move to the countryside.



32. In the city, they had an active social life.



33. They could sleep very well when they lived in the city.



34. The wife realized that a move to the country was the wrong




35. The wife thought she could go anywhere with her husband.



I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:
1. A. buffalo

B. countryside

C. envious

D. collection

2. A. facility
3. A. traditionally

B. opportunity
B. generously

C. comparative

C. usually

D. perhaps
D. difficult

4. A. populate
5. A. calculus '

B. tired
B. expensive

C. optimistically D. peacefully
C. electric
D. disturbing

II. Choose A, B, c or D that best completes each sentence:
6. This paddy field is than that man-made garden.
A. more beautiful B. beautifuler C. beatifuller D. beautifully
7. Things in the city are_______than in the country.
A. interestinger

B. more interesting

C. interestingger

D. much interesting

8. A dog is_______than a buffal

A. nicer

B. more nice

C. nice

D. beautiful

C. old

D. oldder

9. This cow is_______than that chicken.

A. older

B. more old

10. I go to the countryside_______than my brothers do.

A. oftener

B. often

C. oftenly

D. more often

11. David did_______than he thought he would do on his test.
A. badly

B. more badlj

C. bad

D. worse

C. more recklessly

D. reckless

12. George drives _______than his brother.

A. recklesslier

B. recklessly

13.I think she did_______in the exam
A. bad

B. goodly

C. well

14. This kind of music is_______I hardly listen to it.


A. interesting

B. disturbing

C. disturbed

D. interested

15. It’s good_______him to have a better job.

A. for

B. of

C. to

D. at

III. Find a mistake in each sentence below:
16. You (A) should drive (B) carefullier. (C) otherwise you will (D) cause an accident.
17. This (A) exercise was (B) more easy (C) than I (D) expected.
18. (A) Sam didn’t (B) behave as (C) good as (D) Mike.
19. (A) In the way (B) home, Bob (C) told me a (D) funny story.
I (A) felt so (B) bored, so (C) last week I went (D) in a trip to the countryside.

IV. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps.

I was just thinking the other day: Everyone I know in the country (21) _______
weird. At least for my town, which has no stoplights and one main intersection, we are a
little strange, I think. We (22) _______get out much. We think running across the
freeway is a thrill. I (23) _______up playing in mud with frogs and snakes. Is that weird?

I feel like my friends and I have had a somewhat difficult time in (24) _______ with
others. I almost feel like if I had lived in the city, I might understand (25) _______about
other types of people and (26) _______they think and interact. I feel at times that I am
behind on a lot of things, including how to be cool.
I feel fortunate at the same time that I have grown (27) _______in a rural area. I
would never trade in my memories of playing in a stream, climbing trees, (28)
_______in the river, and hiking up hills for a breathtaking view... all within a half mile
from my house. I sometimes feel (29) _______for my friends who (30)
_______surrounded by asphalt, concrete, and power lines.
(https://www. coursehero, com/fde/7847530/Coimtry- Versus-City/)
21. A. are
22. A. have

B. is
B. did

C. have
C. not

D. has
D. don’t

23. A. grew
24. A. to mix

B. grow
B. mix

C. grown
C. mixing

D. did grew
D. to mixing

25. A. more

B. much

C. than

D. as

26. A. which

B. how

C. where

D. when

27. A. from

B. to

C. in

D. up

28. A. walking
29. A. sorry

B. running

C. swimming
C. grateful

D. climbing
D. happy

30. A. have

B. was

C. were

D. has



Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from
the rest:

1. A. ancestor

B. gather

C. basic

D. animal

2. A. instruments

B. others

C. peoples

D. fields

3. A. showed

B. called

C. lived.

D. discriminated

4. A. basic

B. minority

C. curious

1). complicated

C. majority

D. recognise

5. A. complicated B. costume

II. Form the questions for these answers:
6. That Khmer man is feeding a buffalo.


7. They are dancing around the fire.


8. The children are playing in the field.


9. There'll be a Yao's traditional festival next Sunday.


10. Each of Thai families owns a stilt house.



III. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the sentences:

16.I prefer_____blue T-shirt in the corner to red one.
A. the/ the

B. the/ a

C. a/ the

17. Their car does 160 miles _____hour.
A. a

B. an

C. the

D. X

18. Where's_____gift I sent you last week?
A. X

B. an

C. a

D. the

19. Do you still live in_____England?
A. the

B. an

C. X

D. a

20. Is your mother working in_____old office building?
A. a

B. an

C. the

D. X

21. Coco’s father works as_____electrician.
A. X

B. a

C. an

D. the

22. The tomatoes are 100 pences_____kilo.
A. a

B. an

C. the

D. X

23. What do you usually have for_____breakfast?
A. the

B. a

C. an D. X

24. Ben is sick. He has_____terrible cold.
A. a

B. an

C. the

D. X

D. the/ X

IV. Find a mistake in each sentence below:
27. There (A) are 54 (B) people in Vietnam. They (C) live in (D) peace.
28. This task is (A) complicated. (B) I can (C) do it (D) by myself.
29. My (A) hometown has only (B) an university, which (C) is one hundred years (D)

30. (A) Among the (B) apples on the (C) table, it’s (D) a biggest one.
31. (A) It’s done. (B) What (C) you are going to do (D) next?

V. Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true (T)

or false (F):

Many people from rural areas are leaving behind their traditional ways of

life and moving to the city. They believe that well-paying jobs are plentiful in the

At home on the farm, life is always a struggle with nature. Typhoons,

floods or droughts can easily destroy a harvest and leave the farmer with little or no
money until the following year. Often farmers look for other works when they need
more money for their families.

The increase in population, however, has led to overcrowding in many

cities. This puts a strain on schools and hospitals, as well as water and electricity
supplies. Increased pollution is another unpleasant result. There is also a human
side to this tragedy. Families sometimes have to live apart. In these cases, children
may live at home with relatives, while their parents go and live in an urban area.

Governments all over the world are trying to provide facilities for these

migrants, but it can be quite a problem.
36. ( />



31. Many people leave the countryside for the city.
32. Natural disasters can be a problem when living in the








43. 33. The increase in population puts a positive effect on schools





46. 34. Increased pollution is another unpleasant result of



overcrowding in many cities.
35. Governments all over the world do nothing to help the





and hospitals in the city.







54. I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:

1. A.


B. costume


C. minority

58. D. custom

2. A.




C. speciality

62. D.

3. A.

B. majority


C. curious

B. gather


C. diverse

70. D. tradition

B. basic


C. ancestor

74. D. ethnic


4. A. unique 68.
5. A.


75. diversity


66. D. recognise

II. Choose A, B, c or D that best completes each sentence:
6. Lan:_____does a Yao kid never wander through?
76. Mai: A Yao kid never wanders through the woods.

A. Where B. What C. Who


D. When

7. Hoai: _____are some of the Hmong children are playing?
78. Lan: Some of the Hmong children are playing hide and seek.

A. When B. Who


C. What

D. That

C. Whom

D. Where

8. Minh: _____are the Odu farmers going?
80. Nhat: The Odu farmers are going home.

A. When B. Who


9. Tuyet: _____ do Nung people like dancing together?


Mai: Nung people like dancing

together very much.


A. How

B. Who

C. Whom


10. Anna:


Anh: The Thai festival will be closed until next month.

D. When

_____will the Thai festival be closed?


A. How about B. How long

C. How often D. How much


11.I want

_____apple from that tree.


A. X

B. the


C. an D. a

12. Miss Tina can speak_____Chinese.

A. X


B. a

C. an D. the

92.____________________13. One of the students said,“ _____professor is so

A. X


B. An

C. A

D. The

14. I will take_____ umbrella in case it rains.

A. the


B. a

C. an D. X

15. Please give me_____ candy that is on the counter.

A. for


B. the

C. to D. at

III. Find a mistake in each sentence below:
16. (A) Look! He (B) can fly. (C) What (D) amazing!
17. (A) The ink (B) in my (C) pen (D) are red.
18. (A) Albany (B) is (C) the capital of (D) the New York State.

19. Mai: (A) Where did you (B) go to?

Ngoc: 1 (C) went (D) to Ha Long Bay.

20. My (A) bedroom is (B) situate on (C) the top floor of my (D) house.

Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, c or D for each of the gaps:
97.The Yao form (21) _____of the 54 ethnic groups officially recognized by

Vietnam. In the (22) _____census in 2000, they numbered roughly 470,000 (23)
98.The Yao people have been agriculturalists (24)over a thousand years, mostly

harvesting rice through plowing, (25) _____a few practice slash-and-burn agriculture.
The Yao live nearby forested regions. They also engage in (26) _____.

99.During the Southern Song dynasty, an imperial Chinese observer, Zhou Qufei,

described the Tao as wearing distinctive fine blue (27) _____. produced using indigo

The Yao (28) _____their Pan Wang (King Pan) festival annually on the

sixteenth day of the tenth (29) _____month. The festival celebrates the mythical
original story (30) _____the Yao people.
(https ://en. Wikipedia.



21. A.an


22. A. last 107.
23. A. on 111.

B. lastly
B. at


24. A. for

B. since


25. A. but 119.
26. A.

27. A.
28. A.




B. one

B. however
B. farm
B. dressing

festival 29. A. solar 135.
B. moon

30. A. in


B. of


C. a




the 109.
C. in lately


C. in from117.




at 121.













c.luna celebrate




C. on sun 141.




I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest:


1. A. mountainous B. product


2. A.


148. B. highland literature






3. A.

152. B.





4. A.

156. B.





5. A.

160. B. festivity






II. Give the correct form of the words in brackets:
6. There are three pictures in this museum (represent) _____the life of Sin.
7. This house is really beautiful inside. Who (decoration) _____it?
8. My uncle is Mr. Phong. He is an (ethnology) _____.
9. The teacher gave me a lot of (informative) _____about the dinosaur.
10. Once upon a time there was a boy (call) _____ Jack.
III. Rearrange the following words to make a meaningful sentence:
11. people/ Kinh/ in/ together/ lived/ a harmony/ the village/ under.

164. __________________________________________________

12. villages/ the/ are/ by/ surrounded/ bamboo groves.

165. __________________________________________________

13. considered/ the husband/ is/ the family/ of/ the head.

166. __________________________________________________
