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Bài ôn tập Tiếng Anh 11 - Kì I

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Ki 1 Lớp 11 UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP Vocabulary: Reading: Acquaintance, friend, friendship, be incapable of # be capable of, qualities, feeling, constancy, constant, enthusiasm, loyalty, loyal, suspicion, suspicious, rumour, gossip, trust, mutual trust, sympathy, sorrow, joy, pursuit, pleasure, selfish, unselfish, selfishness, unselfishness,… Speaking: caring, hospitable, modest, sincere, generous, honest, helpful, understanding, pleasant, studious, good-natured, quick-witted, patient, calm, handsome, beautiful, good-looking, straight, crooked, tall, medium, short, broad, high,…. Pronunciation: hoïc sinh xem laïi 2 aâm trong unit naøy Grammar: To-infinitive: Học sinh xem lại thêm trong vở ghi 1. dùng để chỉ mục đích : She has a mobilephone to contact with her friends. 2. dùng trong cấu trúc chủ ngữ giả: It is wonderful to watch Sumo wrestling. 3. duøng trong caáu truùc too……to…., enough …..to: 4. He is too young to drive that car. 5. It’s hot enough to swim in this swimming pool. 6. Dùng sau 1 số động từ:want, ……………………….. Bare-infinitive:Học sinh xem lại thêm trong vở ghi 1. Dùng sau động từ giác quan 2. Sau make, let,............... EXERCISE : Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets: 1. I didn’t have enough time (finish) my work yesterday. 2. She made her son (wash) the window before he could go outside (play) with his friends. 3. She lets her children (stay) up very late. 4. We both heard him (say) what he was leaving. 5. It made him angry ( wait) for people who were late. 6. It’s important (start) the meeting on time. 7. There are too many people here for me ( talk) to all of them. 8. It took ages (download) the pictures from the Internet. 9. It was a thrill (see) my brother (win) the chess tournament last year. 10. I was relieved ( find out) that I had passed the exams. Choose the best answer: 1. It’s possible _______ a train across Canada. a. take b. to take c. taking d. to be taken 2. I think your mother should let you ________ your own mind. a. make up b. to make up c. making up d. made up 3. Do you know what made so many people ________ their home? a. evacute b. to evecute c. evacuted d. be evacuted 4. ________ bread, you need flour, salt and yeast. a. make b. to make c. making d. for making 5. He was never heard ______ “thank you” in his life. a. say b. to say c. saying d. said. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> UNIT 2: PERSONAL EXPERIENCES. I/ Vocabulary: 1/ She was in a very …………… situation. She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say. a. embarrassing b. embarrassed c. embarrass d. embarrassingly 2/ I don’t like that man.he has a ……… behaviour. a. clever b. good c. interesting d. sneaky 3/ Teenagers nowadays often have their own ……….. who they really love and imitate in different ways. a. idols d. situations c. songs d. movies 4/ The boy glanced at me and turned away. a. knocked b. pointed c. looked d. arrived 5/ I saw a wad of dollar notes exactly like the ones my father had given me. a. a bunch of b. a number of c. a pile of d. a lot of 6/ Can you imagine how I felt? a. know b. picture c. guess d. paint 7/ There was a sneaky look on his face but I didn’t think about that. a. yellow b. unmanly c. slipery d. secretive 8/ There were tears and ……… as they said goodbye. a. embrace b. embraces c. embraced d. embracing II/ Grammar: Choose the best answer 1. Yes, my most embarrassing experience happened some months ………. a. ahead b. before c. ago d. past 2. have you ever ……….. a fire? a. see b. saw c. seeing d. seen 3. The fire ………… some years ago at Dong Xuan market. a. happen b. happened c. happening d. happens 4. I am going home when I ……………. an accident. a. saw b. see c. was seeing d. seen 5. When I got to the airport, the plane ………….. off. a. has taken b. took c. taking d. had taken 6. They still …………… any news when I spoke to them yesterday. a. don’t have b. didn’t have c. haven’t had d. hadn’t had 7. Who were you taking to on the phone as I ……… in? a. come b. am coming c. came d. was coming 8. When I arrived at the meeting the first speaker ……….. speaking. a. just finishes b. had just finished c. has just finished d. just finished 9. You looked very busy when I saw you yesterday moring. What …………….? a. were you doing b. were you do c. did you do d. do you do 10. He was watching TV when the phone ……………? a. rings b. rang c. ringing d. ring 11. when I was boy, I often went to school …………… foot. a. on b. at c. with d. of 12. He looked …………. me angrilywhen I interrupted him. a. on b. up c. for d. at 13. When I returned home after 20 years, everything ………. Completely. a. has changed b. had changed c. is changing d. was changing III/ WRITNG: 1. Write a letter to your friend about one of your most memorable past experiences. