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Bài soạn môn học tiếng Anh lớp 11 - Period: 2 đến period: 17

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>The first term of grade 10. Preparing:15/ 8/ 2010 Teaching: …./ 8/ 2010. The 1st period Grade 10 Theme: Guiding how to learn and to do English tests Time: 45 minutes I. Objectives: 1. Educational aim: Students know about English book in grade 10 2. Knowledge: Student know: - How to learn English in grade 10 - How to do English tests - How to use student’s book and workbook 3. Skill : - Reading - Speaking - Listening - Writing - Doing English tests II. Teaching aids: Student’s book, student’s workbook, dictionary, some test papers, etc. III. Procedure: Teacher’s activities Warm-up :(7 minutes) - Introduce to students about the teacher - Ask students about their names and English knowledge etc. Guiding: 35 minutes 1. Guiding student’s book and workbook: * Introduce to students how to use their book and workbook * Introduce to students how to learn reading, speaking, listening, writing, language focus in their books and how to do the exercises in their books 2. Guiding English tests in grade 10: * Introduce to students about oral tests, 15 minute tests, 45 minute tests, etc. and how to do them * The tests in grade 10 include: reading : 25% listening: 25% writing: 25% language focus: 25% 3. Guiding other books and tape, etc…. Students’ activities - Listen to the teacher - Answer the teacher’s questions - put the student’s book and workbook on the table - listen to the teacher and look through the books. - Listen to the teacher. - listen to the teacher and write Homework: 3 minutes - Ask students to prepare textbook, notebooks and the things down the things which will be prepared at home for learning andprepare lesson reading - Unit 1 ---------------***-----------------. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF...... Period: 2. Preparing:15/ 8/ 2010 Teaching:17/ 8/ 2010. P1: READING. I. Objectives: 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know a day of work in the life of a peasant. 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge : A day in the life of a farmer. - Language: - Words concerning farming. - The present simple tense. II. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative. III. Anticipated problems: no problems IV. Teaching aids: - picture, board, chalks, textbook, handouts V. Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities 1. Warm- up:( 5 mins) + Aims: to introduce the topic of the lesson and to raise sts' interest. - close their books - Ask sts to close their books - Deliver handouts, and ask sts to match a noun in - match two columns column A with a phrase in column B. A B 1. a teacher a. does homework 2. a doctor b. works in the field 3. a student c. delivers letters 4. a postman d. looks after patients 5. a farmer e. gives lessons - Ask ss to match quickly in one minute, then ask T : What does a teacher do? some ss to stand up to answer T's questions. S1 : He gives lessons T : What does a doctor do? S2 : He looks after patients. ......... - After the last question, T introduces the new T : What does a farmer do? lesson. S5 : He works in the field. 2. Before you read:( 10 mins) - Aims: to revise the present simple and to provide sts with some new words. - Ask sts to open their books and look at "Before you read" , explain what they are going to do. - Do the first example. T: What time do you often get up? - Ask sts to work in pairs to ask and answer about their daily routine, using the cues in the textbook. S: I often get up at six - Ask them to work in 3 minutes, meanwhile T S1: What time do you often go to school? moves round to help if necessary. - Ask some pairs to report . S2: I often go to school at 6.30 - Ask sts to look at the picture in the textbook S3: What time do you often have breakfast? and guess the man's job. S4: I often have breakfast at 6.15. - Introduce the topic of the reading passage: " A ............ day in the life of a farmer" S11: What do you often do in the evening? Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - Introduce some new words: - plough (v) ( the action of the man in the picture) - 'harrow (v) : bõa - a plot of land (n) ( point at the picture) - 'peasant (n) : a poor farmer - pump(v) : b¬m - trans'plant (v)( use 2 words"plant" and "trans-" to explain). do the transplanting - Ask sts to listen and repeat these words twice, then ask some sts to read again. 3. While you read:( 20 mins) - Aims: Sts practise reading + Task 1: - Ask sts to read the passage about a farmer, Mr. Vy and his wife, Mrs. Tuyet. and do Task1. - Ask sts to work individually in 5 minutes to do this task. - Guide sts to read through the passage , then focus on only the sentences surrounding the italicised words to do the task effectively. - Ask them to share their ideas with their parners. - Ask 4 sts to stand up to answer , then give remarks. - Translate number 4 into Vietnamese in case sts do not know the word " contented with" and three options. + Task 2: - Ask sts to read the passage again and answer the questions about Mr. Vy and Mrs. Tuyet. - Ask them to work in pairs , one asks and one answers. - Move round to make sure that all sts are working and to help them if necessary. - Ask some sts to report and give feedback . + Task 3: - Ask sts to read the passage again , and explain what they are going to do. - Ask them to complete the note in 7 minutes, then discuss their answers with their partners . - Ask three sts to report their answers aloud. - Check and give remarks.. - Work in groups to discuss. - Ask one member of their groups to report if Lop11.com. S12: I often do my homework. S: I think he is a farmer.. - Listen and repeat. - plough - peasant - harrow - pump - a plot of land - transplant. 