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Thiết kế bài dạy môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 44 đến period 48

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>- Asking students: Who’s absent today? Date of teaching. Class 11B2. Absent students. 11B7 Period 44. UNIT EIGHT: CELEBRATIONS LESSON ONE : A – READING A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Know how to prepare for TET holiday - Develop such reading micro-skills as guessing the meaning in context and scanning for specific information about how to prepare for Tet. - Use the information they have read to discuss the topic. 2. Knowledge - Vocabulary: peach blossom, apricot blossom, kumquat tree, luckymoney, Firework, Candied fruit - Grammar: simple present and simple past 3. Skill - Main skill: reading - Sub-skills: speaking and writing B. Method: Integrated, Main Communicative C. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Textbook, Sub - board, pictures. - Students: Textbook D. Procedure: Teacher’s activities. Pupils’ activities. 1. I. Warm up.(3m) - Let Ss listen to the song “Happy New Year” - Ask Ss to give the answers + What is the title of the song? + When do people often sing it? II. Before you read.(10m) - Ask Ss to look at the picture and describe it by answering the questions + What time of the year is it? + What are the people in the picture doing? + What else do you see in the picture? + Which activities do you enjoy doing most at Tet? Lop11.com. - Answer. - It's " Happy New Year" - Lunar New Year, or At TET - Ss work in pairs, discuss. + It’s the beginning time of a year in Vietnam + They’re celebrating TET holiday + There are flowers, fruit and some special food. + I enjoy making Banh Chung, going to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - Call on some Ss to present their answers and other Ss comment. - Give and explains the meaning of new words. * New words peach blossom apricot blossom kumquat tree lucky money Firework Candied fruit - Guide Ss to read the new words.. to the flower market, going to the pagoda…. - Pairs work - Listen then take note. - Read in chorus III. While you read. 1. Activity 1: Task1 (6m): - Get Ss to read the passage silently and do task 1 - Check Ss’ understanding of the phrases by calling on some Ss to tell their equivalents in Vietnamese - Check the answers with the whole class and give corrective feedback.. 2. Activity 2: Task 2: (7m) - Ask Ss to read the passage and decide wherer the statements are T or F. - Instruct Ss to use some strategies to do the task. - Ask Ss to work individually to do the task and discuss their answers with their peers. - Call on some Ss to give their answers and ask them to explain their choices. - Give the correct answers 3. Activity 3: Task 3: (7m ) - Ask Ss to read the passage again to answer the questions + First, Ss should skim the seven questions to understand them + Underline the key words + Ss should go back the passage and locate the key words in the passage.. Lop11.com. - Read the passage and do the task. - Pairs work Suggested answers 1. Grand: hoµnh tr¸ng 2. Banner: b¨ng r«n 3. Sugared apples: t¸o dÇm ®­êng 4. Agrarian: thuéc vÒ n«ng nghiÖp 5. Pray: cÇu nguyÖn 6. Excitement: nhén nhÞp - Read silently Answer: 1. F ( it falls between 19th January and 20th February) 2. F ( it’s just for agrarian people) 3. T 4. 4. F (lucky money tends to be given to children) 5. T 6. 6.T - Read silently Answer: 1. It sometime between 19th January and 20th February 2. Tet’s preparations and celebrations used to be spread over months.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> + Ss should read the key words carefully to find the answers - Get Ss check their answers with a peer - Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to give their choices - Give the correct answers. IV. After you read. (10m) - Ask Ss to work in groups to tell each other about their last Tet holiday - Go round to check and offer help. - Call on some Ss to report their ideas to the class. - Give corrective feedback. V. Homework. (2m) - Ask Ss to learn by heart the new vocabulary and do the teacher's exercises. 3. They are decorated with coloured lights and red banners 4. They buy gifts, clean and decorate their houses and cook traditional foods 5. It is made from sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork 6.Mut is candied fruit 7. Visitting friends and other family members, exchanging wishes, going to the pagoda, playing games - Work in groups. - Take note. - Asking students: Who’s absent today? Date of teaching. Class 11B2 11B7. Period 45. Lop11.com. Absent students.