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Bài ôn thi số 1 học kỳ 2 năm 2011

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Bµi «n thi sè 1 häc kú 2-11 Bµi 1: Chän tõ cã c¸ch ph¸t ©m kh¸c: 1. A. time B. big C. live D. sit 2. A my B. country C. family D. every 3. A. ready B. teacher C. meat D. heat 4. A. brush B. music C. truck D. bus 5. A. watches B. brushes C. classes D. lives Bài 2: Chọn đáp án đúng trong sốA, B, C hoặc D: 6. At this moment. He ................ that he has a good chance of victory A. was feeling B. is feeling C. had been feeling D. feels 7 ................ you study harder, you won't pass the examination. A. Unless B. because C. if D. in order that 8. I ......... the money from him yet A. haven't received B. will receive C. don't receive D. am receiving 9. This film is .............. than the one we saw last week A. as good B. gooder C. more good D. better 10. Nobody has ............. done this before. A. amy B. not C. never D. ever 11. Mr Brown ................ his children to school everyday A. carries B. brings C. takes D. picks 12. She works at a supermarket. She ............. USD 5 an hour A. pays B. brings C. takes D. earns 13. This book is different ................ the one A. with B. of C. to D. from 14. If you take ................ you won't get a cold and wet A. a book B. rain coats C. bags D. sport shoes 15. Some one ............... to do the work before they leave here A. are B. has C. have D. must 16. She has to do a ............. of washing everyday. A. many B. few C. lot D. much 17. Mirror is made of ................ A. glasses B. glass C. rubber D. silver 18. When was America discovered? A. It was discovered in 1492 B. It is discovered in 1094 C. It was discover in 1492 D. It is discovered in 1092 19. Mount Everest was ................... A. climbed B. climb C. invented D. invent 20. My mother can't see ............... without her glasses A. badly B. clear C. well D. good 21. Don't go out ................. the rain without an umbrella. A. in B. under C. through D. of 22. My mother is very ............... of music A. fond B. like C. interested D. enjoyed 23. My brother ............ swimming every sunday. A. goes B. is going C. play D. plays 24. Chinese people ............... alot of rice. A. is eating B. eat C. was eating D. eaten Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 25. They listen to music while they are having .............. dinner A.  B. the C. of 26. They eat chicken............... beef with peas and beans. A. and B. but C. or 27. If the weather ............... fine tomorrow, we'll go on a picnic A. will be B. is C. is going 28. There was hardly .............. on the beach. It was almots deserted. A. anyone B. people C. nobody 29. .................. in Shanghai than in other city in China A. more people live B. more people living C. it has more people D. more living people 30. We visited Canada and ............... United States. A. of B. an C. a 31. It ........... a long time since. I last saw you. A. is B. was C. will be 32. He .............. in love with her the moment he saw her? A. fell B. has fallen C. felt 33. Chọn câu (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) có cùng nghĩa với câu đã cho: John is 15 years old. He can not get married A. John is young enough to get married B. John is enough to get married C. John is too young to get married D. John is young enough getting married 34. Chọn câu (ứng với A, B, C hoặc D) có cùng nghĩa với câu đã cho: I broke his vase. He got angry with me. A. He got angry with me unless I broke his vase B. He got angry with me although I broke his vase. C. He got angry with me because I broke his vase D. He got angry with me otherwise I broke his vase 35. Chọn câu A, B, C hoặc D đúng với câu gợi ý: / six years now/ teach/ .Mr Brown/ Enghish. A. Mr Brown teaches Enghish for six year now B. Mr Brown teache Enghish for six year now C. Mr Brown will teach Enghish for six year now D. Mr Brown has taught Enghish for six year now. D. an D. so D. has been D. somebody. D. the D. has been D. has felt. Relative Clauses Exercises A. In each of the sentences below, there is one error in relative clause structures. Find and correct the error. 1. The woman whom sent this package absent-mindedly left her wallet at the post office. ............................................................................................................................... 2. Spending time with people who knows how to make jokes is very interesting. ............................................................................................................................... 3. I did not recognize the man entered the room. ............................................................................................................................... 4. The new motorbike people are advertising on TV, and in newspaper and magazines. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> ............................................................................................................................... 5. All the contestants take part in the competition are very intelligent. ............................................................................................................................... 6. The house which Mr. Lam is going to buy it is located in a very quiet area. ............................................................................................................................... 7. The party where I went to last night was held by an old friend. ............................................................................................................................... 