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Unit 1. A visit from a pen pal

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<b>I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced diffrently from that of the others</b>
1. a. primary b. divide c. comprise d. religion

2. a. school b. children c. Chinese d. church

3. a. beach b. peaceful c. measure d. meat

4. a. currency b. difficult c. much d. summer

5. a. association b. continue c. countries d. tropical
<b>II. Writing sentences with “S + wish/ wishes………” :</b>

12. I miss the cartoon on TV. ->...

13. Lien never goes on a camping trip. ->...
14. I’m sorry I don’t live near my house. ->...
16. They cannot eat seafood. ->...

17. Their team doesn’t play very well. ->...

18. There aren’t any computers in my school. ->...
19. Phong doesn’t have any sisters. ->...

20. He isn’t a member in the school theater club. ->...
21. I can’t speak Tamil. ->...

22. I have a cold now. ->...

23. The weather isn’t good today. ->...

24. Lien never goes on a camping trip. ___________________________________________

25.They don’t know how to speak Chinse. _________________________________________________
26. He doesn’t meet me because he is busy. ____________________________________________
27. The city is so noisy and I don’t like that. _______________________________________________
28. Their team plays very badly. __________________________________________

29. There aren’t any good places in your area. ________________________________________
30. She never goes abroad to visit her pen pal. _________________________________

<b>Special of "wishes": Các trường hợp đặc biệt của Wishes ( Bài tập)</b>
1. She’d love to travel by car.

-> She wishes………..
2. He’d like to make friends with Phong.

-> He wishes………..
3. Nam wants to sing an E. song.

-> Nam wishes………..
4. He wants Mary help him.

5. She loves walking in the rain.

->She wishes………..
6.My father likes working on a farm.

-> My father wishes………..
7. She must go now.

-> She wishes………..
<b>III .Find one mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence :</b>

1. Maryam was really impressed by the beauty of the city and the friendly of its people
2. The Malaysian unit of currency is ringgit, consisted os 100 sen.

3. Would you like to come and visiting me next summer?
4. I love the people, the foods and the beaches in Vietnamese.

5. Malaysia is divided to two regions known as West Malaysia and East Malaysia.
6. Bahasa Malaysia is the primary language in instruction in all secondary schools.
7. There are other religion such as Buddhism and Hinduism.

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10. He went to see a movie calling “ Ghosts and Monsters”.
11. Lynn wishe she had a bigger apartment and can buy a car.

12. When I was young, I often go fishing and played blindman’s buff.
13. What do you use to do when you stayed at home alone?

14. We’ve corresponded with each other for years but I’ve never meet him.
15. It’s very crowded here and I wish there aren’t so many people.

<b>IV. Choose the best answer:</b>

31. My friend _______ to the museum last week.

a. goes b. went c. has gone d. is going

32. She was really impressed _______ the friendliness of the people here.

a. with b. by c. in d. on

33. Islamic people often go to the _______ to pray.

a. pagoda b. mosque c. temple d. church

34. The book _______ of 254 pages and 6 chapters.

a. comprises b. makes c. has d. consists

35. I have a pen pal in Canada and we _______ each other once a month.
a. play with b. meet with c. study with d. correspond with
36. The class is ______ into 5 groups.

a. separating b. separated c. separate d. to separate
37. The students used to _______ volleyball in that ground area.

a. play b. played c. playing d. be played

38. He wishes he _______ around the world.

a. can travel b. could travel c. travel d. will travel
39. The train arrived at Da Nang _________ at 5 am.

a. station b. port c. airport d. stop

40. The Jones family enjoys ________ seafood.

a. eat b. ate c. eating d. eaten

<b>Exercise V.Supply the correct word form for each gap.</b>

1.She was really ... by the beauty of Ha Noi capital (impress).
2.She made a deep ... on the members of her class (impress).
3.Their ... made me happy. (friendly)

4.Many ... come to Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum everyday (visit).
5. We enjoyed the ... atmosphere in Ha Noi (peace).

