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VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

NĂM 2019 - 2020
ĐỀ 1
I. Choose the best answer.

Lan__________ a student.

(am / is / are/ 'm)


__________, I'm Nga




They__________ students.

(is/ are/ am/ be)


I__________ eleven years old.

(is /are / am/ be)


__________ is Tam? He's ten

(How/What/How old/Who)


__________, Nam. Hi, Nga.

(What/Where /How /Hello)


__________ morning, teacher.

(Oh / Hi / Good /Hello)


I'm not__________, thank you.

(nine / very well /twelve /good)


It's__________ to meet you.

(nice /nine /hi / hello)


I'm__________ to meet you, too. (old / pleased / long /so)


Good morning class!

(How/ My/ Hi/Good)
(You are /are you / you/ are)

(Hi, teacher/Good evening, teacher/Good

afternoon teacher/Good morning teacher)

What's your name?.

(It Peter / Peter /It's is Peter / Is Peter).



(Bye/Hi/Good morning/How are you?)


How are you?

(I'm fine, thanks/And you/I'm twelve/And

you?/I'm thanks).

This__________ Phong.

( is/ am/ are/ a)


How are you? __________'re fine.

(I /You /He /We)


How__________ are you?



How old__________ Mai?

(am /is / are/ be)


How old are you?

(you're ten/I ten/I'm ten years old/I'm ten years)

II. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.
This is Lan’s mother. She (01)__________ forty. She is a (02)__________. She
(03)__________ English at a small school in the country. Every morning, she leaves the

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

(04)__________ at a quarter past six. She goes to school (05)__________ bus. She
(06)__________ far from her school. Her class (07)__________ at seven o’clock and
finishes at thirty (08)__________ eleven. She (09)__________ home and has
(10)__________ with family. (11)__________ the afternoon, she goes home and
prepares the lesson for the next day.
III. Hãy chọn từ hoặc cụm từ A, B, hoăc C thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống.
01. Where____________________?
A. do you live

B. you live do

02. How are you?
A. am

C. you live?

– We______________ fine.
B. is

C are

03. ______________ grade are you in?
A. Where

B. Which

C. Who

04. In the morning I have______________ at 6 AM
A. breakfast

B. lunch

C. dinner

05. What does Nga do______________ school?
A. to

B. after

C. for

06. My father is a farmer. He works on the_________________.
A. hospital

B. factory

C. farm

07. There is a park ______________ my house.
A. next

B. opposite

08. Is there a bank near your house?
A. Yes, it is

C. in front

- ______________________

B. Yes, it does

C. Yes, there is

09.____________ Nam do the homework?
A. Does

B. Is

C. Do

10. I get up _____________ half past six.
A. to

B. at

C. in

IV: Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi trả lời câu hỏi.
Hi, I’m Nam. I am going to visit my grandparents this weekend. They live in the
countryside. I’m going to stay there for two days. I’m going to plant some flowers in the
garden near the house
01. Who is he going to visit this weekend?

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

02. Where do his grandparents live?
03. How long is he going to stay there?
04. What is he going to plant in the garden?
V. Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống:

My sister is in____________ 11A.


Trung’s school is____________ the second____________


Nam____________ dressed____________ half past six.


What____________ is it – It ‘s seven thirty.


Ha and Nga____________ breakfast____________ a quarter to seven.


This school is big. ____________ is a____________ school.


How____________ floors____________ Mai’s school have?


Hai washes____________ face at six thirty.

VI. Complete the dialogue.
Minh: Hi, Linda. (01)_____________________________?
Linda: I’m fine, thank you. And you?
Minh: (02)_____________________________. Linda, this is my new friend. His
name is Tony.
Linda: Hello. (03)_____________________________, Tony?
Tony: I’m from Canberra.
Linda: (04)_____________________________? Is it in America?
Tony: No. It’s in Australia. And you? (05)_____________________________?
Linda: I’m from London. I’m English. Nice to meet you, Tony.
Tony: (06)_____________________________, too.

VII. Hãy chọn từ hoặc cụm từ A, B, C hoăc Dthích hợp điền vào chỗ trống.
01. She works in a hospital, so she is a___________.
A. teacher

B. driver

C. worker

02. Music, English, Math are___________ at school.

D. nurse

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A. subjects

B. favourites

C. games

D. festivals

03. There___________ a lot of people at the party last night.
A. did

B. are

C. was

04. What do you want to___________?
A. do

D. were

- A teacher.

