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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 30: Consolidation grammar

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Period: 30. CONSOLIDATION GRAMMAR Preparing date… Teaching date:B4………….. I/ Objectives: Grammar: Could/ be able to Tag questions - Skills: Practicing to grasp grammar points II/ Materials: textbook, handouts IV/ Procedure: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES - Introduce the new lesson Grammar: Could/ be able to Tag questions II/ GRAMMAR: 1. Could/ be able to: Ex: 1. He could run very fast when he was a boy. 2. We were able to get tickets for the match yesterday. - Ask Ss to compare the example above Explain: - "Could" is used to express an ability in the past. - "were able to" is used to express an any complete success in the past Ex: - 3. When I was young I could/ was able to climb any tree in the forest. 4. In those day we had a car, so we could/ were able to travel very easily. Correct mistakes Exercise 1: Complete the sentences, using could, couldn't or was/ were (not) able to: Ex: I look everywhere for the book but I couldn't find it. They didn't want to come with us at first but we were able to persuade them. - Ask Ss to work in pairs then compare the answers. T collects and corrects on the board 2. Tag questions: Give the situation: T: You haven't had lunch, have you?. PUPILS’ ACTIVITIES - copy down. Compare the example above. Look at examples 3 & 4 and give the way to use "Could/ be able to" are used to express the ability or the chance in the past -Give their ideas from the ex. -Take note. work in pairs then compare the answers The answer: 1. couldn't/ wasn't able to 2. was able to 3. could/ was able to 4. was able to 5. could/ was able to 6. couldn't/ wasn't able to -Give their ideas from the ex. -Take note. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> S: No, I haven't T: Is the sentence a question? S: Yes, it is. It contain a tag question Example: It's a beautiful day, isn't it? It wasn't a good film , was it? Some notes: + I'm late, aren't I? (informal) I am supposed to be here, I am not? (formal) + will/ would/can/ can't/could you? Are used as a request Ex: Do sit down, Won't you? Give me a hand, will you? + Let's + …, shall we? Ex: Let's have a party, shall we? + It is replaced this, that, everything, nothing in tag qs Ex: That's isn't Tom, is it? + barely, hardly, hardly ever, little, neither, never, no, no one, nobody, none, nothing, sparely, seldom have negative tag questions Ex: There's little we can do about it, is there? Ask Ss to work in pairs to write the sentences Exercise 2: Read situation and write sentence with a tag question Ex: You look out the window. The sky is blue and the sun is shining. What do you say to your friend? (beautiful day) It's a beautiful day, isn't it. - Correct mistakes Homework - Asks Ss to review grammar. Looking at the examples and give form S +V (affirmative) + …, Aux- Negative + S? S +V Negative + …, Aux- (affirmative)+ S? Work in pairs to discuss.. Write notes. Work in individuals then compare the answer with a friend. 1. It's expensive, isn't it? 2. The film was great, wasn't it? 3. She has/ has got a loudly voice, doesn't she? 4. It doesn't look very good, does it? 5. You have had your hair cut, haven't you? - Work at home. Lop11.com.

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