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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 11 năm 2007 - Period 1 đến period 32

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Period 1 :. Wednesday 5th September 2007. Grammar : tenses I.Aims : Help ss to review 2 tenses : the simple present tense and the present progressive tense II. objective : By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : remind 2 tenses and apply to do some exercises III. Material :Hand out ,books IV.Procedures : Steps / time Procedures Interaction I.Warm up :. 5. II. Present. 15. Make sentences from given words : 1. He /listen / music / at this time 2. she / often /wear /shirt / but /today /she / wear / jacket 3. They / want /buy /some book Guide ss to do ,correct and give them marks 1. He is listening the music at this time 2. She often wears the shirt but today she is wearing the jacket 3. They want to buy some books Grammar : 1. The simple present tense : Elicit the form of this tense : +) S + V(s,es ) + O -) S + do /does +not+ V + O ? ) Do/ Does + S + V + O ? Eg: I watchT. V every day Do you learn E well ? Usage :This form is used : - for habitual or repeated actions and situations Eg :I watch this show once a week - for general truths and natural phenomena Eg: Most rivers flow in to the sea - for future actions related to timetables and programs Eg: The train leaves at 6 o'clock 2. The present progressive tense : Form : S + is /are /am + v- ing +O _ S + is /are /am + not + V- ing +O Is /are /am + S + V-ing + O ? Eg : I am watching T.V now Usage : - it is used for : - actions or events happening at or around the time of speaking eg : Look ! that boy is climbing up the tree - temporary states eg : David is doing his molitary service Lop11.com - planned future actions related to personal arrangements. Whole class. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> III. Practice :. 24. IV. wrapping 1. eg : I am traveling to HN tomorrow - Situations which are changing or developing around the present eg : The problem of pollution is getting more and more serious Exercise : I .put the verbs in 2 forms : present simple and present progressive 1.I ( stay ) English for a few weeks .You see ,I ( be ) a Individual businessman and I (want ) to improve my English .I (attend ) a work special in business English at the moment .The course (last) three weeks 2.I ( come ) from Italy but I ( study ) in England at the moment .I ( stay ) with a British family .I (believe ) it (be ) the best way to become influence in language .Because you just ( not use ) English in the classroom but in your everyday life as well . II. Choose the best answer : 1) Don't bother me now .I ( write / am writing ) an important letter 2) He ( is cleaning / cleans ) twice a week 3) I ( think / am thinking ) you should buy him a tie .He ( is liking / likes ) to dress formally 4) Flowers ( bloom / are blooming )in spring 5) when ( are you leaving / do you leave ) for Roma ? Tomorrow at 8 a.m … Summarize the content of lesson. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Period 2 :. Wednesday 12th September 2007. Grammar : tenses I. Aims : Help ss to review 2 tenses : the simple past tense and the past progressive tense II. Objectives : By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : remind 2 tenses and apply to do some exercises III. Material :Hand out ,books IV. Procedures : Steps / time Procedures Interaction. I. Present. 20. Grammar : 1.The simple past tense : Elicit the form of this tense : +) S + V(ed) + O -) S + did not V + O ? ) Did + S + V + O ? Eg: I watched T. V last night Did you learn E well last year ? Usage :This form is used to describe : - completed action that took placed at a definite time in the past .The time is either mentioned or implied Eg :Mary bought this shirt when she was in Paris - permanent situations in the past Eg: John lived in Ireland for 15 years (He does not live there any more ) - completed action that took place one after the other in the past Eg: She woke up ,washed her face and had breakfast - past habits or repeated actions in the past Eg: when I was young ,I often went fishing with my friend 2.The past progressive tense : Form : S + was /were + v- ing +O S + was /were + not + V- ing +O Was /were + S + V-ing + O ? Eg : I was washing at this time yesterday Usage : - It is used for : - An actions that was in progress at a definite time in the past .We emphasis its duration eg : This time last Friday I was flying to Lon Don - Actions happening at the same time in the past eg : When I was dong my home work ,my mother was cooking dinner - A lengthy action that was in progress when a shorter or sudden one interruptedLop11.com it. Whole class. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> II. Practice :. 24. eg : When I was listening to music ,she called - Background scenes to a story Eg: This morning when I was get up ,the sun was shining , the birds were singing ,the wind was blowing ….. Exercise : I .put the verbs in 2 forms : past simple and past progressive 1) It ( snow ) when I ( leave ) this morning 2) A lot of people ( wait ) for the 7.30 bus last night 3) He( talk) on the phone when I ( arrive ) Individual 4) I nearly had an accident this morning .A car ( come ) to work wards me ,but I ( move) quickly out of the way 5) It was a sunny afternoon and people (sit ) on the grass in the park .Then it suddenly (start )to rain II. Choose the best answer : 1) Since I …school ,I haven't had much spare time a. begun b. begin c. have begun d. began 2)Tim ………last week a. arrived b. has arrived c. has been arriving d. arrives 3)When She was young ,she ……….tennis everyday a. had played b. played c. has played d. was playing 4 ).Tom and Jerry ………………when Micky…………. a. were playing /arrived b. played /was arriving c. was playing /arrived d. were playing /were arriving. 5)……………cook dinner for your family ? a. used to b. used you c. did you used to d. did you use to Feed back and give correct answer Summarize the content of lesson. III.wrapping Assign home work 1. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Period 3 :. Wednesday 19th september 2007. Grammar : tenses I.Aims : Help ss to review 2 tenses : the past perfect tense and the present perfect tense tense II.Objectives : By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : remind 2 tenses and apply to do some exercises III. Material :hand out ,books IV.Procedures : Steps / time Procedures Interaction. I. Present. 20. Grammar : 1.The present perfect tense : Elicit the form of this tense : +) S + have /has + pII + O -) S + have /has + PII + O ? ) Have /has + S + PII + O ? Eg: I have learnt for 3 years Have you finished your work yet ? Usage :This form is used to describe : - for actions which started in the past and are still happening Eg :I have taught history for three years - For past actions whole results are connected to the present Eg: The dog has spilt the milk -for past actions whose time is not stated ,or for recently completed actions Eg: I have traveled to Australia - with Today /this morning /week …..If these periods of time are not finished at the time of speaking Eg : This morning I have written 2 letters - with adjectives in the superlative degree or expressions like : the only /first /second …. Eg: This is the most interesting book I have ever read -Time expressions : Since /for /just /yet /already / ever /never /so far /up to now / recently ….. 2.The past perfect tense : Form : S + had + + PII + O S + had + not + PII+O Had + S + PII + O ? Eg : I had learnt French before I went to Paris Usage : - it is used for : Lop11.com. Whole class. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> II. Practice :. 24. III. wrapping 1. - A past event that was completed before another past event. eg : By the time we arrived ,The film had started - the past event that was completed before a definite time in the past Eg: He had finished cooking by 11.a.m I .Read the sentences and correct if necessary : 1)Jack was losing his wallet last week 2)That was the first time I had been visiting Paris 3)I was reading a book when the doorbell was ringing 4)Tony had bought new glasses yesterday 5)When we arrived ,the conference had been starting II. Rewrite each sentence ,beginning as shown ,so that the meaning stays the same 1)Jack left the office before I arrived When ……. 2, During lunch ,some one rang the bell While I ……….. 3. I haven't been to the dentist for six months The last time ………… 4. She has studied Japanese for 5 years She began …….. 5. The guests left and then we tidied the house When ……….. Feed back and give correct answer. Individual work. Summarize the content of lesson. Period 4 :. Wednesday 26th September 2007. Grammar : tenses I.Aims : Help ss to review 2 tenses : the simple future tense and the near future tense II.Objectives : by the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : remind 2 tenses and apply to do some exercises III. Material :hand out ,books IV.Procedures : Steps / time Procedures Interaction Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> I. Present. Whole class. Grammar : 1.The simple future tense : Elicit the form of this tense : +) S +will/shall + V + O -) S + will /shall + V +O ? ) will/shall + S + V + O ? Eg: I will visit my friend tomorrow Will you leave here next week ? Usage :This form is used to express : - a decision ones make at the moment of speaking Eg :it 's getting cold .I will close the window - a predictions or personal opinions about the future .We Whole 20 can use the verbs .expressions and adverbs of probability class such as believe ,expect ,think ,be sure ,be afraid ,perhaps…… Eg: I think He will past the exam - requests and offers Eg: will you do the ironing for me please ? - promises, threats , warnings, hopes, fears ,invitations, refuses, willingness, determination……. Eg :This window won't open - shall is used only with "I" and "we "in informal English or for suggestions and offers Eg: Shall I make some coffee ? 