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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 10 - Unit 2: Personal experience

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>LESSON PLAN Unit 2 : PERSONAL EXPERIENCE Period :10 Date of preparation : 04-09-2010 Date of teaching : 06-09-2010 Teaching item : LISTENING I) AIMS AND OBJECTIVES . + LANGUAGE CONTENT : * To introduce students to some kinds of listening : True-false and Gap-Fill + LANGUAGE FUNCTION : * To talk about past experience * Students can interchange in short conversations related to past experience + EDUCATIONAL AIM : * To educate in students awareness of what they have been doing 1/ Languages : * Vocabulary : + memorable (a) + scream (v) + gas stove (n) + appreciate (v) + protect (v) + rescue (v) * Structures: Simple sentences with the past simple tense 2/ Skill : Listening 3/ Educational factor : * To educate in students that they should appreciate their family more than things II) TEACHER AND STUDENTS' PREPARATION . 1/ Method : Communicative approach . 2/ Techniques : Gap-filling , Question-Answer , Matching, Guessing things, Synonym, Miming, Using pictures , Definition, , Using pictures and situation 3/ Materials needed : Textbook , Color chalk , Handout , Cassette Player 4/ Students' preparation : * Read the guiding books and grammatical books before going to school . * Prepare the keys for the task in Before you listen and After you listen III) PROCEDURES IN CLASS . 1. Stabilization : (1 minute) * Greeting the students and asking them something about the attendance , their health, the weather and preparation 2. Checking-up the previous knowledge : (5 minutes) * Calling two students to B/B: + Create a short dialogue talking about their personal experiences * Correcting the mistakes , giving remarks and marking. 3. Presentation of the new materials . SPECIFIC STAGES STUDENTS' THE CONTENT TIME TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES OF THE LESSON 1. Warm-up: Game: Guessing things : “What is it ?” * Dividing the class into two groups * Dividing the class into A and B and asking the Ss to guess two groups A and B and what it is guessing what it is * Listening to the teacher 7ms * Reading aloud some facts about Unit 2 : PERSONAL thing one by one read some facts about thing EXPERIENCES + It destroys buildings, houses and Period 10 : Listening forests + It can kill people + It gives out a lot of smoke + You need water to put it out Expected answer: Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> TIME. 5ms. TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES  The group giving the correct answer first wins Expected answer: A fire Lead-in: * Asking the Ss some questions 1. Have you ever seen a fire ? 2. What will you do if there’s a fire ?  The listening lesson today is about the fire happening to Christina’s family 13 years ago Unit 2 : PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Period 10 : Listening 2. Pre-listening: * Providing the Ss with some vocabulary related to the text Vocabulary: 1. memorable : ['memərəbl] (a) đáng ghi nhớ, không quên được (synonym) + What’s the synonym of “unforgettable” ? 2. scream [skri:m] gào thét, hét lên, kêu thất thanh (vì sợ hãi, đau đớn..) (action) + Do the action of “scream” and ask Ss : “What am I doing ?” 3. gas stove (n) (picture) 4 appreciate (v) (definition) : to recognize the good qualities of s.o or s.th (đánh giá cao) 5. protect (v) (picture + situation) + show the picture of a green house and ask Ss question What is this ? What do people use it for ? + Ask Ss to fill in the following sentence with a verb: People grow young plants in greenhouse to ……..them from the weather. * Asking the Ss to read the words above after the teacher in chorus. STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES A fire * Listening to the teacher and answering the questions. THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON. * Writing the title of the lesson. * Writing the new words Vocabulary: 1. memorable : (a) đáng ghi nhớ, không quên được 2. scream [skri:m] gào thét, hét lên, kêu thất thanh (vì sợ hãi, đau đớn..) 3. gas stove (n) 4 appreciate (v): to recognize the good qualities of s.o or s.th (đánh giá cao) 5. protect (v) Protect …….from. I. BEFORE LISTENING. Vocabulary: 1. memorable : (a) đáng ghi nhớ, không quên được 2. scream [skri:m] gào thét, hét lên, kêu thất thanh (vì sợ hãi, đau đớn..) 3. gas stove (n) 4 appreciate (v): to recognize the good qualities of s.o or s.th (đánh giá cao) 5. protect (v) Protect …….from. * Reading the words above after the teacher in chorus. 