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Including the following main points: - What the name of experience was - When / where / how it happened - Who were involved - How the experience affected you ________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________. UNIT 3: A PARTY A. THEORY 1. PRONUNCIATION: / l/, / r/ and / h/ 2. GRAMMAR 2. GRAMMAR * To-infinitive Một số động từ theo sau là To-inf : hope; promise, want, wish, would like, seem, expect, decide, hope, agree, refuse,… * Passive infinitive S+ V (hope, want, expect…) + to be +V3 /Ved Ex: Active: I don’t want anyone to disturb me  Passive: I don’t want to be disturbed * Gerund (V-ing) - Gerund theo sau giới từ (on, at, from, of, about,up,…) - Gerund theo sau moat số động từ : admit, miss, finish, postpone, spend(time), suggest, enjoy, dislike, avoid,(not)mind,… * Passive gerund (being V3/Ved) Ex: Active: He enjoys people admiring him Passive: He enjoys being admired B. PRACTICE I. Fill in the missing words the golden anniversary unniversary blew out gift celebrate cards 1. When they finished singing, Lisa __________ the candles on the cake 2. A date that is an exact of years after the date of an important event is a (n)_________ 3. People call the 50th wedding anniversary the__________ 4. Most married couples in the United States ___________ wedding anniversary each year. 5. When a guest comes to a party, he/she often gives a_________ for the host II. II. Complete the sentences with the infinitive or the gerund of the verbs in brackets 1. He promised (help)________ Owen with his packing 2. Her brother is very keen on (swim)_________ 3. I’m afraid I’m very bad at (learn)_________ language 4. It was a difficult exam, but Jenifer managed (pass)_________ it 5. All of the members agreed (attend)_______ the emergency meeting Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> III. Put the verbs in parentheses in the correct verb form (passive infinitive or gerund) 1. Mr Browns hopes (transfer)____________ to New York by his company 2. No one enjoys (deceive)_____________ by another person 3. Naturally, I would like (promote)_____________to a higher position 4. I really didn’t expect (introduce)_____________ to the president 5. The author doesn’t mind (critize)______________ by his friends IV. Choose the best answer 1. Tommy admitted__________ the rock through the window a. throwing b. being thrown c.to throw d. to be thrown 2. Ann hoped _________ to join the private club. She could make important business contacts there a. inviting b.being invited c.to invite d. to be invited 3.Paul really mind __________ by the party to celebrate his fortieth birthday, although he told his friends that they shouldn’t have done it a. surprising b. being surprised c. to surprise d. tp be surprised 4. Last summer we__________ to travel overland through Australia a. enjoyed b. decided c.didn’t mind d. suggested 5. Mary always wants__________ by everyone she meets a. be admired b. being admired c. to be admired d. to being admired V. Writing: Write a letter of invitation ( textbook/ page 38). UNIT 4: VOLUNTEER WORK 1. Reading Volunteer(v, n), voluntary(adj), voluntarily(adv) Take care of, mow the lawn, take part in = participate, suffer Orphanage, the aged, disadvantaged children, handicapped children War, natural disaster, remote or mountainous area 2. Speaking 3. Listening học sinh xem lại vở ghi 4. Writing ( xem kyõ laïi caùch vieát thö caûm ôn) 5. Language Focus Pronunciation:Hoïc sinh xem laïi 2 aâm trong unit 4 Grammar: học sinh xem kỹ lại những chức năng của gerund, present participle, perfect gerund, perfect participle trong vở ghi. EXERCISE : Complete the sentences, identify the form and the function of that verb form: 1. I have no objection to ( listen) to your story again. 2. Touch your toes without ( bend) your knees. 3. She smelt something (burn) and saw smoke ( rise) 4. If she catches you ( read) her diary, she will be furious. 5. You should be ashamed of yourself for (behave) so badly. 6. Would you mind (wait) for a moment? 7. They found a tree (lie) across the road. 8. I’m going (shop) this afternoon. 9. You can’t prevent him from ( spend) his own money. 10. They spent a lot of money ( modernize) the house. 11. He was accused of (desert) his ship 2 months ago. 12. (fail) twice, he didn’t want to try again. 