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> UNIT EIGHT: CELEBRATIONS LESSON TWO: B - SPEAKING A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talk about the celebrations of Tet and other festivals’ activities 2. Knowledge - Vocabulary: Words and phrases related to this period ( Describing celebrations) - Grammar: simple present 3. Skill - Main skill: reading - Sub-skills: speaking and writing B. Method: Integrated, Main Communicative C. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Textbook, Sub - board, pictures. - Students: Textbook D. Procedure: Teacher’s activities. Pupils’ activities. I. Warm up. (8m ) - Ask Ss to tell about their last Tet holiday.. - Speak freely. II. Task 1 (8m) - Ask Ss to read the dialogue silently and ask them what points are mentioned in the dialogue. - check with the whole class and make clear that: in the dialogue the two friends talk about Tet holiday, its time and activities. - Go around to observe. - Call on some pairs to act out the dialogue and give comments III. Task 2 (14m) - Ask Ss to look at the three pictures and work out the name of each holiday. - Check with the whole class and give out the correct answer + picture 1:Mid- Autumn festival + picture 2: Thanksgiving + picture 3: Valentine’s Day. - Ask Ss to list the activities people usually do in these holidays and write them quickly on the board. - Ask Ss to do the task in pairs, match the holiday with its main purpose and. - Read silently. - Three pairs to read aloudly - Observe the pictures then pairs work to discuss - Speak loudly * Suggested answers 1. c C 2. a A 3. b B. - Pairs work. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> activities. - Call on some Ss to give the answer and ask other Ss to feedback. IV. Task 3 (13m) - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about the holiday in task 2 - Go around to observe and collect typical errors - Call on some pairs to act out the conversation and ask other Ss to comment - Elicit correction from Ss and offers correction if necessary. V. Homework (2m) Ask Ss to do exercise in the work book. - Pairs work. - Act out the conversation Example A: Do you know Mid-Autumn Festival is next month? B: What’s Mid-Autumn Festival? A: It’s the time the Vietnamese people celebrate the largest full moon in the year. B: When is it exactly? A: It is one of the eighth month of the lunar year. B: What do you usually do on that day? A: Well, we eat a special food called Moon Cake. This day is also called Tet for Children with decorated lanterns and there are some musical performances with traditional songs B: Oh, that sounds really interesting. - Take note. - Asking students: Who’s absent today? Date of teaching. Class 11B2. Absent students. 11B7. Period 46. UNIT EIGHT: CELEBRATIONS LESSON THREE: C - LISTENING. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Develop the listening micro-skills of intensive listening for specific information. - Use the information they have listened to discuss the related topic 2. Knowledge - Vocabulary: Shrine (n), Longevity, Pine trees,Constancy, To represent - Grammar: simple present 3. Skill - Main skill: listening - Sub-skills: speaking and writing B. Method: Integrated, Main Communicative C. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Textbook, tape, cassette player, handouts - Students: Textbook D. Procedure: Teacher’s activities. Pupils’ activities. I. Warm up. (7m ) - Ask Ss two questions: + What is special about the New Year holiday in Japan? + Can you guess what Japanese do on these days?. II. Before you listen. (10 m) - Ask Ss to work in groups to describe the picture - Call on some Ss to give their answers - Get Ss to guess what they are going to listen about. * New words. Shrine (n): đền thờ Longevity: long life Pine trees: c©y th«ng Constancy: sù bÒn lßng To represent: tượng trưng cho - Give and explains the meaning of new words. - Guide Ss to read new words. - Call on some Ss to read new words.. - Answer the question Suggested answer - The apricot flowers are in bloom/ peach flowers are in blossom. - Decorate their houses - Make special food - wear special clothes - visit their friends and relatives - Group work - Guess the topic of the lesson. - Listen then take note - Read in chorus - Read individually. III. While you listen.