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Ôn tập Anh văn 11 - Unit 5: Illiteracy - A đến D

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Date of preparing: Period. Class Date of teaching S s’ adsent. 11a1. 11a4. 11a5. 11a6. 11a9. Unit 5: Illiteracy A. Reading I. Objectives By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, identifying main ideas, and identifying meaning in context - Use information they have read to discuss illiteracy issues II. Teaching aids Textbook, handouts, …………. III. Procedure Teacher ‘S 1. Check the attendance(2m) 2. Warm up(5m) Hangman: Ask Ss to find the word which has 10 letters. It is a N about the inability to read and write Answer: illiteracy A. Before you read(7m) T introduces the picture in the text book(page56) This photo shows a scene of a classroom. This is a bit different class from other normal classes. Can you describe it and say what makes the class different? Ask Ss to look at the picture in the text book and ask Ss to describe it by answering the T’s questions 1. Where is this classroom? 2. Who are in this classroom? 3. What kind of textbooks are they learning? 4. Who is the teacher? 5. What are they learning? T introduces the picture:. Lop11.com. Students’. Group work. Whole class pay attention then answer the questions Pair work 1.In a poor remote/mountainous areas 2.Children with different ages 3.Text books for grade one 4. A soldier ['souldʒə] 5.To read and to write. Pay attention.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> This photo shows a scene of a classroom in a poor mountainous area. The Ss are children of different ages. They are learning the textbooks for grade one and they are taugh by a soldier. It seems that the Ss in the classroom are illiterate people. They are now learning how to read and write Vocabulary- pre teach -illiteracy(n)[i'litərəsi]>< litercacy(n) -illiterate(a,n) [i'litərət] >< literate(a,n) -to eradicate [i'rædikeit]: to destroy or get rid of st (bad) completely / eradication(n) - campaign(n) [kæm'pein] - ethnic minority ['eθnik mai'nɔriti] T asks Ss to practice the new words and ask them to give example Call on some Ss to stand up and speak out new words. T listens and checks their pronunciation B. While you read Task 1(7m) Set the scene: You are going to read about education in mountainous areas and do the reading task that follow - Get Ss to read the passage silently and then do task 1 - T checks Ss’ understanding of the phrases by calling on some Ss to tell their equivalents in Vietnamese - T checks the answers with the whole class and gives corrective feedback Task 2(5m) - Ask Ss to read the passage carefully again and try to summarise it then choose one of the list of main ideas provided in the task to find the most suitable one - Call on some Ss to give their answers and ask the other Ss to say whether agree or disagree Task 3(8m) - Ask Ss to skim the 5 question to. Lop11.com. Inability to read and write:n¹n mï ch÷,v« häc Unable to read and write: mï ch÷, dèt n¸t (n) người mù chữ, người thất học Nhæ rÔ, trõ tiÖt, xo¸ bá ChiÕn dÞch D©n téc thiÓu sè Whole class. Pay attention Individual work 1. Phæ cËp gd tiÓu häc 2. Héi khuyÕn häc VN 3. Xo¸ mï ch÷ 4. Kü thuËt canh t¸c 5. Kế hoạch hoá gia đình Individual work Answer: D A: is too general B & C are too specific. Pair work 1. 94% of the population 2. the campaign for illiteracy eradication 3. 600 students in 2000 and 800 students in 2001 4. They voluntarily spent their vacations teaching ethnic minority illiterate people to read and write.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> understand them - Underline the key words to decide what information they need to find in the text - Get Ss to check their answers with a partner - Call on some Ss to write their answer on the board and ask them to explain their choice - Give the correct answers C. After you read(8m) - Ask Ss to work in small group of 3 or 4 and discuss the question: How to help illiterate peope in the disadvantaged areas to read and write - Go around to check and offer help - Call some group to tell and explain their answers - Corrective feedback. 5. Illiteracy will soon be eradicated Solution: - Opening school - Sending teachers/ volunteer teachers there - Buying books for Ss - Providing individual assistance to Ss - Give financial rewards to families that send their children to school - Training local people to be teacher who will help their own people. 3.Consolidation (3m) - Summarise the main points of the lesson - For homework., ask Ss to learn by heart the new words and make sentences with them IV. Comments. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Date of preparing: Period. Class Date of teaching S s’ adsent. 11a1. 11a4. 11a5. 11a6. 