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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh lớp 10 - Period 1 đến period 30

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. Date of preparing: 15/08/2011 Period 1: THE PRESENT SIMPLE, THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE AND THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE ---------I. Objectives 1. Aims: -By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to review and use the present tenses. 2. Lexical items: 3. Structure: 4. Teaching aids: lesson plan, blackboard. III. Procedure 1-Checking: Asking Ss to answer some questions. 2-New lesson: Teacher and Students’ activities Contents. I. Presentation. I. Presentation. 1. The Present Simple Tense T: - asks Ss to reviews the form, a) Form : - Affirmative: S + Vs/es/o + O. the use of the present simple, - Negative: S + do/does + not + Vnt +O. present progressive and present - Interrogative: Do/Does + S + Vnt +O? perfect. b) Use: - Calls on 3 Ss to write their + Diễn tả một hành động hoặc thói quen ở answers on the broad. hiÖn t¹i (always, usually, often, sometimes, Ss: Write the structures and the occasionally, seldom, rarely, use. T: Asks other Ss to comment and every…….) Ex: I usually go to school in the afternoon. gives feedback. + DiÔn t¶ mét ch©n lý, mét sù thËt lu«n lu«n Ss: Listen and check the correct đúng. answers. Ex: The earth moves around the sun. 1. The Present Simple Tense c) §èi víi ng«i thø ba sè Ýt: He, She, It. + Thêm “S” vào sau động từ thường. - Form : Ex: Lan often gets up early in the morning. +: S + Vs/es/o + O. + Thêm “ES” vào sau các động từ tận cùng là: - : S + do/does + not + Vnt ch, sh, s, x, o, z. +O. Ex: He watches a lot of TV on Sundays. ?: Do/Does + S + Vnt +O? 2. The Present Progressive Tense -Use: a) Form: - Ex1: I usually go to school in - Affirmative: S + am/is/are + V-ing…… the afternoon. - Negative: S + am/is/are + not + V-ing….. - Ex2: The earth moves around 1 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. the sun. - Ex3: The first train leaves at 7:00 tomorrow. * Note:. - Interrogative: Am/Is/Are + S + V-ing ….? b) Use -Diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra trong lúc nãi (now, at the moment, at this time, at present….) Ex: - I am looking for the latest newspaper 2. The Present Progressive now. Tense - They are watching a sport game show at the Form: moment. S + am/is/are + V-ing…… * Note: S + am/is/are + not + V-ing….. Một số động từ không dùng ở thì Present Am/Is/Are + S + V-ing ….? Progressive, mµ chØ dïng ë th× Present Simple: Use: Ex1: - I am looking for the latest to be, to want, to need, to have (cã), to know, to understand…. newspaper now. Ex: - We are tenth-grade students now. Ex2: - I am reading the novel. - I understand the lesson at the moment. * Note: 3. The Present Perfect Tense 3. The Present Perfect Tense a) Form: - Affirmative: S + has/have +V3/ed…. Form: - Negative: S + has/have + not + V3/ed….. +: S + has/have +V3/ed + O. -: S + has/have +not+V3/ed +O. - Interrogative: Has/Have + S + V3/ed….? b) Use: ?: Has/Have + S + V3/ed + O? + Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ Use: Ex1: We have learnt English for và kéo dài đến hiện tại (never, ever, not…yet, since, for, so far, until now, up to now,…….) 5 years. Ex: We have learnt English for 5 years. Ex2: She has just gone out. + Diễn tả một hành động vừa mới xảy ra (just, Ex3: Have you seen this movie recently, lately). before? Ex: She has just gone out. * Notes: + Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ không xác định rõ thời gian (already, before) Ex: Have you seen this movie before? * Notes: a)C¸ch dïng cña since vµ for: - SINCE: chØ mèc thêi gian (2000, September, I last saw you, …) - FOR: chØ kho¶ng thêi gian (3 months, a long time, ages, …) b)S + has/have +V3/ed…… since + S + V2/ed…. Ex: We have known each other since we worked in this factory. c) C¸c tr¹ng tõ: never, ever, just, already 4 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. thường đứng giữa trợ động từ (has/ have) và động từ chính (V3/ed). Ex: I have already finished my homework.. II. EXERCISES T: - gets Ss to do the exercises. - Helps Ss make brief summary of the lesson Ss: look at, listen and answer the T’s questions. Answer keys: 1. practices 2. believe 3. has seen 4. has read 5. has. 6. is swimming 7. has worked 8. have not begun 9. hates 10. gets up 11. has traveled 12. have not seen 13. has mowed 14. have been 15. is staying 16. has worn/moved 17. have not seen 18. are they speaking 19. does not rain 20. have never talked. II. EXERCISES Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct tense: 1. He (practice)_______________ the piano every day. 2. I (believe)____________ you. 3. Bob (see)______________ this movie before. 