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Thiết kế bài dạy Tiếng Anh 11 - Tuần 5

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Thanh loc high school Week: 5 Period: 13. School year: 2014-2015 Date of preparing: August 26st, 2014 Date of teaching: september 3rd, 2014 UNIT 2 : PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Section : Language focus.. I/ OBJECTIVES : 1. Formation of behavior: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - distinguish the sounds / m /, / n /, / η / - pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly - distinguish the uses of different verb tenses: present simple for indicating the past, past simple, past continuous and past perfect - use these verb tenses to solve communicative tasks 2. Skill: reading – writing – speaking and listening 3. Language focus: New words: Words related to 3 sounds and 3 tenses Grammar: Tense revision: the past simple, past progressive and past perfect II/ PREPARATION : 1. Teacher : textbook , lesson plan 2. Students : textbook , notebook ,pen III/ TIME : 45 minutes IV / PROCEDURE : 1. Class order : (1’) Greeting , Checking attendance 2. Checking up : (3’-5’) asks sts to say summerize the listening 3. New lesson : ACTIVITIES CONTENT Teacher Students I. Pronunciation: ~7’ - Writes some sentences on - Listen to the teacher the board and ask some and bear in mind students to read them aloud /m/: may, make, sumer, home, small…. - Underlines the sounds /m/ /n/: nose, nine, money, seven, snow, / /: wrong, rinning, bringing, sing, morning /n / / η / Ex: - We like singing merry songs on New Year’s Day. - They live in a nice small house. +Pre - Repeat in chorus then - Asks students to look at individually their books, listen and repeat the words in the columns +While - Read the sentences - Asks students to read the sentences +Post - Practises reading the sentences II. Grammar: ~ 30’ +Warm- up Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. - Listen to the teacher and review tenses 1 Lop11.com. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Thanh loc high school School year: 2014-2015 We’ve already learn the present simple tense, the past simple tense, the past progressive tense. Now we are going to review TENSE REVISION - The present tense use to - Retell the use of these tell a story that happened in tenses and bear in mind the past makes it more interesting and vivid +Presentation -Asks students to remember the use of these tenses + Practice Task 1: - Asks students to do - Work in pairs Key: exercise 1 in pairs - Corrects the exercise and 1. lives- 2. invites- 3. sets explain the use of the tenses 4. gets-5. waves 6. promises 7 carries -8. contains -9. has baked 10. is -11. is shining 12. are singing -13. is Task 2: - Asks students to do exercise 2 - Gives feedback. Exercise 3: - Asks students to do exercise 3 individually - Explains the difference between the simple past and the past perfect. - Corrects the exerciseand explain the use of the tenses. - Do the task. Key: 1. broke / was playing 2. wrote / was 3. was working/ broke 4. stared / were walking 5. told / were having. - Do the task 3 Key: 1. had eaten / arrived 2. found / had taken 3. got / had closed 4. got / had left 5. got / had arrived. - Listen to the teacher - Write down. +Post - Consolidate the use of Remind the grammar. tense 4. Consolidation: (2’) Asks sts to revise all structures of grammar 5. Homework:(1’) - Practise reading the sentences - Write exercise 2,3 in the notebook- Prepare in Unit 3 part A reading in advance * Experience from the period: Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. 2 Lop11.com. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Thanh loc high school School year: 2014-2015 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….................... * Supplement: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………….…………………........................ Date of preparing: August 26st, 2014 Date of teaching: Septenber 4th, 2014. Week: 5 Period: 14 UNIT 3: A PARTY SECTION : reading. I/ OBJECTIVES : 1. Formation of behavior: After the lesson , sts will be able to develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, identifying and correcting false statements ,use the information they have read to discuss celebrations in their 2. Skill: reading and speaking 3. Language focus: New words: Words to celebrations and festivals II/ PREPARATION : 1. Teacher : textbook , lesson plan 2. Students : textbook , notebook ,pen III/ TIME : 45 minutes IV / PROCEDURE : ( 5’-6 ‘) 1. Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance 2. Checking up : 3. New lesson : Teacher’s activities warm up : shows sts the picture and asks sts some questions a. In the first picture ,what does a girl do ? she blows out the candles b. what are they celebrating ? they are celebrating birthday sts answer - says today we’ll study the celebrations like birthday’s day , Teacher’s day,mother’s day ,Christmas Re-reading - asks sts to work in pair to look the pictures on page 32 and then answer the questions on this page Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. Students’ activities - Answer the questions. content. I/ Before you read : (8-10’) Look at the pictures and answer the questions 1. what is the relationship between the people in the pictures ? 