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Bài soạn môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 5: Test 2

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>UNIT 5 TEST 2 I. PRONUNCIATION Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others. 1. a. illiterate b. eradicate c. voluntary d. minority 2. a. combat b. ethnic c. province d. campaign 3. a. volunteer b. struggle c. promise d. concentrate 4. a. education b. universal c. eradication d. population 5. a. considerable b. effective c. relevant d. maturity II. LANGUAGE FOCUS A. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d -that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase. 6. I'm not surprised Margaret's ill. With all the voluntary work she's ______, she's really been doing too much. a. taken off b. taken on c. taken in d. taken to 7. An English Club will be _______ to help children improve their English. a. brought on b. showed up c. set up d. put on 8. There was a gradual _______ in the number of both males and females who were literate in the Lowlands. a. rise b. raise c. arise d. risen 9. Only highly _______ people are capable of discussing these subjects. a. interesting b. common c. literate d. business 10. Most students who were asked felt that _______ respect in the classroom was essential. a. mutual b. annual c. actual d. continuous 11. Many university students _______ spent their summer vacations teaching illiterate people to read and write. a. freely b. consciously c. gradually d. voluntarily 12. The proposal has not met with _______ agreement. a. voluntary b. universal c. Informal d. effective 13. A child's vocabulary _______ through reading. a. expands b. expends c. expels d. exposes 14. Children living in remote and mountainous areas may be _______ disadvantaged. a. educated b. education c. educational d. educationally 15. She is 'due to _______ a lecture on genetic engineering. a. make b. teach c. deliver d. take B. Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c, or d - that best completes the sentence. 16. Twenty-five people _______ killed in that traffic accident. a. reported to be b. are reporting to be c. are reported being d. are reported to be 17. The woman said she _______ in this village for over fifty years. a. has been living b. was living c. had been living d. lives 18. US scientists claim that they _______ a new vaccine against malaria. a. developed b. have developed c. had developed d. was developing 19. The lecturer recommended ______ a number of books before the exam. a. reading b. to read c. us reading d. to have read. 20. Jane appears _______ some weight. Has she been ill? a. having lost b. having been lost c. to have lost d. to have been lost 21. If you saw a lawyer, he'd advise you _______ legal action. a. take b. taking c. to take d. for taking 22. Hardly _______ to the bus-stop when the bus suddenly pulled away. a. did they get b. they had got c. they got d. had they got 23. By the time you return here next week, we _______ the project. a. will have finished b. has finished c. will finish d. will be finishing 24. We are going to get our house _______ next week. a. painting b. to paint c. painted d. to be painted 25. He advised me _______ anything about it for the time being. a. didn't do b. not do c. don't do d. not to do C. Identify the one underlined word or phrase. A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. 26. Before the nineteenth century, it was rarely to find organized systems A B C (rare) D of adult education. 27. Only when the famine gets worse world governments will begin to act. A B C (will world governments) D 28. On some streets, it has against the law to ride a motorcycle without a A (is) B C D helmet. 29. Members of high school clubs learn to participation in teams through A B (participate) their involvement in community projects. C D 30. Special education is intended help both handicapped and gifted children (to help) A B to reach their learning potentials. C D III. READING A. Choose the correct word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the passage. The traditional definition of literacy is considered to be the ability to read and write, or the ability to use language to, read, write, listen, and speak. In modern contexts, the word refers to reading and writing at a level (31) _____ for communication, or at a level that lets one understand and communicate ideas in a literate society,' so as to take (32) _______ in that society. The United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has drafted the following definition: “Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written 'materials (33) _______ with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning to enable an Individual to achieve his or her goals, to develop his, or her (34) _______ and potential, and to participate fully in the wider society.". Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Many policy analysts consider literacy rates a crucial measure of a region's human capital. This claim is made on the (35) _______ that literate people can be trained less expensively than illiterate people, generally have a higher socio-economic (36) _______ and enjoy better health and employment prospects. Policy makers also argue that literacy increases job opportunities and access to higher education. In Kerala, India, for example, female and child mortality rates declined (37) _______ in the 1960s, when girls who were educated in the education reforms after 1948 began to raise families. Recent researchers, (38) _______, argue that correlations such as, the one listed above may have more to do with the effects of schooling rather than literacy in general. Regardless, the (39)_______ of educational systems worldwide includes a basic (40) _______ around communication through test and print, which is the foundation of most definitions of literacy. 