8. The student who assignment got the highest mark worked very hard. ............................................................................................................................... 9. Have you returned the money that borrowed from the bank? ............................................................................................................................... 10. The families whose house destroyed in the storm are still trying to improve their lives. ............................................................................................................................... Exercises A. Defining or non-defining? Add commas if necessary. 1. Professor Kim who teaches psychology is a strict teacher. 2. Japan which consists of four main islands suffers from a lot natural disasters every year. 3. Only students whose English does not meet the requirement should attend the course. 4. Minh who couldn’t stand the smell of durian went out of the room when she saw me with some durians. 5. Corn which is mainly grown in the highland can be exported. 6. Hue bought a bar of chocolate which looked very delicious. 7. My ao dai which is too short now was my favorite at high school. 8. These glasses which were made by a famous craftsman were sold out quickly. 9. Tien who has just moved to my neighborhood, is a very sensitive boy. 10. I’ve lost my book which I lent you last week. B. Combine two sentences to make a defining relative clause or a non-defining relative clause. 1. Does the T-shirt fit you? I gave it to you yesterday. ............................................................................................................................... 2. Our teacher assigned us the homework. We had to finish it within a week. ............................................................................................................................... 3. Those students got very high marks in the final exams. They had studied enthusiastically for months. ............................................................................ ............................................................................................................................... 4. The Prime Minister praised Nguyen Huu At. He was the first blind student to take the university entrance exams alongside peers in Viet Nam. ............................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................... 5. Ngoc has just moved to a new school. It was built two years ago. ............................................................................................................................... 6. The man is selling lottery tickets. He used to be very rich. ............................................................................................................................... 7. Hai’s friend is a very interesting boy. He came from Da Nang. ............................................................................................................................... 8. Mekong Delta is located in the South of Viet Nam. It provides most of the rice for exporting.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> ................................................................................................................................ Choose the best answer 1. Could you tell me……………to get to the hospital, please? a. when b. what c. where d. how. 2.My coach will signal to us as to …………………..we should start attacking the opponents. a. when b. what c. where d. how. 3.My aunt told me……………….I can get very resonably priced clothes. a. when b. what c .where d. how. 4.Do you know…………….you should do in time of crisis? a. where b. what c. when d. how. 5.Tom knows ……………..to please the boss so he gets a lot of promotions. a. when b. where c. what d. how. 6.Patrick wants to know………….he can invest his savings. a. why b. who c. how d. what 7.Jack has to know……….to do before he can start. a. what b. how c. where d. when 8.James will only go to places…………..are recommended by his friends. a. what b. where c. which d. how. 9.Miss Kelly took part in the singing contest………….she was on holiday in Japan. a. what b. where c. when d. how. 10. Tom……….is a monitor of the class, is also the captain of the football. a. who b. which c. whom d. whose. 11. I saw the man……….owns that car walking towards the shop. a. which b. whom c. who d. whose 12. The street…………leads to my school is very narrow. a. who b. which c. whom d. whose. 13. Bring me the clock………………..is over there. a. whom b. which c. whose d. who 14. My friend, …………aunt is nurse, would like to be a doctor someday. a. who b. whom c. which d. whose 15. The dog, ………..tail I stepped on, bit me. a. who b. whose c. which d. whom 16. Please give this to the beggar…………….is at the door. a. who b. which c. whom d. whose 17. My father gave me the doll…………..I had been hoping for. a. who b. which c. whom d. which 18. Yesterday I met my friend…………….gave me a dog on my birthday. a. who b. whose c. whom d. which. 19. Any boy………….disobeys the rules will be punished. a. that b. which c. whom d. who. 20. Budapest……….is on the Danube is a beautiful city. a. where b whose c. when d. which 21. The riven from………….we get our water supply is nearly empty. a. that b. which c. whom d. where. 22. The boy…………father is in prison is my friend. a. whom b. who c. whose d. which 23. Do you know the driver………………took them to town last night.? a. which b. whom c. where d. who 24. Anybody…………..is tired may leave. a. whom b. who c. where d. which. 25. He talked about the books and the authors………….interested him.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> a. which. b. who. c. that. Lop11.com. d. when.

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