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Thì hiện tại đơn –
The Simple Present Tense
1. Cách dùng:

Diễn tả một thói quen, sở thích, hành động lặp đi lặp lại ở hiện tại
Ex: I go to school everyday (Hằng ngày tơi đều đi học)

Diễn tả một chân lí, sự thật hiển nhiên.
Ex: The sun rises in the East and sets in the West. (Mặt trời mọc đằng Đông, lặng đằng Tây)

Diễn tả lịch trình, thời khóa biểu (giờ tàu, xe, lịch thi đấu, lịch phim...)
Ex: School finishes at 4.30PM (Trường học kết thúc lúc 4h30 chiều)

Dùng trong mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian ( When/ As soon as/ utill/ before/ After
+ S + V (HTĐ) )
Ex: As soon as I go home, I will call you right away. (Ngay khi tôi về nhà, tôi sẽ gọi cho bạn

Dùng trong câu điều kiện loại 1
Ex: If you study hard, you will pass the entrance examination. (Nếu bạn học hành chăm chỉ,
bạn sẽ đậu kì thi đại học)

2. Dấu hiệu nhận biết:
Trong câu có chứa các từ chỉ "tần suất":

Every day/ week/ month…: mỗi ngày/ tuần/ tháng

Always, generally: ln ln

usually : thường thường

Often, frequently: thơng thường

Sometimes, occasionally: thỉnh thoảng

Seldom, rarely: hiếm khi

Never: khơng bao giờ:

Once a week / a month/ a year/ an hour ( 1 lần trên mơt.............)

Twice a week / a month/ a year/ an hour ( 2 lần trên mơt.............

three times ( 3 lần trên mơt.............)

In the morning/ afternoon/ evening ( vào buổi sáng/ buổi chiều/ buổi tối )

Vị trí của trạng từ chỉ tần suất là:
- Trước động từ thường
He usually goes to the bookstore.
- Sau động từ "to be"
I am usually hungry in the afternoon.

3. Công thức
Động từ "to be"

Động từ thường

S + am/is/are + O
Trong đó:
I -> am
Ex: I am a student.
You/We/They -> are
(+) Khẳng định •
Ex: They are students.

S + V(s/es) + O
Trong đó:
I/You/We/They -> V(ngun thể)
Ex: I listen to music

He/She/It -> is
Ex: He is a student.

He/She/It -> V(s/es)

Ex: She listens to music.
S + am/is/are + not + O
(-) Phủ định

S + do not /does not + V_inf

Ex: She is not my mother.

Ex: I don’t listen to music.

(Bà ấy không phải mẹ tôi)

(Tôi không nghe nhạc)

Am/is/are + S + O

Do/Does + S + V_inf?

Ex: Are you a teacher?

Ex: Do you listen to music?

(Bạn có phải là giáo viên khơng?)

( Bạn có nghe nhạc không?)

-> Yes, I am / No, I am not.

-> Yes, I do / No, I don’t.

(?) Nghi vấn

Lưu ý:

Chủ ngữ
I/You/ We/ They

Trợ động từ

Ví dụ

Do not = don't

I don’t listen to mus

Does not = doesn't

He doesn't listen to music

Một số quy tắc thêm s/es:

Thơng thường ta thêm “s” vào sau động từ

Thêm "es" vào sau những động từ tận cùng bằng chữ: o, s, x, z, ch, sh ( ôi sông
xưa zờ chẳng shóng )
go → goes, watch → watches, mix → mixes, miss → misses, brush → brushes, buzz
→ buzzes

Nếu trước "y" là một phụ âm thì đổi "y" thành "i" rồi thêm "es"
Study → studies, Cry → cries, Fly → flies

Ngoại lệ: Nếu trước "y" là một nguyên âm thì chỉ thêm "s"

Động từ "to be"

Động từ thường

Say → says, Stay → stays, Play → plays
Đối với have khi đi với chủ ngữ ngơi thứ 3 số ít thì
Have -> has
Ex: Mary has many dolls. ( Mary có rất nhiều búp bê)
Bài tập
Bài 1: Dùng "do not" hoặc "does not" để hoàn thành những câu sau
1. I ....... prefer coffee.
2. She ....... ride a bike to her office.
3. Their friends ....... live in a small house.
4. They ....... do the homework on weekends.
5. Mike ....... play soccer in the afternoons.
6. The bus ....... arrive at 8.30 a.m.
7. We ....... go to bed at midnight.
8. My brother ....... finish work at 8 p.m
Bài 2: Dùng "do", "does", "do not" hoặc "does not" để hoàn thành những câu sau:
1. ....... Jack like eating hamburgers? => Yes, ........
2. ....... you get up early on Sundays? => No, ........
3. ....... the students always work hard for the exam? => No, ........
4. ....... the train leave at noon every day? => Yes, ........
5. ....... he often play the guitar? => No, ........