4. Jorge (read)____________ the newspaper already. 5. Maria (have)_____________ a cold now. 6. He (swim)_____________ right now. 7. Mr. Johnson (work)____________ in the same place for 35 years. 8. We (not begin)_____________ to study for the test yet. 9. John (hate)____________ smoke. 10. Jill always (get up)____________ at 6.00 a.m. 11. Joan (travel)___________ around the world. 12. We (not see)_____________ this movie yet. 13. Terry (mow)__________ the lawn yet. 14. John and I (be)______________ pen pals for nearly 3 years. 15. Maryam (stay)____________ with us at the moment. 16. He (wear)___________ the same coat since he (move)___________ here. 17. I (not see)_____________ your brother recently. 18. Listen to those people! What language they (speak) _________? 19. It (not rain)______________ much in our country in winter. 20. I never (talk)_____________ to such an interesting person. 5 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. III. Consolidation -Brief summary IV. Homework -Review the tenses. - Listen to the T. -----------------o0o----------------Date of preparing: 22/08/2011 Period 2: VERB FORMS (V-ing/ To V) ---------I. Objectives 1. Aims: -By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to review and use the gerund or to infinitive 2. Lexical items: 3. Structure: 4. Teaching aids: lesson plan, blackboard. III. Procedure 1. Organization. 2-Checking: Asking Ss to answer some questions. 3-New lesson: Teacher and Students’ activities 1. Gerund (V-ing) 2. Infinitive (to-V) T: asks Ss to write the function of gerund infinitive with “to” - As S: - Going to the cinema is fun. - To learn E well is not very difficult. - As O: - I stopped smoking 2 years ago. - I started badminton. to take up - After Pre: I am thinking about going camping in the mountain.. Content 1. Gerund (V-ing) a. Thường theo sau các động từ như: love, enjoy, mind, can’t stand, practice, suggest, keep, regret, fancy, finish, avoid, carry on, consider, miss... + Verb with prepositions: - be interested in - be bored with - be tired of - be fond of - be fed up with - be good at + Some verbs have both forms but different meaning: stop, remember, forget, try, need. *Ex: - I enjoy playing soccer. - My uncle kept talking about his farm life. 6 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. Ss: -Write the answers on the board. - Check the correct answers T: - Gives hand out - Asks Ss to do individually. Ss: -Work individually. T: -Calls on some Ss to write their answers on the broad. - Asks other Ss to comments.. 3. EXERCISES - asks Ss to choose the correct verb forms. - Helps Ss make brief summary of the lesson - Gives task - look at, listen and take notes. * Key: 1. A. to use 2. A. to give 3. B. working 4. A. improve / to improve 5. A. to get 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A. English 10. b. Thường theo sau các giới từ: in, on, at, of, for,…….. *Ex: - The children are interested in playing soccer. - He has the trouble with doing this research. 2. To-Infinitive (to-V) - Thường theo sau các động từ như : want, decide, try, fail, pretend, prove, hope, agree, promise, happen, tend, plan, expect, threaten… Ex: - We all want to become better students. - She decided to live in HCM City. 3. S + V + 0 + to-inf…. - Thường theo sau các động từ như : ask, want, get, tell, advise, allow, persuade, order, invite,….. Ex:- My parents always want me to be a doctor. - Nga asked Lan to return her book. 3. EXERCISES I/ Choose the correct word to complete each sentence: 1. Are we allowed____________ dictionaries in the exam room? A. to use B. using 2. The teacher asked Jim ____________ his book to Ann. A. to give B. giving 3. We enjoy_____________ in a team. A. to work B. working 4. Reading stories in English helps us___________ our writing skill. A. improve/ to improve B. improving 5. I hope____________ better grades in English next semester. A. to get B. getting 6. Minh considers_______________ a French course next semester. A. to take B. taking 7. You should try_____________ if you feel stressed at work. A. to relax B. relaxing 7 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. 