2.The near future tense : Form : S + be going to + V + O S + be going to + not +V + O Be + S + going to + V + O ? Eg : I m going to buy a big house Usage : - it is used to express : - predictions based on evidence II. Practice : eg : The sun is shining ,it is going to be a lovely day - plans or decisions that have already been made Eg: Iam going to study physicis this year I. Choose the best answer 1)A: We(are going /will go ) on an excursion tomorrow .(Will you lend /shall you lend ) me your camera ? B: I ( am lending / will lend )you my camera as long as you ( 24 promise / will promise ) to bring it back tomorrow evening 2) Sam: Hello , Mrs king Son .Could I speak to Sally please ? Mrs Kingson: sorry Sam She cannot come to the phone right now .She ( is /will be ) about to leave for her dancing lesson .it ( will start / start )at 7 p.m on Thursdays Individual Sam: : Ok !I(will call /am going to call ) her at 10.00p.m work Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> tonight could you please tell her ? II. Read the sentences and correct if necessary : 1. will we go out to night ? 2. He is going to come over yesterday but he did not 3. I think they will have moved to California next year 4. It is really hot so I will be turning on the air conditioner Feed back and give correct answer III. wrapping 1. Summarize the content of lesson. Period 5 :. Wednesday 3rd october 2007. Grammar : Verb - inf and verb-ing I.Aims : Help ss to review the use of verb - inf and gerund II.Objectives : By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : remind the use of verb - inf ,verb-ing and apply to do some exercises III. Material :Hand out ,books IV.Procedures : Steps / time Procedures Interaction. I. Present. Whole class. Grammar : A .present :. I. verb -ing : form :. 20. Present : verb -ing Perfect :having + past participle Negative : not verb - ing. examples : 1.As a noun ( subject or object ) Swimming is a good form of exercise 2.After a preposition or verb + preposition Helen is excited about studying a broad 3. After certain verbs: Admit , dislike , mention ,recall , enjoy , mind , fancy ,miss ,resent , postpone , resist ,delay ,discuss ,practice , finish , avoid ,like ,love ,mind ,involve , suggest ,risk ……….. Eg: He avoided answering my questions 4.After verb or expressions with to : Be /get accustomed to /be /get used to/ in addition to Look forget to /object to /take to ……….. Eg: The children is not used to getting up early Lop11.com. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 5.After certain expressions : As well as it is no good /use Be in favor of Can't stand / help it is worth Feel like there is no chance of Have difficult in there is no point in How about what is the point of…? What is the use of … 6. Structures : A, prefer + verb (bare ) rather than + verb (bare ) B. prefer + verb ing + to + verb ing C. catch / find /leave + obj + verb ing D. be busy + verb ing E .spend /waste + expression of money or time G .advise /allow /encourage /permit /require /}+verb ing Permit /tell /ask /…… }+ Obj + to verb 1. 2. 3. 4.. 5. 6.. Infinitive or ing form with different meaning Try : + ing : make an experiment I tried eating this food try + to verb : make an effort I tried to persuade her to come remember /forget /regret +verb_ ing : we refer Individual something that has already happened work remember /forget /regret +to verb : we remember /forget / regret st before doing it Eg: I remember visiting Paris in 1990 Don't forget to go to the supermarket Stop +v ing :the action was stopped and not repeated stop + to verb : the action was interrupted ,but probably continued afterwards Eg: The teacher stops talking to write I was writing a letter but I stopped to answer the. II. Practice : phone. 