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Ebook Luyện giải đề trước kỳ thi Đại học 3 miền Bắc - Trung - Nam Tiếng Anh (tái bản có sửa chữa bổ sung): Phần 1

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<b>428 </b>


<b> iC i</b>


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<i><b>Trung tam Bien soqn sdch od Ddo tgo chuyen Anh NgU VFIRSTBOOK </b></i>




<sub> ii </sub>


<i>(Tdi ban, sita chCta ua bo sung) </i>

<i><b>>t Dank cho hoc sinh Idp 12 tuyen thi Dai Hoc - Cao Dang </b></i>

<i>* Bien somtheonoi dung va(Unhhudngmde thi </i>

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<b>L a i</b>


Quy thay<b> CO</b> giao va cac em hoc sinh than men!

Ky thi t u y i n sinh vao cac truong dai hoc, cao dang la mot thi'r thach Ion doi voi
cac em hoc sinh. Hoa chung v o i khong khi on luyen miet mai cua cac em tren khap
ca nuoc, chiing t o i ngay dem nghien cuu ya bien soan nhmig trang sach tieng A n h
b6 ich. N 6 i com trong thai gian nay la cuon<i><b> Luyen gidi dS trm'rc ky thi Hai hoc ha </b></i>
<i><b>miin Bdc - Trung - Nam Tieng Anh. </b></i>

Dieu<b> CO</b> ban truoc tien la cac bo de trong cuon sach nay duoc bien soan bam sat
cau true de thi tuy^n sinh vao cac truong dai hoc, cao dang cua Bp Giao due va Dao
tao. Dong thai, cac cau hoi dugc bien soan dira tren trong tam kien thi'rc xuyen suot
chuong trinh cac em theo hoc a nha truang. Cuon sach khong nham muc dich on

luyen de hoc sinh "trung t u " khi thi nhung mong nguyen rang se la nguoi ban chi
duong dan loi khong th^ thieu cho cac em biet di sau vao con duang kien thuc ma
minh se gap lai trong de thi tuyen sinh chinh thuc cua Bo Giao due va Dao tao.

Hau het noi dung cua cuon sach dugc chinh soan gia - thay giao N G O V A N
M I N H nhieu nam ixng dung vao chuong trinh luyen thi dai hoc va tren thuc te da g§t
hai thanh cong qua ket qua thi cua cac em hoc sinh. Cac ban doc gia se nhan ra loi
viet ciia cuon sach nay dugc tac gia the hien phan Ian v o i giong dan giang bai gan
gui nhu- tren lap hoc.

M o i cau hoi chung toi deu dien giai kien thuc rat ro rang v o i ngon ngu gian d i ,
de hieu. Muc dich ciia dieu nay khong chi giup cho cac em tiep can va nam that
virng k i ^ n thuc ma con huang cho cac em nhieu sir img dung trong cac truang hop
khac cua de tuyen sinh.

Cu6n sach khong chi giup cho cac em hoc sinh tir on luyen ma con la mot tai
lieu rat hiru dung doi v d i quy thay c6 giao, cac bac phy huynh dang quan tam giup
con em minh chu^n bi kien thuc d^ buoc vao ky thi tuyen sinh sap t o i .

Du chung toi da


<i><b> ghng rk</b></i>

nhieu trong qua trinh bien soan nhirng cuon sach at
han con nhieu thieu sot. Rat mong nhan dugc y kien dong gop tir quy ban doc than
quen va gan xa de cu6n sach dirge hoan thien han trong nhiJng Ian tai ban.

<i><b>Nhd sach Khang Viet xin trdn trong gi&i thieu t&i Quy doc gid vd xin Idng </b></i>
<i><b>nghe moi y kien dong gop decuon sach ngdy cdng hay horn, bo ich han. Thu xin </b></i>
<i><b>gui ve: </b></i>

<b>Cty T N H H Mot T h a n h V i e n - D i c h V u V a n Hoa K h a n g V i ? t . </b>
<b>71 D i n h T i e n Hoang, P. Dakao, Q u a n 1, T P . H C M </b>

<b>T e l : (08) 39115694 - 39111969 - 39111968 - 39105797 - Fax: (08) 39110880 </b>
<b>Hoac email: ; thay giao Ngo Van </b>
<b>Minh - Email: - mitnapha.edu.vn </b>

X i n chan thanh cam on!

<i><b>Cty TNHH MTV DVVH Khang Vi^t </b></i>

<b>P h a n I : </b>


<i><b>NHAN THliC VE HiNH THUC</b></i>

<i><b> TRAC</b></i>

<i><b> NGHIEM </b></i>

l.am bai theo phuang phap trac nghiem la hanh dong ciia y thi'rc tir duy<i> nham </i>
chpn ra mot phuo'ng an diing nhat trong so nhieu phuang an de nghi doi vai mot
cau hoi.


<i><b> TRAC</b></i>

<i><b> NGHIEM </b></i>

• Bao quat kien thi'rc

<b>• H</b> Hieu sau ve van de kien thirc va van d^ ciia cau hoi

<b>H</b> Ife H Chii dong trong t u duy

H S SI s Kha nang phan tich va phan doan van de doc lap

H HI s H<b> M</b> T6c do '

Do dcS, t h i sinh khi lam bai thi trac nghiem cung phai van dung va<i> thi</i> hien cac

yeu to tren m a i c6 dugc ket qua tot.



<i><b> DANG </b></i>

V A N D E 1

PHAT A M ( P R O N U N C I A T I O N )

<i><b>BAN CHAT CUA VAN DE </b></i>

Loai cau hoi nay kiem tra nang lire nhan biet va phan biet each phat am ciia
n g u v e n a m va p h u a m .

<i>Ddc thii cua moi cau hoi:</i> M o i cau hoi thuang c6 bon phuang an A ,<b> B , C ,</b> va

<b>D.</b> M o i phuang an la mot tir hoan thien c6 chira thanh phan<i> phu dm</i> hoac<i> nguyen </i>
<i><b>dm (CO</b></i> the) giong nhau. Nhung chi c6<i> MOT</i> thanh<i> phan phu dm</i> hoac<i> nguyen dm </i>
trong so bon phuang an ay c6 each phat am K H A C v o i ba sir lira chpn con lai.

<i>Nguyen tdc ra cle thi:</i> N g u a i soan de thi bao gia cung dua ra H A I phuang an
trong so B O N phuang an cua mot cau hoi eo chira thanh phan<i> phu dm</i> hoac
<i>nguyen dm</i> dugc phat am nhu nhau ma thi sinh c6 the de dang nhan ra. V a i hai
phuang an con lai, doi hoi thi sinh phai can than de chgn ra mot.

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<i><b>Luyfit gidi de tru&c ki t/ii DH 3 miin BJc, Trung, Nam Tieng An/i - Ngd Van Minh </b></i>

- Tap trung thai gian va nang lire de nhan ra thanh phan<i> phu dm</i> hoac
<i>ngiiyen dm</i> cua mot trong hai tir nay c6 each phat am giong ho$c khac v o l hai
phuong an da dugc L O A I G A P .

• Hay tham i<hao each phat am cua<i> phu dm</i> va<i> nguyen dm</i> trong phan tong quat
ngCr phap chua d phan sau cua sach.

<i>Chi'ms minh: </i>

<i>Mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose </i>
<i>underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the </i>
<i>following questions. </i>

1 A . ivory B. writer C. final D . w i n d o w
2 A . cjieck B. chemistry C. change D. cheap

(Trich D E T H I T U Y E N SINH C A O D A N G )

<b>B A I G A I A P D U N G P H U O N G P H A P </b>

• 1. A . ivory B. writer C. final D . window
Ta nhan ra nguyen am { t r o n g hai phuong an L O A I G A P B . writer va C. final
dugc phat am /al/. N h u vay, con lai hai truong hgp A . ivory va D . window. Ta
de dang nhan ra nguyen am i trong D. window dugc phat am la / I / . NghTa la
nguyen am i trong piiuong an A . ivory chac chan dugc phat am la /al/.

Vay dap an dung ciia cau hoi so 1 la D.

• 2. A . clieck B. chemistry C. cjiange D. dieap

Ta nhan ra ch trong trong hai phirong an l . O A l G A P A . d i e c k va D . cjieap
dugc phat am la / t f / . Vay. con lai hai tnrang hgp B. chemistry va C. diange. Ta
khong gap kho khan de nhan ra cji trong C. change dugc phat am la / t f / .

NghTa la thanh phan d i chi'ra trong ba phuang an A , C, va D co each phat am
nhu nhau. Vay dap an dung cua cau hoi so 2 la B (ch trong cjiemistry dugc phat
am la /k/). v •

<b>V A N D E 2 </b>

<b>T R O N G AM ( S T R E S S ) </b>

<i><b>BAN CHAT CUA VAN DE </b></i>

l.oai cau hoi nay kiem tra nang lire nhan biet<b> vi tri nhan trong am</b> cua tir.
<i>Dcic thii ciia moi cau hoi:</i> M o i cau hoi thirong co bon phirong an<b> A, B . C ,</b> va<b> D. </b>

M o i phuang an la mot tir hoan thien va co chua vj t r i thanh phan dugc doc nhan
manh (trong am). Nhirng chi co M O T tir trong bon tir irng vai bon phirong an co
chi'ra vj t r i thanh phan dirge doc nhan manh khac vai ba sir lira chon con lai.

<i>Njiuven tdc ra de thi:</i> N g u o i soan d^ thi bao gia ciing dua ra H A ! phuong an
i trong so B O N phuong an cua mot cau hoi co chua thanh phan dugc phat am

<i><b>Cty TISHH MTVDVVH KItang Vi^t </b></i>

manh nhu nhau ma thi sinh co the de dang nhan ra. V a i hai phuang an eon lai,
doi hoi thi sinh phai can than de chgn ra mot.

<i>Cdch giai quyet van de: </i>

- Dgc to cac phuang an de t r g gii'ip viec t i m ra v i t r i dugc phat am nhan manh
cua tir.

- Loai gap H A I phuong an chua vi tri thanh phan dirge phat am manh nhu nhau.

- Tap trung thai gian va nang lue de nhan ra tir chua vi t r i thanh phan dugc
phat am manh giong hoac khac voi hai phuong an da dugc L O A I G A P .

• Hay tham khao phuang phap t i m v i t r i trgng am ciia tir trong phan tong quat
ngu phap chiia o phan sau ciia sach.

Chung minh

<i>Mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that </i>
<i>differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following </i>
<i>(fuestions. </i>

1. A . agreement B. elephant C. mineral D. violent
2. A . electrician B. majority C. appropriate D. traditional

(Trich D E T H I T U Y E N SINH D A I HOC N A M 2012)

<b>B A I G A I A P D U N G P H U O N G P H A P </b>

• 1. A . agreement B. elephant C. mineral D. violent
Ta de dang nhan ra hai tir Ian lirgt chua trong B. elephant va D . violent ccS
thanh phan dugc phat am Ion hon (trgng am) rai vao am v i t h u nhat. V o i hai
phuong an con lai A . agreement va C. mineral, sau khi dgc Ion hai tir nay len, ta
khiing gap kho khan de nhan ra C. mineral co thanh phan dugc phat am Ion hon
(trgng am) rai vao am v i t h u nhat. Vay dap an diing ciia cau hoi na\a A .

• 2. A . electrician B. majority C. appropriate D. traditional
Ta de dang nhan ra hai t u Ian lugt chua trong B. majority va D. traditional co
thanh phan dugc phat am Ion hon (trgng am) rai vao am v i t h u hai. V o i hai
phuong an con lai A . electrician va C. appropriate, sau khi dgc Idn hai tir nay

len. ta khong gap kho khan de nhan ra C. appropriate co thanh phan dugc phat
am Ion hon (trgng am) roi vao am vi thu hai. Vay dap an diing cua cau hoi nay
la A .

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<i><b>Luy?n gidi de trir&c M thi DH 3 mien BJc, Trung, Nam Tiing Anh - Ngd VHn Minh </b></i>

<b>V A N D E 3 </b>

<b>C A U H O I C O N H I E U S L T L L T A C H Q N ( M U L T I P L E C H O I C E ) </b>

<i>BAN CHAT CIIA VAN DE '""^ </i>

<b>Loai cau lioi nay tap trung xoay vao cac cum tir c6 djnh, tir vimg. ngfr phap. </b>
L U A T C H U N G : Cac t h i sinh can doc cac p h i r o n g an tra l o i truoc de xac dinh
<b>miic t i e u ciia cau hoi la hoi ve ngfr phap, cum tir c6 dinh hay tir vyng. Xac </b>
djnh hinh thi'rc cua cac p h i r a n g an tra i o i da d u n g hay chira.

<b>T H O N G L E :</b> BSt k y luc nao giai de thi ma dac biet la d ^ t h i theo hinh thurc
t r i e n g h i e m , t h i sinh hion dirge nhac n h a P H A I D O C D E T H A T C A N T H A N .
Day la mot viec lam can thiet n h i m g neu cac t h i sinh c u tap t r u n g C A N T H A N

qua t h i v 6 hinh c h u n g dieu nay se phan tac d u n g t r o n g viec giai quyet theo
<b>p h u a n g phap tr§c n g h i e m . T h a i gian rat quan t r o n g . Neu mot cau h o i , c h u n g ta </b>
<b>keo dai them 2 hoac 3 giay t h i v a i 80 can h o i , ta se mat bao nhieu t h a i gian? </b>
L i e u rang c h i i n g ta c6 giai hoan thien de thi ngay k h i t h a i gian theo q u y d i n h ciia
Bo G i a o due va Dao tao ket thi'ic hay khong?