B. is

C. was

D. be

05. ___________ do you want to be? – I want to be a doctor.
A. How

B. When

C. Where

D. What

C. wanting

D. want to

C. is

D. was

C. to

D. be

06. She___________ to be a singer.
A. want

B. wants

07. What___________ he want to be?
A. does

B. do

08. I want___________ learn English.
A. is

B. do

I. Choose the best answer.
1 - is

2 - Hi

3 - are you

4 - are

5 - am

6 - How old

7 - Hello

8 - Good

9 - good

10 - nice

11 - pleased

12 - Good

13 - Peter

14 - bye

15 - I’m fine,



16 - is

17 - We

18 - old

19 - is

20 - I’m ten
years old

II. Fill in the blank with a suitable word.
1 - is; 2 - teacher; 3 - teaches; 4 - house; 5 - by; 6 - is
7 - starts; 8 - to; 9 - comes; 10 - lunch; 11 - In
III. Hãy chọn từ hoặc cụm từ A, B, hoăc C thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống.
1 - A; 2 - C; 3 - B; 4 - A; 5 - B; 6 - C; 7 - B; 8 - A; 9 - A; 10 - B
IV: Đọc đoạn văn sau rồi trả lời câu hỏi.
1 - He is going to visit his grandparents.
2 - They live in the countryside.

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3 - He is going to stay there for two days.
4 - He is going to plant some flowers in the the garden.
V. Điền từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống:
1 - class

2 - on - floor

3 - gets - at

4 - number

5 - have - at

6 - it - big

7 - many - does

8 - his

VI. Complete the dialogue.
1 - How are you
2 - I am fine, thank you
3 - Where are you from
4 - Where is it
5 - Where are you from
6 - Nice to meet you
VII. Hãy chọn từ hoặc cụm từ A, B, C hoăc Dthích hợp điền vào chỗ trống.








ĐỀ 2
I. Change the verb into the present simple tense:
01. I (be)___________ sixteen years old.
02. Tommy (live)___________ at 107 Pine Lane?
03. Juana (cook)___________ dinner for her family.
04. They (eat)___________ lunch at 12:00.
05. Nina (take)___________ medicine when she is sick.
06. I (not like)___________ chocolate.
07. He (drive)___________ a nice car.
08. We (want)___________ to see a movie tonight.
09. Mr. Anderson (teach)___________ chemistry at Hill High School.
10 They (study)___________ English at school.
11 I (want)___________ to go home now.
12 Bill and Calicia (drive)___________ to the mountains every year?
13 We (eat)___________ pasta once a week.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

14 It (snow)___________ here in December?
15 When Dax (take)___________ a shower, he (wash)___________ his hair with
II. Put the verbs into the present continuous tense.
01. They (talk)___________ about the invoices.
02. He (write)___________ a report.
03. Helen (make)___________ photocopies.
04. She (dictate)___________ a memo.
05. Peter (not check)___________ the figures.

06. The secretary (file)___________ the invoices.
07. He (interview)___________ candidates for a job.
08. Mr. Diaz (not prepare)___________ export documents.
09. Judy (make)___________ appointments.
10. The trainees (meet)___________ at 12 o'clock.
III. Simple or Continuous Present tense?
01. (you/come)___________ tonight?
02. (he/eat)___________ rice every day?
03. I (work)___________ at the moment.
04. (he/come)___________ to London often?
05. He (play)___________ tennis now.
06. (you/come)___________ to the cinema later?
07. They (not/come)___________ to the party tomorrow.
08. He (not/play)___________ golf now.
09. (you/play)___________ tennis this Sunday?
10. They (go)___________ to a restaurant every Saturday.
IV. Change the verb into the past simple tense:
01. Dan (leave)___________ very early today.
02. Sam and Sue (buy)___________ a new house last month.
03. I (visit)___________ Germany the previous week.
04. You (not play)___________ very well.
05. They (find)___________ this book on their trip to Italy?

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06. I (not bake)___________ this cake by myself.
07. We (not open)___________ the store in 1987.
08. The rain finally (stop)___________ and we (go)___________ home.
09. She (plan)___________ to come, but she (have)___________ some problems.