3. While-listening: Activity 1: Listen and Tick Task 1 : (page 27) * Listening to the Teacher * Telling the Ss they are going to tell what to do Lop11.com. II.WHILE LISTENING 1) Task 1 : (page 27) Listen to the interview, and then decide whether.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> TIME 6ms. 7ms. 5ms. STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES. THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON listen to an interview about the the statements are True most unforgettable experience in or False Answer keys: Christina’s life * Listening and ticking 1T 2F 3F 4F * Asking the Ss to listen and tick what is true about her 5T what is true about her * Letting the Ss listen for the second time if needed * Ss give out the answers * Going over the answers with the class  Expected answers: 1T 2F 3F 4F 5T TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES. Activity 2: Gap-fill Task 2 : (page 28) * Telling the Ss to read through the passage and guess the word in each gap * Asking the Ss to listen to the recordings and fill in the gaps * Going around to control and give help if needed * Giving feedback  Expected answers: 1. small 2. everything 3. family 4. replaced 5. took 6. appreciate Activity 3: Questions & Answers * Asking the Ss to work in pairs * Telling the Ss to listen again and answer the questions * Calling on some Ss to give the answers * Checking with the class 1. What’s Christina’s job ? 2. When did her most unforgettable experience happen ? 3. What was she doing then ? 4. Did the fire take many things from her ? 5. What did she realize after the fire ? Expected answers: 1. She is a businessman 2. It happened 13 years ago 3. It started in the kitchen 4. Yes, it did 5. She realized that family. * Reading through the passage and guessing the word in each gap * Listening to the recordings and filling in the gaps. * Ss give out the answers. * Working in pairs * Listening again and answering the questions * Giving the answers 1. She is a businessman 2. It happened 13 years ago 3. It started in the kitchen 4. Yes, it did 5. She realized that family was more important than things. Lop11.com. 2). Task 2 : (page 28) Listen and fill in the gaps Answer keys: 1. small 2. everything 3. family 4. replaced 5. took 6. appreciate. 3) Questions & Answers Questions: What’s Christina’s job ? 2. When did her most unforgettable experience happen ? 3. What was she doing then ? 4. Did the fire take many things from her ? 5. What did she realize after the fire ? Answers: 1. She is a businessman 2. It happened 13 years ago 3. It started in the kitchen 4. Yes, it did 5. She realized that family was more.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> TIME. STUDENTS' ACTIVITIES. TEACHER'S ACTIVITIES was more important than things. 8ms. 1m. 4. Post listening: Agreeing or Disagreeing * Having the Ss work in groups of four or five to give their opinions on the sentence: “Family is more important than things” * Asking the Ss to put a red card next to the sentence if they disagree with it and green one if they agree, and justify their answers * Calling some groups to report their group’s ideas * Giving the feedback Suggested ideas : (deliver handouts) Family is more important than things because it can’t be replaced. It gives you mutual love, support and sincere understanding. It brings the individual place and happiness Nothing is more precious than the sweet moment when every member of the family finds themselves among their dear one, taking a good meal and getting through a peaceful night …. 5. Homework * Asking the Ss to prepare the next lesson-WRITING * Asking the the Ss to learn Task 2 by heart in order to retell the story for the next teaching period. THE CONTENT OF THE LESSON important than things. * Working in groups of four or five to give their opinions on the sentence: “Family is more important than things”. III. AFTER LISTENING Discuss the sentence “Family is more important than things” Suggested ideas Family is more * Some groups report their important than things because it can’t be group’s ideas replaced. It gives you mutual love, support and sincere understanding. It brings the individual place and happiness Nothing is more precious than the sweet moment when every member of the family finds themselves among their dear one, taking a good meal and getting through a peaceful night …. * Writing the homework. 5. Homework * Prepare the next lessonWRITING * Llearn Task 2 by heart in order to retell the story for the next teaching period. TAPESCRIPT :. Self-evaluation: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………. Lop11.com.

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