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Bài ôn tập Tiếng Anh khối 11 - Unit 10: Test 1

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>11 GRADE. QUỲNH NHƯ. UNIT 10 TEST 1 Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. 1.a. endanger b. disappear c. prohibit d. destruction 2.a. extinct b. human c. species d. planet 3.a. respect b. effort c. exist d. supply 4.a. condition b. pollutant c. however d. influence 5.a. action b. habit c. danger d. survive Choose a,b,c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one. 6. Many organizations have been set up and funds have been raised. a. established b. collapsed c. delayed d. decreased 7. The number of rare animals is decreasing rapidly . a. dangerously b. quickly c. mostly d. gradually 8. A species of animal or plant that is no longer has any living members, either in the world or in a particular place. a. extinct b. rare c. survival d. productive 9. Those who concern are very worried about the of many species. a. disappearance b. establishment c. supply d. provision 10. Because of people’s with the environment, many kinds of plants and animals are becoming rare. a. supply b. survival c. influence d. interference 11. Tropical forests have supplied us with many sorts of plants for food, medicine, and industry. a. affected b. influenced c. changed d. provided 12. It is estimated that only 1,000 pandas remain in wild. a. a b. an c. the d. Ø 13. England was one of the first countries to . a. industry b. industrial c. industrialize d. industrialization 14. Their is rejected due to some problems of pollution. a. suggest b. suggestion c. suggestive d. suggestible 15. We all regard pollution as a matter to human beings. a. serious b. seriously c. seriousness d. seriousful 16. Human beings are adding more and more pollutants the environment. a. from b. for c. on d. to 17. You should make sure what you have just told us. a. in b. on c. over d. of 18. Forest destruction results floods and air pollution. a. from b. about c. in d. into 19. It is automobile industry contributes the most greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. a. where b. in which c. that d. whom 20. many species of animals have become extinct. a. There are many reasons for which b. Many reasons for which c. The reasons for that d. For which reasons 21. We should do something to save those animals hunted for their fur or for other valuable parts of their bodies. a. those are b. which are c. which is d. that is 22. Farmers use more and more them to grow better crops but harm the environment. a. powerful chemicals who help b. which powerful chemicals help c. powerful chemicals which help d. powerful chemicals help 23. Water is one of the most precious resources for our life. a. we depend on which b. which we depend c. on which we depend d. on that we depend 24. are very dense, warm, and wet, are havens for millions of plants and animals.. BTQN. 1 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 11 GRADE. QUỲNH NHƯ. a. Rain forests b. Rain forests, that c. Rain forests, where d. Rain forests, which 25. The farmers and their cattle had been trapped in the storm were fortunately rescued a. who b. whom c. which d. that 26. Nowadays, city dwellers, enjoy a lot from the modern material life, have to suffer from pollution the most. a. who b. whom c. that d. which 27. Do you know that environmentalist ? a. with whom I used to work c. with that I used to work c. with I used to work d. with who I used to work 28. Rain forests influence the Greenhouse effect, traps heat inside the Earth’s atmosphere. a. that b. which c. where d. whose 29. The local authority banned us from going near the forest there is a serious fire. a. for which b. in that c. that d. where 30. once roamed the jungles in vast numbers, were estimated to become extinct by the year 2025. a. Bengal tigers b. Bengal tigers, which c. Bengal tigers, that d. Bengal tigers which Error Identification 31. Nowadays people are more aware of the fact that wildlife all over the world which is in danger A B C D 32. Any country that has to cope with overpopulation, hunger, and poverty, also that suffers from pollution . A B C D 33. Despite their short time on Earth, human beings have brought about enormous changers A B to the surface of the planet, where they are surviving and destroy . C D 34. There is a threat of global warming, that comes from the results of Greenhouse effect . A B C D 35. Our polluted environment which is the results of the overusing of resources and destroying the wild . A B C D Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer. Recent research reveals that the degradation of agricultural soils, forests, woodlands, coastal fisheries, and wildlife resources is more and more serious. The majority of the estimated costs of environmental degradation comes from forests and natural resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. More than 50% of the original forest has been converted to agricultural land by slash – and – burn. Despite land expansion, productivity has declined because of soil erosion. Fish, timber, and