10. Kate (have)___________ a big house, but she (sell)___________ it.
11. Rose (be)___________ very thin.
12. You (be)___________ at work yesterday morning?
13. We (think)___________ New York was in England!
14. They (bring)___________ this from their trip?
15. She always (dance)___________ in the summer.
V. Sắp xếp các từ để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
01. for three days./ is going to/ stay/ there/ My grandfather
02. her leg./ on/ a pain/ Jenny/ has
03. are playing/ soccer in a stadium/ My children/ their school./ near
04. ‘s brother going to/ Is/ Anna’s friend/ travel from China/ to Hanoi by train?
05. to travel/ father want/ Why/ to Nha Trang?/ does your
06. three bedrooms/ and one living-room/ There/ in my house./ are
07. in English/ at the last night’s party/and told stories/sang/ Her students
08. I learn/many interesting/ numbers./ During Math lessons,/ things about
09. Lien will/ next week./ a floating market/ to shop in/ take Mr. Hanh
10. to buy/ for my son./ I want/ some new/ clothes

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VI. Chọn đáp án thích hợp.
01. “Do you know English?”
A. much

B. many

~ “Just____________.”
C. little

D. less

02. You can borrow books from the____________.
A. post office

B. cafe

C. hospital

D. library

03. I do not go to school____________ Saturday and Sunday.
A. on

B. at

C. in

D. from

04. This is my new shirt. – Oh____________ color is pretty.
A. it

B. its

C. their

05. Does he____________ to the park?
A. ride

– yes, he goes to the park on foot.

B. drive

C. travel

06. It’s so hot. Do you like____________ with me?
A. swims

B. to swim

D. they

– Yes, i do.

C. swimming

07. What do you do during English lessons?

D. walk

D. swiming

– I learn to read and write

A. Vietnam

B. England

C. English

D. Vietnamese

08. What____________ the matter with Linda’s friend yesterday afternoon?
A. is

B. was

C. were

D. are

09. It____________ rainy in summer in Vietnam.
A. often is

B. is often

C. often

D. be often

10. Mai can____________ English very well.
A. write

B. writes

C. writing

D. to write

I. Change the verb into the present simple tense:
1 - am; 2 - Does… live; 3 - cooks; 4 - eats; 5 - takes
6 - don’t like; 7 - drives; 8 - want; 9 - teaches; 10 - study
11 - want; 12 - Do… drive; 13 - eat; 14 - Is … snow; 15 - takes - washes
II. Put the verbs into the present continuous tense.
1 - are talking; 2 - is writing; 3 - is making; 4 - is dictating; 5 - isn’t checking
6 - is filing; 7 - is interviewing; 8 - is not preparing; 9 - is making; 10 - is meeting.
III. Simple or Continuous Present tense?

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

1 - Do … come; 2 - Does… eat; 3 - am working; 4 - Does… come; 5 - is playing
6 - Do…come; 7 - aren’t coming; 8 - isn’t playing; 9 - Do… play; 10 - go
IV. Change the verb into the past simple tense:
1 - left; 2 - bought; 3 - visited; 4 - didn’t play; 5 - found
6 - didn’t bake; 7 - didn’t open; 8 - stopped - went; 9 - planed - had; 10 - had - sold
11 - was; 12 - Were you; 13 - thought; 14 - brought; 15 - danced
V. Sắp xếp các từ để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

1 - My grandfather is going to stay there for three days.
2 - Jenny has a pain on her leg.
3 - My children are playing soccer in a stadium near their school.
4 - Is Anna’s friend’s brother going to travel from China to Hanoi by train?
5- Why does your father want to travel to Nha Trang?
6- There are three bedrooms and one living room in my house.
7- Her students sang and told stories in English at the last night’s party.
8- During Math lessons, I learn many interesting things about numbers.
9- Lien will take Mr. Hanh to shop in a floating market next week.
10- I want to buy some new clothes for my son.
VI. Chọn đáp án thích hợp.
1 - C; 2 - D; 3 - A; 4 - B; 5 - D; 6 - C; 7 - C; 8 - B; 9 - B; 10 - A
ĐỀ 3
I: Arrange the suggested words in order:
01. vacation?/ are / going / do/ summer/ What/ you/ to/ this
02. is/ visit/ and/ city./ / Lan/ going/ to/ Hue/Ho Chi Minh
03. are/ Where/ they/ to/ going/ stay/ Bay/ in /Ha Long/?
04. am/ I/ going/ watch/ to / a/ match/ television/ on /tonight./ football
05. is/ stay/ his/ house. / he/ going /to/ at/ uncle's

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
01. His sister is a______________ girl. She is Miss. Viet Nam.