<b>PI N C . D O C v o l T H O N G L E : </b>

<b>Xet da> thiV tir cac chCr cai sau day: A</b> <b>B</b> <b>C</b> <b>D</b> <b>E</b> <b>F</b> <b>G</b> <b>H</b> <b>K</b> <b>. (</b>1 )

T a lai xet: A B C D F G H K (2)
<b>N 6 i i CO de bai yen cau: Hay chon ra mot chiT cai I'rng v a i mot p h u o n g an tra </b>
<b>loi phii hop nhat de dien vao cho t r o n g cua (2). </b>

A . P B. R C. S D . E

<b>T h e o (2) ta de dang nhan ra c h u cai phu hop nhat cho cho t r o n g la E, tuc la </b>
phucmg an D . Ta K H O N G C A N phai doc tir A d^n K m a i t i m d u g c chfr cai con
<b>thidu t r o n g (2) la E. Fa chi can quan sat nhiTng yeu to di'rng ngay trirac v i m g </b>
<b>t r o n g CO D C —> B ^ theo tinh logic thir tir ciia bang chir cai t h i E la lira </b>
<b>chon d u y nhat d u n g . Hoac ta chi can quan sat cac yeu to theo ngay sau v i i n g </b>
<b>t r o n g CO F—> G —<• H —• theo tinh logic thi'r tir cua bang chfr cai t h i E la lira </b>
chon d u y nhat d u n g .

<b>T o m lai c h i m g ta se mat nhieu thoi gian de phai doc tir A den K m a i t i m </b>
<b>du-gc chfr cai con thieu t r o n g (2) la E. Thay vao do, c h u n g ta chi can doc thanh </b>
phan di'rng ngay triroc hoac ngay sau v i m g t r o n g la dirge. T r o n g mot so trucrng
hop c h i m g ta c h i can doc phoi hop ca hai thanh phan theo ngay triroc va theo
ngay sau v i i n g t r o n g thi c6 the chon dap an de dang.

<i><b>Pltuonii pluip lam hai nay t/iuirng dp (lung cho cac cau hoi ve ngie phap </b></i>
<i><b>hay cum tir co dinh. </b></i>

<b>C h i m g m i n h : i, </b>
• L i t i s interesting to take a new hobby such as c o l l e c t i n g stamps or

g o i n g fishing.

A . up B. in C. over D . on

<i><b>Cty TNHHMTVDVVH Khang Vi^t </b></i>

<b>Dinh dang cau hoi:</b><i> H o i ve c u m tir c6 d i n h . Ta chi can quan sat thanh ph§n a </i>

<i>new hohhy (mol ihii lieu khien mai).</i><b> ta quyet djnh ngay phu-ang an A. up. V i ta </b>
<b>chi CO take up: theo duoi mot so thich nao do </b>

<b>• 2.</b> The bad weather caused serious damage to the crop. I f o n l y it warmer.
A . were B. had been C. has been D . was

<b>Djnh dang cau hoi:</b><i> H o i ve ngfr phap. T a chi can quan sat thay If only, ta </i>
L O A I G A P hai p h u o n g an C. has been D . was v i c h i i n g k h o n g ton tai t r o n g dang
I f o n l y . C o n hai p h i r o n g an A . were va B. had been, nghTa la d i i n g t h i qua khir
dan hay qua khir hoan thanh. Ta nhan ra d g n g tir caused la hinh thiirc qua khir
d a n . dien ta sir viec dfi qua. D o vay ta de dang quydt d j n h B. had been la dap an
duy nhat diing.

• 3. Y o u should look up the meaning o f new w o r d s in the d i c t i o n a r y
misuse t h e m .

A . so that not to B. so not to C. so that not D . so as not to

<b>Djnh dang cau hoi:</b> H o i ve ngir phap. Ta loai ba phirang an A . so that not to
<i>B. so not to, va C. so that not that de dang. V i theo ngay sau so that la mot menh </i>
<b>de. l a k h o n g c6 iiinh thirc nhir p h i r o n g an B. D o vay, ta chon D la p h i r o n g an </b>
duy nhat d i i n g . Qua that theo sau so as to + V n g u y e n

• 4 s m o k i n g is a causative factor o f many diseases, there is no ban
on tobacco advertising.

A . H o w e v e r B. Therefore C. A l t h o u g h D . In spite o f 'Y

<b>Dinh dang cau hoi:</b><i> H o i ve ngfr phap. Ta thay smokin}i....nuwv diseases la </i>
<i>mot menh de. T i r day, ta loai p h u o n g an D v i sau hi spite of + N. H a i phuo-ng an </i>
A . H o w e v e r va B. Therefore k h o n g logic ve nghTa v a i menh de. D o do, ta quyet
<b>d i n h C . la dap an d u y nhat diing. </b>

• 5. Scientists have a lot o f research into renewable energy sources.
A . done B. solved C. carried D . made

<b>Djnh dang cau hoi:</b><i> H o i ve c u m tir c6 d i n h . Ta c6 do a research: thi/c hieri </i>

<i><b>CHOC ii^iieii ci'ni.</b></i> D o do, ta chon ngay A. la dap an d u y nhat diing.

• 6. The restaurants on the island are expensive, so it"s worth a packed lunch.
A . taken B. t a k i n g C. to take D . take

<b>Djnh dang cau hoi:</b><i><b> H o i ve ngfr phap. Ta c6 // '.v worth + V-ing: That dang de j </b></i>

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<i><b>Luy$n gidi Oe trudc k\ DH 3 mijn Bdc, Trung, ISam TiJng Anit - Ngd Van Minh </b></i>

<b>V A N D E 4 </b>

<b>C A U C A N N G H I A ( C L O S E S T M E A N I N G S E N T E N C E ) </b>
<i><b>BAN CHAT CUA VAN DE </b></i>

Loai cau hoi nay xoay vao ba van de chu yeu:<b> Dien dat ctia cac dien ngir, cau </b>
<b>true ngfr phap tiroTig dong</b> va<b> ket hoD gifra cau true ngfr phap va dien ngfr. </b>

Hinh thirc de ra: Co mot cau van hoan chinh da cho (cau goc). Ben dirai la

bon cau dien dat ung v a i bon phuong an tra l a i . Trong do chi c6 M O T phuang
an dien dat dung y nghTa va hop ngfr phap nhat doi vai cau goc.

<b>V I E C P H A I L A M :</b> Doc cau goc that i<y de nam bat y<b> nghia</b> va<b> hinh thfrc </b>
<b>ngfr phap</b> cua no. Muc dich ciia viec nay la de giup chung ta xac djnh muc tieu
phai di t i m trong bon phirong an ben dirai la dien dat ciia tu/cum tir hay ngir
phap va L O A I G A P ciic phirong an c6 hinh thi'rc dien dat hay ngir phap khong
tircmg dong

Chirng minh:

• 1:<i> Hardly had I arrived at the station when the train left. </i>
A . The train leaves as soon as we arrive at the station.
B. N o sooner had I arrived at the station than the train left.
C. I had arrived hardly at the station when the train left.
D. The train didn't leave early as we had expected.

<b>Muc tieu hu-o'ng den</b> la N g u phap. Cau goc dang sir dung cau true c6 djnh
Hardly when : vira thi

<b>Nam bat muc tieu:</b> K h i c6 cau true<i> Hardly ...when....: ....viva ...thi....,</i> ta lien
tuang ngay den cau true dong nghTa No sooner...than...:<i> ....vim ...thi.... </i>

<b>K i c m djnh:</b> Qua that phirong an<b> B</b> la toi uu. Cac phuang an con lai nhu A
khong<b> dirt7c</b> chon v i iianh dong dang a hien tai; phuang an C tir<i> hardly</i> dung sai
\ t r i ; phuang an C dien dat sai y v a i cau goc

<i><b>• 2: Nobody can deny that he is a new hero. </b></i>

A . Everybody said him to be a new hero.

B. it is a fact that he is a new hero.
C. He is known by a new hero.

D. People said that, he was a new hero.

<b>Muc tieu hu-6"ng den</b> la dien dat tir ngir.

<i><b>Nam bat muc tieu: Khong ai co the phu nhan rang anh ta Id mot nguai hiing </b></i>

<i>mai. </i>

<b>Kiem djnh:</b> B. It is a fact that he is a new hero:<i> Sir that la anh ta Id mot </i>
<i>nguai liimg nu'ri.</i> Cac phuong an khac nhir A . Everybody said h i m to be a new
hero (diing khong hop thi): C. He is known by a new hero (sai y vai cau goc); D.

<i><b>Cty TNHH MTVDVVH Khang Vi^t </b></i>

People said that, he was a new hero (sai thi vai cau goc).

<i><b>• 3: / didn V arrive in time to save the hoy. </b></i>

A. The boy wasn't saved by me.

B. Unless<b> 1</b> was late, I wouldn't save the boy.
C. I f I arrived in time.<b> 1</b> would save the boy.

D. Had<b> 1</b> arrived in time,<b> 1</b> could have saved the boy.<b> Ji> i </b>
<b>Muc tieu hu'o'ng den</b> la ngfr phap ket hop vai dien ngfr.

<i><b>Nam bat muc tieu: Toi da khong den kip liic de cini thdng he. </b></i>

<i><b>Ki^m djnh:</b></i> D. Had I arrived in time, I could have saved the boy. Phuang an
nay da diing cau dieu kien loai III de dien dat tron y cua cau goc. Cac phuong an
con lai khong phu hop ve nghTa va hinh thurc ngu phap vai cau goc.

(Trich Ngan luing de thi thir tuyen sinh cua M I T N A P H A V I E T N A M )

<b>V A N D E 5 </b>

<b>P H A T H I E N L O I S A I ( E R R O R I D E N T I F I C A T I O N ) </b>

<i><b>BAN CHAT CUA VAN DE </b></i>

Loai cau hoi nay tap trung vao hai ITnh vuc ngir phap va cum t u co djnh ma
chiT yeu la<b> ngu- phap. </b>

Hinh thi'rc: Trong moi can dua ra co bon (theo thuong le) thanh phan dirge
gach chan irng v a i cac ky t u A , B, C, D. Trong do co mot phuang an khong phu
hgp vai can van da cho. Chung ta hay chi ra phuang an nay.

<b>C a c h giai</b> quyet: Hay doc cau van can than, sau do ket hgp giira cac thanh
phan dirge dua ra lam phuang an dap an va cac thanh phan con lai trong can.
Neu xac dinh ngu phap da on thi hay tap trung vao cac dien ngu (co djnh).
Chirng minh: / '
• I . He considered to buy a new house but he has already changed his mind

because he supported his two daughters who are studying at the university.


Giai quyet: Sai hinh tiiuc ngfr phap. A .<i> to buy</i> la khong phu hgp trong cau
van tren. Ta co consider + V-ing.

• 2. Please contact us i t ' y o u are in need with our services again. ^

A R C D , \

Giai quyet: Sai hinh thi'rc dien ngiJ.<i><b> D. with</b></i> la khong dung. Ta co<i> in need of: </i>
<i><b>can, CO nhii can </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<i><b>LMyfn gidi Oi Iru6c Id thi DH 3 mien BJc, Trung, Sam Tieng Anii - Ng/i Van Minli ^ </b></i>
V A N DE 6

OPC H I E U ( R E A D I N G C O M P R E H E N S H I O N )

<b>M U C f ) i C H C l I A O E T H I :</b> Kic>m tra n a n g lire c a m t h i i n g o n ngfr ciia cac

t h i s i n h .

<b>C o h a i d a n g d a c t h u :</b> D i e n ti'r v a n c h o t r o n g va c h o n p h i r o n g an d i e n dat c6

n o i d u n g t h e o sat \ o i d o a n v a n da c h o ,

<i><b>Vt'ri tlana dien tir vao cho trdna: D o a n van c h o san c 6 m o t so c h o bi k h u y e t </b></i>
t i r / c u n i tir. B e n d i r o i c 6 cac c a n h o i i i n g v o l m o i c h o t r o n g . M o i c a n h o i c 6 b o n
p h i r a n g an t r a l o i n h i r n g c h i c 6 m o t p h i i o n g an tra Idi d u o c chap n h a n . H a y d o c
b o n p h i r o n g an t r a l a i t r i r a c de xac d i n h de bai h o i ve ngfr p h a p . t i r<b> v i r n g . c u m </b>

<b>tir</b> CO<b> d j n h</b> ha><b> g i o i tir.</b> l a c u n g IKMI doc l u o t that n h a n h ca d o a n v a n ( k h o n g qua

B A p h i i t ) de n a m bhi n o i d u n g c o ban toan b a i . K h i l a m b a i , cac t h i sinh<b> n e n </b>

<b>t r a n h toi d a</b> v i e c d o c l a p lai n h i e u ca doan v a n de t i m ra cau tra l o i c h o m o t c a u

h o i v i rat m a t t h a i g i a n m a v i e c l a m nay that sir k h o n g c a n t h i e l .
Chi'rng m i n h :

W e send o u r c h i l d r e n t o school to prepare t h e m f o r the t i m e w h e n they w i l l be
b i g and w i l l have t o w o r k f o r themselves. T h e y learn their o w n language . . . ( I ) . . .
they w i l l be able t o t e l l others cleariv what they w a n t and w h a t they k n o w and
understand w h a t . . . ( 2 ) . . . tell t h e m . T h e y learn f o r e i g n . . . ( 3 ) . . . in o r d e r to be able
t o benefit f r o m w h a t p e o p l e in other countries w r i t t e n and said, and t o m a k e
people f r o m o t h e r c o u n t r i e s understand w h a t they themselves m e a n .