8. I certainly don’t regret____________ in our team. A. to work B. working 9. I wish_____________ a doctor when I grow up. A. to be B. being 10. We’ve planned_____________ a vacation this year. A. to take B. taking III. Consolidation -Brief summary IV. Homework -Review the tenses. T - Listen to the. -----------------o0o----------------Date of preparing:28/08/2011 Period 3: Gerund and to – infinitive (cont) ---------I. Objectives 1. Aims: -By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to remember some verbs with gerund and to – V+inf form. 2. Lexical items: 3. Structure: 4. Teaching aids: lesson plan, blackboard. III. Procedure 1. Organization. 2-Checking: Asking Ss to answer some questions. 3-New lesson: Teacher and Students’ activities Content I. Revision I. Revision (briefly) -Asks Ss to retell some verbs that be -Retell some verbs that be followed by followed by gerund or to + V-inf gerund or to + V-inf. II. Exercise -Work individually 1.Students stopped ( make ) noise when the teacher came in . - Ask for help if needed 8 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. - Write answers on the board - Has Ss to work individually - Goes round and helps - Calls some Ss to write answers on the board - Checks and gives feedback II. Exercise * Answer: 1.making 2.not to make 3.turning 4.watching 5.to take 6.to lend 7.to give 8.being 9.taking 10.seeing 11.looking/to answer 12.to prepare 13.wearing 14.walking 15.to lock/going 16.to know 17.to disguise/dressing 18.walking/catch 19.exceeding 20.playing/doing III. Consolidation -Brief summary IV. Homework -Review the tenses - Helps Ss make brief summary of the lesson. - Gives task. 2.He’ll try (not make) the same mistake again. 3.Would you mind (turn) off the radio? 4.We missed (watch) a football match last night . 5.My parents decided (take) a taxi because it was late. 6.Do you agree (lend) me some money? 7.I will remember ( give ) Mr. Brown your message. 8.She remembers ( be ) taken to the zoo by her mother . 9.My family is considering (take) a trip to the USA next year. 10.She is looking forward to ( see ) her friends . 11.Sometimes students avoid ( look ) at the teacher if they don’t want (answer ) a question. 12.The teacher recommends us (prepare) the lessons well before (come ) to class. 13.You should try ( wear ) any shirts you want to buy. 14.He is tired of (walk) to school. 15.Don't forget (lock) the door before (go) to bed. 16.You are expected (know) the safety regulations of the college. 17.He decided (disguise) himself by (dress) as a woman. 18.After (walk) for three hours we stopped to let the others (catch) with us. 19.He was fined for (exceed) the speed limit. 20.The boys like (play) games but hate (do) lessons.. - Listen to the T 9. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. Date of preparing: 06/09/2011 Period 4: present , past perfect and past simple tense ---------I. Objectives 1. Aims: -By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to use present, past perfect and past simple in specific sentences. 2. Lexical items: 3. Structure: 4. Teaching aids: lesson plan, blackboard. III. Procedure 1. Organization. 2-Checking: Asking Ss to answer some questions. 3-New lesson: Teacher and Students’ activities Content I. Review I. Review(briefly) - present, -form - past perfect -use - past simple in specific II. Exercise sentences. Put the verb in brackets into correct tenses : II. Exercise simple past, past perfect and present perfect -Asks Ss to retell the form and use of – Present, past perfect and past simple in specific sentences. - Work individually - Asks for help if needed - Write answers on the board - Whole class and copy down - Goes round and helps - Calls some Ss to write answers on the board - Checks and gives feedback. 1. I ……….a great film yesterday. (see) 2. ………..a new car? (you/ ever/ buy) 3. Sue ……….the flu last winter. (have) 4. A few days ago we ………..to his uncle. (drive) 5. They ………..bingo last Wednesday afternoon. (play) 6. He ……….the bus to get there. (already take) 7. Last week my rabbit ………away. (run) 8. We ………a lot last Sunday. (do) 9. ……..to India? (she ever be) 10. I …….him last Monday. (meet) 11. She ……….yet. (not wake up) 12. I ……….her since last Thursday. (not meet) 13. Bob ………well last night. (sleep) 14. I ……..a letter from her two days ago. 10 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. * Answer: 1.saw 2.Have you ever bought 3.had 4.drove 5.played 6.has already taken 7.ran 8.done 9.Has she ever been 10.met 11.hasn’t waken up yet 12.haven’t met 13.slept 14.got 15.have already arrived 16.had already begun 17.cried/had gone 18.told/had left 19.got/had already started 20.had gone III. Consolidation -Brief summary IV. Homework - Helps Ss make brief summary of the lesson - Gives task. (get) 15. They ……….in Germany. (already arrive) 16. When we arrived , the dinner …………….