02. Her______________ are long and thin.


03. She is a good teacher. She______________ well.


04. My brother works on a farm. He is a______________.


05. There are some______________ in the school yard.
06. Ha Anh Tuan sings well. He is a good______________.


III. Fill in something/anything - somebody/anybody - somewhere/anywhere.
01. She said______________ but I didn't understand anything.
02. Has______________ found my blue pencil? No, I'm sorry.
03. Would______________ help me, please? Yes, I can help you.
04. Have you got______________ to eat? No, I haven't.
05. Tom, can you give me______________ to drink, please?
06. Is there______________ in the house? No, it's deserted.
07. Do you know______________ about London transport? No, I don't.
08. What's wrong? "There's ______________ in my eye."

09. Do you like______________ to drink? Yes, please.
10. ______________ has broken the window. I don't know who.
11. He didn't say______________.
12. I'm looking for my keys. Has______________ seen them? No, I'm sorry.
13. Teach me______________ exciting.
14. I didn't eat______________ because I wasn't hungry.
15. Dad, can we go______________ on Sunday? Yes, what about going to the zoo?
IV. Hoàn tất các câu sau bằng việc điền từ vào khoảng trống.

Another word for “__________ tennis” is “ping-pong”.


They couldn’t see__________because it was dark.


Our dad buy us two new_________ every Saturday. (toys, books, comics, drinks)


September, October and November are the months of the __________ (winter,

autumn, spring, summer)

Where do your students practice____________ the piano.

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The bus is_________ than the car. (slower, faster , smaller, bigger)


___________ is a colder season than spring. (Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter)


I haven’t got _____ more exams!


This woman has more m__ __ __y than all of her daughters.


What’s about_________ videos? – Sorry, I’m busy now. (watches, watching, to

watch , watch)

Does she play_________ sports in her free time? (any, the, a, every)


I’m going to go on_________ next week.


Jane and I were thirsty, but John felt________ and thirsty. (thirsty, hungry, cold,

I: Arrange the suggested words in order:
1 - What are you going to do this summer vacation?
2 - Lan is going to visit Hue and Ho Chi Minh city.
3 - Where are they going to stay in Ha Long Bay?
4 - I am going to watch a football match on television tonight.
5 - He is going to stay at his uncle’s house.
II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 - beautiful; 2 - feet; 3 - teaches; 4 - farmer; 5 - people; 6 - singer
III. Fill in something/anything - somebody/anybody - somewhere/anywhere.
1 - something
2 - anybody
3 - anybody
4 - anything
5 - anything
6 - anything
7 - anything
8 -something
9 - anything
10 - Somebody
11 - anything

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12 - anybody
13 - something
14 - anything
15 - anywhere
IV. Hoàn tất các câu sau bằng việc điền từ vào khoảng trống.
1 - table; 2 - anything; 3 - toys; 4 - winter; 5 - playing
6 - bigger; 7 - Winter; 8 - any; 9 - money; 10 - watching;
11 - any; 12 - picnic; 13 - hungry
ĐỀ 4
I: Arrange the suggested words in order:
01. Hoa/ her / are /to/ Hanoi/ three/ for/ days./ and/ sister/ going/visit
02. is/ David/ going/stay/ the /in/ Hoa Binh/ at/ hotel/ Hanoi./ to
03. in/ to/ wants/ visit/friend/ Nha Trang./Lan /her
4. have/ often/ a/ when/ weather/ is/ the/ fine./I /picnic
05. every/ goes/ Nam/ swimming/ he/ swimming/day./likes/ so
II. Put the verbs into present simple or present progressive.

Look! He (leave)______________ the house.


Quiet please! I (write)______________ a test.


She usually (walk)______________ to school.


But look! Today she (go)______________ by bike.


Every Sunday we (go)______________ to see my grandparents.


He often (go)______________ to the cinema.


We (play)______________ Monopoly at the moment.


The child seldom (cry)______________.