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A. S1: What is Mr. Vy's occupation? S2: He is a farmer. S3: What time does he get up and what does he do after that? S4: He gets up at 4.30, then he goes down to the kitchen to boil some water for his morning tea. S5: What does he do in the morning? S6: In the morning he ploughs and harrows his plot of land, drinks tea and smokes local tobacco during his break. S7: What do Mr. Vy and his wife do in the afternoon? S8: They repair the banks of their plot of land. Mr. Vy pumps water into it while his wife does the transplanting. S9: Are they happy with their lives or not? Why? S10: Yes, they are. Because they love working.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> possible.. and they love their children.. 4. After you read:( 8 mins) - Aims: to help sts to consolidate what they have read. - Ask sts to close their books. - Ask them to work in small groups of 6 to talk about Mr. Vy and Mrs. Tuyet's daily routines basing on their note in Task 3. - Encourage them to use their own words. - Ask one or two pairs to report.. - In the morning: + 4.30: The alrm goes off and Mr. Vy gets up, goes down to the kitchen, boil water for tea, has a quick breakfast, leads the buffalo to the field. + 5.15: he leaves the house + 5.30: he arrives in the field, ploughs and harrows his plot of land. +7.45: He takes a rest + 10.30: he gose home + 11.30: he has lunch with his family.. 5. Homework:( 2 min) - Ask sts to write full passage about Mr. Vy and Mrs. Tuyet basing on what they have discussed in Post- Reading.. - In the afternoon: + 2.30: they go to the field again, repair the bank of the plot of land. He pumps water into it, she does the transplanting. + 6.00: they finish work. + 7.00: they have dinner. - After dinner: + They watch TV, sometimes they see their neighbours for a cup of tea and chat with them. +10.00: they go to bed.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Period: 3. UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF...... P2: SPEAKING. Preparing:15/ 8/ 2010 Teaching:18/ 8/ 2010. I. Objectives: 1. Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about one’s and others’routines 2. Knowledge: - General knowledge: A day in the life of a student. - Language: - Words concerning school subjects. - The way to tell clock time. - The present simple tense. II. Methods: integrated, mainly communicative. III. Anticipated problems: - Problems: Students may forget the names of school subjects and the way to tell clock time. - Solutions: teacher should recall these words before they practise speaking. IV. Teaching aids: - picture, board, chalks, textbook, handouts V. Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities 1. Warm-up:( 5 mins) - Close their books. - Aims: to revise the names of school subjects . - Work in groups of three or four to match as - Ask sts to close their books. quickly as possible. - Deliver the first handout. A B 1. Civic education a. To¸n häc - Speak aloud their answers: 2. Technology b. VËt lý 1-f ; 2- i ; 3 - a; 4 - g; 5 - b; 6 -j; 3. Maths c. Tin häc 7 - k; 8 - d; 9 - e; 10 - h; 11 - c. 4. Literature d. ThÓ dôc 5. Physics e. §Þa lý 6. Biology f. Gi¸o dôc CD 7. Chemistry g. V¨n häc 8. Physical education h. LÞch sö 9. Geography i. C«ng nghÖ 10. History j. Sinh häc 11. Informatics k. Ho¸ häc - Ask them to match one item in column A with one item in column B. - Ask them to work in groups in 2 minutes, then check this exercise in chorus. - Ask sts to read aloud the names of these subjects in chorus. 2. Presentation:( 9 mins) - Aims: to introduce the verb tense and the way to tell clock time. - Introduce briefly what sts are going to do in this lesson. - The present simple tense. - Ask sts about the verb tense to use in talking about daily routines. - Remind sts of some rules of the present simple tense. - Recall the way of telling time. T: ( write on the board) 7.30 ans ask a st to read S: seven thirty or half past seven. it aloud. - Write some more examples and ask sts to read aloud. S: The question begins with " What - Ask sts about the question : Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> - Ask sts to make question for the following sentence: " Mai goes to school at 6.30 a.m" - Ask sts to give more examples. 3. Controlled- practice:( 20 mins) - Aims: Sts practise speaking in pairs + Task 1: - Ask sts to open their books. - Introduce the requirement of the task. - Ask sts to look at the timetable in the textbook and read through it. - Do the first example with a student. T: What time does Quan have a Civic Education lesson on Monday? T: What lesson does Quan have at 7.15 a.m on Monday? - Ask the whole class to read these sentences again. - ask two pairs to read again. - Ask sts to work in pairs in 10 minutes to ask and answer about Quan basing on the timetable. - Move round to hepl sts and to correct any mistakes if there are. - Ask five pairs to report because of the time limit. - Listen and give remarks. + Task 2: - " Quan is at school in the morning, and what does he do in the afternoon? Please look at pictures in task 2" - Ask sts to work in pairs to ask and answer about Quan's activities. - do the first example: T: ( look at picture 1) What does Quan do at 2.00 p.m? - Ask sts to work in the same way, remind sts to use the present simple tense with the third person. - Move round to control the activity and to help sts if necessary. - After sts have discussed, T can aks a student to talk about all Quan's activities in the afternoon. 