6.Ha Noi is not ... from Kuala Lumpur (difference).
7. The girls went to see ... places in HCM City (fame).
8.The ... language in Malaysia is Bahasa Malaysia (nation).
9. In Malaysia, ... is free (educate).

10. What is the main language of ... at that school ? ( instruct).
<b>Exercise VI. Fill in each gap with one suitable preposition:</b>

1. Maryam was really impressed ... the beauty of Hue.
2.It seems difficult ... me to meet her now.

3.He doesn’t depend ... his parents.
4.If you have any trouble, ask ... help.

5. This guidebook is full ... useful information.

6. We still keep in touch ... each other although we live away ... each other.
7.He will go to China ... the end ... this week.

8. She went out ... saying a word.

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<b>TEST FOR UNIT 1</b>
<i><b>I/ Pick out the word that has the different sound from the others:</b></i>

1. A. mention B. option C. federation D. question

2. A. ghost B. office C. long D. modern

3. A. climate B. divide C. comprise D. notice

4. A. rather B. ethnic C. although D. without

5. A. region B. group C. dialogue D. guitar

<i><b>II/ Pick out the word that has the different stressed syllable from the others</b></i>
1. A. atmosphere B. capital C. climate D. activity
2. A. association B. federation C. population D.correspond

3. A. beauty B. museum C. outline D. tamil

4. A. friendliness B. islam C. separate D. puppet
5. A. relative B. territory C. vacation D. currency
<i><b>III/ Odd one out…</b></i>

1. A. Bangkok B. Kuala Lumpur C. Singapore D. Brunei Darussalam

2. A. visit B. divide C. separate D. pray

3. A. ringgit B. inch C. feet D. yard

4. A. Marxism B. Buddhism C. Islam D. Christianity
5. A. Malaysia B. Vietnamese C. Chinese D. tamil

<i><b>IV/ Choose the best answer for each of the following sentences.</b></i>

1. My penpal and I are away from each other, but we always …………..
A. keep in touch B. get on C. go D. write
2. His good behavior made a deep ……… on all the club members

A. impression B. expression C. kindness D. happiness
3. It’s raining again. If only I ………….. an umbrella.(if only = wish)

A. have B. having C. had had D. had

4. It’s a pity you didn’t go on a trip with us. We all wish you …………. With us.

A. could go B. go C. went D. had gone

5. I can’t speak English well. I wish I ……….. English well.
A. can speak B. could speakC. would speak D. spoke
6. My father gets used to ……….. newspaper in the morning.

A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads

7. We have written to each other ………. last Christmas.

A. for B. in C. since D. at

8. Can you divide this mooncake ………….. four equal pieces.

A. with B. by C. among D. into

9. When I first arrived ………… New York, I didn’t know anyone.

A. into B. at C. in D. to

10. We really enjoyed ………….. local food.

A. have B. to have C. has D. having

<i><b>V/ Read the passage below and answer the questions</b></i>

Malaysia is one of the countries of the ASEAN. It is divided into two regions which are separated by about
640 km of the sea and together comprise an area of 329,758 sq km. Malaysia enjoys tropical climate. The
Malaysian unit of currency is the ringgit.

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Chinese, or Tamil. Bahasa Malaysia is the primary language of instruction in all secondary school, although
some students may continue learning in Chinese or Tamil. And English is a compulsory second language.
1) The population of Malaysia in 2001 ………. over 22 million.

A. is B. are C. has D. had

2) Malaysia ……….. into two regions by about 640 km of the sea.
A. is dividing B. divides C. is divided D. divided
3) The ……….. of Malaysia is Islam.

A. two regionsB. additional religion C. official religion D. capital city

4) West Malaysia and East Malaysia together ………. an area of 329,758 sq km.
A. separate B. consist of C. comprise D. divide

5) Bahasa Malaysia is simply known as …..

A. Chinese B. Tamil C. Malay D. second laguage

6) ……… is a compulsory second language for secondary school students in Malaysia.