20. Choose the sentence closest in meaning to the given one : 1.Even though the telephone rang ,he went on playing his violin a) He continued to play the violin despite the fact that the telephone was ringing b) He played the violin until the telephone rang c) He did not continue to play the violin after the telephone rang 2. Jane forgot to put a stamp on the letter before she Individual sent it work Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> a) Jane does not remember whether she put a stamp on the letter or not b) She put a stamp on the letter but she does not remember doing it c) Jane did not put a stamp on the letter because she did not remember to do so 3. Sue regrets selling her car a) Sue decided not to sell her car because it would be a mistake b) Sue may not sell her car c) Sue sold her car but now thinks it was a mistake 4.We stopped to buy a bottle of wine before visiting the Jonesons a) We bought a bottle of wine on our way to the Jonesons b) We no longer buy a bottle of wine before visiting the Jonesons c) We did not buy a bottle of wine before visiting the Jonesons 5. Charlie could not sleep last night ,so he tried listening to music but it did not help a) Charlie made an effort to listen to music but he could not b) Charlie thought listening to music might help but he was wrong c) Charlie listened to music and felt asleep .Choose the best answer : 1.Maria is going to stop …….dinner ,so she may be late a. eating b. to eat c. eat d. for eating 2. I asked him …….,but he went anyway a. not to go b. to not go c. does not go d. he does not go 3. we are 18 ,so we …………vote a. too old to b. young enough to c. old enough to d. old enough for 4. I bought this new soft ware ……….English III.wrapping a. for learning b. to learn c. learn d. learned 5 5.Are you ready ? it's time …….. a. for going b. to go c. going d. go feed back and give correct answer Summarize the content of lesson. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Period 6 :. Wednesday 10th October 2007 Grammar : Verb - inf and verb-ing (cont) I. Aims : Help ss to review the use of verb - inf and gerund II. Objectives : By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : remind the use of verb - inf ,verb-ing and apply to do some exercises III. Material :hand out ,books IV.Procedures : Steps / time Procedures Interaction. I. Present. 20. Grammar : II.To verb : Negative form :not + to verb The full infinitive is used : 1. as a subject of the sentence 2.To express the purpose : Eg: She went to the post office to collect her parcel 3.After certain verbs :(as the object ) Eg :she wants to go to the post office effort ,decide ,hesitate , plan ,remind Agree, demand ,hope ,prepare, seem , Appear ,learn, swear ,present , tent, refuse Ask ,beg ,want …………… Eg: My friend invited me to joy them 4.After the object of certain verbs : Advice ,expect ,beg ,hire ,invite, forbid ,tell , Urge, cause ,allow , forbid ………….. 5. After verbs followed by a question word (who , what ,which ,where ,how ,but not why ) Ask ,forget ,remember ,understand ,decide ,know , show ,wonder ,explain ,learn …. Eg: do you remember what to buy ? Could you show me how to use your computer ? 6. After certain adjectives : Afraid ,careful ,lucky , surprised , amazed , pleased ,sad , upset , glad , Shocked , willing , happy , sorry ,ready , anxious ,ready ,determined……… Eg: You have to be careful not to say anything insulting 7.After the following of the structures : a) it + be + adj + (of /for + adj ) + to verb Eg: it is very kind of her to call b) too + adj / adv + for +O +to verb Eg: this shirt is too large for me to wear c) enough + noun } + for + Obj + to verb adj /adv+ enough Eg: this shirt is large enough for me to wear III . Bare infinitive Lop11.com :. Whole class. Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> The bare infinitive is used : 1.After most modal verbs : Eg: you should get up earlier in the morning 2. After : would rather ,would sooner ,had better. II. Practice :. 20. Eg : Jane would rather go to Salonica by plane 3.After the verbs : hear ,let , listen to ,make ,notice Individual ,observe ,see ,watch ,….. work Eg : She heard him come in He was made to do some extra work 4.In the following structures: Why …….? /why not ……..?( for suggestions and advice ) Eg : Why not have another drink ? B. Exercises : 1.Complete using the ing form or the infinitive of the verb in the brackets : a) It was Mr Kent who suggested Mary 's ………( study ) abroad b) You don't expect me …(believe ) that you actually meet Mai ,do you ? c) The board of the directors discuss the project ,then went on ….(discuss ) another topic d) Why continue …….(work ) there if you don't like your job ? e) He regrets ….(not go ) to see his grandparents in Paris f) It' s worth …….(shop )at the Stacey's as if it is cheap g) My doctor does not permit me ….