• 1. A . so that B. n o w that C . so f a r D. so l o n g
• 2. A . the o t h e r s B. o t h e r C. others D. a n o t h e r
• 3. A . c u l t u r e s B. c u s t o m s C . languages D. habits

<b>G i a i q u y e t :</b> C a u 1 h o i v c n g i l phap. D o c b o n p h u o n g an bcMi d i r o i , ta biet

d i r g e d i e u n a v . Q u a n sat theo ngav sau c h o t r o n g la m o t n i e n h de c 6 sir d u n g
d a n g S + m o d a l s + V n g u y e n . l a de d a n g c h o n A . so that la p h i r o n g an t o i iru v i
t r o n g cac phirorng an dira ra t h i c h i c6 .s(;<i> thaf + S + moikils ) Vtiguyen</i> de tao ra
m e n h de t r a n g ngfr c h i m i i c d i c h .

C a u 2 h o i v e ngfr p h a p . f a L O A I G A P B. o t h e r v a D . a n o t h e r v i t h e o nhir ta biet
<i>other</i> t A' t a n o t h e r + ( o n e / N ) + V ( s 6 i t ) . T a c h o n<b> C .</b> others v i others ( m o t so
k h a c ) + V ( s 6 n h i e u ) . PhiroTig an A . the others (so c o n l a i ) , k h o n g p h i i h o p v 6 i y
cua d o a n v a n .

C a u 3 h o i v e h o p t i r . T a<i> co forehini^iicif^cs: n^oai ngil:</i> D i r a v a o y ciia cau
thir hai t r o n g d o a n v a n , ta q u y e t d i n h dirge dieu n a y .

<i><b>Cty T!\HH MTV DVVH Khang Vi^l </b></i>
<i><b>Vtifi dans dien dot cd noi duns theo sat vtri doan van M cho </b></i>

<b>N g u y e n t a c : Phai d o c</b> va n a m bat y -<b> noi</b> d u n g c u a c a u h o i t r u o c luc doc

<b>doan v a n . </b>

<b>K y n a n g d o c d o a n v a n :</b> T a p t r u n g<b> vao hai ky</b> n a n g D Q C L U O T de lay t h o n g

<b>tin v a D O C C A N C A N H</b> da<b> lay y. </b>

<b>C a c h t h e h i e n :</b> Sau<b> khi d o c v a</b> n a m<b> bat</b> y - n o i d u n g c u a can h i i i x o n g . doc

<b>do len doan</b> v a n . n e u t h a y<b> c o noi</b> d u n g l i e n q u a n t h i hay d u a ra l o i g i a i c h o cau

<b>hoi a \ K h o n g</b> c a n p h a i d o c het ca doan v a n r o i m o i suy nghT c h o n d a p an.

<b>C h u n g m i n h : </b>

<b>Traditionailv</b> i n A m e r i c a , h e l p i n g the p o o r w a s a m a t t e r f o r p r i v a t e c h a r i t i e s

<b>or local government.</b> A r r i v i n g i m m i g r a n t s d e p e n d e d m a i n l y o n predecessors

<b>from their homeland to help them</b> start a n e w<b> life.</b> In the late 19"' a n d e a r l y 20'''

<b>centuries, several E u r o p e a n nations instituted</b> p u b l i c - w e l f a r e p r o g r a m s . B u t

<b>such a movement</b> w a s<b> slow</b> t o take h o l d in t h e U n i t e d States because the r a p i d

<b>pace o f</b> i n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n a n d the ready a v a i l a b i l i t y o f f a r m l a n d seemed t o

<b>confirm the</b> b e l i e f that a n y o n e w h o w a s w i l l i n g t o w o r k c o u l d f i n d a j o b .

<b>Most o f the programs started</b> d u r i n g the D e p r e s s i o n era w e r e t e m p o r a r y r e l i e f

<b>measures, but o n e o f the</b> p r o g r a m s - S o c i a l S e c u r i t y - has b e c o m e an A m e r i c a n

<b>institution. Paid for</b> b y d e d u c t i o n s f r o m t h e p a y c h e c k s o f w o r k i n g p e o p l e . S o c i a l

<b>Security ensures that</b> retired persons receive a modest m o n t h l y i n c o m e and also

<b>provides unemployment</b> insurance, disability insurance, a n d o t h e r assistance t o

<b>those w h o need</b> it.<b> Social Security</b> pavments t o retired persons can start at age 6 2 ,

<b>but many wait until age</b> 6 5 .<b> when the</b> payments are s l i g h t l y higher. R e c e n t l y , there

<b>has been concern that the Social Securit\</b> f u n d mav not have e n o u g h m o n e y to

<b>fulfill its obligations</b> in<b> the</b> 2 1 " centurv. w h e n the p o p u l a t i o n o f elderl> A m e r i c a n s

<b>is expected</b> t o increase d r a m a c t i c a l l v . Policy makers have proposed v a r i o u s w a y s

<b>to make up the</b> a n t i c i p a t e d deHcit. but a l o n g - t e m i s o l u t i o n is s t i l l b e i n g debated.

<b>In the y e a r s since</b> R o o s e v e l t , other A m e r i c a n presidents have established

<b>assistance programs. T h e s e include</b> M e d i c a i d a n d M e d i c a r e ; f o o d stamps,

<b>certificates that people c a n use to</b> purchase f o o d ; a n d p u b l i c h o u s i n g w h i c h is

<b>built at federal expense and made</b> a v a i l a b l e<b> to</b> persons o n l o w i n c o m e s .

<b>Needy A m e r i c a n s can also</b> t u r n<b> to sources other</b> than the g o v e r n m e n t f o r help.

<b>A broad spectrum o f private charities</b> and v o l u n t a r y o r g a n i z a t i o n s is available.

<b>Voluntecrism is on</b> t h e<b> rise</b> i n the U n i t e d States, especially a m o n g retired persons. |

<b>It is estimated that almost</b> 5 0 percent o f A m e r i c a n s o v e r age 18 d o v o l u n t e e r w o r k ,

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>

<i><b>Luy?n gidi Ok tru&c kl tht DH 3 mien BJc, Trung, Nam TIeng Anh - J\go Van Minli </b></i>
<i><b>Question 1:</b></i> N e w immigrants to the U . S. could seek help from

A . the US government agencies B. volunteer organizations
C. the people who came earlier D . only charity organizations

<i><b>Question 2:</b></i> It took welfare programs a long time to gain a foothold in the U.S.
due to the fast growth o f

A. population B. urbanization ^

C. modernization<b> D.</b> industrialization

<i><b>Question 3:</b></i> The word "instituted" in the first paragraph mostly means
A. '"enforced" B. "introduced" C. "executed" D . "studied"

<i><b>Question 4:</b></i> The Social Security program has become possible thanks to
A . people's willingness to work B . enforcement laws

C. deductions from wages D. donations from companies

<i><b>Question 5:</b></i> Most o f the public assistance programs after the severe
economic crisis.

A. did not become institutionalized B. did not work in institutions
C. were introduced into institutions D. functioned fruitfully in institutions

<i><b>Question 6:</b></i> That Social Security payments w i l l be a burden comes from the
concern that

A. the program discourages working people
B. younger people do not want to work
C. elderly people ask for more money
D. the number o f elderly people is growing

<i><b>Question 7:</b></i> Persons on low incomes can access public housing through
A. state spending B. federal expenditure

C. low rents<b> D.</b> donations

<i><b>Question S:</b></i> Americans on low incomes can seek help from

A. government agencies B . federal government
C. non - government agencies D. state government

<i><b>Question 9:</b></i> Public assistance has become more and more popular due to the...

A. people's growing commitment to charity

B. innovations in the tax system<b> i </b>

C. young people's voluntarism only
D. volunteer organizations

<i><b>Question 10:</b></i> The passage mainly discusses

A . immigration into America B. public assistance in America
C. funding agencies in America D. ways o f fund - raising in America
(Trich de thi tuyen sinh cua Bp Giao due va Dao tao)

<i><b>Cty TNHHMTVDVVH Khang Vi$t </b></i>

<b>Phtn I I : </b>


<b> 24 Oi</b>


O E T H I T H L T S O 0 1

<i><b>Th&i gian lam bai: 90 pit lit ^ </b></i>
<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that </b></i>

<i><b>differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following </b></i>
<i><b>questions. ' *' </b></i>

<i><b>Question!:</b></i> A . simplify B. magnificent C. conclude D . physique

<i><b>Question 2:</b></i> A . rescue B . particular C. geography D . mistake

<i><b>Question 3:</b></i> A . lettuce B. desire C. prefer D. upstairs

<i><b>Question 4:</b></i> A . clemantary B . pessimistic C. infinitive D. representative

<i><b>Question 5:</b></i> A . influence B. liberate C. gratitude D. incredible

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct </b></i>

<i><b>answer to each of the following questions. .. </b></i>
<i><b>Question 6:</b></i> M r . Lee retired, he had worked as a Marketing consultant

for the Biotech company.

A . Since B. By the time C. For D. Provided that

<i><b>Question 7:</b></i> Avery Johnson participating in the commercial fair held
in Japan last year.

A . considered B. persuaded C. made D. refused

<i><b>Question 8:</b></i> As there were too many participants at the seminar, the main speaker
them into four smaller groups for discussion.

A. divided B . enrolled C. submitted D . provided

<i><b>Question 9:</b></i> A : How are you doing?

A . I am w a l k i n g along the street. B . Thanks for asking.
C. I am carrying out the project.<b> D.</b> Great. A n d you?

<i><b>Question 10:</b></i> It is interesting to a business course after the conference.
A . take up B. take over C. take after D . take in

<i><b>Question 11:</b></i> Our sales team twenty members who completed successfully
the basic requirements. • • *'

A . releases from B. put aside C. abides by<b> D.</b> consists o f

<i><b>Question 12:</b></i> M r . Chen managed to open the door he had no the key.
A . much to B. because C. i f only D. on behalf o f

<i><b>Question 13:</b></i> No sooner his retirement than he wasn't received approval
from the board o f directors.

A . did John announce B. John had announced

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>

<i><b>Question 14:</b></i> - "Can I have some more soda?"

A<b> r</b> m<b> f</b> II<b>11 B .</b> I t s my pleasure

C,<i><b> Don'i</b></i> mention it D . make yourself at home

<i><b>Question 15:</b></i> He wondered his son looked like after l i v i n g aboard for a
long time.

A. which B. how C. when D . what

<i><b>Question 16:</b></i> O w i n g to the heavy fog, the flight from T o k y o to N e w Y o r k w i l l

A. overdue B. unpunctual C. expired D . unscheduled

<i><b>Question 17:</b></i> We had no reason to disbelieve his account o f what happened.
A. not to refuse to take over something

B. to barely imply

C. to disapprove o f what happened
D. not to believe that something is true

<i><b>Question IS:</b></i> M r . Steve: Are there an\s available?

A. 1 hc\t me two thousand dollars.
B. Yes. Ihey are convenient.

C. No. fhey were made in Viet Nam.

<b>n .</b> Yes. l e t me check in the warehouse.

<i><b>Question 19:</b></i> M r . Pennington: i can't find my hat anywhere."

Mrs. Jane: " "

<i><b>A.</b></i> I t s time you bought another one.
B. I t s on my dresser.

C. It suits _\ou. , '
1). It's no use wearing the tie.

<i><b>Question 20: - "Vm</b></i> going to Cuba for business."

A. Congratulations!<b> B. Never mind. </b>

C. Let me check your flight number.<b> D. I wish you a good trip. </b>

<i><b>Question 21:</b></i> Despite the fact that<b> every cigarette pack has a warning from </b>

Surgeon General, those who still<b> smoke are smoking more heavily. </b>

A. printing B. printer<b> C . printed D. to print </b>

<i><b>Question 22:</b></i> In 2006. the United<b> States go</b>\c<b>:::mcnt May 11 to be </b>

Endangered Species Day.

A. declared B.<b> suggested C . issued D. criticized </b>
<i><b>Question 23:</b></i> fhe youth w i l l<b> our traditional operations. </b>

A. carr> on B. result in<b> C . run off D.bring about </b>
<i><b>Question 24:</b></i> The policeman ... .the<b> victims to a safe place as quickly as possible. </b>

A. evacuated B. a Iterate<b> C . flashed D. exaggerated </b>

<i><b>Question 25:</b></i> The staff prefers to<b> fly</b> than<b> to</b> use other models o f transportation
because it<b> is much more </b>

A. significant B. convenient C. contended D . excessive

<i><b>Question 26:</b></i> His<b> webpage</b> explaining<b> the</b> process o f course selection together with
consulting services is to any participant interested in receiving help.

A. touch B. description C. regularity D . available

<i><b>Question 27:</b></i> A t the latest meeting<b> of</b> Business Advisor^' Council, the newly
elected president that any new business be applied to the laws.

A. obligated B. compensate C. proposed D . satisfied

<i><b>Question 28:</b></i> Bod\e ideas or thoughts by certain actions.
either intentionall_\r unintentionally.

