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Unit 15. Space conquest

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<b>Haiphong Department of Education and Training</b>

<i><b>Le Quy Don High School</b></i>


<b> </b>

<b>Lesson Plan</b>

<b>ENGLISH 11</b>

<b>Unit 15</b>


<i><b>Student teacher: Khoa Thi Mai</b></i>


<i><b> Class: 11B1, 11B2</b></i>

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<b> Date of planning: </b>


<i>th </i>


Date of teaching:

<i> </i>

<i>th </i>


<b>Unit 15: SPACE CONQUEST</b>

Part A: Reading (p.166)

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary: read, write and understand words and phrases related to space conquest

<i>+ gravity (n): the pull of the earth</i>

<i>+ cosmonaut (n): astronaut</i>
<i>+ astronaut (n)</i>

<i>+lift off (v)</i>

<i>+mile per hour (n)</i>
<i>+ orbit (n)</i>

<i>+ plane crash (n)</i>

<i>+ psychological tension (n)</i>

- Language: use sentence structures, vocabulary to read the space conquest

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<b>WARM UP:(</b><i><b>5 minutes</b></i><b>) </b><i>Work individual</i>

-Teacher asks students to look at the pictures in the textbook and
answer the following questions:

<i>1. What do you see in picture 1 & 2?</i>

<i> 2. What do you call a person who flies a plane / a spaceship?</i>
<i> 3. Between them which job do you prefer? Give reasons for your</i>

-Teacher requires students to work in pairs and present their ideas
in front of the class.

-Teacher goes around the class and helps students.

* <i><b>Expected answers</b></i>:

<i>1. It’s a plane / a spaceship (spacecraft)</i>

<i> 2. A person who flies a plane is called a pilot and a person who</i>
<i>flies a spacecraft is called an astronaut (cosmonaut) </i>

<i> 3. I like pilot because I want to travel everywhere. </i>

<i> I like to be an astronaut because I want to go the moon /fly into</i>
<i>the space.</i>

<b>Lead – in </b>

-Teacher can ask students some questions to lead in the new lesson:

<i> In today’s lesson, you are going to read something about Space</i>

<i>Conquest. </i>

<i> Monday,13th<sub>March, 2015</sub></i>

<b>Unit 15</b>

Part A: Reading(p.166)


<b>I. Pre - read ing : (</b><i><b>6 minutes</b></i><b>)</b>

-Teacher asks studens to look at the pictures again and answer the
questions above the pictures.

-Teacher elicits or explains some new words before reading by
using pictures and synonyms.

-Teacher helps students to pronounce the new words.

<b>I. Pre - read ing . </b>

<i>Work individual</i>

* <i><b>Suggested answers</b></i>:

<i>1. The first human to fly into space is Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin.</i>
<i> 2. The first humans to set foot on the moon are Neil Armstrong and</i>
<i>Buzz Aldrin.</i>

<i>3. The first Vietnamese to fly into space is Pham Tuan. </i>
<i>* Vocabulary</i>

<i>+orbit (n)</i>

<i>+ plane crash (n)</i>

<i>+ gravity (n): the pull of the earth</i>
<i>+ cosmonaut (n): astronaut</i>
<i>+ astronaut (n)</i>

<i>+lift off (v)</i>

<i>+mile per hour (n)</i>
<i>+ orbit (n)</i>

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<b>- </b>read for specific and general information

<b>- </b>guess the words’ meanings in context
- work in pairs and groups

<b>3. Attitude and competencies: </b>

- know more some basic information about Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin, the first human to fly into space
- feel more interested in researching about space

<b>II. Preparation:</b>

- Teacher:

+ lesson plan
+ handouts
+ laptop

- Students: notebooks, pencils, pens, sub-boards.