13. They denied ( be) there. 14. (read) the instruction, he snatched up the fire extinguisher. 15. The children admitted (taking) the money. Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> UNIT 5: ILLETRACY I/ Vocabulary: Choose the best answer. 1.This meant that more work had to be done to eradicate illiteracy in our country. a. set up b. begin c. remote d. manufacture 2/ Some even prepared relevant materials for their classes. a. comfortable b. suitable c. careful d. alright 3/ The number of people receiving reading and writing lessons reached 4,623. a. lengthened b. present c. grasped d. gained 4/ However, by the time, only 94 % of the population was able to read and write. a. all the people living in a particular factory or mill. b. all the people living in a particular school or hospital c. all the people living in a particular office or company d. all the people living in a particular country, area or place. 5/ In the rural areas, ……….. is widespread. a. literace b. literacy c. illiteracy d. illiterate 6/ Reducing the size of classes may improve ………….. standards. a. education b. educational c. educate d. educated II/ Grammar: Choose the best answer 1.Much work ………. to eradicate illiteracy in my country in 2000. a. is done b. was done c. are done d. has been done 2Lindna ……………… me to wait for her at the school gate. a. said b. says c. told d. tell 3The librarian asked us ……….. noise in the library. a. not make b. not to make c. not making d. not to be made 4She encouraged me …………. the exam. a. to take b. take c. taking d. took 5John asked me not …………… anyone the news. a. tell b. to tell c. telling d. told 6.Mary ………. her brother not to touch the electric wires a. warn b. to warn c. warn d. warned 7.He promised …………. Too late again. a. go out b. not to go out c. not go out d. not to be going 8.She invited me ……….. to her birthday party a. come b. coming c. to come d. came 9.The librarian reminded me ……… the book back to the library. a. to give b. give c. giving d. to be given 10.He ………. us not to swim in that pond. a. warn b. warning c. warned d. was warned 11.At last, he admitted ………. that box. a. to open b. open c. to be pened d. opening 12.His morther reminded him ……….. the door before going out. a. lock b. locked c. to lock d. to be lock 13.She invited me ……… and stay with her whenever I invited DaLat. a. come b. coming c. to come d. came 2. III. Writing:Write a paragraph describing the information in the table: Country Literacy rates (%)- 1995 Male Female Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Malaysia Philippines Thailand Vietnam. 88 88 95 96. 83 83 92 90. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ UNIT 6: COMPETITION A. THEORY I. GRAMMAR: Reported speech with gerund 1.Structure S + V + V-ing ( admit, deny, suggest) Ex: Peter said to Mary “ I don’t break your watch” Peter denied breaking Mary’s watch S+ V+ Prep + V-ing ( apologise for; insist on, dream of, think of ) Ex: She said “Iam sorry Iam late” She apologised for being late S + V + O + prep + V-ing ( accuse..of; congratulated..on; thank.. for; warn..against) Ex: The man said to the boy, “You stole my watch” The man accused the boy of stealing his watch B. PRACTICE I. Fill in the missing words competition participate representative judge competitors announce stimulate compete sponsor contest 1. The contest aimed to ___________ the spirit of learning English among students 2.The _________ will observe and score your performance in the contest. 3. Over 30,000 ___________ will run in the New York marathon 4.The English Speaking competition was attended by____________ of three classes of my school. 5.The company has decided to withdraw from some of its____________ II. Change the direct speech below into reported speech with Gerund 1. “ I’ll pay for the meal”, Sarah said Sarah insisted on________________________________________________________ 2. “ It was nice of you to invite me to your bnirthday party. Thanks very much” Mike thanked__________________________________________________________ 3. “ Perhaps we can go to Paris for the weekend”, Neil said Neil suggested_________________________________________________________ 4.She said“ Congratulation! You have a new job, Liz” She congratulated_______________________________________________________ 5. Mike said, “ I’m sorry. Iam so rude to you” Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Mike apologized________________________________________________________ III. Choose the best answer ( Reported speech with To-infinitive and gerund) 1. At last, the man admitted__________ my