A. transmits B. disposes C. registers D . decline

<i><b>Question 29:</b></i> The band launched<b> a</b> movement that redesigned the
specification<b> of rock</b> music<b> in</b> this<b> country for</b> the rest o f the decade.

A. effect \^. effective C. effectively D . effectiveness

<i><b>Question 30: we had</b></i> deicided<b> to</b> cancel the flight to Toronto last week.
A. I f B, I f only C. Ever when D . Should

<i><b>Mark the letter A, R, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part </b></i>
<i><b>that needs correction in each ofthe/ollowinf; questions. </b></i>

<i><b>Question 31:</b></i> M r . C hen has done a great contribution to the building o f the


<b>countiAside. </b>

<i><b>Question 32:</b></i> Advancing in computer technology are a l l o w i n g you to reach

any part in the world b} clicking a mouse.


<i><b>Question 33:</b></i> N o<b> sooner</b> had the professor stopped the lesson when bell rang. ,


<i><b>Question 34: 1</b></i> he singer has rarely ne\er give a more impressive live show

A B<b> c </b>

than the one tonight. . ,

<i><b>Question 35:</b></i> The number o f mone\ that vou gave me last week was not my refund.


<i><b>!^ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase </b></i>
<i><b>flat is CLOSET in meaninf- to the underlined part in each of the followin}> </b></i>
<i><b>questions. </b></i>

<i><b>Question 36:</b></i> Whatever 1 said he didn't get rid o f smoking.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<i><b>luyeti f;iaidc tnroc ki nil t)H3 mikn B&c, ImHS, mM Img AHH -l\gO van Minn </b></i>

<i><b>Question 37:</b></i> The vast number ofnew businesses has been in danger o f bani<cruptcy.
A . insensitive B. increasingly C. tremendous D. cautious

<i><b>Question 38:</b></i> Since her parents' death, she has lived with her uncle.
A . died for B. cried for

C. been brought up D. in touch w i t h

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase </b></i>
<i><b>that is OPPOSITE in meaning to underlined part in each of the following </b></i>
<i><b>questions. </b></i>

<i><b>Question 39:</b></i> Workers are always advised to be cautious when entering and
leaving the place due to a recent fire.

A . careless B. unfriendly C. ambitious D. factual

<i><b>Question 40:</b></i> They couldn't continue the big project because o f lack o f workers.
A. plenty B. property C. series D. limitation o f

<i><b>Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is </b></i>
<i><b>closet in meaning to each of the following questions. </b></i>

<i><b>Question 41: I regretted nol having applied for the interesting Job. </b></i>

<i>A.</i> I wish I could apply for the interesting j o b .
B. I should have applied for the interesting j o b .
C. 1 must have applied for the interestingjob.

D. I apologized for having applied for the interestingjob.

<i><b>Question 42: " I didn</b></i> 7<i> steal your handbag, Mary, " Peter said. </i>
A . Peter accused M a r y o f having stolen his handbag.
B. Peter admitted having stolen Mary's handbag.
C. Peter said that he didn't steal Mary's handbag.
D. Peter denied having stolenm Mary's handbag.

<i><b>Question 43: The farm provides the residents with fruits and vegetables. </b></i>

A . Fruits and vegetables are produced on the farm by the residents.
B. The residents are supplied with fruits and vegetables by the farm.
C. The residents take advantage o f the farm to grow fruits and vegetables.
D. The residents are no longer to use the farm to grow fruits and vegetables.

<i><b>Question 44: It is over twenty years since we last got in touch with them. </b></i>

A. We have beer getting in touch with them for over 20 years.
B. We haven't gotten in touch with them for over 20 years.
C. We didn't use to get in touch with them for over 20 years.

D. We can't help keeping getting in touch with them for over 20 years.

<i><b>Question 45: "To me, we should go to a remote area on the holidays, " he said. </b></i>

A . He suggested going to a remote area on the holidays.

B. He advised his co-workers to go to a remote area on the holidays.
C. He let other people go to a remote area on the holidays.

D. He found it impossible to go t o ? remote area on the holidays.

<i><b>Lty II\HH .MIV DVVH Kltangl^iet </b></i>

<i><b>Question 46: "I</b><b> am</b> sorry for not finishing the project by deadline. Mary, " he said. </i>
A. He accused Mary o f not having finished the project by deadline.

B. He congratulated Mary on having finished the project by deadline. ,
C. Mar\d rather he finished the project by deadline.

D. He apologized to Mary for not having finished the project by deadline.

<i><b>Question 47: L/nfortunate/y. I</b><b> Mas</b> unable to attend Mr. Miller's performance last </i>
<i>night </i>

A. Not attending M r . M i l l e r ' s performance last night made me happy.
B. However busy was I , I attended M r . M i l l e r ' s performance last night.
C. M r . M i l l e r ' s performance last night was so boring that I d i d n ' t attend.
D. 1 wish 1 had attended M r . M i l l e r ' s performance last night.

<i><b>Question 4fi: You should take a taxi so thai you won't be late for the meeting. </b></i>

A. Unless you take a taxi, you w i l l be late for tiie meeting.

<b>B.</b> Without a taxi, you could have gone to the meeting on time.
C. Pro\d that you take a taxi, you w i l l be late for the meeting.
I). Seeing that you took a taxi, you were not late for the meeting.

<i><b>Question 49: \'o longer does tlic man smoke. </b></i>

A. 1 he man has been smoking. B. Phe man has a habit o f smoking.
C. The man d i d n ' t stop smoking. D. The man quit smoking.

<i><b>Question 50: The hurricane destroyed hundreds of buildings in the city. </b></i>

A. The hurricane resulted in destruction o f hundreds o f buildings in the city.
B. Ihc hurricane resulted from destruction o f hundreds o f building in the city.
C. Despite the appearance o f the hurricane, hundred o f buildings in the city

haven't in danger o f destruction.

D. 'Hie hurricane appeared, however, hundreds o f buildings in the city have
been destroyed.

<i><b>Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer </b></i>
<i><b>sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 60. </b></i>

<b>T H E B E A T L E S </b>

In the l')60s, fhe Beatles were probably the most famous pop group in the
whole world. Since then, there have been a great many groups that have achieved
enormous fame, so it is perhaps difllcult now to imagine how sensational the Beatles
were at that time. They were four boys from the north o f England and none o f them
had any training in music. The\d by performing and recording songs by black
Americans and they had some success with these songs. Then they started writing
their own songs and that was when they became really popular. The Beatles changed
pop music, rhcy were the first pop group to achieve great success from songs they
had wriiieii themselves. After that it became common for groups and singers to write
their own .songs. The Beatles did not have a lon^ career. Their firsthit record was in

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<i><b>Luy^n gidi di trir&c ki tlii DH 3 miin Bdc, Trung, !Sam Tieng An/i - l\go Van Minh </b></i>

because it iiad become too dangerous for them - their fans were so excited that they
surrounded them and tried to tatce their clothes as souvenirs! However, today some o f
their songs remain as famous as they were when they first came out. Throughout the
world many people can sing part o f a Beatles song i f you ask them.

<i><b>Question 51:</b></i> The passage is mainly about

A. How the Beatles became more successful than other groups
B. W h y the Beatles split up after 7 years

C. The Beatles" fame and success

D. Many people's ability to sing a Beatles song

<i><b>Question 52:</b></i> The four boys o f the Beatles
A. came from the same family

B. were at the same age

C. came from a town in the north o f England
D. received good training in music

<i><b>Question 53:</b></i> The word<i><b> sensational"</b></i> is closest in meaning to

A. notorious B . bad C. shocking D. popular

<i><b>Question 54:</b></i> The first songs o f the Beatles were

A. written by themselves B. broadcast on the radio
C. paid a lot o f money D. written by black Americans

<i><b>Question 55:</b></i> What is not true about the Beatles?
A. The members had no training in music.
B. They had a long stable career.

C. They became famous when they wrote their own songs.
D. They were afraid o f being hurt by fans.

<i><b>Question 56:</b></i> The Beatles stopped their live performances because<b> :....'.-,;f </b>

A . they had earned enough money

B. they did not want to work with each other
C. they spent more time w r i t i n g their own songs
D. they were afraid o f being hurt by fans.

<i><b>Question 57:</b></i> The year 1970 was the time when

A. they split up B. they changed pop music

C. they started their career D. they stopped doing live performances

<i><b>Question 5H:</b></i> What the fans o f the Beatles often did was

A. sing together w i t h them B . take their clothes as souvenirs
C. ask them to write more songs D. ask them why they should separate

<i><b>Question 59:</b></i> Some songs o f the Beatles now

A. are still famous as they used to be B . became too old to sing
C. are sung by crazy fans D. are the most famous

<i><b>Question 60:</b></i> The tone o f the passage is that of.

A . admiration B. criticism C. neutral D. sarcasm

<i><b>Cly TNHHMTVDVVHKItang Vift </b></i>
<i><b>Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer </b></i>
<i><b>sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 70. </b></i>

The Winterthur Museum is a collection and a house. There are many
museums<b> devoted to</b> the decorative arts and many house museums, but rarely in
the United States is a great collection displayed in a great country house. Passing
through successive generations o f a single family, Winterthur has been a private
estate for more than a century. Even after the extensive renovations made to it
between 1929 and 1931, the house remained a family residence. This fact is o f
importance to the atmosphere and effect o f the museum.<b> The impression of a </b>
<b>lived-in house is apparent to the visitor:</b> the rooms look as i f they were vacated
only<b> a</b> short while ago whether by the original owners o f the furniture or the most
recent residents o f the house can be a matter o f personal interpretation. Winterthur
remains, then, a house in which a collection o f furniture and architectural elements
has been<b> assembled.</b> Like an English country house,<b> it</b> is an organic structure; the
house, as well as the collection and manner o f displaying it to the visitor, has
changed over the years. The changes have coincided w i t h<b> developing</b> concepts o f
the American arts, increased knowledge on the part o f collectors and students, and
a progression toward the achievement o f a historical effect in period-room displays.
The rooms at Winterthur have followed this current, yet still retained the character

o f a private house.

fhe concept o f a period room as a display technique has developed gradually
over the years in an effort to present works o f art in a context that would show
them to greater effect and would give them more meaning for the viewer.
Comparable to the habitat group in a natural history museum, the period room
represents the decorative arts in a lively and interesting manner and provides an
opportunity to assemble objects related by style, date, or place o f manufacture.

<i><b>Question 61:</b></i> What does the passage mainly discuss? ; '
A . The reason that Winterthur was redesigned<i><b> ,m. / i c • </b></i>

B. Elements that make Winterthur an unusual museum i i t .
C. How Winterthur compares to English country houses ' '
D. Historical furniture contained in Winterthur

<i><b>Question 62:</b></i> The phrase<b> "devoted to"</b> in line 1 is closest in meaning to

A. surrounded by B. specializing " '* jn
C. successful in D. sentimental about

<i><b>Question 63:</b></i> What happened at Winterthur between 1929 and 1931?

A . The owners moved out B. The house was repaired
C. The old furniture was replaced D. The estate became a museum

<i><b>Question 64:</b></i> What does the author mean by stating<b> "the impression of a lived-in </b>
<b>house is apparent to the visitor"</b> (lines 5 - 6 ) ?

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

C. Winterthur does not look like a typical museum

D. The furniture at Winterthur looks comfortable

<i><b>Question 65:</b></i> The word<b> "assembled"</b> in line 9 is closest in meaning to

<b>A.</b> summoned B. ,!• '.'i appreciated

C. brought together D. fundamentally changed

<i><b>Question 66:</b></i> The word<b> "it"</b> in line 9 refers to

A. Winterthur B. },i,;<a.. collection

C. English country<b> house</b> D. visitor n o ricril v i<b> J</b> ' a

<i><b>Question 67:</b></i> The word<b> "developing"</b> in line 1 1 is closest in meaning to
A. traditional B. exhibiting C. informative D. evolving

<i><b>Question 68:</b></i> According to the passage, objects in a period room are related by all
o f the following R X C F P T

<b>A.</b> date B. style

C. place o f manufacture D. past ownership

<i><b>Question 69:</b></i> What is the relationship between the two paragraphs in tiie passage?
A. Paragraph 2 explains a term that was mentioned in Paragraph i .

B. F.ach paragraph describes a different approach to the display o f objects in a

C. Paragraph 2 explains a philosophy o f art appreciation that contrasts with that
explained in paragraph i .

D. Each paragraph describes a different historical period.

<i><b>Question 70:</b></i> Where in the passage does the author explain u h j displays at
Winterthur have changed?

A. lines I . - 2 B. l i n e s 4 - 5 C. l i n e s 6 - 8 D. lines 1 0 - 1 2

<i><b>Read tlie following' passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer </b></i>
<i><b>sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 71 to 80. </b></i>

According to airline (71) statistics, almost 90 percent o f airline
accidents are survivable or partially unsurvivable. But passengers can increase their
chances o f (72) by learning and following certain tips. Experts say that
you should read and listen to safet> (73) before takeoff and ask questions i f
you have uncertainties. Y o u should (74) your seat belt low on your hips
and as (75) as possible. O f course, you should also know how the release
mechanism o f \ o u r belt operates. During takeoffs and landings, you are advised to
keep \ i ) u r feet flat on the floor. Before takeoff you should locate the nearest exit
and an (76) exit and count the rows o f seats between you and the exits so
that you can find them in the dark i f necessary.