A. Chinese B. Tamil C. Malay D. English

<i><b>VI/ Give the correct tense/form of the verbs:</b></i>

1) Albert Maltz was a progressive American writer. He (1. bear) ...……….. in 1908. He (2. write)
………... his first play “PEACE ON EARTH” in 1943. It was against wars, so he (3. arrest)
……… by the American police and (4. put) ……….. in prison in 1950.

2) What you (do) ………. last weekend? - I (go) ………….. to the theater with my family.
3) Maryam and Lan (be) ……….. pen pals for nearly three years.

4) We used (write) …….... to each other every month when we (be)……… at secondary school.
5) Khang (know) …………. a little English, so he wishes he (can) ………speak it fluently.
6) Maryam (stay) ……… with Lan’s family at the moment. She (be) ……….. Lan’s penpal.
<i><b>VII/ Complete the sentences by filling in each blank with the correct form of the words.</b></i>

1. We’re very impressed by the ……… of your town’s people. (friend)
2. Is Buddhism the country’s ……… religion of Thailand? (office)
3. Should English be a ……….. foreign language in Viet Nam? (compel)

4. Malaysia is a member country of the ……… of South East Asian Nations. (associate)
5. In …………. , there are other religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism in Malaysia. (add)
6. The ……… language is Bahasa Malaysia. (nation)

7. Lan and Maryam ……… at least once every two week. (correspondence)
8. Lan enjoyed the ……… atmosphere while Maryam was praying. (peace)

<i><b>VIII/ Rewrite these sentences in such the way that they keep the same meaning as the old ones.</b></i>
1. She had finished the report by noon.

→ The report ………..
2. My younger sister is young. She can’t drive a car.

→ My younger sister ……….
3. Nga was absent from school yesterday.

→ I wish ……….
4. Someone stole my watch this morning.

→ My watch ………
5. I am sorry that I didn’t go to the wedding last week.

→ I wish ………..
6. Lan isn’t at the meeting today.

→ I wish ………..
7. It’s a pity I don’t know his phone number.

→ I wish ………..
8. I wasn’t there yesterday.

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<i><b>IX. Translate into English:</b></i>

1. Hà nội là thủ đơ của Việt Nam, nhưng nó khơng phải là thành phố lớn nhất nước.

2. Đạo Phật là tôn giáo chính thức của Thái Lan.


3. Ngơn ngữ để giảng dạy cho học sinh trung học là tiếng Việt Nam và tiếng Anh là ngôn ngữ thứ hai bắt buộc.


<b>EXERCISE: Use the correct form of verb in parentheses </b>
1. I wish I ( live) ………. near my school.

2. I wish I ( know) ………. her address.
3. I wish I ( be ) ………. taller.

4. I wish I (meet) ………..her now

5. She wishes her father ( be ) ………. here now to help her.
6. I wish I ( have ) ……….. more time to do this job.

7. The teacher wishes you ( work )…………. more than (talk )……….
8. I wish I ( not live )……….. in such a noisy city.

9. I wish I (have )………. enough money to buy this book.
<b>EXERCISE: Rewrite sentences, using “I wish...”</b>

Ví dụ: I don’t know many English words. I wish <sub></sub> <i>I knew many English words.</i>

1. I don’t have time to go around the city.

2. I wish...<sub></sub>
3. We don’t have a computer therefore we cannot get access to the Internet.

I wish ...

4. She doesn’t send me her recent photos.

I wish ...

5. My friend doesn’t have money to repair his bicycle.

I wish ...

6. My students don’t speak English fluently.

I wish ...

7. My students write lessons slowly.

I wish ...

8. The exercises are long.

I wish ...

9. The film is boring.

I wish ...

10. The weather is very hot today.

I wish ...

11. My motorcycle is very old.

I wish ...

12. Everybody in our village is poor.

I wish ...

13. My son plays video games during the day.

I wish ...

14. He gets up late for class today.

I wish ...

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15. My family live in a small house.

I wish ...

16. This student doesn’t go to school on time.

I wish ...