2. what are they celebrating ?. - look at the pictures on page 32 and answer the questions on this page Sts answer 3. Lop11.com. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Thanh loc high school - calls on some sts to answer the question ( T can give some suggestions ) - introduces the new words by many techniques - asks sts to read them after the teacher - calls on some sts to read them aloud. School year: 2014-2015. - can guess their meaning of words - repeat after the teacher - read them individually - listen. While-reading - asks sts to read passage again and stop at the lines that contain these words to guess their meaning - asks sts to work individually to do the task 1 - asks sts for their answers and tells them to explain their choices - corrects. - read passage and guess the meaning of the words based on the context in the sentences Sts do the task 1individually - tell their answers and explain their choices - copy. Pre –teaching vocabulary : -mark (V) đánh dấu -milestone : an important event or stage in one’s life -Golden anniversary/iubilee : celebration of the 50th wedding anniversary Silver anniversary/ iubilee : celebration of the 25th wedding anniversary Diamond anniversary/ iubilee : celebration of the 60th wedding anniversary II/ while you read : (14’-16’) + setting the scene : you are going to read about how American people celebrate birthdays and wedding anniversaries.Then you do the tasks that follow Task 1 : the words /phrases in the box all appear in the passage .Use them to fill the blanks in the sentences Keys : birthday wedding  1. people sing a song 2.people eat cakes 3.people receive cards and gifts from friends and relatives 4.people joke about their ages 5. people remember their wedding days 6.people go out to dinner. - gets sts to read the text silently again and then identify the key words in each questions - calls on a student to give and explain his /her answer - gives corrective feedback Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam.   .  .  7. people blow out candles ,one for each year Task 2 : In each of the following sentences, there - read the text silently again is one word which is not true accoding to the and then Sts give and reading passage .Underline the wrong word and explain their answers provide the correct one - copy EX: Lisa’s family and friend are at her eighth birthday party Answer : 1. eighth- sevenths(line 1,para 1,part A ) 5 Lop11.com. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Thanh loc high school. School year: 2014-2015 2. makes- eats(line 2,para 3,part A ) 3. foods- presents(line 3,para 3,part A ) 4. anniversaries-ages(line 4,para4,part B ) 5. months- years(line 2,para 1,part B ) 6. 5th -50th (line 2,para 3,part B ) 7. silver- golden (line 5,para 3,part B ) III/ After you read: (6’-8’) Post-reading - introduces how to do this - can work in small group you are required to work in pairs to discuss and task and asks sts to discuss and discuss the questions to answer the question in the textbook the question in the book understand them as sts do 1.where do you prefer to celebrate your birthday ,at - teaches structures that can this they : underline the key home or in th restaurant ? why? be used for giving word 2. do your parents celebrate their wedding decide what information comparison and contrast they need to find in the text anniversaries ? - asks sts to work in pairs 3. are you going to celebrate your wedding sts take notes to do the task - calls on some group to - All pairs have finished anniversaries in the future ? why (not) ? - will report their ideas to tell and explain their EX: “In the US,people …….but in Vietnam ,people the class choices “,”Americans………….. while Vietnamese …….”, - corrects “American…………in contrast ,Vietnamese……. 4. Consolidation: (2’) Summarises the main points of the lesson 5. Homework:(1’) - learn by heart new words -reread the passage and write a parapraph about how Vietnamese people celebrate their birthdays or wedding anniversaries based on the text they read in class -prepare speaking of unit 3: speaking * Experience from the period: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….................... * Supplement: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………….…………………......................... Date of preparing: August 26st, 2014 Date of teaching: Septenber 4th, 2014. Week: 5 Period: 15 UNIT 3: A PARTY SECTION : speaking. I/ OBJECTIVES : 1. Formation of behavior: After the lesson , sts will be able to use appropriate language to talk about parties and negotiate how to plan them , use appropriate language to invite people to come to paties 2. Skill: Talking about parties 3. Language focus: Words related to parties II/ PREPARATION : 1.Teacher : textbook , lesson plan 2. Students : textbook , notebook ,pen III/ TIME : 45 minutes Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. 6 Lop11.com. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Thanh loc high school School year: 2014-2015 IV / PROCEDURE : ( 5’-6 ‘) 1. Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance 2. Checking up : Tasks sts to read the passage,answer the questions and to write some words 3. New lesson : Teacher’s activities Students’ activities content Warm up : 5’ - asks sts to answer these questions. - answer 1. Have you ever seen birthday party of every one on the TV ? 2. when was it ? where was it celebrate ? was it fun ? 3. now what do you want to tell them ? ==> Tday we ‘ll study how to talk about parties and how to plan them - Answer the questions freely Pre-speaking: (8 minutes) Do you like parties ? Do you like quiet or noisy parties ?  Shows the picture in the textbook and ask: Are they having a party ? What does ‘party-goer’ mean ? I/ Task 1 : While-speaking: (17 minutes) Task 1 Are you the perfect party-goer ? 1. Which kind of parties do you prefer ? Think of a party you have been to .Choose from the list the things you -big / small / noisy / quiet parties -parties with dancing and games want to talk about 2. You find yourself standing with Keys : a complete stranger at a party. 1. It was my friend ‘s birthday 2. She was 17 years old . What would you do ? -talk about yourself / the weather. 3. Yes , I took a gift for my -try to get him or her talk about friends himself or herself 4. I went with my another friends . 3. at a party, what would you tend - do the task individually and 5. The party was at home to drink ?-beer / soft drinks / compare the answers with a peer 6. Yes , it was evey beautiful mineral water - introduces the task 1 and gets sts 7. Yes, there were a lot of to do it individually ,then compare - read out his /her answer people 8. We had cake , candy and the answers with a peer soft drinks - calls on a student to read out his - take notes /her answers 9. We sang our favorite songs - checks with the class and gives 10. The party lasted about two Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. 7 Lop11.com. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Thanh loc high school corrective feedback. -introduces the task 2 and asks sts to tell each other about the parties they have been to ,based on the answers they have made for task 1 - asks sts to practice their conversations - calls on some pairs to perform their conversations in front of the class - corrects. Task 3: - Asks students to do Task 3 in groups, using the simple past tense to report the past events. - Gives some suggestions. - Asks some students to perform before class. - Corrects common mistakes and give remarks.. School year: 2014-2015 hours and we stayed to the end of the party - tell each other about the parties they have been to ,based on the answers they have made for task 1 - practice them work in pairs - perform their conversations in front of the class. - ask and answer questions about a competition to organize the best parties,using the suggested on page 36 - work in groups - perform their conversations in front of the class. II/ TASK 2 : Tell your partner about the party *Where (home-cosy, not expensive, not spend a lot of time to prepare, not have to clean up… *What time *How many guests *What to eat / drink (soft drinks, mineral water…./ ckicken soup, green salad, steak, fired chicken, fish, beef, hamburger, cake…) *What to wear (dress, jeans, shirts, T-shirt, pullover, skirt…) *Which activities (singing, playing games, taking photographs, give gifts…. III/ TASk 3 : You are going to take part in a competition to organize the best party .Decide on the following 1. Budget : how much do you spend for your party ? 2. date and time : when do you organize your party ? 3. who to invite : who have been invited to your party / how many people do you plan to invite and who are they ? 4. place : where do you organize your party ? 5. formal or informal dress : what kind of clothers do you wear at the party ? 6. decorations : how do you decorate your party ? 7. entertainment :what activities will take place ? 8. food and drink : what foods and drinks will be served ? EX: S1 : Tell me about your party. Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. 9 Lop11.com. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Thanh loc high school. School year: 2014-2015 S2 : We’re having a birthday party S1 : when are you going to have the party ? S2: At 7p.m on October 30 S1 How many people do you plan to invite ? S2: about 30 people S1 : what foods and drinks will be served ? S2 : We will be served cake , candy and soft drinks S1: what activities will take place ? S2 : We will sing our favorite songs. - listen and observe Post-speaking: (5’minutes) - introduces task 4 -elicits the verb tenses and structures - calls on the representive of each group to tell their report about th e parties that they have planned -corrects. Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. The representive of each group tell their report about th e parties that they have planned. IV/ TASKS 4 : Tell the rest of the class about your party .Try to convine them to come Note : future simple ,be going to ,plan to do something .intend to do something ,expect to do something EX : In Teacher ‘s Day We’re planning to have a party for our class teachers .We’re expecting teachers and 200 students to come and have fun with together because it’s a good occasion for us to show our gratitude to our teachers ,who devote their life to us .We’re inviting all of our class teachers and all members of our class should be present .It;s the day for our teachers, we think we should wear formal dress ,we have to decorate our classroom .This work will be done by some girl classmates and we will repare many biscuits,candy ,fruit and soft drinks .About the entertainment ,we’re singing our favorite songs in chorus and some friends will sing songs ,too . The total estimated expenses are about four hundred thousand dong ,so each student will pay about 20 thousand dong . I expect everyone of our class is willing to take part in this party sake ‘s our gratitude to our teachers . Many thanks for your collaboration in advance. 10 Lop11.com. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Thanh loc high school. School year: 2014-2015. 4. Consolidation: (2’) Summarises the main points of the lesson 5. Homework:(1’) - write a paragraph about a party they have been to - prepare speaking of unit 3: Listening * Experience from the period: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….................... * Supplement: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………….…………………......................... Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. 11 Lop11.com. English 11.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Thanh loc high school. School year: 2014-2015. Date of preparing : 28 /9/07 Date of teaching : 5/ 10/07. week: 5 period : 15 UNIT 3: A PARTY SECTION : listening. I/ OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson , sts will be able to recognize true or false information ,answer the questions and talk about Mai’s birthday party II/ PREPARATION : 3. Teacher : textbook , lesson plan 4. Students : textbook , notebook ,pen III/ TIME : 45 minutes 4. IV / PROCEDURE : ( 5’-6 ‘) 5. Class order : Greeting , Checking attendance 6. Checking up : T calls one sts tell about your party that you have took part in 7. New lesson : Warm Up : T asks sts to answer the questions in the textbook Tcalls on some sts to answer 1. when do you like to organise your birthday party ,during the day or in the evening ? 2. what foods and drinks are often served at your birthday party ? 3. what activities do you often have at your birthday party ? Teacher’s activities Students’ activities content T elicits new words and help sts to Sts pronounce new words correctly I/ Before you listen : (8’-10’) pronounce them correctly listen and repeat : T may want to play the tape or Sts listen and repeat in chorus and gathering (adj) : coming together model first and then ask sts to individually decorated (adj): repeat after the tape or after the restaurant (n) : teacher in chorus and individually icing (n) : lớp kem phủ trên mặt baùnh prizes (n) slices(n) :moät laùt moûng ,(v)saéc laùt birthday cake (n) T instructs them to use some clapped (v) First , sts read through the strategies T plays the tape once for sts to do statements to understand them and II/ While you listen : (15’-17’) the task underline key words  TASK1 : You are going to Tplays the tape the second time for listen to a girl telling about a Stslisten to the tape and pay sts to check their answers birthday party that she has T checks sts’answers(if many sts attention to the key words been to .Listen and answer cannot answer the questions ,T can Sts decide whether the statements true or false questions .Put a are true or false based on what they play the tape again ) tick () in the appropriate box can hear T gives the correct answers Before listening to the tape to do EX: Mai’s birthday party was held the task at home in the evening 1F T may ask them to try to answer the 2.F Sts try to answer the questions questions 3.F Tplays the tape again Sts complete their notes ,write the 4.T T calls on some sts to give their answer down in note form 5.F Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam English 11 9 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Thanh loc high school answers T provides correct answers if necessary T might to let sts listen one more time. Sts gives their answers Sts cannot answer the questions. Before getting sts to discuss ,T Sts discuss teaches them some useful expressions of asking for and giving opinions Tgives examples and gets sts to do Sts practice some practice with these structures T calls on some sts to report their peer’s ideas Sts report T corrects V/ CONSOLIDATION : 2’ Summarises the main points of the lesson VI/ HOME WORK: 2’ - learnt by heart new words and do these exercises -prepare the writing of unit 3. Teacher: Nguyen Van Nam. 9 Lop11.com. School year: 2014-2015 TASK2 : you are going to listen to the story again and answer comprehension questions  Answer s : 1. 16 2. because it’s noisy and expensive 3. soft drink and biscuits 4. at about 4: 30 5. It was beautifully decorated with white and pink icing and 16 colorful candles in the middle 6. They clapped their hands eagerly and sang “Happy birthday “ 7. at about 6 III/ After you listen : (6’-8’) Talk about Mai’s birthday party ,using the cues below -place where the party was held -when it began and ended -who came -what you did there. English 11.

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