…….(already begin). 17. She …………..……..(cry) after he …………..……….(go). 18. They ……….…..(tell) us we were too late. The train ……….…..(leave). 19. When I …………..….(get) to the theatre , the play …….…..….(already start). 20. The house was very quiet. Everybody ……………….….(go) to bed.. - Listen to the T. -----------------o0o-----------------. 11 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. Date of preparing:19/09/2011 Period 5: Present perfect tense, present perfect passive and the uses of “used to” some structures with who, whom, which, that ---------I. Objectives 1. Aims: -By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to use present perfect tense, present perfect passive and the uses of “used to”, some structures with who, whom, which, that 2. Lexical items: 3. Structure: Revision 4. Teaching aids: lesson plan, blackboard. III. Procedure 1. Organization. 2-Checking: Asking Ss to answer some questions. 3-New lesson: Teacher’s Contents Sts’ activities activates -Asks Ss to retell. -Work I. Revision (shortly) individually -present perfect tense -present perfect passive -the uses of “used to” -some structures with who, whom, which, that - Has Ss to work - Ask for help II. Practice individually if needed 1. Exercise 1 - Goes round and - Write Rewrite each sentence helps answers on the as a positive, negative, or question: board *Example: - Calls some Ss -She (be) has been here for several days. to write answers - Whole class -She has not been here for several days. on the board and copy down -Has she been here for several days? * Answer: - Checks and 1. has seen 1. Tom (see) ______________this film gives feedback 2. have before. finished 2. I (finish) ______________ my exercise 3. have lived already. 4. has just 3. They (live) ______________ here 12 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. since 1990. 4. My father (just wash) ______________ his car. 5. The students (discuss) - Has Ss to work ______________ the question recently. individually - Goes round and 2. Exercise 2 helps Rewrite the sentences using present perfect passive. - Calls some Ss 1. Mary has operated Tom since 10 to write answers o’clock. on the board 2. Mr. Smith has taught us French for 2 years. - Checks and 3. They have sold their car to pay their gives feedback debt. 4. They have just produced a new style of jeans in the USA. 5. They have built two department stores this year.. - Has Ss to work in pairs - Goes round and helps. 3. Exercise 3 Choose the best answer: 1. The paintings _________are marked with small red dot have already been sold. a. which b. who. - Calls some Ss to write answers on the board. c. whose d. whom 2. The secretary _________is sitting at the first desk on the right can give you the information. a. who b. whom. - Checks and gives feedback. 13 Lop11.com. washed 5. have discussed. - Ask for help if needed - Write answers on the board - Whole class and copy down * Answer: 1. Tom has been operated by Mary since 10 o’clock. 2. We have been taught French by Mr. Smith for 2 years. 3. Their car has been sold to pay their debt. 4. A new style of jeans has just been produced in the USA. 5. Two department stores have been built this year. - Ask for help if needed - Write.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. c. where d. which 3. The shoes _________I bought were made in Italy. a. where b. which c. who d. it 4. I wrote to the girl _________I met at the meeting. a. whom b. whose c. which d. her 5. The speech _________we listened last night was informative. a. which b. that c. to which d. to that 6. Dr. Jones is the professor _________ I told you. a. whom b. who c. that correct. d. all are. answers on the board. - Has Ss to work in pairs - Goes round and helps - Calls some Ss to write answers on the board - Checks and gives feedback. 