In the event that >ou are forewarned o f the possible accident, you should put
your hands on your ankles and keep your head down until the plane comes to a
(77) stop. I f smoke is present in the cabin, you should keep your head low
and cover your face with napkins, towels, or clothing. I f possible, wet these for
added (78) against smoke inhalation. To (79) as quickly as

possible, follow crew commands and do not take personal belongings with you. Do
not jump on escape slides before they are fully inflated, and when you j u m p , do so
with your arms and legs extended (80) front o f you. When you get to the
ground, you should move away from the plane as quickly as possible, and never
smoke near tiie wreckage.

<i><b>Question 71: </b></i>A. industry B. section C. research D. field

<i><b>Question 72: </b></i>A . survive B. survival C. surviving D. survived

<i><b>Question 73: </b></i>A. direction B. observation C. instructions D. installation

<i><b>Question 74: </b></i>A. fasten B. enlarge C. endanger D. install >

<i><b>Question 75: </b></i>A. tightly B. lighting C. tired D. heavily

<i><b>Question 76: </b></i>A. energic B. alternative C. changing D. magical

<i><b>Question 77: </b></i>A. complete B. completion C. completely D. completing

<i><b>Question 78: </b></i>A. protection B. prevention C. barning D. transportation

<i><b>Question 79: </b></i>A. evacuate B. disappear C. dismiss D. c o n f l i c t * ,

<i><b>Question 80: </b></i>A. in B. on C. from

<i><b>D I E N Gl\\P A N </b></i>

<i><b>Question 1</b></i> A . simplif\/ B. m a g n i f i c e n t / m f e g ' n i f l s n t /

C. conclude / l o n ' k l u l d / D. physique / f l ' z i l k /

Dap an dung la<i><b> A: siniplif}'</b></i> c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r nhiit. Cac ti'r
con lai co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r hai.

<i><b>Question 2</b></i> A . r e s c u e / ' r e s k j u : / B. particular<b>/p3'tlkJ3b</b>(r)/
C. geography /cl3i'Dgrnfi/ D. mistake / m i s ' t e l k /

Dap an dimg la<i><b> A: rescue</b></i> co dau trong am danh vao am tiet t h u nhat. Cac tir con
lai<b> CO</b> dau trong am danh \ao am tiet thi'r hai.

<i><b>Question 3</b></i> A . l e t t u c e / ' l e t i s / B. d e s i r e / d i ' z a l s / 'at.i'i .
C. prefer / p r i<b>' f D l /</b> D. upstairs /Ap'stesz/

Dap an dung la<i><b> A: Icttiice</b></i> co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r nhat. Cac tir
con lai co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r hai.

<i><b>Question 4</b></i> A . elemantary / e l i ' m e n t r i / B. pessimistic / p e s i ' m i s t i k /
C. i n f i n i t i \ / i n ' f l n o t i v / D. representative / r e p r l ' z e n t o t i v /
Dap an dung la C:<i> in/initivc</i> co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r hai. Cac tir
con lai co dau Irong am danh vao am tiet thi'r ba.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

Dap an dung la D :<i><b> incredible</b></i> c6 dau trong am danh vao am ti6t thu hai. Cac tir
con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thu nhat.

<i><b>Question 6.</b></i> Dap an dung la B . By the time
Giai thich ve mat ngu phap: Ta c6

By the time + clause (qua khi'r dan), clause (qua khir hoan thanh)
Cac phuang an con lai khong phu hop: i<b> / , A %>, </b>

- A . Since + clause (qua khi'r dan)/m6c thai gian, clause (hien tai hoan thanh)
- C. For + khoang thai gian, clause (hien tai nhoan thanh)

- D. Provided that + clause (hien tai dcm), clause (tuong lai don)

<i><b>Question</b></i> 7. Dap dung la A . considered
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap:

consider + V-ing: xem xet viec gi
Cac phu-ang an con lai khong phu hop:

- B. persuade + s.o + V-to inf: thuyet phuc ai lam gi
- C. make + s.o + Vnguyen: khien ai lam gi

- D. refuse + V-to inf: tir ch6i lam gi

<i><b>Question 8.</b></i> Dap an dung la A . divided. Ta c6
I divide s.t into: chia cai gi thanh

Giai thich ve mat ngu nghTa: V i c6 qua nhieu nguai tham gia vao buoi hoi thao
nen v i dien gia chinh da phan chia ho thanh bon nhom de thao luan cac van de.

Cac truong hop con lai khong phu hop:
- B. enroll (v) dang ky tham gia

- C. submit ( v ) : nop, de Irinh

- D. provide s.o with s.t: cung cap cho ai cai gi

<i><b>Question 9. Dap</b></i> an dung la D. Great. And you?
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: - Anh c6 khoe khong?

'« - T o i rat khoe. Con anh thi sao?
Cac phirong an khac khong phii hop:

<i><b>A.</b></i> I am walking along the street: l o i dang di dao ngoai duang.
- B. Thanks for asking: Cam on anh c6 lai hoi tham.

- C. 1 am carrying out the project: l o i dang thuc hien dir an nay.

<i><b>Question 10.</b></i> Dap an dung la A . take up: theo, theo du6i

Giai thich ve m a t j i g i r nghTa: That hay d^ chung ta theo hoc mot khoa kinh
doanh sau hoi nghi.

Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hgp:
- B. take o\cr: cam quyen, dieu hanh
- C. take after: giong > liet

- D. take in: cho<i><b> a</b></i> tro

<i><b>Question II.</b></i> Dap an dung la P. consists o f Ta c6
consist of: bao gom

n i a i thich ve mat v nahTa: D6i ban hang ciia chung toi gom c6 20 thanh vien,

nhifng ngirai da qua huan luyen cac budc kinh doanh ca ban. , ^ ^ ,
Cac phirang an khac khong phu hop: . / , n*

A. release from: thoat ra tir ,
. B. put aside: gat sang mot ben

. C. abides by: tuan theo ,fV nhi-bnrn ; n / « .

<i><b>Question 12.</b></i> Dap an dung la B. because: bai v i ^.^^ ^^^.^,
r.iai thich ve mat nuij phap:

Because + clause: Bai v i
Cac phuang an con lai khong phu hop:
- A . much to + N : mac dii

- C. i f only + clause: gia ma, irac gi
- D. on behalf o f + N : thay mat cho

<i><b>Question 13.</b></i> Dap an dung la D. had John announced
Giai thich ve mat ngu' phap:

No sooner + had + S + V3/ed + than + S + V2/ed: viia moi t h i .
Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hgp ve mat ngir phap.

<i><b>Question 14.</b></i> Dap an dung la D. make yourself at home: X i n ci'r tir nhien nhir d nha.
Giai thich ve mat ngiT nghTa: - Toi dimg them mot it soda nhe?

Cac phuang an con lai khong phu hgp y nghTa:<b> V / H V ' ; </b>

- A . I ' m f u l l : T o i no r o i .

- C. Don't mention it: Dirng c6 ban tam ve dieu ay.

- B. It's my pleasure: Do ia niem vui cua toi. "

<i><b>Question 15.</b></i> Dap an dung la I ) , what

Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: ()ng ta thSm nghT khong biet cau con trai cua minh
trong nhu the nao sau mot thai gian dai d nude ngoai.

Cac phuang an khac khong phii hgp.

<i><b>Question 16.</b></i> Dap an dimg la B. unpunctual: khong dung g i d

Giai thich ve mat ngCr nghTa: Do c6 suong mil day dac nen chuyen bay tir Tokyo
den New York se den khong diing gid.

Cac phucrng an con lai khong phii hgp: * ' '

- A . overdue: qua han ' i

- C. expired: het han<b> ni ; i ^ </b>

- D. unscheduled: khong<b> C O</b> Ijch trinh

<i><b>Question 17.</b></i> Dap an dimg la D. not to believe that something is true = disbelieve:
khong tin tutmg

Cac phuang an con lai khong phii hgp:

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

<i><b>Luy^n gmi ue irum *i ini un J mien Bar, i nin<^, mm i wn); nnn -1 vun ivnnn </b></i>

- B . to barely imply: hau nhir khong c6 ngu y

- C. to disapprove o f what happened: khong tan thanh vai nhfrng gi da dien ra.

<i><b>Question 18.</b></i> Dap an dung la<b> D.</b> Yes. Let me check in the warehouse: Vang con a.
D6 toi<i><b> k\km</b></i> tra them trong nha kho.

Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hop:

- A . They cost me t w o thousand dollars: Chung c6 gia hai ngan do la. ' ''^
- B. Yes. They are convenient: Vang. Chung rat thuan tien. " '
- C. No. They were made in Vietnam: Da khong. Chung dirge san xuat d Viet Nam.

<i><b>Question 19.</b></i> Dap an dung la B. It's on my dresser: No d tren ban trang diem cua em.
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: A n h khong t i m thay cai mii dau ca.

Cac phirong an con lai khong phu hop:

- A . it's time you bought another one: Da den luc anh phai mua mot cai m o i . >

- C. It suits you: No hop v 6 i anh day. fi " • ^
- D. It's no use wearing the hat: That v6 ich khi doi cai mii nay.

<i><b>Question 20.</b></i> Dap an dung la<b> D.</b> I wish you a good trip: Clu'ic anh mot chuyen di
thanh cong.

Giai thich ve mat ngCr nghTa: Toi chuan bi di den dat nirac Cuba.
Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hop:

A. Congratulations! CluTc m im g anh!

B. Never mind: D u n g bao gio ban tam ve dieu ay.

C. Let me check your flight number: De toi kiem tra chuyen bay.

<i><b>Question 21.</b></i> Dap an dung la C. printed

Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Mac cho tren moi bao thuoc la deu ccS cau canh bao
ve sue khoe nhirng nhung nguoi hut thuoc la van hut ngay mot nang han.

Giai thich ve ngCr phap: Dimg V3/ed nhu mot tinh tir mang y nghTa bi dong.
Cac tuong hop con lai khong plui hgp.

<i><b>Question 22.</b></i> Dap an dung la A . declared: cong bo

Cac phirong an con lai khong phu hgp y nghTa: ]^..,^^^ ^^.^^
- B. suggested: de nghi

- C. issued: ban bo, cap
- D. criticized: phe binh

<i><b>Question 23.</b></i> Dap an dung la A . carry on: tiep tuc

Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: The he tre se ke tuc cac phong trao truyen thong.
Cac phirong an con lai khong phii hgp:

- B. result in: hau qua<i> dim</i> toi dau

- C. run otT chay d i . cha\n %
- D. bring about: gay ra

<i><b>Question 24.</b></i> Dap an dimg la A . evacuated: so tan

Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Vien canh sat da so tan cac nan nhan den mot nai an
toan nhanh nhat ccS the.

Cac phirong an khac khong phii hgp:
B. alterate: xen kc

C. flashed: sang len, chieu sang " *

I), e.-iaggerated: khuech dai<b> i,* </b>

<i><b>Question 25.</b></i> Dap an dimg la<b> B.</b> convenient: thuan tien

( ; i | i i j j l j c i i ve mat y nghTa: Nhan vien nay thich di lai bang may bay hon cac
phirong tien khac vi tinh thuan tien.

Cac phmrng an con lai khong phii hgp:
-A. significant: quan trgng, co y nghTa

C. contended: thi dau, tranh tai
D. excessive: v i r r t qua

<i><b>Question 26.</b></i> Dap an diing la<b> D.</b> available

<i><b>Jd</b></i> da<i><b> b\k: </b></i>

be available to s.o: san c6 cho ai

Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Trang web ciia ong ta giai thich qua trinh chgn lira

khoa hoc cung nhir dira ra nhiTng loi tir van rat can thiet ciio tat ca cac ban hoc vien.

Cac phirong an khac khong phii hgp:
- A. touch: chain \ao

- B. description: sir mo ta
- C. regularity: tinh deu dan

<i><b>Question 27.</b></i> Dap an dimg la C. proposed: de nghi
l a da biet:

SI + propose that + S2 + Vngiiyen
Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hgp:

- A . obligated: thirc hien bon phan
- B. compensate:<i> den</i> bii

- D. satisfied: lam cho hai long

<i><b>Question 28.</b></i> Dap an dimg la A . transmits: truyen di

Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Ngon ngir hinh the truyen di y kien hoac suy nghT ciia
chiing ta bang hanh dgng dii do la c6 y hay khong c6 y.

Cac phirong an khac khong phii hgp:
- B. disposes (oO: giai quyet. xir ly
" C. regi.sters: dang ky tham gia
" I ) , decline: tir choi, suy sup

<i><b>Question 29.</b></i> Dap an dimg la C. efTeclively (adv): mot each hieu qua

Qjai_thich ve mat ngir phap: Ta can trang tir dung ngay triioc dgng tir tlurong.
Cac phirong an<i> con</i> lai khong phii hgp.