4. Free practice:( 10 mins) - Aims: sts practise speaking freely, they can express their own ideas. + Task 3: - Ask sts to think about themselves, and then work in small groups to tell their friends about their daily routines. - Remind sts that they are using the present simple with the first person. - Move round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively. Lop11.com. time..........?" S: What time does Mai go to school?. - Open the textbook. - Listen to the teacher. - Look at the timetable and try to understand it. S: He has a Civic Education lesson at 7.15a.m S: At 7.15 on Monday he has a Civic Education lesson. S1: What time does Quan have a Literature lesson on Tuesday? S2: He has a literature lesson at 8.05 a.m S3: What lesson dose Quan have at 10.40 a.m on Thursday? S4: he has a Chemistry lesson. S5: What time does Quan have a Physics lesson on Wednesday? S6: He has a Physics lesson at 9.55 a.m S7: What lesson does Quan have at 8.55 on Friday? S8: He has an English lesson. S9: What time does Quan have a Class Meeting on Sarturday? S10: He has a class meeting at 10.40 a.m. - look at pitures in task 2 and think of the phrases to talk about Quan's activities.(eg: do his homework, get up,etc). S: He gets up at 2.00 p.m. " At 2.00 p.m Quan gets up, he starts to study at 2.15 p.m. he studies until 4.30 and then he watches T.V. At 5.00 he rides to the football yard. At 5.15 he begins playing football. He goes home at about 6.30 p.m.......".

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - Ask one or two sts to report in front of the whole class. - check and give remarks. 5. Homework: ( 1 min) - Write a paragraph ( about 80 words) about their daily routines in their workbook.. - Think about theit daily activities and talk to their friends. - Try to use English to talk.. _____________________________________ Period: 4. UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF...... P3: LISTENING. Preparing:15/ 8/ 2010 Teaching:21/ 8/ 2010. I. Objectives: 1. Education aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen and understand a labourer’s daily routine 2. Knowledge: a. General knowledge: A day in the life of a cyclo-driver. b. Language: - The present simple tense. - Words concerning the cyclo- driver's work. 3. Skills: + Listening comprehension. - Students listen and number the pictures in their correct order. - Students listen and decide whether the staments are true or false. + Speaking: - Students work in pairs to ask and answer about the information in the listening text. II. Anticipated problems: + Problems: - Students may do not know some works in the listening text. - They do not know where to focus on the listening text. + Solutions: - Teach new words in advance. - Guide students to guess the answers before they listen. III. Teaching aids: - Tape, board, chalk, textbook. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Homework checking:( 5 mins) Two sts tell the whole class about their daily routines 2. Before you listen:( 10 mins) Aims: focus sts on the topic and review/ introduce the words and phrases used to describe a cyclo driver’s daily activities. a. T asks sts to work in groups and make a list of - work in groups and recall the vehicles and vehicles and the people who operate them, then their operators then make a list on a sheet of paper compare their list with other groups’ - compare theirs notes. - Introduce the topic of the listening text: ‘A day - listen to the T and open their books in the life of a cyclo driver’ and asks sts to open their books. - Ask sts to work in pairs to ask and answer the - Work in pairs to ask and answer. - Some pairs stand up and report. questions in the textbook S1: Have you ever traveled by cyclo? Have you ever traveled by cyclo? S2: Yes, I have. When was it? Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Is it interesting to travel by cyclo? Which do you prefer, going by bicycle or by cyclo? Give reasons. - Move around to help sts then ask some pairs to report. - Give remarks. b. T asks S to look at the words in the book and read after T . - Introduce some new words - 'passenger (n): (in the pictures) - 'district (n): e.g.: Ba Dinh district, Thanh Xuan district - drop (v): when the passenger gets off the cyclo. - 'pedal (v) = cycle (v) - 'purchases (n) = the shopping: The things someone has bought - food stall (n) : (In the picture) - Read the words aloud and asks sts to repeat. - Ask some sts to read the words again. 3. While you listen:( 20 mins) + Task 1: Aims: Practise listening and ordering pictures. - Ask sts to work in pairs, look at the pictures in the textbook and describe each picture. - Do the first example: In the first picture, a cyclo driver is cycling his cyclo and taking a woman to somewhere.. S3: When was it? S4: Last summer holiday... S5: Is it interesting to travel by cycle? S6: Yes, it is. S7: Which do you prefer, going by bicycle or by cyclo? S8: I prefer traveling by cyclo because I have time to look around and I’m not tired. - look at the words and read after T . - copy the words and phrases.. - listen and repeat. -Some individuals read the words aloud. - look at the pictures and listen to the T. - describe the other pictures in pairs.. - Introduce the situation about Mr. Lam, a cyclo - listen to the teacher. driver in Hochiminh city talking about his daily routines. T asks sts to listen to the tape/ teacher and number the pictures in the correct order. - listen to the tape / the teacher and do the - play the tape/ read the text twice. task Share their answers. - Ask sts to share their answers in pairs. - give feedback. - Get sts’ answers. - play the tape once again, stop where necessary - check their answers , and then correct their work if they have any wrong answers. and conduct the correction. Key: 5 – 6 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 4 + Task 2: Aims: Practice listening for specific information by deciding if the given statements are true or false. - ask sts to have a look at the statements and read - Read the statements , underline the key them in pairs and make sure they understand the words in each sentence. - Try to guess whether each sentence is true statements. or false. -Ask sts to listen to the tape/T again and tick the Listen and do the task. box to indicate if the statements are true or false. - Share their answers with their partners. - Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs. - Give answers. - Checks sts’ answers. - Play the tape once again, stop where necessary Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> and conduct the correction.. - Listen again and check. Key: 1F; 2T; 3F; 4F; 5F.. 4. After you listen:( 9 mins) - Ask sts to work in pairs and use the suggested words to ask and answer about the cyclo driver. - Move round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively. - Ask one or two sts to retell the cyclo driver’s routines in front of the whole class. - Check and give remarks. 5. Homework: ( 1min) - Write a short paragraph about Mr. Lam's routines. - Work in pairs to ask and answer questions such as: " What is the man's name?" " What does he do?" .............. _____________________________________. Period: 5. UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF...... P4: WRITING. Preparing: 20/ 8/ 2010 Teaching: …/ 8/ 20010. I. Objectives: 1. Education aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a narrative by using given prompts 2. Knowledge: a. General knowledge: - Writing about a hotel fire. b. Language: - The past simple tense. - Connectors (time expressions) 3. Skills: + Reading: Students read a passage to find the verbs in the past simple and the connectors. + Writing a narrative using the prompts. + Speaking: - Students discuss in groups to share their answers. II. Anticipated problems: + Problems: - Students may not know some expressions in the tasks. + Solutions: - Explain these words/ expresssions in advance. III. Teaching aids: - A picture, board, chalk, textbook. IV. Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities 1. Warm- up:( 5 mins) - Look at the picture. Aims: To raise students' interest. -Show a picture that teacher prepared in advance about the explosion in Twin Towers in 2001. S: The buildings are on fire. - Ask some questions: S: It happened in the U.S.A T: What is happening ? S: It happened on September 11th , 2001 T: Do you know where it happened? S: Two planes carrying bombs crashed into two T: When did it happen? buildings and killed a lot of people. T: How did it happen? - Tell sts that they are going to write a narrative of past events. 2. Before you write:( 20 mins) Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> - Aims: to provide sts with the materials ( vocabulary, grammar, form) to write. * Pre-teach Vocab : stare death in the face (sợ xanh mặt, đối mặt víi tö thÇn) take off (cÊt c¸nh) – land (v) air-hostess (n) - shake (v) – fasten seatbelt – dip (v) – give up (n) – relieved (a): (nhÑ nhâm) + Task 1: - Ask sts to look at Task 1 . - Ask them to read through the passage in two minutes to get the main idea. - Ask one student to report. - Explain some new words/ phrases in the passage: + stare death in the face ( explain the meaning of each word ,then let sts guess the meaning of the whole phrase) + 'fasten(v)( demonstrate) + dip (v) : move to a lower level. - Ask sts to listen and read these words again. - Ask them to read the passage again more carefully and do task 1 in 5 minutes. - Move round to make sure that all sts are working. - Ask them to share their answers with their partners. - Check the task by asking two sts to report. - Give remarks. + Task 2: - Ask sts to read the passage again and in groups to do task 2. - Divide the class into three regions: one identifies the events, one identifies the climax and the rest identifies the conclusion. - Ask sts to work in only 2 minutes. - Ask three representatives of three groups to report. - Draw the conclusion about writing a narrative. + Form: 3 parts: - introduction. - body: events, climax - conclusion + Verb tense: the past simple tense. + Connectors: at that time, on that day,then, after that, a few minutes later, until, etc. - Ask sts to do task 3 but before that explain some new words: + 'discotheque (n) : disco + choke (v): to be unable to breath - Ask sts to listen and read these words again. 3. While you write:( 10 mins) - Aims: students practise cotrolled- writing.. - Look at Task 1. - Read through the passage individually . - S: The most frightening experience of the writer's life when he(she) travelled on a plane on 14th July 1995. - Listen and repeat: + stare death in the face + fasten + dip. - Read the passage again and do task 1. + Verbs used in the past simple: stared, was, arrived, got, took off, began,thought, were told, seemed, realised, were, screamed, thought, had, felt, gained, announced, landed. + Connectors( expressions of time): on that day, at first, then, a few minutes later. - work in groups. - Report the answers: + The events: people got on plane, plane took off, hostesses were just beginning to serve lunch when plane began to shake, plane seemed to dip, people screamed in panic. + The climax: We thought we had only minutes to live. + The conclusion: the pilot that everything was all right, we landed safely, it was the most frightening experience of my life. - Listen and repeat these words.. - Write the passage into their notebooks. Last year I spent my summer holidays at a seaside town. The hotel was modern and comfortable. I had a wonderful holiday until the fire. It was Saturday evening and everyone was sitting in the discotheque on the ground floor. It was crowded with people. They were dancing and singing happily. Suddenly we. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> + Task 3: - Ask sts to build up a narrative about a hotel fire using the prompts. - Ask them to work individually. - Move round to conduct the activity and to note down sts' mistakes. - Ask sts to share their answers with their partners. 4. After you write:(9 mins) -Aims: to get feedback. - Ask sts to report their work sentence by sentence. - Remind sts that they should use the past simple to write. 5. Homework( 1min) - Ex 1, 2 (page 9). smelt smoke. Then black smoke began to fill the room. Everybody started to scream in panic. People ran away toward the fire exits. One door was blocked. Many people began to cough and to choke. Then just as we thought we had only minutes to live, the fire brigade arrived. Firemen fought their way into the room and soon everyone was safely out of the building. Luckily, nobody was seriously hurt. It was the most frightening experience of my life.. ______________________________________. Period : 6. UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF...... P5: LANGUAGE FOCUS. Preparing:20/08/2010 Teaching: …../08/ 2010. I. Objectives: 1. Education aims: - Students can distinguish the sound / i / from the sound /i:/ and pronounce them correctly. - Students revise the present simple tense and the past simple tense. 2. Knowledge: 1. General knowledge: - a person's hobby and the narrative of a camping trip. 2. Language: - Pronunciation: / i / and /i:/ - The present simple tense. - Adverbs of frequency - The past simple tense. 3. Skills: + Reading: - Read sentences aloud. -Read the passages silently to do the exercises. II. Anticipated problems: + Problems: - Students may have difficulty in pronounce / i / and /i:/ correctly. + Solutions: - Explain carefully the diference between two sounds . III. Teaching aids: - board, chalk, textbook. IV. Procedures: Teacher's activities Students' activities 1. Homework checking.( 7 mins) Exercise1: - Ask one student to do exercise 1 (page 9) on 1. I first went to school when I was six years the board. old. 2. My father held my hand firmly and took me to the school gate. 3. I was frightened by all the strange faces and the large buildings. 4. I quickly found another gate on the other side of the playground. ......... - Check Ex 2 with the whole class. Check this Exercise 2: Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> exercise sentence by sentence.. 1. Last summer 2. In the morning 3. Once in a while 4. However. - Give remarks and marks. 2. Pronunciation:( 15 mins) - Aims: to introduce the two sounds and to help sts to read these sounds correctly. - Introduce two sounds / i / and / i: / ->/I/ sound is short sound ->/I:/ sound is long sound - Read each sound twice and then ask sts to listen and repeat. - Ask sts to look at the book, then listen and repeat. - Ask sts to practise reading these words in groups. - Ask some sts to read aloud and give remarks. - Ask sts to look at part 2 and tell sts what they are going to do. - Do the first example:( read the sentence aloud and underline the sounds) - Ask sts to work in pairs to practise reading and to find the sounds in the rest sentences. - Remind them of the intonation of the questions. - move round to help if necessary. - Ask some sts to read these sentences aloud. - Give remarks. 3. Grammar and vocabulary:( 20 mins) - Aims: to revise the present simple tense and the past simple tense. - Ask sts to think about the present simple tense and ask some to tell the whole class about the form and the use of the tense. - Ask sts about the position of adverbs of frequency. - Ask sts to do Ex 1 individually in 5 minutes, then share their answers with their partners. - Explain any new words if necessary. - Ask some sts to report and give remarks. - Ask sts to do Ex 2 orally in pairs in 2 minutes. - Move round to conduct the activity. - Ask 2 sts to report. - Present the past simple tense. - Ask some students to tell the whole class about the form and the use of this tense. - Ask sts to look at Ex 3 and explain what sts. 5. so 6. At first 7. in the end 8. On the whole. - Look at the board. - Listen to the teacher and then listen and repeat / i / and /i:/ - Listen and repeat. /ɪ/ / i:/ hit kick heat repeat bit click beat read little interested meat eaten. 1. Is he coming to the cinema ? /ɪ/ /ɪ/ /ɪ/ /ɪ/ 2. We 'll miss the begining of the film. 3. Is it an interesting film, Jim? ( sound /ɪ/) 4. The beans and the meat were quite cheap. 5. He's going to leave here for the Green Mountains. 6. Would you like to have meat, peas and cheese? ( sound / i:/). + Form: (+) S + V/ V-s/-es +....... (- ) S + don't/ doesn't + V +...... (?) Do/ Does + S + V +..........? + Use: to talk about present habits or present states. + Position: - after " to be" but before other verbs. - " As a rule" is placed at the beginning of a sentence. 1. is 7. catch 2. fish 8. go 3. worry 9. give up 4. are 10. say 5. catch 11. realise 6. am 12. am Sample answers: He always get up early. She is sometimes late for school.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> are going to do. - Ask sts to do this exercise in 5 minutes , then share their answers with their partners. - Ask them to pay attention to the past form of irregular verbs and some verbs are put in passive voice. - Ask 2 sts to do this exercise on the board. - Move round to help sts if necessary. - Check and give remarks. 4. Homework ( 3 min) -Ex 1, 2 ( page 6). Lan normally practises speaking English. As a rule, Thao is a hard- working student. + Form: (+ ) S + V-ed/ V( irregular) +........ ( - ) S + didn't + V +.......... ( ? ) Did + S + V + .............? + Use: to indicate that somthing happen in the past. 1. was done 7. began 13. was 2. cooked 8. felt 14. leapt 3. were 9 put out 15. hurried 4. smelt 10. crept 16. found 5. told 11. slept 17. wound 6. sang 12. woke 18. flowed. ……………*….