I (not / do)______________ anything at the moment.

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(watch / he)______________ the news regularly?

III. Put the verbs into the simple past:
01. Last year I (go)______________ to England on holiday.
02. It (be)______________ fantastic.
03. I (visit)______________ lots of interesting places. I (be)______________ with two
friends of mine.
04. In the mornings we (walk)______________ in the streets of London.
05. In the evenings we (go)______________ to pubs.
06. The weather (be)______________ strangely fine.
07. It (not / rain)______________ a lot.
08. But we (see)______________ some beautiful rainbows.
09. Where (spend / you)______________ your last holiday?
10. My mother (feed)______________ the birds before we left for vacation.
IV.. Sắp xếp các từ để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

to the party. / her/ for inviting / thanked me / She


My sister / taking care/ of small / loves / animals.


your / my questions. / book and / Close / listen to


Please take / some photos / for me. /of the temple/ there


sitting in a boat/ Mr. Grim / interested in/ Why’s / and fishing?

I: Arrange the suggested words in order:
1 - Hoa and her sister are going to visit Hanoi for three days.
2 - David is going to stay at Hoa Binh hotel at Hanoi.
3 - Lan wants to visit her friend in Nha Trang.
4 - I often have a picnic when the weather is fine.
5 - Nam likes swimming so he goes swimming every day.

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II. Put the verbs into present simple or present progressive.
1 - is leaving; 2 - am writing; 3 - walks; 4 - goes; 5 - go;
6 - goes; 7 - are playing; 8 - cries; 9 - am not doing; 10 - Does watch
III. Put the verbs into the simple past:
1 - went; 2 - was; 3 - visited - was; 4 - walked; 5 - went
6 - was; 7 - didn’t rain; 8 - saw; 9 - did you spend; 10 - fed

IV.. Sắp xếp các từ để tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1 - She thanked me for inviting her to the party.
2 - My sister loves taking care of small animals.
3 - Close your book and listen to my questions.
4 - please take some photos of the temple there for me.
5 - Why’s Mr. Grim interested in sitting in a boat and fishing?
ĐỀ 5
Khoanh tròn vào chữ cái đứng trước từ có cách phát âm phần gạch chân khác với các
từ còn lại.
01. A. kitchen

B. fish

C. library

D. tennis

02. A. that

B. those

C. there

D. thin

03. A. mother

B. brother

C. Monday

D. open

04. A. cat

B. Maths

C. have

D. ball

05. A. six

B. sit

C. stand

D. close

Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence.
01. How often your mother go to the supermarket? - ___________.
A. Once a week

B. A week one

C. One a week

D. A week once

C. is doing

D. playing

02. She___________ aerobics.
A. doing

B. is playing

03. My father___________ fishing in his free time.
A. does

B. goes

C. play

D. watches

04. What do you do___________ your free time?
A. on

B. for

C. at

05. Ba___________ jogging every Sunday.

D. in

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A. goes

B. does

C. plays

D. watches

06. They sometimes have a picnic but not___________.
A. never

B. sometimes

C. always

D. a week

07. They listen to music twice___________.
A. one week

B. weeks

C. week

D. a week

08. The girls are___________ ropes in the school yard.
A. doing

B. skipping

C. playing

D. going

C. doing

D. go

09. What is she___________ now?
A. do

B. does

10. On the weekend, my classmates often go walking___________ the mountains.
A. on

B. at

C. for

D. in

Change the verb into the past simple tense:
01. Dan (leave)___________ very early today.
02. Sam and Sue (buy)___________ a new house last month.
03. I (visit)___________ Germany the previous week.
04. You (not play)___________ very well.
05. They (find)___________ this book on their trip to Italy?