17. Many people in Viet Nam don’t have a house.
I wish ...

<b>EXERCISE: Rewrite sentences, using “I wish...”</b>

1. I’m sorry I don’t have much money. I wish...<sub></sub>
2. What a pity Mary doesn’t understand me. I wish... ...<sub></sub>

3. I’m sorry I get bad marks. I wish... <sub></sub>

4. What a pity the weather isn’t fine today. I wish...<sub></sub>
5. Sorry I forget your birthday I wish <sub></sub>


6. My mother never has an interesting party. I wish <sub></sub>

7. My father is sick today (well) I wish <sub></sub>


8. These exercises are very long (short) We wish <sub></sub>

9. My students are very lazy (hard working) I wish <sub></sub>

10. Her bicycle is old (new) She wishes <sub></sub>


<b>USED TO / BE USED TO </b>
<b>EXERCISE: Use “used to” or “be used to”</b>

1. They are used to /used to go to Da lat in Summer.
2. They are used to / used to playing soccer in the

3. I am used to / used to getting up early.

4. Tom is used to / used to .do his homework in the

5. Lan is used to / used to writing to Maryam.
6. He is used to / used to work at night.

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<b>EXERCISE: Rewrite the following sentences with “used to”:</b>

1. They lived in Ha Noi some years ago. ………
2. John stopped smoking <sub></sub>

3. Miss Chi taught us English when we were students <sub></sub>

4. Ronaldo was a football player 10 years ago <sub></sub>

5. My father often took me to the city when I was a child


6. He was a secretary for my company

7. Linda is no longer late in class. Linda <sub></sub>

8. Her brother no longer smokes cigarettes.

Her brother used ………
9. He often fed the pigs when he was young.

He used ………
10. This city had old buildings, but none can be found nowadays.

There used ………<sub></sub>

<b>EXERCISE: Use the correct form of the verbs: </b>

1. He used to (eat) ______________ . dinner at 5 o’clock
2. When I was young, I used to (swim) _______________

3. He used to (like) ______________ her , but he doesn’t any more.

4. Don’t worry. Some day you will get used to (speak) ______________ English.
5. She can’t get used to (study) ________________

6. He used to (dance) ______________ every night, but now he studies.
7. She is used to (sleep) _________________ late on weekends.

8. Mary is used to (eat) ________________ Chinese food now.
9. She finally got used to (eat) _______________ our food.
10. John is used to (swim) ________________ every day.
11. George is used to (eat) __________________ at 7:oo pm

12. We (got used to (cook) _________________ our own food when we had to live alone.
13. Mary was used to (drive) _________________ to school

14. I have tried but I can’t get used to (live) ____________ with such a man.
15. I found it hard to get used to (work) ______________ with him at first.
16. These foods are used to (feed) ________________ the animals.

17. The man is used to (read) ________________ his newspaper in the morning.
18. The government used to (restrict )________________ these pills.

19. John was used to …………..(eat) at noon when he started school .
20. We used to ……….. (eat ) breakfast at six o’clock.

21. When Mary was young . She used to …………...(swim) every day.
22. Ben used to ………..…(like) Helen, but he doesn’t any more.
23. Don’t worry. Some day you will be used to ………..(speak) Span.
24. Mai can’t be used to ………(work)

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26. Hoa is used to ………..…(sleep) late on weekends.
<b><I> Pronunciation.</b>

<b> Find the word that has the underlined letter(s) pronounced different from the others </b>
1/ a. invite b. pick c. ticket d. kitchen
2/ a. lock b. shock c. block d. program
3/ a. bad b. sad c. day d. catch
4/ a. greet b. teeth c. deer d. knee
5/ a. sign b. high c. sit d. mind
<b><II> Find the one choice that best completes the sentences</b>

<b> <A> Vocabulary. </b>

6/ I love this city ! The sights of it make a deep _____ on me.

a. impress b. impressed c. impressing d. impression
7/ Miss Hoa is very ______. She goes to church every morning.

a. religious b. religiously c. religion d. religioner
8/ My pen-pal and I have corresponded for over 2 years and we really enjoy our______
a. friend b. friendly c. friendship d. friendily
9/ The ______ religion of Malaysia is Islam.

