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Tổng hợp bài tập chia động từ thì hiện tại đơn Tiếng Anh 6.

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<b>1. Change the verb into the correct form:</b>

1. I usually………go………. (go) to school.
2. They………visit………. (visit) us often.

3. You…………play……. (play) basketball once a week.
4. Tom………. (work) every day.

5. He always ………. (tell) us funny stories.
6. She never………. (help) me with that!

7. Martha and Kevin………. (swim) twice a week.
8. In this club people usually………. (dance) a lot.
9. Linda………. (take care) of her sister.

10. John rarely ………. (leave) the country.
11. We ………. (live) in the city most of the year.
12. Lorie………. (travel) to Paris every Sunday.
13. I………. (bake) cookies twice a month.
14. You always………. (teach) me new things.
15. She………. (help) the kids of the neighborhood.

<b>2. Change the verb into the correct form</b>

1. London ………. (be) in England.
2. The summer………. (be) hot.
3. She………. (drive) very well.

4. They ………. (open) the store at 8:00.
5. Linda………. (be) a very pretty girl.

6. I………. (have) several jobs.

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8. Water ………. (freeze) at 0 degrees.
9. My sister………. (speak) English.
10. He ………. (have) a big apartment.
11. A triangle………. (have) three corners.
12. My birthday ………. (be) in June.
13. Books ………. (have) pages.
14. Dogs ………. (be) good friends.
15. I ………. (work) hard.

<b>3.Change the verb into the correct form</b>

1. I ………. (love) you.

2. This ………. (weigh) 20 kilograms.
3. Ron ………. (seem) serious.

4. We ………. (like) tomatoes.
5. The boy ………. (want) to play.
6. You ………. (need) to sleep.
7. They ………. (agree) with me.

8. She ………. (hear) something strange.
9. The box ………. (contain) food.
10. Emma ………. (appear) sad.

11. David ………. (know) how to fix a car.
12. Daniel and Liz………. (seem) happy.
13. This………. (smell) bad.

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<b>4.Change the verb into the correct form</b>

1. I ………. (go) to the city once a week.
2. You ………. (play) the guitar very well.
3. She never………. (visit) me.

4. Tom always ………. (find) new ways to do things.
6. Ann ………. (want) to speak.

7. Toronto ………. (be) in Canada.
8. Cars ………. (have) wheels.

9. My mother………. (have) a big house.
10. We………. (play) a lot.

11. They ………. (sell) fruit and eggs.
12. The building………. (be) on fire.
13. Marta………. (seem) sad.

14. I usually ………. (help) my neighbors.
15. His brother rarely ………. (leave) town.

<b>5.Change the verb into the correct form</b>

1. Daniel………. (fly) to Paris once a year.
2. She never………. (do) her homework.
3. Lisa ………. (try) to help her sister.
4. Mark………. (go) home at seven.
5. The baby………. (cry) every night.

6. He ………. (miss) her a lot.

7. Joe ………. (study) really hard.
8. A boy ………. (kiss) a girl.

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10. Tim ………. (watch) this show every night.
11. Sara………. (say) this all the time.

12. The teacher………. (teach) us new things.
13. He ………. (pay) me well.

14. Barbara………. (wash) the dishes, and Leo washes the floor.
15. Nick ………. (play) tennis twice a week.

16. This girl always………. (push) somebody.
17. Isabella ………. (enjoy) listening to music.
18. David never ………. (mix) milk and eggs.
19. The bee ………. (buzz).

20. Taylor ………. (fix) cars.

<b>6.Change the verb into the correct form</b>

1. I ………. (not ride) horses.
2. You………. (not sell) cars.
3. He ………. (not bring) gifts.
4. She ………. (not take) pictures.
5. It ………. (not cost) so much.
6. We ………. (not seem) so happy.
7. They ………. (not buy) new products.

8. Michael ………. (not dance).

9. Michel ………. (not run) fast.

10. Tim and Kate ………. (not work) every day.
11. Lucas and Clara ………. (not eat) meat.
12. I ………. (not swim) much.

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14. It ………. (not hurt).
15. We ………. (not give up).

<b>7.Change the verb into the correct form</b>

1. (I wake up) ………. at five in the morning?
2. (you go) ………. to work by train?

3. (she drink) ………. coffee every morning?
4. (he smoke) ………..?
5. (it hurt) ………..?
6. (we dance) ……….….?
7. (they travel) ……….…….?
8. (Emma cook) ……….…….well?

9. (Alexander exercise) ……….………. regularly?
10. (I look) ……….……….well?

11. (you rest) ……….………. enough?
12. (William work) ……….………. too hard?
13. (they travel) ……….……….often?