06. I (not bake)___________ this cake by myself.
07. We (not open)___________ the store in 1987.
08. The rain finally (stop)___________ and we (go)___________ home.
09. She (plan)___________ to come, but she (have)___________ some problems.
10. Kate (have)___________ a big house, but she (sell)___________ it.
11. Rose (be)___________ very thin.
12. You (be)___________ at work yesterday morning?
13. We (think)___________ New York was in England!
14. They (bring)___________ this from their trip?
15. She always (dance)___________ in the summer.
Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers
There is one example. 00. space

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí







It was Robert’s birthday yesterday. He wanted a toy which could take him through (00)
space but that’s very hard to find! He got up very early and ran downstairs to the kitchen.
No-one was there and the house was very (01)____________. “This is strange,” he
thought. Then he saw an old mat on the table. He put it on the floor and stood on it
carefully. Suddenly, it (02)___________ up into the air and took Robert through the
clouds to a (3)___________ with lots of flags on top. It had a big door. Robert opened it
and saw a lovely garden which was full of flowers. There was a lake there, too. A
beautiful (4)___________ swam on the water. There was a picnic with a birthday cake on
the grass, too. He looked at it and saw his name one it! The mat stopped and Robert got
off. He (5)___________ to eat the cake when, suddenly, he woke up! It was all a dream.
Khoanh tròn vào chữ cái đứng trước từ có cách phát âm phần gạch chân khác với các
từ còn lại.
1 - C; 2 - D; 3 - D; 4 - D; 5 - D
Change the verb into the past simple tense:
1 - left; 2 - bought; 3 - visited; 4 - didn’t played; 5 - Did… they found;
6 - didn’t bake; 7 - didn’t open; 8 - stopped - went; 9 - planned - had; 10 - had - sold
11 - was; 12 - Were you; 13 - thought; 14 - Did .. bring; 15 - danced
Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence.
1 - A; 2 - C; 3 - B; 4 - D; 5 - A; 6 - C; 7 - D; 8 - B; 9 - C; 10 - D
Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers
1 - quiet; 2 - flew; 3 - castle; 4 - swan; 5 - began
ĐỀ 6
Câu 1. Khoanh trịn vào từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác.
01. A. sister

B. teacher

C. pretty

D. brother

02. A. village

B. nine

C. nice

D. fine

03. A. family

B. handsome

C. that

D. hat

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

04. A. the

B. her

C. hello

D. he

Câu 2. Khoanh tròn vào từ khác loại.
01. A. he

B. my

C. your

D. its

02. A. mum

B. dad

C. family

D. brother

03. A. how

B. who

C. that

D. where

04. A. nice

B. nine

C. two

D. one

Câu 3. Tìm và sửa lỗi ở mỗi câu sau.
01. Where are your school?
02. I teacher is Lan.
03. It in the village.
04. This is my teacher. She is very handsome.
05. My school is big and young.
Câu 4. Đọc lời giới thiệu rồi hoàn thành các câu sau.
Hello! I’m Mai. This is my school. Its name is Thuy Trinh primary school. This is my
classroom. It’s big and nice. This is my teacher. She is Lan. She is very young and pretty.
This is my friend, Nga.
01. This is my ..........................
02. Its name is ........................
03. This is my ......................…
04. It’s ...............................
05. Lan is .............................
06. My friend is ....................
Câu 5. Dùng các từ is/ are/ hay am để điền vào các khoảng trống sau.
01. How_________ you?
02. I_________ fine, thank you.
03. My teacher_________ in the classroom.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

04. Hello. I_________ Tung.
05. And this_________ Lâm.
Câu 1. Khoanh trịn vào từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác.
1 - C; 2 - A; 3 - C; 4 - D
Câu 2. Khoanh tròn vào từ khác loại.
1 - A; 2 - C; 3 - C; 4 - A
Câu 3. Tìm và sửa lỗi ở mỗi câu sau.
1 - are thành is
2 - I thành My
3 - it thành it is
4 - She thành He
5 - young and new
Câu 4. Đọc lời giới thiệu rồi hoàn thành các câu sau.
1 - school;
2 - Thuy Trinh primary school;
3 - classroom;
4 - big and nice;
5 - Mai’s teacher;
6 - Nga
Câu 5. Dùng các từ is/ are/ hay am để điền vào các khoảng trống sau.
1 - are; 2 - am; 3 - is; 4 - am; 5 - is
ĐỀ 7
Câu 1. Khoanh trịn vào từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác.
01. A. hot

B. not

C. now

D. orange

02. A. teacher

B. engineer

C. sister

D. brother

03. A. apple

B. bag

C. sofa

D. hat

04. A. pupil

B. excuse

C. student

D. nurse

C. class

D. flat

Câu 2. Khoanh tròn vào từ khác loại.
01. A. home

B. house

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

02. A. teacher

B. father

C. nurse

D. doctor

03. A. tired

B. hot

C. sick

D. work

04. A. in

B. on

C. one

D. at

Câu 3. Tìm và sửa lỗi ở mỗi câu sau.
01. My mother is a engineer.
02. She is at the hospital.
03. What’s the matter with she?
04. Peter and Mary are a student.
05. He is not a tall boys.
Câu 4. Ghép câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B.