4. Exercise 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.. Put the verb in the brackets in the correct form My father used to (smoke) __________ 30 cigarettes a day. He is used to (write) ________ with his right hand. When I was young, I _________(not use) to go out for a walk. __________you (use to) live here? There used to (be) ___________trees in this area.. - Whole class and copy down * Answer: 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. d. - Helps Ss make brief summary of the lesson - Gives task. III. Consolidation -Brief summary IV. Homework -Review the tenses. - Ask for help if needed - Write answers on the board - Whole class and copy down * Answer: 1. smoke 2. write 3. didn’t use 4. Did you use to 5. be - Try to make summary - Listen. -----------------o0o----------------14 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. Date of preparing:25/09/2011 Period 6:. Who , whom, which , that & exercises. I. Objectives 1. Aims: Helps Ss use relative pronouns correctly and practise doing exercises 2. Lexical items: 3. Structure: Revision 4. Teaching aids: lesson plan, blackboard. III. Procedure 1. Organization. 2-Checking: Asking Ss to answer some questions. 3-New lesson: Sts’ Contents Teacher’s activities activities. I. Presentation. - Explains the use of +Who: subject or object pronoun for relative pronouns people Ex: I told you about the woman who lives next door. +Which : subject or object pronoun for animals and things. Ex: Do you see the cat which is lying on the roof ? +Which : referring to a whole sentence Ex : He couldn’t read, which surprised me. +That : subject or object pronoun for people, animals and things in defining relative clauses (who or which are also possible) Ex : I don’t like the table that stands in the - Write exercise on kitchen. the board II. Practice Using the most suitable relative pronoun - Has Ss run through to complete these sentences the sentences and 1. My new cell phone, .......... I only asks Ss to work bought a month ago, has become a individually necessary part of life. - Goes round and 2. My roommate ............ is afraid of computers has never been on the Internet. helps - Has Ss compare 3. Now, there are psychologists ............. 15 Lop11.com. - Listen and copy down. - Copy down - Run through and work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. help technophobes use technology. 4. A lot of people ............ work in my office suffer from techno stress. 5. Some people ............. can do the job without technology dream of a job. 6. My stereo ................. worked yesterday doesn’t work today. 7. The man ................. you were talking to is a computer expert. 8. Some documents ...............were stolen from a car have been found. 9. Dr. Michelle Weil, ............. is a psychologist wrote a book about ‘techno stress’. 10. The woman ...........I was sitting behind was wearing a green hat. 11. The building ..............you can see in front of you is the town hall. 12. Lauren couldn’t come to the party,........... was a shame. 13. I was looking for a book ..............I’ve found now this morning. 14. John,...............I’ve known for a very long time, is one of my closest friends. . 15. Jill doesn’t have a phone............ makes it difficult to contact her.. answers - Gets Ss’ answers - Checks and corrects Key: 1. which 2. who 3. who 4. who 5. who 6. which 7. whom 8. which 9. who 10. whom 11. which 12. which 13. which 14. whom 15. which - Helps Ss make brief summary of the lesson - Gives task. III. Consolidation -Brief summary IV. Homework -Review the tenses. individual - Ask for help if needed - Compare answers - Give answers - Correct and copy down. - Try to make summary - Listen. -----------------o0o-----------------. 16 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. Date of preparing:01/10/2011 Period 7:. Present perfect & present perfect passive. I. Objectives 1. Aims: Helps Ss practise doing exercises about present perfect and present perfect passive 2. Lexical items: 3. Structure: Revision 4. Teaching aids: lesson plan, blackboard. III. Procedure 1-Checking: Asking Ss to answer some questions. 2-New lesson: Contents Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities. I. Revision (shortly) +Form and uses + Some notes: ADV: recently, so far, lately, since, for, this (month), today, just, already, yet. -Retell. -Retell and note down. - Writes exercise on board and asks Ss to work individually - Goes round and helps - Gets Ss’ answers - Checks and gives feedback. - Write on the notebook and work individually - Ask for help if needed - Give answers - Whole class and copy down. II. Practice 1. Exercise 1 Complete the second sentence, using the present perfect. 