<i><b>Question 30.</b></i> Dap an dimg la<b> B.</b> I f only: gia ma

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<i><b>Question 31.</b></i> Dap an dung la A . done •<b> made </b>

V i ta c6: make a contribution to: cong<b> hien cho cai gi </b>
<i><b>Question 32.</b></i> Dap an dung la A . Advancing •<b> Advances </b>

V i ta c6:

N l + giai tir + N 2<b> + VQMl). </b>

Quan sat cau goc, ta tliay<b> are</b> dang<b> dirge dung. </b>
<i><b>Question 33.</b></i> Dap an dung la C. when •<b> than </b>

V i ta c6:

N o sooner <b>.than. </b>

<i><b>Question 34.</b></i> Dap an dung la A . rarely •<b> khong diing </b>

V i ta c6: Tir phu dinh<b> never</b> dang<i><b> diroc dung trong cau. V a rarely (hiem khi) </b></i>

cimg mang nghTa phu dinh. 1 lai tir phu<b> dinh khong dung trong ciing mot cau. </b>

<i><b>Question 35.</b></i> Dap an dung la A . number •<b> amount [ </b>

V i ta c6:

the amount o f +<b> danh</b> tiir<b> khong dem dirge </b>
<i><b>Question 36.</b></i> Dap an diing la<b> B.</b> give<b> up = get rid of: tir bo </b>

Cac phirang an khac khong phii<b> hgp: </b>

- A . carry out: thirc hien
- C. go off: bop<b> C O </b>

- D. put o f f tri hoan

<i><b>Question 37.</b></i> Dap an diing la C. tremendous =<b> vast: menh mong, khong 16, rat Ion </b>
<i><b>Question 38.</b></i> Dap an diing la C. been<b> brought up: dugc nuoi duong </b>

Cac phuong an con lai khong phii<b> hgp: </b>

- A . died for: d i e t cho
- B. cried for: rao hang
- D. in touch w i t h : lien he vdi

<i><b>Question 39.</b></i> Dap an dimg la A . careless<i><b> * cautious: bit can ^ can than </b></i>
Cac phuong an con lai khong phu<b> hgp: </b>

- B. unfriendly: khong than thien
- C. ambitious: tham vong
- D. factual: sir that

<i><b>Question 40.</b></i> Dap an dimg la<b> D.</b> limitation<b> of = lack of: thieu, hut </b>

Cac dap an khac khong phii hcrp:
- A . plenty: nhieu

- B. property: tai san
- C. series: hang loat

<i><b>Question 41.</b></i> Dap an diing la<b> B.</b> Ly<b> giai: </b>

+ Ve mat v nghTa:<i><b> Toi l/igl .sir tiec vi eta khong nop ho sa</b><b> I</b><b>'tng tuyen vcio cong vice </b></i>

<i>iln'i vi ciy. Hay</i> noi each khac:<i><b> Le ra toi nen nop ho scri'mg tuyen vao cong viec thu </b></i>
<i>vi ciy. </i>

Q Danh gia: Hai dien ngfr "da khong" va "le ra" deu mang ban ch§t cua sir viec da
.xay ra trong qua khir. Ben canh do, chiing con the hien y<i> hoi tiec</i> hoac<i> su trdch </i>

<i>moc. , , ' </i>
+ Ve mat ngir phap: Cau goc co cau triic

Regret + (not) + V - i n g : tiec v i da (khong) lam gi

<i><b>y6'\g an B. cau true chii dao ciia no la: </b></i>

<i><b>Should + have + V3/ed: le ra nen lam dieu gi </b></i>

<i><b>Ban chat ciia can true nay la the hien y hoi tiec</b></i> hoac<i> su trdch moc</i> v6 dieu gi da
qua. Nhan dinh ve dieu nay. nen B la phuong an dugc lira chgn.

o Danh gia: ' ' " ^ >

Regret + (not) + V - i n g va Should + (not) + have + V3/ed: tiec v i da
(khong) lam gi va le ra (khong) nen lam dieu gi

Chiing ta c6 the linh hoat diing hai can triic nay de thay the cho nhau.
Cac phuong an khac khong phii hop:

Phirang an A dang diigc sir dung cau triic:

.S' +<i> wish + chaise (S + could/would + Vn^iiyen),</i> the hien dieu iroc
muon dieu gi tra nen khac hon trong tirong lai hoac<i> a</i> hien tai

No khong logic ve y nghTa voi cau goc.
Phirong an C dang diioc sir dung cau triic:

<i>Must + have</i> +-<i> V3/eci:</i> A t han da lam gi, the hien sir phan xet hay suy
doan (c6 ca so) ve dieu gi da xay ra trong qua khir.

No khong logic ve y nghTa voi cau goc.
Phirong an D mang can triic:

apologize for st/V-ing: xin loi ve dieu gi/lam g i .
No khong logic ve y nghTa v o i cau goc.

• MiV rong: 1 wish I iiad applied for the interesting j o b .
I f only I had applied for the inlcresting job.

<i><b>Question 42. Dap</b></i> an diing la<b> D.</b> l.y giai:

+ Ve mat v nghTa:<i> "Toi da tdioni^ lay Irgni cdi li'ii xdch cua hgn. Mary g.</i> "<i> Peter </i>
<i>'loi.</i> Hay noi each khac la:<i> Pelcr dd phu niuiu viec lay Irgm cdi tui xdch cua Mary. </i>

o Danh gia: Cau goc dang iV hinh thirc cau tuang thuat true tiep. Hinh thirc phii
djnh "da khong (didn't + Vngu>en ) . . . " dirge dien dat lai "denied + V - i n g . . . : phii
nhan". Tire la la dimg nipt dong tir<i> mang y iig/iia phu dinh</i> d^ thay the- cho ///////
<i>'hi'fc phii dinh</i> cua mot dong tir.

^ V g j n a i ngir phap: Ta can nluV<b> , , „ . , i ; </b>

Cau trirc tiep c6 dang: didnT + Vnguycn

<b>• • T </b>

Cau gian tiep: denied + having + V3/ed
I^an chat ciia hai cau triic tren la khang djnh<i> dd Idionii /dm gi. </i>

<b>1 r ; r </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

<i>• D a n l i gia: T r o n g cau trirc tiep dung clidn 7 + Vn^iiyem da k h o n g l a m . . . thi ta c6 </i>
<i>thO dicn dat v tren trong cau gian tiep la clcnifd + having » V3/ed: choi ho lain </i>

<i>g'l...</i> Hai cau true trC-n hoaii toan mang y nghTa n h u nhau.

<i>l a da biet: deny » V-i)i^: phii nhan lain ^i: t r o n g cau true t i e p d i i n g t h i qua </i>
k h u d o n , k h i qua gian tiep ta chuyen t h i qua khi'r d a n thanh t h i qua khi'r hoan
t h a n h . D o v a y , d i d n ' t + V n g u y e n (true tiep) se c h u y e n thanh denied + h a v i n g +

<b>V3</b>/ed ( g i a n t i e p ) .

Cac phircmg an khac k h o n g phii hop:
- Phirang an A dang dirge sir d u n g can true:

<i>accuse s.o + of + V-inf^:</i> khien trach/to cao ai lam g i .
N o k h o n g logic ve y nghTa v 6 i cau goc.

Phirong an B dang dugc sir d u n g can true:


+ r-///^':

thira nhan lam


N o k h o n g logic ve y nghTa v a i can goc.

- Phirong an C k h o n g phu hop v o i hinh thi'rc ngir phap. K h i cau t u a n g thuat true
tiep d u n g thi qua khiV don thi k h i chuyen qua cau tirang thuat gian tiep ta phai dung
thi qua khir hoan thanh.

• M o l o n g ; Peter said to Mary he liad not stolen her handbag.

<i><b>Question 43.</b></i><b> Dap an d u n g la B. Ly giai: </b>

<i><b>+ V e mat v nghTa: "\'6n<^ irai ndv ciin,i^ cap ran qua cho dan cu- Ironi^ vitng." Hay </b></i>
<i>noi each khac la: "Dan cir irong viing diiyc cung cap rau c/ua lir nong Irai ndyy </i>

<i><b>a</b></i> Danh gia: H a i each dien dat: " N o n g trai cung c a p . . . = . . . d u p e cung cap t u nong
t r a i " . Day chinh la hinh ihirc dien dat cua each ncSi chii dong, bi dong.

+ V e mat n g u phap: Can goc d u n g hinh thi'rc chu dong, v o i cau true
provide s o w i t h s.t: cung cap cho ai cai gi

<b>T a lai c6:</b> supply s.o w i t h s.t: cung cap cho ai cai gi

<i>Qiian sat ta tha\g an B dang dung hinh thi'rc bi d o n g ciia cau true supply </i>

<i><b>s.o Willi S . I</b></i> de dien dat tron y nghTa ciia cau goc.

<b>a</b> Danh giaj '"" "

provide/supply s.o w i t h s.t: cung cap cho ai cai gi
Cac p h i r a n g an khac k h o n g phu hgp:

<i>- Phmvng an A : Rau ci'i qua se dirge san xuat tren nong trai nay b o i nhCrng n g u a i </i>
<i>dan. Thirc te, rau cii qua da vd dang dirge trong a nong trai (cau goc d u n g thi hien </i>
tai d o n ) . Do vay. p h i r o n g an nay khong logic ve mat y nghTa.

- Phuang an C: NhCrng n g u a i dan tan d u n g nong trai nay de t r o n g cac loai rau
qua. Ta c6 c u m tir:

Take advantage o f s.t: Igi dung/ tan dung dieu gi (y tich cue)
N o k h o n g logic ve mat y nghTa v a i cau goc.

- Phirang an D : N g u a i dan k h o n g con sir d u n g nong trai nay de t r o n g rau qua
nua. Ta da biet:

no longer: khong con nua

<b>I </b>

<i><b>N o d u g c d i i n g t r o n g h i n h thi'rc cau khang d j n h de c h i vk sir viec hay hanh </b></i>
d o n g nao do da t u n g xay ra va cham dirt t r o n g qua khi'r. N o k h o n g logic y nghTa
v a i cau goc.

<b>• M d rgng: Fruits and vegetables are pniduced on the farm by the residents = </b>
<b>Residents use the fann to g r o w fruits and vegetables. </b>

<i><b>Question 44.</b></i><b> Dap an d u n g la B. Ly giai: </b>

<b>+ Vc</b><i><b> mat ntiu nuhTa: DtJ hern hai nnrai nam troi qua ke sir Idn</b> SLUI ciing ohimg 'i'(>'i </i>

<i>lien lac fx.'-<b> Hay noi each khac: Cliiing toi dd khong fi«w</b></i> 4«<i> wiipr.wig .uidi </i>

<i>htm hai mmri nam qua. </i>

<i><b>a</b></i> {)anh gia:

K h o a n g t h a i gian + ke tir Ian sau cung ... lam gi
= . . . k h o n g lam gi + khoang thai gian.

+ V e mat n g u phap: Cau goc dang sir dung cau true:

It is + khoang t h a i gian + since + clause (qua khir d o n ) : Da bao nhieu
thai gian ke tir Ian sau cinig ai do lam gi)

<b>T a CO cau triic dong y nghia voi no la: </b>

<b>S + has/have + not + Vv,.d + for + khoang thai gian: ai do da k h o n g </b>
lam gi t r o n g khoang t h a i gian

• Danh gia:

<i><b>'9^ </b></i>

<b>S= It is (has been) + khoang thai gian + since + S + last + V i + has/have + not + V , ,,,| + f o r + khoang thai gian </b> <b> cd </b>

Cac p h i r o n g an khac k h o n g phu hgp:

<i>- Phuang an A : Chung toi tiep tuc lien lac vai ho trong h(rn hai nuroi nam qua. </i>

N o k h o n g logic ve y nghTa v o l cau goc.

S + has/have + been +<b> V j n j , </b>

la hinh thi'rc cua thi hien tai hoan thanh tiep dien. Dien ta hanh dong hoac sir
viec da .\ay ra t r o n g qua k h u keo dai tdi hien tai va nhan manh sir tiep tuc trong
t u a n g lai.

<i>- P h u o n g an C: Toi clnra tinig lien he voi ho trong hon hai imroi nam Inarc. </i>
S + d i d n ' t + use ^- V t o inf: da chira t u n g lam gi

Y noi hanh d o n g chua t u n g xay ra truac day. N o khong logic \ d i y nghTa cau goc.
<i>P h u i m g an D : Chung toi khong the khong lien lac voi ho trong hai mtnri nam qua. </i>

Can't + help +<b> V „ , j , :</b> k h o n g the k h o n g lam gi

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17>

<i><b>Luyftt gidi di tm&c kl thi DH 3 miin Bdc, Trung, Nam Tiing Anit - Ngd Van Minh </b></i>
<i><b>Question 45.</b></i> Dap an la<b> A.</b> L y giai:

+ Ve mat v nghTa:<i> ""Then toi, chung ta rten di den mot vimg ddt xa x6i irorig nhtmg </i>
<i>ngdy nghi tai^</i> anh ta noi. Hay noi each khae;<i> Anh ta de nghi ciing vai moi nguai </i>
<i>di dc'n mot vitng ddt xa xdi trong nhimg ngdy nghi tai. </i>

<i>a</i> Danh gia: Cach dien dat<i> Chung ta nen ...</i> va<i> anh ta de nghi vai moi nguai..., </i>
dSu ham y nguofi noi CO tham gia hanh dong.