a. office b. official c. officer d. offician
10/ Like VietNam, Malaysia is a _____country.

a. tropical b. tropie c. tropies d. tropically
11/ The Malaysia unit of currency is the______ .

a. riel b. dollar c. ringgit d. pesco

12/ We often have a summer______

a. holiday b. vacation c. semester d. a and b are correct
13/ You can take part in sports activities or not that depends on you. It’s _______

a. optional b. forceful c. compulsory d. required
14/ Mai is a Buddhist. She often goes to ______to pray.

a. church b. pagoda c. temple d. mosque

<b> <B> Grammar & structures.</b>

15/ It’s very kind_____you to help us. Thanks a lot

a. for b. to c.with d. of

16/ The hospital building is divided_____four sections

a. in b. into c. to d. about
17/ Did he ____ live in the country when he was young?

a. use to b. used to c. get used to d. be used to
18/ Tam wishes his father____here now.

a. is b. were c. will be d. would be

19/ What is pity! Lan can’t come with us. We all wish she _____

a. would b. should c. could d. can

20/ I wish I _____get good marks for the coming exam.

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21/ When I was a child, my family______ go to Dalat for summer vacation.

a. are used to b. get used to c. use to d.used to
22/ He is a small boy. He has to depend ______his parents.

a. on b. to c. with d. for

23/ Maryam was really impressed ______ the beauty of the city.

a. of b. by c. with d. for

24/ We were having dinner when the telephone______ .

a. ring b. ringing c. rang d. was ringing
25/ I wish I were a little taller. I______too short.

a. am b. was c.were d. would be

26/ Tom wishes he could help his sister with her homework, but he______

a. could b. can c. couldn’t d. can’t

27/ What do you do? I ______

a. have a party b. am a worker c. play tennis d. will go out
28/ She arrived______ four o’clock ______ the afternoon.

a. at / on b. in / in c. at / in d. on / in
29/ He was a tennis player when he was young. He_____tennis when he was young

a. plays b. used to play c. has player d. likes to play
30/ My sister is studying hard______her exam.

a. in b. for c. at d. to

31/ I used to go to school in the afternoon, but now I _____any more.

a. don’t b. do c. didn’t d. did

32/ It rained heavily while I_____ last night.

a. sleep b. slept c. sleeping d. was


33/We wish he could go to the cinema with us. But he ____. What a pity!

a. can b. can’t c. could d. couldn’t

34/ I_____school at the age of six in the countryside.

a. start b. had started c. started d. starting
35/ I have studied English _____ more than three years.

a. for b. in c. since d. at

36/ Hurry up! We don’t have enough time. If only we______more time we could take some
more photographs.

a. had b. have c. had had d. would have.

37/ _____ does it take to get to Liverpool from here?

a. how high b. how long c. how much d. how often

38/ I have a pet dog and my friend______too.

a. have one b. has it c. has one d. have it

39/ Every afternoon she ______for a walk in the garden.

a. will go b.is going c. goes d. have gone
40/ Each of the football players ______ over 150 pounds.

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<b>Choose the underlined words or phrases that are not correct in standard written English.</b>
41/ She wishes he will stop making noise when she is working.

a b c d
42/ Tom uses to wear glasses, but he doesn’t now.

a b c d

43/ This book consists about three parts: introduction, development and conclusion.
a b c d

44/ Mai and me would like to join the English speaking club.

a b c d

45/ During the game, the rain starting so we had to stop suddenly.
a b c d
46/ When will you spend your summer vacation? In Nha Trang.
a b c d

47/ He is not enough tall to reach the top shelf. He wishes he were taller.
a b c d

48/ There is an English examination in Friday November the twentieth.
a b c d

49/ He speaks French so I couldn’t understand. I wish I could understand him.
a b c d

50/ Childs mustn’t cross busy streets which are full of traffic.
a b c d
<b><IV> Reading comprehension.</b>

<b>Read the passage carefully. Then decide whether each of the statements below is TRUE (T),</b>
<b>or FALSE (F).</b>

Indonesia is an island nation in Southeast Asia. Its official name is the Republic of
Indonesia. It is a member country of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). The
country's total area is 1,904,443 sq km. Like Vietnam and other countries in Southeast Asia,
Indonesia enjoys tropical climate. The rupiah is the official monetary unit of Indonesia,
consisting of 100 sen.