*…*…………….. Period: 7. UNIT 2: SCHOOL TALKS P1 : READING. Preparing:20/08/ 2010 Teaching:…../…./ 2010. I. Objectives: 1. Education aims: - Students know more about school and related problems. 2. Knowledge: a. General knowledge: - Knowledge about school. b. Language: - The present simple tense. - V-ing and To-infinitive. 3. Skills: - Speaking : talk in pairs and in groups. - Reading comprehension: to fill in the blanks and to answer the questions II. Anticipated problems: - Students may have difficulty in understanding some of the topics like health problems or hobbies. III. Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1. Warm-up: ( 5 mins) - Aims: to raise sts' interest and to introduce the topic. -Ask students to work in pairs and discuss this question: "When you meet your friends, which of the fowing topics do you often talk about?" - Ask sts to look at the cues in the textbook. - Encourage them to think of other topics. - Ask them to work in 2 minutes then ask some pairs to report. - Check and give remarks. - Introduce the topic of this lesson. 2. Before you read:( 10mins) - Aims: to introduce vocabulary and the grammatical item relating to the reading text.. - Work in pairs orally. - some sts report. S1: When I meet my friends, I often talk about films, our study, and other students. S2: I often talk about my favourite singers, some film stars, or my hobbies. S3: I usually talk sports and games .. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> a. Vocabulary pre-teach: - Provide the students with these new words/phrases in this way: + Read and write each word/phrase on the blackboard then give the meaning of the word/phrase + corner shop(NP): a shop at the corner of a street + pro'fession(n): = job, occupation . + stuck(adj): bÞ t¾c, bÞ kÑt + 'attitude(n): what you think about or behave toward something. + mall (n): an area containing a lot of shops . eg: a shopping mall - Ask sts to listen and repeat, then practise with their partners. - Ask some sts read all the word/phrases aloud, listen and help the students to read the words/phrases correctly. b. Gerund and to- infinitive introduction: -Recall the usages of gerund and to-infinitive to the students. - Ask sts to tell the teacher the cases to use gerund and to-infinitive. - Ask sts to discuss quickly in 1 minute, then one of them stand up to report. - Listen and give remarks. 3. While you read:( 20 mins) - Aims: sts practise reading and then do the tasks relating to the text. - Introduce briefly the content of the reading text. "You are going to read three talks given by a student, a teacher and a student’s father about school. You read them and do the tasks assigned." - Ask sts to read through three talks and tell teacher the main ideas of these talks. Task 1: Gap-filling. - Ask the students to read again these talks, then work independently and fill each blank with one of the words in the box. There are more words than the blanks. - Have sts compare the answer with a partner. - Get feedback and give correct answers. Task 2: Finding who...… - Ask students to work in pairs. Read the small talks again and find out who..... - Move round to check sts'work. - Ask sts to share their answers with other pairs'. - 9-10 pairs are required to give answers in front of the class(1 pair/ 1 time/ 1 answer). - Listen and check. Lop11.com. - Copy down - Listen to the teacher then repeat. - Practise reading these words with their partners.. - Some sts read these words aloud.. like love + V- ing enjoy. hope want + to- V decide. - Listen to the teacher.. - Read through the talks, then discuss their contents. - Read the text again and do the task. - Share their ideas with their partners. - Some sts read their answers aloud. 1. enjoy 4. crowded. 2. traffic 5. language. 3. worry.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Task 3: Answering questions. - Ask students to keep on working in pairs. Read the talks more carefully and answer the questions. - Move round to check the activity. - Ask some pairs to report in front of the class. - Get feedback and give correct answers.. - Work in pairs to discuss. - Share their ideas with other pairs'. - Some pairs stand up and report. - S1: enjoys teaching S2: Miss phuong - S3: has to get up early S4: Phong - S5: lives far from school S6: Phong - S7: loves working with children - S8: Miss Phuong ............................ - Discuss in pairs. - Some pairs report . P1: He studies at Chu Van An high school P2: He studies many subjects such as Math, Physics, Chemistry..... 4. After you read:( 9 mins) P3: Because it is an international language. - Aims; to give sts a chance to talk about P4: She says that teaching is hard work, but themselves. she enjoys it because she loves working with - Tell students to work in groups: Choose one of children. the following topics and talk about it for about 5 P5: Because his son has to ride his bike in minutes. narrow and crowded streets on the way to a.What subjects you like learning best and why. school b. What you like and dislike doing at school . c. What you worry about at school . - Go round to help students with their work. - Discuss in groups of three or four one of - Ask some sts to talk about their topic in front three topics. of the class. - Assign one member of each group to be the - check and give remarks. secretary to take notes their group's ideas. 5. Homework:( 1 min) - Some sts stand up to present their ideas. - Part A ( page 10- workbook) _____________&__&___&_______________. Period: 8. UNIT 2: SCHOOL TALKS P2 : SPEAKING. Preparing:20/08/ 2010 Teaching:…../…./ 2010. 1. Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use common expressions in making small talks, start and close a conversation. 