( eat ) red meat h) He would rather ……..(spend )the holidays ….(ski ) than ……..(sunbathe ) on a beach somewhere i) Anyone can ……….(get ) used to (live) a life of luxury j) If you ever decide ……..(sell )your car ,let me …..(know ) k) I would like you …….(water ) the plants for me at the weekend l) I clearly remember ……….(set ) my alarm clock before go to bed lat night Feed back and give correct answer. III.wrapping 5 Summarize the content of lesson. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Wednesday 17th October 2007 Period 7 reading friendship ( trang 4 - sach bt tieng anh 11 ) I .Objectives : By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : - Develop such reading micro - skill as scanning for specific ideas and skimming for genneral information - Use the information they have read to discuss the topic II. Material : Text book III. Anticipated problems : ss may be need with the discussion task ,so T should be ready to help them IV . procedures : Stages / time 1.Warm up. Procedures Ask ss to repeat some qualities of friendship that they have learnt And talk about your friend ship. Interaction Whole class. 6 2. Prereading. 5. 3. while reading 20. Lead -in : you have to read a passage about friendship between 2 students Pre -teaching vocabulary 1.talented (a) cã tµi 2. score (V) ghi bµn 3.riddle (n) c¸i sµng (v) sµng g¹o 4.appreciation (v) đánh giá cao Ask ss to work in pairs of four to read the saying and explain what it means Setting the scene : You are going to read the passage about. friendship .while you are reading ,do the tasks in the book Task 1 : Ask sas to decide whether the statements are true or false 1. David Warren is the writer 's most popular friend 2. David is the best swimmer in his school 3. David always tells jokes in his friends and his teacher 4. David likes picnic and meeting friends 5. David 's most favourite outing is going to the zoo Ask ss read skim the passage ,try to focus on the key words , decide what sentences are true or what sentences are false Feedback and give correct answers : 1. F 2. T Lop11.com. Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> 3. F 4. T 5. F Task 2 : Answering the questions : Ask ss to work in pairs Skim the 4questions to understand them Decide what information they need to find in the text Call on some ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices Teacher gives correct answers : 1.He is the writer's best friend. He is popular not only his class but also through out the school.He is talented and likes going out 2.He always represents the school in freestyle swimming and has won a lot of medals in competitions 3.Sometimes , before the teacher comes to the class ,he would Stand in front of the class and throw us a riddle .This usually makes the class burst out with laughter 4.Other people usually invite certain groups of these 4 .post functions But David often organises them on a class basis reading Discussion :Ask ss to work in groups of 4 or 5 to discuss the following questions : 10 1.Have you got a good friend? 2.what should you do to keep a good friend ? Go around the class to listen and help the groups with vocabulary 5.Wrapping Call some representatives to report their group ' s ideas 4 Give comments Assign home work. Pair work. Whole class /individual work. Individual work. Wednesday 24th october 2007 Period 8 reading An embarrassing experience ( trang 13 - sach bt tieng anh 11 ) I .Objectives : By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : - Develop such reading micro - skill as scanning for specific ideas and skimming for genneral information - Use the information they have read to discuss the topic II. Material : Text book III. Anticipated problems : ss may be need with the discussion task ,so T should be ready to help them IV . procedures : Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Stages / time 1.Warm up 6 2. Prereading. 10 3. while reading 20. 4 .post reading 6. Procedures. Interaction. Chatting : Have you ever been in an embarrassing situation ? What did you do then ? Lead -in : To day our reading lesson is about the embarrassing experience of a girl Pre -teaching vocabulary 1.peel(n) vá qu¶ (v) bãc vá -> peeler(n) 2.amaze(v) lµm kinh ng¹c Ask ss to work in pairs of four to read the saying and explain what it means Setting the scene : You are going to read the passage about an embarrassing experience .while you are reading ,do the tasks in the book Task 1 : Ask ss to decide whether the statement are true(T) or false (F) or impossible to know (IK) 1.The story happened in summer 2.On that day the restaurant had forty guests 3.The football team members would have potato for lunch 4.At first , the author peeled potatoes with a knife 5. The potato peeled was rubbish bin 6. The owner of the restaurant explained how to use the potato peeler very carefully 7.The potato peeler could stop when the potatoes were ready Ask ss read skim the passage ,try to focus on the key words Decide what sentences are true or what sentences are false Feedback and give correct answer 1.T 2.IK 3.T 4.T 5.F 6.T 7.F. Whole class. Speaking :ask ss to work individually to talk about their embarrassing experience Call some representatives to report their group ' s ideas Give comments. individually work. 5.Wrapping Assign home work 3. Lop11.com. Individual work. Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Period 9 :. Wednesday 31st October 2007. writing I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Write an informal letter of invitation. II. Materials: Textbook, handout. III. Anticipated problems: Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to write a detailed letter of invitation, so T should be ready to help them. IV. Procedure: Stages/ Time 1.Warm up. 10. 2.Pre writing. 10. Procedure. Interaction. Give ss aletter and ask them read the contend of the letter ,ask ss what kind of letter it is. Group work & whole class. Dear Lam ! I'm going to the Morden Dance this Saturday .Would you like to join me ? This performance starts at 8.00p.m at the central theatre .Please let me know if you can join me .With love , Nam Expected answer :an invitation letter Now ,to day you have to write an invitation letter to invite your friend to take part a party at your house on christmas day * Preparing Ss to write. Activity1 - T sets the scene: you are going to write a friend letter to invite your classmate to a party that you hold. - T gets Ss to work out the content of their letters by answering the question in the Task 1. - T calls on some Ss to answer the questions and elicits more ideas from the class. T writes them on the board. Eg: + Occasions for giving the party: Christmas day + Dressing codes: - Formal: dresses , high- heel shoes for women, suits & ties for men. - Informal: anything can do: jeans , T- shirt, skirts… + Presents to give: anything can do as flowers, books, CDs, hats. . . etc. Individual & Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> whole class 3.while writing. 10. 4.Post writing. 10 5.Wrapping. Activity 2 - T gets Ss to do the task individually & then compare their answer with a peer. - T calls on Ss to give the answers & write them on the board. - T helps Ss to revise the format of a personal / informal letter by analyzing the letter that they have just completed for Task 2. T might also want to get Ss to analyze the letter further by asking questions about its organization and language. Eg: What is the purpose of the first sentence? What about the second sentence? Etc Activity 3 -T gets to read Task 3 and work out the questions. Ss should Individual, note down the answers in their notebooks. In the mean time, T pairs work goes around to check & offer help. & whole class - Then T gets Ss to write their letters in 10 minutes , based on the outlines they have produced. - Next,T asks Ss toget in pairs, exchange their letters & correct Individual & each other. -T goes around to offer help. pair work - T chooses one letter & read it to the class. Then T correct the Whole class mistakes & gives final comments afterwards. T should draw Ss’ attention to the format of the letter, the organization of ideas & language use. - T summaries main point of the lesson & prepare next lesson.. 3. Period 10 :. Wednesday 14th nov 2007 Grammar : reported speech I.Aims : Help ss to review the use of reported speech II.Objectives : By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : remind the use of reported speech and apply to do some exercises III. Material :hand out ,books IV.Procedures : Steps / time Procedures Interaction. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> I. Present. Whole class. Grammar :. - Ask ss to review reported spech. 20. II. Practice :. 