14. (Anthony go) ……….……….to sleep too late?
15. (you bake) ……….………. cakes?

<b>8.Change the verb into the correct form</b>

1. Christopher……….………. (drive) a bus.
2. We (have) ……….some money.

3. (you watch) ……….……….movies?
4. They ………. (not work) for us.

5. I ………. (love) to dance.

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7. Alexis and her husband always ………. (come) for the summer.
8. (he draw) ……….……….well?

9. James ………. (not remember) me.
10. Laura ………. (be) a beautiful girl.
11. I don't eat………. (not eat) cheese.
12. Cats………. (like) to sleep.
13. You ………. (be) a smart boy.

14. She ………. (wash) the dishes every evening.
15. (you be) ……….………. ready?
16. I (be) ……….ready.

<b>9. Put the verbs into the correct form.</b>

1. I ………. (to like) lemonade very much.

2. The girls always ………. (to listen) to pop music.
3. Janet never ………. (to wear) jeans.

4. Mr Smith………. (to teach) Spanish and French.
5. You ………. (to do) your homework after school.

<b>Simple present with 'have' and 'be'</b>
<b>10. Fill in the correct form of the verbs.</b>

1. We ………. (to have) a nice garden.
2. She ………. (to be) six years old.

3. Simon………. (to have) two rabbits and five goldfish.
4. I ………. (to be) from Vienna, Austria.

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<b>11. Make negative sentences.</b>

1. My father makes breakfast. →
2. They are eleven. →

3. She writes a letter. →
4. I speak Italian. →

5. Danny phones his father on Sundays. →

<b>12. Make questions.</b>

1. you / to speak / English →
2. when / he / to go / home →
3. they / to clean / the bathroom →

4. where / she / to ride / her bike →
5. Billy / to work / in the supermarket →

<b>PART 1</b>

1. I _____ (be) a student.

A. am B. is C. are

2. My father __________ excuses when I feel like going to the cinema.

A. make always B. makes always C. always makes
3. His students ________ (not, speak) German in class.

A. don’t speak B. doesn’t speak C. not speak
4. She ________ (not, be) six years old.

A. isn't B. not is C. are not
5. John ________ (work) in a supermarket.

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6. The flowers _______________ (be, normally) watered by Bob.

A. are normally B. normally are C. normally is
7. Danny ________ (phone) his father on Sundays.

A. phons B. phones C. phone
8. I ___________ (not, know) what you mean.

A. doesn't know B. not know C. don't know

9. My husband and his colleague __________ golf whenever they are not too busy.
A. play B. plays C. are playing

10. John always __________ on time for meetings.
A. arrives B. are arriving C. is arriving

11. Barbara usually __________ dinner for her husband after work.
A. cooks B. are cooking C. is cooking

12. Mr. and Mrs. Parsons __________ to work together every day.
A. drive B. drives C. are driving

13. My parents normally __________ breakfast at 7:00 a.m.
A. eat B. are eating C. is eating
14. My best friend ________ to me every week.

A. write B. writies C. writes

15. John ________ very hard in class, but I don't think he'll pass the course.
A. try B. trys C. tries

16. The bank ________ at four o'clock.

A. closes B. will close C. is close
17. It ________ almost every day in Manchester.

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A. watch B. watchies C. watches
19. Jo is so smart that she ________ every exam without even trying.

A. pass B. passes C. is passes

20. My mother ________ eggs for breakfast every morning.
A. is frying B. is fry C. fries

<b>PART 2</b>

1. She ___ four languages.

a. speak b. speaks
2. Jane is a teacher. She ___ French.

a. teach b. teaches

3. When the kettle ___, will you make some tea?
a. boil b. boils

4. I always ___ the window at night because it is cold.
a. close b. closes

5. Those shoes ___ too much.
a. cost b. costs

6. The food in Japan is expensive. It ___ a lot to live there.
a. cost b. costs

7. His job is great because he ___ a lot of people.
a. meet b. meets

8. He always ___ his car on Sundays.
a. wash b. washes

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10. I ___ to watch movies.
a. love b. loves

11. I ___ to the cinema at least once a week.
a. go b. goes

12. They never ___ tea in the morning.
a. drink b. drinks
13. We both ___ to the radio in the morning.

a. listen b. listens
14. He ___ a big wedding.

a. want b. wants

15. George ___ too much so he's getting fat.
a. eat b. eats

16. The earth ___ round the sun, doesn't it?
a. go b. goes

17. The shops in England ___ at 9:00 in the morning.
a. open b. opens

18. The post office ___ at 5:30 pm.
a. close b. closes
19. Jackie ___ two children now.

a. has b. have

20. Mr. Smith ___ too much. He always has a cigarette in his mouth.
a. smoke b. smokes