<b> Anticipated problems and solutions:</b>

1. Students may have difficulty in understanding meaning of new words so the teacher should give the meaning.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b> <sub>XX XX XX</sub>

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<b>Unit 15: SPACE CONQUEST</b>

Part B: Speaking (p.170)

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary: read, write and understand words and phrases which are used to speak

<i>Launch (v) into…. : Phóng</i>

<i>Manned (adj) : Có người điều hành</i>
<i>Spacecraft (n) Phi thuyền</i>

<i>Astronaut (n) = cosmonaut: Phi hành gia/ nhà du hành vũ trụ</i>
<i>Mark (v): Đánh dấu</i>

<i>Milestone (n): Bước ngoặt, mốc lịch sử</i>
<i>Project (n): Dự án</i>

<i>Artificial (adj): Nhân tạo</i>
<i>Sputnik / satellite (n): Vệ tinh</i>

<i>Orbit (n): Quỹ đạo</i>

<i>Aboard (n): Boong tàu</i>

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<b>2. Skills:</b>

<b>- </b>work in pairs and groups
- develop presentation skills
- present in class

<b>3. Attitude and competencies: </b>

- have a positive behave on which they learn
- feel more interested in researching about space

<b>II. Preparation:</b>

- Teacher:

+ lesson plan
+ handouts
+ laptop

- Students: notebooks, pencils, pens, sub-boards.


<b> Anticipated problems and solutions:</b>

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<b>WARM UP:(</b><i><b>5 minutes</b></i><b>) </b><i>Work in pairs</i>

- Teacher gives out six pictures of famous astronauts in the world.
- Teacher asks students to look at the pictures and to answer

1) Who are they?

2) What are their nationalities?

- Teacher calls on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the

- Teacher comments and gives suggested answers:
+ Picture 1- He’s Pham Tuan – Vietnamese astronaut.
+ Picture 2- He’s Yuri Gararin – Russian cosmonaut.
+ Picture 3- He’s Amstrong- American astronaut.
+ Picture 4- He’s Buzz Aldrin- American astronaut.

+ Picture 5- She’s Valentina Tareshkova – Russian cosmonaut.
+ Picture 6- He’s Liwei- Chinese astronaut.

- Teacher introduces the new lesson.

<b>Lead – in </b>: the new lesson

<i> Monday,13th<sub>March, 2015</sub></i>

<b>Unit 15</b>


Part B: Speaking(p.166)

<b>I. Pre - speaking</b>

-Teacher elicits or explains some new words before reading by
using pictures and synonyms.

-Teacher helps students' pronounce the new words.

<b>II. While- speaking</b>

<b>Task 1. Read the following piece of news, then ask and answer</b>

- Teacher asks students to read a piece of news about manned
spacecraft of China, and then asks them to work in pairs and
answer questions about the text.

- Teacher goes around offering helps.

- Teacher suggesses students to make questions with:
+ When...?

+ What...?

<b>I. Pre - speaking</b>
<b>Vocabulary: </b>

 Launch (v) into…. : Phóng

 Manned (adj) : Có người điều hành
 Spacecraft (n) Phi thuyền

 Astronaut (n) = cosmonaut: Phi hành gia/ nhà du hành vũ trụ
 Mark (v): Đánh dấu

 Milestone (n): Bước ngoặt, mốc lịch sử
 Project (n): Dự án

 Artificial (adj): Nhân tạo
 Sputnik / satellite (n): Vệ tinh
 Orbit (n): Quỹ đạo

 Aboard (n): Boong tàu

<b>II. While- speaking</b>
<b> 1. Task 1: Work in pairs</b>

* <i><b>Example:</b></i>

A: What is the name of china’s first maned spacecraft?
B: Its name’s Shenzhou 5

A: What is the name of the astronaut?
B: His name’s Yang Liwei

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2. Students find it difficult to talk about news so teacher should provide more live examples.