car a.having destroyed b.to have destroyed c. that he has destroyed d. that had destroyed 2. The teacher congratulated the school team _________ the final match a.for winning b.to win c.that won d.on winning 3. Frank advised me_______ Bob anything a. not lend b.to not lend c.not to lend d.don’t lend 4. He encouraged me________ for that job a. applied b.applying c.apply d.to apply 5. The children were not warned _________ in the lake without an adult present a. not swim b. not to swim c. not swimming d. to not swim IV. WRITING: Write a letter of reply (textbook/page 73). UNIT7: WORLD POPULATION 1. Reading: Population, increase # decrease , reach, figure, double, expect, resource, support, limit, raise, petroleum, iron, silver, gold, metal, the size of the family, safe birth-control method 2. Speaking 3. Listening học sinh xem lại vở ghi 4. Writing ( xem kỹ lại cách viết đồ) 5. Language Pronunciation: hoïc sinh xem laïi 5 aâm trong unit 7 Grammar: học sinh xem lại công thức và cách sử dụng của câu điều kiện loại 1,2,3 và cách đổi những câu điều kiệm đó từ trực tiếp qua gián tiếp (lưu ý: đổi chủ ngữ, đổi thì, đổi trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn) Conditional sentence (type 1): If + S + V ( simple present tense), S + Will/ Can + V Conditional sentence (type 2): If + S + V ( simple past tense), S + Would / Could+ V Conditional sentence (type 3): If + S + V ( past perfect tense), S + Would/ could + Have + V(3/ed) EXERCISE : Match the two halves of these sentences: A B 1. If you are promoted a. you’d be able to change the system 2. If you lost your job b. would you have left the firm? 3. If you were promoted c. you won’t be sacked 4. If you hadn’t been promoted d. you won’t get a reference 5. If you had lost your job e. will you make any changes? 6. If you apoplogize f. you’d regret it 7. If you are fired g. you’d have lost your car as well. Put the verb into the correct form: 1. If she (not/fail) one of her final exams, she wouldn’t have had to spend part of the summer in college. 2. I’ll lend you War and Peace if I (finish) it before you go on holiday. 3. If you had work harder, you (pass) your fianl exam. 4. If you want to learn a musical instrument, you (prctise) 5. If I have enough money, I (buy) a new motorbike. Change the following conditional sentences into reported speech: 1. “If I had any money, I’d buy you a drink”, she said to me Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> ____________________________________________________ 2. “If I catch the plane, I’ll be home by five”, he said ________________________________________________ 3. You should stay in bed if you feel unwell”, my mother said ___________________________________________________ 4. “What would you do if you were having a problem with grammar, Jane?” Anne asked ___________________________________________________________________ 5. “If I had my mobile yesterday, I could have contacted you”, Matthew said __________________________________________________________________ UNIT 8: CELEBRATIONS. I/ Vocabulary:Choose the best answer 1/There is great excitement building upwell befor Tet. a. thrill b. electricity c. heat d. fever 2./ The preparations ad celebrations used to be spread over months but nowadays the holiday is much shorter. a. mixture b. composition c. arrangements d. exclusive 3./ People are busy buying gifts, cleaning and decorating the house and cooking traditional food a. favorite b. daily c. customary d. national 4./ a.Christmas is also the time for people to give and receive presents. a. money b. books c. regards d. gifts II/ Grammar: Choose the best answer 1.I don’t think ……… like the film. It’s so boring a. anyone b. person c. everyone d. people 2.Does ………… mind if I eat first? a. anyone b. everyone c. on one d. ones 3.He didn’t come to class for three days, and ……. knows where he is. a. who b. no one c. everyone d. someone 4There ‘s ………… at the door. Can you go and see who it is? a. someone b. anyone c. who d. person 5.