The capital of Indonesia is Jakarta and it is also the largest city in the country. Other big
cities are Bandung, Surabaya, Medan, Palembang... The population in 2004 was about
238,500,000. Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous country after China, India, and the

United States. Islam, which is over eighty per cent of the population practice, is the country's
official religion. In addition, there are other religions such as Protestantism, Catholicism,
Buddhism, Hinduism...

The national language is Bahasa Indonesia, which is a modified form of Malay. Besides,
about 300 other languages and dialects are spoken. English is increasingly used as the language
of business.

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5. Indonesia is one of the countries of ASEAN. _____
6. The Indonesian unit of currency is sen. _____
7. Islam is the most common religion in Indonesia. _____
8. Bahasa Indonesia is the only language spoken in Indonesia. _____

<b>Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.</b>

1. Malaysia is divided ________two regions.

A. to B. on C. in D. into

2. Her religion is Islam, so she often goes to the ________ to pray.

A. church B. pagoda C. templeD. mosque

3. Mary was really ________ by the beauty of Hanoi.

A. impress B. impression C. impressive D. impressed
4. The United States has a ________ of around 250 million.

A. population B. separation C. addition D. introduction

5. Mathematics and Literature are ________ subjects in high schools.

A. adding B. compulsory C. optional D. religious
6. It’s very kind________ you to say so!

A. in B. to C. for D. of

7. Can you tell me how many chapters this book consists ________?

A. of B. to C. with D. in

8. Vietnamese people are very ________ and hospitable.

A. friend B. friendless C. friendly D. friendship
9. They were welcomed by friendly ________ in Vietnam.

A. air B. matter C. impression D. atmosphere

10. I wish Susan ________ harder for her examination.

A. will work B. worked C. has worked D. works

11. What were you doing when he ________?

A. comes B. to come C. came D. coming

12. It seems difficult for us ________ abroad at the moment.

A. go B. to go C. went D. gone

13. There used ________ a movie theater here, but it closed a long time ago.

A. be B. to be C. being D. been

14. I come from Vietnam so I am not used to ________ on the left.

A. drive B. drove C. driven D. driving

15. Although we are far away from each other, we still ________

A. keep in touch B. say hello C. keep together D. keep on
16. Music and painting are ________ subjects.

A. option B. optional C. optionally D. optioning
17. The children are playing ________ in the schoolyard.

A. happy B. happily C. happiner D. happiness
18. I wish they ________ here tomorrow.

A. will come B. would come C. come D. came

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

19. Maryam was really impressed ________ the beauty of Hue.
20. It seems difficult ________ me to meet her now.

21. He doesn’t depend ________ his parents.
22. If you have any trouble, ask ________ help.

23. This guidebook is full ________ useful information.

24. We still keep in touch ________ each other although we live away ________ each other.

25. He will go to China ________ the end ________ this week.

26. She went out ________ saying a word.

27. What do you often do ________ the weekends?
28. She was born ________ 15th<sub> September</sub>.<sub>.</sub>
<b>Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form</b>

29. They used to ________________ swimming in the afternoon. (go)
30. He wishes he ________________ a doctor. (be)
31. Is Lan used to ________________ to Maryam? (write)
32. They ________________ their work yet. (not finish)
33. I wish they ________________ here tomorrow. (be)
34. I would rather you ________________ the test well. (do)
35. It’s time we ________________ the bus. (catch)
36. Is Lan used to ________________ up early? (get)
37. I wish they ________________ here next time. (be)

It’s time we ________________. (go)

<b>Make sentences with “ wish” based on the given situation:</b>
39. What a pity! You aren’t here with us now. <sub></sub>