non – timber forest product stocks are decreasing. As a result, coastal towns have begun to experience severe water shortages. Hydropower is dropping. Wildlife populations and biodiversity are in serious decline and many species face extinction. Poor forest management and soil degradation result in huge economic losses. The degradation of water increases the costs and reduces the quality of both water and power. The prospects for economic development and poverty reduction are dependent on natural resources. Rural households rely on natural resources for their livelihoods, fisheries, and wildlife which provide protein in diets. Urban economic activities depend on reliable hydroelectric power. However, peole do not have much awareness of protecting the environment on which their life depends.. 36. The passage is about . a. forest fires b. the degradation of the environment c. fishery and agriculture d. economic losses 37. Which does not suffer from degradation? a. industry b, agriculture c. fishery d. forestry 38. It is that makes agricultural productivity decline. a. land expansion b. slash – and – burn c. soil erosion d. agricultural land 39. Which sentence is NOT true? a. There are water shortages in coastal towns. b. Hydropower is declining. c. Water is not influenced by pollution. d. We depend on natural resources to solve the problems of poverty. 40. People .. BTQN. 2 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 11 GRADE. QUỲNH NHƯ. a. do not know much of protecting the environment b. have a great awareness of the environment c. are doing a lot of things to prevent pollution d. can increase economy without natural resources Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase. The number of animal species that have died out since 1600 (41) sharply. Experts have looked for historical evidence of (42) . As (43) as they can tell, between the beginning of modern historical records and the beginning of the 17th century, fewer (44) twenty species of animals died out. (45) , in just one century, from 1600 to 1699 seventeen more animal species are known to have (46) . The next century saw the extinction (47) thirty – six species. And the rate (48) increasing. In the 1800, eighty – one more species died out. In (49) first three quarters of the twentieth century, eighty – three species disappeared, (50) the education of people about endangered species. The rate of extinction has not been slowed by public information. 41.a. increase b. increased c. has increased d. will increase 42.a. beings b. extinction c. affect d. influence 43.a. far b. many c. long d. soon 44.a. as b. more c. less d. than 45.a. If b. Although c. So d. However 46.a. recovered b. supplied c. changed d. disappeared 47.a. of b. in c. for d. from 48.a. kept b. had c. made d. let 49.a. a b. an c. the d. Ø 50.a. because of b. due to c. despite d. unless. TEST 2 Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1.a. small b. supply c. sure d. species 2.a. swimmer b. sword c. swallow d. swam 3.a. parks b. animals c. planets d. environments 4.a. forest b. exist c. busy d. establish 5.a. suggest b. disappear c. scientist d. raise Choose a,b,c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one. 6. Laws have been introduced to prohibit the killing of endangered animals. a. advised b. decreased c. ban d. encouraged 7. Hunting for meat and burning forests for soils wildlife. a. protect b. conserve c. destroy d. survive 8. National Parks are established to create the environment for rare animals to survive and offspring. a. produce b. supply c. increase d. offer 9. The World Wild Funds is working to protect and save the forests that are in . a. danger b. interest c. encouragement d. consequence 10. Scientists think it unlikely that the species will actually become extinct as a of the oil spill. a. respect b. consequence c. protection d. production 11. Hunman beings can exist without water and air. a. result b. live c. kill d. change 12. Do you know exactly number of Siberian tigers in China? a. a b. an c. the d. Ø 13. Garbage is considered to be some kind of . a. pollute b. pollutants c. pollution d. polluting 14. Because of forest destruction some rare animals cannot survive, let alone . a. produce b. production c. productive d. productivity 15. The people in our village are leading a life. a. peace b. peaceful c. peacefully d. peacefulness. BTQN. 3 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 11 GRADE. QUỲNH NHƯ. 16. Human beings are changing the environment all respects. a. at b. for c. in d. upon 17. Air pollution interferes our body’s ability to process oxygen. a. with b. on c. to d. over 18. We should do something immediately to save many kinds of rare animals extinction. a. away b. from c. in d. with 19. I personally think that it is easy to understand time is relative. a. the reason b. the reason for that c. for which reason d. the reason why 20. concerns about wildlife never keeps a wild animal as pest. a. Anyone that b. Anyone which c. Anyone for whom d. Anyone those 21. Did you listen to the lecture on the environment by Dr. Pike, . a. whom I