…….. you ever had any embarrassingexperiences? a. Have b. Had c. Do d. Does 6.Have you ever ………. a fire? a. see b. saw c. seeing d. seen 7.Can you tell me about one of your most memorable past …………. ? a. experiences b. expeeience c. experiencing d. expeerienced 8.The police ……. no attention to her complaint because she always madde a fuss. a. pay b. paid c. pays d. paying 9.How did the expeience ………… you? a. affects b. affect c. affected d. affecting III.READING: read the passage and choose the best given answer:. I was a students at Oxford University. Like many students I didn’t have 1…………. Money. Last year, I decded 2……… to manchester to visit some of my friends for the weekend. The train ticket was expensive for me so I decided to hitchhike. I caught a bus to the beginning of the motorway and waited. It was a cold, windy November day and while I 3…….. I got soaked to the skin. After waiting two hours I finally got a lift from Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> lorry driver, who …4……….. to Manchester. I felt pleased. The lorry driver was a nice man and we……5.. a lot. Suddenly, as we …6….. along the motorway, a police car raced past us and made us ………7… we were taken to the police station. The police …8….. the lorry was carrying stolen goods. A police …9…… me a lot of questions, and I spent the night in the police station. I was released the next day. The lorry was carrying stolen television sets. I swore that I would never …10… again. 1. a. many b. a lot c. lots d. much 2. a. going b. to go c. go d. went 3. a. wait b. to wait c. am waiting d. was waiting 4. a. was going b. to go c. goes d. is going 5. a. talk b. to talk c. talked d. weere taking 6. a. drive b. to drive c. drove d. were driving 7. a. stop b. stopping c. to stop d. stopping 8. a. think b. thinks c. are thinking d. thought 9. a. to ask b. asked c. is asking d. was asking 10.a. to hitchhike b. hitchhiking c. hitchhike d. hitchhiked IV/ Pronunciation: 1/ a. choir b. chore c. chemist d. chorus 2/ a. ask b. angry c. bad d. hat 3/ a. money b. nine c. snow d. home 4/ a. wrong b. room c. running d. morning 5/ a. pride b. brown c. broard d. brother 6/ a. please b. pleasure c. black d. plenty 7. a. fly b. flu c. fruit d. flower 8/ a. afraid b. frozen c. fry d. thrive. Ki II Unit 9: THE POST OFFICES A. THEORY 1. Pronunciation: /sp/ /st/ /sk/ 2. Grammar: Defining relative clauses and non-defining relative clauses 3. Speaking: Talk about the services at the post office 4. Writing: Writing a lettr to express satisfaction or dissatisfaction about a service B. PRACTISE I. Vocabulary: Choose the best answer 1. The hotel staff are friendly and_______ a. unhelpful b. courteous c. discourteous 2. A person who receives something is called________ a. receive b. receipt c. recipe 3. The post office offers the_______ Mail Service which is particularly fast a. Secure b. Efficient c. Express 4. There was no mention of the incident in the national press a. television b. newspapers c. Internet 5. You can choose to send your letters by air or surface mail a. have b.like c. select d. get 6. Prices are going to ________ in a worry way a. up b. over c. away d. off Lop11.com. d. impolite d. recipient d. Reliable d. radio.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> III. Grammar: Choose the best answer 1. The girl _______ photo was in the local paper lives near my house a. which b.whose c.whom d.whoever 2. It’s the best film________ has ever been made about madness a. which b.whom c.whose d. when 3.The year ______ we came to live here was 1975 a. when b. where c. that d. which 5. The fans ________ crowded the stadium roared their approval a. who b. which c. whose d. what 6. I can answer the question ________ you say is very difficult a. which b. whom c. where d. whose 7. He has just gone to his friend’s house, _________ there is a party today a. who b. whom c. where d. which 8. Most folk songs are ballads________ have simple words and tell simple stories a. What b. Whoever c.which d. Whichever III. Join pair of the sentences, using Preposition+ a relative pronouns ( 1 mark) 1. Mrs Jason apologized for the mistake. We complained to her ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Lan’s party is next Sunday evening. We are all invited to it …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. He gave me a lot of advice. Much of them was very useful ……………………………………………………………………………………………... 4. The girl is John’s sister. I introduced you to her …………………………………………………………………………………………….. III. Speaking: Complete the dialogue ( 1,5 marks) Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you? Customer : Yes , I would like to subcribe to Lao Dong daily newspaper Clerk : ____________________________________________________ Customer: For a year, please Clerk: _____________________________________________________ Customer: At home Clerk: ____________________________________________________ Customer: I live at 222 Huynh Thuc Khang street. Clerk: Ok. The price is VND 200,000. Can you fill in this form, please? Customer: That’s fine.. Unit 12: THE ASIAN GAMES A. THEORY 1. Pronunciation /str/ /skr/ /skw/ 2. Grammar: Relatives clauses and omission of relative pronouns 3. Speaking: Talk about The Asian Games 