1. My hair is tidy now. I’ve brushed my hair. 2. The door is open. Someone ____ the door.( open ) 3. This is Oliver’s drawing, look. Oliver ______ a picture. ( draw ) 4. The calculator is broken. Someone _______ the calculator. ( break ) 5. United are the winners. United _________ the game. ( win ) 6. There’s no more wine in the bottle. We ______ all the wine. ( drink ) 7. The floor is clean now. I ___ the floor. ( clean ) 8. I know my number now. I _______my number by heart. ( lean ) * Answer : 2. has opened 5. has worn 8. have learned. 17 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. 3. has drawn 4. has broken. English 10. 6. have drunk 7. have cleaned. 2. Exercise 2 Active or Passive? Underline the correct verb form. 1. Tom has just promoted / has just been promoted to area manager of East Asia. 2 . My father has taken / has been taken English class in the U.S. 3. How many times have you / have you been fired? 4. How much money have you saved / have you been saved for your vacation. 5. My brother has given / has been given tickets to the concert . 6. The population of our city has risen / has been risen to nearly one million. 7. A strike has called / has been called by the factory worker. 8. They haven’t offered / haven’t been offered more money by the management. * Answer : 1. has just been promoted 5. has been given 2. has taken 6. has risen 3. have you 7. has been called 4. have you saved 8. haven’t been offered III. Consolidation -Brief summary IV. Homework -Review the tenses. - Writes exercise on the board - Has Ss do individually - Has Ss compare with friends - Gets Ss’ answers - Checks and gives feedback. - Write on the notebook - Do individually - Compare with friends - Give answers - Copy down. - Helps Ss make brief - Try to make summary of the summary lesson - Gives task - Listen. -----------------o0o----------------18 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. Date of preparing:10/10/2011 Period 8:. General exercises. I. Objectives 1. Aims: Helps Ss practise doing exercises about present perfect and present perfect passive, be going to/will/be + V-ing, Who/whom/which/that, used to. 2. Lexical items: 3. Structure: Revision 4. Teaching aids: lesson plan, blackboard. III. Procedure 1-Checking: Asking Ss to answer some questions. 2-New lesson: Contents Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities. I. Revision ( shortly). -Retell. -present perfect and present perfect passive -be going to/will/be + V-ing -who/whom/which/that -used to.. II. Practice 1. Exercise 1. -Retell and note down. - Write on the Change these sentences into passive voice - Writes exercise on board and asks Ss to notebook and 1.A group of students have met their work individually work friend at the railway station. - Goes round and individually  Their - Ask for help friend......................................................... helps - Gets Ss’ answers if needed 2. We have told him not to be late again. - Checks and gives - Give  He ...................................................................................................................................... feedback answers 3. Our teachers have explained the English - Whole class and copy grammar. down  The English grammar ....................................................................................................... 4. Have you finished the above sentences?  Have above sentences........................................................................................................ 5. The police have arrested the mugger.  The mugger ....................................................................................................................... 6. The police have arrested five suspects  Five suspects ..................................................................................................................... * Answers: 19 Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. 1. Their friend have been met at the railway station by a group of students. 2. He has been told not to be late again. 3. The English grammar has been explained by our teacher. 4. Have above sentences been finished? 5. The mugger has been arrested by the police. 