have ever told you about b. about that I have ever told you c. I have ever told you d. that I have ever told you 22. want to use rain forests are cutting them down without any hesitation. a. People who b. People which c. People whom d. Who 23. The man showed us the cage he kept a fierce lion. a. which b. that c. in which d. in that 24. Those villagers near the forest chop down hardwoods to sell for high prices. a. live b. who live c. whom live d. for whom to live 25. We have just had an exploration through that forest . a. which some pandas survive b. where there are some pandas surviving c. in which there are some pandas survive d. that some pandas survive 26. By cutting down the trees, people destroy the ecosystem of the rain forest . a. on which they depend b. where they depend on c. which they depend d. where they depend 27. comes from thousands of factories has caused enormous increases in air pollution levels. a. Smoke b. Smoke for which c. Smoke that d. Smoke whose 28. The areas are destroyed suffer a lot from soil erosion. a. which trees b. whose trees c. that trees d. trees which 29. I will never forget the time Ifirst visit Cat Tien National Park. a. when b. why c. where d. on that 30. Those scientists are doing research on the period the Earth formed. a. where b. on that c. when d. why Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given. 31. the Royal National Park / New South Wales, Australia a. The Royal National Park it is in New South Wales, Australia b. The Royal National Park, which is in New South Wales, Australia c. The Royal National Park is in that New South Wales, Australia d. The Royal National Park is in New South Wales, Australia 32. it / locate / 29km south / Sydney a. It located 29km south of Sydney. b. It locating 29km south of Sydney. c. It is that locates 29km south of Sydney. d. It is located 29km south of Sydney. 33. Sir John Robertson / find / the Park /1879 a. Sir John Robertson whom found the Park in 1879. b. Sir John Robertson found the Park in 1879. c. Sir John Robertson whom found the Park since 1879. d. Sir John Robertson who found the Park in 1879. 34. most unique rock formation / Eagle Rock / look like an eagle’s head a. The most unique rock formation is Eagle Rock looks like an eagle’s head. b. The most unique rock formation is Eagle Rock, which looks like an eagle’s head. c. A most unique rock formation is Eagle Rock, looks like an eagle’s head. d. The most unique rock formation is Eagle Rock, that looks like an eagle’s head. 35. the Park / protect / carefully / its rarity in the hot, arid Australian landscape a. The Park is protected carefully because its rarity in the hot, arid Australian landscape. b. The Park is protected carefully due to its rarity in the hot, arid Australian landscape. c. The Park protected carefully as its rarity in the hot, arid Australian landscape. d. The Park it is protected carefully for its rarity in the hot, arid Australian landscape.. BTQN. 4 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 11 GRADE. QUỲNH NHƯ. TEST 3 Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest. 1.a. introduce b. peacefully c. consequence d. influence 2.a. industrial b. environment c. agriculture d. responsible 3.a. weather b. decrease c. number d. result 4.a. animal b. national c. serious d. pollutant 5.a. village b. affect c. water d. city Choose a,b,c, or d that best completes each unfinished sentence; substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one. 6. The is the air, water and land in or on which people, animals and plants live. a. consequence b. environment c. planet d. resource 7. Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging effect on the environment. a. destruction b. introduction c. influence d. environment 8. The Earth is one of the in the solar system. a. planets b. resources c. environments d. results 9. Deforestation is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest. a. changing b. raising c. becoming d. damaging 10. The area is roped off because the water is seriously polluted. a. contaminated b. disappeared c. purified d. endangered 11. During a long drought, farmers had to find ways to their crops. a. save b. cook c. raise d. set 12. Human beings have great influence on world. a. the / a b. a / the c. Ø / a d. the / Ø 13. We have to suffer a lot of floods due to our serious of forests. a. destroy b. destructive c. destruction d. destructor 14. She is a famous .She tries her best to protect rare animals from extinction. a. environment b. environmental c. environmentalist d. environmentally 15. The problems of pollution call for a prompt from the government. a. act b. action c. acting d. active 16. They are asking for public donations to protect some certain wild animals dying out. a. from b. for c. with d. up 17. More and more rare animals are danger of extinction. a. for b. on c.at d. in 18. Do you know how many pandas remain the wild? a. at b. on c. in d. from 19. It is many rich countries have dealt the problem of extinction in various ways. a. where b. that c. in which d. in that 20. was very kind of him. a. That