4 Writing: Write a paragraph of 120 words to describe the preparations for the Aisan Games B. PRACTISE I. Fill in the missing words II. Vocabulary: Choose the best answer 1. The Viet Namese participants always take part ________ sport events with great enthusiasm a. in b. on c. at d. to 2. The Asian Games _________ every four years a. take place b. took place c. takes place d. taken place 3. Football fans gathered around the TV in the corner of the club to see the final a. assembled b. collected c. warned d. reached 4. The World Cup is a football_________ which is open to all countries Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> a. participation b. involvement c. occasion d. competition 5. Scuba-diving and windsurfing arte both aquatic sports a. field b. water c. combat d. individual III. Grammar: Tick  the sentences in which the relative pronouns can be omitted 1. We talked about the party which Sarah wants to organize for my birthday 2. Who was that boy who you were with this morning 3. The fish which we had for dinner was really delicious. 4. The church our class visited is 200 years old 5. I don’t like the tie that John is wearing 6. Don is a friend who we stayed with in Australia 7. The coulpe who live next to us have six grandchildren 8. Mrs Brown, who you met at the meeting yesterday, works in television 9. He received a low mark for his essay, which was only one long page 10. In the shop window there’s a sign that says “ Ten per cent off ” IV. Grammar: Choose the best answer 1. Bill Gate, _______ is the president of Microsoft Company, is a billionare a. who b. whom c. whose d. that 2. Experts ________ feel that they are related to the deep wishes and fears of fthe dreamer a. study dreams b. who dream study c. whose dream study d. who study dreams 3. The severe drought ________ occurred lat summer ruined the corn crop a. that is b. which is c. it d. that 4. Florida, ______ the Sunshine State, attracts many tourists every year a. is b. known as c. is known as d. that is known as 5. Laura’s marriage has been arranged by her family. She’s marrying a man ______ a. that she hardly knows him b. who she hardly knows him c. she hardly knows d. she hardly knows him V. Speaking: Compete the dialogue A:______________________________________________? B: The second Asian Games were held in the Philippines in 1954 A: _________________________________________________? B: 18 countries took part in the Games A: _________________________________________________? B: There were six sports at the Games. Unit 15: SPACE CONQUEST A. THEORY 1. Pronunciation /nt/ /nd/ /nθ/ /nz/ 2. Grammar: Could / be able to and Tag questions 3. Speaking: Talk about the important events in space exploration 4 Writing: Write a paragraph of 120 words to describe a biography B. PRACTISE I Vocabulary: Choose the best answer Breakthrough launched routine orbit Honour hero the planet space 1. Can you name the first humans _______ foot on the moon 2. When Gagarin bid goodbye to his family and prepared to leave _______, there was still enormous uncertainly 3. The successful flight marked the ________ of China’s manned space project Lop11.com.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> 4. On 15th Oct 2003, China _________ its first manned spacecraft into space 5. Garagin died in a plane crash on a _________ training flight in march 1968. II. Grammar Exercie 1: Complete the sentences using “could” or “can” Cross grow be survive make reach live 1. Anyone __________ mistakes 2. Dinosaurs___________ up to 5 meters long 3. Tigers ___________ dangerous 4. Elephants _________ for up to 70 years 5. Camels __________for up to 17 weeks in the desert without water 6. A hundred years ago ships _________ the Atlantic 10 days Exercise 2: Underline the correct or more natural answer.If both answers are possible , underline them both 1. They could / were able to finish th football match before it started snowing too heavily 2. The rebels could / were able to draw on the esupport of over 20,000 soliders 3. Could you / Were you able to understand Professor’s Larsen’s lecture? I found it really difficult 4. “Do you want a game?” “ Sorry, I can’t / am not able to play chess 5. Look at me! I can / am not able to ride my bike without any help Exercise 3: Put a question tag at the end of each sentence 1. You don’t like this program,___________ ? 2. Your Mom isn’t at work today,_______________? 3. I’m too impatient,_______________? 4. I shouldn’t have lost my temper,____________? 5. Lynne speaks French and German, __________?. Lop11.com.

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