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The second semester test grade: 11 - Huong Lam high school

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Huong Lam High School English section. THE SECOND SEMESTER TEST Grade: 11 Time allowed: 45 minutes. Student’s name:………………………………….. Class: ………………. I/PHONETICS: (1,5 points) A.Circle the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words. 1) A. admired B. looked C. missed D. hoped 2) A. admire B. avid C. variety D. while 3) A. engrave B. pastime C. undertake D. spectator B. Circle the word that has stress pattern different from that of the other words. 4)A. envelope B. album C. usually D. accompany 5)A. admire B. regular C. mountain D. corner 6)A. hobby B. oversea C.collect D. myself II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: (4.5 points) Circle the best answer for each sentence. 7) He is the singer about ____ I often tell you. A. that B. who C. whom D. him th 8) How many sports are there ____ the 14 Asian Games? A. in B. on C. at D. to th 9) Vietnam won 3 gold ____ in the 15 Asian Games. A. degrees B. medals C. awards D. boards 10) Nearly 500 ____ from 11 nations took part in the first Asian Games in New Delhi, India. A. viewers B. spectators C. athletes D. passers-by 11) I like the book ____ you lent me last week. A. who B. when C. where D. Þ 12) He neither drank ____ smoked so he had good health. A. nor B. or C. but D. also 13) He _______ to school at 6:30 every day A. go B. to go C. goes D. went 14) I and Hoa sometimes _______ Hue. A. visit B.visits C.to visit D.visited 15) What _________ you doing at 6pm yesterday? A. was B.were C.are D.is 16) I ________ a new car last week A.buy B.buys C.bought D. have bought 17) If you __________ me, I would have lent you my motobike A. ask B. asks C. asked D. had asked 18) If I had a car, I would _______ to work. A. drive B. drove C. drives D. had driven 19) If it doesn’t rain, I _______ out with you A. go B. will go C. goes D. went Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 20) Mary suggested_________ a party A. have B. having C. had 21) I advised him _______ home and rest A. to go B. go C. goes 22) Mr.Smith, ________eyes are brown, is my friend. A.which B. who C. whom 23) If it ______ sunny, we will go to the beach. A. is B.are C. was 24) _______ I came to see her yesterday, she was reading books A. When B.Why C. Before. D. had had D. going D. whose D. had been D. After. III. READING: (2 points) Read the passage below and choose the best answer A, B, C or D to each question The Asian Games takes place every four years.The spirit of the Asian Games has been built up over a long period of time, spreading the messages of unity, warmth, and friendship through competitive sport.It helps to establish the relationshiops among individual athletes, coaches, trainers, officials, volunteers and spectators who come from many different backgrounds and cultures. The 15th Asian Games took place from December 1st through December 15th took place from December 1st through December 15th, 2006, in Dolha, the capital of Quata.More than 10,000 athletes, who presented 45 countries and regions, took part in 39 sports and 424 events of the games. However, it wasn’t all about the winning of medals, taking part for some was just as much of an achievement for them. The Games have been about more than just the athletes as 16,000 volunteers from 100 countries around the world have worked 100,000shifts to ensure the 750,000 spectators had an experience of a lifetime. 25) What messages do the Asian Games spread? A. unity and warmth C.warmth and friendship B. unity and friendship D.unity,warmth and friendship 26) How many countries took part in the 15th Asian Games? A. more than 45 countries C. 45 countries B. less than 45 countries D. 46 countries 27) When and where were the 15 Asian Games held? A.in 2006, China C. in 2006, Quata B. in 1951, Quata D. in 1951, India 28) How many games and events were organized at the 15th Asian Games? A.463 sports and events C. 356 sports and events B.436 sports and events D. 634 sports and events IV. WRITING:( 2 points ) Each of the following sentences contain one mistake. Find them by circling A, B, C or D. 29) They either play sports nor watch them on TV. A B C D 30)Both I and Mary was on holiday A B C D Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> 31)The house who I lived as a child has been pulled down now A B C D 32)It was the money when she borrowed from Tom A B C D ......................................... The end ............................................... Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> CORRECTION OF THE SECOND SEMESTER TEST Grade: 11. Time allowed: 45 minutes. I/ PHONETICS: ( 1.5 points) + Each correct sentence gets 0.25 point. Sentence Answer. 1 A. 2 B. 3 B. 4 D. 5 A. 6 A. II/ VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR. ( 3.5 points) + Each correct sentence gets 0.25 point. 7 8 9 10. C C B C. 11 12 13 14. D A C A. 15 16 17 18. B C D A. III/ READING. ( 2.5 points) + Each correct sentence gets 0.5 point. Sentence Answer. 25 D. 26 C. 27 C. 28 B. IV/ WRITING ( 2.5 point) + Each correct sentence gets 0.5 point. Sentence Answer. 29 C. 30 C. 31 A. 32 B. Lop11.com. 19 20 21 22. B B A D. 23 24. A A.

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