40. The naughty boys always draw on the wall. <sub></sub>

41. I’d like my father to give up smoking. <sub></sub>


42. He doesn’t help his mother with housework. <sub></sub>


43. I can’t swim. _______________________________________________<sub></sub>
44. My friends often go on camping trip without me. <sub></sub>


45. I must go now. _______________________________________________<sub></sub>
46. He always goes to school late. <sub></sub>

47. My brother is too short to play basketball. <sub></sub>

48. I don’t have enough money to help you. <sub></sub>


<b>Rewrite each sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same:</b>
49. John smoked a lot a year ago, but now he doesn’t smoke any more.

John used _______________________________________________

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>

51. He can’t pass the examination. <sub></sub> He


52. We can’t go out because of heavy rain. We wish <sub></sub>

53. I don’t like you to come to class late. I’d rather <sub></sub>

54. What a pity! He can’t come here. <sub></sub> I

55. They often went to Vung Tau at weekends. They used<sub></sub>


56. I’m sorry, I can’t help you. I wish________________________________________<sub></sub>
<b>Read the information, then answer the questions:</b>

<b>1.Location:Southeast Asia</b>

2.Area:513,115 sq.km
3.Population:over 62 million

5.Unit of currency: baht
6.Capital city: Bangkok

7.Oofficial religion: Buddhism
8.National language: Thai
1.Is the climate in Thailand different from the one in Vietnam? ->

2.What is the official religion in Thailand? ->

3.Name the capital of Thailand? ->

4.What is the population of Thailand?


<b>I. Grammar and structures. </b>
<i><b>a. Multiple choice: </b></i>

1. I wish you ………here with me.

a. was b. were c. am d. have been
2. Lan wishes she ………Maryam someday.

a. visit b. visited c. would visit d. will visit
3. They wish they ………a new car.

a. have b. had c. would have d. has
4. He wishes he ………..the exam.

a. passes b. pass c. passed d. will pass

5. He ………..to see a new film called “ Ghosts and Monsters” last night.
a. goes b. went c. go d. has gone

6. What were you doing when he ……….at 4 yesterday?
a. come b. had come c. came d. would come
7. Her parents ………..to Ha Noi last year.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

a. saw b. see c. seeing d. to see
9. I didn’t ……….. part in the meeting.

a. to take b. take c. took d. taking

10. Tom ………..to play soccer, but now he doesn’t play anymore.
a. uses b. was used to c. used d. got used to

11. A football team usually consists ……….eleven members.
a. on b. for c. of d. with

12. Malaysia is divided ……….two regions.
a. into b. to c. about d. for

13. Lan used walk ………the mosque on her way to primary school.
a. past b. pass c. across d. in

14. It’s very kind………you to help us. Thanks a lot.
a. for b. to c. with d. of

15. I have studied English………more than three years.
a. for b. in c. since d. at

16. Nam wishes his father………here to help him now.
a. is b. were c. will be d. was

17. Lan can’t swim fast. She wishes she………..faster.

a. can swim b. couldn’t swim c. could swim d. can’t swim
18. Lan wishes she ………..have to clean all the windows.

a. don’t b. doesn’t c. wasn’t d. didn’t

19. Maryam was really impressed ………the beauty of the city.
a. of b. by c. with d. for

20. I wish I ………get good marks for the coming exam.
a. can b. could c. should d. will

<i><b>b. Supply the correct verb form: </b></i>

1) What ………you ………..(do) last weekend?

2) I ………( go ).to the theater with my family last weekend.
3) They ………..to Maryam’s farewell party last night. ( not come)
4) I wish I ………..( be ) there for you.

5) Lan wishes she……….. ( speak ) English well.
6) They wish they……….. ( visit ) Ha Noi someday.
7) They……… ( be) pen pals for a long time.
8) I’m used to……….. ( drive ) on the left when I live in London.