6. ....... they take a taxi to school every morning? => Yes, ........
7. ....... Anna and Daisy visit their old teachers on winter holidays? => No, ........
8. ....... water boil at 100 degrees Celsius? => Yes, ........
Bài 3: Chia động từ trong ngoặc
1. Robin (play)..........football every Sunday.
2. We (have)..........a holiday in December every year.
3. He often (go)..........to work late.
4. The moon (circle)..........around the earth.
5. The flight (start)..........at 6 a.m every Thursday.
6. Peter (not/ study)..........very hard. He never gets high scores.
7. My mother often (teach)..........me English on Saturday evenings.
8. I like Math and she (like)..........Literature.
9. My sister (wash)..........dishes every day.
10. They (not/ have)..........breakfast every morning.
Bài 4: Chia động từ trong ngoặc và thêm trạng từ chỉ tần suất:
1. My brothers (sleep) on the floor. (often)
2. He (stay) up late? (sometimes)
3. I (do) the housework with my brother. (always)

4. Peter and Mary (come) to class on time. (never)
5. Why Johnson (get) good marks? (always)
6. You (go) shopping? (usually)

7. She (cry). (seldom)
8. My father (have) popcorn. (never)
Bài 5: Điền động từ thích hợp vào ơ trống với hình thức đúng của nó:
Mary is a teacher. She teaches English. The children love her and they (1).........a lot from her.
Mary (2).........home at 3.00 and (3).........lunch. Then she sleeps for an hour. In the afternoon
she (4).........swimming or she cleans her house. Sometimes, she (5).........her aunt and
(6).........tea with her. Every Sunday she does the shopping with her friends.
Bài 6: Gạch chân câu trả lời đúng
1) I don’t stay/ doesn’t stay at home.
2) We don’t wash/ doesn’t wash the family car.
3) Doris don’t do/ doesn’t do her homework.
4) They don’t go/ doesn’t go to bed at 8.30 pm.
5) Kevin don’t open/ doesn’t open his workbook.
6) Our hamster don’t eat/doesn’t eat apples.
7) You don’t chat/ doesn’t chat with your friends.
8) She don’t use/ doesn’t use a ruler.
9) Max, Frank and Steve don’t skate/ doesn’t skate in the yard.
10) The boy don’t throw/doesn’t throw stones
Bài 7: Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng
1. I …….Louisiana state University.
A. Am attending

B. Attend

C. Was attending

D. Attended

2. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he …….dinner.
A. Finish

B. Finishes

C. Will finish

D. Shall have finished

3. The dancing club……..north of the city.
A. Lays

B. Lies

C. Located

D. Lain

4. I don’t understand this sentence. What…………………….?
A. Does mean this word

B. Have this word mean

word mean
5. John……..tennis once or twice a week.

C. Means this word

D. Does this

A. Usually play

B. Is usually playing

C. Usually plays

D. Have usually played

6. I usually …….away at weekends.
A. Have gone

B. Goes

C. Am going

D. Go

7. The earth……… round the sun.
A. Go

B. Has gone

C. Went

D. Goes

8. I come from Canada. Where ……..you ……..from?
A. Do/come

B. Did/come

C. Are coming

D. Have/come

9. Ann……..tea very often.
A. Doesn’t drink

B. Don’t drink

C. Didn’t drink

D. Dasn’t drunken

10. The sun……….in the East.
A. Is rising

B. Rose

C. Has risen

D. Rises

11. It is a nice day. I ……….we go out for a walk.
A. Suggested

B. Suggest

C. Is suggesting

D. Are suggesting

12. Bad driving often…….many accidents.
A. Caused

B. Had caused

C. Causes

D. Has cause

13. The Olympic Games…….every four years.
A. Take place

B. Takes place

C. Took place

D. Is taking place

14. What time…..the banks close in Britain?
A. Do

B. Did

C. Does

D. Can

15. Water ______ at 100 degrees Celsius.
A. Boiling

B. Boils

C. Is boiling

D. Boil

16. Bettina usually ______ television in the evening.
A. Watches

B. Watching

C. Watch

D. Has watched

17. I usually ______________ to school by bus.
A. Went

B. Am

C. Go

D. Have gone

18. Every twelve months, the Earth………………the Sun.
A. Circles

B. Circled

C. Has circled

D. Is circling

19. I’ll come to see you before I .................. for the United States.
A. Leave

B. Will leave

C. Have left

D. Am leaving

20. I never .............studying
A. Give up

B. Gives up

C. Are giving up

D. Gave up

Bài 8: Chia động từ trong ngoặc
1. The swimming pool (open) …………. at 9:00 and (close)………..at 18:30 everyday.
2. George (not go) ………………………..to the cinema very often.
3. I have a car, but I (not use)………..it very often.

4. How many languages (you/ speak) …………………?
5. Where (she/come) …………………from?
6. (You/ live) …………………..near here?
7. Don’t try to use that telephone. It (not/work) …………………….
8. “Have a cigarette”
“No, thanks. I (not/ smoke) ……………………………..”
9. How often (you/ watch) …………………television?
10. When he (finish) ……….………his work, he will help you.


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