01. What’s the matter with him?

a. He is a doctor.

02. Would you like an orange?

b. It’s my friend.

03. What is your father’s job?

c. He is nervous.

04. Who is this?

d. She lives in Thai Binh.

05. Where does your mother live?

e. No, thanks.

Câu 5. Đọc lời giới thiệu rồi hoàn thành các câu sau.
- Hello, I’m David, I’m 9 year old, I’m from London. I live in a small house with my
parents. My father is a teacher, my mother is a teacher, too. They are at school, now.
01. What’s his name?
02. Where is he from?
03. Where does he live?
04. How old is he?

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

05. What do his parents’ job?
06. Are they at school?

Câu 1. Khoanh trịn vào từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác.
1 - C; 2 - B; 3 - C; 4 - D
Câu 2. Khoanh tròn vào từ khác loại.
1 - C; 2 - B; 3 - D; 4 - C
Câu 3. Tìm và sửa lỗi ở mỗi câu sau.
1 - a thành an
2 - at thành in
3 - she thành her
4 - a student thành students
5 - boys thành boy
Câu 4. Ghép câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B.
1 - c; 2 - e; 3 - a; 4 - b; 5 - d
Câu 5. Đọc lời giới thiệu rồi hoàn thành các câu sau.
1 - His name is David.
2 - he is from London.
3 - He lives in a small house.
4 - He is 9 years old.
5 - They are teachers.
6 - Yes, they are.
ĐỀ 8
Câu 1. Khoanh tròn vào từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác.
01. A. cat

B. dad

C. family

D. name

02. A. brother

B. sister

C. her

D. he

03. A. ten

B. seven

C. he

D. hello

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

04. A. nine

B. sister

C. five

D. hi

Câu 2. Khoanh tròn vào từ khác loại.
01. A. one

B. mum

C. three

D. four

02. A. he

B. she

C. me

D. I

03. A. morning

B. family

C. night

D. afternoon

04. A. Bill

B. Peter

C. Hello

D. Anna

Câu 3. Ghép câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B.


01. My name .......................

A. ............... is Binh.

02. This is .............................

B. ................ my sister.

03. What is .........................

C. ............... six.

04. His name .......................

D. .............. your name?

05. One and five is..............

E. .............. is Mai.

Câu 4. Tìm và sửa lỗi ở mỗi câu sau.
01. I’am Hong.


02. This is me brother.


03. This is my mum. His name is Dao.


04. This is my dad. Her name is Tung.


05. This is my brothers.


Câu 5. Đọc lời giới thiệu rồi hoàn thành các câu sau.
This is my family. This is my dad. His name is Hung. This is my mum. She is Mai.
This is my sister. Her name is Nga. This is me. I am Linh.
01. This is my ..........................
02. My dad is ...........................
03. Mai is my ..........................
04. Nga is my .....................
05. My name is ..................
06. My sister is ...............…
Câu 1. Khoanh trịn vào từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác.
1 - D; 2 - D; 3 - C; 4 - B

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

Câu 2. Khoanh trịn vào từ khác loại.
1 - B; 2 - C; 3 - B; 4 - C
Câu 3. Ghép câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B.
1 - E; 2 - B; 3 - D; 4 - A; 5- C
Câu 4. Tìm và sửa lỗi ở mỗi câu sau.
1 - I’am thành I’m hoặc I am
2 - me thành my
3 - His thành her
4 - Her thành His
5 - brothers thành brother
Câu 5. Đọc lời giới thiệu rồi hoàn thành các câu sau.
1 - family; 2 - Hung; 3 - mum; 4 - sister; 5 - Linh; 6 - Nga
ĐỀ 9
Câu 1. Khoanh trịn vào từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác.
01. A. Why

B. my

C. Sydney

D. goodbye

02. A. room

B. door

C. school

D. book

03. A. fine

B. nice

C. sister

D. hi

04. A. how

B. now

C. two

D. flower

Câu 2. Khoanh tròn vào từ khác loại.
01. A. on

B. is

C. at

D. in

02. A. my

B. your

C. he

D. his

03. A. ice- cream

B. pen

C. apple

D. banana

04. A. socks

B. class

C. hat

D. shirt

Câu 3. Ghép câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B.


