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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

m) You have to go now.
It ____________ dark. (get)
n) Bob ____________ old
movies on DVD every
night. (watch)

o) My sister and I ____________ at the
club on weekends. (swim)

p) My father ______________ at home at
11:00 p. m. every day. (arrive)

q) Don’t get without now!

It __________________ outside. (rain)
r) Shut up! I still __________________ to
you. (talk)

s) Listen! The band ________________ a
beautiful song now. (play)

t) She ______________ vegetables every
day. (eat)

u) They _______________ writing an
mail at the moment. (write)

v) Richard never____________ his computer
by himself. (fix)

w) Martha _______________ a bath right

now. (take)

x) Martin ___________________ to
Marlin on the phone now. (talk)

y) Joanne _____________her car to work
everyday. (drive)

z) You _______________English at the
moment. (study)

<b>1. Put the verbs into the correct </b>


a) Listen! Someone ________________
you. (call)

b) Be quit, please. The baby _________
____________ at the moment. (sleep)
c) He often __________ to the movies
with his girlfriend. (go)

d) Every weekend, the boys _________
their father. (visit)

e) We ___________________volleyball
at the club on Sundays. (play)

f) She ___________________ Italian on
Mondays and Sundays. (study)

g) Look! That woman ______________
candies. (give)

h) I ______________my homework
now. (do)

i) Look! Mary ____________________
the piano. (play)

j) Every morning, I ________________
my breakfast at the snack bar. (have)
k) The kids _______________________
Woodpecker cartoon on TV right now.

l) Look! It _____________
__________. Let’s do our
snowman. (snow)

my mother party (have)

/ /
<b>Student: Date:</b>

<i>* The explanation was retrieved by: www.english-hifen.com</i>


<b>Definition</b> Repeated actions

Actions happening at the moment of
speaking or around the moment of speaking

always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom,
never, every day, every week, every year,
on Mondays

now, at the moment, Look!, Listen!
<b>Forms </b> <b>Infinitive</b>3rd person singular (he, she, it) infinitive +

(<b>s) (es) (i+es)</b>

to be (am, are, is) + infinitive + ing

<b>Affirmative</b> I work here. / He works here. I am working now. / He is working

<b>Negative</b> I don't (do not) work here work.

He doesn't (does not) work here. <i> </i> I’m not working now.She isn’t working now.
<b>Interrogative Do you work here?</b>

<b>Does he work here?</b>



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