9) We used to…………( write) to each other every month when we ………( be) at secondary

10) I wish I ………(not have to) do a lot of homework.
<b>II. Vocabulary: </b>

<i><b>a. Multiple choice: </b></i>

1. They have been pen pals for three years and………at least once every week.
a. speak b. stay c. take d.correspond

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

3. You can take part in sports activities or not, that depend on you. It’s………
a. optional b. forceful c. compulsory d. required

4. The official ………..of Malaysia is Islam.
a. region b. religion c. area d. currency
5. The Malaysia unit of currency is the………..

a. riel b. dollar c. ringgit d. peseta

6. We often have a long summer ………in July every year. We don’t go to school.
a. holiday b. vacation c. semester d. a and b are correct

7. Mai is a Buddhist. She often goes to ………to pray.
a. church b. pagoda c. temple d. mosque

8. Like Viet Nam, Malaysia is a ………country.
a. tropical b. tropic c. tropics d. tropically
9. English is an……….second language in Malaysia.

a. office b. official c. officer d. offician
10. The unit of…………..of Malaysia is the ringgit.

a. currency b. religion c. exchange d. climate
11. The …………..of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur.

a. city b. capital c. town d. country

12. What is the of………….. your country? – 75,000,000 people.
a. population b. separation c. introduction d. addition
13. Islam is the country’s official………..in Malaysia.

a. education b. currency c. language d. religion
14. The Sword Lake is set in beautiful……….

a. situation b. views c. surroundings d. environment
15. They were welcomed by friendly ………in Vietnam.

a. air b. matter c. impression d. atmosphere

16. Mathematics and Literature are……….subjects in high school.
a. adding b. optional c. compulsory d. religious

17. The United States has a ………of around 250 million.
a. population b separation c. addition d. introduction
18. Churches, temples and pagodas are places of………

a. worship b. friendship c. warship d. gossip
19. Their friendliness makes a deep………..on tourists.

a. beauty b. recreation c. impression d. correspondence
20. We were………by the beauty of the country.

a. impressed b. required c. separated d. divided
<i><b>b. Supply the correct word form: </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

<b>At, called, important, easy, on , without, benefits, happiness</b>

Friendship is……….( 1 ) to us. Everyone needs friendship. In all our lives, we can
not live………( 2 ) friendship just as we can not survive without air and water.
Friendship gives us a feeling of…………( 3 ) and encourages us to go ahead all the time.
But real friendship is not……….( 4 ) to find. True friendship must be sincere and
unconditional. It is based ………( 5 ) mutual understanding, not on mutual benefit.
Some people try to get………….( 6 ) from their friends, and their friends also try to makes
use of them. If such a relationship is…………( 7 ) friendship, we need no friends …….( 8 ) all.

<b>Widely, population, religion, exports, instruction, climate, divided , of</b>

Malaysia is a country in South - East Asia. It is a member of the Association of South
East Asian Nations . It consists ……….(1 ) the Malay Peninsula and Sarawak and Sabah
on the island Boneo. It is ……….( 2 ) into regions, known as West Malaysia and East
Malaysia. It has a ……….( 3 ) of about 17.886.000. It has a tropical ………( 4 )
.It is the world’s biggest producer of palm oil, and it ……….

( 5 ) rubber, tin, and gas. Apart from Islam, the country’sofficial ………….. (6 ), there are
Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity. Malaysian people speak Bahasa Malaysia as a mother
tongue. It is the language of ……….( 7 ) in all secondary schools. English, Chinese, and Tamil
are also ………..( 8 ) spoken in this country.

<b>IV. Writing </b>

<i><b>a. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the original meaning. </b></i>
1) What a pity you can’t take part in with us.

We wish ………..
2) I’m sorry I don’t have a computer.

I wish ………..
3) Ba doesn’t study hard.

His father wishes ………..
4) It’s a pity my father can’t speak English.

If only ………..
5) I’m sorry that I haven’t time to help you with this.

I wish ………..
6) I’m sorry I missed the fashion show.

I wish ………..
7) I regret selling my car.

I wish ………..
8) I used to play soccer.

I often ………..………..
9) I haven’t seen her for a year.

I last ………..
10) Lan is sorry now that she didn’t accept the job.



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