6. Five suspects have been arrested by the police.. 2. Exercise 2 Complete the following sentences 1.There were some trees in this field. -There used … 2.He never did his work poorly. -He never used … 3.He took a great interest in his piano lessons. -He used … 4. Look at the clouds. It …. soon.(rain) 5. Peter …15 next Wednesday.(be) 6. We… to London this summer.(fly). It’s our plan for the summer holiday. 7. Tomorrow it …in the North.(rain) 8. Just a moment, I… you.(help) 9. I… a party. I have already invited my friends. (have) 10. We have run out of water. – Really? Give me the bucket and I .....................(fetch) some 11. The girl ..............is now in hospital was injured in the accident. 12. The man ..............we considered our teacher had much experience in climbing mountains. 13. The qualities ..............are very important in a friend are trust and loyalty. * Answers: 1. There used to be some trees in this field. 2. He never used to do his work poorly. 3. He used to take a great interest in his piano lesson. 4. is going to rain. - Writes exercise on the board - Has Ss do individually - Has Ss compare with friends - Gets Ss’ answers - Checks and gives feedback. 20 Lop11.com. - Write on the notebook - Do individually - Compare with friends - Give answers - Copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. 5. is going to be 6. are going to fly 7. will rain 8. will help 9. am having/ am going to have 10. will fetch 11. who/that 12. whom/who 13. which/that III. Consolidation -Brief summary IV. Homework -Review the tenses. - Try to make summary. - Helps Ss make brief - Listen summary of the lesson - Gives task. -----------------o0o----------------Date of preparing:15/10/2011 Period 9:. Exercises on because of and in spite of. I. Objectives 1. Aims: to help Ss use correctly and fluently the points of grammar as well as practise doing exercises. 2. Lexical items: 3. Structure: Revision 4. Teaching aids: lesson plan, blackboard. III. Procedure 1-Checking: Asking Ss to answer some questions. 2-New lesson: Contents Teacher’s activities Sts’ activities. I. Revision ( shortly) -uses of because of/ in spite of -some other phrases: -Retell + although, even though, though = in spite of + despite of/despite, because = because of * although, even though, despite, because + clause * despite of, because of, in spite of+ N/NP/ V-ing clause. II. Practice. - Writes exercise on 21 Lop11.com. -Retell and note down. - Copy down.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> Teacher: Pham Thi Thom. English 10. the board. 1. Exercise 1. Change “because” to “because of” and vice versa 1/ He was not allowed to come in because he was late. 2/ I chose Mike for the job because you recommended him. 3/ Our train was late because of the thick fog. 4/ She couldn’t sleep because of the noise. 5/ Because of his deep love for her, he can’t live without her.. - Has Ss run through the sentences - Asks Ss to work individually. Exercise 2. - Individual work. - Gets Ss’ answers - Checks and gives feedback. * Answer : 1. He was not allowed to come in because of being late. 2. I chose Mike for the job because of your recommendation. 3. Our train was late because the fog was thick. 4. She couldn’t sleep because there was - Writes exercise on the board the noise. 5. Because his love for her is deep, he - Has Ss run through can’t live without her. the sentences Use “In spite of” in place of “Although” and vice versa 1/ In spite of all the noise outside, the students kept on studying. 2/ Though they are poor, they are always neatly dressed. 3/ We don’t feel tired although we have walked three miles. 4/ She ate very little in spite of the delicious food. 5/ Though I am fond of music, I can’t play any musical instruments. 6/ In spite of being warned, he still got an electric shock. 7/ My grandfather is still an active man despite his age. 8/ Despite the narrow streets in that city, they drive cars. 9/ Although she is wealthy, she is not happy. 10/ Nobody liked it though the price was low.. - Run through sentences. - Asks Ss to work individually - Goes round and helps if needed. - Give answers - Whole class and copy down. - Copy down - Run through sentences - Individual work. - Gets Ss’ answers. - Ask for help if needed. - Checks and gives feedback. - Give answers. 22 Lop11.com. - Whole class and copy down.

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