2. Knowledge Grammar : 1. Wh-questions 2. Gerund and to + infinitive Vocabulary : Some words about schooling 3. Skills : Four skills, especially speaking. * METHOD : Integrated, mainly communicative. * TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures, poster … * PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up (4 min) Rearranging Books closed Have Ss work in pairs. Ss work in pairs Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Ask Ss to rearrange the words to make complete sentences. 1. weekend / did / nice / have / a / you? 2. school / everyting / how / at / is ?. Answers : 1. Did you have a nice weekend ? 2. How’s everything at school ?. Before-speaking (7 min) * Pre-teach Vocab : stay at home (exp) – nothing special(exp) – great (a) = wonderful – borrow (v) – What’s the matter ? – headache (n) – toothache (n) –had better (exp) * Checking : Rub out and remember While-speaking (25 min)  Task 1 : Put the common expressions under the appropriate heading. T runs through the expressions and explaining them. T calls on some Ss to read out their answers * Teacher corrects if necessary  Task 2 : Work in pairs. T gets Ss to rearrange the following sentences to make a conversation and then practise it with a partner. Teacher monitors T asks Ss to read out their sentences - T & Ss check..  Task 3 : Complete the following conversation with suitable words, phrases or sentences in the box then practise it with a partner. Cf. p.25 -T asks Ss to work in pairs or in groups.. Post-Speaking (7min)  Task 4 : Work in groups. ”Now make small talks on the following. Eliciting Pracising reading and copy down Practise and rewrite on the board. Ss work individually and then compare with a partner. Some sts read out their answers. Starting a conversation Good morning / Hi How’s everything at school ? Hello. How are you ? Hello. What are you doing ? Hi. How is school ? Closing a conversation (The rest. Cf.p24) Sts work with a partner. 1. D. Hi, Minh. Did you have a nice weekend ? 2. F. Hello, Quan. Yes, I did. It’s great. 3. B. What did you do ? 4. H. I went to Lan’s birthday party. The food was good and the people were interesting. What did you do, Quan ? 5. E. Oh, I stayed at home and did my homework. Nothing special. 6. C. Where are you going now ? 7. G. I’m going to the library to borrow some books. Sorry, I’ve got to go. Talk to you later. 8. A. Bye. See you later. Ss complete the conversation. Ss work individually and then compare with a partner. Practise with a partner : A : Hello, Hoa. You don’t look very happy. What’s the matter with you ? B : Hi, Nam. I feel tired. I’ve got a headache. A : Sorry to hear that. You’d better go home and have a rest. B : Yes.That’s a great idea.Goodbye, Nam A : See you later.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> topics, using the starting and closing of a conversation. * the weather * last night’s TV programmes. * football. * plans for next weekend. - T goes around to observe, gives help and collects mistakes. Consolidation(2 min) Homework Teacher assigns homework Comment. Period: 9. Suggested answers : A : Hi. How are you ? B : I’m fine, thanks. Did you watch TV last night ? A : No, Ididn’t. Was there anything interesting ? B : There was an exciting football match VN vs Malaysia. A : How was the result ? . . . . Homework - Memorize the new words. UNIT 2: SCHOOL TALKS P3 : LISTENING. Preparing:24/08/ 2010 Teaching:…../…./ 2010. 1. Education aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make mini conversations about daily topics such as study at school, weather and travelling. 2. Knowledge: a. General knowledge: - Sts understand small talks about everyday life. b. Language: Sts recall and learn more about: - The present continuous tense - Verbs to describe everyday activities - Vocabulary on school, friends, 3. Skills: Sts develop the following skills: - Listening and numbering the pictures in the correct order. - Listening and answering given questions - Listening and filling in the gaps. - Speaking : describe the pictures and talk about their problems at school. II. Anticipated problems: - Sts have difficulty listen to the dialogues read aloud by one people. - Sts cannot take notes to answer the questions while listening. III. Teaching aids: - textbook, chalk, board. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up (4 min) Matching - Ask Ss to work in pairs and match a question in column A with an answer in B -Work in pairs and do the matching. - Call on some pairs to read aloud the question 1-c; 2-e; 3-a; 4-b; 5-d. and answer in front of the class. - Work in pairs to ask and answer: - Some pairs stand up and present. 2. Before you listen:( 10 mins) S1:What subjects are you taking this Aims: focus sts on the topic and review/ semester? introduce the words and sentence models used in Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> small talks. - Ask sts to read the questions and answers in the book and work in pairs to match the question with the appropriate answer, and then compare their list with other pairs’. - Check sts’ work - Ask sts to work in pairs to ask and answer. - Move around to help sts. - Ask some pairs to present and gives remarks - Introduce some new words/ phrases + semester (n): e.g.: Semester 1: 5 Sept -> Jan. Semester2: January -> May + enjoy oneself (n): somebody does something and likes it. + go for a swim (v): e.g.: go for a walk/ a drive - Read the words sts to repeat. - Ask sts to read the words in pairs. - Ask some sts to read the words again. 