11a9. Unit 5. ILLITERACY B. Speaking I. Objectives By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Talk about schooling and literacy related problems - Suggest solutions to these problems II. Teaching aids Textbook, handouts, …………. III.Procedure Teacher’s Students’ Warm up(5m) Matching: Talking about school problems & solutions Group work - Divide the class into small group of 3-4 students + not enough textbooks Problems Solutions + shortage of tables and chairs + lack of cassette recorders - not enough - collect used + no electricity textbooks textbooks + build more classroom -shortage of tables …………….. +collect used textbooks and chairs +not enough computers ………… +school yard hot in summer +no interesting books at school library +play truant +provide budget for study facility +plan more trees Task 1(7m) Pair work - Get Ss to do it in pairs 1. b-g - Call on a student to read out the answers 2. a –e 4. c - Check with class and gives corrective 3. d-f 5. h- i-j feedback Task 2(13m) - T introduces the task and calls on 1 or 2 Pair work pairs of Ss to read aloud the sample dialogue. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> - T elicits the structures that are used for asking for and giving suggestion. Asking for opinion What do you think we need to/could/should/might want to do? What do you think about….? What’s your opinion about..? What do you have in mind? Giving suggestions Maybe we can…… Probably we should………. We might want to…… We could……… -T puts Ss into groups of 3-4 and gets them to define the problems of their own school and suggest as many solutions as possible - Go around to check and offer help - After checking that Ss have finished the task, T calls on different groups to present the problems and solutions they have identified - T writes these ideas on the board as Ss talk Task 3(17m) -T puts Ss into groups of 3-4 and gets them to add more problems if they can, and work out the solutions. - Remind Ss of the structures that can be used for expressing opinions and giving suggestions - Call on each group to report their ideas to the class and elicits comments from the class Consolidation(3m) Ask Ss to write a paragraph about a school problem and one or two solutions to it. Take notes. Group work. Group work Suggested answers: 1. Class size: an ideal class size is 10-15 students, so the school should recruit more Teachers and open new classes. T should encourage Ss to work with different groups, not with the same group all the time. 2. Desks: buy larger desks or if there are new classes, the current number of desk is adequate 3. Equiment: buy/ hire facilities such as computers and OPHs, upgrade the classroom. IV. Comments. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Date of preparing: Period. Class Date of teaching S s’ adsent. 11a1. 11a4. 11a5. 11a6. 11a9. Unit 5. ILLITERACY C. Listening I. Objectives By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: Develop extensive listening skills Use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks II. Teaching aids Textbook, cassette tapes, …………. III. Anticipated problems Ss may not have sufficient vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to assist them IV. Procedure Teacher Students Warm up(7m) A survey about school - T prepares a small survey and copies it on the board Whole class - Get Ss to move around and collects their friends’ opinions. They should interview at least 3 Ss - T teaches expressions of quantifiers and calls on Ss to report the result of their survey School survey Do you agree with the following statements? In an effective school yes no New words: The T treats Ss as individuals To treat: đối xử with both their strengths and Set realistic goals: đặt ra mục tiêu có weaknesses khả năng đạt được The T encourages Ss to set Be centred on: tËp trung vµo realistic goals for their own. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> learning The T encourages Ss to have positive attitudes towards themselves and others The T is motivating and interested in what Ss do Learning is centred on important life skills such as communication, building selfrespect and self-confidence, learning from failure, and time management The social side of the school is considered as important as academic activities Ss are involved in making decisions which have a direct effect on themselves Before you listen(5m) Setting the scene: you are going to listen about the results of a school survey carried out in Perth, Western Australia. The school asked its Ss what makes an effective school Pre-teaching vocabulary: Listen and repeat Effective(a) maturity(n) [mə'tjuəriti ] Perth(n) academic(a) [,ækə'demik] Western Australia performance(n) seft-respect(n) [ri'spekt] Weaknesses(n) - Help Ss to pronounce the word in their textbook correctly - Present or elicits the meaning of these word from the class - Get Ss to make sentences with some importance words. Self-respect: lßng tù träng Learning from failure: häc tõ thÊt b¹i Time management: qu¶n lý thêi gian Be involved in: tham gia vµo individual /,indi'vidjuəl/: c¸ nh©n. Pay attention Write down the word and practice pronouncing them Sự trưởng thành Cã tÝnh häc thuËt Sù thÓ hiÖn điểm yếu, nhược điểm, khuyết điểm. Make sentences from these words. Individual work and pair work 1. D 2.B 3. B 4. C. While you listen Task 1(10m) - Get Ss to read the options in each question carefully and underline the words that make them different. Lop11.com. Pair work Suggested answers: 1. In Perth, Western Australia 2. 80%.