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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=1>

<b>Saturday, March 20, 2021</b>

<b>Saturday, March 20, 2021</b>

<b>Period 9</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=2></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=3></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=4>

Read the text again

Read the text again

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=5>



<b>sailor, sailors. (n.)</b>

<b>sailor, sailors. (n.)</b>

<b>wear out. (v.)</b>

<b>wear out. (v.)</b>

<b>Genoa. (proper n.)</b>

<b>Genoa. (proper n.)</b>

<i><b>a person who </b></i>

<i><b>works on a ship or </b></i>
<i><b>a person who sails </b></i>
<i><b>a boat</b></i>

<i><b>Become too old or damaged to use any more.</b></i>

<i><b>port city in </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=6>

<i><b>decorated with </b></i>
<i><b>patterns or </b></i>

<i><b>pictures on cloth.</b></i>

<b>styles of jeans: ??</b>

<b>embroidered (n.)</b>

<b>Label, labels (n.)</b>

<i><b>a piece of paper, </b></i>
<i><b>cloth, etc. that is </b></i>
<i><b>fixed to sth and </b></i>
<i><b>which gives </b></i>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=7>

<b> </b><i><b>all the people in a </b></i>
<i><b>family, group or </b></i>

<i><b>country who were </b></i>
<i><b>born at about the </b></i>
<i><b>same time.</b></i>

<b>sales of jeans: ??</b>
<b>economic </b>

<b>economic </b>

<b>situation: </b>

<b>situation: ??????</b>

<b>get worse, got </b>

<b>get worse, got </b>

<b>worse: </b>

<b>worse: ??????</b>

<b>out of fashion: </b>

<b>out of fashion: ??????</b>
<b>generation. (n.)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=8>


<b>18th century</b>

<b>jean cloth</b>













<b>Click on </b>

<b>numbers </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=9>





<i> Then write the </i>

<i><sub> Then write the </sub></i>

<i>answers in your exercise </i>

<i>answers in your exercise </i>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=10>

<i><b>> The word jeans </b></i>
<i><b>comes from a </b></i>
<i><b>kind of material </b></i>
<i><b>that was made </b></i>

<i><b>in Europe.</b></i>

<i><b>> The 1960s’ fashions </b></i>
<i><b>> The 1960s’ fashions </b></i>
<i><b>were embroidered </b></i>
<i><b>were embroidered </b></i>
<i><b>jeans, painted </b></i>
<i><b>jeans, painted </b></i>

<b>1. Where does the word</b>

<b>1. Where does the word</b>


<i><b>jeans</b></i><b> come from? come from?</b>


<b>2.</b> <b>What were the 1960s’ What were the 1960s’ </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=11>

<i><b>> Because jeans </b></i>

<i><b>> Because jeans </b></i>

<i><b>became cheaper.</b></i>

<i><b>became cheaper.</b></i>

<i><b>> Jeans at last become </b></i>
<i><b>high fashion </b></i>
<i><b>clothing in the </b></i>


<b>3. Why did more people </b>

<b>3. Why did more people </b>

<b>begin wearing jeans </b>

<b>begin wearing jeans </b>

<b>in 1970s?</b>

<b>in 1970s?</b>

<b>4. When did jeans at last </b>

<b>4. When did jeans at last </b>

<b>become high </b>

<b>become high </b>


<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=12>

<i><b>> </b></i>

<i><b>The sale of jeans </b></i>
<i><b>stooped growing </b></i>

<i><b>because </b></i>
<i><b>worldwide </b></i>
<i><b>economic </b></i>
<i><b>situation got </b></i>
<i><b>worse in the </b></i>


<b>5. Why did the sale </b>
<b>of jeans stop </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=13>



<b>Remind students of new </b>

<b>Remind students of new </b>

<b>words and phrases.</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=14>

<i><b>Become too old or damaged </b></i>
<i><b>to use any more: …</b></i>

<i><b>a piece of paper, cloth, etc. that is fixed </b></i>
<i><b>to sth and which gives information </b></i>

<i><b>about it: …</b></i>

<b>Genoa. (proper n.)</b>

<b>Genoa. (proper n.)</b>

<i><b>A person who works on a ship or a </b></i>
<i><b>person who sails a boat: ….</b></i><b>a sailora sailor</b>


<b>a label.</b>

<b>a label.</b>

<i><b>The name of a port city in northwest Italy</b></i>



<b>wear out. (v.)</b>

<b>wear out. (v.)</b>



<b>Click on </b>

<b>numbers </b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=15>

<i><b>out of fashion.</b></i>

<i><b>decorated with patterns or pictures on </b></i>
<i><b>cloth: …</b></i>


<b><sub> (n.)</sub></b>





<i><b>all the people in a family, group or </b></i>

<i><b>country who were born at about the same </b></i>
<i><b>time: ….</b></i>

<b><sub>generation. (n.)</sub></b>

<b><sub>generation. (n.)</sub></b>

<b>sale of jeans.</b>

<b>sale of jeans.</b>

<b>Vietnamese ??</b>

<b><sub>Vietnamese ??</sub></b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=16>

<b>The </b>

<b>The </b>



<b> of </b>

<b><sub> of </sub></b>

<b>“READ “</b>

<b><sub>“READ “</sub></b>

<b> section.</b>

<b><sub> section.</sub></b>

THANK you for

THANK you for




<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=17></div>
<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=18>

<b>sailor, sailors. (n.)</b>

<b>sailor, sailors. (n.)</b>

<b>Genoa. (proper n.)</b>

<b>Genoa. (proper n.)</b>

<b>wear out. (v.)</b>

<b>wear out. (v.)</b>

<b>styles of jeans. </b>

<b>styles of jeans. </b>

<b>fashion clothing.</b>

<b>fashion clothing.</b>

<b>label. Labels (n.)</b>

<b>label. Labels (n.)</b>

<b>sale of jeans.</b>

<b>sale of jeans.</b>

<b>economic situation.</b>

<b>economic situation.</b>

<b>get worse. got </b>

<b>get worse. got </b>



<b>out of fashion.</b>

<b>out of fashion.</b>

<b>generation. (n.)</b>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span><div class='page_container' data-page=19></div>