20. III.wrapping 5. In reported speech we give the meaning of what some one said ,but with some changes and without quotation marks she said :" I'm tired " -> she said ( that ) she was tired We usually introduce reported speech with the verb tell and say .That is optional we have to change : +) pronouns : I -> He /She We -> they / you -> I /We This -> that These -> those +) tense of verb : the simple present -> the past simple tense the past simple tense -> the past ferfect tense the present perfect tense -> the past ferfect tense the present progress tense -> the past progress tense the near future -> would + verb (bare ) can -> could may -> might must -> had to +)adverbs of time :here -> there now -> then today -> that day yesterday -> the previous day / the day before next week -> the following week tomorrow -> the following week ago -> before Eg: she said : " I bought this book yesterday she said she had bought that book the previous day. Whole class. B. Exercises Change the following sentences in to reported speech 1."I rang you last night ,Julie "said Brain 2."I'm going to paris next week " my friens said 3." Iam a good teacher " said Anna 4.I don't like this book : she told 5."I am doing in the restaurant and don't worry about this " she said Individual 6."My mother has just died " she said work 7.She said " I must get up early everyday " 8.She said " I was staying with a friend" Feed back and give correct answer Summarize the content of lesson Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> Period 11 :. Saturday 17th nov 2007 Grammar : conditional sentences I.Aims : Help ss to review the use of conditional sentences II.Objectives : By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to : remind the use of conditional sentences and apply to do some exercises III. Material :Hand out ,books IV.Procedures : Steps / time Procedures Interaction Whole class I. Present. Grammar :. - Ask ss to review 3 types of conditional sentences Type 1 : real situatons in present or future If clause Main clause The simple present tense the future tense Example : If Martin gets the job , he will move to Oxford. 20. Note : If clauses either precede or follow the main clause .If they precede the main clause , we separate them with a comma If there is only a slight possibility of something happening , we can use Should In this case IF can be omitted, SHOULD come before the subject ( inversion ) Type 2 : Unreal situatons in present or future If clause Main clause Use If + past tense ( simple or continuous + event that are unlikely. would may. Whole class. +Unreal situtions + present infinitive. could. to happe. + To give advice Note : We use were instead of was in type 2 conditional sentences in formal English If He were not so lazy , He would be more successful Type 3 : Unreal situatons in the past If clause Main clause Use would If +past Perfect may +perfect infinitive (simple or cotinuous ) could Note :If can sometimes be omitted , had comes before the subject (inversion) Lop11.com. + For not h +to ex.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> II. Practice : Had you arrive arrived earlier, you would have met my grandmother B. Exercises Read the situations and write the conditional sentences : 1. the lift may not work , so use the stairs If............................................................................... 2. I want a new car but I can’t save up enough money 20 If .................................................................................... 3. This not very good camera .The photo I took are not very clear If................................................................................... 4. I think that you shouldnot drink so much coffee If................................................................................. 5. we did not have your address so we did not send you a Chrisstcard If ................................................................................ 6. The bus drivers might be on strike tomorrow , so I will probably catch a taxi If....................................................................................... Feed back and give correct answer Cross out the wrong answer : 1. If you ( should visit / visited )the Louvre in paris ,would buy / buy me a poster 2. If I (installed / had installed ) an alarm , the thieves Would not ( be / have been ) able to break in to my house last week 3. If I ( get / got ) the job ,I ( would take / will take ) you out to dinner on Saturday to celebrate 4. I ( would make / would have made ) a film with Bruce Will If ( were / had been ) a famous director , but I’m not III.wrapping 5. Karen ( will/ would ) leave for Athens tomorrow providing the weather ( is / will be fine ) 5 6. If I ( were / am ) inyour shoes , I (will / would ) apologise to them 7. If you (send / had sent )the application to the company on time . they ight ( call / have called )you for an interview .I can’t understand why you didn’t Feed back and give correct answer. Individual work. Summarize the content of lesson Monday 19th october 2007 Period 12. reading World population ( trang 46 - s¸ch bt tiÕng anh 11 ) I .Objectives : By the end ofLop11.com the lesson ,ss will be able to :.

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