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 1. Activity 1:Task 1. (10 m) - Get Ss to read the statements carefully and work out what information they need to concentrate on while listening. Then check with the whole class. - Get Ss to guess the answer. - Play the tape once for Ss to listen and do the task. - Play the tape the second time for Ss to check their answers. -Ask Ss to work in groups of 4 to compare their answers. - Check the answers with the whole class. If many Ss can not answer, play the tape one or two more times and pause at the answers for them to catch. 2. Activity 2: Task 2. (8m) - Ask Ss to listen again and answer the questions - Play the tape and ask Ss to listen. Before doing this, Ask Ss to read through all the questions. - After playing the tape, get Ss to work in pairs and check their answers. - Call on some Ss to give their answers. - Play the tape again and pause at difficult points if many Ss cannot complete the task. - Give correct answers.. - Read silently. - Guess the answers - Listen - Listen again - Group work - Answers + They put on special food + Housewives prepare special foods + They go to a shrine + They drink rice wine + They watch T.V + They eat a special meal. - Listen again. - Pairs work - give their answers. - Listen again Answer: 1. Because they want to get rid of the dirt of the old year and welcome the new year 2. From television or the radio 3. Kimonos or special dress 4. No, New Year is mostly celebrated among family only. IV. After you listen. (8 m) - Ask Ss to work in pairs to compare the - Pairs work aspects of the Vietnamese New Year with those of the Japanese one. - Go around the class and help if necessary. - Call on some Ss to present their ideas. - Give final comments.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> V. Homework (2m) Ask Ss to learn by heart all new words and do the homework.. - Take note. - Asking students: Who’s absent today? Date of teaching. Class 11B2. Absent students. 11B7 Period 47. UNIT EIGHT: CELEBRATIONS LESSON FOUR: WRITING A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Write a description of a popular celebration. 2. Knowledge Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - Vocabulary: Words and phrases related to celebrations - Grammar: - simple past 3. Skill - Main skill: writing - Sub-skills: speaking and listening B. Teaching method: Integrated, Main Communicative C. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Textbook, extra board, handouts - Students: Textbook D. Procedure: Teacher’s activities. Pupils’ activities. I. Warm up: (7m) - Ask Ss to listen and say when do these activities take place? 1. It’s a national holiday. School and officies close. There are parades along the streets, meetings, celebrations to remember those who died for the country’s independence 2. Children gather at night, going round with their colorful lanterns, watching lion or dragon dance, sharing moon cakes in the full moon light. 3. Husbands, sons, lovers buy flowers, cards, or gilfs for their mothers, wives, or lovers. They also offer to do the cooking for the whole family on this day. 4. Students visit their teachers with flowers, cards, or small gilfs to show their gratitude. II. Before you write. (13m) - Introduce the useful language and explain: + Name of the festival + Purpose of the festival + time of the festival + main activities of the festival + foods eaten + feeling about the festival - Guide Ss to use these useful language III. While you write. (15m) * Ask Ss to describe the festival they have chosen in 15 minutes.. - Individual work ( guess). * Suggested answer: 1. Independence Day 2. Mid-Autumn Festival 3. Women’s Day 4. Teacher’s Day. - Listen carefully. - Individual work - Individual work * Sample writing. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> - Go around to check and offer help if It was a delight to me when I attended the necessary. celebration of last Mother’s Day at my cousin’s house. This special day falls on the second Sunday of May every year. This celebration provides children with a special occasion to express their love and piety to their mothers. This day is also my cousin’s mother’s birthday. On that day, my cousin bought a special present for his mother, a nice shawl. Moreover, he had a special dinner with his mother’s favourite foods and with a cake, of course. Before the meal, his father, he with all members of the family- his wife and two children- gather around the dinner table. We all sing : “Happy Birthday” to her. When the song finished, he and his wife gave the present to his mother and kissed her. Then his mother cut the cake. How touching this scene was! And I myself felt an undescribable feeling over wheming my mind. This scence reminded me of my mother. I think this celebration should be observed by every child nationwide. IV. After you write.