+ V e mat ngu phap: Cau tucrng thuat true tiep su dung hinh thue
We should +<b> V b a r e i n r :</b> chiing ta nen lam dieu gi

D 6 i qua cau tuang thuat gian tiep: S (nguai noi) + suggested + V - i n g

Ban chat cua hai cau true tren deu ham y nguai noi eo tham gia hanh dong.
• Danh gia:

We should +<b> V n p i y e n v(;n</b> S (nguoj noi) sugget<b> + V i n t . :</b> Chung ta nen ...
Cac phuang an khae khong phu hop:

- Phuang an B:<i> Anh ta khiiyen dong nghiep di den mot nai xa trong nhimg ngdy </i>
<i>nghi tai.</i> N o khong logic y nghTa vai cau goc vi nguai noi khong tham gia hanh
dong, ta CO cau true:

advise s.o + V t o inf: khuyen ai lam gi

- Phuang an C:<i> Anh ta cho phep nhimg ngia'ri khc'ic di den mot nai xa xdi trong </i>
<i>nhuvg ngdy nghi tai.</i> N o khong logic y nghTa vai cau goc. Ta eo cau true:

let s.o +<b> V h a a i n i</b>: cho phep ai lam gi

- Phuang an D :<i> Anh ta nhgn thdy di den mot nai xa xdi trong nhimg ngdy nghi tai </i>
<i>Id diet! khong the.</i> N o khong logic ve y nghTa vai cau goc. Ta c6 cong thuc:

S + find + it + adj +<b> V i o i n i :</b> A i do cam thay nhu the nao khi lam gi

<i><b>Question 46.</b></i> Dap an dung la<b> D.</b> Ly giai:

+ Ve mat y nghTa:<i> '"Toi xin loi vi da khong hodn thdnh du an dung thai hgn, Mary </i>
<i>a, " anh ta noi. </i>

<i>a</i> Danh gia: Cau goc dang<i> a</i> hinh thuc cau tuong thuat trirc tiep. Cau true

<b>\.j</b> sorry For + V-ing: xin loi ve viec g i . . .

Vi dugc dien dat lai theo hinh thCrc ngir phap khae

' apologize to s.o for doing sth: xin loi ai do v i da lam gi
+ Ve mat<i><b> mCr</b></i> phap: Ta cSn nha

Cau true tiep c6 dang: S + tobe + sorry + for + V - i n g
Cau gian tiep: S + apologize to s.o for doing sth
Ban chat cua hai cau true tren la dien ta sir xin loi ai do v i da lam g i .
Cae phuang an khae khong phu hap: ^ ^ ,

- Phuang an A dang sir dung cau true

accuse s.o o f doing sth: khien trach, to cao ai lam g i .
Hinh thuc ngu phap nay khong logic ve mat ngir nghTa v a i cau goc.

<i><b>Cty TNHH MTV DVVH KItang Vi, </b></i>
<b>- Phirong an B dang sur dung cau true </b>

<b>j congratulate s.o on doing sth:</b> chuc mung ai ve viec g i .

<b>Hinh thurc nay khong logic ve mat ngu nghTa</b> v a i cau goc.

<b>- Phirang an C dang su dung hinh thuc ngir</b> phap:

S|<b> + would rather +</b> Si +<i><b> WjkA- Ngucri</b></i> nao do mu6n ai lam gi hon.

<b>Hinh thuc ngir phap nay khong dien dat logic</b> ve mat ngir nghTa v a i cau g6e.

<i><b>Question 47. Dap an dung la D . L y giai: </b></i>

+ V e<i><b> mat v nghTa: Khong may thay, toi khong the tham du buoi biiu diin ciia 6ng </b></i>
<i><b>Miller toi qua. </b></i>

<i><b>Hay noi each khae la: Ifac gi toi da tham du buoi bieu dien ciia ong Miller toi </b></i>

<i>qua. </i>

+ Ve<b> mat ngir phap: Cau goc dang sir dung</b> thi qua k h u don de noi den mot su
viec<b> da dien ra trong qua</b> khiir.<b> Do do, ta phai sir</b> dung cau dien dat v a i<i><b> wish</b></i> khong
CO that<b> trong qua</b> khiir:

<b>I S + wish + clause (thi qua khiir</b> hoan thanh)

<b>Cac phuang an con lai khong phu hop: </b>

<i><b>- Phuang an A : Khong tham du buoi hieu dien ciia ong Miller toi horn qua lam </b></i>

<i><b>toi hanhphuc. Cau nay khong logic ve y nghTa vai</b></i> eau goc.

<i><b>- Phuang an B: Mac dii ban nhimg toi da tham gia buoi bieu dien ciia ong Miller </b></i>

<i><b>toi qua. Cau nay khong logic ve y nghTa vai</b></i> cau goc.

<i><b>- Phuang an C : Buoi hieu dien cua ong Miller toi qua qua chdn den noi toi du </b></i>
<i><b>khong tham du. Cau nay khong logic ve</b></i> y<b> nghTa</b> vai eau goc.

<i><b>Question 48. Dap an diing la A . L y giai: </b></i>

+ Ve<b> mat</b> y<i><b> nghTa: Ban nen bat taxi de khong hi tre buoi hop. </b></i>

Hay<i><b> noi each khae la: Neu ban khong bat taxi thi hgn .se hi tre buoi hop. </b></i>

+ Ve<b> mat ngir phap: Cau goc dang diing hinh</b> thurc cau dieu kien loai<b> 1</b> eo su dung

<i><b>should + Vnguyen the. Dua vao y nghia ciia</b></i> cau goc, ta cung c6 the diing eau triic

<b>cua</b> cau<b> dieu kien loai</b> 1<i><b> voi tir unless (Neu</b></i> khong/Trir phi). Ta<i><b> can</b></i> luu y menh de
dung<i><b> vai unices luon c6 hinh thirc khang dinh vi</b></i> ban than<i> unless</i> da bao ham nghTa
phu dinh.

Cac<b> phuang an con lai khong diing: </b>

<i><b>+ Phuang an B: Neu khong cd taxi thi ban c6 the di den buoi hop diing gia. </b></i>
<b>Without + N/N.P. S + could/would + have +</b> V3/ed: N ^ u khong....thi . . . .
Day<b> la hinh thiirc dac biet cua cau dieu kien</b> loai H I . Cau nay dien ta khong dung
ve mat<b> y nghTa so vdi cau goc. </b>

+ Phuang<i><b> an C : Mien la ban don taxi thi ban se tre buoi hop. </b></i>
<b>Provided that + clause (thi hien</b> tai dan), clause

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

L H r n i<b> g m i UL l i m n</b><sub> 'jJilLLi^'' ' ' " " * • ' '</sub><i><b><sub> '""f>'' """ ' *" " </sub></b></i> <i><b><sub>"</sub></b></i> <i><b><sub>— </sub></b></i>

<b>f)ay</b> cliinh la hinh tlu<i><b>'rc can 6\ki</b></i> kien loai I v a i cum<i><b> tir Provided thai = If: Neu. </b></i>

Cau van nay dien<b> ta</b> kliong<b> di</b>'ing vc mat y nghTa so v a i cau goc.
+ Plnrong an D:<i> Boi ri han don la.xi iien ban kfion}^ hi Ire hiidi hop. </i>

Seeing that + clause, clause: Bai v i
Cau na\n<b> ta</b> khong diing ve mat y nghTa so v o i cau<b> JIQC. </b>

<i>Question 49.</i> Dap an<b> la D .</b> I.y giai:

+ Vc mat<b> V</b> nuhia:<i><b> \^m)i dan (m«ihmg£tmUeJihmx-mm </b></i>
Hay ncii each khac J i :<i><b> X^inn djiK <imx'1'^^ ^ </b></i>

<i>f^*^'-\imm-oiiipbap:. Ciu p^'ic ehu 4am</i> ^ v n g dang thurc dao ngu cua trang tir

m o<i><b> Um</b>^tT J </i>

No longer + tof) dong tir + S . . . : khong con nixa.
Cau viet lai c6 th6 su dung mot trong cac cau true sau:

quit * \ ' - i n L ; :<b> tir</b> bo vice g i .
uci r i t i o f • \: tir bo vice gi

<b>u i \ up t</b> V<b>- m g : tir</b> bo viec gi
s t e p • \ ' - i n g : tir bo viec gi

S •<b> ...not</b> +...any more/any longer:.... khong con... nira.
Cac<b> dap an con lai</b> khong phii hop:

• I'lurong an<i> .\ diiu ony: van chua ho hul thiuK.</i> Thi hien tai hoan thanh

t i c p i l i c n<b> o</b> hinh<b> (hue</b> khaiiu dinh<i> <ii:</i> nhan manh vice hut thuoc cua ngiroi dan ong
na\n<b> con</b> Can n;i\n dat khong logic vc<b> mat</b> noi dung so \i cau goc.

<b>1</b> Plnrong an B:<i> \^in'ri dan oni^ c6 tlioi c/iwn hut thmk.</i> [)icn dat khong logic ve
mat noi dung<b> so \ o i</b> can goc.

+ Plnrong an C:<i><b> S^iwn dan 6n\i da lihon^ tir ho viec htit thuoc.</b></i> Dien dat khong

Igic \<b> mat</b> noi dung<b> so</b> \(Vi cau goc.

<i>Question 50.</i> Dap an<b> dung la</b> A . I.y giai:

+ Vcimat y ng.hTa:<i> I'ran hdo da />ha hiiv hany, tram toil nhii Irony thiinh pho. </i>
Ha\i each khac:<i><b> Iran hdo dii dan den viec hiiny tram Ida nhd irony thanh </b></i>
<i>phd hi phd htiy. </i>

Danh gia:<b> f</b>)Oii v o i dong<i><b> tir result,</b></i> ta can kru y: '
<i>+ result in: kcl (/iia diin den ddii </i>

-t<i> result from: kel tpia lie ddu nid cd </i>
Cac plnrong an con lai khong dinig:

- Plnrong an B:<i> Tran hdo Id kel qua cua viec phd huy hiiny tram Ida nhd Irony ihiinh </i>
<i>pha</i> la CO<b> cAu</b> triic nlur da dugc noi o' tren:<i> result from: kel qua do ddu ind cd. </i>

- Plnrong an C:<i> Mac dii cd sir xual hien cua Iran hdo nhimy hiiny tram Ida nhd </i>
<i>irony lliduh phd van klidny ndin Irony nyuy ca hi tan phd.</i> Dien dat khong logic ve
mat y nghTa so \ 6 i can goc.

- Phuxrng an D:<i> Trdn hdo xudl hien. luy nhien. hiiny tram Ida nhd Irony Ihiinh </i>
<i>pho ltd hi idn phd.</i> Dien dat khong diing y nghTa.

<b>B A I D I C H B E N G H I </b>

<b>N H O M N H A C B E A T L E S </b>

Vao thap nien 1960, Beatles dugc biet den la mot nhom nhac theo phong
each dan gian hien dai noi ti^ng n h i t tren toan the giai. Ke tir do, c6<i> rk</i> nhieu nhom

nhac noi ti^ng ra dai. V i vay, c6 the noi chung ta kho hinh dung dugc<b> sir</b> anh huang
cua Beatles vao thai diem do. Ho<b> la</b> bon chang trai den tCr mien BSe nuac Anh va
khong ai trong so<b> hg</b> dirge dao tao chuyen nghiep ve am nhac. Ho khai nghiep bang
each trinh dien va thu am nhirng bai hat cua nhom nguai M y da den va<b> hg</b> da thanh
cong<b> tir</b> nhirng bai hat do. Sau do, ho bat dau<b> tir</b> sang tac nhac va chinh giai doan nay
la luc hg that<b> sir</b> noi tieng. Beatles da lam thay doi dong nhac nhe duong dai. Ho la
nhom nhac dau tien thanh cong vai nhirng bai hat<b> tir</b> sang tac. Ve sau, viec tir soan
nhac de hat tra nen<b> pho</b> bien trong cac nhom nhac va ca sy. Nhom Beatles khong
theo duoi nghe hat<b> lau</b> dai. Ban nhac noi tieng dau tien cua<b> hg</b> dugc thu am vao nam
1963 va nhom da tan ra vao nam 1970. Hg khong bi^u dien tryc tiep<b> tir</b> nam 1966 bai
vi qua nguy hicm khi nhirng ngirai ham<b> mg</b> cuong nhiet<b> cir</b> c6 vay quanh ho d^ giat
lay ao lam vat ky niem. Tuy nhien, ngay nay mot so bai hat cua nhom van con noi
tieng nhir hoi moi ra miit. Nhieu ngirai tren khSp<b> thI</b> giai c6<b> thI</b> hat mot doan bai hat
do nhom Beatles sang tac neu ban yen cau<b> hg. </b>

<i><b>Question 51. C.</b></i> Chii de chinh cua doan van la:

<b>C .</b> Sir noi tieng va thanh cong ciia nhom Beatles. (No dugc de cap xuyen suot
trong bai van.)

A. Nhom Beatles tra nen thanh cong hon nhirng nhom khac nhu the nao.
B. Tai<b> sao</b> nhom lai giai tan<b> sau</b> 7 nam. - i tsbt
D. Nhieu nguai c6 the hat mot bai hat cua nhom Beatles.