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> - Get Ss to guess the answer to each questions and tell them they need to listen attentively to check if their guesses are confirmed - Play the tape once for Ss to listen and do the task - Get Ss to find a partner to check their answers with - If many Ss can’t answer the questions, T plays the tape one or two more times and pauses at the answers for them to catch Task 2(10m) - Get Ss to read the questions in task 2 and answer the questions without listening again. If they can’t, T plays the tape for them to listen again - Get Ss to check their answers with a partner. Then check with whole class - Play the tape again and pause at difficult point if many Ss can’t complete the task After you listen(10m) - Divide the class into small group of 3 or 4 and get them to discuss the question in textbook - Go around to check and offer help - After checking that all the group have finished, T calls on the representative of each group to report their peers’ ideas - Listen and take note of their errors and give feedback after that adequate ['ædikwit] đả, đảy đả syllabus ['siləbəs] vản đả, bài.. thuảc mảt giáo trình; chương trình hảc motivate['moutiveit](v) thúc đảy stimulating /'stimjuleitiη/ khuảy đảng, kích thích; khuyản khích. Consolidation (3m). Lop11.com. 3. They felt that they should be allowed to have a say in the school decision making.. Group work Suggested answer: *Textbook are essential teaching and learning materials in any program and syllabus. Having good textbooks is very important. A good textbook provides Ss with adequate knowledge, skills and practice and therefore they do not need to look anywhere for these. A good textbook also guides Ss how to learn and helps them study effectively on their own However, I think having good teachers might be more important than having good textbooks because a good teacher can turn a poor quality textbook into an interesting and stimulating one. In fact, a good teacher can even replace the textbook, motivate students to learn, and train them to use self-study skills so that they can take responsibility for their own learning Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> - T summarises the main point of the lesson - Ask Ss to learn by heart new words and make sentences with them IV. Comments. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Date of preparing: Period. Class Date of teaching S s’ adsent. 11a1. 11a4. 11a5. 11a6. 11a9. Unit 5 ILLITERACY D. Writing I. Objectives - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Interpret information presented in tables - Identify languague to be used for describing tables - Write descriptions of tables II. Teaching aids Textbook, handouts, …………. III. Procedure Teacher Warm up(5m) A matching game Match these expressions with the correct Group work graphs. 1. fluctuate ['flʌktjueit] dao động, lên xuống 2. gradually decrease 3. slightly increase 4. remain the same 5. drop sharply 2. F 6. rise considerably/kən'sidərəbli/ đáng kể, 1. D 4. B 5. C lớn lao A B C. D. E. Group work. Lop11.com. Students. 3. E 6. A.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> F Before writing Task 1(10m) - Get Ss to read the task requirements and work on the task with a partner - Call on Ss to read out their answer and check with the class While writing Task 2 (20m) - Ask Ss to study the table in task 2 and analyses it with a friend by asking these questions: 1. What is the topic of the tables? Does it describe the past, the present, or the future? 2. What patterns are shown? How are the pieces of information related? a. Which region had the lowest rate of literacy in 1998?2002?2004?2007? b. Which region had the lowest rate in each year? c. Did the rate of literacy in the Lowlands increase of decrease between 1988 and 2007? d. What about that rate for Midlands and Highlands? - T checks the answer with the whole class - Based on their analysis of the table, Ss now write up a description individually - Go around to check and offer help - Ask Ss to work in pairs and correct each other’s writing The table desribes the trends of literacy rates in Sunshine country from 1998 to 2007. the literacy rate of pollution differs greatly in 3 areas of the country Lowlands, Midlands and Highlands, there has been a gradual rise in number of literate people from 1998 to 2004, but a sharp rise in 2007. During that 10 years, the Midlands sees a steady increase in the literacy rate, from 70% to 85%. On the contray, the Highlands area has to face the problem of falling literacy rate. After 10 years, its. 1. varied 3. declined 2. rise 4. different drammatically. 5. went up 6.. Individual work and pair work Sample writing: The table describes the literacy rates in different regions of the Sunshine country from 1998 to 2007.Generally, except for Highlands, where the rates slightly decreased between these years, Lowlands and Midlands both witnessed a rise. In Lowlands, for example, the rates were 50%, 53% and 56% in 1998, 2002, and 2004. In 2004, the rate sharply rose to 95%, which was a remarkable progress. Midlands saw a less dramatic change, however the rate went up gradually from 70% and 75% in 1998 and 2002 to 80% and 85% in 2004 and 2007. Unlike these two regions, Highlands witnessed a gradual decrease in the rate of literacy of its population. In 1997 the rate was 50%, however, it decreased by 5% in 2002 and continued to go down in the following years, reaching only 30% in2007. Obviously, this region needs to improve its literacy rate.. Pay attention. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> literate people has decreased 20%. So each area must have different plan for its Whole class education development. Post writing(7m) - Choose one description and reads it to class - Elicit corrective feedback from the class and give final comments afterwards. Consolidation (3m) Summarise the main point of the lesson Ask Ss to rewrite their descriptions based on T’s and other Ss’ suggestions and corrections. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Date of preparing: Period. Class Date of teaching S s’ adsent. 11a1. 11a4. 11a5. 11a6. 11a9. Unit 5. ILLITERACY D. Language focus I. Objectives By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - Distinguish the clusters/ pl/, /bl/, /pr/, /br/ and pronounce the words and sentences containing them correctly. - Understand reported speech with infinities and use these structures to solve communicative tasks II. Teaching aids Textbook, handouts, …………. IV. Procedure Teacher Students Pronunciation(7m) Distinguishing the sounds Whole class pay attention - T models the three clusters /pl/, /bl/, /pr/, /br/ for a few times and explains how to produce them - Play the tape once for Ss to hear the words Repeat after the tape or T Containing these clusters. Then T plays the tape(or read) again and this time ask Ss to repeat after the tape (or T) Individual work - Ask Ss to read the words in each column out loud in chorus for a few times. Then T calls on some Ss to read the word out loud. T listens and corrects their pronunciation Practicing sentences containing the target Pair work sounds - Ask Ss to work in pairs and take turn to read aloud the given sentences - Call on some Ss to read the sentences again and provides corrective feedback Grammar A. Presentation: Reported speech with infinitive(5m). Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> we usually use an infinitive structure to report order, request, advice, suggestion, threats, warning, promises, agreements, disagreements .. a. Verb+ object+(not) to-Infinitive The verbs go with this structure: Advise, allow, ask, tell, , order, invite, urge, remind,request, beg, expect, warn, command, recommend, forbid, implore =entreat (khản nài, khản khoản, nài xin), encourage, want, persuade + O + to- Infinitive b. Verb + (not) to- Infinitive Agree, refuse, offer, promise, threaten, hope, propose+ to Infinitive - T gives some direct speech sentences and ask Ss to change into reported speech B. Practice Exercise 1(7m) -T gets Ss to do exercise1 individually and then find a partner to check their answer with - T checks with the whole class and provides corrective feedback Exercise 2(8m) -T gets Ss to do exercise1 individually and then find a partner to check their answer with - T checks with the whole class and provides corrective feedback Answer: 1. He advised me not to drink too much beer 2. She invited me to come and see her whenever I wanted 3. John wanted me not to smoke in his car 4. He told Sue to give him her phone number 5. He reminded me to give the book back to Joe 6. He promised not to wait for me 7. He agree to wait for me 8. John asked me to lend him some money C. Production (15m). Lop11.com. Whole class take notes “you had better hurry, Bill”she said  She advised Bill to hurry “Don’t swim out too far, boys” I said  I told the boys not to swim too far “if I were you, I’d stop smoking”I said  I advised him to stop smoking “I will help you”she said  She promised to help me “Let me give you some money”he said  He offered to give me some money Individual work 1. They promised to come back again 2. The lifeguard advised us not to swim too far from the shore 3. John asked Peter to close the window 4. The teacher encourage Eric to join the football team 5. John promised to give it to him the next day 6. My mum wanted Lan to become a doctor 7. My sister reminded me to lock the door before going to school 8. His boss advised him to go home and rest for a while. Individual work -Student A reads out his/her sentence to the whole class, others write it down -Student B reads out his/her sentence to the whole class, others write it.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> - T prepares the following sentences and down and this continues until all of gives on sentence to each student the sentences have been read out - T picks a student at random to report what one student said. T corrects the response as appropriate, presenting the form - T repeat with another student You should go to see Paris, that’s a beautiful city We’re having a party tonight, would you like to come? We have a class this Monday, don’t forgert I can buy you a drink, if you like Please see me at 6 o’clock Don’t leave your bag unattended, it might be Whole class stolen Let’s play tennis this weekend I will email you as soon as I get there Con solidation (3m) T summarises the main points of the lesson - Ask Ss to revise reported speech with infinitives and do exercises in the workbook IV. Comments. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Lop11.com.

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