<b>IV. Procedure:</b>



<b>Unit 15: SPACE CONQUEST</b>

Part C: Listening (p.172)

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary: read, write and understand words and phrases which are used to listen
+ campground (n)

+ depressed (a)
+ dirt bike (n)
+ solitude (n)
+ wilderness (n)

- Language: use sentence structures, vocabulary to listen

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<b>WARM UP:(</b><i><b>5 minutes</b></i><b>) </b><i>Work in groups</i>

<i>Matching cards with the pictures</i>

Pictures<b> </b>Cards

Picture 1 Orbiting

Picture 2 The Apollo crew
Picture 3 Walking on the moon
Picture 4 The Moon landing

Picture 5 The first foot print on the Moon
- Teacher devides the class into 3 groups.

- Students close the books and representative of each group write
the answer on the board.

- Group which gives the correct answers quickly will be the winner.

<i>Question:”</i> From the pictures can you guess what topic we are
listening today?”

<b>Lead – in </b>: the new lesson

<i> Monday,13th<sub>March, 2015</sub></i>

<b>Unit 15</b>

Part C: Listening(p.172)


<b>I. Pre - listen ing : (</b><i><b>6 minutes</b></i><b>)</b>


+ Challenge (v) /………/
+ Experiment (n)/……./
+ Achievement (n)/……/

<i>Listen and repeat:</i> Say STOP if you hear one of these words
from the listening passage

- Teacher asks students to open the book and look at the words

- Teacher plays the recorder, and stuednts say STOP.
- Teacher stops the recorder to check

<i>* Vocabulary</i>

-Teacher asks studens to look at the pictures again and answer the
questions above the pictures.

-Teacher elicits or explains some new words before reading by
using pictures and synonyms.

-Teacher helps students to pronounce the new words.

<b>II. While - listening: (</b><i><b>24 minutes</b></i><b>) </b>

<b>1. Task 1: </b><i><b>Circle the words, phrases or number in the listening </b></i>
<i><b>passage you hear</b></i> Congress, 11, suitcase, later, press, the first,
carry, marry, oxygen, chicken, 7, step, spacesuit, Apollo,

cosmonaut, temperature, ect……

<b>2. Task 2: (Task 1 page 173): </b><i><b>Decide true /false statements.</b></i>

- Teacher gives students handouts and has them work in pairs.

<b>I. Pre - listen ing . </b>

Class work


+ Challenge (v) /………/
+ Experiment (n)/……./
+ Achievement (n)/……/

<i>* Vocabulary</i>

+ campground (n)
+ depressed (a)
+ dirt bike (n)
+ solitude (n)
+ wilderness (n)

<b>II. While – listening</b>

<b> 1. Task 1: (Work individual)</b>

<b>2. Task 2: (Task 1 page 173): </b><i><b>True /false statements.</b></i>

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<b>IV. Procedure:</b>


<b>Unit 15: SPACE CONQUEST</b>

Part D: Writing (p.174)

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

- Vocabulary: read, write and understand words and phrases which are used to write
+ Career (n) = Job, profession

+ Quote (n)

+ Know as = famous for
+ Resign (v) = give up

+ Investigate (v) = discover, find out
- Grammar:

+ The simple past
+ The simple present
+ The passive voice

<b>2. Skills:</b>

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<b>WARM UP:(</b><i><b>5 minutes</b></i><b>) </b><i>Work in groups</i>

- Introduces the lesson by using the picture of the astronaut
Neil Amstrong and put questions:

1. Look at the picture and say who he is.
2. Is he a Russian or an American astronaut?
3. Who did he set foot on the moon with?


1. He is Neil Amstrong.

2. He is an American astronaut.

3. He set foot on the moon with Buzz Aldrin.

<i>Question:”</i> From the pictures can you guess what topic we are
listening today?”

<b>Lead – in </b>: the new lesson

<i> Monday,13th<sub>March, 2015</sub></i>

<b>Unit 15</b>

Part D: Writing (p.174)


<b>I. Pre - writing: (</b><i><b>6 minutes</b></i><b>)</b>

- Teacher asks students to read through Task 1 on page 174
and asks students what a biography is and what to be
included in a biography.