31. a. important b. adequate c. adaptable d. suitable 32. a. control b. comfort c. part d. honor 33. a. associated b. worked c. appropriated d. related 34. a. ability b. knowledge c. behavior d. performance 35. a. basics b. ways c. foundations d. grounds 36. a. status b. request c. condition d. state 37. a. actually b. dramatically c. extremely d. accurately 38. a. therefore b. however c. consequently d. additionally 39. a. main b. majority c. focus d. demand 40. a. concept b. content c. contact d. context B. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers. A literate population is a necessity for any nation wishing to take advantage of modern technological growth. For .instance, research has shown a direct relationship between literacy among women and improved health' and child care in the family. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has long supported the concept that education must be considered an ongoing process. Adult education has long been important in Europe, where formal programs began in the 18th century. In Britain, concern for the education of poor and working-class people resulted in the growth of adult education programs, such as the evening school and the, Mechanic's Institute, to expand education opportunities for all people: ,After the Russian Revolution, the Russian government virtually eliminated illiteracy through the establishment of various institutions and extension classes for adults. In other areas of the world, adult education movements are of a more recent origin. In 1960, Egypt established a 'schools for the people' system designed to educate the adult population. In the 1970s, countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America began to increase opportunities for adult education. Innovative programs involving the mass media are being used in many countries. Tanzania, for example, has used mass education techniques and the radio to organize national education programs in health, nutrition, and citizenship. In the 1980s, international educational exchange programs grew in popularity in the United States and many other countries. 41. What does this passage mainly discuss? a. National education b. Illiteracy eradication. c. Adult education d. Primary education 42. It can be inferred from this passage that education ________. a. help people to read and write b. is an important factor in the country's development c. is a constant process d. must only be given to adults 43. Which of the followings is not' true? a. Adult education has boomed in Europe in recent years. b. Educated women know how to take care of their children properly. c. Illiteracy is almost erased in Russia. d. In many countries, mass education is carried out through television. 44. Which of the followings is not mentioned as means used for mass education? a. radio b. newspapers c. internet d. textbooks 45. According to the passage, adult education ________. a. offers opportunities for promotion b. is to educate people to improve their health c. is popular all over the world nowadays d. has been developed thanks to the mass media IV. WRITING A. Choose the answer - a, b, c, or d -that is nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before. 46. She told us to help ourselves to the apples in the basket. a. She offered us some apples in return for our help. b. She let us have as many apples as we wanted. . c. She wanted our help to pick the apples and put them in a basket. d. She wanted us to do all the work ourselves. . 47. That library book must be returned within one week. a. The book was brought back last week. b. The book should have been returned a week ago. c. The book hl1S already been borrowed for a week. d. The book can't be kept longer than a week. 48. As soon as he waved his hand, she turned away. a. He saw her turn away and he waved his hand. b. He waved his hand at the same time as she did. c. He waved his hand and at once she turned away. d. She turned away because he waved his hand too soon. 49. 'You broke my glasses,' said the woman to me. a. The woman insisted on breaking her glasses. b. The woman advised me to break her glasses. c. The woman told me to break her glasses. d. The woman blamed me for having broken her glasses. 50. The family find it difficult to manage on the money they have. a. It's difficult for the family to get by on the money they have. b. It is difficult for them to earn money. c. The family could manage on the money they have. d. The family managed to earn enough money to live. B. Choose one option that best fits each of the following sentences.. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 51. ________ received law degrees as today. a. Never so many women have b. Never have so many women c. The women have never d. Women who have ever 52. ________ he would have come to class. a. If Mike is able to finish his homework b. Would Mike be able to finish his homework c. If Mike could finish his homework d. Had Mike been able to finish his homework 53. The students liked that professor's course because ________. a. there was few or no homework b. not a lot of homework. . c. there was little or no homework d. Of there wasn't a great amount of homework 54. ________ a painter, but he also took an interest in the flight of birds. a. Not only Rembrandt was b. Although Rembrandt was c. Despite Rembrandt being d. Not only was Rembrandt 55. ________ that new information to anyone else but the sergeant. a. They asked him not to give b. They didn't order him to give c. They asked him to give d. They ordered him to give. Lop11.com.

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