3. While you listen:( 20 mins) - Aims: Sts practise listening and numbering pictures, listenning for specific information by answering questions and by filling in the blanks with missing words. + Task 1: - Ask sts to work in pairs, look at the pictures in the textbook and use the following suggestions to ask and answer about each picture. What/ who/ see? Who/ they? Where/ they? What / think / talk about? - Give one example: T: What can you see in picture a? T: Who do you see? T: What do you think they are talking about? - Ask sts to do the same. - Move around to help sts. - Introduce that sts will listen to four short conversations and ask sts to look at the pictures and listen to the T. - Play the tape/ read the conversations once. - Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs. - Check sts’ answers. - Play the tape once again, stop the tape after each conversation and conduct the correction. + Task 2: - Ask sts to read the questions in pairs and make Lop11.com. S2: I’m taking maths. S1: How do you like the class? S2: I really like it ......................... - Copy the words and phrases.. - Listen and repeat. - Read the words in pairs and correct each other’s mistakes. - Some individuals read the words aloud. - Look at the pictures and listen to the T.. S: A hotel S: Two people S: Maybe they are talking about the hotel or the holiday. - Ask and answer about the pictures in pairs. - Listen to the teacher.. - Listen to the tape / the teacher and do the task - Compare their answers and then correct their work if they have wrong answers. - Report their answers. Key: b – c – d – a. - Work in pairs to read the questions. - Listen and do the task..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> sure they understand the statements and know what information they need to answer the questions. - Ask sts to listen to the tape/T twice and take short notes to answer the questions. - Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs. - Ask some sts to report the answers. - Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction. + Task 3: - Ask sts to read the conversation in pairs and see what information they need to fill in the gaps. They may guess the answers in some gaps. - Ask sts to listen to the tape/T once and fill in the gaps. - Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs. - Ask some sts to report their answers. - Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction. 4. After you listen:( 9mins) - Ask sts to work in groups and talk about the problems they have experienced at school (difficulties in learning, having bad marks, being late for school, disobeying the regulations ...) Sts may use the following suggested questions to ask and answer. +What problems have you experienced at school? + What are the reasons? + What have you done to solve them? - Move round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively. - Ask one or two pair to retell theirs problems in front of the whole class. - Check and give remarks 5. Homework( 1min) Write a short paragraph about their problems at school .. - Compare their notes. - Report their answers. 1. (She is taking) English; 2. (She is) in Miss Lan Phuong’s Class; 3. (He is) at a party; 4. (He plans to stay there) for a week. 5. No, she doesn’t. She travels alone. - Work in pairs to read the conversation and try to fill in the gaps before they listen. - Listen and do the task. - Compare their answer in pairs. - Report the answers. 1: it here 5: travelling 2: very nice 6: No 3: big 7: alone 4: comfortable 8: for a drink - Listen to the teacher.. -Ask and answer in groups.. - One/ two pairs present.. ______________________________ UNIT 2: SCHOOL TALKS Preparing:24/08/ 2010 Period: 10 P4 : WRITING Teaching:…../…./ 2010 1. Educational aim : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to fill some common forms such as enrolment form, application form, library Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> admission form … 2. Knowledge Pronunciation : : / Λ / - / a: / Grammar : 1. Wh-questions 2. Gerund and to + infinitive Vocabulary : Some words about schooling 3. Skills : Four skills, especially writing * METHOD : Integrated, mainly communicative. * TEACHING AIDS : Textbook, pictures, cassette … * PROCEDURE Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up (4 min)  Task 1. Question and Answers Ask Ss to work in pairs and answer the Ss work in pairs following questions: Have you ever filled in a form? On what occasions? What sort of information do you often have to provide when you fill in a form ? Pre-writing (7 min) * Pre-teach Vocab : Date of birth (n) – Place of birth – Present address – Marital status – married (a) – single (a) – occupation (n) – sign (v) – delete (v) – nationality (n) * Checking : Rub out and remember While-writing (20 min)  Task 2 . Matching (p. 27) Ask Ss to match a line in A with a question in B - T goes around to help. - T feedbacks and gives correct answers.. Eliciting Pracising reading and copy down Practise and rewrite on the board. - Ss work individually and compare with a partner. - Ss write answers on the board. 1. d 2. f 3. e 4. g 5. b 6. c 7. a.  Task 3. Instruction : Now look at Task 3 and try to do what you are required. - T goes around checking and provides relevant vocabulary and structures if necessary.. - Ss work individually and compare with a partner..  Task 4. Fill in the following form. Ask Ss to study the form carefully and fill in the form, using their personal information. - Call 2 Ss to fill in the form on the board while others do the task in the textbook. - Feedback and correct the mistakes. - Ss work individually and compare with a partner. - Suggested answers : THE OAK TREE SCHOOL please write in capital letters Mr./Mr./Miss* Surname : Ma First name : Van San Date of birth : November 12, 1958 Nationality : Vietnamese Language : Vietnamese, English, French Address : Thong Nhat Street, Lao Cai City. Post-writing (12 min) - T asks Ss to work in pairs and carry out the interview to fill in the form. One asks. Lop11.com.

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