b. Which c. Whose d. On which 21. Some countries try to reduce extinction depend on the world organization for support. a. which b. in which c. where d. whose 22. The National Parks, certain animal species survive, are protected strictly from the poaching of hunters. a. that b. where c. which d. in that 23. Some parts of the world, , were cleared for farms and now land is a desert. a. which like the Bragantina of Brazil b. where like the Bragantina of Brazil c. like the Bragantina of Brazil d. whose like the Bragantina of Brazil 24. Smoke from factories is polluting the air, rain forests cannot clean fast enough. a. in which b. where c. that d. which 25. Everyone must protect ecosystem of planet Earth, . a. that a planet in danger b. which a planet in danger c. where is a planet in danger d. a planet in danger 26. Do you think that we are using up the resources for our survival? a. are necessary b. that are necessary c. which necessary d. that necessary. BTQN. 5 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 11 GRADE. QUỲNH NHƯ. 27. Areas in Africa, South America, and Asia are dense with trees, insects, birds, and animals. a. where are b. which are c. are d. are that 28. Rain forests are places people harvest wood, delicious fruits, and powerful medicine. a. in which b. in that c. in where d. which 29. I wonder about human beings are destroying the environment so seriously. a. the reason that b. that reason c. the reason in which d. the reason for which 30. The authority gathered those villagers they explained the importance of forests. a. who b. whom c. to whom d. to that Choose the best sentence that can be made from the cues given. 31. Denali National Park / the central mountains of Alaska a. Denali National Park, which is in the central mountains of Alaska. b. Denali National Park, that is in the central mountains of Alaska. c. Denali National Park, where is in the central mountains of Alaska. d. Denali National Park is in the central mountains of Alaska. 32. the park / one of America’s greatest wildness areas a. It is that the park one of America’s greatest wildness areas. b. The park which is one of America’s greatest wildness areas. c. It is the park one of America’s greatest wildness areas. d. The park is one of America’s greatest wildness areas. 33. once / abundant sourcer of gold / heavy metals a. It has been once abundant sourcer of gold with heavy metals. b. It is once abundant sourcer of gold as well as heavy metals. c. It was once abundant sourcer of gold and heavy metals. d. It will be once abundant sourcer of gold and heavy metals. 34. at least 600,000 visitors / come to visit / the Park / every year a. There are at least 600,000 visitors come to visit the Park every year. b. At least 600,000 visitors who come to visit the Park every year. c. At least 600,000 visitors come to visit the Park every year. d. There were at least 600,000 visitors come to visit the Park every year. 35. the environmentalists / have tried / prevent / tourism / destroy the wildness a. The environmentalists have tried to prevent tourism from destroying the wildness. b. The environmentalists have tried in order that to prevent tourism from destroying the wildness. c. The environmentalists have tried preventing tourism from destroying the wildness. d. Thanks to the environmentalists have tried to prevent tourism from destroying the wildness.. TEST 4 I. PRONUNCIATION Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. a. scatter b. nature c. danger d. race 2. a. exactly b. exist c. exhaust d. extinct 3. a. feature b. species c. weather d. decrease 4. a. survive b. prohibit c. fertilizer d. environment 5. a. decreased b. influenced c. endangered d. established II. LANGUAGE FOCUS A. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase. 6. What exactly is the influence of air pollution ______ human beings? a. to b. with c. on d. for 7. The campaign will hopefully ensure the survival ______ the tiger. a. of b. for c. to d. on 8. It is possible for local wildlife to coexist ______ industry. a. to b. of c. in d. with 9. The health of our children is being ______ by exhaust fumes. a. danger b. endanger c. dangerous d. endangered 10. The society was set up to ______ endangered species from extinction.. BTQN. 6 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 11 GRADE 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. B. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. C. 26.. 27. 28.. 29.. 30.. QUỲNH NHƯ. a. prevent b. distinguish c. preserve d. survive If people stop destroying animal's natural habitat, more species will survive and produce ______. a. offspring b. ecology c. landscape d. benefit People in this region cultivate mainly rice and vegetables. a. destroy b. grow c. develop d. support Among the problems facing the national park's manager, the most serious ones are those of ______ and expansion. a. improvement b. reassessment c. distinction d. maintenance Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean. a. powerful b. significant c. disastrous d. detectable The factory was fined for ______ chemicals into the river. a. discharging b. dumping c. producing d. exposing. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence. Jean Fragonard was a French artist ______ portrait of children. a. whose paintings b. who has painted c. who painted d. whose painted The smoke from burning fuels causes pollution if it ______ into the atmosphere. a. releases b. is released c. will be released d. released. Portland, Maine, is ______ the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow spent his early years. a. where b. it where c. where is d. which is where Walkers can unwittingly damage the fragile environment ______. a. that the birds live b. where the birds live in c. which live the birds d. in which the birds live Wild animals ______ in their natural habitat will have a better and longer life than those which are kept in protected areas. a. live b. to live c. living d. lived There should be some measures to protect the humpback whale, ______ an endangered species. a. to consider b. considered c. consider d. is considered We should participate in the movement ______ to conserve the natural environment. a. organized b. to organize c. organizing d. organize The purchase of wild animals ______. a. should ban b. must ban c. have to be banned d. must be banned The school has been given 20 computers, half of ______ are brand new. a. that b. those c. them d. which The computer, ______ the memory capacity has just been upgraded, is among the latest generations. a. that b. whose c. of which d. which of Choose word or phrase - A, B, C or D – that needs correcting. Despite of a language barrier, humans have managed to communicate A B with others through sign language, in which certain motions stand for C D letters, words, or ideas. Radio stations at which broadcast only news first appeared in the 1970s. A B C D JKL Motorbikes sells six different models, the first which they started A B C making in 1985. D Visitors were not permitted entering the park after dark because of A B C the lack of security and lighting. D If Monique had not attended the party, she never would meet her old A B friend Dan, whom she had not seen in years. C D. BTQN. 7 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 11 GRADE. III.. QUỲNH NHƯ. READING. A. Fill in each blank with one appropriate word from the box.. represents establish. fueled reduced. oversee covered. alarming sought. lost derived. imported cleared.. The rate at which the deforestation of the world is proceeding is (31) _______. In the 1950 approximately 25 percent of the earth's land surface had been (32) _______ with forests, and less than twenty-five years later the amount of the forest land was (33) _______ to 20 percent. This decrease from 25 percent to 20 percent from 1950 to 1973 (34) _______ an astounding 20 million square kilometers of forests. Predictions are that all, additional 20 million square kilometers of forest land will be (35) _______ by 2020. The majority of deforestation is occuring in the tropical forests in developing countries, (36) _______ by the developing countries' need for increased agricultural land and the desire on the part of developed countries to import wood and wood products. More than 90 percent of the plywood used in the United States, for example, is (37) _______ from, developing countries with tropical rain forests. By the mid-1980s, solutions to this expanding problem were being (38) _______, in the form of attempts to (39) _______ an international regulatory organization to (40) _______ the use of tropical forests. III. WRITING Choose the sentence - a, b, c or d – which in closest in meaning to the printed sentence. 41. The children made every effort to please their parents. a. The children made little effort to please their parents. b. The children tried their best to please their parents. c. The parents were pleased with their children's effort. d. The children made no attempt to please their parents. 42. Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution. a. Scientists blame air pollution for the destruction of forests. b. Scientists are blamed for destroying forests. c. Scientists say that there's much air pollution in the forests. d. Forests are being destroyed by scientists. 43. I would be very grateful if you could send me the document. a. I would appreciate your sending me the document. b. I was very grateful for your document. c. I'm upset about your not sending me the document. d. Do not send me the document, please. 44. 'You should have finished the report by now.' John told his secretary. a. John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report. b. John said that his secretary had not finished the report. c. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time. d. John scolded his secretary for not having finished the .report. 45. That young man is bound to fail in this test. a. Certainly, that young man will fail in this test. b. It would be impossible for that young man to fail this test. c. There is no way that young man can succeed in this test. d. a and c are correct. BTQN. 8 Lop11.com.

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