(8m) - Ask Ss to exchange their writing with - Exchange their writing with another student for peer correction. another student for peer correction. - Choose one description and read it - Read loudly to the class - Elicit corrective feedback from the - Correct mistakes class and give final comments. V. Homework. (2m) - Rewrite their descriptions based on T’s- Rewrite their descriptions. and other suggestions and corrections.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> - Asking students: Who’s absent today? Date of teaching. Class 11B2. Absent students. 11B7 Period 48. UNIT EIGHT: CELEBRATIONS LESSON FIVE: E - LANGUAGE FOCUS A. Objectives 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Distinguish the clusters [fl], [fr] and [θr] - Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly. - Use one (s), someone, no one, anyone, and everyone appropriately - Use vocabulary about holidays and celebrations appropriately. 2. Knowledge - Vocabulary: words and phrases related to this period - Grammar: - Pronouns: one(s), someone, noone, anyone, everyone 3. Skill - Main skill: writing, reading. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> - Sub-skills: speaking and listening B. Teaching method: Integrated, Main Communicative C. Teaching aids: - Teacher: Board, cassetteplayer, chalks, textbook and notebook. - Students: Textbook D. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Pupils’ activities I. Pronunciation. (15m) - Model the clusters [fl], [fr] and [θr] - Listen and repeat. for a few times and explain the differences in producing them. - Read first and then ask Ss to read - Read in chorus after. - Read the words in each column all at once. - Read the words and then ask Ss to - Pairs work read after. - Ask Ss to practice pronouncing the words in fairs. - Go around providing help. - Ask some Ss to pronounce the words and give correction if necessary. *practice reading the dialogue. - Read the dialogue and ask Ss underline the clusters [fl], [fr] and [θr] - Read the sentences under them. - Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in fairs. - Go around providing help. - Ask some Ss to read the dialogue and - Observe give feedback. II. Grammar (28m) 1. presentation - work in pairs to work out the use of - Write some sentences on the board the pronouns and ask Ss to comment on the use of one (s), someone, no one, anyone, and * One and ones are used to replace a everyone. previously mentioned noun when we + I don’t like the red shirt; I prefer the do not want to repeat that noun. One repleaces a singular noun, and ones blue one. + Don’t buy the white shoes. Buy the replaces a plural noun. * These expressions have a singular black ones + There is someone in the house meaning and take a singular verb. + Did anyone call me last night? + No one likes her story. + everyone laughs at him. - Individual work then compare their. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> 2. Practice 1. Activity 1: Exercise 1. - Ask Ss to do exercise 1 individually and then compare their answer with another student. - Call on some Ss to read their answers. - Give correct answers.. answer with another student. Answers: 1. anyone 3. anyone 5. no one 7. someone. 2. someone 4. someone 6. everyone. - Pairs work - Compare answers with another pair. 2. Activity 2: Exercise 2 - Ask Ss to do exercise 2 in pairs. - Ask Ss to compare answers with another pair. - Call on some Ss to go to the blackboard to write their answers. - Ask other Ss to feedback and give correct answers.. Answers: 1. Of the three bags, I like the blue one 2. Mai is making a fruit cake. Huong is making one, too 3. I like reading books, espeacially the ones about the natural world 4. I don’t have a computer, and my father doesn’t want me to have one. 5. They let me choose a pencil, and I took the red one. 6. There are serveral national celebrations in Vietnam, but perhaps the most meaningful one is Tet holiday. 7. We told each other both happy stories and sad ones about our lives - Individual work then compare their answer with another student.. 3. Activity 3: Exercise 3 Answers: - Ask Ss to do exercise 3 individually 1. traditional 2. grand and then compare their answer with 3. gilfs another student. 4. celebrating - Call on some Ss to read their 5. polite answers. - Give correct answers 6. good luck 7. excitement - Take note. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> III. Homework. (2m) - Ask Ss to revise the grammar and do exercises again. * Extra- exercise: Guide Ss to review direct and indirect speech. Lop11.com.

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