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Thiết kế bài dạy Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 1, 2

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>eriod: 1st. Date of preparation: August 20th, 2011 GUIDING HOW TO STUDY & TESTING I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to : - Know the curriculum in English 12. - Do a test to revise the knowledge in English 11. 2. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: - Grammar/ Structures: past simple, past continuous and past perfect - Pronunciation: /u/-/u:/, /3:/-/∂/, /∂u/-/au/ 3. Skills: listening & writing. II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: textbook, workbook, tests, chalks. 2. Students: textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens. III. PROCEDURE: 1. Warm-up: 2. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A. Introduction the curriculum - Introduce the textbook - listen and coppy down.. - The textbook is composed on theme-based - Contain 16 units and 6 consolidation units - In each unit, there are five parts: reading, speaking, listening, writing, language focus - Each unit contains a topic such as friend, party, competitions, etc. - Some important grammar points in English 11:  Infinitive and Gerund  Reported speech with infinitives  Reported speech with gerund  Conditional sentence type 1, 2, 3 and conditional in reported speech  Pronouns  Relative clause  Relative pronouns with preposition  Relative clauses replaced by participle and to infinitive  Omission of relative pronoun  Cleft sentence  Conjunctions  Tag questions - Language in action:  Describing physical characteristic and. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> personality  Talking about past experiences and how they affected one’s life  Talking about parties and how to plan parties  Talking about volunteer work  Talking about literacy problems and offering solutions  Talking about a competition or contest  Talking about problems of overpopulation and offering solutions  Talking about the celebration of Tet and other festivals’ activities  Talking about different postal and telecommunication services  Talking about nature in danger  Talking about measures for protecting endangered nature  Talking about advantages and disadvantages of energy sources  Asking for and giving information about the Asian Games  Talking about sports results  Talking about a hobby  Talking about collections  Expressing agreement and disagreement about entertainment activities and stating the reasons  Talking about historical events in the space conquest Using facts and opinions to talk about features of manmade places. B. Testing I. CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE UNDERLINED PART PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THAT OF THE OTHER WORDS. 1. A. cook B. school C. afternoon D. food 2. A. teacher B. river C. term D. father 3. A. made B. radio C. eight D. height 4. A. cow B. bowl C. how D. town II. GIVE THE CORRECT TENSES OF THE VERBS. A. Past simple and past continuous 1/ I (sit) __________ in a bar when he (come). Lop11.com. - do the test..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> __________ . 2/ When I (go) __________ out, the sun (shine) __________. 3/ The light (go) __________ out while I (have) __________ tea. 4/ When it (rain) __________ , she(go) __________ to school. 5/ We (walk) __________ to the station when it (begin) __________ to rain. 6/ He (teach) __________ English last year. 7/ The house (burn) __________ fast, so we (break) ___________ the window to get out. 8/ He (eat) __________ three sandwiches while you (talk) __________ to him. B. Past simple and past perfect 1/ They (go) __________ home after they (finish) __________ their work. 2/ He (do) _________ nothing before he (see) ___________ me. 3/ He (thank) __________ me for what I (do) __________ for him. 4/ I (be) __________ sorry that I (hurt) __________ him. 5/ After they (go) __________ , I (sit) __________ down and took a rest. 6/ When I (arrive)___________, the dinner (already, begin) ______________. 7/ My friend (not see) _______ me for many years before he (meet) __________ me last week. 8/ He (learn) __________ English before he (leave) __________ for England.. IV. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: - Prepare the textbooks, workbooks and notebooks. - Prepare the next lesson – unit 1: Reading. V. TEXTBOOK ADAPTATION:. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Period: 2nd. Date of preparation: August 22nd, 2011 UNIT 1: Friendship Lesson A: Reading. I. OBJECTIVES: 1. Aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, skimming for general information and guessing meaning in context. - Use the information they have read to discuss the topic. 2. Knowledge: - Vocabulary: acquaintance, quality, unselfish, constant, loyal, give-andtake, suspicion. - Grammar/ Structures: - (Pronunciation): 3. Skills: Reading II. PREPARATION: 1. Teacher: textbook, workbook, tests, chalks. 2. Students:textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, pens. III. PROCEDURE: 1. Warm-up: - T writes the sentence on the board and request Ss to fill the missing word into the blanks. A ............. in need is a ................... indeed. - Ss work individually first, then they compare with their friends. - T calls the volunteer to present the answer. - T gives the feedback: “friend”. - T introduces the new lesson. 2. New lesson: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A. Pre-reading - Teacher gives handouts: 1. Task 1: Complete the sentences: - Students close their books and - Teacher asks students to give their work in groups, discuss about the features of a good friend. ideas about a good friend. Handout: a. My friend is someone who is ................................. b. I think a good friend is someone - Students copy the adjectives that who is ................. indicate the features of a good friend. Suggested: Understanding, caring, easygoing,. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> honest, reliable, sociable, modest, trustworthy, sharing, sympathetic, helpful, tolerant, unselfish - Teacher teaches the new words above. 2. Task 2: Choose the word or groups of words closest in meaning to the word underlined in these sentences: - Teacher asks students to close their books and gives handout 1. Every person can have a number of acquaintances but no one has many friends a. persons we know but they are not our close friends b. close friends c. neighbors d. classmate 2. For friendship to be intimate and lasting both friends must have some very special qualities. a. good b. true c. very close & friendly d. real 3. Some people do not seem to be constant. One minute they like something and the next minute they feel tired of it and are interested in something else. a. easy b. changing c. understandable d. unchanging B. While-reading - Teacher asks students to read the text and do the tasks. 1. Task 1: Scanning the text and answer the questions: What qualities of a friend are mentioned in the reading text?. - Students work individually first, then they exchange in pairs. Suggested answer: 1- a. persons we know but they are not close friends 2- c. very close and friendly 3- d. unchanging. - Students scan the text and answer the question Suggested answer Unselfishness, constancy, loyalty, trust, sympathy. 2. Task 2: Go through the reading - Students work in groups: text and find. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> a. the reason why a selfish person a. Because friendship is a two- sided can’t have a true friendship. affair; it lives by give- and take; A friendship which gives on one side or takes on the other side cannot last long. b. qualities that can spoil a true b. Changeability, suspicion, friendship. talkativeness. 3. Task 3: Choose A, B, C or D - Students work individually to find which most adequately sums up the out the idea and compare. ideas of the whole passage: Answer key - Teacher asks students to work B. Conditions of true friendship individually. C. Post-reading Teacher asks students to work in - Students discuss in groups and give groups to answer the question: their ideas. “What does the text tell you about a true friendship?” IV. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: - Learn by heart the new words. - Do exercises in workbook. - Prepare the next lesson – unit 1: Speaking. V. TEXTBOOK ADAPTATION:. Lop11.com.

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