- Teacher introduces the lesson.
<b>Task 1</b>

- Teacher explains new words if necessary.

appoint vice chairman, committee, investigate, challenger
shuttle disaster

<b>- </b>Teacher asks students to do the task

<b>II. While - writing: (</b><i><b>24 minutes</b></i><b>) </b>

- Teacher asks students what tense of verbs they should use
in this task.

<b>I. Pre - writing </b>

Biography is the written history of a person's life

Date of birth Place of birth

Quote Career

<i> </i>Known as (famous for)

<i>* Vocabulary</i>

+ Career (n) = Job, profession
+ Quote (n)

+ Know as = famous for
+ Resign (v) = give up

+ Investigate (v) = discover, find out

<b>II. While – writing</b>
<b>Task 2</b>

Neil Amstrong is an American astronaut. He is known as the first

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<b>IV. Procedure:</b>


<b>Unit 15: SPACE CONQUEST</b>

Part E: language Focus (p.175)

<b>I. Objectives: </b>By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

<b>1. Knowledge:</b>

- Pronunciation: pronounce the sounds /nt/, /nd/ /n/, /ns/, /nz/

- Grammar:

+ be able to use: could / be able to and question tags

<b>2. Skills:</b>

- use could/ be able to

- write sentences with tag questions

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- have a positive attitude towards what they have learn

<b>II. Preparation:</b>

- Teacher:

+ lesson plan
+ handouts
+ laptop
+ speakers

- Students: notebooks, pencils, pens, sub-boards.


<b> Anticipated problems and solutions:</b>

1. Students may feel difficult to pronounce the sounds /nt/, /nd/ /n/, /ns/, /nz/ so teacher should let students practice them
several times.

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<b>WARM UP:(</b><i><b>5 minutes</b></i><b>)</b>

<b>Game: Find the other part of your life</b>

<b>- </b>Teacher asks two students to vonlunteer to play the game. They
should be a boy and a girl. The boy and the girl have to stand back
to back.

- Teacher asks the boy five questions and all he has to do is to nod
or shake his head to express his agreement or disagreement. Then
teacher writes his answers on the board.

-Teacher asks the girl the same five questions. The girl can say yes
or no to answer. If the boy and the girl have more than three same
answers they will become couple of the day.

* <i><b>Suggested questions:</b></i>

<i>1. Can you swim?</i>

<i>2. Can you sleep 10 hours a day?</i>
<i>3. Can you play a sport?</i>

<i>4. Can you eat durian?</i>
<i>5. Can you sing very well? </i>

<b>Lead – in:</b>

- Teacher asks students if they can use another way to ask the
above questions

<i>Are you able to swim . . . ./ sing well?</i>

- Teacher leads in the new lesson.

<i> Monday,13th<sub>March, 2015</sub></i>

<b>Unit 15</b>

Part C: Listening(p.172)


<b>I. Pronunciation (</b><i><b>6 minutes</b></i><b>)</b>
<b>Activity 1 – </b><i><b>Listen and repeat</b></i>

- Teacher demonstrates the sounds /nt/, /nd/, /nθ/ , /ns/ and /nz/ by

pronouncing them exactly and clearly.

- Teacher instructs the ways to pronounce the sounds.

- Teacher asks students to pronounce the sounds several times.

- Teacher makes sure that students are aware of the difference between the

<b>Activity 2 – </b><i><b>Practise these sentences</b></i>

- Teacher plays the tape and asks them to repeat.

- Teacher calls on some students to repeat the sounds clearly and slowly.
- Teacher asks students to work in pairs and practise the sentences.
- Teacher introduces peer correction.

- Teacher goes around the class and provides help if necessary.

<b>II. Grammar(10 minutes)</b>

<b>I. Pronunciation (</b><i><b>6 minutes</b></i><b>)</b>
<b>Activity 1 – </b><i><b>Listen and repeat</b></i>

the sounds /nt/, /nd/, /nθ/ , /ns/ and /nz/
<b>Activity 2 – </b><i><b>Practise sentenceson page 175</b></i>

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<b>IV. Procedure:</b>



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