<i><b>Question 52. C.</b></i> Bon chang trai nhom Beatles den tir mot thj tran a mien<i> Bkc</i> nuac
Anh. Trong bai c6 de cap<i> a</i> dong 4:<i> "They were four hoys from the North of </i>
<i>Enyland... "</i> ( H g la bon chang trai d^n<b> tir</b> mien BSc nuac A n h . . . )

A. Cling mot gia dinh.

B. Cimg mot do tu6i. I
D. Dugc dao tao tot ve am nhac.

<i><b>Question 53. C.</b></i> Tir<i> sensational</i> c6 nghTa gan v a i tir<i> shocking:</i> sir nao dong
du-doi trong tam t r i

A. Tieng xau " >
B T e

D. N o i tieng

<i><b>Question 54. D .</b></i> N h u n g bai hat dau tien cua nhom Beatles dugc sang tac bai nhirng
nguai M y da den. -*^i*<d •

Doan van c6 de cap a dong 5 va 6:<i> "They started by performing and recording </i>
<i>•^ongs hy black Americans and they had some .success with the.se songs</i> ". (Ho khoi
•^Bhiep bang each trinh dien va thu am nhung bai hat cua nhom nguai M y da den

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19>

<i><b>LU}ifU glU} uy trUUL</b></i><b> m llll</b><i><b> Ull J mien</b></i> U U L ,<i><b> ttuu^, i ^um i</b></i><b> icfij;</b><i><b> /inn -1 ^gu r un imrnr </b></i>

A . Tir sang tac
B. Phat tren radio
C. Dugc tra nhieu tien

<i><b>Question 55. B .</b></i> D i e u khong dung ve nhom Beatles la ho c6 mot nghe on djnh
lau dai.

Trong bai c6 de cap<i> a</i> dong 10 va 11:<i> "The Beatles did not have a long career ". </i>
(Nhom khong theo duoi nghe hat lau dai.)

A . Cac thanh vien khong c6 sir dao tao ve am nhac.
C. Ho t r a nen noi tieng khi tir sang tac nhac.
D. Hp sg ngiiy hiem tir nh&ng nguai ham mo.

<i><b>Question 56. D.</b></i> Nhom Beatles khong bieu dien trirc tiep boi vi ho sg nguy hiem do
nhCrng nguai ham mg gay ra.

Dieu nay du-gc de cap<i> a</i> dong 12, 13, 14 doan cuoi bai van:<i> "They stopped </i>
<i>doing lire performances in 1966 because it had become too dangerous for them </i>
<i>-their fans were so excited that they surrounded them and tried to lake -their clothes </i>
<i>as souvenirs!"</i> ( H g da khong bieu dien trirc tiep tu' nam 1966 boi vi qua nguy hiem
khi nhifng nguoi ham mg qua cuong nhiet cir co vay quanh hg giat lay ao lam vat
ky niem.)

A . Hg da kiem du tien.

B. Hg khong muon lam viec ciing nhau.
C. Hg danh nhieu thai gian han de soan nhac.

<i><b>Question 57. A.</b></i> Nam 1970 la nam nhom tan ra.
B. Hg da lam thay doi nen nhac nhe duang dai.
C. Hg bat dau lap nghiep.

D. Hg ngirng bieu dien true tiep tren san khau.

<i><b>Question 5H. B.</b></i> Viec ma ngirai ham mo cua nhom thirang lam la giat lay ao de lam
vat ky niem.

Dieu nay dirge nhac den a euoi doan van:<i><b> "...their fans were so excited that </b></i>
<i>they surrounded them and tried to take their clothes as soin'enirs!"</i> ( . . . nhirng

ngirai ham mg qua cuong nhiet ci'r co vay quanh hg giat lay ao de lam vat ky niem.)

A. Hat ei'mg vcVi hg.

C. Yeu cau hg viet them nhieu bai hat. < >
D. Hoi hg nguyen nhan nhom tan ra.

<i><b>Question 59. A.</b></i> M o t so bai hat cua nhom bay gia van eon noi tieng nhu ngay xua.
Doan cuoi bai van co de cap a dong 14, 15:<i> "However, today some of their </i>
<i>songs remain as famous as they were when they first came out".</i> (Tuy nhien, ngay
nay mot vai bai hat cua hg van con noi tieng nhu hoi mai ra mat.)

<b>B.</b> Da qua 16i thai d^ co the hat.

C. Dugc nhirng nguai ham mg cuong nhi^t hat.

D. N o i tieng nhat. / , , ,

<i><b>Question 60. A.</b></i> Diem nhan cua bai viet la sir ham mg.
B. Sir phe binh

C. S i r t r u n g lap<b> , i </b>

D. S u c h e n h a o<i><b> i ' i . ' ^ x v "ii\>mx\</b></i>

<b>B A I D I C H D E N G H I u </b>

Bao tang Winterthur chinh la mot bg suu tap va cung la mot ngoi nha. Co rSt
nhieu bao tang chi chuyen trung bay nhirng tac pham nghe thuat va nha co, nhung
hiem co vien bao tang nao a nuae M y co mot bg suu tap da dang duge trung bay

trong mot ngoi nha rgng Ion d mien que. Trai qua nhiJng the he lien tiep nhau trong
mot gia dinh, Winterthur da tirng la tai san ca nhan trong han mot the ky. Tham chi
sau khi dugc nang cap toan dien vao giira nam 1929 den nam 1931, ban chat cua
ngoi nha van khong thay d o i . Dieu nay co tac dong tich cue doi vai bau khong khi
va an tugng cua bao tang. Khach tham quan co the de dang nhan biet rang thirc
chat day la mot ngoi nha co nguofi a: can phong trong ei'r nhu the no chi mai bj bo
trong each day mot thai gian ngan, nguai ta khong biet lieu nhirng ngudi chu ban
dau cua ngoi nha hay la nhirng ngudi chu gan day nhat m d i chinh la chu nhan that
sir. Tiep do, Winterthur van giCr lai dugc nguyen ven la can nha co bg suu tap tat ca
cac san pham trang t r i ngi that va nhirng tac pham nghe thuat da dugc suu tam.
Tuong t u nhu mot ngoi nha nong thon d nude A n h , Winterthur co<i> cku</i> true rat tinh
xao, can nha ciing nhu bg suu tap hay la each trung bay v d i du khach, da thay doi

<b>Cling</b> v d i thai gian. Sir thay doi nay dien ra dong thdi vdi nhirng quan diem nghe
thuat cua nude M y dang dugc hoan thien, no cung giup nang eao sir hieu biet cua
mot so thanh phan trong xa hoi bao gom cac nha suu tam ciTing nhu gidi sinh vien,

<b>va</b> tien trinh hudng den nhirng thanh tuu ed tac dong mang tinh Ijch su trong nhirng
cugc trien lam theo tirng giai doan phat trien. Mac dau nhirng can phong tai vien
bao tang Winterthur da di theo xu hudng nay, no van con luu g i u nhirng net dae
trung cua mot ngoi nha.

Y tudng ve viec trung bay tac pham theo tirng giai doan dugc xem nhu la mot
each thirc trung bay dugc hoan thien dan dan qua nam thang nhSm mue dich the
hien nhirng tac pham nghe thuat trong mot boi canh nhat djnh ma ed the lam cho
khach tham quan thirc sir nhan ra gia tri han la chi biet qua y nghTa ben ngoai ciia
tac pham. Khac biet v d i nhirng bao tang Ijch sir t u nhien thi bao tang<b> nay</b> lai trung
bay cac tac pham nghe thuat doe dao theo mot each cue ky song dong va day Idi

<b>cuon,</b> dong thdi giiip ta hieu them nhirng gi lien quan den cd vat chang han nhu

kieu dang, thdi gian va nai ehung xuat hien.

<i><b>Question 61, B .</b></i> Doan van chu yeu de cap den van de gi?

A . Nguyen nhan ciia vi^c<b> bao</b> tang Winterthur duge thiet ke lai (khong dugc de
cap trong bai).

B. Nhirng nhan to lam cho bao tang Winterthur t r d nen doe dao<b> (y</b> nay xuat hien
xuyen sudt trong ca doan van).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=20>

<i><b>Question 62.</b></i> B. Cum t i i devoted to a dong 1 c6 nghTa gSn<i><b> x\hk</b></i> v a i :
A. surrounded by: duoc bao quanh bai

B. specializing in: chuyen ve cai g i , chuyen tarn ve van de gi
C. successful in sth: thanh cong trong viec gi

D. sentimental about sth/sb: da cam, nhay cam ve cai gi/ai

<i><b>Question 63.</b></i> B. Dieu gi da xay ra a Winterthur giira nam 1929 va 1931?

Ngoi nha da duoc sua chiJa v i : trong doan 1 ciia bai c6 de cap<i><b> "Even after the </b></i>
<i><b>extensive renovations made to it between 1929 and 1931. the house remained a </b></i>
<i><b>family residence ". </b></i>

Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop:
A . Nhfrng ngiroi chu nha da don di
C. N h i i n g CO vat da dirge thay the
D. Ngoi nha t r o thanh vien bao tang

<i><b>Question 64. C .</b></i> Tac gia ngu y gi khi noi rang:<i><b> "Khdch tham quan c6 the de dang </b></i>

<i><b>nhgn hiet rang thirc chat day la mot ngoi nha co ngirai 6"</b></i> (dong 5, 6)

Winterthur khong giong nhir nhOng bao tang khac: Doan 2 c6 de cap:

<i><b>"Comparable to the habitat group in a natural history museum an opportunity </b></i>
<i><b>to assemble objects related by style, date, or place of manufacture ". </b></i>

Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop:
A. Winterthur rat efi.

<i><b>B.</b></i> It ngu'oi tham quan Winterthur.
D. Do \at trong Winterthur rat tien nghi.

<i><b>Question 65. C .</b></i> Tir "assembled" a dong 9 co nghla gan nhat vai

l a co: assemble (v):<i><b> ihu thgp. tu tap Igi</b></i> = brought together (v): gom lai, hop lai
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop:

A. summon (v): trieu tap
B. appreciate (v): danh gia cao

D. fundamentally changed: thay doi can ban

<i><b>Question 66. A.</b></i> Tir " i t "<i><b> a</b></i> dong 9 de cap den:

Doan i CO de cap:<i><b> "Winterthur remains, then, a house ... country house, it is an </b></i>
<i><b>organic structure: the house, as well as the collection and manner of displaying it </b></i>
<i><b>to the visitor, has changed over the years. " ' ' ' ' ' </b></i>

Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop: ' ' ' ' '

B. bp siru tap

C. ngoi nha<i><b> a</b></i> nong thon nuoc Anh
D. khach tham quan

<i><b>Question 67. D.</b></i> Tir " d e v e l o p i n g "<i><b> a</b></i> dong 11 co nghTa gan nhat v a i
Cae dap an con lai khong phii hgp:

A . traditional (a): truyen thong V<b> | o </b>

B. exhibiting (a): tinh chat pho bay

C. informative (a): co tac dung nang cao kien thurc, mang tinh thong tin
D. evolving (v): hoan thien, phat trien

<i><b>Question 68. D.</b></i> Dira vao doan van, nhCrng chu the ciia viec trirng bay cac tac phani
theo tirng giai doan lien quan den tat ca cac yeu to sau ngoai trir:

A . date (n): thai gian

B. style (n): kidu dang<b> W ,» </b>

C. place o f manufacture: nai san xuat, nai xuat hien
D. past ownership: quyen sa hiru trong qua khur

Doan 2 co de cap: "...<i><b> arts in a lively and interesting manner and provides an </b></i>
<i><b>opportunity to assemble objects related by style, date, or place of manufacture. </b></i>
<i><b>Question 69. A .</b></i> M o i quan he giOa 2 doan trong bai van nay la gi?

Doan 2 dien giai thuat ngO dugc de cap a doan I .

Ta quan sat thay cuoi doan 1 co nhae den thuat ngir p e r i o d - r o o m :<i><b> "a </b></i>
<i><b>progression toward the achievement of a historical effect in period-room </b></i>
<i><b>displays",</b></i> (tien trinh huang den nhirng thanh tiru co tac dong mang tinh lich sir
trong nhCrng cugc trien lam theo tiing giai doan phat trien.) va dau doan 2 dicMi giai
nghTa cua thuat ngfr do:<i><b> "The concept of a period room as a display technique has </b></i>
<i><b>developed gradually over the years in an effort...</b></i> " (Quan niem \ viec trirng bay
tac pham theo timg giai doan dirge xem nhir la mot each thirc trung bay dugc hoan
thien dan dan qua nam thang nham muc d i c h . . . ) .

B. M o i doan mo ta mot each tiep can khac nhau doi v 6 i viec trirng bay cac tac
pham nghe thuat trong vien bao tang.

C. Doan 2 giang giai triet ly ciia viec danh gia nghe thuat trai v6i quan diem a
doan 1.

D. M o i doan mieu ta mot giai doan khac nhau ciia lich sir. ' ' '

<i><b>Question 70. D.</b></i> Can hoi mang nghTa:<i><b> Tdc gia giang gicii ly do viec truvg hay (f </b></i>
<i><b>vi^n hdo tang Winterthur thay doi a doan ndo? </b></i>

- D o n g 1 0 - 1 2 .

<i><b>Question 71.</b></i> A . industry<i><b> Question 72.</b></i> B. siirv i \ a l

<i><b>Question 73.</b></i> C. instructions<i><b> Question 74.</b></i> A . fasten

<i><b>Question 75.</b></i> A . tightly<i><b> Question 76.</b></i> B. alternative

<i><b>Question 77.</b></i> A . complete<i><b> Question 78.</b></i> A . protection

<i><b>Question 79.</b></i> A . evacuate<i><b> Question HO.</b></i> A . in

<b>K h a i thac tir virng: </b>

- Airline industrv': nganh hang khong
- statistics: so lieu thong ke, nganh thiing ke
- survivable: co the song sot

- belt: day an toan
- takeoffs: sir ha canh
- installation: sir lap dat vao
- evacuate: sa ciru