01. What is your name?

a. Yes, please.

02. How do you spell it?

b. She is from Viet Nam.

03. Who is your teacher?

c. P – E – T – E – R.

04. Where is she from?

d. Mrs. Lan.

05. Would you like some Coca-cola?

e. My name is Peter.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

Câu 4. Tìm và sửa lỗi ở mỗi câu sau.
01. I am on group 5A.
02. How many boy are there in your group?
03. There is an bag on the table. .
04. This is my teacher. His name is Mai.
05. Lan and Hoa is my friends.

Câu 5. Hoàn thành các câu sau.
Hello! My name is__________. I am___________ years old. I am in
My school is_________________________________. It is a___________ school
in the___________.
Câu 1. Khoanh trịn vào từ có phần gạch chân được phát âm khác.
1 - A; 2 - B; 3 - C; 4 - C
Câu 2. Khoanh tròn vào từ khác loại.
1 - B; 2 - C; 3 - B; 4 - B
Câu 3. Ghép câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B.
1 - e; 2 - c; 3 - d; 4 - b; 5 - a
Câu 4. Tìm và sửa lỗi ở mỗi câu sau.
1 - on thành in
2 - boy thành boys
3 - an thành a
4 - His thành her
5 - is thành are
Câu 5. Hoàn thành các câu sau.
Học sinh tự trả lời.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

Hello! My name is My Le. I am ten years old. I am in group 5.
My school is Le Quy Don primary school. It is a big school in the Cau Giay district.
ĐỀ 10
I. Hoàn thành các câu sau:
01. I__________ up at 6.00 am.

02. __________ are you from?
03. I like meat. It’s__________ favourite food.
04. I wants some books. __________’s go to the bookshop.
05. What’s his__________? He’s a worker.
06. Orange juice is__________ favourite drink.
07. What__________ is it? It’s 8.00 o’clock.
08. These__________ maps.
II. Khoanh vào các đáp án A, B, C, hoặc D mà em cho là đáp án đúng nhất.
01. What do you do__________ Maths lessons?
A. in

B. on

C. during

D. at

02. I like bread. It’s my favourite__________.
A. drink

B. food

C. milk

D. juice

03. Do you like English? Yes, I__________.
A. am

B. do

C. does

D. is

C. hungry

D. thirsty

C. on

D. to

04. I’m__________ I’d like some water.
A. hungry

B. angry

05. I go to school__________ 6.45 a.m.
A. in

B. at

III. Gạch chân từ viết sai ở cột A, chữa lại cho đúng ở cột B:


01. milk, you, fron, can, monkiy, when, plai


02. happi, like, zou, my, qlease, pen, chickan


03. ride, cendy, bike, how, footboll, cinena


04. dring, want, banama, damce, hungri, xwim


IV. Hãy sắp xếp các từ sau tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh.

VnDoc - Tải tài liệu, văn bản pháp luật, biểu mẫu miễn phí

01. is/ water/my/ mineral/ favourite/drink
02. the/ are/ much/ shoes/ how ?
I. Hoàn thành các câu sau:
1 - get; 2 - Where; 3 - my; 4 - Let;
5 - job; 6 - my; 7 - time; 8 - are
II. Khoanh vào các đáp án A, B, C, hoặc D mà em cho là đáp án đúng nhất.
1 - C; 2 - B; 3 - B; 4 - D; 5 - B
III. Gạch chân từ viết sai ở cột A, chữa lại cho đúng ở cột B:



01. milk, you, fron, can, monkiy, when,

01. milk; you; from; can; monkey; when;



02. happi, like, zou, my, qlease, pen,

02. happy; like; you; my; please; pen;



03. ride, cendy, bike, how, footboll,

03. ride; candy; bike; how; football;



04. dring, want, banama, damce, hungri,

04. during; want; banana; dance; hungry;



IV. Hãy sắp xếp các từ sau tạo thành câu hoàn chỉnh.
1 - My favorite drink is mineral water.
2 - How much are the shoes?
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